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Various interesting information


New member
Aug 15, 2023
Hello, Ave everyone, here is some collection of interesting collected information.
(I think it would be cool if there was a personal wall or something on the forum, then a full-fledged social network would turn out, and then you can release the application, for example, I have something to say, you know)

I want to start by disassembling a short interesting song "Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the underworld", the conditional name of a Sumerian song created before the XXVIII century BC.

A myth where Gilgamesh and Enkidu are the main characters. At the center of the story is the "tree of knowledge". The main content of the myth:

after the creation of the world, after the world was divided into heaven (An), earth (Enlil), the underworld (Enki) and the world of the dead,

A tree has grown on the riverbank

Inanna takes this tree to her garden

She takes care of him, waits for the hour to make a throne out of him

but there are obstacles in the way of this idea

a malicious Anzu bird settles in the crown of the tree, an evil ghost girl settles in the middle of the tree in the hollow, and a snake settles in the roots, and they do not allow Inanna to make a throne out of the tree

Inanna complains to the initiator god Utu about this problem

Utu doesn't help

Gilgamesh undertakes to help, he drives away all the pests

Inanna makes a throne out of wood, and Gilgamesh takes the roots and branches for himself

Gilgamesh makes magical musical instruments for himself from roots and branches

with the help of them, he makes the whole city dance to exhaustion

(?) Utu makes magic tools fall into the world of the dead

Gilgamesh sobs, says he hasn't played enough yet

Enkidu is called to return them

But instead of returning, he gets stuck there himself

It's hard to get him out

Enkidu tells Gilgamesh what happens to people after death

The esoteric meaning of the myth is as follows. After the creation of the world, Inanna takes the grown tree to her garden and diligently takes care of it. This means that by diligently accumulating knowledge, a person follows the Path. In the end, Inanna is going to make a throne out of Wood for herself - the well-known idiom "through great knowledge you will find your incorruptible throne" is easily recognized here. But not everything is so simple, because obstacles appear: at the top, in the middle and at the bottom - it is easy to recognize a hint of obstacles associated with three worlds: mental, creative and astral. Inanna asks Utu for help, he does not help, since all the practices have already been given, you should not give up, but diligently perform them. In addition, the gods cannot solve the internal problems of each person, it must be done by the person himself, which is symbolically expressed in the fact that Gilgamesh solves the problems, no longer a man, but also not a god.

Having solved the problems, Gilgamesh decides to practice the magical arts, which are a "by-product", just as the amazing abilities of tantrists and yogis are not the goal of practice, but a side result. Gilgamesh loses his sense of proportion, and Utu pulls him back. This is where the esoteric part of the myth ends, the remaining part, where Enkidu descends into the world of the dead for magical tools, is an artistic device to explain what will happen to a person after death. The explanation boils down to the fact that, again expressed in terms of tantra, depending on which chakra kundalini has awakened to, a person will receive such a "reward" after death.

In total, the esoteric meaning of this myth:

1. practice will eventually lead to the acquisition of a "throne like the gods"

2. in the course of practice, problems will arise related to the mental, creative and astral world

3. Diligent practice will lead to the resolution of all problems

4. in the course of practice, magical abilities will be acquired, which should not be particularly flirted with

5. after death, everyone will receive their own "reward" depending on their development in the esoteric sense

Okay let's move on

From the Nigredo of Jupiter-Saturn 3 to the Albedo of Venus-Moon 6 and then to the Albedo of Mars-Sun 9

From the Crown and the Moon to the pure Heart-Vishuddha at the Root-of the Sun

And From the Root to the Crown and into the Sun

With the help of Mercury!!!

In the intervals 1Uran 2Pluton 3Neptun

Or 1 nEptune 2pluto 3Uran

The meaning of ankh

This is life, the knot of life, it represents the Sacred, the Divine and its many facets. The cross of life symbolizes both people and gods. Unlike the Christian cross, which is a deliberate distortion, it is equal to the plus sign

Due to the perfect balance between the four elements and ether, the fifth element binds all the others. Thus, there are five lines in the center of the Ankh. Fire, the first element, the fundamental component, Water, Air and Earth are the elements that live and serve the Gods in creation and destruction. Any permanent imbalance of one of them causes bodily diseases

Ankh embodies Life in its form and power. The elements spread and circulate in the human body, nourishing organs, bones and blood, not forgetting about other bodies, all those that are outside the human flesh. So, the heart chakra, located in the middle of the chest, is a node, a junction point. The form of Ankh, which is a symbol of the planet Venus, is associated with love and creativity, the door to the Bird

Paris is closely associated with the goddess Isis, who is known to be the patroness of the City of Light.

Legend has it that the first inhabitants of Paris were a group of worshippers of the Egyptian goddess who came from Greece, Parisia (Par-Isis, which means "temple of Isis" in Egyptian).

Several churches in Paris have the "black virgin", a statue of a mother and her child painted black, which is known to be Isis and Horus, the original version of Mary and Jesus. Only a few have survived, a significant part of them were destroyed by Christian patriarchal fanaticism.

Dollar symbol and snake, caduceus

Dragons are twin snakes held by the Sumerian god Enki; they were the two living rivers that Enki poured out of his jars, the Tiber and Euphrates, which flowed around the first civilizations of Mesopotamia. In the sky, he was the constellation of Aquarius, the water carrier, into whose Aeon we are now passing. His symbol was the caduceus.

Alchemical knowledge is not transmitted, everyone acquires it himself, and not by speculation, but by hard work, conducting one experiment after another so that the constructions of the mind are sanctified by experience. Those who do not like to work with their hands, are afraid of the heat of furnaces, coal dust, the danger of unknown changes and long night wakefulness, will forever remain ignorant.


Philosophical monasteries

"Thus, Mars and Venus: purposeful action and harmonizing sympathy, are two symbolic metals that must be alchemically fused and tempered in the crucible of human nature to produce that sword of "love-will", which, according to Boehme and Freyer, alone is capable of solving the obstacles and difficulties of human suffering and circumstances, pointing a straight path through the quagmire. Otherwise, there are somewhat mysterious indications of the "tincture of Venus and Mars" (Sig. Rer. 9:29), in fact, are dazzlingly clear in the light of a proper analysis of the structure of meanings contained in his (Boehm's) important concept of the seven properties."

C. Muses, "Dionysius Andreas Freer"

Initiation protects against the false light of mysticism; it will give the human mind its relative importance and corresponding infallibility, connecting it with a chain of analogies with the supreme mind.

Therefore, the initiate has neither doubtful hopes nor senseless fear, since there are no unreasonable beliefs. He knows that he can, and it costs him nothing to dare; therefore, for him to dare means to be able.

So, here is a new interpretation of the attributes of the initiate: his lamp represents knowledge; the cloak enveloping him is modesty, the staff is an emblem of his strength and courage; he knows, dares and is silent.

The Reich existed for 12 years

Like 12 months

+ restoration of Vedic principles, animal protection/anti-smoking companies

Hitler was even supposed to have been a vegetarian at some point

Swastika is a clockwise symbol of dharma in Hinduism and the god Ganesha (Mercury/Ketu)

Buddhists have left (Adharma)

By the way, they originally wanted to take it counterclockwise, but AG insisted on his own version

In fact, the swastika is associated with the churning of the milky ocean by the Asuras and Devas

The Asuras twisted counterclockwise behind the snake's head

The Devas were twisting their tails clockwise

The milky ocean is an allegory for the soul, Mount Meru is a spine

The Kundalini Serpent

Asura lower chakras

Devas are supreme

What's below is above

What's inside is outside

Microcosm and Macrocosm in Kabbalah/Alchemy/Tantra

The universe is essentially a reflection of our solar chakra

The ocean is an allegory for the cosmos in mythological terms.

When they say "world ocean" They mean outer space (which in us symbolizes the prana "man consists of water")

Just like "dark mother" = dark matter, chaos, Kali

By the way, I don't really like this topic with — it is the unit

That is, when everyone is divided into one


The absolute non-duality of Kashmiri Shaivism

Of course, I have heard that there is no center without a middle, 2 is a false not perfect digit

3 = Divinity of the third sex

Shiva + Shakti, but I don't take it literally

But how about for each one separately

I do not believe that everything returns to one center and dissolves there and someone collects just knowledge + experience (of all)

I believe that knowledge and experience are collected by each individual soul for several lifetimes and evolve without dissolution

Although I suppose there is such an outcome

But I personally do not consider it desirable

It's basically a right-hand path, isn't it?

In general, from the Hindu movements, as I understand it, the Nath tradition is closest to me

A "single" consciousness is an integral perception of everything through everything, the gamma rhythm of the brain, superconsciousness, and so on. The state of gnosis is also called. In fact, the development of an understanding of the whole through each of its parts, which contains, like a fractal, the whole in itself.This is not a Christian concept of God as a jailer and ruler over souls, where nothing other than Yahweh in the spirit can exist.

When people reached this level in earlier times, they fell directly into the hands of the enemy through his curses and linking the energies of the crown, "heaven" and Jupiter with Yahweh. Therefore, having no knowledge of how to avoid these curses, people rightly believed (based on their experience) that they fall into the Christian "kingdom of God", heaven or heaven.

Whereas genuine alchemy is just about the revelation of revealing this range of superconsciousness in a Satanic way.

“The lotus tree in the seventh heaven is the place of my revelation.”

