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Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

Greetings to all of our Joy of Satan Family,

PDF 8th Issue was a very important questionnaire. I want to thank everyone who took part in this self-evaluation exercise. It redirected the focus of the JoS Donor's system. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, but I have to thank everyone also for their extremely interesting feedback. I read hundreds of questionnaires and I crossed all the necessities of the Community + the general plan of the Donor System. This led to many upcoming upgrades.

Now, we have a very clear vision of the needs of the Donors, specific areas where everything must be worked and all the necessary steps to go forward.

Many who have chosen to not donate, will be extremely disappointed for not doing so. I want to thank the seed donors who have been making all of this and the expansion of JoS possible. You will have earned all that will be received.

Next time around, in approximately a month, we will have fixed EVERY problem the Donor System has ever had. We are creating a PRIVATE DEDICATED DONOR'S PLATFORM with endless features:

1. Receiving your materials
2. Writing in your Donations in the platform - Directly, no more e-mails needed
3. Courses, Seminars [Audio & Video Seminars], Applying for Astrology Readings according to Tier officially via the Platform, 1-1 Communication and MANY other perks which are too many to list.
4. Tier Specific content [Tier 1 to 4 and then Tier 5...]
5. Other things which are extremely important but will not be mentioned publicly, which involve Tier 3, 4 and 5. These are of a Spiritual Nature. You will see when you join...

The above are only some of the perks.

Now, in regard to the 9th Issue of the Donors, you are going to soon be receiving a small introductory Audio Course.

This course is called "10 Steps To Succeed in Spiritual Satanism", in audio format.

It's personal and from me, and it will clarify to you very quickly all the mentality you need in order to succeed in this path. As you know I cut no corners and therefore there is no time wasting here, only pure correct information and advancement. As it's very fundamental and it was supported strongly through the feedback of Issue 8th Questionnaire.

This rocket is about to lift like never before...

Anything up to now with the Donor's System was small compared to what is coming now. We are talking about the formation of a closed, powerful circle that is literally a Sanctum of Knowledge that will exceed all expectations.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



Update 1: Tiers Information Sent To Donors - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=430785#p430785
Update 2: PDF 1st Issue To Arrive in 48 hours - More Information - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=433547#p433547
Update 3: Update 3: PDF's Being Sent - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=433974#p433974
Update 4: EVERYONE HAS RECEIVED THEIR PDFS! https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=434368#p434368
Update 5: April 6 2023: EVERYONE HAS RECEIVED THEIR PDFS! https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=434787#p434787
Update 6: April 7 2023: Climbing the Tiers - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=434939#p434939
Update 7: April 8 2023: Tier Guide PDF Sent - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=435319#p435319
Update 8: Update 8 - April 13 2023: Astrology, MP3, Tier 3-4 - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=447878#p447878
Update 9: April 18 2023: Tier 3-4 - A Unity & Network Of Strong SS - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=437241#p437241
Update 10: Update 10 - April 18 2023: MP3 Of Greek Tablet DOWNLOAD https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=447878#p447878
Update 11: Next PDF 2st Issue Being Prepared & Communication https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=438693#p438693
Update 12: PDF 2nd Issue Coming In A Couple of Days https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=441291#p441291
Update 13: PDF's SENT / 2nd Issue of the PDF has ARRIVED! https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=442656#p442656
Update 14: Minor, just a notice, not included.
Update 15: JoS Donations Page Until Full Site Restore - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=443263#p443263
Update 16: JoS Restored - Emergency Passed - Continuing The Progress Of Tiers - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=443486#p443486
Update 17: Tier 3 and 4 PDF's have arrived + Ritual - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=444981#p444981
Update 18: June 7th 2023 - 3rd PDF Being Prepared, Tier 3-4 Blessings https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=447879#p447879
Update 19: June 16th 3rd PDF BEING SENT: Gift Upcoming... - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=449559#p449559
Update 20: - Tier 3-4 PDF's Sent - E-mail Issues... https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=451120#p451120
Update 21: - GIFT TO BE SENT IN 24 HOURS - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=451737#p451737
[Update 22 - GIFT SENT TO ALL DONORS!!!] - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=451914#p451914
Update 23: - Update 23 - New PDF Being Made...Next Gift Will Be Big...!!! https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=455278#p455278
Update 24: - Update 24 - 4th PDF SENT! GIFT INCOMING IN A FEW DAYS!!!
Update 25: - Update 25 - 4th PDF FOR TIER 4 HAS BEEN SENT! GIFT NEXT!
Update 26-27: CLAIM YOUR GIFTS [RUNIC GIFTS] !! https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=82941&p=461429#p461429
Update 28 New PDF To Arrive Soon + Top Donor Of The Month: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=461430#p461430
Update 29: Latest PDF Delayed - Top Donor System in place: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=463690#p463690
Update 31: TIER 4 PDF SENT + UPDATE FOR TOP DONORS : https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=467801#p467801
Update 32: TOP DONORS INSTRUCTIONS SENT : https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=468798#p468798
Update 33: New PDF Prepared, Top Donors System Change - Only 3 to 4 Tier from now on - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=470975#p470975
Update 34: New PDF Arriving Soon - Email Backlog - New Address For Donations Updated - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=475748#p475748
Update 35: 6th and 7th Issue Of The PDF Has Been Sent! - https://ancient-forums.com/index.ph...ails-new-donation-addresses.82941/post-481967
Update 36: Update 36: 8th PDF being written + Improvements - https://ancient-forums.com/index.ph...-issue-of-pdf-has-been-sent.82941/post-483526
Update 37: HUGE UPDATES INCOMING...+ Audio Course - https://ancient-forums.com/threads/...being-written-improvements.82941/post-1076241

