JoS Forum Contributions
Satanism And Reiki
The temple of Sonten in Japan:
The serious people in Reiki who study the actual system from Japan understand there is a information gap a lot is missing. However this is hidden in plain sight.
The story of Mikao Usui is after an exhausting spiritual practice on Mount Kurama the God of Kurama, Sonten appeared to him and transmitted the knowledge of Reiki. Usui was raised a Samurai in the tradition of his family and as part of this was taught spiritual practice. He was a spiritual practitioner his whole life raised in a Pagan culture. The martial arts the Samurai classes were taught in Japan have a deep spiritual dimension to them that involved working with the serpent power system of the individuals psyche. They included mundra's, mantra's, banda's, breathing exercises and postures to active the chakras the serpent centers and awaken the serpent Kundalini and awaken and direct this power by the spiritualized mind. In the history of Japan psychic warfare was a major part of the military campaigns fought by the Samurai classes in Japan. The open secret of Japanese culture is its mainly ancient Hinduism, they even have Ganesha as a major Pagan God in Japan. The Hindu records state the period called the golden age of the Lemurian civilization of Kumara Kandam was ruled by Sanat Kumara this involved the ancient civilizations of the Far East. From India, Tibet, China, central Asia or the Saka Empire which was Aryan and ruled by Sanat Kumara from Shamballa in the modern Gobi region and to Japan.
Buddhism in Japan is different then the general Indian and Asian mainland. Buddhism was never really accepted in Japan and thus the Buddhism that remained is noted to simply be the already existing ancient Paganism that took on some Buddhist window dressing. The temple at Mount Kurama to Sonten where Usui obtained this system has the three major Reiki symbols on the wall. Of the three symbols two are Sanskrit letters one of them is for the God Kannon and the other the Tantric mantra of Hum which is the main mantra of serpent power yoga. Kannon is a well known pre Buddhist God and is the God Kana Deva in Hinduism. Kannon is one of the most popular Pagan Gods in Japan and rules the 33 steps to heaven the 33 levels of the spine the serpent must travel upwards to the crown chakra. The symbol of Kannon on the temple wall is called the symbol of Love in Reiki, this is because Kannon or Kana/Kama deva's symbols rule the alchemical sexual union of the male and female chakras and male and female nadis and the pingala and Ida nadis in the central nadi the Sushumna that are the energetic principals that are required for raising the serpent up the 33 parts of the spine which is Kannon's number to the crown and transforming the soul this is why Kannon is the God of Love its a spiritual meaning. The other symbol on the temple wall the symbol of power in Reiki is the Hum mantra which is the mantra of Rudra the Vedic deity known popularly as Shiva, this mantra is for awakening the serpent power. These are aspects of Sonten Kurama. In Hinduism Kana and Shiva are aspects and forms of Sanat Kumara.
Inside the temple at Mount Kurama:
Sonten is a pre Buddhist deity and one of the most ancient deities in Japan, Soten Kurama is Sanat Kumara in Hinduism. In Hinduism Sanat Kumara is the most ancient form of Shiva and also called Kana Deva and is the God of Kundalini Yoga in Hinduism that all Yogi's seek the blessing of for their initiation into Kundalini Yoga and in South India the Kundalini Yogi's all follow Sanat Kumara [also called Murrugan] as part of their spiritual path. Sanat Kumara is Venus in Hinduism. Pranic healing or Reiki is part of Hindu Kundalini yoga and taught as such.
The sigil of Sonten in Reiki is the Usui masters symbol, however its also believed the Raku symbol is the actual master symbol also note some forms of the Raku symbol resemble the Hum sigil and is used with shaktipat to open the flow of the serpent energy up from the crown down the spine to connect through the chakras to the root to awaken kundalini in Reiki and the Asian letter characters are charged Pagan sigils:
"Raku symbol (pronounced Ra-Koo), also known as the “Lightening Bolt”, is used in the Master level of Reiki in the attunement process. The symbol is said to represent the chi, prana or the life force energy that runs down the spine through the chakras."
Reiki is a word that means serpent power which is symbolized as the lighting. Raku is the word for serpent power and the symbol of Raku is the serpent energy. In the ancient languages in the east Reiki and Raku literally mean the same thing. Rei or Ra are the same term in the east and relate to power of spiritual energy and Ki or Ku both mean serpent god. Sonten Kurama is the serpent God.
