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Apr 18, 2024
Brother And Sisters,

When you wake up in the morning. When you hear the birds chirping, when you see the rising sun. Or even let's say when you wake up at night(if you have a different schedule) and can hear the crickets or the silence in the night or even see the stars. This beautiful world around you. Every atom, every element. It's all in unique arrangements within us in our own being in each unique proportion. And these unique proportion of each element is what makes you, you.. Inside us Is a light that has been asleep. "The soul is light" - Lilith as said on joy of satan. Awake that light. Inside, become like the stars you see in the distant far galaxy within this beautiful world. Such a powerful force with power to disinigrate planets but also give life to them, a source of large amounts of energy but a beautiful piece to a picture nature has created. When you take these steps as a satanist yourself many miracles are bound to manifest if it is consistent. Every serious satanist here has had a taste of this of their own, anyone who has done the rituals or meditations on joy of satan will know what i mean. It is manys battle to not forget this divinity as they face problems with things like consitency in warfare and even meditation. Some others will find it may even feel like the world itself may be trying to stop them when its really just their karma trying to stop the transmutation from happening.. all because you want to do good for yourself.... for some of those is it one thing after another? Even though we may face unfornate situations save the self pitty for something more useful. use that energy to push yourself even more when it wants to bring you down. Us that energy to focus in the direction more of how to grow and turn your weaknesses into strengths if you don't already know.
Now is the time to heal, give yourself permission and the opportunity to heal by reaching for it and never giving up. At the end of the day after youve seen what ive seen, you wont have to feel sorry anymore for what you went through becuase at this point youre free from it and instead youll see how much more beautiful it has made you as a person and shaped this world even more around you.. keep the remembrance of the taste of the brew with you where ever you go. Why? Because until you master this consistency by taming that wild horse you may have... You will keep facing a battle with yourself until your brain rewires itself. let discipline be your mantra. Remember if even let's say you fall you can always get back up and prevail no matter what. Only you can define that for yourself. Only you can say you cannot do something. The will to get back up and keep trying until you find a way is what makes a man find godhood. it is what makes a person successful at what ever they pursue. What we have here is many wanting to become God's themselves. Many wanting to become someone they never felt they were before. Its already within you. The gods ask those, are you willing to take a walk? A walk in a new direction they will open for you. I've been asked this myself i feel through the series of events suddenly taking place. Many of them actually being lessons I am grateful for even though they may have been unfornate for some others. Anyways. I not only looked back and said yes I am willing to walk, but also i jumped head first and started moving in that different direction that was opened up for me and took a leap of faith in the direction of the gods completely after that veil was lifted. I have been relentless in my pursuits, But I did start off small and built my way up. I have fallen many times looking for structure myself when I started but as I said. If you keep getting back up after everytime you fall eventually you will have found a way. If one solution does not work. Try another. Who's to stop you? Only yourself my friend. Anything you are weak in now, you can become great within time.

Hail Satan.
Brother And Sisters,

When you wake up in the morning. When you hear the birds chirping, when you see the rising sun. Or even let's say when you wake up at night(if you have a different schedule) and can hear the crickets or the silence in the night or even see the stars. This beautiful world around you. Every atom, every element. It's all in unique arrangements within us in our own being in each unique proportion. And these unique proportion of each element is what makes you, you.. Inside us Is a light that has been asleep. "The soul is light" - Lilith as said on joy of satan. Awake that light. Inside, become like the stars you see in the distant far galaxy within this beautiful world. Such a powerful force with power to disinigrate planets but also give life to them, a source of large amounts of energy but a beautiful piece to a picture nature has created. When you take these steps as a satanist yourself many miracles are bound to manifest if it is consistent. Every serious satanist here has had a taste of this of their own, anyone who has done the rituals or meditations on joy of satan will know what i mean. It is manys battle to not forget this divinity as they face problems with things like consitency in warfare and even meditation. Some others will find it may even feel like the world itself may be trying to stop them when its really just their karma trying to stop the transmutation from happening.. all because you want to do good for yourself.... for some of those is it one thing after another? Even though we may face unfornate situations save the self pitty for something more useful. use that energy to push yourself even more when it wants to bring you down. Us that energy to focus in the direction more of how to grow and turn your weaknesses into strengths if you don't already know.
Now is the time to heal, give yourself permission and the opportunity to heal by reaching for it and never giving up. At the end of the day after youve seen what ive seen, you wont have to feel sorry anymore for what you went through becuase at this point youre free from it and instead youll see how much more beautiful it has made you as a person and shaped this world even more around you.. keep the remembrance of the taste of the brew with you where ever you go. Why? Because until you master this consistency by taming that wild horse you may have... You will keep facing a battle with yourself until your brain rewires itself. let discipline be your mantra. Remember if even let's say you fall you can always get back up and prevail no matter what. Only you can define that for yourself. Only you can say you cannot do something. The will to get back up and keep trying until you find a way is what makes a man find godhood. it is what makes a person successful at what ever they pursue. What we have here is many wanting to become God's themselves. Many wanting to become someone they never felt they were before. Its already within you. The gods ask those, are you willing to take a walk? A walk in a new direction they will open for you. I've been asked this myself i feel through the series of events suddenly taking place. Many of them actually being lessons I am grateful for even though they may have been unfornate for some others. Anyways. I not only looked back and said yes I am willing to walk, but also i jumped head first and started moving in that different direction that was opened up for me and took a leap of faith in the direction of the gods completely after that veil was lifted. I have been relentless in my pursuits, But I did start off small and built my way up. I have fallen many times looking for structure myself when I started but as I said. If you keep getting back up after everytime you fall eventually you will have found a way. If one solution does not work. Try another. Who's to stop you? Only yourself my friend. Anything you are weak in now, you can become great within time.

Hail Satan.

For the future, make some paragraphs, no one likes walls of text.

Secondly, writing Joy of Satan as "joy of satan" is an error.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
