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Question #4521: I asked question 4491 why is feminism evil


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I have to first thank High priest HC and High priestess Lydia and others for paying attention to my question.HP HC I really respect you and I know that you could never be sexist or against women at all.What Im going to write is a reply to someone who completely destroyed the argument by thinking women dont suffer at all.

Someone said if women want the right to vote they should be drafted.I personally dont think anyone,any man or any woman should be drafted without their own free will but I dont think women being drafted is really as bad as some people think.I actually think 99% of women's problems would have been solved if they tried to be as strong as men.

But you seem to ignore the risk of pregnancy.The truth is every pregnancy has a risk of death and the number of maternal death in the last 20 years (the ones that are recorded) is 287000 women.This last 20 years have been the best years for women's health so imagine how many women died to give birth in the last like 3000 years where men were fighting.

Also why do you think women dont suffer in wars?why do you think women dont pay a price in wars?How many women have been ra*ed,tort*red and ki**ed during wars when 1 side loses the battle?How many women and their kids were starved to death because their men went to war?Women in some countries dont fight in wars but that doesnt mean they didnt pay their debts to the government and their country by giving birth,raising kids,taking care of the household and also helping their husbands with their business.If you ask any farmer you know that their wives arent useless objects who sit around and do nothing.After the war is over in many countries like south korea and afghanistan they send women to get exploded on mines that are left in the war zone.

Women also fight in wars if allowed but a lot of countries dont allow it because it endangers the survival of their race.For this women in many countries had to endure sharing their husbands to other women so the race wont die out.So yes I think we earned the right to vote after all.

About those crazy women who want to kill men I havent even heard their names and I bet if you ask women 9 out of 10 women wont even know what you are talking about because majority of women basically know these are bitches and shouldnt be even listened to.
Now try any misogyny related name and you find a lot of male and female fans for them because the media cant stop forcing them down the people's throat.Amber heard was an abusive bitch and everyone hates her and slanders her but then you have 2 billions of muslims and 2 billions of christians and at least 2 billions of retards who openly talk about beating women as a form of discipline.In most countries if a woman goes to the police with a purple eye and a broken neck the police will make fun of her and sends her home to her father or husband.If you see your neighbor beating the crap out of his wife and call the police,the police will say well since beating women is legal call me back when she is dead to see if I can do anything about the killer.

About cyberbullies you talked about recently they also found a telegram group in South korea where 260K men were doing terrible things you can read here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nth_Room_case

260K men in S korea means 1 out of 100 men you meet everyday on your way to work,school,hospital and ....Some of them were teachers and doctors which means they had access to female children.Read more about the Nth room case because I dont want to pollute the forum by writing the horror in this story.

About men getting violated this is sadly very true but most of the times other men are hurting you,most women dont even have the power to hurt you.I personally would want to help a man when he cries but Im scared he will be mad at the moment and hurt me.When two men are killing each other the only thing a woman could do is to call the police,if she gets involved she cant do anything.
I can write you a book here.

