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On doubting your workings/spells

Apr 17, 2024
I read over everything HPS Maxine stated about this on JoS many times, as I've had this issue more than once. She states that in a freeing the soul working, something karmic can pop up -- usually in the last ten days of the cycle, that will serve to derail the working. She also states that if one experiences doubt that one should reaffirm the working throughout the day to solidify it. So, I've talked to other magick practitioners, as well as read some testimonials, plus have had my own experience -- that doubt itself will not stop a spell from working. The people I've talked to and read from, as well as myself, have had doubts about the working doing its job -- but it still works, as I was surprised I had results after gave up and thought 'it's not doing anything.' It's actually obsessing over the spell not working that it dilutes it. I thought I was pronouncing something wrong and freaked out.. This happened a quarter through the first round (40-days) at like the 30-day mark. I was obsessing for like half an hour or so, then I thought that I should just reinforce the ritual a couple of times.
Rituals spoken out loud are more powerful than just thinking, and cabalistic speech is more powerful than just speaking. I figured that ding the ritual again would be better than just reaffirming it. This likely has happened for other people, so when you doubt it, just don't obsess. If you can't help but obsess, then keep doing the ritual. If this isn't enough then do a ritual to clear away self-doubt before starting a long-term ritual like that. I remember ruining a muñka because I was worrying that my initial worry had derailed it... Don't be that person. If you need to do it twice each day just to feel like you're compensating for any possible dilutions from a hyper-fixation over worrying about it, then do it if it gives needed confidence. As long is someone is open to the possibility that it could work, then that's better than totally fearing failure. If there's an 'oh fuck...." moment then do the ritual again, or at work, reaffirm it by reading off your phone, and do the working as soon as you get home or to your car.

Hail Satan!
I will add to this. Also being skillful in void meditation, AoP, returning curses, cleaning, 3 main rtrs, focusing on advancement generally like studying especially what is said by HPs Maxine and HPHC mainly, these sermons are plenty, endless and full of knowledge which helps to clear misconceptioms about the mind, magickal workings, doubts, enemy and etc., these gives power to overcome doubts and ruined workings by using common sense.
I will add to this. Also being skillful in void meditation, AoP, returning curses, cleaning, 3 main rtrs, focusing on advancement generally like studying especially what is said by HPs Maxine and HPHC mainly, these sermons are plenty, endless and full of knowledge which helps to clear misconceptioms about the mind, magickal workings, doubts, enemy and etc., these gives power to overcome doubts and ruined workings by using common sense.
Another very important point is to make sure you are capable of handling, maintain, noticing the opportunity, or think the working through for when it finally manifests. Like if you wanted to manifest a luxury or sports car, make sure you are able to pay to maintain as it will cost more than a regular car. Or getting a position at some company/job after you attain it then start to realize how underprepared you are or hate it all together because fantasy took over and your thoughts became selective.

Just an example of things to keep in mind also.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