The mythos of Sonten is that He came from Venus to earth six million years ago and saved earth. This is the general mythos of Sanat Kumara in the east. Venus rules the serpent energy in Hinduism the serpent around Shiva's neck which is His Shakti or serpent life force energy and is called Vasuki, Vasu is a name for Venus in Sanskrit and Ki is the serpent God. Sonten is the serpent energy which transforms the world the individual person into the ascended state or Light Body. This is why Sonten rules Mount Kurama its the symbol of the spine like Mount Meru and Ku is the serpent God in the far east. The Ku represents ether which is ruled by the central Sushumna nadi and Ra the sun and Ma the moon nadis. Kurama is the three nadis that form the symbol of the Caduceus wand when the three connect they form a chakra as they wind up the spine into the brain where they unite. The six is the number of sexual union of the six major chakra the three male and three female and the heart is neutral and connects the upper and lower chakras. Ku as ether is the heart chakra and the Ra male chakras and Ma female chakras all united as well.
The symbol of Sonten at the temple at Mount Kurama is also the tantric triangle with the symbol of the heart of heaven in the east within the center where the three nadis connect in the center of the head. Each circle represents spirit and the connection of spiritual power with the three nadis it also shows the connection of the three female the circle and male the line chakra's together the union of the soul. The triangle is facing upwards showing the serpent fire rising to the crown chakra and the triangle is the symbol of the crown chakra in Tantra. Its the yantra of the united soul with the serpent power and the awakened third eye and opened crown chakra which gives one the spirituality enlightened state.
Sonten's yantra:
The mount pillar of Sonten shows the spine with the three worlds along them the three major chakras that form the root, heart and ajna chakra in the east the shape is spear like showing the serpent fully ascended to the crown opening and uniting all the chakras along the way including the three knots or worlds:
In Japan the God Sonten is symbolically the serpent power and its transforming effects of the individual soul into the transformed spiritual state of the Light Body and the process of becoming an immortal enlightened being.
The Yezidhi's whom are from the ancient Persians [Saka People] and themselves state they came from ancient northern India and state their head God is Sanat Kumara in India and themselves they are actually Hindu in their customs. They call their God Satan, the name Sanat means Eternal in Sanskrit and Satan also means Eternal in Sanskrit both titles mean the same. Sanat Kumara is Satan Kurama. Which means: The Eternal Serpent. The Yezidhi's spiritual hymns are full of ancient Sanskrit words. Satana is the ancient name of Kundalini power in ancient Persia regions. This becomes Satanas in Latin.
Reiki is Satan's gift to humanity and Reiki is a Kundalini system this is the missing part its the serpent power yoga system in Japan and the ability to heal is a spiritual power or Siddhi of Kundalini yoga. Soten Kurama, Satan rules the serpent power yoga in Japan. This is why in Hindu Kundalini yoga Satanama is the highest mantra name of Sanat Kumara who rules this serpent power yoga and it means Hail Satan.
What happened later on Hawayo Takata, brought Reiki to America and then to make this appealing to a Christian population corrupted Reiki and claimed it was taught to her by the healing hand of Jesus who touched her and healed her. She also was charging up to ten thousand dollars for the higher levels of Reiki attunements. She corrupted it and probably removed a lot of the actual spiritual practices out of it. This has become the dominate system in the west the corrupted version. Its further been corrupted by New Agers and linked into Angels which is the enemy thought form of Christ Consciousness and the enemy entities the Greys behind it. The New Ager is taught to channel their Angel guides who send the energy now so they are depended on enemy entities which damn them. And not opening up and transforming their own souls with the serpent of the true God Satan and using their own abilities to heal others. So they are left powerless and spirituality damned by the enemy.
Satan Kurama is the Eternal Serpent God and was worshipped all over the ancient world. In the ancient east the Yoga texts state its only by activating and raising the serpent and transforming the soul can one obtain eternal life and this spiritual knowledge was given to humanity by Satan Kurama.