I end my argument here because I dont want to cause any problem.Im not a feminist but I strongly disagree with non white people being in the west.I think they pollute white men's minds and turn them into monsters.I also believe white women need to do better and specially give birth more than non whites.Women need to fight for Europe and White men too should stick around with their kids and not leave them.Fatherless behavior shouldnt exist in the White world..
Someone said if women want the right to vote they should be drafted.I personally dont think anyone,any man or any woman should be drafted without their own free will but I dont think women being drafted is really as bad as some people think.I actually think 99% of women's problems would have been solved if they tried to be as strong as men.
Women are built differently than men and should not be drafted into the army. (and I mean the case of women being thrown onto the battlefield with weapons, not about desk job in military)
Men who want to send a women to war do not think straight and are out of their minds. It's not compatibility with female energy at all. Women can be strong in other ways, we don't have to prove our strength by entering the battlefield and pretending to be men.
But you seem to ignore the risk of pregnancy.The truth is every pregnancy has a risk of death and the number of maternal death in the last 20 years (the ones that are recorded) is 287000 women.This last 20 years have been the best years for women's health so imagine how many women died to give birth in the last like 3000 years where men were fighting.
It's true, this is a problem. A future mother should have access to better obstetric care during childbirth and appropriate prenatal care. In a world free from jews, improved technology and amenities, increased awareness and improved life and safety, men would not have to die senselessly in wars anymore and women would not have to die in childbirth.
Also why do you think women dont suffer in wars?why do you think women dont pay a price in wars?How many women have been ra*ed,tort*red and ki**ed during wars when 1 side loses the battle?How many women and their kids were starved to death because their men went to war?Women in some countries dont fight in wars but that doesnt mean they didnt pay their debts to the government and their country by giving birth,raising kids,taking care of the household and also helping their husbands with their business.If you ask any farmer you know that their wives arent useless objects who sit around and do nothing.After the war is over in many countries like south korea and afghanistan they send women to get exploded on mines that are left in the war zone.
Everyone suffers during wars. Men, women and children. And everyone helps in their own way according to their predispositions and skills.
Women also fight in wars if allowed but a lot of countries dont allow it because it endangers the survival of their race.For this women in many countries had to endure sharing their husbands to other women so the race wont die out.So yes I think we earned the right to vote after all.
Since women have the gift of creating life, they should not be thrown to death, because this ensures the certain death of civilization and will prevent the reconstruction of the population. And I don't think loyal, wonderful men would like this solution either, but some sacrifices are necessary to be done, especially when a population is at risk of collapse, that's why there is a focus on having children as many as possible.
About those crazy women who want to kill men I havent even heard their names and I bet if you ask women 9 out of 10 women wont even know what you are talking about because majority of women basically know these are bitches and shouldnt be even listened to.
Now try any misogyny related name and you find a lot of male and female fans for them because the media cant stop forcing them down the people's throat.Amber heard was an abusive bitch and everyone hates her and slanders her but then you have 2 billions of muslims and 2 billions of christians and at least 2 billions of retards who openly talk about beating women as a form of discipline.In most countries if a woman goes to the police with a purple eye and a broken neck the police will make fun of her and sends her home to her father or husband.If you see your neighbor beating the crap out of his wife and call the police,the police will say well since beating women is legal call me back when she is dead to see if I can do anything about the killer.
I do not agree. When someone openly shows misogyny, they are immediately condemned. Moreover, the situations you show usually take place in Islamic countries. The white man will be the first to help the woman. Nowadays, white men are portrayed as murderers, criminals and rapists, which is completely untrue, and this falsehood makes white men the most discriminated group nowadays. I'm not saying that every white man is flawless, but they are certainly not criminals beating and raping women right and left. From my observations, many white men are the first to defend and help women. When you hear about injustice against women, they are immediately the first to bring justice to the defence of women. This is also the case in my country.
About men getting violated this is sadly very true but most of the times other men are hurting you,most women dont even have the power to hurt you.I personally would want to help a man when he cries but Im scared he will be mad at the moment and hurt me.When two men are killing each other the only thing a woman could do is to call the police,if she gets involved she cant do anything.
I can write you a book here.
Women also harm men mentally and falsely accuse them of rape or molestation. Unfortunately, I know of one such case. It is true that men hurt women physically and a woman does not have such physical strength, but she can ruin his life through false accusations or mental violence.
I end my argument here because I dont want to cause any problem.Im not a feminist but I strongly disagree with non white people being in the west.I think they pollute white men's minds and turn them into monsters.I also believe white women need to do better and specially give birth more than non whites.Women need to fight for Europe and White men too should stick around with their kids and not leave them.Fatherless behavior shouldnt exist in the White world..
We all need to become better and work together. We will not improve the world by fighting against each other in senseless gender war created by the jews.
You are right in everything that you are saying. As a smart woman, it would be good for you to vote.

But it is also a fact that in all of these white countries, all of the suicidal programs of importing all of the worthless criminals of the world to come replace us, give them free house, free car, free food, and endless amounts of free money while the actual citizens who have built everything are getting everything taken from them to be given to the criminal invaders. Plus everything else like legalizing crimes, legalizing drugs, legalizing stealing and violence.