Truth is something that benefits the soul and leads to exaltation, it is useful not useful

In the language of Kabbalah, the point in the heart, the original compass, lead me from darkness to the light of Prometheus

Hence the words enlightenment and bringer of light

Satan Satanama is our father Enki Varuna Neptune Shiva Prometheus Lucifer who fills us like vessels in the age of Aquarius with water that symbolizes the cosmic prana Shakti of creation

The absolute god has no consciousness, it is just a being created from the combination of light and darkness by nothing and no one. Out of 369, he is 9, the god Shiva-Vishnu and even Brahma Anu (El) is not an absolute god (nature).

It is necessary to separate the allegories and the etheric plane and its inhabitants accessible to the sight of the sighted, Shiva is male Shakti is female as well as the Sun and Moon, but this does not mean that they do not live.

These are human explanations and designations

Everything that is in the external, that is, in us so 1.5 male Shiva + 1.5 female Shakti gives birth to 3 divinity or a new life

From this new life follows the next one and so on along the chain

All planets exist in man, and the center is the solar chakra or solar plexus

Our galaxy is the solar plexus of Purusha or the middle world

The sun is always the center everywhere, there is a core in all things

And the life span of a planet (human) depends on the light power of the Core

In the same way, there is a masculine and feminine in all things

And in all worlds there is a cause and effect this is the 6th law of Hermes Trismegistus

All these Advaita ideas lead to the veneration of the cause

But not to ascend to the 8th heaven and unite with the family of exalted beings ethereal daimons magicians existing in rainbow bodies

In this regard, a reasonable consequence (the living) is much better than an unconscious cause (the universe)

And then everyone chooses for themselves

Given the age of Kali, the left-handed path is more appropriate, but in the end, a true seeker will not accept any of the many false teachings because the original truth, which is not actually distorted, comes from the ether and flows into the mind of an initiated member of the divine family. For this, some inner purity is needed

At the same time, for black clouds or enemy thought forms, any "workers" will come off, as they say in the price

According to the plan however dictated

First there is the raising of kundalini (from the hellish worlds to the heavenly ones) then

Magnum Opus

And constant internal alchemy and purification (which goes on in all worlds, regardless of whether they are heavenly or hellish for Kali, all worlds are hellish because only that which was not born and does not act does not require purification of Kali is the dark matter of the cosmos "big bang" This is a manifestation of the masculine principle in the feminine, or the ejaculation of "Shiva" Or Dattatreya, rather, an allegory of nature)

In fact, the deception of monotheism began with the appearance of Ahura Mazda (Yahweh-El) to Zarathustra

And then everything comes from some false authorities of schools and traditions

The Asuras and Devas have long been united against Anu.

Enki (left serpentine path Lucifer Venus Shukra Neptune) and Enlil (right eagle path Indra Jupiter Brihaspati) go together

At the same time, in order to perform Magnum Opus and make amrita, Asuras and Devas, our inner ones must churn the milky ocean or our prana waters inside us in the solar chakra through the Sushumna channel

By a certain method

That is, the union of Ida and Pingala of the Sun and Moon

Light and Darkness

Hot and cold

2 snakes of the Caduceus

This is the gate to the heavenly city or 2 bronze columns at the entrance to the temple of Solomon (which is an allegory for a man)

The fact that it is destroyed (the inner temple) is a consequence of Yuga and its etheric Agents, their hostile influences, wrecking, some Gnostics for fun call them insectoids / Lemurians / reptiloids because of the actually purely internal similarity in the sense of manifestations of the inner outside on that plane is usually clearly visible, but as usual all allegories they are often taken literally and the literal is often mistaken for allegories, which in fact is also a consequence of the destroyed specifically disturbed lunar canal or ajna and pineal gland that is located inside the head under the crown

The energy must descend from top to bottom (inverted pentagram) to unite man and the earth, because he is in the middle of creation, while he himself should strive upward and harmony or a golden mean is needed everywhere

The Golden Ratio

Up and down have swapped places illusorily for the masses

Castes (levels of consciousness) and meanings of signs are mixed

Many of these "followers" of traditionalists do not even understand their own teachings (which are not theirs, but were originally given by the gods to all mankind of PanGaea) at a deep level there is no understanding and it does not matter which hand and school they belong to because some have too narrow horizons and they do not climb into "tantras" or vice versa do not climb out of It is a mystery to them and for them why the gods like to play esoteric "secrets" and have 100 names and 100 more secret names, while Shiva-Vishnu is the same Tyler Durden because he wanted to.

So in general, we are, and most importantly, with whom many egocentrists think to have a conversation apparently.

As it may seem at first glance.

Well, in general, there are those who work for Satya Yuga, as they say, in terms of usefulness, not sabotage

Which in general is a good saving ark for those who will survive the flood (the flood can be perceived as an allegory for an increase in vibrations or an excess of prana-Shakti light)

The Ark is a built temple of body and soul

One day a Noah comes to everyone and at the same time makes the one to whom he came himself Noah

Just as the one who defeats the dragon becomes a dragon himself

And the Devas take the defeated venerable enemies with their riding animals, the vakhans, and they are forever associated with them.

This shows the principle of absorption of the old by the new (as with people)

Or on the contrary, old new ones (Kronos) are already changing cycles in some Yugas, Asuras (Titans) rule in another Devas

But in fact, there is no clear division

All classifications and any order are created for the convenience of people (living)

And the pendulum swings from side to side, bringing the karma of suffering and anxiety

While what is stationary is in the golden mean and is not subject to either aging or rejuvenation

There is no beginning and no end

What was not born cannot die, and at the same time there are secrets of the twice-born and thrice-born


(stars - people - metals)

At the end, you can quote Goethe

"The key of wisdom is not on the pages of books. Who rushes to the mysteries of life with every thought, Finds their spring in his soul. Learn to achieve success honestly And attract with your mind. And the trinkets (teachings), echoing like an echo, are fake and are not needed by anyone."

By the way, the mechanism for achieving Siddhas is encrypted in the first lines

And in general, the description of the movement through the darkness of ignorance (about which they knock you in all the scriptures) until there is a light that will light one, then it is desirable that someone else lights up, and then the collective assemblage point will finally shift from Kali (black matter) to a more favorable one for all, and not for units

It's as if you can't see how the Abrahamists conjure Saturn by celebrating their holidays on Saturdays and circling around a black cube

Plunging pagan peoples into questionable activities

No one wants to figure this out globally

Considering the sixth law of cause and effect of Hermes Trismegistus, every consequence has a reason

Each ritual has a meaning that affects on several levels not only forward backward left and right 4 cardinal directions left and right

But also up and down, none of the materialists can pay attention to these plans

So every action has a beginning a middle and an end

Eye opening and closing

The beginning of a meal and the end, and it does not matter at what stage it is interrupted and for what reasons

Will a person try to get out of the beginning of the end

The first and the last

Alpha and Omega

And of course to reach the golden mean of the pyramid

Loving those who make mistakes and err is a special human trait. Such love is born when you realize that all people are your brothers, that they are mired in ignorance and are deluded against their will.

Marcus Aurelius

Such love is possessed by our genetic and etheric father Enki and all the rest of his retinue

A true seeker, a true seeker, cannot accept any teaching at all. The one who has found it can accept any teaching, any goal – nothing separates him from thousands of others living in the Eternal, breathing in the Divine.

Siddhartha. Hermann Hesse

At the bottom, infinity at the top is also infinity, infinity is equal to infinity,

The end of the bottom and the end of the top is a limitation of human perception

The knowledge of some specific structures, and not of everything that exists.


And everything has a beginning, a middle and an end, at least for now

(By the way, Structures have this, but does a structureless one have an infinite development of galaxies, the division of atoms?)The magician raises one hand to the sky

The second one touches the ground

Both there and there is an endless expansion of the universe and even more, up is constantly changing with the bottom

Only the spiritual hierarchy remains unchanged in the form of a pyramid of development of the lowest untouchable spiritual and ascending, according to the level of light

Because light is the primary cause and effect

Arising in darkness and according to the degree of light of the core, its power and vitality are calculated, the movement of life, light has the property of moving

The darkness is motionless

A spear is giving some form to something that is infinite at the same time.

The spear is not alive to a large extent because it is motionless

The crown and roots of the tree

The crown comes from the roots

The middle unites them.

Needhogg is as smart as an Eagle

Wedfelnir sits between the eagle's eyes, the third eye, ajna

Crown chakra, halo, light information

Everything comes from the center, not from the top, from the core, the core of the atom, the core of the planets.

And all this is consciousness,

And the middle is not the middle of the trunk ,

And the roots

And the bottom of the roots is the bottom

Head(top up) and heart(middle of bottom and top) and coccyx (bottom of middle) and legs (bottom of bottom)

Blood flow, pumps blood/prana firewater heart mechanism

Formation occurs from a single point in the womb, not from above or below

Down and up are two extremes

The middle is hidden

In Kabbalah

The Sephiroth Tree

They say that the clipot repeats the Sephiroth

Or maybe on the contrary, they themselves admit that the clipot is ancient and collected from fragments of past trees

Thaumiel Allegedly Imitates Kether funny, roots

Malkuth/Nahemod (mercury)it remains when the trees are destroyed, apparently

From one hole of a person (like a microcosm of the universe in miniature) comes out

It enters the other hole

More precisely, first comes in, then comes out food and water

That's all


A hole there and there

And at the same time, again, sometimes it can come out of both holes when dirty

Shift south so to speak

Sometimes those rule, sometimes others rule

Primordial, luminous sages like Dattatreya always rule

Interesting, something else can be noticed. We experience pleasure only in one case when something comes out of us and you can notice that it is not through the mouth.

