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Black magic and cursing ideas? Please reply!


New member
Apr 26, 2020
I want to put a death spell on someone that I hate through and through. I have been using the grey aura technique from the JOS, but was interested in different tecniques. I heard that if you start working between 2 am and 9 am, the human body has the blood pressure very high naturally. Which is interesting to know. I wanted to ask how to vibrate the hated ones name in reverse, and added visualisation. So for example the name Sasja would be like: aaaaaa-jjjjjjjjjj-ssssss-aaaaa-ssssss. And than watch them explode lol? Another one, is with for example basic Rune work for cursing. So with Thurisaz you vibrate: thhhhhhh-uuuuuuu-rrrrrrrr-iiiiiiii-sssssss-aaaaaaaahhhh-tssssss. And afterwards you state affirmation 10 times? I have been using for basically everyone that I curse, removing negative energy from my aura, shaping it in a big ball, programming it, and smashing the ball through the enemies third eye in their brains. This never gets old! If someone has an attitude towards me, after a couple of days cursing their behavior went from cocky or arrogant to submissive. That's how I know it always works. I have asked this question before, but was totally ignored! I find it kinda rude as I feel left out this way. Is it because the Ancient Forums is too stacked with too much people!? A reply would be appreciated!
Satanswarlord666 said:
I want to put a death spell on someone that I hate through and through. I have been using the grey aura technique from the JOS, but was interested in different tecniques. I heard that if you start working between 2 am and 9 am, the human body has the blood pressure very high naturally. Which is interesting to know. I wanted to ask how to vibrate the hated ones name in reverse, and added visualisation. So for example the name Sasja would be like: aaaaaa-jjjjjjjjjj-ssssss-aaaaa-ssssss. And than watch them explode lol? Another one, is with for example basic Rune work for cursing. So with Thurisaz you vibrate: thhhhhhh-uuuuuuu-rrrrrrrr-iiiiiiii-sssssss-aaaaaaaahhhh-tssssss. And afterwards you state affirmation 10 times? I have been using for basically everyone that I curse, removing negative energy from my aura, shaping it in a big ball, programming it, and smashing the ball through the enemies third eye in their brains. This never gets old! If someone has an attitude towards me, after a couple of days cursing their behavior went from cocky or arrogant to submissive. That's how I know it always works. I have asked this question before, but was totally ignored! I find it kinda rude as I feel left out this way. Is it because the Ancient Forums is too stacked with too much people!? A reply would be appreciated!
No one is being rude to you. everyone has a life and will not reply to every single comment or thread on this forum.
A death spell?? what ever for? has someone raped or killed a loved one of yours or posed a serious threat to you? perhaps a binding would be more sufficient. You really shouldnt take black magic so lightly and curse every single person you meet just because you dont like how they talk to you. Would you just point a gun in someones face for that? because that is essentially what you are doing.

I am not telling you to take abuse from anyone. But do react within proportion and consider also the energy it costs to do this, especially if any sort of proportionate revenge can be achieved without magick first. it should be a last resort. It is also important to take into account how what you affect can ricochet to innocents that might be related to the victim in anyway. If you get pissed off at the way some guy treats you at work and you used magick to cause him to get seriously injured and fucked for life for example and he can't work anymore causing his family to plunge into poverty you will have ultimately also affected innocent parties. If black magick is the only resort make sure it targets the offending party ONLY.

I repeat, if it is a capitol offence of the extreme ie rape murder or other of a loved one ect all bets are off..destroy them. Otherwise, do excersise care and consideration, also again ultimately for your own energy reserves, which should not be so willy nilly shelled out if other means besides magick can be utilized.
Shadowcat said:
Satanswarlord666 said:
I want to put a death spell on someone that I hate through and through. I have been using the grey aura technique from the JOS, but was interested in different tecniques. I heard that if you start working between 2 am and 9 am, the human body has the blood pressure very high naturally. Which is interesting to know. I wanted to ask how to vibrate the hated ones name in reverse, and added visualisation. So for example the name Sasja would be like: aaaaaa-jjjjjjjjjj-ssssss-aaaaa-ssssss. And than watch them explode lol? Another one, is with for example basic Rune work for cursing. So with Thurisaz you vibrate: thhhhhhh-uuuuuuu-rrrrrrrr-iiiiiiii-sssssss-aaaaaaaahhhh-tssssss. And afterwards you state affirmation 10 times? I have been using for basically everyone that I curse, removing negative energy from my aura, shaping it in a big ball, programming it, and smashing the ball through the enemies third eye in their brains. This never gets old! If someone has an attitude towards me, after a couple of days cursing their behavior went from cocky or arrogant to submissive. That's how I know it always works. I have asked this question before, but was totally ignored! I find it kinda rude as I feel left out this way. Is it because the Ancient Forums is too stacked with too much people!? A reply would be appreciated!
No one is being rude to you. everyone has a life and will not reply to every single comment or thread on this forum.
A death spell?? what ever for? has someone raped or killed a loved one of yours or posed a serious threat to you? perhaps a binding would be more sufficient. You really shouldnt take black magic so lightly and curse every single person you meet just because you dont like how they talk to you. Would you just point a gun in someones face for that? because that is essentially what you are doing.

