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Taoism - Yule


New member
Mar 10, 2024

Hi everyone,

as you know decembre 21st is an important date, the length of night will begin to shorten and it is the most important date for Taoist meditation. These are a summary of the notes received in my past.

Now Chinese winter solstice may have a few days of difference with the western fixed date. But this year it corresponds to the same date. In 2023 it was 2023/12/22.

If you have read my old articles of taoism, you understand that the best time for practice meditation is considered to be between 11 pm and 1 am (rat hour). Since winter solstice is an other rat time, it implies double result. We have the same idea in our practices, training the sun chaka will have more impact at sun hour, double one if combine with sun day, even more if iit is in its right constellation, etc… . Vedic astrology will even consider the planet managing the lunar day and naskshatra .

Winter solstice day, do it one night before. Any practices have 10 times effect. Yang chi in your body start to stir up. Better do both chinese winter solstice and western too if they differ.

Example : Sunday 22/12/1991 is winter solstice day, so training is done Saturday rat hour. So training best for this year is Friday 12/20/2024 at rat hour. You must use the 10 000 calendar system to find the date which differ from a pure moon Chinese calendar system since 24 feast are tied to it. Chinese use the moon calendar for the festivity of begiining of the new year, the year do not start same date with 10 000 calendar .As usual theyre is figth between schools in divination, qi men dai jia, etc since they may have difference of terrestrial branches and stems in the beginning of the year. Modern professional check both in case it changes the set up.

The 8 feast part was more detailed in one of my article


Well, the text given by the teacher where Chinese with explanation of the images and his own translation .

For details physical motion Search for the book : les exercises secrets des mointes taoistes de kim tawn. There is probably an English translation

To resume each feast (24 in 10 000 chinese calendar) has a duration were you train a specific physical exercise. The book refered shows fixed date which is wrong , the feast winter solstice this year is 21/12/2024 to 2/2/2025 ( 365/24 = 15,21 days)

The site Qigong (Daoyin) for Winter Solstice — Institute for Classical Asian Medicine show the exercise

Just sit on floor leg extended,, palm over knee cap, one arm pull in elbow as other do out.

But the teacher had a second version : fist with palm on knee both arms press knee (it means fold arms to press). Rotate fist help to press 3 to 5 times. Press then release then Knock teeth and swallow saliva

Done each day rat boar time


  • face rat direction imply north
  • Visualise color chi/cloud/art of water element breathed from direction
  • you may hold full to your confort
  • Inhale more, exhale less

in one word invoke the Chinese element from that direction which is the one its coming at its strongest naturally, water is black or blue black. The color must be bright and brighter, not dull. In Modern day you have compass on phone, if you cannot have one do bardon way like shiva in ganga river, the water is around you but not touching you, choose the way to represent energy passing between you and target (rays, tendrils…)

As for inhaling more thant exhaling, it is not to waste by error good chi. Of course you may yawn since you will cumulate CO2 and feel sleepy . I believe what it is important here is in fact the intent as exhale to keep the good chi in you.

You will remark that this is a form of invocation like bardon. Let’s be modern and you may put it in aura, any part body or in a more carefull way in chakra corresponding to the part of body. I felt easier to put in aura first then oncense it to move it to both kidneys (2 balls then). But remember the concept as before of opening and closing the container. Often as mantak chia , my old teacher, the virgin in the organ open her mouth to receive the energy then close it to keep it as exhale without focus. You may choose also the variant chi kung of yan xin method, you sit on a lotus (or lotus in organ, dan tian), it opens as inhale, close as hold then exhale grey. Modern variant is of your choice as house with a door/window closing opening or a box…. Intent and imagination is the key here. Since the goal for my master was getting something, you may not do the expelling of grey of yan xin . But this is probably because we were doing the sound that is reserved to clean the organ .


Bring energy specificly to corresponding organ, in this case kidney.

It is used before breathing as a cleaning.

Cantonese sound is CHU, sounded to my ears like a French u. The sound is close to silent, doing too loud is a bigger loss of chi.

Usual number of repetition is 6 but it can be more depending how weak is the organ. Weaker could be 18 times (6*3) and if really bad 36 times (6*6).

In caseof daily training, balance is best which means 6 for each organ.

Kidney breathing is like blowing candle 36 max then do it few hours later (whoooo) good if pain there

You see here a variant of sound as who instead chu. Tien tao chi kung (mandarin use chway) and mantak chia have a variant of sound too. I wonder if the sound is different because of local ways. When you sneeze do you do atchoum (French) or atchrie (English) ?

