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Divination And Personal Relationships

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
One common topic that people tell me about goes like this: "I inquired about if this person is going to be the love of my life, and the tarot cards said yes. I asked Satan about this and therefore, it has to be correct".

I almost never engage on these topics besides when I am asked directly, everyone here knows this after almost 16 years in this community. I avoid these topics as there can be a high bias level and I do not want to inadvertedly interfere into anyone's personal choices. So what happens is that sometimes however when things become real tough, people need help on these topics so I am going to go over that topic to clarify it a bit.

Then people engage in relations, which might range all the way from sour to great, not understanding how Divination properly works. The situation with Divination is that most people are very much egocentric and they can greatly influence their own readings. The less clarified your soul and mind is, the more this will reflect on the Divination, which in many cases can show you your own bias about a topic.

Where matters of love and sex are concerned, most of the time, people do not see these clearly. The Gods are also not going to make every choice for you. If you ask and you find a person is a good or medium candidate, you still have to play this by yourself. The issues that exist in both people psychologically, mentally or in other ways, are still existing and they will interplay. You are going to have to face these circumstances and navigate through them. No relationships are made in "heaven" and all human relations require maintenance, work, communication and understanding in order to succeed. Trying to bail one's self out of this through the Gods, is delusional.

The same situation could arise in the case that one has a baby, and they inquire the Gods on "Will the baby live and thrive?". The answer might come out as a yes. That's also what the Gods want. But if you stop feeding and taking care of the baby, how do you expect it to be healthy? All the predispositions can exist for good outcomes, but if humans do not do their part, nothing comes to being.

This applies to everything and this is why I am also very insistent that we always do our part in life, because the Gods can help, guide and monitor situations, but they cannot live our lives for us, nor they will do what we are supposed to do ourselves.

In the example of relationships, you can do 100 readings, 200 spells, and still if you do not have good communication with your partner or they do not fundamentally understand you (relationship building) nothing will be helped out of this process. Synergy between your actions and guidance that you receive, must occur, for success.

A lot of people can love the wrong person in this life. Not that long ago an SS shared with me a story about her abusive boyfriend and how every-time she was doing a reading, the reading came out that she must continue the relationship with him. Supposedly, the reading claimed that this must go on. We are talking getting beat up and related. Abuse, drug use, all sorts of destructive things. They then cited the Synastry which was for all intents looking well, yet, what is Synastry and a Reading, where reality is showing all the opposing messages?

The relationship was also beyond the point of being able to be saved. If that point is crossed, then there is nothing else to do.

Readings such as this can come out very biased because of the underlying emotional content. One has to observe reality.

As logic and the Gods would have it, things like this should not continue in one's life. Getting physically abused is a red line that nobody should accept under any circumstance. People that actively exist only to harm other people, oftentimes do not deserve any companionship let alone "saving". They should stay alone for a while and atone for their mistakes, creating a better internal situation before they engage in relations with others.

When one wants to make decisions in these areas, it is important to consult your own heart and your own judgement. Experience, sheer luck, or finding a good person, are also three important topics one must look into. Do not expect to find the love of your life in a whore-house so to say. Try to be objective. While that is not decisive (anything can happen in this life) the more one has general consciousness of life, the less the mistakes in the area of love also.

If one makes the attempt of throwing this decision on the Gods and it does not work out, then one will start blaming the Gods or venerating them, for what is a product most of the times, of their own judgement. In cases where the Gods are involved in these processes, you will not be beat, humiliated, or experience damning circumstances of destitution, drug use, or numerous other topics that our family sometimes shares with me.

Or even life threatening situations that might arise out of these. If relationships require excessive pressure, constantly keeping people on a leash, violence, beating, demeaning and anything else, they are not formal relationships of value. Love by definition is not going to have these things to be kept alive. One might be experiencing other levels of existence there, but they are not experiencing love or trust.

Now as a final note, there are certain people in this life which can bring the worst out of one another. If one sees this happening, which is easy to figure out, the best option is to always move on. One must part and move on. The far further one goes down that line, a lifetime of destruction probably awaits. A lot of people in relationships make the mistake of thinking the other person must be "saved", yet in the end of the day people must do their own "saving" as much as the other person in a relationship is trying to do this.

Extreme incompatibilities between people, do tend to never work out in the longterm. While love can heal, love cannot be used as justification for drug or physical assault or abuse. That's not the way of love, or proper relationships.

If people bring out monsters from inside you, ruin your life, work, business, cannot tolerate your existence, let alone this escalates to physical violence, that goes beyond saying that this is not a proper relationship. It matters not what Tarot cards or Synastry says here; this is a mirror to gain more information, not to base your whole life upon without listening to your heart and logic. In topics of love, it must be treated that way.

One must do their best to stay away from very toxic circumstances.