Original Post Below: Sun Feb 19, 2023 7:05 pm

Greetings to everyone in the Satanic Family,

Because the we have to collectively advance, I have decided to from now on provide a maximum value to the community and it's individuals. Before this has been done for those who devote time and effort, which is what the Gods want of us all.

Another form of doing this, is by providing financial fuel in order for everything to not only run, but to advance. We live in a world with obvious rules and those who do not understand these rules, they perish. Joy of Satan is destined for life and not perishing under irrational demands.

In my mind I also want to return a form of value specific for those who have been giving freely for others. By giving freely for others, the donors are actually helping the JoS promote itself, and in turn, we promote it too by our own labor in the same time.

In my specific case, I have consulted the Gods on how I can give even more value and output in the community for all the members. It is a reality that my time has to be distributed between the people who do things for JoS, which I do already. But this is going to take this to the next level.

The JoS has to advance forward and expand further, as it is doing organizationally, into a New Era of further understanding.

Personally, I have given a huge and inordinate amount of value and will continue doing so, nothing changes here. Nothing survives on this world on freeloading. For a field to grow, everyone must take a tool to start working on it. I must too, surpass myself by a long shot.

Of course, there are always people who like to claim things should be for "Free", when they are on the RECEIVING end.

The knowledge you receive hasn't been for free. Central JoS corpus is there and given already. Yet, how do we define as "Free"? People toiled and suffered from it. There is a price to all of this, and it extends beyond of what it can be financially conveyed.

It takes a form of a conscience to understand this, that many people don't really yet have, as only labourers, creators, and people of sensitive internal disposition will understand this.

The Ancient Satanic Freemasonry was built on this concept: To create out of the formless rocks and to take what is nothing but a flab of stone, and turn it into a sculpture. This requires work, sacrifice and other virtues. If one doesn't want to have these, then you aren't unlocking the benefits of this path.

I have given everything I ever had from the GIVING level, still supporting this idea; and will continue doing so, but maximizing the output towards all sources.

The JoS belongs to humanity, yet the labours of individuals who take the extra mile of JoS, because they have a conscience, I will reward this conscience and give them assistance and take care of them, as they take care of other people, even those who might have no idea what I even mean in this post.

Further, the JoS is founded upon those who care about the fact that it belongs to humanity, therefore, us that secure it's existence. We must all have a maintainer mindset, and a devotional heart and soul.

The parasitic mentality is the end of all beautiful things in this world. As we stray from the enemy, we must stray from this mentality at all costs.

Many people also have over the time overestimated their own value, while others have degraded it. The first category is because they live in a land of ghosts when you do nothing for others, yet you consider yourself "valuable".

You aren't valuable if you do nothing at all for others. You are delusional, and you are on your own.