This is due to the creation of a person, in principle, likes to create

But sometimes he's like Kronos, afraid of his creatures.

Is it possible to say that one imitates the other or that the earth imitates the sky

Asgard is imitated by Hel

If you can say so, at its core, everything is one, space, worlds = worlds

First you need to figure out what is bottom and what is up if above the top and is there below the bottom

And what qualities are inherent in the bottom, which are inherent in the top, are they true or depend on the perception of the 5 senses

Or maybe there are 6 facets of feelings in other creatures

The blind man does not see

But a sighted person sees

Maybe there are other eyes in other creatures or other concepts

Which are not amenable to 5 human organs but are visible by 6 organs or 7 senses

Flies are deaf

Moles are blind, they do not know that there is another world and that people (gods) walk around them or above their pits, because they do not have (or have not developed) a corresponding organ of cognition

And what exactly is Sophia's personal knowledge of Gnosis without bias?

In this, what is above is below

There is no difference, but without one there will be no other

And without the middle, there will be nothing at all

Both the bottom and the top are subject to decomposition and spew something out of themselves

(There is an opinion that the Yggdrasil tree is rooted upwards

Gulvi's vision. Chapter 15.)

For the knower, as soon as he is gone, the knowable will also be gone

For the knowable, everything will remain

Roots, Ragnarok, grove-the middle of Hoddmimir (which is associated with wisdom) will always remain

And it will grow a new tree with its top and its bottom

The spear is not alive to a large extent because it is motionless

The crown and roots of the tree

The crown comes from the roots

The middle unites them.

Needhogg is as smart as an Eagle

Wedfelnir sits between the eagle's eyes, the third eye, ajna

Crown chakra, halo, light information

Everything comes from the center, not from the top, from the core, the core of the atom, the core of the planets.

And all this is consciousness,

And the middle is not the middle of the trunk ,

And the roots

And the bottom of the roots is the bottom

Head(top up) and heart(middle of bottom and top) and coccyx (bottom of middle) and legs (bottom of bottom)

Blood flow, pumps blood/prana firewater heart mechanism

Formation occurs from a single point in the womb, not from above or below

Down and up are two extremes

The middle is hidden

In Kabbalah

The Sephiroth Tree

They say that the clipot repeats the Sephiroth

Or maybe on the contrary, they themselves admit that the clipot is ancient and collected from fragments of past trees

Thaumiel Allegedly Imitates Kether funny, roots

Malkuth/Nahemod (mercury)it remains when the trees are destroyed, apparently

From one hole of a person (like a microcosm of the universe in miniature) comes out

It enters the other hole

More precisely, first comes in, then comes out food and water

That's all


A hole there and there

And at the same time, again, sometimes it can come out of both holes when dirty

Shift south so to speak

Sometimes those rule, sometimes others rule

Primordial, luminous sages like Dattatreya always rule

Interesting, something else can be noticed. We experience pleasure only in one case when something comes out of us and you can notice that it is not through the mouth.

This is due to the creation of a person, in principle, likes to create

But sometimes he's like Kronos, afraid of his creatures.

Is it possible to say that one imitates the other or that the earth imitates the sky

Asgard is imitated by Hel

If you can say so, at its core, everything is one, space, worlds = worlds

First you need to figure out what is bottom and what is up if above the top and is there below the bottom

And what qualities are inherent in the bottom, which are inherent in the top, are they true or depend on the perception of the 5 senses

Or maybe there are 6 facets of feelings in other creatures

The blind man does not see

But a sighted person sees

Maybe there are other eyes in other creatures or other concepts

Which are not amenable to 5 human organs but are visible by 6 organs or 7 senses

Flies are deaf

Moles are blind, they do not know that there is another world and that people (gods) walk around them or above their pits, because they do not have (or have not developed) a corresponding organ of cognition

And what exactly is Sophia's personal knowledge of Gnosis without bias?

In this, what is above is below

There is no difference, but without one there will be no other

And without the middle, there will be nothing at all

For the knower, as soon as he is gone, the knowable will also be gone

For the knowable, everything will remain

Roots, Ragnarok, grove-the middle of Hoddmimir (which is associated with wisdom) will always remain

And it will grow a new tree with its top and its bottom

The truth is that what is powerful and bright as the sun gives, fills a vessel, takes any form like water

And what darkly takes absorbs into itself, forms a vessel, is a vessel, an image

K-karma echo of past causes = consequence

Given the law of the cause of the Hermes Trismegistus effect, everything has a reason either hidden or visible

He who has ears, let him hear, he who has eyes, let him see, as they say

The terms "aryan", "ário", and "ariano" comes from the word "arya" from sanskrit, that means noble

Message: If you want to honor the gods, first honor Ea-Shiva-Prometheus. Why?

Because without Ea saving us from Anu and the other gods along with Anu, we wouldn't exist.

Enlil (Jupiter), no matter how great he was, initially resisted the evolution of mankind, and he is responsible for "kicking us out of the garden", as well as for allowing the flood to occur on behalf of Anu because people made too much noise. He was categorically against the creation of a civilized man. Enlil was all for our destruction and took all measures against Enki's plans. It was only after the flood that Enki told him about the potential of the man Enlil eventually joined to keep the survivors close

Now the situation is different from the titanomachy. There is no longer a Nomos of Zeus independent of Prometheus. Titans and Olympians are fighting together. The only way for us to reach the Gods today is through Prometheus. He is the source of all consciousness.

The other Gods on our side recognize the importance of Enki to our existence, and he is our only true father, and they want us to dedicate ourselves to Ea-Prometheus first of all before the other gods and for his place on the altar to be the highest, since he, not they, is of paramount importance for maintaining us Afloat with hope, he is the reason that things are not as bad as they should be, and Ea is primarily responsible for our ability to possess consciousness and intelligence. Without him, we are just monkeys, none of this is possible without him. Ea is our father and creator, other gods are our companions, uncles, brothers and sisters, but nothing more.

No matter how terrifying they are, if it were up to other Gods and not Ea, they would have left us to perish a long time ago, because they have nothing to gain from it. It was Ea who continued to fight against Anu and the Gods who joined his plans against us. Enki has come out against this huge force with Nibiru outnumbered to intervene on our behalf regardless of the situation, even if it is disadvantageous for himself to save his children. Thus, he deserves all reverence, devotion, praise and respect before other gods.

"The Vril cosmic power is within all of us. Search for it inside your heart."

Maria Orsic

The earth is basically everything here on earth

Personally, I could relate spring more to the air in general, this is already a debatable issue.

Because, for example, goetic, Zepar Zephyr is the god of spring winds

At the same time, everything is manifested in everything

Of course, apparently in different people, there is a dominant element.

In Hinduism, in Ayurveda, more precisely, there are Doshas, for example

There are 4 Aristotelian elements in total, which are embodied in 4 seasons.

So according to Aristotle

Water is Spring, when everything melts and water is all around

Fire is Summer, when it's hottest

But with Air and Earth, as already mentioned, there are problems again due to the discrepancy between the Aristotelian system and our life.

If we think about the time of maximum manifestation of the qualities of the element, then

The air is Winter, when there are winds and snowstorms

The earth is Autumn, when the harvest is

But if you look at "these our" internets and NOT ONLY INTERNETS, then

The air is Autumn, because the weather is deteriorating

The Earth is Winter, because nature is resting

(however, they can write anything else here)

That is, they choose not the maximum manifestation of quality, but only its strengthening (when the winds are just beginning to intensify) or, conversely, its decline (the earth is sleeping).

The air is usually located in the west according to zodiac connections

Water in the north

The land in the south

Fire in the east

But in ancient times it was believed that the southern winds are hot and dry, so the fire is in the south

Easterly winds are light and therefore the air is in the east

The westerly winds are wet and dry, so the water is in the west

The north winds are cold and dry, so the land is in the north

(Personal gnoszis : In general, considering that nature is often chosen according to two indicators, one could say that spring is air-earth

And winter is earth-air.

Earth air air earth

Then fire and water

Because cold dark and motionless is a property of Saturn which is the earth

Mobile windy or the beginning of movement is Mercury which is air)

Any matter is an element of the earth

A vessel in which either water, fire or air are already placed

Or as in a person all at once

The more land there is, the larger the vessel is in size

Macrocosm and Microcosm 👍🏻

You can generally read and listen to some of the text yourself, other people's interpretations can be shortened as an option.

There are a lot of interesting details that are not disassembled in principle

By the way, about two connected waters, this is not a new topic

For example, in Scandinavian mythology, the fiery world and the icy Niflheim and Musplheim joined in the ginungagap abyss

Cold and hot

In fact, there are Two channels in a person that can be perceived as hot and cold and Sushumna where they mix

So the Asura Devas plowed the ocean with a snake , too , catching the snake on a rock ...

This is a wonderful and correct statement (partially), the main thing is that there would be an understanding of these very words

One might ask what do you mean when you say wisdom and where to get it for those who do not have it, in general, a rural sage can live and graze sheep by gaining insights by looking at clouds and having an intuitive initial understanding thanks to his natal chart, for example, and karma, but without a foundation from theory in many areas it turns out not what the operator would like, since knowledge has many facets and for me wisdom is clarity of mind, thanks to which a complete understanding of the picture has been acquired in order to comprehend and penetrate deeply into the essence of each object, several qualities are needed

In general, everything depends on the goal

Why does someone need wisdom and why does someone need knowledge

What does he need it for

It's a personal fetish.

