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Want to know more about Satan


New member
Aug 12, 2018
I wonder what kind of people Satan appreciates most.And what kind of people Satan dislikes most.Please inform me of it.I want to be a person who can live up to Satan's expectations.
I must shape myself according to Satan's will.Thanks to all who read my question.
Kudra said:
I wonder what kind of people Satan appreciates most.And what kind of people Satan dislikes most.Please inform me of it.I want to be a person who can live up to Satan's expectations.
I must shape myself according to Satan's will.Thanks to all who read my question.

Your personal relationship and such towards Satan is your own, none of us can interfere with that or tell you how to go about your business. Use your own judgement and common sense, you don't have to force yourself to be someone you're not just to please Satan. Just be honest with him and yourself, you'll figure and work any minor details out on your own in time.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Kudra said:
I wonder what kind of people Satan appreciates most.And what kind of people Satan dislikes most.Please inform me of it.I want to be a person who can live up to Satan's expectations.
I must shape myself according to Satan's will.Thanks to all who read my question.

Your personal relationship and such towards Satan is your own, none of us can interfere with that or tell you how to go about your business. Use your own judgement and common sense, you don't have to force yourself to be someone you're not just to please Satan. Just be honest with him and yourself, you'll figure and work any minor details out on your own in time.

I can never know anything about Satan. But the funny thing is I am giving my life to a person I know nothing about. I will never know how Satan thinks about me.I'm like goods on shelves, just need to show myself useful or useless and don't need to know anything else.
Satan created humanity not for free. So I think I only have to be a person who are useful to Satan so that Satan can make use of me to achieve his goals.I am tired of thinking with emotions.Although I love Satan I don't think it is important. My only wish is to do whatever I can do for Satan because I think it is my duty.
Maybe you will think I'm crazy and stupid.Maybe you will laught at me but I don't care.I just want to please Satan and I believe this is the meaning of my existence.
Kudra said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Kudra said:
I wonder what kind of people Satan appreciates most.And what kind of people Satan dislikes most.Please inform me of it.I want to be a person who can live up to Satan's expectations.
I must shape myself according to Satan's will.Thanks to all who read my question.

Your personal relationship and such towards Satan is your own, none of us can interfere with that or tell you how to go about your business. Use your own judgement and common sense, you don't have to force yourself to be someone you're not just to please Satan. Just be honest with him and yourself, you'll figure and work any minor details out on your own in time.

I can never know anything about Satan. But the funny thing is I am giving my life to a person I know nothing about. I will never know how Satan thinks about me.I'm like goods on shelves, just need to show myself useful or useless and don't need to know anything else.
Satan created humanity not for free. So I think I only have to be a person who are useful to Satan so that Satan can make use of me to achieve his goals.I am tired of thinking with emotions.Although I love Satan I don't think it is important. My only wish is to do whatever I can do for Satan because I think it is my duty.
Maybe you will think I'm crazy and stupid.Maybe you will laught at me but I don't care.I just want to please Satan and I believe this is the meaning of my existence.

Well for starters, I can guarantee Satan doesn't want ya to live a slave like existence to them, that's the kind of thing the jews want. Be your own person, aight? Take care.
Kudra said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Kudra said:
I wonder what kind of people Satan appreciates most.And what kind of people Satan dislikes most.Please inform me of it.I want to be a person who can live up to Satan's expectations.
I must shape myself according to Satan's will.Thanks to all who read my question.

Your personal relationship and such towards Satan is your own, none of us can interfere with that or tell you how to go about your business. Use your own judgement and common sense, you don't have to force yourself to be someone you're not just to please Satan. Just be honest with him and yourself, you'll figure and work any minor details out on your own in time.