This will give you a realization that we have to serve and we have to do things for the Gods, instead of making up false ideas about one's self.

To the latter category that has done things for JoS, such as those who have donated time or money before, I will reward you and help you, and tend to you as you have tended to the JoS. Some of you have given what you could, from your own expense, so I will not allow you to go unattended and without help in life.

Except of the help the JoS already provides passively and to all of humanity, I will tend to your growth personally, as you all belong to the garden and school that we call the JoS, and help you.

Donors alongside those who devote their time for building up JoS, will receive audience, help, assistance, from both me personally and the Joy of Satan on the higher level from now on. We are creating a dedicated platform for this. As the level scales, we will get closer and I will tend to you as you tend to JoS and it's people even 1 on 1.

This is very important as I want all powerful individuals, not only to become multiples time the power and wisdom that you are now, but to also foster your relationship with the Gods, so that we all become more powerful, therefore, bringing also more value into this world.

While I will not disclose anything very specific, I want to let everyone know, that your donations will be rewarded from now on, in four tiers:

Tier 1: You will receive a bi-weekly important and well researched PDF with advice on how to deal with specific problems in your life and other knowledge.

Tier 2: Tier one, plus other things like answering astrology related questions and helping you via e-mail when there is a need and within sensible parameters.

Tier 3: As things here are more serious, all of the above, plus even closer relation and advice to help you seriously grow yourself, 1 to 1 with me as well. I will also give out knowledge to deal with specific problems. This is the beginning of a more serious relationship where one is seriously interested in JoS and it's future, so it will be treated accordingly.

Tier 4: This is a tier of people who seriously are invested in the JoS and in it's future. Here, you will be taken care of. The Gods themselves take care of needs for people when they do things for them on the earth, and likewise, I and others will help you succeed in your endeavours that are personal if you need that.

I will help you accelerate and also strongly ground your presence both in the world and in the presence of the Gods, and accelerate your journey since you are seriously invested in the JoS. As you invest in the future of JoS here, we will invest in your own future seriously.

In order to stay in these tiers, one will have to show support.
It is best that one keeps going with the donations, to maintain this, so we keep a feedback loop going. A more longterm approach can also help someone to eventually gain a higher tier, maybe over their course as well.

Numbers aren't strict here, because there are no price tags, or certain times given. We don't want the enemy in our feet here. One can understand the reasons why; it's a state of being to be in one of the above categories.

The above sums it up for now.

Recognition and empowerment will come for those who spend time, energy, labour, in whatever form, to grow the JoS. These people get audience with the Gods, and they become a bastion of power to protect those who are still climbing the ladder to evolution. Without them, nothing can exist, all will fall apart.

Those who have already donated, you can contact me at [email protected] and given you send me the proof of the donation, I will help you.

Now, to clarify on some potential "Complaints".

If certain people don't have money, nobody tells you to not devote your time or abilities. If you don't have any of this, nobody tells you to not make up for an ability, to give it to the Gods. If you can't and you don't want to, or whatever, this means that you are disinterested and only passively sitting there, which is a state one has to eventually defeat and is not a level of advancement that makes one's opinion too powerful, because that opinion is very dangerous.

In this universe, those who do literally nothing, are nothing. Complain to the creators of the universe for this, if you have problems, and cry loudly at Reddit. This won't change this fact. One either adjusts or they are a loser in their existence.

If you can't devote neither, nobody takes from you the already abundant wealth of existing knowledge, that you can apply and dig yourself out of the hole, to somewhere down the line provide when you can.

The digging out of the hole is also accelerated by you looking and existing alongside people who do things, instead of being always exposed to failures. If one wants to be exposed to constant failures and have nothing to look up to, there is nothing I can do for you.

It's in your benefit everyone who CAN do this, to DO this, so you receive more value in your existence.

As for those who simply want things for "Free", you receive what you labour for. The Gods work in the same way. If you never devote a minute in meditation, time, reading, self growth, you get none. Irrational demands that come from rampant entropy or stupidity, will not be listened to.

Lastly, the tyranny of the weak will not be allowed a free reign in the JoS. This tyranny is the case in the enemy religions, where those who are for nothing, wreck havoc on everything anyone else tries to create, out of spite or uncontrollable deficiencies.