Someone likes something else more, maybe not from these areas at all

Where the soul leads, the body goes

People are what accompanies and at the same time develops / teaches.

You said it!

The key of wisdom is not on the pages of books. Who rushes to the mysteries of life with every thought, Finds their spring in his soul. Learn to achieve success honestly And attract with your mind. And the trinkets, echoing like an echo, are fake and are not needed by anyone.

The point is that where you point the compass will be achieved sooner or later to a greater or lesser extent

If you need "wisdom" (some kind of abstract, you need to determine in detail what it is and what it is needed for, maybe it already exists and you need to move on — a further plan) directing thought there every second and day there will always be reflection and involuntary steps in this direction

In general, I completely agree. Wisdom really plays an important role in our lives, as it allows us to distinguish how and when to apply the acquired knowledge.

Yes, knowledge is important, but wisdom is what helps us succeed and make the right decisions based on this information.

Knowledge without wisdom (and the qualities of the corresponding soul) can be dangerous or useless, so there is initiation. Therefore, I believe that wisdom is a quality that should be developed in parallel with the accumulation of knowledge.

It is wisdom that allows us to use knowledge in our daily lives and make our actions more meaningful and productive.

That is, there is no choice of one of the two, either knowledge or wisdom.

There should be harmony everywhere, the golden ratio, the sacred middle

Mmm Marduk is an ideal god image aka Amon

This is the perfect child of Enki,

Based on the prototype of Marduk *Yahweh"

He created Archon Michael

Marduk helped well (aet) Enki in this whole story

In fact, Poseidon/Neptune is Enki rather

Hades is generally Pluto, well, that is, really in Greek mythology, the brother of Zeus and Poseidon is called that, but Pluto will still need to be found among other gods, after all, these three planets Pluto Neptune Uranus are barely noticeable

Pluto is somewhat similar to Saturn a little bit

In fact, there's a bunch of different pantheons on top of this list

But in fact, you can find matches everywhere, some by yourself/Wotan is generally more Mercury than air than Neptune according to the planetarium it is difficult to say for sure but

In general, he is the same as Ptah, the pseudonym of Satan for the joy of Satan, or one of the hypostases, apparently

The Romans recorded Wotan the main God of the Germans and Celts Dagda in Mercury

The main planets are without Pluto Neptune and Uranus

1) Saturn

2) Jupiter

3) Mars

4) The Sun

5) Venus

6) Mercury

7) The Moon

Equivalents in Goetia and in general (the fact is that everyone has a planetary correspondence and everyone can be divided into planets , this is more or less convenient )

1)Saturn is the lead Saturday (in Sumer he is Anu in India Brahma) Botis (in Goetia ours) Kronos (nemesis - Cassiel)

2) Jupiter Tin Thursday Bael Tor Enlil Indra (nemesis - Zadkiel)

3) Mars Iron Tuesday Andras Tyr Ares (nemesis - Kamael)

4) The Sun is Golden Sunday Surya Azazil (nemesis - Raphael, The Book of Enoch)

5) Venus Bronze Friday female Astaroth Freya (in India male Shukra(Luci)) (nemesis - Anael)

6) Mercury Air Medium Ether Mercury Ganesha Enki / Ninurta Lucifer (he is also Venus male as the Hindu Shukra in general, I do not know why he put Lucifer in Mercury, well, perhaps that's why Wotan parallels well, I have long noticed that Mercury and Venus are somehow connected xs although they are all connected also Enki in Mercury well, the thing is the fact that if you remove Uranus, Pluto and Neptune (which had not been discovered before), then these gods can be put into 7 planets and not 10)(nemesis - Michael)

7) Moon Monday Silver Orias Tammuz/Dumuzid (nemesis - Gabriel)

Ninurta, who is Mercury, is Hyperion-Apollo, and Samash is Apollo, who takes over from his son Helios/Marduk is the role of the Sun God. Ninurta and Samash are the same God in two different roles, since in both cases their sister in the line is Inanna.

About Svarog/Hephaestus/Vulcan

(By the way, in Scandinavian myths there is also a similar thing about the Blacksmith Velund (hence Woland Goethe and the Master and Margarita)read an interesting story, he finally chained his wings, as if he took revenge on the king for having his legs broken, as if he were taken into slavery as a blacksmith, raped the daughters of krch killed someone and flew to heaven an interesting allegory because the blacksmith alchemist did the work magnum opus left the power of King Jupiter hmm Matter is possible)

why dig into the written water? Someone can tell the answer

For the sake of expanding consciousness

The process of evolution = complication

Evolution = complication

Expanding the range

Loosening the limit of forces

Inside and out

In the body and in the head

In turn, complication leads to simplification

Just like an athlete working with a load, he moves faster in the future

Monkeys jump on branches with ease because they do it from birth such is their nature /gift to themselves (karma)

Attention = energy

Impact = energy

Turning the old dusty forgotten mechanisms of the chakras, they rejoice 😅

But the chakras are manifested externally, one depends on the other

The strength depends on the filling

The sun shines thanks to a powerful core, the planets live

How does the strength of the blade depend on the method of manufacture and the metal of the original + skill of the master

Daimons are already experienced craftsmen

And life = movement

Planets live a long time because they have a powerful light core

Everything is developing on earth because it is spinning

The universe exists according to the principle of the swastika

Everything is moving and everything has its expiration date

Except that forever

And this eternal something is located somewhere in areas that are inaccessible due to the underdevelopment of other organs of perception

Which are developing/becoming more complicated due to the constant impact on them


In general, absorbing attention into the buddhi, you can form a Buddha sidhu, i.e. mastery of the Buddha

In fact, everything has a result

From what we feed

Although it may seem that something will not affect in any way, there may be a delayed result or a millisecond plus minus

Or on other planes of existence

And so does everything that is received or transmitted have

Resonance, internal acceptance, degree of compatibility

Transmitter and receiver

Which is generally pre-determined by previous experience +- modified by programs previously absorbed

In almost 90% of the Christian symbols of the main ones, you can find something pagan, for example, even the name itself in Greek Yeshua Jesus IS often indicated, which is the beginning of the name of the goddess Isis

The myth of the tree and the flood itself is taken from Sumerian mythology and much more, rather, everything is turned upside down there, directed into the wrong channels of the water of understanding and attributed to the Jews

The Temple of Solomon, for example, can be understood as an allegory for the soul, where two bronze columns 2 channels ida and pingala

This can be read about in the origin of Baphomet, which is why the church did not allow a free interpretation of the Bible, perhaps there was a strict canon before, and the rest were recorded in heresy and burned because there was a danger of some kind of awakening of the blood, I suppose, but in general the subject itself was most likely compromised by the Rabbis in order to destroy the Roman Empire initially from the inside by introducing into the minds of Roman pagan citizens

As a result, this extremely distorted program of bondage spread to all pagans in general, because Roman paganism was close to many

Yes, there is an egregore of Jesus on the astral plane, which is nothing more than a collection of thoughts and a vortex of energy accumulated over centuries of worship and devotion.

However, the egregore cannot be classified as alive. He is not autonomous and has no independent will of his own

From a historical point of view. We must separate "Jesus" from Rabbi Yeshua.

Rabbi Yeshua (in the RS it is assumed that he did not exist at all, in fact, whether he was or not is not so important because a cult was created on the basis of someone) there is an opinion that he existed as a mortal man in whom there was nothing special. He rebelled against the Sanhedrin for the restoration of rabbinic law and was executed. (there was no resurrection)

Saul of Tarsus used this man as the rebel archetype to create a magic spell so sinister that it completely devastated the occupying Roman Empire until today.

Now about Jesus

Precisely because the fictional Jesus personifies in his image "Samael" of the Resurrected various gods, etc., the Guardian of Rome, Messianic psychotherapy had an effect on the Romans

When the Romans read the New Testament, it awakened the memories of their ancestors, and they recognized their guardian spirit in this character of Jesus, who was very similar to him

Through Jesus, they converted to Christianity, and the Jew carried out his eternal revenge on the Romans to this day

A Messianic decoy of the enemy to distract the Romans from the enemy, negating the threat to the status of the controlled opposition

Rome was Great, always has been. The main enemy of Judea and his man-made Christian religion, but the Roman, who is now under the influence of enchantment, does not notice anything and considers the Jew a satanic force and an enemy of his Christ, who supports the law of El Yahweh. How tragic

Rome was brought to its knees, and Jerusalem was exhausted

They learned that they would not be able to resist with weapons in their hands during the Bar Kokhba uprising, but naivety is another matter

This is absolutely criminal. Let's talk about the evil genius

The largest black magic spell in history

The Jews not only destroyed the Roman Empire, but also misled their descendants, forcing them to believe in their bait as their Messiah, until today, when Christians unknowingly participate in the plan to destroy humanity

This is revenge that goes beyond simple genocide. Enslave not only the empire to do your bidding, but also the minds of their descendants for thousands of years to come. The Jewish magician with his Christianity completely turned Rome around

Judea changed the scenario from the eternally oppressed by Rome to the eternal oppressors of Rome

Thanks to the prose of Saul and his Jesus (although it could have been some other plains magi, and not "Paul" is already a question)

The distortion is hidden in the little things and are fundamental things, for example, the numerous references to the sons of Israel and so on

144,000 (hope for souls, qi energy) will be saved, they also say "the sons of Israel"

That is, the initial focus is on filling them with power and the name of their "father" on the forehead of pran, note

That is, everything is as if they

It would be correct to say that through the lamb who ascended the mountain of salvation or when he enters Aries, magnum opus and the like should begin

The number 432, from the Revelation of John XIII. 5. "And he was given a mouth that spoke proudly and blasphemously, and he was given authority to act for forty-two months." (An esoteric permutation of numbers and we read: 42/30/month).