People need to use common sense. You can't waste or ruin your life because you think divination told you something.

When it comes to tarot and other forms of divination, these are not to be used as strict yes/no answers. They do not show set in stone answers. They show the energy of a situation, and you must then use the reading to make a decision for yourself. The Gods have told me this as well.

I have been doing tarot for a long time, before I even found the JoS. So when people just get a deck and say things like "But Satan told me in a card"... that's not how it works. Interpret the card and think about it, and combine it with common sense.

For all areas of life, divination can definitely help to clarify a situation and give insight, if used correctly. But then you must come to your own decision. You alone are responsible for your life's decisions, you can't blame anything on "But Satan told me and he was wrong or lied to me!"

Further, a reply by HPS Lydia on the topic must be read above.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yeah i used to ask this question a lot to the gods and they were kind of like either avoid the question or they said she could be so its more like do both people actually want the relationship to work if that is the case then it will eventually succeed i think it is like you may not always be the best person ever for each other but if your both keen to talk and make it work then it will work out me and my Fiancee met online and we talked more as friends for the first 6 months then anything else and i always was more interested in talking to her about what is going on in life with her and me we sometimes call for hours over the phone and we can watch anime together or just chat about what has been happening it wasn't until after the first 8 months that we even decided to not see other people we then went and had a wonderful time together in Thailand after a year where we met each other for the 1st time in the flesh and we spent our time doing some really nice tours and dinners and we got to know each other on an even deeper level she is a very mature and practical person and we do not argue or if we do we do not argue for longer then 30 mins before we sit down say sorry and try to sort it out its when you take your relationship for granted and stop giving a shit that's when they slowly fall apart.

i really hate the hypocrisy in relationships and dating as well as a very strong sense of a lack of accountability when my fiancee demonstrated that she was able to admit when she was in the wrong apologies and take accountability and the way she does not hold anything over my head it was like immediate wife material to me as i have yet to meet a woman including my own mother who is 52 years of age who is as mature as her so i plan to look after her for a long time.
this is a mirror to gain more information, not to base your whole life upon without listening to your heart and logic.
I guess at that point it becomes superstition.

Thank you, High Priest.
Thank you,every bit of this information is useful to me.i cannot drop my problems here but I can simply say it's painful especially this part of life more than any,i hv been waiting for the sermon on those males with water signs.on how to deal with relationship.being 23 years the only word I hv heard from most of these 2000 born girls is am weak.a sermon on empaths is needed especially on this area of life.it would be proper to say were suffering
One common topic that people tell me about goes like this: "I inquired about if this person is going to be the love of my life, and the tarot cards said yes. I asked Satan about this and therefore, it has to be correct".

I almost never engage on these topics besides when I am asked directly, everyone here knows this after 16 years in this community. I avoid these topics as there can be a high bias level and I do not want to inadvertedly interfere into anyone's personal choices. So what happens is that sometimes however when things become real tough, people need help on these topics so I am going to go over that topic to clarify it a bit.

Then people engage in relations, which might range all the way from sour to great, not understanding how Divination properly works. The situation with Divination is that most people are very much egocentric and they can greatly influence their own readings. The less clarified your soul and mind is, the more this will reflect on the Divination, which in many cases can show you your own bias about a topic.

Where matters of love and sex are concerned, most of the time, people do not see these clearly. The Gods are also not going to make every choice for you. If you ask and you find a person is a good or medium candidate, you still have to play this by yourself. The issues that exist in both people psychologically, mentally or in other ways, are still existing and they will interplay. You are going to have to face these circumstances and navigate through them. No relationships are made in "heaven" and all human relations require maintenance, work, communication and understanding in order to succeed. Trying to bail one's self out of this through the Gods, is delusional.

The same situation could arise in the case that one has a baby, and they inquire the Gods on "Will the baby live and thrive?". The answer might come out as a yes. That's also what the Gods want. But if you stop feeding and taking care of the baby, how do you expect it to be healthy? All the predispositions can exist for good outcomes, but if humans do not do their part, nothing comes to being.

This applies to everything and this is why I am also very insistent that we always do our part in life, because the Gods can help, guide and monitor situations, but they cannot live our lives for us, nor they will do what we are supposed to do ourselves.

In the example of relationships, you can do 100 readings, 200 spells, and still if you do not have good communication with your partner or they do not fundamentally understand you (relationship building) nothing will be helped out of this process. Synergy between your actions and guidance that you receive, must occur, for success.

A lot of people can love the wrong person in this life. Not that long ago an SS shared with me a story about her abusive boyfriend and how every-time she was doing a reading, the reading came out that she must continue the relationship with him. Supposedly, the reading claimed that this must go on. We are talking getting beat up and related. Abuse, drug use, all sorts of destructive things. They then cited the Synastry which was for all intents looking well, yet, what is Synastry and a Reading, where reality is showing all the opposing messages?