I am not telling you to take abuse from anyone. But do react within proportion and consider also the energy it costs to do this, especially if any sort of proportionate revenge can be achieved without magick first. it should be a last resort. It is also important to take into account how what you affect can ricochet to innocents that might be related to the victim in anyway. If you get pissed off at the way some guy treats you at work and you used magick to cause him to get seriously injured and fucked for life for example and he can't work anymore causing his family to plunge into poverty you will have ultimately also affected innocent parties. If black magick is the only resort make sure it targets the offending party ONLY.

I repeat, if it is a capitol offence of the extreme ie rape murder or other of a loved one ect all bets are off..destroy them. Otherwise, do excersise care and consideration, also again ultimately for your own energy reserves, which should not be so willy nilly shelled out if other means besides magick can be utilized.

I don't know if you have read the post of the member, crystal lake; How do you kill a psychic vampire?
He/she made a excellent response on this matter, I agreed with. I have been a SS for years and know everything about the abusive part of human nature. I even shared my own technique on black magic. And its not that I go on a killing spree either. I honestly don't care about it ricocheting at someone they love. I am specific in my affirmations. You sound very inexperienced! I know that it takes energy. So I don't just curse all the time. But yes I have been threatened bullied, humiliated, disrespected and people in general abused me. So I know what the fuck I'm talking about! You talk about the curse ricochetting to their family or loved ones. On the other hand, you help other people at the same time by retaliating against the abuser. This is called Justice! And After a couple of questions that I asked on different topics not getting a answer, yeah I bet you would also feel left out. Or no one knows shit, I could be wrong.
Satanswarlord666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Satanswarlord666 said:
I want to put a death spell on someone that I hate through and through. I have been using the grey aura technique from the JOS, but was interested in different tecniques. I heard that if you start working between 2 am and 9 am, the human body has the blood pressure very high naturally. Which is interesting to know. I wanted to ask how to vibrate the hated ones name in reverse, and added visualisation. So for example the name Sasja would be like: aaaaaa-jjjjjjjjjj-ssssss-aaaaa-ssssss. And than watch them explode lol? Another one, is with for example basic Rune work for cursing. So with Thurisaz you vibrate: thhhhhhh-uuuuuuu-rrrrrrrr-iiiiiiii-sssssss-aaaaaaaahhhh-tssssss. And afterwards you state affirmation 10 times? I have been using for basically everyone that I curse, removing negative energy from my aura, shaping it in a big ball, programming it, and smashing the ball through the enemies third eye in their brains. This never gets old! If someone has an attitude towards me, after a couple of days cursing their behavior went from cocky or arrogant to submissive. That's how I know it always works. I have asked this question before, but was totally ignored! I find it kinda rude as I feel left out this way. Is it because the Ancient Forums is too stacked with too much people!? A reply would be appreciated!
No one is being rude to you. everyone has a life and will not reply to every single comment or thread on this forum.
A death spell?? what ever for? has someone raped or killed a loved one of yours or posed a serious threat to you? perhaps a binding would be more sufficient. You really shouldnt take black magic so lightly and curse every single person you meet just because you dont like how they talk to you. Would you just point a gun in someones face for that? because that is essentially what you are doing.

I am not telling you to take abuse from anyone. But do react within proportion and consider also the energy it costs to do this, especially if any sort of proportionate revenge can be achieved without magick first. it should be a last resort. It is also important to take into account how what you affect can ricochet to innocents that might be related to the victim in anyway. If you get pissed off at the way some guy treats you at work and you used magick to cause him to get seriously injured and fucked for life for example and he can't work anymore causing his family to plunge into poverty you will have ultimately also affected innocent parties. If black magick is the only resort make sure it targets the offending party ONLY.