Among Spiritual Satanists who construct a ladder to reach higher levels of existence and understanding, this force will have to be reduced and disappear.

This tyranny is when people who give nothing, do nothing, are nothing, and help nowhere, and not even have the decency to say THANK YOU, are given vocal voices on false morals who pretend they are the defenders of anything else but parasitism.

We aren't becoming a global movement because of those who aren't willing to lift a single bucket to give water to the dying village that is the world. We are becoming because we want people to have hope and power to do the lifting.

Satan ignores these people. If they believe He does not, it's fine, remain delusional but leave us do some real work here.

Increase of value in any community helps everyone involved. Everyone will benefit from the benefits of others.

By opening up to this newfound consciousness, one will know that they reside in a house of growth and healing, instead of a house of decay of Samsaric egos who are prone into the destruction and bottom of existence.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I found jos in 2012, like the 12th of the month . I read something months earlier about demons and the god part of the mind ( demon Sorath) in the gods of hell section. In December I read something on opening the 3rd eye. At the end, it said, "back to Power Meditations" . That changed everything. And the Satanic Witchcraft section. Found what I was searching for , for 30 years. That alone is worth spending some time spreading the information. And doing the RTRs, and rituals.
In the ancient days, people paid for knowledge.

Kings gave yogis their weight in gold for certain meditations.

A person's value is based on the value they give to others. HP HoodedCobra is worth a giant statue made of a diamond, for what he has given to us. Same goes for HPS Maxine.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=425668 time=1676823336 user_id=57]
In the ancient days, people paid for knowledge.

Kings gave yogis their weight in gold for certain meditations.

A person's value is based on the value they give to others. HP HoodedCobra is worth a giant statue made of a diamond, for what he has given to us. Same goes for HPS Maxine.

This is 100% true.
Wonderful! Thank you, High Priest Hooded Cobra. I'm excited for the further growth and uplifting of the community. You do so much for all of us, and more are rising to take care of the community. I'm very glad to be part of this. May the glorious builders and architects be blessed by our Gods.
"Only when the entire German people become a single community of sacrifice can we expect and hope that Almighty God will help us. The Almighty has never helped a lazy man. He does not help the coward. He does not help a people that cannot help itself.

The principle applies here, help yourselves and Almighty God will not deny you his assistance." - Adolf Hitler
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=425668 time=1676823336 user_id=57]
In the ancient days, people paid for knowledge.

Kings gave yogis their weight in gold for certain meditations.

A person's value is based on the value they give to others. HP HoodedCobra is worth a giant statue made of a diamond, for what he has given to us. Same goes for HPS Maxine.

I completely agree!!
The primary purpose of donations should be to keep the websites up and running. I am not donating yet because I am a student and not an employee.

But I work with the JoS Estonian page and I'm upset that you carelessly handle the web pages, like for example Kabbalah Exposed has been down for two months and you haven't even commented it.

And I am not sure does I want to donate if you continue such style.
for those who doubted
this is the closest we can call a premium account in satanism :lol:

NinRick said:
Karnonnos said:
Trivi said:
Then how come after i sold my soul he contacted me on my smartphone?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Did your hot wife help you with selling your soul? You wanted rid of her that much? :roll:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Bro got Satanism premium account :lol:
I've had a lingering feeling that I wasn't doing enough, then I see this wonderful post. If I could offer more help I would, but I'm running at my limit right now.
I should hope that all SS would be giving to and trying to support JOS out of their own initiative as it is in whatever capacity that may be.

As long as I have the time ability and resources I will continue to give of them from myself for all the amazing things Cobra Maxine and the Gods have done for us.
Deep Darkness said:
The primary purpose of donations should be to keep the websites up and running. I am not donating yet because I am a student and not an employee.

But I work with the JoS Estonian page and I'm upset that you carelessly handle the web pages, like for example Kabbalah Exposed has been down for two months and you haven't even commented it.

And I am not sure does I want to donate if you continue such style.

As a person like many others who don't know internal works you don't have a central overview of what consists of a few things.

In this case it's better to ask before one speaks, instead of writing nonsense that is based on lack of information, for example. This helps nowhere.

The Kabbalah Exposed site is one of the actually not the most relevant, that's why in the midst of about 50 ongoing sites this is going to be cared for in the future. We have an even larger amount of projects being made. The Kabbalah Exposed based on traffic is very low hanging fruit.