The relationship was also beyond the point of being able to be saved. If that point is crossed, then there is nothing else to do.

Readings such as this can come out very biased because of the underlying emotional content. One has to observe reality.

As logic and the Gods would have it, things like this should not continue in one's life. Getting physically abused is a red line that nobody should accept under any circumstance. People that actively exist only to harm other people, oftentimes do not deserve any companionship let alone "saving". They should stay alone for a while and atone for their mistakes, creating a better internal situation before they engage in relations with others.

When one wants to make decisions in these areas, it is important to consult your own heart and your own judgement. Experience, sheer luck, or finding a good person, are also three important topics one must look into. Do not expect to find the love of your life in a whore-house so to say. Try to be objective. While that is not decisive (anything can happen in this life) the more one has general consciousness of life, the less the mistakes in the area of love also.

If one makes the attempt of throwing this decision on the Gods and it does not work out, then one will start blaming the Gods or venerating them, for what is a product most of the times, of their own judgement. In cases where the Gods are involved in these processes, you will not be beat, humiliated, or experience damning circumstances of destitution, drug use, or numerous other topics that our family sometimes shares with me.

Or even life threatening situations that might arise out of these. If relationships require excessive pressure, constantly keeping people on a leash, violence, beating, demeaning and anything else, they are not formal relationships of value. Love by definition is not going to have these things to be kept alive. One might be experiencing other levels of existence there, but they are not experiencing love or trust.

Now as a final note, there are certain people in this life which can bring the worst out of one another. If one sees this happening, which is easy to figure out, the best option is to always move on. One must part and move on. The far further one goes down that line, a lifetime of destruction probably awaits. A lot of people in relationships make the mistake of thinking the other person must be "saved", yet in the end of the day people must do their own "saving" as much as the other person in a relationship is trying to do this.

Extreme incompatibilities between people, do tend to never work out in the longterm. While love can heal, love cannot be used as justification for drug or physical assault or abuse. That's not the way of love, or proper relationships.

If people bring out monsters from inside you, ruin your life, work, business, cannot tolerate your existence, let alone this escalates to physical violence, that goes beyond saying that this is not a proper relationship. It matters not what Tarot cards or Synastry says here; this is a mirror to gain more information, not to base your whole life upon without listening to your heart and logic. In topics of love, it must be treated that way.

One must do their best to stay away from very toxic circumstances.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you,every bit of this information is useful to me.i personally do thing those with a big ego are ok,how about us with multiple cancer signs.i cannot drop my problems here but I can simply say it's painful especially this part of life more than any,i hv been waiting for the sermon on those males with water signs.on how to deal with relationship.being 23 years the only word I hv heard from most of these 2000 born girls is am weak.a sermon on empaths is needed especially on this area of life.it would be proper to say were suffering
People need to use common sense. You can't waste or ruin your life because you think divination told you something.

When it comes to tarot and other forms of divination, these are not to be used as strict yes/no answers. They do not show set in stone answers. They show the energy of a situation, and you must then use the reading to make a decision for yourself. The Gods have told me this as well.

I have been doing tarot for a long time, before I even found the JoS. So when people just get a deck and say things like "But Satan told me in a card"... that's not how it works. Interpret the card and think about it, and combine it with common sense.

For all areas of life, divination can definitely help to clarify a situation and give insight, if used correctly. But then you must come to your own decision. You alone are responsible for your life's decisions, you can't blame anything on "But Satan told me and he was wrong or lied to me!"
Your words always carry a wise teaching, message and strong words. We know the answers to many of our questions ourselves, but we deny what is around us. How many of us have predicted whether I will be with another person? And what if a given person is not destined to have a partner because it will have the opposite effect, similarly with big money. Sometimes the lack of an answer is also an answer, which does not mean that you should not try. You have to try so that you never say, it's a pity that I tried. We learn all our lives, and the Gods help us in an invisible way. Age is never an obstacle, many of us are still young and others talk about their experience. Fight for your dreams! Every day!
I agree that in these matters, age, experience, and maturity level are a factor, as well as their own self image. Most people who aren't doing the diligent work of cleaning out their soul and subconcious, these negative lurking factors in the subconscious will play out in real life, projecting into their reality. And some aren't self aware enough to realize it. Another thing I wanted to add, is most people don't love themselves as individuals, so how could they expect to love another if they can't even love themselves properly, you know? I see alot of younger people nowadays, especially in the "spiritual" new age b.s., they'll literally hire people to do readings for them/a love spell for them, but aren't doing the WORK in real time to HELP the outcome of the working become more likely. They just expect the "impossible" to poof out of thin air, without any work on their part. And most of these kids are getting SCAMMED anyways. It's wicked what some people will do, as far as taking advantage of people, in matters such as these.
You really hit this one out of the park, HPHC. Beautiful article, and we appreciate your knowledge and wisdom, Brother!
I just cannot foresee certain things in my own life, so I resort to methods such as tarot. Unfortunately, I am not skilled enough to do tarot reading. At least enough to do a very detailed reading. That's why I often get tarot readings for myself. But I don't need to use decks to read other people's destinies. Sometimes I can see many situations in tarot cards in life itself.

but relationships... unpredictable. especially love relationships. I also have Tarot readings for my love relationships But the answer is already in front of me. Maybe I need to remove love from my life and be alone for a long time to save my life, because none of the work I do on this subject bears fruit.