I repeat, if it is a capitol offence of the extreme ie rape murder or other of a loved one ect all bets are off..destroy them. Otherwise, do excersise care and consideration, also again ultimately for your own energy reserves, which should not be so willy nilly shelled out if other means besides magick can be utilized.

I don't know if you have read the post of the member, crystal lake; How do you kill a psychic vampire?
He/she made a excellent response on this matter, I agreed with. I have been a SS for years and know everything about the abusive part of human nature. I even shared my own technique on black magic. And its not that I go on a killing spree either. I honestly don't care about it ricocheting at someone they love. I am specific in my affirmations. You sound very inexperienced! I know that it takes energy. So I don't just curse all the time. But yes I have been threatened bullied, humiliated, disrespected and people in general abused me. So I know what the fuck I'm talking about! You talk about the curse ricochetting to their family or loved ones. On the other hand, you help other people at the same time by retaliating against the abuser. This is called Justice! And After a couple of questions that I asked on different topics not getting a answer, yeah I bet you would also feel left out. Or no one knows shit, I could be wrong.

I don't know if you have read the post of the member, crystal lake; How do you kill a psychic vampire?
He/she made a excellent response on this matter, I agreed with.
Implying it was even anything insightful to begin with. yes i have. I have had psychic vampires in my life over the years and i walked out on them but i didnt have to kill them, but i did throw alot of shit back in their faces. I let no one walk all over me.

You sound very inexperienced!
and you sound like you are still in highschool. I cannot count the times "experienced" beyond my own years SS have frequently come to me asking for help with meditations, cleaning or what they can do for magick in general, who have had trouble with empowering their own dirt, or just have trouble with discipline and consistancy. I know very well how magick works and what it means to program energy. *looks at your 30 something posts* you know there is a number of people coming onto the forums lately with new accounts claiming to have 5 to 10 somthing years around here. it could be true as not every SS uses forums but we don't know that.

But yes I have been threatened bullied, humiliated, disrespected and people in general abused me. So I know what the fuck I'm talking about!
I have taken shit from people my whole life and in general been through all of those things you have described. i didnt bow to bullies in school. i mouthed right back off or beat them up, which led them to start respecting me and they left me alone. When people mistreat me or take me for granted i make it very clear that it isnt ok but again their are measures. my whole point was about not turning the other cheek, which i abhor and hate, but again, about reacting and exacting justice in proportion. Again, if you have experienced the physical or voilent version of any of the above you described feel free to act in kind. the disgusting kike that molested children that tried to get to me when i was a kid is a prime example of what calls for something extreme as a death spell. that is a given as anyone who prays on children should be tortured to death and thrown to the crows.

You talk about the curse ricochetting to their family or loved ones. On the other hand, you help other people at the same time by retaliating against the abuser. This is called Justice!
I know very well what justices is and again my whole point to you was about administering it in proportion to the offence. I have seen several posts about death spells lately and it is evident to me many SS do not undersand this.

I honestly don't care about it ricocheting at someone they love.
i wonder what our Gods would think of that as they also have ethics. what if it was a child? When and how to use black magick isnt always so black and white. you dont just go from one extreme to the other. you have to take each situation or wrong doing case by case. Not everything warrants absolute catastrophic results to an offender, and certainly not if someone merely "disrespected" or "humiliated" you. anyone who doesn't understand this and just think they can wave around a sword at each and every whim because they can because it makes them feel good means they are still a toddler at an emotional level. The Gods want to work with and help people who are mature in their approaches. Repressed anger from past repeated abuse that one has not exacted justice in proportion on is what results in these apparent overkill reactions to newcoming people in their lives that end up somehow on the wrong foot with them even in the slightest. It heavily clouds emotions and judgement.

One can also become very powerful yet still have poor judgement and perception on how and when to use it and this is what the Gods do not want and frown apon, which is one of my points. They too do not react well to disrespect but certainly will not throw out something extreme each and every time. The ones that have tried to curse and bind them i am sure they would gladly kill and destroy as we are all working to do the same.