Further, the writings of this site have also been written by an ex-infiltrator so they need a full re-check, therefore, that makes it a whole more complicated issue. Because if things have been put in, this means the whole site needs a full re-view and reconstruction.

As you are a student this means you are still not very much aware of certain things related to management and time and effort, or where effort is best invested, or why. Therefore your understanding of priorities also lacks, which you didn't ask for an elaboration of.

That is also reflected in your lack of understanding in what has it taken and how it's all going to keep things that are already up, in that state.

Except of this you are at a bitter state of constant judgement, wasting time around with fake Nazi groups, etc. So more learning has to happen in regards to priorities.

Another thing you will have to learn is actually manners and for example to provide some input like an e-mail saying to the administration: "Hey, I know you have 1000's problems in your hands, and I am out of this but I want to help, and I can't understand this but I can say boastful things to you, but maybe I can do something useful too, so can you look at this problem and fix Kabbalah Exposed? Is there some reason this isn't happening?".

The reasons are above. For this, in the larger JoS projects situation which are too many ongoing, people will be appointed to check in this first and make sure the information presented is absolutely correct. I am almost certain that it is, but it needs a thorough check.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
How to know which of the 4 donation levels which one we are in currently?
How much to donate or do a job(work) in Jos to raise the levels?

That will be in my discretion.

There was one person who made almost a million at 21, after being helped to clear some legal cases and we helped them do certain things. Then they boasted to me they would donate, I was like that's a grateful and smart person, alright.

Time to do some projects, and they donated 220 dollars out of it.

Their value of the community is "I make a million and therefore I give 220 dollars to JoS". Therefore, they aren't even worth a single one of my pubic hair as a reward for this.

That's preposterous in both my eyes and of the Gods. I can't imagine myself being helped or blessed in this way and not turning at least a modest amount of the blessing to the community.

That is a very base nature that is lesser than a jew, because one is a Gentile, and also of the Gods, and fucks up twice.

Imagine owning a field of apples that produces a million apples and the best thing comes around in your life and you just give 1 apple to them. That means you are absolutely retarded, and not fit yet for higher occupations in the spiritual planes or in missions of the Gods.

This dude isn't even fit to blow air into my cars tires, maybe not now at least. In other words, the standards will not solely be financial, but they will be highly influenced by a better approach.

They aren't going to ever be in any tier, they should spent their lifetime as they chose in their priorities, and they won't be in our priority.

The mistakes should be rectified, as these things make the Gods enraged. Ungratefulness and being an animal is not something that promotes someone in the eyes of the Gods.

The Ancients, when they made a large field collection of wheat, they sacrificed a percent to the Gods, not because they were dumb, but to show to them that they recognize their existence, and they "sacrificed" the wheat by burning it, to show a commemoration to the Gods.

The rites of Demeter [Astarte] were based on this concept. People sacrificed a portion of their wheat in sacrifices [Done in India too etc today], to show to her that with her help they will receive everything in eternal abundance, so that now it doesn't really matter, because there is eternity. This shows that one is above the temporal nonsense of just eating a few more pieces of food. That's a gesture of respect.

Today these notions are lost to modern humans, who live their existence on temporal nonsense. They want to eat the extra thing, and they are losing track of eternity. That's why our civilization is retarded, and won't last 40,000 years like Ancient Egypt did.

We are 300 years in "Developed Civilization" and people are almost ready to nuke themselves or ruin everything due to AI waifu nonsense.

We must have a different mind as Spiritual Satanists, a mind that is focused on eternity. We will exist even if this whole thing goes down the flames, and the Gods will too.

The mindset here is the same. This is a higher mindset. This also opens up other gateways in the mind where you understand that abundance has a strong element of giving.

There is another person who made 600 dollars total per month and donated 10% to JoS for many years, I think maybe 5 years now. That's "just" 60 dollars. But that's not 60 dollars that's a fighting man giving from what they have to JoS for 5 consecutive years.

They will be on a higher tier, because of their sacrifice. We are also friends for years, and I am always there for them. I know what it took. The Gods smile upon this practice, for obvious reasons. It shows a character of high quality. There are means to know who lies and who does not.