That is, the encoding of the period of power or the life of this "beast coming out of the sea" is clearly presented here (Revelation. XIII.1), who will rule for 432,000 years – or 42 months, as stated in Revelation John: XIII.5

In the Mahabharata, that's how much it says Kali will rule

In the Scandinavian Edda, 432,000 is the number of warriors from the doors of Valhalla

Where Jews are mentioned in their books, in 80% of cases they mean non-Jews, this is a seizure of power

Just like in 30%, somewhere their god is not doing what he is doing

Because he is not very reasonable in principle

The numbers and the very foundation of the myth are divine

Thought forms are created and a certain yahboghyr is not able in principle to create perfect knowledge and he did not create his children perfect, so they steal everything from others

The Pope of Rome in the 16th century had 72 cardinals - 72 disciples of Jesus, 72 Bible translators and 72 nations, respectively

How many demons are there in Goetia?

Another ANCIENT way of obtaining the above-mentioned SPECIAL number is 432.

72 * 6 = 432

36 * 12 = 432

6 * 12 = 72

72 is one of the sacred numbers of the East.

In mathematics, 72 is the sum of the FIRST consecutive EVEN numbers :

2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 12 + 14 + 16 = 72

36 is also a sacred number of the old East.

In mathematics, 36 is the sum of the FIRST consecutive numbers :

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 36

36 * 2 = 72

Epiphanius of Cyprus says in his "Anchorage" (ch. CXII-CXIII) according to the Book of Genesis :

"Japheth, the third son of Noah, has sons and sons of sons, <total> 14. And Ham, the second son of Noah, has sons and sons of sons, <total> 31. And Shem, the first son of Noah, has sons and sons of sons, <total> 27. COUNT THE NUMBER, it turns out 72.

Further, the respected Epiphanius interprets the plebeians in this way: "The peoples that the "Lord God" scattered over the earth after the flood in the days of Faleg and his brother Jektan during the construction of the Tower, after he mixed their languages, such : 1. Jews (Jews were put first again), they are Jews. 2. The Assyrians. 3. Chaldeans. 4. The Mussels. 5. The Persians. 6. The Arabs are the first and the Arabs are the second. 7. The Midianites <The Great Ones>. 8. The Midianites are the second. 9. Taians. 10. Alamosins. 11. Saracens. 12. Magicians. 13. The Caspian Sea. 14. Albans. 15. The Indies are the first, the Indies are the second. 16. The Ethiopians are the first, the Ethiopians are the second. 17. The Egyptians and the Thebans. 18. Libyans are the first, Libyans are the second. 19. The Hittites. 20. The Canaanites. 21. Feresei. 22. The Jews. 23. Amorites. 24. Gergesei. 25. The Jebusites. 26. The Idumeans. 27. Samaritans. 28. The Phoenicians. 29. Syrians. 30. The Cilicians. 31. The Cappadocians. 32. Armenia. 33. Iberians. 34. Bebrans. 35. The Scythians. 36. Kolkhi. 37. Sannas. 38. Bosporans. 39. Asians. 40. Isaurians. 41. Lycaonians. 42. Pisidians. 43. Galatians. 44. Paphlagonians. 45. The Phrygians. 46. The Hellenes, they are Achaeans. 47. The Thessalians. 48. Macedonians. 49. Thracians. 50. The Misians. 51. Bess. 52. The Dardani. 53. Sarmatians. 54. The Germans. 55. The Pannonians, they are also Peons. 56. Noriki. 57. Dalmatians. 58. The Romans, they are also Kitians. 59. Ligures. 60. Gauls, they are Celts. 61. The Aquitanians. 62. The Brettans. 63. Spaniards, they are Tyrians. 64. The Moors. 65. Makuaki. 66. Getuls. 67. Afras. 68. The first maziki, the second maziki. 69. Garamantes are external. 70. Vorads, they are Makars. 71. The Celtiones, they are sporades. 72. The Nausfi, they are the Nabataeans, <who> settled before Ethiopia.

These are the nations that "the Lord God" scattered (no, it wasn't their God who did it)According to the face of the earth, according to their own languages, there are seventy-two of them."

Before the flood, it is assumed that people spoke the same language and decided to build a tower in case of a repeat of the flood, then there was a separation of languages

The tower can be perceived in principle in the same way as the temple of Solomon or body and soul

Languages can be perceived as a division into aspects

The builders of the tower are human

We correlate the flows of prana and vril energy in order to find the generator, that is, the holy Grail before others

Or maybe we've already found it

He's inside, and here comes the selection of keys by the bear guard

Constant test

There can be strength in constancy, accumulate the bottom of the middle and the top of the middle

Left and right at the same time with the lotus cross of the Templars

Without vision, everything is hard to touch.

Well, fortunately the internal compass is set up correctly, everything is cool

Moving without brakes

You will need to stay in the golden center for eternity

But I want to be active in eternity

Or maybe take it from eternity

From what you were and what you will become for the Average result

The Green Ray by Miguel Serrano

With the advent of the BBB, it seems that the Anunnaki norms can guide their children on the right path, but still there are pests in connection with the Radiocative environment, I want to ensure cleanliness around, and most importantly inside

Because what's above is below

What's outside is inside

Macrocosm Microcosm

The planets are in us, they are outside and the universe is inside us, too, it is in the middle

Where the solar chakra is 666

Where the moon and the sun mix Ida and Pingala

In the center of sushumna

That is, raise the snake there and the kundalini will be normal

Or upstairs and then typing it all in the middle.

It's all figurative


As a result, increase the vibrations by flapping the wings-eyes

There should be a gold ring and dust and light

Here's the work inside and out, you need to show it somehow...

We need more vibrations.

We need more Gold, as they said in Warcraft 3

The gold mine is generally infinite, white gold, it should be white and gold, and ether is obtained

Silver + Gold

Moon + Sun

In the center of the middle

It must be implemented somehow

Understanding the mysteries is certainly good, it is the mind of Budhi Sidha and it develops perhaps over time and the rest will come, but the process is underway, although spiritual alchemy = life
There are no limits and further after the white gold there will be ranks perhaps

There are no dissolutions only the condescension of the Holy Spirit from Jupiter to Saturn from Saturn to Venus

And then back to Jupiter

Through Mars and Mercury, which constantly accompanies them all and gives Mercury the main weapon of the alchemist to think at all

Vibrations vibrations vibrations

If fractals are in us, they are also outside

It is necessary to evolve along the hierarchy somehow

Fractals are in vegetables and in trees, but we are not vegetables and not trees

We need to become the golden section the green ray the superman

It is clear that for this you need to gently take the snake Shesha by the head with the left hand of the Asuras

The right devas by the tail wrap around the Mountain of Meru, which has the appearance of a pyramid Ligam upwards

And yoni

And turn Left counterclockwise

Right clockwise

And then there will be white gold from which ether can be created from nothing, including Amrita, the drink of immortality

By the power of gods and demons

Which are the same gods

Which are the essence of us both outside and inside

Manifested everywhere in all beings by fractals with the help of sacred geometry, which have their own vibrational proportions of a physical object, emit the noise of stars, light, vibrations, the ideal among which is 369,432

Someone says that it is not And not 440

Tc 440 is the sun 432 is the moon

Maybe 369

Or maybe 432, then 440

And then 369

Very interesting

Intuitive cognition of light Lead me through the darkness to the light like a Lucifer torch/Prometheus through the age of the Black Cube of Kali

An interesting point for Hindus and Hitler is that the swastika (the symbol of Ganesha) is wrapped clockwise, which symbolizes the dharma

And the Buddhists on the left (adharma? )

Asuras and Devas

Together we churned the milky ocean where amrita is obtained, the solar chakra 666 where the Moon (asuras) and the Sun (devas) unite Ida and Pingala in Sushumna

The Solar and Lunar Dynasty

Kuravas and Pandavas

If we are in the middle

In Midgard

In the Middle World, why are we not in gold

The truth is in the middle

Golden mean 369

6 the sixth planet is Venus

Venus is Lucifer

666 Venus is connected to water

White Shukra Aryans

9 Mars Kartikeya


Through 2 gurus to Kartikeya


But, more importantly, in all likelihood, it was de Lubitsch's knowledge of ancient Egyptian "science-religion" that served as the basis for the strange statements about Sirius made by the Japanese military attache in Stockholm in his secret telegram to Tokyo regarding the German atomic bomb program, which we have already considered in the first part, because de Lubitsch

He was the very person who could point out the significance of Sirius for Ancient Egypt. For the Egyptians, this star "played the role of the central sun of our entire Solar system"; it was familiarity with their beliefs that allowed de Lubitsch to assume "the existence of a cosmic atomic structure, the core of which is Set, the "Great Breadwinner of the Ancients." De Lubitsch also had to be familiar with the meaning of ancient symbols and the connection of the colors of the German national flag, black, red and yellow, with Ancient Egypt and Atlantis, which was most likely known to the Nazis themselves. Thus, in its ancient Egyptian interpretation, the myth of the "black

The sun" is tied to the Sirius star system, as well as to the legends of rebirth after death and the "power of life", which occupied such an important place in the religion of the pharaohs.