Every one of these suicidal and retarded policies are voted for by something like 90% of women. There are some worthless men who are damning their own people by voting for these things, but the number is much lower. Because the women vote by "compassion" and they have such a high amount of "compassion" that they will kill their own children just so that a larger amount of resources are available for Abdullah to have his 50 children. If no woman voted, every one of these evil communist jew plans for the total extinction of our people would have never happened, just by the fact that women make up nearly all of who is voting for these.

I like you and I agree with you, but what I have said is also important to consider.
There's an old saying that goes "evil doesn't create it only takes an existing good and twists and distorts it".

This being said, "modern feminism" - namely in trying to make women a bunch of steroided freakshows has nothing to do with the original true "feminism" - which was women's rights, giving women the right to vote, the right to work, the right to you know....not just be seen as worthless whores whose job in life to stay in the kitchen, and etc. During the Xian middle ages, women were literally seen as tools and objects, same as Islam and its why often not, royal bloodlines were always regarded from patrilineal lineage.

Liberal hollywood makes this no better.....and also wants to push the idea that women are tools, whores, sluts, to be pushed around, abused, by douchebags.

"True feminism" at its core was meant to resist that aka "women's rights".

"Modern feminism" seeks the very dangerous practices, such as putting women in sports competition matches against men for "muh equality", or sending women out in the battlefield, cutting off their breasts or proclaiming that they can reproduce without men and the such. Contrary to what "modern feminists" think, forbidding women to go out in dangerous battlefields is protective, not restrictive of their rights.

Of course, women should learn self-defense, and how to operate firearms and etc., let's say in a particular situation where all the men have died against an invading army, and the enemy is pounding right in their doorsteps or in abusive situations (which is more dangerous than some outside invaders, and often-not requires other things outside of guns and martial arts).

Even communism itself was distorted from the original ideology of socialism and "communal" cohesion.
I think that you are addressing several issues at once here.

Firstly, the ability of women to suffer. I absolutely agree with you that women have this ability far ahead of men. In other words, if a man wanted to be able to bear a child, he would moan miserably. The man is not made for this.

However, because of this ability to endure greater pain, women should neither be mistreated nor conscripted into military service. There was the famous warlike race of Amazons, but these were not imperialist campaigns, they were purely for defense. Furthermore, and this has to do with feminism, no ideology such as that represented by feminism was constructed here in order to bring women under control. The fact is that the Jews recognized that men were under their control by working and paying taxes, while women had so far escaped this control by working at home and caring for children.

These vile, cold-blooded monsters then put the idea into women's heads that they should free themselves from male domination and fight for their own rights to self-determination. This meant that women would strive for their own careers, break away from the family bond, stand up to their husbands if necessary and leave the care of their children to the state. This feminism enabled the Jews to "kill several birds with one stone".

Since the Jews are also known for starting most of the world's wars, now that women are under their control, they have an even larger army of willing slaves at their disposal to serve their interests.

It is hard to believe, but the most feminine should know that their movement was originally created and sponsored by the Jewish Rockefeller Foundation. These powerful forces have used various media and magazines they own to spread the feminist idea to women. And it worked like a charm.

Nicholas Rockefeller said the following: "Feminism is our invention for two reasons. Before, only half the population paid taxes, now almost everyone does because women go out to work. It also destroyed the family and gave us power over children. They are under our control with our media and get our message drilled into them, they are no longer under the influence of the intact family. By turning women against men and destroying the partnership and community of the family, we have created a broken society of egoists who work (for their supposed career), consume (fashion, beauty, brands), are our slaves and think it's good."

In an interview with Aaron Russo, who is of course also Jewish, it is described how Nick Rockefeller tried to "recruit" him and as proof of "their power" told him that the Rockefeller Foundation had invented feminism.

Here is the interview:

Feminism masqueraded as a movement for women's rights. In reality, however, feminism is directed against women, a cruel lie in which they are told that their natural biological instincts have been "engineered" to suppress them.

But how can the natural role of women be a bad thing?