You can do the physical exercise told in mantak chia, tien tao chi kung too. Siting posture on chair as little horse stance, arms hold knees like embracing, eyes look 45 down. Expelling impurities may be combine with visualization (grey out from kidney with sound). The posture gives pressure on lower back and serves for my part more as a helper for focus on kidney zone.


That part was detailled in an old article

Different preparation are done and adjusted with the association with the element of the season. A little like liber 777 (? Could be an other book, not sure since I do not have it) where Crowley has compiled associations that were used for building rituals, but it is corrupted with Judaism.

Reading again that article i thought something unsaid. Why so mutch emphasis on specific diet before a training ? Strong chances that the concept was based in fact on speed of digestion. Example, Meat takes the most time according to montignac. Eat nothing at all and you are distracted by your stomach hunger, eat too mutch and pain distract, eat too close to meditation hour too. Eating before going jogging or swimming, strong exercises is not recommended since you may have cramps.

In the chinese association of that time, Chinese yule was used for Christmas party for the french and English chinese learner, the student of calligraphy (her wife was one of the top in china) and of course Taoist students. This is why the teacher was saying to use the sound of stomach, rubbing it top down motion as do little walking in room before starting meditation. So if you feast 21 instead 24 at night as Mexican or 25 as westerner, doing the earth sound to avoid distraction. would be useful

I am sure the part with bath and shower, some have already thougth to combine it with bardon way (visualization of your choice like light cleaning grey out and suggestion at present tense as cleaning yourself with aura.

About the difference between false and pure incense, Chemicals are in theory not natural therefore bad. You will remark that more and more you find artiificial flavour of beef, chicken, shrimp, vanilla, chocolate, etc…. It cost less to make a product with it that the real one but no investigation was requested yet for health impact at long term as OGM. Ligth smell is used because too strong it will change your focus (bad one or too pleasant one)

Why reading cannons ? Simple, it is harder to fall asleep if your brain is overstimulated (tv with stress movies, thinking too mutch about something, etc…). Here cannons are better because we want to train spiritually, it will educates In same time and maintain your focus on training.
Using music help having the right mood but we have to take care of the beat. Heart speed react to beat rhythm. With heavy metal, I doubt you will relax, with babies music will probably make you fall asleep.
As for the exercise of fire : we use it in 40 days program. In one world phosphenism of lefebure (fire ball, point of light, fixing light incense or a light ordinary bulb, fixing reflection sun on water). But here you add the suggestion/intent for calming the mind.


Already detailled in some of my articles.


  • Do not sweat heavily like in summer, must conserve yang chi if not symptoms will appear in next seasons. Not excess hot bath because you will sweat, try to go bed early (before 24_, get up preferably after sunrise. Go to bed early and do not wake up (go up) before sunrise. Morning this time, risk of catching wind cold.

  • Do not add clothes all of a sudden until feel really cold. (for increase resistance against). Too warm is no good, add one by one some clothing. Just cool is ok.

  • When perspire wind is coming inside, we absorb more of water around. Avoid sweating, cover all orifices, take a bit at a time ( snuffling snow). NO hot bath (until sweat come out heavily). Winter time of rest/hibernation, you must follow nature, they conserve energy for next year. All activities / motion is done with yang chi. If dissipates limited yang chi, you will got problems in next spring, even in summer. Better not to sweat, but little can be acceptable.

  • For ordinary people avoid barbecue meat, not arms handed near stove (to warm yourself), time of contraction so everything will shrink inside. No water melon, do not wear too much clothers. if feet cold, wear only if feel cold, add one by one until feel comfortable

  • Advise is rub until warm (towel by example) then shower cold (or bath). Gradually put colder, not try if problem of heart. It is way to train skin, it push chi to surface. Help to make chi move out at your command.

  • Strong /strenuous exercise not recommended since in nature time of storage, conversation of energy. Not follow it means overstress, problems at long term.

  • Not go out if not necessary

  • Eat or drink bitter, no salty, no spicy or hot help strengthen the weaker is better than conquer by sweetness as chocolate (spicy birth water, salty = water). Eat big cucumber (bitter), radish (bitter) endimes (bitter) vinegar (sour). More bitter : grapefruit, vinegar, chicoree, red raddish, Less chinese noodle

Fire is mental concentration, Fore on kidney will make mouth full of saliva with distilled water

Talking too much and chi will go out by mouth

Animal soul prefer body dirty. Taking often bath will put it more under control.