Accordingly, the scientists of the prediction service working on various secret projects had an ideological basis for a more mundane scientific view, which is that the black sun is nothing more than an unusually large gravitational force generated by a significant mass rotating relative to the center of the galaxy. Ancient texts could provide the key to the revival of a forgotten science, radically different from the ideologically branded "Jewish" theory of relativity, but coinciding in spirit with the "Aryan" physics of vortex polarization of spins, quantum mechanics and mathematical prediction of the flow of vacuum energy, "zero point energy". In addition, the symbolism of the "black sun" was key to the doctrine of the secret community that preceded the Nazis, the Thule Society.

The symbol of the "black sun" was also adopted as the emblem of von Liebenfels' "new Templars".

In this context, the swastika itself becomes not only a well-known symbol that came from ancient esoteric teachings, but also a talisman of ceremonial magic on a celestial scale, deliberately chosen to reflect the visible reversal of the well-known constellation relative to the north pole of the axis of its own

the rotation of the Earth. All this combination of quantum mechanics, the "black sun", action at a distance and stellar rotation had a strong ideological influence on

Kammler's "think tank", because, as will be shown below, vortex and nonlinear physics have become the two main directions of his theoretical and experimental activities in modern Germany.

When studying some of the Reich's resources, it should be remembered that they used Armanic Futhark + Villiguta

The cube is an ancient symbol of truth, but the truth is represented on the physical plane. Among the five Pythagorean figures, respectively, the cube, as it was said, represents the element of the Earth.

Thus, the second Hyperborea is, if not out of time, in another time. This gives us a clue to her true location. As we have already said, Sat-urn, Sat-yaga, also Sat-va, is the purest of the modes of dualistic Sankhya philosophy and Tantric philosophy of the Aryans of India.

Saturn will return with Satya Yuga, with his own time, which he himself devoured. From here we see, for us, the Myth of Dreams and the return of the Holy Grail of the Grail King, Frederick I Barbarossa, who is served by Crows coming from Tula, from Hyperborea. From where the Jews stole two Urim and Thummim columns. How the leader sleeps among the glaciers of Antarctica, in the inaccessible invisible second Hyperborea, never grows old, because Saturn-Kronos devoured time, made it disappear. The last Avatar, the one who will come, is Kalki–Vid-Ar, the leader associated with the return of the Second Hyperborea to the visible surface of the earth, with Satya Yuga, with Saturn and Rhea, as Virgil used to say :

Once again, the great order of centuries is being revived now.

Virgo comes again and gives birth in the reign of Saturn —

Once again, a new tribe is being sent from the high heavens.

You will save the boy – the iron age will recede;

The golden age will return for the whole world..

He will get gods for life, he will see heroes with gods

Together, they will see him attached to them.

The world will submit to him, reassured by the valor of the fathers.

"In the hope that the Great Cycle will be fulfilled, that Kali Yuga will find its terrible end, and that the Age of Cumea, Virgo, the Kingdom of Saturn and Rhea will return again, the centuries will return to the Golden Age. Both poles will be inhabited by the golden generation."

According to legend, Maize was the son of the Sun God and the Moon Goddess.

But there were other deities who were jealous of his beauty and strength. They killed a beautiful young man, and his body was cut into small pieces and scattered them on the Ground.


These pieces turned into golden grains that gave birth to a divine plant that people called maize.

The Solar Dynasty of the Aryans

And the Dravidian Lunar Dynasty...

The solar cult attributed masculinity to the God of the universe. All the purest of Vedic traditions were combined around him: the science of sacred fire and prayer, the esoteric concept of the supreme God, respect for women and the cult of ancestors; at the heart of the royal power lay an elective and patriarchal principle.

The lunar cult attributed the feminine principle to the Deity, under whose banner the religions of the Aryan cycle deified nature in all ages, for the most part blind, fickle nature, in its most violent and terrible manifestations. This cult tended towards idolatry and black magic. He favored polygamy and tyranny based on popular passions.

The struggle between the sons of the sun and the sons of the moon, between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, is the subject of the Hindu epic Mahabharata, which is something like a short perspective account of the history of Aryan India before the establishment of Brahmanism. This struggle is replete with fierce battles and strange endless adventures. Among this gigantic epic, the Kauravas, the kings of the lunar cycle, remain the victors. The Pandavas, the noble representatives of the sun, the guardians of the pure cult, are dethroned and exiled. Hunted, they wander hiding in the forests, finding shelter with hermits, dressed in tree bark, with a wanderer's staff instead of a weapon. (Wotan!)

Fraternities made up of such hermits gave rise to a priestly coup that turned India into a mighty theocracy. The victory of spiritual power over worldly power, of the hermit over the king, from which the power of Brahmanism was born, was due to the great reformer. Having reconciled both struggling geniuses, the genius of the white race and the genius of the black race, the solar cult and the lunar one, this god-man was the true creator of the national religion of India. In addition, his mighty genius gave the world a new idea of immense significance: the idea of a divine Verb or God embodied and manifested in man. This first Messiah, this eldest of the sons of God, was Krishna..

In the center of the solar chakra 666, solar energy and lunar energy are mixed in all traditions

Gold(Sun) + Silver(Moon) = White Gold(Electrum)

Ida + Pingala

In the center of Sushumna = churning the ocean with

Kundalini and the Gods

Copper(Venus) + Tin(Jupiter) = Bronze

There is practically no information about this on the Internet from the point of view of Alchemy except for Taoist internal Alchemy +-

Admins probably don't quite know the answer either


Ilektr is an Old Russian word, usually meaning amber, but also electrum, and in the Bible it also means "divine glory".
In the Bible, v.‑ Slav. ilektr is a sparkling metal or crystal, similar to a coal burning with fire; it serves to depict divine greatness and glory[1]. In the Church Slavonic text of the Bible, the word is found in the book of the prophet Ezekiel

And Vichy ilektra like a vision, like a vision of fire inside his okrety: from vision loins and above and from the vision of the loins even to the Dale Vichy vision of fire, and light it okrest: like a vision of the arc, the IME is in the clouds unto the day of rain, Taco standing SVT okrest.

And I saw, as it were, a flaming metal, as it were, a kind of fire inside it around; from the sight of its loins and above, and from the sight of its loins and below, I saw, as it were, a kind of fire, and a radiance was around it. In what form does a rainbow appear on clouds during rain, this was the appearance of this radiance all around.

— Ezek.

It's clearly about the rainbow body


Having accumulated the Elixir in the sacral chakra 666 (Male Sun)

The solar plexus

It needs to be mixed with the energy of the pineal gland (Moon, Catfish, Female)6 chakra

Does Sushumna mix Their energies..? In the centre

Is the churning of the milky ocean what it is? And from this it turns out just Amrita, etc.

... .... All the rotifers, all the swastika patterns, of any peoples the Celtic triquetre the Milky Way is all about it, what is outside and inside, using Shesha Ouroboros Leviathan Kundalini in the center the gods churn a special fluid spirit, Mount Madara is the spine pillar of the world sushumna

The center of the universe of the Milky Way is the solar chakra soul view from above but in the 3D plane it goes up and down, whose soul?... and where are we a speck in this body in whose body there are more bodies

Peace in the world

The center is in the center

What processes occur if everything that is in the small is in the big, when we blink or open our eyes

And what happens if you expand by closing your eyes first to the size of a room then a house and on and on until you lie down on the universe and beyond the universe then you find yourself inside yourself

Or collapse into the center and open your eyes

And then it will expand again

And watch yourself find a big yourself, yourself small, or cling to the lotus cloud of someone and fly with him until you get tired

And then become big again until someone just as big appears and you come into conflict, but in the end he is you and you will be alone, or he will be among the stars and sit in the lotus

Every new day is a micro-life in the macro-life in which you are born (wake up)

You live (the rest of the time) and you die (you fall asleep)

Small life, every day = parts of a Big Life

Consequently, the macrolife is entirely included in some larger cycle

Is this state of being here and now a dream or a waking state of the higher self? Usually, when we fall asleep, we do not remember our past (earthly life) only if the dream is not directly related to it. At the same time, we understand that we are ourselves without reference to the past or the future

There is only the moment of existence itself, from a blank slate, when the pen puts a dot on a piece of paper, existence appears, a new plot of the book, then the new book itself (or the book is infinite and perfect and huge), a new thread (the same perfect and huge, immortal).

Who writes and who sews

Is himself me or....

