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Big Attack Against Our Main Sites - May 16/2023 [Update 3 - Main Sites Are Up , Forums 100% Safe, Translations ]

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=443016 time=1684256428 user_id=346]

If not allready done, could you or a other skilled SS create a up to date data backup off all the sites that were not attacked. In case they do this in the near future.

Would it be possibel to create a data backup, when ever a site is updated and store this backup in different save locations?

Thank you all for restoring the sites.
SyraS_666 said:
The enemy keeps us fit? :lol:

Anyhow i think now is the time to revive anything lost and strengthen everything
and also dealing with what is lacking or dragging behind, filling remaining holes,
even better than before? Maybe even hire some specialists in real life if necessary.

This is our time now, it must be solid.

Maybe even hire some specialists in real life if necessary.
if I'm asked to I would put down some bucks for this for real. It would be worth the investment.

We should all learn how to keep the latest back ups as well.
A note to all members is that it would be a good idea to throw in a ritual to bless the JoS every now and then.
It's time to do the Andras ritual.
Yeah I guess to look at the positive side of this we must have had huge success in waking people up cause ive been all over the place online pushing, advertising the sites non stop these past few weeks and I know i have woke up at the very least dozens of people by doing this alone, Christians try to argue with me as usual they have no argument and I Just make them look feel stupid and foolish, over the years i have developed a deep hatred for Christians, but I then get reminded that they are brainwashed and they truly don't know any better lots of us here I believe have been there,
So I know I'm actually freeing them and it feels good, I know if i was in there shoes and I was a deluded fool like them and someone out there knew the truth i would want them to reach out to me and wake me the hell up, I've also have been exposing the living shit out the jews these past few weeks exposing them and there bullshit I've been banned on alot of platform's cause oy vey! Muh antisemitism!
The Christians that are woke to the jew problem are always absolutely baffled to see satanist are really against the jews. They've been fooled into believe the jews are of satan and we all know nothing is further than the truth, so i know I've pointed them to the truth sbf I bet that pisses those parasites off badly
So for them to to pull a desperate move like this means we must've been really successful lately
they have been on a rampage of attacks all past week too, these fuckers make things difficult not gonna lie, but we will stand up as we always do
When the ritual for Andras was started(Mars in Gemini) I was told very clearly that there will be a "hack attack" and that we will come out on top. It should be no surprise that this is happening now that transiting Mrs is in negative aspect to when the ritual began. Back when I was told this I added the communications (genesis 11:9) rtr as a safegaurd, hoping this would help, so that when the resurgence of these energies came about it would soften the blow.

HP Maxine mentions that there were scientists who were never able to complete their work. The curses from the torah would act as a stumbling block. They passed away, or were stopped in some way, before they were able to bring about a major change through their craft. Nikola Tesla died in room 2237. If you evaluate this number by its prime divisor you get 3 x 1109. One of the most transformative experiences I have ever had occurred was while I was in room 119. This is not a coincidence. Advanced technologies arise out great intellects communicating and organizing with each other. We need to add the rtr for communications to our daily schedule until things get better, and so the enemy is too afraid to attack in the future. I know some of the gentiles who aid them will eventually come to our side as a result.
Shadowcat said:
I got an error code when I tried to open tor links to the rituals there in the tor browser.

I am willing to bet all of you this was Magestein. It's wierd, I had this pressuring thought about Jos going down shortly before it happened then I find out it did. I start to do RTRs and my first thoughts are "hacker" "Mageson", before I even see there even was an attempted hacking before recently. Who ever this was (I think him) this is surely the same person that tried this not too long ago.

Perhaps similarly, I had an urge to check the libraries yesterday and this morning I even notified our Italian translation chief moments before I would see HPHC posted about this. Not sure who it was, I don't think I ever spoke with Mageson when he was here, glad I didn't though, I just don't get these people faking themselves as "true" Satanists and then doing the most stupid thing in the entire universe. He'll pay along with the kikes and everyone else who supported them when the time comes.

Looking forward to the libraries being back up and running, they are an enormous source of information.

Due to personal reasons, I am unable to fulfill my duties as a Joy of Satan Guardian. With the approval and goodwill of High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, I am stepping down, effective immediately.

The website hack has been neutralized, new servers have been ordered, and everything will be fine again soon, but we will have to remove some of the new software in the interests of security. Do not worry.

I have been working double-plus-overtime for the JoS for the last few years, and I need a break. I will still be following the forums.


- Soaring Eagle 666
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=443118 time=1684296706 user_id=346]
Due to personal reasons, I am unable to fulfill my duties as a Joy of Satan Guardian. With the approval and goodwill of High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, I am stepping down, effective immediately.

The website hack has been neutralized, new servers have been ordered, and everything will be fine again soon, but we will have to remove some of the new software in the interests of security. Do not worry.

I have been working double-plus-overtime for the JoS for the last few years, and I need a break. I will still be following the forums.