CArefeul, water strong so easy heart attack (water destroy fire )

Cold shower time … excess sweat and trapped shi inside, skin stronger … cold weather

Less sex child time ??? for heatlh since discard chi.

That suppress and loose while he grows; twice worst, 3 time worst afer meditation, worse in winter. (he means loosing jing, ejaculation for man. In one word no sex just after meditating, and not going right away to bathroom, your gains will be thrown away. In one word be prepared.


After meditation do not go right away to sleep, wait 15 minutes.

Man careful easy for dream excretion (urge) at rat. Must control it. No porno movie since loosen control. So more exercise so ? distributed in all body, not concentrated on sex. Direct energy to head won ting…

Meditation done half-hungry. Breathing cannot be done outside but meditation better not. Yang chi sink inside. More vulnerable to cold, so that is why we finish by rubbing a lot to call yang chi to skin.

Do not go right away to sleep, do exercises physical before otherwise high change nocturnal emissions. Eat lightly (vegetarian better)

Mind must completely black, yin, clean bath before.

Avoid 24 hours before gambling, play, tv so you prepare your mind and body, little incense natural. The worst is strong since not good, no chemicals, not take in drugstore decorated ones, not cheap ones, not too much so fire detectors starts.

When finish beware or urge (do more exercises) and deep breathing, regulate chi upward before it becomes sexual desire otherwise impure chi is forced to go up. Exercises physical will spread out the chi. Transport impure chi to nourish brain damage it.

Use real time.

Example : in Quebec the real one is winter time hour. If you are born at 3 am in summer time, you are in fact born at 2am since we have advance of one hour . There is software helping to know real solar birth time. In the past Divination Chinese as 8 character system were based with day light time. For night birth they were using systems of water as sumerians to divide night time. They are still fights between new age and old age to know who is right or wrong. Standard time was done because they were difference between cities of many minutes. If It was 1 hour there, swicth degree on map difference increase more and more.

It is also possible that in fact we must use magical hours for Chinese as we do for western magick. Imagine the impact on chinese divination. You are born 3h10 with winter time so technicly you are supposed to be born in tiger period (period 3 to 5) but in fact the magical hour could mean you are boar, same if too close to the ending time of tiger, you may be rabbit.. . In case you do not know magical hour is dividing in 12 the period of time between rising and setting sun (light), idem for night (darkness time), in one word it is a period of time that varies with season, one western period could be 45 minutes instead fixed hour = 60 minutes.So applying this concept to Chinese 2 hours period will mean for example tiger last 2*45 minutes instead common 2 hours . Imagine qi men dai jia (wonderful doors system) corrected with magical hours. No professional seems yet to check it out about the impact. I guess it is due to litlles cases orthat it will have low impacts.

Still when someone say at rat time concentrate only on rat point (perineum) , changing hour means an other point, it may have an impact. And for Chinese medicine The chi in meridians for modern acupuncture won’t be at same place or treatments. Remember that in the past westerner magicians were using 1 hour system and not new age magical hour. Chinese hasn’t started yet to validate that idea.

Training to do

  • Moon chi (said in other article for details breahting from moon, you can do as our variant on site)
  • Meditation
  • Exercises
  • Breath/visualisation
  • Meditation
  • Physical
  • Breath
  • Over

Before 22/12/91 take clean bath, buy a little smoke of Chinese incense (cender wood) recite yang fu ying (yellow cannon) 2 times or any chapter of the tao te king

Face north (winter) at 12 (between 11 and 1)

Men concentrate on yeung kio and girl in front

To avoid sleepiness, massages mostly kidneys, solde feet, face,body

Real time training is midnight (so if you cannot do 11 to 1, do a period including midnigth)

Kidney warm jing is produced (reiunforce them so less leakage night)

Just to say light exercise can be smooth chi kung or tai chi or any others. The idea is not to sweat since we loose chi. And rubbing kidneys with circles center line up to sides body is also important when you finish your meditation (rub palms first so they are hot).


Whathever you choose to do either taoist way or exercises on the site (our types of breathing, visualisation, yoga, void meditation, chakras exercises.....) will have more effects if you practice on the first day of winter sosltice period.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