Emm, I think I'm happy in this part of my life. Since it's a new beginning, many things feel... strange. But I'm trying to get used to it.
This is always a confusing topic for me as I've been able to turn a rather toxic relationship with a partner, into that of a deep meaningful partnership where we each work together and combine our energy and time to overcome certain issues. We both realised how deeply coming from broken homes and families impacted us, and we decided to do therapy and do deep spiritual work to work against this so we could be alright and grow as partners and also as a team.

I won't say this hasn't come without tremendous difficulty and serious bumps in the road, but we have managed to make life rather normal for the most part. We collaborate on all decisions, and work towards solutions, and face everything with a serious outlook.

Regardless, even if there comes a day this does not work out and this is too "far gone", we are able to each still love and cooperate to where we are each sustained and life is maintained, and our children are deeply taken care of where they have everything they could need or want.

Perhaps this is one of the rarer circumstances. As I don't ever hear of people in a toxic relationship unanimously agreeing to develop and each work on themselves, while simultaneously collaborating on future and present solutions. Then even rarer, this actually sticking to where progress is made and things are for the most part going well.
One common topic that people tell me about goes like this: "I inquired about if this person is going to be the love of my life, and the tarot cards said yes. I asked Satan about this and therefore, it has to be correct".

I almost never engage on these topics besides when I am asked directly, everyone here knows this after almost 16 years in this community. I avoid these topics as there can be a high bias level and I do not want to inadvertedly interfere into anyone's personal choices. So what happens is that sometimes however when things become real tough, people need help on these topics so I am going to go over that topic to clarify it a bit.

Then people engage in relations, which might range all the way from sour to great, not understanding how Divination properly works. The situation with Divination is that most people are very much egocentric and they can greatly influence their own readings. The less clarified your soul and mind is, the more this will reflect on the Divination, which in many cases can show you your own bias about a topic.

Where matters of love and sex are concerned, most of the time, people do not see these clearly. The Gods are also not going to make every choice for you. If you ask and you find a person is a good or medium candidate, you still have to play this by yourself. The issues that exist in both people psychologically, mentally or in other ways, are still existing and they will interplay. You are going to have to face these circumstances and navigate through them. No relationships are made in "heaven" and all human relations require maintenance, work, communication and understanding in order to succeed. Trying to bail one's self out of this through the Gods, is delusional.

The same situation could arise in the case that one has a baby, and they inquire the Gods on "Will the baby live and thrive?". The answer might come out as a yes. That's also what the Gods want. But if you stop feeding and taking care of the baby, how do you expect it to be healthy? All the predispositions can exist for good outcomes, but if humans do not do their part, nothing comes to being.

This applies to everything and this is why I am also very insistent that we always do our part in life, because the Gods can help, guide and monitor situations, but they cannot live our lives for us, nor they will do what we are supposed to do ourselves.

In the example of relationships, you can do 100 readings, 200 spells, and still if you do not have good communication with your partner or they do not fundamentally understand you (relationship building) nothing will be helped out of this process. Synergy between your actions and guidance that you receive, must occur, for success.

A lot of people can love the wrong person in this life. Not that long ago an SS shared with me a story about her abusive boyfriend and how every-time she was doing a reading, the reading came out that she must continue the relationship with him. Supposedly, the reading claimed that this must go on. We are talking getting beat up and related. Abuse, drug use, all sorts of destructive things. They then cited the Synastry which was for all intents looking well, yet, what is Synastry and a Reading, where reality is showing all the opposing messages?

The relationship was also beyond the point of being able to be saved. If that point is crossed, then there is nothing else to do.

Readings such as this can come out very biased because of the underlying emotional content. One has to observe reality.

As logic and the Gods would have it, things like this should not continue in one's life. Getting physically abused is a red line that nobody should accept under any circumstance. People that actively exist only to harm other people, oftentimes do not deserve any companionship let alone "saving". They should stay alone for a while and atone for their mistakes, creating a better internal situation before they engage in relations with others.

When one wants to make decisions in these areas, it is important to consult your own heart and your own judgement. Experience, sheer luck, or finding a good person, are also three important topics one must look into. Do not expect to find the love of your life in a whore-house so to say. Try to be objective. While that is not decisive (anything can happen in this life) the more one has general consciousness of life, the less the mistakes in the area of love also.