- Soaring Eagle 666

You will be sorely missed. Hope to see you again soon. Where will we be with out your skills :( . I hope all goes well for you.
JoS library and some important stuff.
Thank you for letting me know.👌🩷 I was on to tore sight doing some reading.. when I noticed that there was something wrong. Especially when I try to log back on to finish where I had left off reading about demons and bio-electricity. And how to properly summons a demon and other articles that I was reading. All I was trying to do was finish from where I had left off last night and I couldn't find it
I am glad you guys are still here! And I am glad that I can still log on to this website. I noticed that the enemy is going to the extent of criticizing everything that we do and say. Those idiots don't give up! And I noticed that a lot of work websites have been attacked. I was on The tore sight and was reading when I noticed that something was wrong. Especially when I have been on there reading for the past three weeks. I wish just trying to get caught up. And was taking notes. On certain subjects. Studying about the different levels of demonology and the different ratings of the Demons and how to summons a demon and other things. And I didn't get a chance to finish! I was reading the difference between a Sabbath and assabath and I went to find where I had left off and couldn't get back on
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=443029 time=1684258975 user_id=21286]
TerKorian666 said:
does someone has working link for FRTR3+1????? rtrs sites are also turned off...

For all rituals, including RTRs and Gods' rituals, you must access the
archived version of evilgoy.com. The paintable versions of the Gods' rituals, as well as anything hosted directly from Satanslibrary, is likely broken.

The exception to this are:

Andras’s Ritual
Forum Link
Forum Archive Link

Janus’s Ritual
Forum Link
Forum Archive Link

it is strange that, on pc evilgoy is not working, but on iphone it works (not archived version.) mostly before I did all rtrs on pc, can it be they blocked it on devices where it was done?
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Due to personal reasons, I am unable to fulfill my duties as a Joy of Satan Guardian. With the approval and goodwill of High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, I am stepping down, effective immediately.

The website hack has been neutralized, new servers have been ordered, and everything will be fine again soon, but we will have to remove some of the new software in the interests of security. Do not worry.

I have been working double-plus-overtime for the JoS for the last few years, and I need a break. I will still be following the forums.


- Soaring Eagle 666

:eek: :|
Donde puedo estudiar mis meditaciones ahora ya que todos los sitios donde estudiaba estan bloqueados y nesesito avansar
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Due to personal reasons, I am unable to fulfill my duties as a Joy of Satan Guardian. With the approval and goodwill of High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, I am stepping down, effective immediately.

The website hack has been neutralized, new servers have been ordered, and everything will be fine again soon, but we will have to remove some of the new software in the interests of security. Do not worry.

I have been working double-plus-overtime for the JoS for the last few years, and I need a break. I will still be following the forums.


- Soaring Eagle 666

Thank you so much for all the work you have been doing for the past few years. You will be greatly missed Brother.
We will always be here, no matter what happens we will always survive any and all attacks. There is nothing they can do to shut us down permanently.

They can only set us back temporarily, and slander us. They cannot, and will not, ever stop us.

We've survived wars throughout history, our people genocided, our cities burned down. But yet we've still made it here. Something like this is nothing we can't overcome.

They may think by trying to shut us down they will stop us, but it's only a slight delay towards their inevitable downfall.

And we've come back stronger over and over. And each time we've grown in numbers.

All the while they've become weaker. Their lies have started unraveling,

Their underestimating us will be their undoing.

We are a strong people and I am blessed and grateful to be here with you all. Looking at this is a positive light, It's times like this that really bring us together as a community.

Hail Satan!

And Hail Lord Andras for his continued support and protection of our people.
Such attacks have always made us stronger.

May the Gods help us and make us strong in the face of adversity.

Victory is and will forever remain ours!

Hail Satan!
They are totally desperate because they know they will not win this war, if we are bothering them so much it is because our rtr has had great effects, we are in the age of truth, they will try to censor us as much as possible and we will resist with full force
I hope the attackers will die in eternal suffering, curse them!!!!
Mis hermanos les escribo porque no se donde estudiar y practicar mis meditaciones Satanicas ya que el sitio que yo visitaba me lo bloquearon que era wwwsatanisgod.org espero pronta respuesta
Que tal mis hermanos no puedo hacer mis meditaciones ya que el sitio que visitaba al parecer me lo bloqueron y era wwwsatanisgod.org
Que tal mis hermanos no puedo hacer mis meditaciones ya que el sitio que visitaba al parecer me lo bloqueron y era wwwsatanisgod.org
Que tal mis hermanos no puedo hacer mis meditaciones ya que el sitio que visitaba al parecer me lo bloqueron y era wwwsatanisgod.org
I have seen posts on jewddit (reddit) that points out that the sites are down while the forum is not and it had me wondering. I do think there is some explanation to this, maybe a safety net or precaution you guys may have to protect the forum from being taken down.

I guess my question is, why is it when the sites are down that the forum is still up

Hail Satan, hail the joy of satan clergy, and hail Hitler
Thuledragon666 said:
I have seen posts on jewddit (reddit) that points out that the sites are down while the forum is not and it had me wondering. I do think there is some explanation to this, maybe a safety net or precaution you guys may have to protect the forum from being taken down.