After a couple of questions that I asked on different topics not getting a answer, yeah I bet you would also feel left out. Or no one knows shit, I could be wrong.
you have a very entitled mindset. No this has happened to me on many occasions and it is nothing personal. There are literally hundreds of posts a day that not everyone can respond to. And i guarentee there are a shitload here who know alot more than you do and are much more mature in their approach. I hope you don't take this attitude when trying to work with or calling the Gods for help.
The law of nature says the strong always win and thrive and the weak are natures toilet. The existence of the enemy shows that there are no laws governing what can and can't be done with magick. So let's not have hang ups about doing death spells as the world would be better off without a whole lot of people sadly.
So you say you've been a SS "for years" and yet you can't figure this on your own. HMMM?
Being a Satanist for years, doesn’t say much by itself.
I am a Satanist for 3 years now, and I still consider me as a beginner.
Henu the Great said:
So you say you've been a SS "for years" and yet you can't figure this on your own. HMMM?

Actually I have figured, but I was just curious for any other ideas you guys have. That's all. In terms of visualizations techniques. I started the topic purely for exchange of ideas of cursing. If have you have any that would be great!

Hail Satan/88!
Henu the Great said:
So you say you've been a SS "for years" and yet you can't figure this on your own. HMMM?

Hilarious how im accused of being inexperienced while their op is one of the most rudimentary questions. 10 affirmations? Last I checked 9 was a number of endings and destruction. 11 also being one of destruction and black magick as it ties into Mars. Same for 108 as it connects to saturn and bindings.

Wait no..I must be wetodded. :|. Why do people not study again?
Satanswarlord666 said:
I don't know if you have read the post of the member, crystal lake; How do you kill a psychic vampire?
He/she made a excellent response on this matter, I agreed with. I have been a SS for years and know everything about the abusive part of human nature. I even shared my own technique on black magic. And its not that I go on a killing spree either. I honestly don't care about it ricocheting at someone they love. I am specific in my affirmations. You sound very inexperienced! I know that it takes energy. So I don't just curse all the time. But yes I have been threatened bullied, humiliated, disrespected and people in general abused me. So I know what the fuck I'm talking about! You talk about the curse ricochetting to their family or loved ones. On the other hand, you help other people at the same time by retaliating against the abuser. This is called Justice! And After a couple of questions that I asked on different topics not getting a answer, yeah I bet you would also feel left out. Or no one knows shit, I could be wrong.

We shouldn't start fight back after our loved ones are killed. It is stupid. We should kill those who pose threats to our loved ones before they harm them. If you do nothing and let them kill your family and harm you, even if you fight back later, you are a Loser who can't even protect your own family.

Why shouldn't we use black magic on someone we dislike? I will never dislike a person without reasons. Maybe they said something disrespectful to our gods. Maybe they praised their disgusting so–called god in front of me. Those who go against Satan will disappear from this world sooner or later I just accelerate the process.

If someone said something disgusting about our beloved Father in a place no one else can see and I have a gun in my hand. I will surely kill him. Without any hesitation. Maybe no one understand me and my loyalty.

I don't care if I harm my target's loved ones by mistake. I won't harm their loved ones on purpose, not because I have mercy on them. Why should I care about or have mercy on those who are without? Is it necessary? Does my mercy looks like so cheap?My care and mercy is not for everyone.

I'm seldom replied as well. It's normal. Don't let this disappoint you.
Everyone, make sure to write carefully regarding this topic. Saying things like "kill" but without specifying through black magick is illegal and can get these forums shut down. It doesn't matter what your own personal opinion regarding this is, the important thing is to protect these forums and keep them available.
Lydia said:
Everyone, make sure to write carefully regarding this topic. Saying things like "kill" but without specifying through black magick is illegal and can get these forums shut down. It doesn't matter what your own personal opinion regarding this is, the important thing is to protect these forums and keep them available.

This is definately no joke and also applies to personal safety in general when using the internet. my ex from NL was an avid 4chan user and was always on /pol. He commented on a thread (this was before my time) and he worded something in a way that even remotely resembled a threat. no words like kill, bomb ect were used and no one or any organization was outright threatened. Some asshole thought it would be cool to narc on him and take offense so sure enough the next day cops were at his house taking him to jail and confiscated his PC. Even though it was shown he did nothing wrong in court he was still punished to be made an example of. be very careful online.
Lydia said:
Everyone, make sure to write carefully regarding this topic. Saying things like "kill" but without specifying through black magick is illegal and can get these forums shut down. It doesn't matter what your own personal opinion regarding this is, the important thing is to protect these forums and keep them available.