If one makes the attempt of throwing this decision on the Gods and it does not work out, then one will start blaming the Gods or venerating them, for what is a product most of the times, of their own judgement. In cases where the Gods are involved in these processes, you will not be beat, humiliated, or experience damning circumstances of destitution, drug use, or numerous other topics that our family sometimes shares with me.

Or even life threatening situations that might arise out of these. If relationships require excessive pressure, constantly keeping people on a leash, violence, beating, demeaning and anything else, they are not formal relationships of value. Love by definition is not going to have these things to be kept alive. One might be experiencing other levels of existence there, but they are not experiencing love or trust.

Now as a final note, there are certain people in this life which can bring the worst out of one another. If one sees this happening, which is easy to figure out, the best option is to always move on. One must part and move on. The far further one goes down that line, a lifetime of destruction probably awaits. A lot of people in relationships make the mistake of thinking the other person must be "saved", yet in the end of the day people must do their own "saving" as much as the other person in a relationship is trying to do this.

Extreme incompatibilities between people, do tend to never work out in the longterm. While love can heal, love cannot be used as justification for drug or physical assault or abuse. That's not the way of love, or proper relationships.

If people bring out monsters from inside you, ruin your life, work, business, cannot tolerate your existence, let alone this escalates to physical violence, that goes beyond saying that this is not a proper relationship. It matters not what Tarot cards or Synastry says here; this is a mirror to gain more information, not to base your whole life upon without listening to your heart and logic. In topics of love, it must be treated that way.

One must do their best to stay away from very toxic circumstances.

Further, a reply by HPS Lydia on the topic must be read above.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a clear proper guide. I took the beautiful points and clear guides to add in my notes where I put down the things the Gods and the sermons teach us. I think this settles it for me concerning this topic.
I also think people must hence learn to let go quickly and be really objective if the relationship is just going the downward path consistently before they end up with a bad state of mind and body.
HP Lydia has mentioned something as this before.
One common topic that people tell me about goes like this: "I inquired about if this person is going to be the love of my life, and the tarot cards said yes. I asked Satan about this and therefore, it has to be correct".

I almost never engage on these topics besides when I am asked directly, everyone here knows this after almost 16 years in this community. I avoid these topics as there can be a high bias level and I do not want to inadvertedly interfere into anyone's personal choices. So what happens is that sometimes however when things become real tough, people need help on these topics so I am going to go over that topic to clarify it a bit.

Then people engage in relations, which might range all the way from sour to great, not understanding how Divination properly works. The situation with Divination is that most people are very much egocentric and they can greatly influence their own readings. The less clarified your soul and mind is, the more this will reflect on the Divination, which in many cases can show you your own bias about a topic.

Where matters of love and sex are concerned, most of the time, people do not see these clearly. The Gods are also not going to make every choice for you. If you ask and you find a person is a good or medium candidate, you still have to play this by yourself. The issues that exist in both people psychologically, mentally or in other ways, are still existing and they will interplay. You are going to have to face these circumstances and navigate through them. No relationships are made in "heaven" and all human relations require maintenance, work, communication and understanding in order to succeed. Trying to bail one's self out of this through the Gods, is delusional.

The same situation could arise in the case that one has a baby, and they inquire the Gods on "Will the baby live and thrive?". The answer might come out as a yes. That's also what the Gods want. But if you stop feeding and taking care of the baby, how do you expect it to be healthy? All the predispositions can exist for good outcomes, but if humans do not do their part, nothing comes to being.

This applies to everything and this is why I am also very insistent that we always do our part in life, because the Gods can help, guide and monitor situations, but they cannot live our lives for us, nor they will do what we are supposed to do ourselves.

In the example of relationships, you can do 100 readings, 200 spells, and still if you do not have good communication with your partner or they do not fundamentally understand you (relationship building) nothing will be helped out of this process. Synergy between your actions and guidance that you receive, must occur, for success.

A lot of people can love the wrong person in this life. Not that long ago an SS shared with me a story about her abusive boyfriend and how every-time she was doing a reading, the reading came out that she must continue the relationship with him. Supposedly, the reading claimed that this must go on. We are talking getting beat up and related. Abuse, drug use, all sorts of destructive things. They then cited the Synastry which was for all intents looking well, yet, what is Synastry and a Reading, where reality is showing all the opposing messages?

The relationship was also beyond the point of being able to be saved. If that point is crossed, then there is nothing else to do.

Readings such as this can come out very biased because of the underlying emotional content. One has to observe reality.