I can never know anything about Satan. But the funny thing is I am giving my life to a person I know nothing about. I will never know how Satan thinks about me.I'm like goods on shelves, just need to show myself useful or useless and don't need to know anything else.
Satan created humanity not for free. So I think I only have to be a person who are useful to Satan so that Satan can make use of me to achieve his goals.I am tired of thinking with emotions.Although I love Satan I don't think it is important. My only wish is to do whatever I can do for Satan because I think it is my duty.
Maybe you will think I'm crazy and stupid.Maybe you will laught at me but I don't care.I just want to please Satan and I believe this is the meaning of my existence.

I'll tell you one thing I definitely know about Satan, he does not demand nor is he interested in slavish worship; and he definitely doesn't desire it. What you do is your own business, but you're not forced to do anything or be anybody. If you want to do things for Satan then you should know that it's just a desire of yours and not something you are being forced to do.

My own reasons for doing RTRs every day and advancing are my own, varying on reasons for Satan, for myself, for humanity and for my home planet. If I wanted to stop at any time I could, but to even think of such seems to go against my very core and makes my soul shudder. Were I ever to stop, then the fall back is my merit and value. This path is a meritocracy, you are perceived in levels of regard by the actions you do on behalf of it. The more you do the higher you are regarded, the higher the priority of your protection, safety, well-being etc. That is not to say someone who does the bare minimum is not protected, but if all the demons were occupied in saving and helping everyone in some mass incident, those who do more will be tended to first over those who do nothing.

What matters is your loyalty to Satan, your honesty and your devotion to the path. You are free to be yourself with these things in mind and aren't being forced to do anything against your nature.

What I am about to quote are Satan's own words from The Al Jilwah. "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."

You're not a slave here, this isn't xianity.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Kudra said:
I wonder what kind of people Satan appreciates most.And what kind of people Satan dislikes most.Please inform me of it.I want to be a person who can live up to Satan's expectations.
I must shape myself according to Satan's will.Thanks to all who read my question.

Your personal relationship and such towards Satan is your own, none of us can interfere with that or tell you how to go about your business. Use your own judgement and common sense, you don't have to force yourself to be someone you're not just to please Satan. Just be honest with him and yourself, you'll figure and work any minor details out on your own in time.

This is really correct. There's a reason that "Satan" means truth.

If you're looking for the truth you'll find it. To anyone reading this, hopefully it helps. You'll know it when you find it and it's going to hit you all at once. Living within it is harder than realizing it. I think we're made with it.. it's been there all along. There's a lot of influence out in the world to keep you off this path. When you lose awareness of it, it's because of the enemy influence. Sometimes, for periods of time, people become corrupted and turn into agents that perpetuate the corruption, and thus the concealment, of the truth.

Live the best life you possibly can, be the best version of yourself you can - this benefits everyone around you.
Kudra said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Kudra said:
I wonder what kind of people Satan appreciates most.And what kind of people Satan dislikes most.Please inform me of it.I want to be a person who can live up to Satan's expectations.
I must shape myself according to Satan's will.Thanks to all who read my question.

Your personal relationship and such towards Satan is your own, none of us can interfere with that or tell you how to go about your business. Use your own judgement and common sense, you don't have to force yourself to be someone you're not just to please Satan. Just be honest with him and yourself, you'll figure and work any minor details out on your own in time.

I can never know anything about Satan. But the funny thing is I am giving my life to a person I know nothing about. I will never know how Satan thinks about me.I'm like goods on shelves, just need to show myself useful or useless and don't need to know anything else.
Satan created humanity not for free. So I think I only have to be a person who are useful to Satan so that Satan can make use of me to achieve his goals.I am tired of thinking with emotions.Although I love Satan I don't think it is important. My only wish is to do whatever I can do for Satan because I think it is my duty.
Maybe you will think I'm crazy and stupid.Maybe you will laught at me but I don't care.I just want to please Satan and I believe this is the meaning of my existence.
You can make Satan happy by improving yourself and fight the enemy.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I'll tell you one thing I definitely know about Satan, he does not demand nor is he interested in slavish worship; and he definitely doesn't desire it. What you do is your own business, but you're not forced to do anything or be anybody. If you want to do things for Satan then you should know that it's just a desire of yours and not something you are being forced to do.