The first character would have to do something relative to their power to be considered at this point, for example.
This is a sign for all of us to work twice as hard as we have been. We should give to our brothers and sisters simply for the sake of seeing their advancement, and work to destroy our enemy. I think this is a great idea for our HP to put in place, and will reward those who have sacrificed and worked for our benefit.
I had not consider in great depth the ability to pay for wisdom. As I have always been able to study and read articles and books and PDFs for free.

When we as a community have always been committed towards obtaining the Wisdom of the Gods, have developed this from the Ancients, and have obtained a mastery of many concepts.

Have created literally our own forms of language and communication to understand these concepts. Developed these directly under Satan.

Have increased our Intelligence and creativity, our connection with Nature and Humanity, who we associate ourselves with, our personal Cultural and familial traditions we have further enhanced.

How we communicate and teach and lead the people within our communities away from the JOS.

All these things have been observed by HP HoodedCobra666 and other Veterans. And they are the ones whom do communicate the most with each other. They are without a doubt the most Intelligent individuals on this planet.

I don't want to miss out on these Paid Rewards. All growth is exponential, and if you choose not to increase your wisdom and intelligence, then you have lost the greatest potential you have today for advancement, personally, and as a community.
Also, this is Beautiful as it shows that our hardwork is creating real world paradigms of Intelligentsia. True strength should properly become Proud and make itself known, as this is the way of the Universe.
Spiritual Satanists are progressive and this is a massive step allowing for growth in a new manner that is properly connected with the Natural Law.
All I'm gonna say is this:

Donators stand out and are especially taken seriously. If you know, you know.
The Joy of Satan Turkey website (https://spirituelsatanizm.org) has recently undergone a redesign, a work that could not have been achieved without meeting several critical requirements, some of which were financial. We discussed this with High Priest and without any hitches we were provided with what we needed for our community and our plans.

When we are confronted with the reality that our actions, or lack thereof, can have a direct impact on the lives of others, it can be a challenging and uncomfortable experience. It forces us to confront our own privilege and acknowledge the responsibilities that come with it. It requires us to move beyond the comfort of simply consuming and towards the hard work of actively supporting those in need. However, it is only through this uncomfortable action that we can begin to make a tangible difference in the world.

To ensure the seamless functioning of Joy of Satan, it is imperative to provide comprehensive support in all areas, including but not limited to financial.

When you face this very simple truth and you think, "No, they're going to take my money. Oh no! Yes, all those meditations were great and the stuff on the forum has given me so much good information, but no, what money?", then there are 2 possibilities here.

Either you are not yet aware of exactly what Joy of Satan gives to humanity or you are aware of it but you just want to consume it. Let me tell you, no matter how strong you are spiritually, it requires mental growth and as long as you refuse to grow mentally, there will be a point where you will eventually hit a wall.

Remember, no one is forcing you to do anything. You reap what you sow. But if you do nothing and then you want to be treated the same as people who do something, then there really is a big problem in your thought process.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you HP for all that you do and for your hard work and efforts put forward to this community. You put so much of your time into everything you do already, I'm very grateful for your labors.

I am looking forward to seeing where all of this goes and the help it will bring everyone involved. And all the other future projects that will blossom soon to help Jos and our endeavors to expand and grow upon it further.

I want with all my heart and soul to see it reach more and more people, and the comfort that it brings in knowing we are setting the path forward to a better world and a better future for everyone with every donation of not just money but time and effort we as a community put forth gives me the hope and energy to keep working harder.

I will do everything that I can to help in any way possible, always. And soon enough I'll be at a better level of advancement to where I can help in the ways I truly want to. As always you remain a great source of inspiration by all that you do.

Thank you HP HoodedCobra!
Spine said:
The Joy of Satan Turkey website (https://spirituelsatanizm.org) has recently undergone a redesign, a work that could not have been achieved without meeting several critical requirements, some of which were financial. We discussed this with High Priest and without any hitches we were provided with what we needed for our community and our plans.

First and foremost I want to thank the JoS Turkey management and team for this.

The redesign is starting to look better and better as time goes.

Of course there isn't any hesitation to anything. If we can do it, we do it. Currently, that is a vision that is being created, we aren't on the highest levels of what is envisioned, but we will get there undoubtedly.