In fact, feminism was invented by the elite, a deliberate social reconstruction to neutralize both sexes by making women masculine and men feminine. As a result, women are incited against marriage and motherhood and men can no longer find women who want to start a family.

They are persuaded that a "career" is more important than the traditional role of mother and the elite-controlled media spread this false message.

Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
@Ĥl·lĥæ Stop giving me the Oven. If you disagree, at least explain the reason why.
I don't disagree with everything.
Only in the initial moment when you agree with *everything* that has been said, when in fact most of these statistics and explanations are false, and sometimes contradict each other.

For example, in relation to wars.
It doesn't make sense to talk about the suffering of men and women or who suffers more because that doesn't justify any argument she had previously, women fighting wars or not will continue to be raped.
Not to mention that the main question of who "conquers" or "dominates" a land is a more genetic factor, women would die more going to war and conquering their share than being at home or in other community jobs doing passive or administrative work.
My disagreement is more wrapped up in her than in you.

I'm horrible at English, I realize that my natural writing can sound offensive.
So forgive me if the tone is too bad.
To sum up
Women would suffer much more on the front line and would die a lot, few people would survive and the "conquest" and "domination" through female strength would not happen due to biological factors.
And that men are not "bad" and women "good" because naturally everything that men have conquered through force has been given freely to women to decorate and mold on top of.

This proves that, above all, men are pre-programmed to treat women extremely well, with confidence and by giving her almost everything he has.

The destruction of this nature and the creation of "sick" men who hate women or pretend to hate them has only been possible thanks to the current implementation of the great interventionist state.
The state didn't even get involved in moral or ethical education, it was only contacted at serious moments when the local community couldn't do anything.

The new provider and protector of women is now the state, so the old way of life for most women and men has become useless and worthless.
@Ĥl·lĥæ Stop giving me the Oven. If you disagree, at least explain the reason why.
But I don't think you really agreed with everything that was said.
You just said it because it was convenient and you thought it wouldn't hurt.
To sum up
Women would suffer much more on the front line and would die a lot, few people would survive and the "conquest" and "domination" through female strength would not happen due to biological factors.
And that men are not "bad" and women "good" because naturally everything that men have conquered through force has been given freely to women to decorate and mold on top of.

This proves that, above all, men are pre-programmed to treat women extremely well, with confidence and by giving her almost everything he has.

The destruction of this nature and the creation of "sick" men who hate women or pretend to hate them has only been possible thanks to the current implementation of the great interventionist state.
The state didn't even get involved in moral or ethical education, it was only contacted at serious moments when the local community couldn't do anything.

The new provider and protector of women is now the state, so the old way of life for most women and men has become useless and worthless.
I said nothing about wars. I talked about what is done politically by women, in the legal and political system of the country. Women vote for political groups and policies which then destroy the country, but all of this is done legally and nonviolently.

You pretend to disagree with me, but w are talking about completely different things. I think your english is bad, because you are not understanding what any of us are talking about, and then you think that you disagree when really you don't.

And the Oven is not for simply disagreeing with someone. The Oven is to put on somebody who is a jew or an infiltrator or an evil person doing evil things. It means like "go back in the oven."
This is not the case.
The reason for my disagreement was when you said that the OP is completely right.
Your words after that were not wrong.
I mentioned the wars because it relates to the OP's post.
Taking into account your previous posts
This is not the case.
The reason for my disagreement was when you said that the OP is completely right.
Your words after that were not wrong.
I mentioned the wars because it relates to the OP's post.
Taking into account your previous posts
Ok so go disagree with that person. It's not worth giving me the Oven if 99% of my message you agreed with. 😆
I would enjoy being put in the freezer. Too hot most of the year where I live.
Same here but my family visit is finished, so I'm thankfully going back to the fridge. My condolences for your plight
Ok so go disagree with that person. It's not worth giving me the Oven if 99% of my message you agreed with. 😆
I did exactly that.
But you asked me what I thought

Don't get me wrong, I don't think you're an enemy but I like to put people in the oven. It's a good pass time, I'd pay them to add more emojis of disagreement, only light ones like a thumbs down or something.
That way I wouldn't have to use the oven on people.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