As logic and the Gods would have it, things like this should not continue in one's life. Getting physically abused is a red line that nobody should accept under any circumstance. People that actively exist only to harm other people, oftentimes do not deserve any companionship let alone "saving". They should stay alone for a while and atone for their mistakes, creating a better internal situation before they engage in relations with others.

When one wants to make decisions in these areas, it is important to consult your own heart and your own judgement. Experience, sheer luck, or finding a good person, are also three important topics one must look into. Do not expect to find the love of your life in a whore-house so to say. Try to be objective. While that is not decisive (anything can happen in this life) the more one has general consciousness of life, the less the mistakes in the area of love also.

If one makes the attempt of throwing this decision on the Gods and it does not work out, then one will start blaming the Gods or venerating them, for what is a product most of the times, of their own judgement. In cases where the Gods are involved in these processes, you will not be beat, humiliated, or experience damning circumstances of destitution, drug use, or numerous other topics that our family sometimes shares with me.

Or even life threatening situations that might arise out of these. If relationships require excessive pressure, constantly keeping people on a leash, violence, beating, demeaning and anything else, they are not formal relationships of value. Love by definition is not going to have these things to be kept alive. One might be experiencing other levels of existence there, but they are not experiencing love or trust.

Now as a final note, there are certain people in this life which can bring the worst out of one another. If one sees this happening, which is easy to figure out, the best option is to always move on. One must part and move on. The far further one goes down that line, a lifetime of destruction probably awaits. A lot of people in relationships make the mistake of thinking the other person must be "saved", yet in the end of the day people must do their own "saving" as much as the other person in a relationship is trying to do this.

Extreme incompatibilities between people, do tend to never work out in the longterm. While love can heal, love cannot be used as justification for drug or physical assault or abuse. That's not the way of love, or proper relationships.

If people bring out monsters from inside you, ruin your life, work, business, cannot tolerate your existence, let alone this escalates to physical violence, that goes beyond saying that this is not a proper relationship. It matters not what Tarot cards or Synastry says here; this is a mirror to gain more information, not to base your whole life upon without listening to your heart and logic. In topics of love, it must be treated that way.

One must do their best to stay away from very toxic circumstances.

Further, a reply by HPS Lydia on the topic must be read above.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Just like everything in life, moderation and freedom are needed; you make your own choices, divination tends to be a tricky practice till you understand yourself better and use your own head and heart: you are the master of your own sails. No one sails for you.
Most SS, including myself, have at some point found themselves in delusion when it comes to certain topics. I see this sermon as an invocation of reality.
100% - they say "love is blind" but it doesn't have to be. Satanism is about truth in every form, even ugly truths. I have recently come to understand I was delusional about many things in my love life as well. This lesson is going to enhance my future love life, because I now know what NOT to look for, plus how to look at things realistically and with discernment [Queen of Swords].
I'm married to my spirituality now. And to tell you the truth, it rocks. Onyx to be precise/funny
One common topic that people tell me about goes like this: "I inquired about if this person is going to be the love of my life, and the tarot cards said yes. I asked Satan about this and therefore, it has to be correct".

I almost never engage on these topics besides when I am asked directly, everyone here knows this after almost 16 years in this community. I avoid these topics as there can be a high bias level and I do not want to inadvertedly interfere into anyone's personal choices. So what happens is that sometimes however when things become real tough, people need help on these topics so I am going to go over that topic to clarify it a bit.

Then people engage in relations, which might range all the way from sour to great, not understanding how Divination properly works. The situation with Divination is that most people are very much egocentric and they can greatly influence their own readings. The less clarified your soul and mind is, the more this will reflect on the Divination, which in many cases can show you your own bias about a topic.

Where matters of love and sex are concerned, most of the time, people do not see these clearly. The Gods are also not going to make every choice for you. If you ask and you find a person is a good or medium candidate, you still have to play this by yourself. The issues that exist in both people psychologically, mentally or in other ways, are still existing and they will interplay. You are going to have to face these circumstances and navigate through them. No relationships are made in "heaven" and all human relations require maintenance, work, communication and understanding in order to succeed. Trying to bail one's self out of this through the Gods, is delusional.

The same situation could arise in the case that one has a baby, and they inquire the Gods on "Will the baby live and thrive?". The answer might come out as a yes. That's also what the Gods want. But if you stop feeding and taking care of the baby, how do you expect it to be healthy? All the predispositions can exist for good outcomes, but if humans do not do their part, nothing comes to being.

This applies to everything and this is why I am also very insistent that we always do our part in life, because the Gods can help, guide and monitor situations, but they cannot live our lives for us, nor they will do what we are supposed to do ourselves.

In the example of relationships, you can do 100 readings, 200 spells, and still if you do not have good communication with your partner or they do not fundamentally understand you (relationship building) nothing will be helped out of this process. Synergy between your actions and guidance that you receive, must occur, for success.