The Song of the Welund

In my opinion, Velund has symbolism with a snake (legless) and lightning falling from heaven (Lucifer), and with each individual He became a blacksmith/alchemist but a locked king on an island/land

In the end, he forged his wings (became a caduceus or a snake with wings, a dragon) and flew away, taking revenge on the king, to other worlds or just wherever he wanted, or rather, acquired a second support in the higher / heavenly

This is purely Gnozzzzis

If you don't want to, don't accept revelations, as they say

If you want, you can go straight to the analysis of the Scandinavian epic without my thinking about lizards and their direct biological descendants snakes

In this regard, the snake, as for me, is the beginning of work or the stage of Nigredo (pure body, matter, origin, also regrowth of limbs, world serpent chaos without structure)

The Albedo lizard because it already has legs and, most importantly, hands in front of it - a tool, lizards drip, although snakes too, but the fact itself is also felt by lizards with their noses, unlike snakes (mobile mind, phoenix survival, regrowth of limbs, kinship with crocodiles)

And the Rubedo Dragon because it already has legs and wings! And maybe that's it

It is worth noting that cold-blooded animals are active only in warm weather, but in cold weather they are inactive or sedentary (Kali Yuga) and some of them like to bask in the sun/stones to absorb energy

"In warm weather, when the environment heats up, lizards and snakes can receive heat from the sun's rays and heat up in the sun or on warm surfaces. This allows them to increase their body temperature, activate, and perform their vital functions such as foraging, reproduction, and security."

Blacksmithing is associated with the fire of the prana of the sun

The dragon is often associated with fiery breath

In my opinion, Velund has symbolism with a snake (legless) and lightning falling from heaven (Lucifer), and with each individual He became a blacksmith/alchemist but a locked king on an island/land
In the end, he forged his wings (became a caduceus or a snake with wings, a dragon) and flew away, taking revenge on the king, to other worlds or just wherever he wanted, or rather, acquired a second support in the higher / heavenly
This is purely Gnozzzzis
If you don't want to, don't accept revelations, as they say

If you want, you can go straight to the analysis of the Scandinavian epic without my thinking about lizards and their direct biological descendants snakes
In this regard, the snake, as for me, is the beginning of work or the stage of Nigredo (pure body, matter, origin, also the regrowth of limbs, the world serpent is chaos without structure)
, the Albedo Lizard because it already has legs and, most importantly, hands in front of it - a tool, lizards drip although snakes too, but the fact itself is still lizards smell with their noses unlike snakes (agile mind, phoenix survival rate, regrowth of limbs, kinship with crocodiles)
And the Rubedo Dragon because it already has legs and wings! And maybe that's it
It is worth noting that cold-blooded animals are active only in warm weather, but in cold weather they are inactive or sedentary (Kali Yuga) and some of them like to bask in the sun/stones to absorb energy
"In warm weather, when the environment heats up, lizards and snakes can receive heat from the sun's rays and heat up in the sun or on warm surfaces. This allows them to increase their body temperature, activate and perform their vital functions such as foraging, reproduction and safety."
Blacksmithing is associated with the fire of the prana of the sun
The dragon is often associated with fiery breath

It should also be noted that Chinese dragons are often wingless, but they have paws!
And the Serpent of the world is precisely a serpent because it is called the serpent of chaos, primary but not as developed as the same dragon based on all criteria draconem (nominative case: draco), which means "huge serpent"; from the ancient Greek δράκων, drákōn(genitive: δράκοντος, drákontos), which means "snake", "giant sea fish".[3][4]Similar Greek and Latin terms referred to any large snake, not necessarily mythological[3] The Greek word δράκων most likely comes from the Greek verb δέρκομαι(dérkomai), meaning "I see", the aoristic form of which is ἔδρακον(édrakon)[4]. It is believed that this refers to something with a "deadly gaze"[5], with unusually "bright"[6] or "sharp" (sharp-sighted)[7][8]with eyes, or to the fact that the snake's eyes always seem to be open; in fact, each eye sees through a special transparent film in the eyelids, which are constantly closed. The Greek word probably comes from the Indo-European base *derḱ- "to see"; the Sanskrit root दृश् (dr-) also means "to see".
I.e. dragons see the essence, clairvoyant
Some researchers of heraldry (A. B. Lakier, P. P. Winkler) do not separate the snake and the dragon, while others (Yu. V. Arsenyev) do, pointing to a different number of paws (the snake has four, the dragon has two), although in most artistic images (in paintings, films, sculptures) Dragons have four legs. The word "serpent" has been found in Slavic texts since the XI century (including in the "Moscow" Bible of 1663), and the word "dragon" was borrowed from Greek only in the XVI century, appears for the first time in texts translated by Maxim the Greek. Andrei Kurbsky applied the word "dragon" to the devil (similarly, in the King James Bible, the words "serpent", "dragon" and "devil" are used synonymously). In the "Moscow" Bible of 1663, the devil is called a serpent, in the "Elizabethan" Bible of 1756 and later both "serpent" and "dragon"
are used. You can also mention here a bunch of snakes lizard dragon crocodile frog similar gods by type
Nehebkau(Egypt.nḥb.kʒw — The winner of many Ka)[1]— in the ancient Egyptian pantheon, the serpent god (with the body or head of a snake), who, as a judge, determines the afterlife for the deceased[2]. Later, he was one of the guards of the entrance to the Duat, a companion of Rav on a night voyage, a deity of fertility and time, one of the gods of the Little Ennead. The center of the cult is Heracleopolis[3].
Nehebkau was depicted as a snake "with many rings"[2] or a snake with human legs[4]. His image is found in many frescoes with drawings of a solar boat crossing the Duat at night, often standing among other deities - defenders of Ra — Mafdet, Upuaut, Onuris, etc.
A bronze statue of him is on display in the Egyptian Hall of the Hermitage[3].
Or the Balto-Slavic god Zaltis
The Komodo dragon[1], or giant Indonesian monitor lizard[1], or Komodo dragon[2], or Komodo dragon[3](Latin Varanus komodoensis), is a species of lizard from the monitor lizard family (Varanidae). Currently, the species is distributed on the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rincha, Flores and Gili Motang, although it was previously more widespread - in particular, it was found in Australia and Java. The aborigines of the islands call it ora or buaya darat ("land crocodile")[4] It is worth noting that the Vahana or mount of the god Varuna (which some relate to Neptune or something similar to the Atlantic) was a similar creature
In general, I'm talking about biological and archetypal lizards, and not about some ephemeral David Icke monsters of this century.

There is generally a big question about this, supreme cobra 666 has already said that reptilians are an unfortunate name for an astral phenomenon chosen because no others have been proposed, but they are not related to terrestrial reptiles

The view of science +mysticism is simple 1. Biologically, Snakes descended from LIZARDS, and the first fossil species were found in sediments 150-167 million years old. In modern nature, their closest relatives are spindle-shaped and iguana-like lizards. Although they have nostrils, snakes cannot smell.

On a downward path, the light came down and degradation initially occurred with all the consequences

From dragon to lizard from lizard to snake

From God to man, etc.

At the same time, for someone it will be a development here is already a philosophy

Then began the turn of the cycle and development, the so-called evolution, for that matter, the adaptation of living organisms to the environment

In the Vedas (one of them) it is said that at one time the Asuras rule and at another the devas change...

At least in one of the interpretations, this is so, it is definitely no longer possible to find the clipping, at least without a request

And in general, the jungle about reincarnation is already beginning, meaningless reasoning!

In short, of all that is above man developed as the middle stage in cosmology, it can be correlated as that on the path to divinity (dragonness)

But he has already passed a certain stage of the snake

And he has legs and arms like a lizard, it remains to acquire wings (to master the fiery breath and the like, of course, can still be taken into account and the main thing is wisdom)

But let's go Below to the Scandinavian Myth Itself!

The Song of the Welund

The elder Edda.

There lived a king in Svityoda, his name was Nidud. He had two sons and a daughter named Bedwild.

There were three brothers - the sons of the king of the Finns- one was called Slagfid, the other Egil, the third Velund. They went skiing and hunting. They came to Ulvdalir and built themselves a house. There is a lake there, it is called Ulvsyar. Early in the morning they saw three women spinning flax on the shore of the lake, and their swan clothes lay near them - they were valkyries. Two of them were the daughters of King Khledver: Khladgud the Swan-white and Hervere the Wonderful, and the third was Elrun, the daughter of Kyar of Walland. The brothers took them away with them, Egil married Elrun, Slagfid the Swan-White, and Velund the Wonderful. So they lived for seven winters. Then the Valkyries rushed off to battle and did not return. Then Egil went to look for Elrun, Slagfid went in search of Swan White. And Velund stayed in Ulvdalir. He was the most skilled man among all the people known to us from ancient legends. King Nidud ordered him to be captured, as described here.

About Velund and Nidud


We were flying from the south

above the dense forest

Valkyrie maidens,

The battle seekers;

They stopped

on vacation by the lake,

flax is precious

They started spinning.


The First Virgin,-

There is no more beautiful one,-

On Egil's shoulders

She threw up her hands;

Svankhvit the second,

in white clothes

made of swan's feathers;

And the third sister

Velunda neck

She wrapped her arm around him.

(So here we have the Number THREE, and the second virgo is White and is associated with a Swan, as in Albedo Alchemy, And the third turns out to be Rubedo!)


Seven have passed

quiet winters,

and on the eighth

Longing took them,

And on the ninth

I had to break up;

They rushed away

Into the thicket of the forest

Valkyrie maidens,

Those who were looking for battles.

(The number 9 is associated with the ending because after 9 there is 10 or again 1+0=1 123456789)


We returned from hunting

The shooter is sharp-eyed,

Slugfid and Egil

The house is empty,

We wandered around, looking for,

looking around.

Beyond Elrun to the east

Egil on skis

and a Slugfeed to the south

They rushed after Svanhvit.