'The Serpent, the Eagle, the Lion and the Disk, Brannon Parker
Merging with Siva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Kundalini Yoga, Swami Sivananda
The Alchemical Body, Gordon White
Usui biography
The temple of Sonten in Japan:
The serious people in Reiki who study the actual system from Japan understand there is a information gap a lot is missing. However this is hidden in plain sight.
The story of Mikao Usui is after an exhausting spiritual practice on Mount Kurama the God of Kurama, Sonten appeared to him and transmitted the knowledge of Reiki. Usui was raised a Samurai in the tradition of his family and as part of this was taught spiritual practice. He was a spiritual practitioner his whole life raised in a Pagan culture. The martial arts the Samurai classes were taught in Japan have a deep spiritual dimension to them that involved working with the serpent power system of the individuals psyche. They included mundra's, mantra's, banda's, breathing exercises and postures to active the chakras the serpent centers and awaken the serpent Kundalini and awaken and direct this power by the spiritualized mind. In the history of Japan psychic warfare was a major part of the military campaigns fought by the Samurai classes in Japan. The open secret of Japanese culture is its mainly ancient Hinduism, they even have Ganesha as a major Pagan God in Japan. The Hindu records state the period called the golden age of the Lemurian civilization of Kumara Kandam was ruled by Sanat Kumara this involved the ancient civilizations of the Far East. From India, Tibet, China, central Asia or the Saka Empire which was Aryan and ruled by Sanat Kumara from Shamballa in the modern Gobi region and to Japan.
Buddhism in Japan is different then the general Indian and Asian mainland. Buddhism was never really accepted in Japan and thus the Buddhism that remained is noted to simply be the already existing ancient Paganism that took on some Buddhist window dressing. The temple at Mount Kurama to Sonten where Usui obtained this system has the three major Reiki symbols on the wall. Of the three symbols two are Sanskrit letters one of them is for the God Kannon and the other the Tantric mantra of Hum which is the main mantra of serpent power yoga. Kannon is a well known pre Buddhist God and is the God Kana Deva in Hinduism. Kannon is one of the most popular Pagan Gods in Japan and rules the 33 steps to heaven the 33 levels of the spine the serpent must travel upwards to the crown chakra. The symbol of Kannon on the temple wall is called the symbol of Love in Reiki, this is because Kannon or Kana/Kama deva's symbols rule the alchemical sexual union of the male and female chakras and male and female nadis and the pingala and Ida nadis in the central nadi the Sushumna that are the energetic principals that are required for raising the serpent up the 33 parts of the spine which is Kannon's number to the crown and transforming the soul this is why Kannon is the God of Love its a spiritual meaning. The other symbol on the temple wall the symbol of power in Reiki is the Hum mantra which is the mantra of Rudra the Vedic deity known popularly as Shiva, this mantra is for awakening the serpent power. These are aspects of Sonten Kurama. In Hinduism Kana and Shiva are aspects and forms of Sanat Kumara.
Inside the temple at Mount Kurama:
Sonten is a pre Buddhist deity and one of the most ancient deities in Japan, Soten Kurama is Sanat Kumara in Hinduism. In Hinduism Sanat Kumara is the most ancient form of Shiva and also called Kana Deva and is the God of Kundalini Yoga in Hinduism that all Yogi's seek the blessing of for their initiation into Kundalini Yoga and in South India the Kundalini Yogi's all follow Sanat Kumara [also called Murrugan] as part of their spiritual path. Sanat Kumara is Venus in Hinduism. Pranic healing or Reiki is part of Hindu Kundalini yoga and taught as such.
The sigil of Sonten in Reiki is the Usui masters symbol, however its also believed the Raku symbol is the actual master symbol also note some forms of the Raku symbol resemble the Hum sigil and is used with shaktipat to open the flow of the serpent energy up from the crown down the spine to connect through the chakras to the root to awaken kundalini in Reiki and the Asian letter characters are charged Pagan sigils:
"Raku symbol (pronounced Ra-Koo), also known as the “Lightening Bolt”, is used in the Master level of Reiki in the attunement process. The symbol is said to represent the chi, prana or the life force energy that runs down the spine through the chakras."
Reiki is a word that means serpent power which is symbolized as the lighting. Raku is the word for serpent power and the symbol of Raku is the serpent energy. In the ancient languages in the east Reiki and Raku literally mean the same thing. Rei or Ra are the same term in the east and relate to power of spiritual energy and Ki or Ku both mean serpent god. Sonten Kurama is the serpent God.