Okay thank you Lydia,i made this mistake a few times,but it wont happen agian i promise.
Satanswarlord666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Satanswarlord666 said:
I want to put a death spell on someone that I hate through and through. I have been using the grey aura technique from the JOS, but was interested in different tecniques. I heard that if you start working between 2 am and 9 am, the human body has the blood pressure very high naturally. Which is interesting to know. I wanted to ask how to vibrate the hated ones name in reverse, and added visualisation. So for example the name Sasja would be like: aaaaaa-jjjjjjjjjj-ssssss-aaaaa-ssssss. And than watch them explode lol? Another one, is with for example basic Rune work for cursing. So with Thurisaz you vibrate: thhhhhhh-uuuuuuu-rrrrrrrr-iiiiiiii-sssssss-aaaaaaaahhhh-tssssss. And afterwards you state affirmation 10 times? I have been using for basically everyone that I curse, removing negative energy from my aura, shaping it in a big ball, programming it, and smashing the ball through the enemies third eye in their brains. This never gets old! If someone has an attitude towards me, after a couple of days cursing their behavior went from cocky or arrogant to submissive. That's how I know it always works. I have asked this question before, but was totally ignored! I find it kinda rude as I feel left out this way. Is it because the Ancient Forums is too stacked with too much people!? A reply would be appreciated!
No one is being rude to you. everyone has a life and will not reply to every single comment or thread on this forum.
A death spell?? what ever for? has someone raped or killed a loved one of yours or posed a serious threat to you? perhaps a binding would be more sufficient. You really shouldnt take black magic so lightly and curse every single person you meet just because you dont like how they talk to you. Would you just point a gun in someones face for that? because that is essentially what you are doing.

I am not telling you to take abuse from anyone. But do react within proportion and consider also the energy it costs to do this, especially if any sort of proportionate revenge can be achieved without magick first. it should be a last resort. It is also important to take into account how what you affect can ricochet to innocents that might be related to the victim in anyway. If you get pissed off at the way some guy treats you at work and you used magick to cause him to get seriously injured and fucked for life for example and he can't work anymore causing his family to plunge into poverty you will have ultimately also affected innocent parties. If black magick is the only resort make sure it targets the offending party ONLY.

I repeat, if it is a capitol offence of the extreme ie rape murder or other of a loved one ect all bets are off..destroy them. Otherwise, do excersise care and consideration, also again ultimately for your own energy reserves, which should not be so willy nilly shelled out if other means besides magick can be utilized.

I don't know if you have read the post of the member, crystal lake; How do you kill a psychic vampire?
He/she made a excellent response on this matter, I agreed with. I have been a SS for years and know everything about the abusive part of human nature. I even shared my own technique on black magic. And its not that I go on a killing spree either. I honestly don't care about it ricocheting at someone they love. I am specific in my affirmations. You sound very inexperienced! I know that it takes energy. So I don't just curse all the time. But yes I have been threatened bullied, humiliated, disrespected and people in general abused me. So I know what the fuck I'm talking about! You talk about the curse ricochetting to their family or loved ones. On the other hand, you help other people at the same time by retaliating against the abuser. This is called Justice! And After a couple of questions that I asked on different topics not getting a answer, yeah I bet you would also feel left out. Or no one knows shit, I could be wrong.
You sound like a teenager with an overblown ego, just saying. If you're not a teenager then the situation is worse. You should do some introspection.
I never had the balls to use grey energy. Always applied for "softer" approaches and not so extreme ways of doing things, and that's also due to my ethics but also being unable to correctly handle grey energy. If you cannot handle multiple sessions of extreme white light and also manipulation of elements, no one should approach grey energy. Be more creative in manifesting your desires. Most normal people react in extreme ways with positive Sowilo energy directed at them, imagine a raw rune with proper affirmations, how would it affect the individual.

Please mature up from teenager dramas and internal turmoil. Death spelling is an art accessible only to those with neat ethics and judgment. Power in this branch doesn't grow by practice but by rational etiquette and correct execution of spiritual means.

The grey energy is nonstop used by the grey-bug-headed aliens. Those who have opened the 3rd eye will notice after an attack of those shits how their aura is filled with grey energy. If you are unable to clean from that easily, you do not want to use it and manipulate it further.
Lydia said:
Everyone, make sure to write carefully regarding this topic. Saying things like "kill" but without specifying through black magick is illegal and can get these forums shut down. It doesn't matter what your own personal opinion regarding this is, the important thing is to protect these forums and keep them available.