My own reasons for doing RTRs every day and advancing are my own, varying on reasons for Satan, for myself, for humanity and for my home planet. If I wanted to stop at any time I could, but to even think of such seems to go against my very core and makes my soul shudder. Were I ever to stop, then the fall back is my merit and value. This path is a meritocracy, you are perceived in levels of regard by the actions you do on behalf of it. The more you do the higher you are regarded, the higher the priority of your protection, safety, well-being etc. That is not to say someone who does the bare minimum is not protected, but if all the demons were occupied in saving and helping everyone in some mass incident, those who do more will be tended to first over those who do nothing.

What matters is your loyalty to Satan, your honesty and your devotion to the path. You are free to be yourself with these things in mind and aren't being forced to do anything against your nature.

What I am about to quote are Satan's own words from The Al Jilwah. "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."

You're not a slave here, this isn't xianity.
I'm willing to change myself any time just for Satan. It's my own will to change myself to avoid becoming unpleasant to Satan.

I have been thinking about why Satan abandoned some people. I think that is because they are too weak and worthless. Loyalty is nothing when someone is worthless. I also noticed that those who are abandoned once begged for Satan to come back and it is said that Satan hate beggars.

I was worrying about if I will be(or have been) abandoned by Satan. I worried and suffered a lot. I don't want to be at the mercy of the enemy and lose the chance to improve myself, and I don't want to leave my creator and die.But now I know worry or fear can only add the probability of being abandoned by Satan as it is the manifestation of coward and weak. Only those who are valuable and meritorious deserve to be loyal to Satan and only those who are strong can survive.

Nobody wants to be forced, most of them just want to survive. But living in this world you can't avoid being forced to do something you dislike and hate. I won't force myself when it comes to things relevant to Satan because I know being forced to work is one of the traits of slaves and Satan hate slavery.

I have to avoid doing things Satan dislikes, or I probably will be left out in the street like rubbish. If I don't live according to Satan's will, I know I will be in trouble. I just want to live, and for living on I'm willing to do anything.
TopoftheAbyss said:
You can make Satan happy by improving yourself and fight the enemy.
I love this idea. I want to improve myself so that I can have enough power to do what I have been desiring to do for a long time. I want to torture and kill my personal enemies one by one brutally and completely for my severe hatred. I love imaging bloody scenes where my enemies are slaughtered with great suffer. I want to fight against the enemy to please Satan and prove my value.
Kudra said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I'm willing to change myself any time just for Satan. It's my own will to change myself to avoid becoming unpleasant to Satan.

I have been thinking about why Satan abandoned some people. I think that is because they are too weak and worthless. Loyalty is nothing when someone is worthless. I also noticed that those who are abandoned once begged for Satan to come back and it is said that Satan hate beggars.

I was worrying about if I will be(or have been) abandoned by Satan. I worried and suffered a lot. I don't want to be at the mercy of the enemy and lose the chance to improve myself, and I don't want to leave my creator and die. But now I know worry or fear can only add the probability of being abandoned by Satan as it is the manifestation of coward and weak. Only those who are valuable and meritorious deserve to be loyal to Satan and only those who are strong can survive.

Nobody wants to be forced, most of them just want to survive. But living in this world you can't avoid being forced to do something you dislike and hate. I won't force myself when it comes to things relevant to Satan because I know being forced to work is one of the traits of slaves and Satan hate slavery.

I have to avoid doing things Satan dislikes, or I probably will be left out in the street like rubbish. If I don't live according to Satan's will, I know I will be in trouble. I just want to live, and for living on I'm willing to do anything.