I guess my question is, why is it when the sites are down that the forum is still up

Hail Satan, hail the joy of satan clergy, and hail Hitler

In regards to the Forums, that is a giant success. However there is a lot of effort behind the forums here, which we have certain limitations yet to enforce on all sites, but we will make this.

It's a big success that we have like 40+ sites, and only three are down, but certainly, we are fighting up for this, no worries.

I also want to very much thank all of our own who have came to us with backup files and so on. A few have helped a lot in file losses during move.
Damn it, I really wish I had the means to help financially or something, I am so tired of not being able to do much of anything on my end to help my satanic family.. I cannot wait until i am some use.

I really hope everything will be alright soon for the servers. This whole situation in how the enemy has done this is absolutely enraging.
Nahico said:
Donde puedo estudiar mis meditaciones ahora ya que todos los sitios donde estudiaba estan bloqueados y nesesito avansar

Para eso esta la Biblioteca de Satanas. Deberia haber descargado lo que necesitabas antes del ataque. Haora no puedes porque esta bajo. Disculpe que mi Espanol no es tan bueno.
It's a big success that we have like 40+ sites, and only three are down, but certainly, we are fighting up for this, no worries.

I also want to very much thank all of our own who have came to us with backup files and so on. A few have helped a lot in file losses during move.

A mirror Site for the LIBRARY is up and running https://www.satanslibrary.link :D
They don't understand what this brings on them to do these things against the Gods, or what will happen to them too if the enemy gets their way. The enemy is notorious of sparing nothing and nobody, and these fools who do these things in "friendly emotions" to them, won't be spared [history proves this...], same as those who are even of the enemy and just deviate only 1% from their deadly agenda.

They are known for their empty promises. I highly doubt their genetic engineering was directly on part of the reptilians but more so of the grey's, which then gradually to accustomed to the features we nowadays know. They hate our kind to the core. No doubt when they're through with their plans the Jews will be destroyed by them, or to the least appropriated to their grey borg standards.

Perhaps our gods would show some mercy to those managing to maintain an actual genuine understanding of this, or even those who fell short on their retarded gambles. Either with a complete soul dissipation or correction if that's even possible. But I doubt they would still just leave them to carry on like this.

As I've read, most Jews are condemned to Gehenna, a hell like place which in their text is described as the process of "purification" which I doubt is pleasant.
The Raven said:
It's a big success that we have like 40+ sites, and only three are down, but certainly, we are fighting up for this, no worries.

I also want to very much thank all of our own who have came to us with backup files and so on. A few have helped a lot in file losses during move.

A mirror Site for the LIBRARY is up and running https://www.satanslibrary.link :D

Wow good find, this seems to be quite recent, and everything is working perfectly!
Update 3 - Main Sites Are Up , Translation Sites Still Locked, Library Will Be Up Soon

Greetings everyone,

First of all I want to thank everyone who took spiritual, financial and any other form of action to help us restore the sites.

People rushed with backups, spiritual help, a few even contributed, showing this great spirit of solidarity. The offering of abilities especially related to IT, infrastructure, programming and coding is also very important.

We can always do with more programmers.

Every-time, like previous times and even 2019, the response is very humbling and it makes us remember that we are all in this together and as one. We have overcome everything and always grown and grown.

As one can understand, certain developments in the Rituals and other things we are doing, same as our long-standing adversarial "opinions", are driving the enemy cohorts insane. Therefore they try to ramp up the spiritual and material efforts to take things down, seemingly telling themselves it would work or something.

Those responsible have just simply wasted their time once again, as we are resurfacing again more powerful than before and we will adapt to these forms of "attacks".

Attacks of poison, doubt and stupidity, fall on us like toothpicks against a great pure metal armour that is impenetrable. Their toothpicks will break, we will move on with our developments.

People with the spirit as thin as a toothpick, trying to literally pull a plug on a great dragon beast, and then getting burned in the process by it's fire.

Our community is a community under the Gods, who unite us all, and we are a very committed community. We are defenders of the Truth and the Gods.

Unfortunately, this hack kept me back from very constructive work and releases, to which I will be returning of course immediately and without delays when we are done with restoration.

The Translation sites remain locked until we have a clear overview on their security. We have these all backed up so no matter what, things should be fine.

There will be a few structural changes on the inner side of infrastructure and JoS, but nothing really to affect anyone in their use of the sites. We will come back with TENFOLD resilience after this.

Since the modules that were related to the attack, could be the new search functions and other functions planted in the sites like these, we have temporarily removed them until we find a viable and safe restoration for these abilities on the site.

We are also checking into if we will be moving the forums into more dedicated infrastructure, yet everything up to now appears to be 100% fine here since the beginning. So here there is no issue. If any upgrade happens here, it will be hardly noticeable and will arrive with like 10 minutes downtime.

The PDF Projects and translation projects will receive updates on the new tools & platforms we will be using from now on.

Lastly, we will hire hackers and pen-testing experts [if any of you are reading, mail me at [email protected]] to try all sorts of breaches. When the schedule attacks will commence for penetration testing on the new infrastructure and servers, to avoid confusion, we will let everyone know by a public announcement.

Granted everything I believe everything will be back to normal very soon. I believe give or take, within 24 hours.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