When we have more, we will give more and more. And as everyone makes more, we will be able to give more, and everyone will get more in return.

Alright, to further motivate people reading, this money was from my monthly personal earnings. I donate and use large amounts of funds to get things going. I am Tier 4.

I don't invite people in this mindset without having practices it for a very long time myself. I have been a large donor myself, not the other way. For many many years now. The costs to run JoS have outweighed the gains for many years. It's up to a few this wasn't the case.

Currently there are even more people going in, so we appreciate you and we love you, that's why I am taking the initiative here as mentioned above. Our volunteers and those who do these gestures are extremely important, and I want to elevate this importance.

The more powerful we are, the more lifeblood will be given to all of the communities, besides the central JoS. The idea is to reach a point where EVERYONE will have grown to such extents that we will bless everything.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
How to know which of the 4 donation levels which one we are in currently?
How much to donate or do a job(work) in Jos to raise the levels?

That will be in my discretion.

There was one person who made almost a million at 21, after being helped to clear some legal cases and we helped them do certain things. Then they boasted to me they would donate, I was like that's a grateful and smart person, alright.

Time to do some projects, and they donated 220 dollars out of it.

Their value of the community is I make a million and therefore I give 220 dollars to JoS. Therefore, they aren't even worth a single one of my pubic hair as a reward for this.

That's preposterous in both my eyes and of the Gods. I can't imagine myself being helped or blessed in this way and not turning at least a modest amount of the blessing to the community.

That is a very base nature that is lesser than a jew, because one is a Gentile, and also of the Gods, and fucks up twice.

Imagine owning a field of apples that produces a million apples and the best thing comes around in your life and you just give 1 apple to them. That means you are absolutely retarded, and not fit yet for higher occupations in the spiritual planes or in missions of the Gods.

This dude isn't even fit to blow air into my cars tires, maybe not now at least. In other words, the standards will not solely be financial, but they will be highly influenced by a better approach.

They aren't going to ever be in any tier, they should spent their lifetime as they chose in their priorities, and they won't be in our priority.

The mistakes should be rectified, as these things make the Gods enraged. Ungratefulness and being an animal is not something that promotes someone in the eyes of the Gods.

The Ancients, when they made a large field collection of wheat, they sacrificed a percent to the Gods, not because they were dumb, but to show to them that they recognize their existence, and they "sacrificed" the wheat by burning it, to show a commemoration to the Gods.

The mindset here is the same. This is a higher mindset. This also opens up other gateways in the mind where you understand that abundance has a strong element of giving.

There is another person who made 600 dollars total per month and donated 10% to JoS for many years, I think maybe 5 years now. That's "just" 60 dollars. But that's not 60 dollars that's a fighting man giving from what they have to JoS for 5 consecutive years.

They will be on a higher tier, because of their sacrifice. We are also friends for years, and I am always there for them. I know what it took. The Gods smile upon this practice, for obvious reasons. It shows a character of high quality. There are means to know who lies and who does not.

The first character would have to do something relative to their power to be considered at this point, for example.

That second story is beautiful and very inspiring.

Even those with little to give, can give so much, and truly it shows a strength of character which inspires all.

One day, I truly desire to see all our Satanic family live in abundance and success, and be able to give thousands and tens of thousands of dollars individually to the cause of the JoS to counter act the decay and jewish degeneracy plaguing our world, and truly have the JoS rise as a global organization of growth on character, soul, mind, body and wisdom for all people.

HP HoodedCobra, you have crafted a beautiful place here for us to come together and rise.

These sermons and news on the advancement of Spiritual Satanism are the most joyful and excellent, worthy of celebration.

Truly it shows the reality the Joy of Satan is moving forward and rising.

Thank you once again for the work that you do, and the example by which you lead!

Hail Satan!
Your unwavering dedication to this Community and to your duties as a High Priest are truly inspiring, your exceptional leadership has been a beacon of light for all of us and your guidance and wisdom has been crucial in navigating through difficult times.

Being a member of this Family and part of this constantly growing Movement that will bring about everlasting change to Humanity and the World fills me with immense joy and pride.