A lot of people can love the wrong person in this life. Not that long ago an SS shared with me a story about her abusive boyfriend and how every-time she was doing a reading, the reading came out that she must continue the relationship with him. Supposedly, the reading claimed that this must go on. We are talking getting beat up and related. Abuse, drug use, all sorts of destructive things. They then cited the Synastry which was for all intents looking well, yet, what is Synastry and a Reading, where reality is showing all the opposing messages?

The relationship was also beyond the point of being able to be saved. If that point is crossed, then there is nothing else to do.

Readings such as this can come out very biased because of the underlying emotional content. One has to observe reality.

As logic and the Gods would have it, things like this should not continue in one's life. Getting physically abused is a red line that nobody should accept under any circumstance. People that actively exist only to harm other people, oftentimes do not deserve any companionship let alone "saving". They should stay alone for a while and atone for their mistakes, creating a better internal situation before they engage in relations with others.

When one wants to make decisions in these areas, it is important to consult your own heart and your own judgement. Experience, sheer luck, or finding a good person, are also three important topics one must look into. Do not expect to find the love of your life in a whore-house so to say. Try to be objective. While that is not decisive (anything can happen in this life) the more one has general consciousness of life, the less the mistakes in the area of love also.

If one makes the attempt of throwing this decision on the Gods and it does not work out, then one will start blaming the Gods or venerating them, for what is a product most of the times, of their own judgement. In cases where the Gods are involved in these processes, you will not be beat, humiliated, or experience damning circumstances of destitution, drug use, or numerous other topics that our family sometimes shares with me.

Or even life threatening situations that might arise out of these. If relationships require excessive pressure, constantly keeping people on a leash, violence, beating, demeaning and anything else, they are not formal relationships of value. Love by definition is not going to have these things to be kept alive. One might be experiencing other levels of existence there, but they are not experiencing love or trust.

Now as a final note, there are certain people in this life which can bring the worst out of one another. If one sees this happening, which is easy to figure out, the best option is to always move on. One must part and move on. The far further one goes down that line, a lifetime of destruction probably awaits. A lot of people in relationships make the mistake of thinking the other person must be "saved", yet in the end of the day people must do their own "saving" as much as the other person in a relationship is trying to do this.

Extreme incompatibilities between people, do tend to never work out in the longterm. While love can heal, love cannot be used as justification for drug or physical assault or abuse. That's not the way of love, or proper relationships.

If people bring out monsters from inside you, ruin your life, work, business, cannot tolerate your existence, let alone this escalates to physical violence, that goes beyond saying that this is not a proper relationship. It matters not what Tarot cards or Synastry says here; this is a mirror to gain more information, not to base your whole life upon without listening to your heart and logic. In topics of love, it must be treated that way.

One must do their best to stay away from very toxic circumstances.

Further, a reply by HPS Lydia on the topic must be read above.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Good Sermon (y)

I never hoped for tarot cards, or Palmistry.

Astrology is reliable, unlike tarot cards.

In any case, in order to achieve something, it is necessary to take action.
I won't claim to be a Tarot expert (at least compared to some here who I know are very experienced on the matter), but there are a number of things wrong with how people sometimes approach it, that much is evident.

People will buy a deck straight off Ebay and then start using them right away. It's good practice to perform a cleaning ritual on your deck, given it's likely passed through multiple hands and environments on its way to you. Further, you can also do a blessing ritual on your deck, as to ensure it gives better quality readings. Same thing goes if you've inherited a deck from someone else, or it's been sitting unused in a box somewhere for however long.

Regarding the search for answers, it's definitely as how HP and HPS describe as "potential". Say you inquired "can my relationship be fixed?" and you received positive implications towards that end result. Great. But here's a better question. Should it be fixed? Not every relationship is, sadly, one worth restoring. If you're unsure about the worth of a relationship, perhaps it's better to wonder "will this relationship be a positive thing for me in the long term?"

It's better to avoid very general thoughts like "will this relationship last?" because the reality is, that could mean anything. You could get married and spend a decade in discontent. A lot of married couples out there spend half a lifetime in quiet resentment, after all. When making inquiries, try to look for constructive, nuanced answers that imply positivity for you both. Again, even if you ask "could this relationship work out?", the key word here is "could." You could find a hundred dollars on the sidewalk tomorrow. It's unlikely, but theoretically possible.

My suggestion remains the same. Though feelings of love can be intense and often the overriding concern is whether something will work out at all because it feels like nothing else matters but that, you should first and foremost wonder if it's going to be good for you, your circumstances, and theirs. Love is a powerful driving force, and it can be for better and for worse alike.
One common topic that people tell me about goes like this: "I inquired about if this person is going to be the love of my life, and the tarot cards said yes. I asked Satan about this and therefore, it has to be correct".