Thank you.

I am also pissed that someone curses defenseless people, like it's nothing.
Doesn't even have the balls to stand up against people who mistreat him physically, and plays all mighty here.

Yes, Satanswarlord, I am talking about you.
Satanswarlord666 said:
I wouldn't reply seriously to this topic without further consideration. That goes for the experienced people as well.

I faced a similar situation with a shithead boss, but was advised by the community to simply not focus all my intent on him, but my own situation that it to be such. When you're at the center of things, you're moving along with the storm until you can move the storm.

Truly ask yourself if that person is worthy of being damned to such a fate. You could even face a rebound if you do not know what you are doing. Not assuming such, but your post reeked of instability and self-serving.

If it is something you cannot avoid, you can always ask Satan for his advice or any of the gods that specialize in mediation perhaps before going to such lengths?
NakedPluto said:
I never had the balls to use grey energy. Always applied for "softer" approaches and not so extreme ways of doing things, and that's also due to my ethics but also being unable to correctly handle grey energy. If you cannot handle multiple sessions of extreme white light and also manipulation of elements, no one should approach grey energy. Be more creative in manifesting your desires. Most normal people react in extreme ways with positive Sowilo energy directed at them, imagine a raw rune with proper affirmations, how would it affect the individual.

Please mature up from teenager dramas and internal turmoil. Death spelling is an art accessible only to those with neat ethics and judgment. Power in this branch doesn't grow by practice but by rational etiquette and correct execution of spiritual means.

The grey energy is nonstop used by the grey-bug-headed aliens. Those who have opened the 3rd eye will notice after an attack of those shits how their aura is filled with grey energy. If you are unable to clean from that easily, you do not want to use it and manipulate it further.

Thank you.
Crystal Lake said:
Satanswarlord666 said:
I don't know if you have read the post of the member, crystal lake; How do you kill a psychic vampire?
He/she made a excellent response on this matter, I agreed with. I have been a SS for years and know everything about the abusive part of human nature. I even shared my own technique on black magic. And its not that I go on a killing spree either. I honestly don't care about it ricocheting at someone they love. I am specific in my affirmations. You sound very inexperienced! I know that it takes energy. So I don't just curse all the time. But yes I have been threatened bullied, humiliated, disrespected and people in general abused me. So I know what the fuck I'm talking about! You talk about the curse ricochetting to their family or loved ones. On the other hand, you help other people at the same time by retaliating against the abuser. This is called Justice! And After a couple of questions that I asked on different topics not getting a answer, yeah I bet you would also feel left out. Or no one knows shit, I could be wrong.

We shouldn't start fight back after our loved ones are killed. It is stupid. We should kill those who pose threats to our loved ones before they harm them. If you do nothing and let them kill your family and harm you, even if you fight back later, you are a Loser who can't even protect your own family.

Why shouldn't we use black magic on someone we dislike? I will never dislike a person without reasons. Maybe they said something disrespectful to our gods. Maybe they praised their disgusting so–called god in front of me. Those who go against Satan will disappear from this world sooner or later I just accelerate the process.

If someone said something disgusting about our beloved Father in a place no one else can see and I have a gun in my hand. I will surely kill him. Without any hesitation. Maybe no one understand me and my loyalty.

I don't care if I harm my target's loved ones by mistake. I won't harm their loved ones on purpose, not because I have mercy on them. Why should I care about or have mercy on those who are without? Is it necessary? Does my mercy looks like so cheap?My care and mercy is not for everyone.

I'm seldom replied as well. It's normal. Don't let this disappoint you.

You obviously have not understood a word of my reply to them. Can you even read? What kind of person advocates doing nothing to someone who brings their loved ones or them in danger? I mean REAL danger as in imminent death. Yes obviously action should be taken before life or limb is lost why the fuck would I say otherwise. I have never advocated against black magick or cursing as a whole what kind of SS does that? I am talking about exacting justice in proportion to the offense.

If someone tries to kidnap rape or terminate you or someone you love yes before it happens have at them. If it has already happened before you could know and you want revenge have at them.

I am talking for less serious things where a binding or other type of cursing would be more suitable or or proportionate. If you dont like how someone talks to you bind them. You can use the fehu rune for this or ess making them end up in a humiliating situation or become someone's bitch.