Your perception on Satan is borderline how the fake xian 'God' is. Satan's not going to abandon you for something as ridiculously natural as feeling fear and concern over something. 'Weakness' in NO WAY makes you unworthy of his love and care. I've had my fair share of pitiful moments and breaking points to which he has actually gone out of his way to help and guide me out of them many times even when I was being stubborn about it.

He's not going to abandon you so long as you don't abandon him, that is all. Those who fight past fear and such do get rewarded, but this does not mean he's going to make you suffer or punish you if you struggle to or can't fight past said fears yet.

This is a path of personal growth and learning and I highly doubt he wants you to be living in fear and despair over how he perceives you. Stop worrying yourself. I'm not the nicest flower of the bunch myself but he still looks out for me despite twisted crap I've done in the past among other things. Starting out I was a very wicked individual, extreme immorality and a disgusting corrupted mindset. He never encouraged it of me but he never condemned me for it either nor did he abandon me over it, I was enabled to learn and grow and figure out for myself what needed to change in my personality for the better. Since then I've made my own steps to manage any personal flaws and have fixed what I regarded in my eyes as inhuman and disgusting, recognizing what certainly DID go against Satan's desires, he's only ever guided me on how to fix such when it was needed and when I asked for it.

Otherwise I'm comfortable in being myself in how I am as I NATURALLY am, and you should be comfortable in how you are. In time if there really is anything you deem truly does need to change then you're free to take those steps, but as I've said, you are not forced to do anything against your free will. We are not meant to all be the same in Satan's eyes, that's what the enemy wants with their desired borg nation of everyone being the same, like mindless individual-less robots.
Kudra said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I'll tell you one thing I definitely know about Satan, he does not demand nor is he interested in slavish worship; and he definitely doesn't desire it. What you do is your own business, but you're not forced to do anything or be anybody. If you want to do things for Satan then you should know that it's just a desire of yours and not something you are being forced to do.

My own reasons for doing RTRs every day and advancing are my own, varying on reasons for Satan, for myself, for humanity and for my home planet. If I wanted to stop at any time I could, but to even think of such seems to go against my very core and makes my soul shudder. Were I ever to stop, then the fall back is my merit and value. This path is a meritocracy, you are perceived in levels of regard by the actions you do on behalf of it. The more you do the higher you are regarded, the higher the priority of your protection, safety, well-being etc. That is not to say someone who does the bare minimum is not protected, but if all the demons were occupied in saving and helping everyone in some mass incident, those who do more will be tended to first over those who do nothing.

What matters is your loyalty to Satan, your honesty and your devotion to the path. You are free to be yourself with these things in mind and aren't being forced to do anything against your nature.

What I am about to quote are Satan's own words from The Al Jilwah. "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."

You're not a slave here, this isn't xianity.
I'm willing to change myself any time just for Satan. It's my own will to change myself to avoid becoming unpleasant to Satan.

I have been thinking about why Satan abandoned some people. I think that is because they are too weak and worthless. Loyalty is nothing when someone is worthless. I also noticed that those who are abandoned once begged for Satan to come back and it is said that Satan hate beggars.

I was worrying about if I will be(or have been) abandoned by Satan. I worried and suffered a lot. I don't want to be at the mercy of the enemy and lose the chance to improve myself, and I don't want to leave my creator and die.But now I know worry or fear can only add the probability of being abandoned by Satan as it is the manifestation of coward and weak. Only those who are valuable and meritorious deserve to be loyal to Satan and only those who are strong can survive.

Nobody wants to be forced, most of them just want to survive. But living in this world you can't avoid being forced to do something you dislike and hate. I won't force myself when it comes to things relevant to Satan because I know being forced to work is one of the traits of slaves and Satan hate slavery.

I have to avoid doing things Satan dislikes, or I probably will be left out in the street like rubbish. If I don't live according to Satan's will, I know I will be in trouble. I just want to live, and for living on I'm willing to do anything.
Satan doesn't abbandon anyone, if anything it's the others who abbandon him. If he actually abbandoned us then the whole human race would be totally fucked already.
I agree with members writing that Satan does not abandon dedicated spiritual Satanists.

