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*MY Experience*: Absorbing energy from the Sun is truly POWERFUL.

I got into the habit every morning of going out on the terrace and absorbing sun energy into every aspect of my soul (chakras, aura, light body, specific aura empowering, minor chakras, etc.) for 40 breaths each. You can use the colored energy here as well since the sun contains all the colors of the spectrum. It also helps with vitamin D. It only takes a little more than 15 minutes (I wasn't actually timing, but it was short), but I assure you that getting into the habit every morning of doing this for 15 minutes or so at the same time will really help you to strengthen the constancy and sense of just getting off the couch and doing something worthwhile.

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I had a final parting with the cousin who took his life and I asked lord Anubis to safe guard him to the Elysium fields.

Don't come after me I don't know the Egyptain version I told lord Anubis he was a great person and listed other things and that I vouch for him being a good person.

To be honest I feel like he is finally moved on completely and I said once my journey is over I will see you again ❤️

This commercial was allegedly banned in the U.S. , the name "Billy" caused me to think of the post regarding "21 predictions" & "New World Order"

...I'm probably reading too much into it, but I've noticed while deprogramming over the years there is a startling (!) amount of subtle content that's "in your face" to Those Who Are Without. They have no idea and think most of it funny. But I wonder about 'Billy' in this commercial in more ways than one. Like the underlying possibilities....

Keep advancing, breathe deep, cleanse your aura and remember to balance your humor and healthy skepticism.
If your father was a murderer, and your mother said what he was doing was to “fix the world”, the chances of you becoming a murderer, and following your father, would double. Children always look up at the parents as their source of light and see them as beings with holy wisdom. Why would your father, who is so strong and holy, hurt the world? So, that means what he is doing is the right thing! For Jews, this goes down to their genetic level. They were made and born to kill. It happens automatically. That is their sole purpose, even if some don’t consciously realize it. Many don’t know they are genetically prone to cancer, yet they still have it. Jews work exactly like a virus would in the human body. Enter, pretend you are good bacteria, and then attack. Without knowing the code of the bacteria you cannot figure out if it is bad or not. That is why the Jews hide everything they can about their own nature. Now, they are always in your body, their genetic filth forever indent into your metabolism. That is why, for so many innocent Gentle souls, it is so hard to let go of the lies and filth, as it is indent into them. With spiritual awakening and meditation, this filth disintegrates and vanishes. With spirituality, all can be fixed. This is why the Jews put an emphasis on making sure that none had the access to true spirituality and knowledge. That is what Year Zero was all about. In darkness it is hard to walk, and eventually you stop as you see it as hopeless. But, you can learn how to walk again. This is what Spiritual Satanism is about, learning how to walk again and leave the darkness.

Now it is time to help others remember how to walk, and join the path back to God's. HAIL ZEUS and the GOD’S!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