If you go into court and tell everyone that everything deserves the death penalty you will be deemed psychotic. You are basically saying just because someone mouths off at you you would shoot them in the head. This is psychopathy at its finest. So you don't care if something you do harms an innocent or a child? Good to know your moral code or lack thereof. People like you have no place here and are basically the types to be drawn to satanism for reverse xitan crap which is the opposite of what we are here and what our purpose is. Take your edgy schoolyard friend back to the schoolyard and grow up before coming back here.

Thanks for proving most of my points though.
Satanswarlord666 said:
slyscorpion said:
The law of nature says the strong always win and thrive and the weak are natures toilet. The existence of the enemy shows that there are no laws governing what can and can't be done with magick. So let's not have hang ups about doing death spells as the world would be better off without a whole lot of people sadly.

Thanks my bro! I have noticed this as well lately, that few here understand this natural law. We SS have a right to practice our magick however we do see fit. There are to many weak minded people on these forums. That like to gang up on me or someone else, for just wanting to know some info about death spells. This shouldn't have escalated into a full blown confrontation between members. I am very disappointed in some of the reactions I have received. The Yahoo groups back in the day where more peaceful untill it ended. I also miss HP's Maxine Dietrich allot. For this reason I go and ask HP Cobra Commander in advance for help, with for example group rituals. Or HPS Shannon. This forum should be to help each other out. Not be nitpicking on every wrong or "suspicious" thing someone says. Not everybody is a infiltrator.

Says the one asking the most elementary questions about magic. Did I say there was anything wrong with asking info about death spells? No I was reacting to the reason you were looking to use it which is basically because you don't like how someone talks to you apparently? If THAT isn't weak minded I don't know what is. I will reiterate I will never and have never advocated against vengeance and no ss should. If you were open enough to work with a Demon and were any place spiritually at all your perceptions would be much different. One size does not fit all with magick. I'll reiterate what I told your bud. If you go into a court and say everything deserves the death penalty you will be looked at like you are crazy.
Crystal Lake said:

Black magick is not to protect you, it is for punishing, serving justice and for attacking.

You are probably very young as well, aren’t you?

Have you ever heard about empathy?
Shadowcat said:
You obviously have not understood a word of my reply to them. Can you even read? What kind of person advocates doing nothing to someone who brings their loved ones or them in danger? I mean REAL danger as in imminent death. Yes obviously action should be taken before life or limb is lost why the fuck would I say otherwise. I have never advocated against black magick or cursing as a whole what kind of SS does that? I am talking about exacting justice in proportion to the offense.

If someone tries to kidnap rape or terminate you or someone you love yes before it happens have at them. If it has already happened before you could know and you want revenge have at them.

I am talking for less serious things where a binding or other type of cursing would be more suitable or or proportionate. If you dont like how someone talks to you bind them. You can use the fehu rune for this or ess making them end up in a humiliating situation or become someone's bitch.

If you go into court and tell everyone that everything deserves the death penalty you will be deemed psychotic. You are basically saying just because someone mouths off at you you would shoot them in the head. This is psychopathy at its finest. So you don't care if something you do harms an innocent or a child? Good to know your moral code or lack thereof. People like you have no place here and are basically the types to be drawn to satanism for reverse xitan crap which is the opposite of what we are here and what our purpose is. Take your edgy schoolyard friend back to the schoolyard and grow up before coming back here.

Thanks for proving most of my points though.

I'm not one of the types of people you mentioned. You know nothing about me. I devote my life to Satan. I live for Satan and I'm willing to die for Satan at anytime. You think I'm drawn to Satanism just because it reverse xianity?! Huh. Disgusting. Keep believe in your own delusions.

Moral? Justice? Mercy? Sorry but I ONLY observe Satan's will. It's what I believe, only. I'm a psycho, yes, in your eyes. No thanks.
Crystal Lake said:
Shadowcat said:
You obviously have not understood a word of my reply to them. Can you even read? What kind of person advocates doing nothing to someone who brings their loved ones or them in danger? I mean REAL danger as in imminent death. Yes obviously action should be taken before life or limb is lost why the fuck would I say otherwise. I have never advocated against black magick or cursing as a whole what kind of SS does that? I am talking about exacting justice in proportion to the offense.

If someone tries to kidnap rape or terminate you or someone you love yes before it happens have at them. If it has already happened before you could know and you want revenge have at them.

I am talking for less serious things where a binding or other type of cursing would be more suitable or or proportionate. If you dont like how someone talks to you bind them. You can use the fehu rune for this or ess making them end up in a humiliating situation or become someone's bitch.