(South and East are where the most developed civilizations of antiquity were from Northern Europe, Babylon, India, China, Greece, Egypt, etc.) In general, it is not surprising that salvation will come from the north and it is not surprising that the Vikings had a dragon's head on their drakkars and it is worth remembering here the God of the American Indians, the Dragon of Knowledge!And it's worth remembering who was in America before Columbus Azazzazazacetzalcoatl (Quetzalcoatl, Quetzalcoatl, ast.QuetzalcōĀtl — literally "quetzal snake" or "feathered snake"[1]; SpanishQuetzalcóatl; [ketsaɬˈko.aːtɬ]) is the name of a deity of ancient America, one of the main gods of the Aztec pantheon and pantheons of other civilizations of Central America, as well as the name of a historical figure

And Velund alone,
sitting in Ulvdalir
, began to set stones
in red gold,
rings like snakes
were skillfully woven by him;
I was waiting for everything -
will the light one come back?
Will his wife return to
him again?
(Rings in general can be correlated with vertebral discs in part as well as with some other ring-shaped objects, or with the prana energy of qi around the chakras, here we can recall Tolkien's ring of omnipotence)
Nyarov Lord,
Nidud found
out that Velund was the only one
left in Ulvdalir.
The warriors
rode in chain mail at night,
under the waning moon
their shields glittered.
They got off their saddles
at the door of the dwelling,
entered inside,
and walked through the house.
They see
that rings are suspended from the bast, -
this warrior had seven hundred of them
(700, in general 7 is the number of both Saturn or matter and the tail of the serpent Ketu servant of Mercury, the star of Vishnu or "David" Hexagon hexagram has 6 corners and 1 center it is believed that 7 planets can be placed well in it from the sun in the center (excluding earth) ) taking into account the earth there will be another star, a star The "magicians" of 7 or 8 corners are just in fact missing, perhaps one digit or the constituent earth + Neptune Uranus Pluto, but this is completely different
However, the bottom line is that perhaps just the lack of one ring was a consequence of the following problems of Velund and his elevation, however, through the torments
of 8
They began to take them
off and thread them again,
only one
ring was hidden.
Velund came,
a sharp-eyed shooter

, returned from hunting from distant places;

He wanted to roast bear meat;

the dry pine burned like brushwood, -

the wind dried the firewood.
Sitting on the skin,

the ruler of the Alva counted the rings,-
there is no one -
he thought:
when he returned to the house,
his daughter,
a young valkyrie, took him.
I sat for a long time,
finally fell asleep.
I woke up and saw
that trouble had happened:

my hands were tied with a strong rope
, my legs
were tied with tight fetters.
Velund said,
"Whose warriors
have appeared here?
Who's holding me tight
Did you tie it up with a piece of string?"
Nyarov Lord,
Nidud shouted:
"Where did you come from, Velund,
the ruler of the Alps,
in this land could
you get our gold?"
(The Inquisition came to Alikhmik for material gold, a typical situation)

Velund said:

"The edges of the luggage

You won't find it here,-

The Rhine hills

It's a long way away.

I remember: more

There were treasures

On the days when we are together

We lived, relatives:


Hladgood and Hervey,

Khledver's daughter,

And Chiara's daughter

The beautiful Elrun."

. . . . . . . . . .


Entering the house,

She walked along the ward,

She became and said

in a quiet voice:

"Coming from the forest

He won't become a friend."

King Nidud gave his daughter Bedwild a gold ring, which he took from Velund's bast rope, and he himself began to wear Velund's sword. Then Nidud's wife said:


"Will he see the sword,

Does Bedwild have a ring -

your teeth

He grins viciously;

He has eyes

they burn like dragon's eyes; (Opaaaa Dragon's Eyes, yes, it's worth remembering Sigurd the Snake-Eyed here)

cut it off quickly

He's got tendons,-

Let him sit

on Sevarsted Island!"

And so it was done: they cut the tendons under his knees and left him on an island that was not far from the shore and was called Sevarsted. There he forged all kinds of jewelry for the king. No one dared to visit him except the king. Velund said:


"On the Niduda belt

My sword is shining,

I sharpened it

as sharp as possible

and tempered

As tight as possible;

My sword is forever

They took it away from me,

He can't be anymore

in the forge of Velund;

(Here, by the way, you can see a non-Ego, i.e. enemies came and took away what belongs to the adept, which prompted his serpentine will through resentment and anger to work on himself)


That's Bedwild's

The ring is gold

my young wife...

How to take revenge on me!"


Having forgotten the dream,

He was hitting with a hammer -

A tricky thing

I was cooking Niduda.

Two sons

Where did you think of it

Take a look at the treasures

Sevarsted Islands.


They came up to the chest,

The keys were asked,-

Their treachery is here

It was lurking;

A lot of treasures

The boys saw it,-

red gold (Ahhh, red gold is literally Rubedo, i.e. the bastards did not know, but he did his job and they fell asleep)

and jewelry.


Velund said:

"Another time

Come together,-

Gold is

Get both!

Just keep quiet:

No servants, no maidens

Let them not know,

That you were here!"


Soon he called

Brother's boy:

"Brother, let's go

Let's see the treasures!"

They came up to the chest,

The keys were asked,-

Their treachery is here

It was lurking.


Heads off

I cut them both off

n under the fur

Put their feet in;

Made of skulls

The bowls he made,

forged in silver,

I sent them to Nidud.


Clear eyes

yachts are bright

I sent it wisely

to the wife of Nidud;

The teeth of both

I took it for Bedwild too

chest buckles

made of them.

Bedwild came
with a damaged ring,
showed it:
"You're the only one
who can help with this."
Velund said:
"So I will fix
the crack in the gold
that even father
will be pleased;

your mother will like it more,
and you
will like it too."

The cunning man brought her beer, took her,

and the virgin fell asleep on the bench.
"Here I
have avenged all the wrongs,
except for one
and the most severe."
Velund said;
"Now I will fly
on the wings that
the warriors of Nidud took away!"
Velund, laughing,
rose into the air;
left the island sobbing:
she grieved for her darling,
she was afraid of her father.

His wise wife stands
at the house, entered the house,
and walked along the ward;
and he
sat down on the fence to rest:
"Are you asleep, Nidud,
Nyarov's lord?"
"No, I'm not sleeping,- grief torments me,
is it up to sleep now, -
I have lost my sons;

Your advice was disastrous!
I would like to say
Velundu is the word.
Tell me, Velund,
ruler of the alps,
how did you destroy
my young sons?"
Velund said:
"First swear to me
with a strong oath,
the side of the rook
and the edge of the shield,

The horse ridge

And the steel of the sword,

What didn't you ruin

the Velunda couple,

That he wasn't the murderer
of my dear wife;

you know my other wife-
she will give birth to a child
in your house!
Go to the forge,
you built it yourself

, you will find bloody skin from the heads there:

I cut off the heads of my sons completely
and under the furs
I put my feet in them.

I made bowls out of skulls,
forged them in silver
and sent them to Niduda;
Clear eyes
of the yacht bright
wise sent
to the wife of Nidud;

I made breast buckles out of teeth
, and Bedwild sent them.
Bedwild has now
become pregnant,
your daughter,
who was born by you."
Nidud said:
You couldn't have said a more bitter word
, if there hadn
't been another word that hurt more!
Who, mighty one,
will overcome you!
can pierce you with an arrow
when you are soaring
high in the sky!"
Velund, laughing,
rose into the air.
is the only one left in the mountain.
Nidud said:
"Takrad, get up,
my best slave,
Bedwild, call
the fair-eyed maiden,
let her come
and talk to her father.
Is it true, Bedwild,
that they told me-
were you and Velund
on the island together?"
Bedwild said,
"The truth to you,
Nidud, they said:
was on the island with Velund
, it would be better if I didn't know
this hour!
I couldn't
resist the force.,
I couldn't
defend myself!"
Separately, we can note the lines Velund has experienced,

The mighty leader,

In the snake pit

The longing of exile,

Woe to the outcast

The servant was

In the house of winter snow (Kali Yuga)

The long-suffering sitter

Since Nidud

hobbled my husband

of the best husbands

tendon bonds.

How did that pass,

So this is a blowjob.

Old English poetry Deor.

Enki (the Great Rebel) and Ningishziddu (the Snake-like Punisher who planted the Tree of Knowledge) share an extremely close bond of loyalty. The latter defended the former in battles in the form of a ferocious wolf in the anthem Ptah gave life to every member of the Ennead and the soul of everyone. Horus appeared, and He appeared from thoughts in the heart of Ptah and words in the language of Ptah. The thoughts of Ptah's heart and the words of Ptah's tongue guide all the thoughts and all the words of the Ennead. Ra created with the help of material substances, while Ptah created with the help of intellectual function, this duo was known to the Greeks as Poseidon and Apollo, who worked closely together in many areas, such as the construction of the walls of Troy, and the former guarded the Delphic Oracle for the second, and in their journey they founded the Brotherhood of the Serpent.

(I think it would be cool if there was a personal wall or something on the forum, then a full-fledged social network would turn out, and then you can release the application, for example, I have something to say, you know)

There is. Just go to your profile.
Wow! Thank you for sharing this. ❤️
I agree with Alicia666. It's way too long for me to read it all, too. Besides, the wealth of information JoS offers is worth a thousand times more to me to study and apply. You should take Alicia666's advice to heart and keep it short and sweet. Then I'm sure more people will read your post.
Very interesting, but the way the information is presented. it's just exhausting to read, u don't even started u already finish

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