However, I have been told and saw that he can and does leave them.

Especially if that person has done the dedication ritual (on Joy of Satan) but does absolutely nothing to advance themselves, participate in spiritual warfare against Satan's enemies, or seek a relationship with Satan to know him better and get to know him for HIM, not for what they can get from him without giving back something of equal or greater value.

I have been shown and told that there were spiritual Satanists that were in relationships with their Demon lover/spouse, and they were content to simply advance themselves, build a relationship with their Demon lover/spouse and neglect Satan, never even talking to him more than a handful of times in the years they were dedicated.

It's not like they weren't gently told this, multiple times, from their Demon Guardians and lover, to seek Satan first and foremost.

Satan, himself, will communicate with that Satanist in a variety of ways. But he doesn't force anyone to do anything.

Certainly that Satanist will be warned with seriousness that if they continue on their current path, they will be treated as those without.

Satan is the most important. He is our god, our Creator.

I know it sounds like I am pointing fingers and preaching. I was shown some of these incidents because it was a teaching lesson. It's easy to go down that road, to not appreciate what Satan has blessed one with.

I am still working on my own personal mindset and my relationship with Satan. It takes time, day by day, and to be conscious of him every so often as time allows for each individual. Even just talking to him, telepathically, for 5 minutes once or twice a week (if one is extremely busy, as this differs from person to person) and doing what one is able to in terms of spiritual warfare, advancing oneself and carrying out Satan's will, that matters a great deal.

It's action and not just intention.

My understanding is that Satan accepts Gentiles who dedicate their soul to him with sincerity and honest intentions, at the time of their dedication.

However, that mindset and attitude can change over time-over the years. Some people keep asking Satan for gifts here and there, perhaps a Demon spouse/lover, help and guidance with advancement with themselves and their life (material, spiritual) and do not even say thank you. And do not help him in return in any way.
This is not right.

I know the following is not from the Joy of Satan website, but from my personal experience. Take it as you will.

Some spiritual Satanists get mad at Satan for one or more reasons and tell him to "get the f*ck out of my life, don't come back, I hate you, etc." and he leaves. (Yes, I was shown this in real or past time. People actually do say these things, unfortunately.)
He doesn't force himself on anyone.

Then that same person realizes their mistake in what they said to Satan. They apologize and ask him to please accept them back into his family, that it was a mistake to say those things they did in anger and impulsiveness.

Everyone gets another chance, no matter who they are or what they did.

Some people willingly choose their Demon spouse/lover over Satan. This sounds harder and more challenging than writing it. Satanists grow strong emotional romantic attachments and would choose their Demon over Satan.

Spiritual Satanists do get tested from time to time, as Satan chooses. Some tests are harder than others. It's a test of whether one is faithful to him or to their lovers/spouses, or choosing humans over him.

I'm not trying to make it sound as if Satan is the "god" of Christianity, to follow Satan out of fear and unbending, unquestioning and undoubting blind faith as Christians do.

My personal experience is that if I do not understand something, or disagree with something Satan wants for me or has done in general and I feel strongly about it, I ask him politely and respectfully to please clarify for my own understanding.

It is explained to me what I need to know at that current time, and I have a better understanding and it also builds trust with Satan.

My Guardian Demons in the past have come to me when I felt a strong emotion towards something that happened in my life. Usually that emotion is fear, anger, resentment, jealousy, hate. It is also misunderstanding and clouding of facts because my emotions and personal biases have tainted my own understanding.
These emotions, although natural and should not be suppressed at all, can rot at the person inside for years, if not dealt with in a healthy, open manner. One does not need to go to get professional help if it has to do with Satan and Satanism. If one is open enough, one can talk to Satan and he will communicate back to you what you can do to deal with these emotions and the issue at hand.

You rule over your emotions, not the other way around. Become master of them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