The mythos of Sonten is that He came from Venus to earth six million years ago and saved earth. This is the general mythos of Sanat Kumara in the east. Venus rules the serpent energy in Hinduism the serpent around Shiva's neck which is His Shakti or serpent life force energy and is called Vasuki, Vasu is a name for Venus in Sanskrit and Ki is the serpent God. Sonten is the serpent energy which transforms the world the individual person into the ascended state or Light Body. This is why Sonten rules Mount Kurama its the symbol of the spine like Mount Meru and Ku is the serpent God in the far east. The Ku represents ether which is ruled by the central Sushumna nadi and Ra the sun and Ma the moon nadis. Kurama is the three nadis that form the symbol of the Caduceus wand when the three connect they form a chakra as they wind up the spine into the brain where they unite. The six is the number of sexual union of the six major chakra the three male and three female and the heart is neutral and connects the upper and lower chakras. Ku as ether is the heart chakra and the Ra male chakras and Ma female chakras all united as well.
The symbol of Sonten at the temple at Mount Kurama is also the tantric triangle with the symbol of the heart of heaven in the east within the center where the three nadis connect in the center of the head. Each circle represents spirit and the connection of spiritual power with the three nadis it also shows the connection of the three female the circle and male the line chakra's together the union of the soul. The triangle is facing upwards showing the serpent fire rising to the crown chakra and the triangle is the symbol of the crown chakra in Tantra. Its the yantra of the united soul with the serpent power and the awakened third eye and opened crown chakra which gives one the spirituality enlightened state.
Sonten's yantra:
The mount pillar of Sonten shows the spine with the three worlds along them the three major chakras that form the root, heart and ajna chakra in the east the shape is spear like showing the serpent fully ascended to the crown opening and uniting all the chakras along the way including the three knots or worlds:
In Japan the God Sonten is symbolically the serpent power and its transforming effects of the individual soul into the transformed spiritual state of the Light Body and the process of becoming an immortal enlightened being.
The Yezidhi's whom are from the ancient Persians [Saka People] and themselves state they came from ancient northern India and state their head God is Sanat Kumara in India and themselves they are actually Hindu in their customs. They call their God Satan, the name Sanat means Eternal in Sanskrit and Satan also means Eternal in Sanskrit both titles mean the same. Sanat Kumara is Satan Kurama. Which means: The Eternal Serpent. The Yezidhi's spiritual hymns are full of ancient Sanskrit words. Satana is the ancient name of Kundalini power in ancient Persia regions. This becomes Satanas in Latin.
Reiki is Satan's gift to humanity and Reiki is a Kundalini system this is the missing part its the serpent power yoga system in Japan and the ability to heal is a spiritual power or Siddhi of Kundalini yoga. Soten Kurama, Satan rules the serpent power yoga in Japan. This is why in Hindu Kundalini yoga Satanama is the highest mantra name of Sanat Kumara who rules this serpent power yoga and it means Hail Satan.
What happened later on Hawayo Takata, brought Reiki to America and then to make this appealing to a Christian population corrupted Reiki and claimed it was taught to her by the healing hand of Jesus who touched her and healed her. She also was charging up to ten thousand dollars for the higher levels of Reiki attunements. She corrupted it and probably removed a lot of the actual spiritual practices out of it. This has become the dominate system in the west the corrupted version. Its further been corrupted by New Agers and linked into Angels which is the enemy thought form of Christ Consciousness and the enemy entities the Greys behind it. The New Ager is taught to channel their Angel guides who send the energy now so they are depended on enemy entities which damn them. And not opening up and transforming their own souls with the serpent of the true God Satan and using their own abilities to heal others. So they are left powerless and spirituality damned by the enemy.
Satan Kurama is the Eternal Serpent God and was worshipped all over the ancient world. In the ancient east the Yoga texts state its only by activating and raising the serpent and transforming the soul can one obtain eternal life and this spiritual knowledge was given to humanity by Satan Kurama.
'The Serpent, the Eagle, the Lion and the Disk, Brannon Parker
Merging with Siva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Kundalini Yoga, Swami Sivananda
The Alchemical Body, Gordon White
Usui biography