I almost never engage on these topics besides when I am asked directly, everyone here knows this after almost 16 years in this community. I avoid these topics as there can be a high bias level and I do not want to inadvertedly interfere into anyone's personal choices. So what happens is that sometimes however when things become real tough, people need help on these topics so I am going to go over that topic to clarify it a bit.

Then people engage in relations, which might range all the way from sour to great, not understanding how Divination properly works. The situation with Divination is that most people are very much egocentric and they can greatly influence their own readings. The less clarified your soul and mind is, the more this will reflect on the Divination, which in many cases can show you your own bias about a topic.

Where matters of love and sex are concerned, most of the time, people do not see these clearly. The Gods are also not going to make every choice for you. If you ask and you find a person is a good or medium candidate, you still have to play this by yourself. The issues that exist in both people psychologically, mentally or in other ways, are still existing and they will interplay. You are going to have to face these circumstances and navigate through them. No relationships are made in "heaven" and all human relations require maintenance, work, communication and understanding in order to succeed. Trying to bail one's self out of this through the Gods, is delusional.

The same situation could arise in the case that one has a baby, and they inquire the Gods on "Will the baby live and thrive?". The answer might come out as a yes. That's also what the Gods want. But if you stop feeding and taking care of the baby, how do you expect it to be healthy? All the predispositions can exist for good outcomes, but if humans do not do their part, nothing comes to being.

This applies to everything and this is why I am also very insistent that we always do our part in life, because the Gods can help, guide and monitor situations, but they cannot live our lives for us, nor they will do what we are supposed to do ourselves.

In the example of relationships, you can do 100 readings, 200 spells, and still if you do not have good communication with your partner or they do not fundamentally understand you (relationship building) nothing will be helped out of this process. Synergy between your actions and guidance that you receive, must occur, for success.

A lot of people can love the wrong person in this life. Not that long ago an SS shared with me a story about her abusive boyfriend and how every-time she was doing a reading, the reading came out that she must continue the relationship with him. Supposedly, the reading claimed that this must go on. We are talking getting beat up and related. Abuse, drug use, all sorts of destructive things. They then cited the Synastry which was for all intents looking well, yet, what is Synastry and a Reading, where reality is showing all the opposing messages?

The relationship was also beyond the point of being able to be saved. If that point is crossed, then there is nothing else to do.

Readings such as this can come out very biased because of the underlying emotional content. One has to observe reality.

As logic and the Gods would have it, things like this should not continue in one's life. Getting physically abused is a red line that nobody should accept under any circumstance. People that actively exist only to harm other people, oftentimes do not deserve any companionship let alone "saving". They should stay alone for a while and atone for their mistakes, creating a better internal situation before they engage in relations with others.

When one wants to make decisions in these areas, it is important to consult your own heart and your own judgement. Experience, sheer luck, or finding a good person, are also three important topics one must look into. Do not expect to find the love of your life in a whore-house so to say. Try to be objective. While that is not decisive (anything can happen in this life) the more one has general consciousness of life, the less the mistakes in the area of love also.

If one makes the attempt of throwing this decision on the Gods and it does not work out, then one will start blaming the Gods or venerating them, for what is a product most of the times, of their own judgement. In cases where the Gods are involved in these processes, you will not be beat, humiliated, or experience damning circumstances of destitution, drug use, or numerous other topics that our family sometimes shares with me.

Or even life threatening situations that might arise out of these. If relationships require excessive pressure, constantly keeping people on a leash, violence, beating, demeaning and anything else, they are not formal relationships of value. Love by definition is not going to have these things to be kept alive. One might be experiencing other levels of existence there, but they are not experiencing love or trust.

Now as a final note, there are certain people in this life which can bring the worst out of one another. If one sees this happening, which is easy to figure out, the best option is to always move on. One must part and move on. The far further one goes down that line, a lifetime of destruction probably awaits. A lot of people in relationships make the mistake of thinking the other person must be "saved", yet in the end of the day people must do their own "saving" as much as the other person in a relationship is trying to do this.

Extreme incompatibilities between people, do tend to never work out in the longterm. While love can heal, love cannot be used as justification for drug or physical assault or abuse. That's not the way of love, or proper relationships.

If people bring out monsters from inside you, ruin your life, work, business, cannot tolerate your existence, let alone this escalates to physical violence, that goes beyond saying that this is not a proper relationship. It matters not what Tarot cards or Synastry says here; this is a mirror to gain more information, not to base your whole life upon without listening to your heart and logic. In topics of love, it must be treated that way.

One must do their best to stay away from very toxic circumstances.

Further, a reply by HPS Lydia on the topic must be read above.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
You nailed this beautifully! Well spoken! I have had experiences just described here and know for a fact the truth stated here! You are on a roll with these messages! Thank you! Ave Satanas! Hail Satan!🤘🖤❤️🔥💥

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