If you go into court and tell everyone that everything deserves the death penalty you will be deemed psychotic. You are basically saying just because someone mouths off at you you would shoot them in the head. This is psychopathy at its finest. So you don't care if something you do harms an innocent or a child? Good to know your moral code or lack thereof. People like you have no place here and are basically the types to be drawn to satanism for reverse xitan crap which is the opposite of what we are here and what our purpose is. Take your edgy schoolyard friend back to the schoolyard and grow up before coming back here.

Thanks for proving most of my points though.

I'm not one of the types of people you mentioned. You know nothing about me. I devote my life to Satan. I live for Satan and I'm willing to die for Satan at anytime. You think I'm drawn to Satanism just because it reverse xianity?! Huh. Disgusting. Keep believe in your own delusions.

Moral? Justice? Mercy? Sorry but I ONLY observe Satan's will. It's what I believe, only. I'm a psycho, yes, in your eyes. No thanks.

Ok jason vorhees. dont forget to stay away from the water. freddys coming for you ;) lmao
Shadowcat said:
Satanswarlord666 said:
slyscorpion said:
The law of nature says the strong always win and thrive and the weak are natures toilet. The existence of the enemy shows that there are no laws governing what can and can't be done with magick. So let's not have hang ups about doing death spells as the world would be better off without a whole lot of people sadly.

Thanks my bro! I have noticed this as well lately, that few here understand this natural law. We SS have a right to practice our magick however we do see fit. There are to many weak minded people on these forums. That like to gang up on me or someone else, for just wanting to know some info about death spells. This shouldn't have escalated into a full blown confrontation between members. I am very disappointed in some of the reactions I have received. The Yahoo groups back in the day where more peaceful untill it ended. I also miss HP's Maxine Dietrich allot. For this reason I go and ask HP Cobra Commander in advance for help, with for example group rituals. Or HPS Shannon. This forum should be to help each other out. Not be nitpicking on every wrong or "suspicious" thing someone says. Not everybody is a infiltrator.

Says the one asking the most elementary questions about magic. Did I say there was anything wrong with asking info about death spells? No I was reacting to the reason you were looking to use it which is basically because you don't like how someone talks to you apparently? If THAT isn't weak minded I don't know what is. I will reiterate I will never and have never advocated against vengeance and no ss should. If you were open enough to work with a Demon and were any place spiritually at all your perceptions would be much different. One size does not fit all with magick. I'll reiterate what I told your bud. If you go into a court and say everything deserves the death penalty you will be looked at like you are crazy.

Hey knock it off with your blabbering! My bud Crystal told you you don't know us in real life. Because I don't like how someone was talking to me? That's ofcourse not the whole story. Are you done talking down to us all the time, or you just chasing clout? Exactly one size does not fit all. Even when your advanced I may ask questions. That doesn't make me less than anyone else. If you would in a normal way ask what I meant, then no problem. It doesn't matter how far you get in life. You never stop learning. So nothing wrong with questioning stuff. So why is everyone still talking here when they are so advanced right? And still no answer to my questions.
slyscorpion said:
The law of nature says the strong always win and thrive and the weak are natures toilet. The existence of the enemy shows that there are no laws governing what can and can't be done with magick. So let's not have hang ups about doing death spells as the world would be better off without a whole lot of people sadly.

You are exact, cheers!
Lurker No More said:
slyscorpion said:
The law of nature says the strong always win and thrive and the weak are natures toilet. The existence of the enemy shows that there are no laws governing what can and can't be done with magick. So let's not have hang ups about doing death spells as the world would be better off without a whole lot of people sadly.

You are exact, cheers!
Actually the ones best suited for particular environment will thrive, not neccessarily the strongest per-se.
Henu the Great said:
Lurker No More said:
slyscorpion said:
The law of nature says the strong always win and thrive and the weak are natures toilet. The existence of the enemy shows that there are no laws governing what can and can't be done with magick. So let's not have hang ups about doing death spells as the world would be better off without a whole lot of people sadly.

You are exact, cheers!
Actually the ones best suited for particular environment will thrive, not neccessarily the strongest per-se.

That is correct too. Just want to add something I do remember when I wrote this I was frustrated at dealing with something don't fully remember what. I think some people are garbage who should not exist but most of humanity is ok or good and should be helped to advance. It's only the worst anyone should target.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