I would like to make a reference to Adolf Hitler that I believe is appropriate in this context:
"In that school the boy shall be transformed into a man; he shall not merely learn to obey, but shall be trained with a view to commanding at some future time. Fortified by confidence in his own strength, filled with the esprit de corps, which he feels in common with the rest, the boy shall attain to the conviction that his nation is unconquerable."

The brotherhood, comradeship, encouragement and support within this Family is truly beautiful and unique.
The universe was not built on a " for free" concept. Even stars do not simply die at the end of their course, but explode in order to give life to other stars and so on. Nothing wa gave for granted, not even a simple act such as breathing. Now if we take knowledge in this case, knowledge that takes us towards our gods and goddesses, it goes behind the simple 2+2 concept. " No pain, no gain" and even if pain is not always necessary, you will never gain nothing over give nothing but emptiness.
I agree.. ❤️ people scream and think that education should be free!..
Laugh out loud! No it really hasn't been free? Even back in the days teachers and Masters were paid a certain amount of money just to be able to teach their students whatever they wanted to learn!. And it should be fair that if you're going to be a teacher of some kind you've got to expect some kind of pay and the fact that you need to live too!
And not to mention the fact that shows your appreciation to the teacher! And depending on who the person is? And what their profession is? To be able to take the time and work with an individual who is interested in learning something? Whatever that may be!? It's only fair and you get more out of it when you pay! And you get more benefits working with someone..or a group of people. And especially if it's going to be time consuming! And depending on what you have to look up and the process you go through working with these individuals getting the information that they want and need! Also getting to know the person and how sincere the individual is? Taking the time wanting to learn and also! The time you are using working with this person? It's only fair that people of a higher rank and those that are teachers should get paid! And as a community learning together and working together! People should think about it! And take the time to show the consideration! And to give their thank you! And to pay generously! Especially after the time has been spent with that person being a teacher and all of that you kind of expect that with all the hard work you go through taking the time and the effort working with somebody or more than one person! It not only helps the individual that's working with you and teaching you but it also helps the community and then it grows and becomes stronger! And so do you as an individual because you get more to learn from being able to sit down and enjoy videos and doing research! Having the chance to be able to sit down and talk to friends on here and letting people know how much you've learned and how much you progress from the day you started to where you're at now! And to know that you put good money in just to be able to spend the time learning something! And being able to enjoy yourself with the different variety of things that you can learn and do on here! Where can together is a group and a team and that of a classroom
So IT IS ONLY FARE. AND ishows that you care. ❣️☕❤️!
It's a fare exchange. ☕🍎 if you're willing to teach somebody? Whatever it is that they want to learn plus you're taking your time with this individual! It's also an award and it's a form of appreciation! And thank you! Showing this sincerity of the person especially when you're taking the time to show your sincerity to this individual as a teacher!. And a website dedicated to help others on there sacred Path
Thank you. This reminds me I could and should be doing more and is a good push to get on track.
Everything you said is true. I came to think this are the best words of feedback one can be given.

You won't do something as an SS to the expense of your "other" life, nor will you neglect your SS duties because you have "life going on".

No more spiritual knowledge traded for day to day life opportunities which were missed due to not having enough time or energy to prepare or deal with them.

Modern world tries to make us choose, but we're tying them.

Hail Satan!
I have it in heart to be a great donator to the Jos finance, it's my desire.
Does this mean we won't get any knowledge if we aren't good donators?
I swear it, I'll do my best but don't take away what I love most. Thank you for all you do, I swear it, I'll be great at donating very soon. My heart is true to this.
Plz HP!
I don't have any debit cards or credit cards. I can draw money of the bank ?
Or get a money card from any store. If they still put them out for use.
I always thought that those come in handy! Especially when it comes down to donations to websites and groups on here! Or if I want and need to order something from offline? I will do whatever it takes to donate! I have heard of Exodus wallet! And I've heard of crypto! And I know that you have a listed here! And I have read about this on here before and just to let you know I have got the Exodus wallet downloaded! And I've read about crypto and I know that you've got it typed on all of the pages on how to donate to this website! My only problem is that I don't have a debit card or a credit card so I will do whatever it is that I have to do to show my appreciation in whatever way I can. Buy either going along with drawing money out of the bank? Or to get a money card from the store somewhere! And ✅️ just do what I can
What makes you think i'm such a social person that i'll email you regardless of who you are.

And to explain to you my financial condition and my whole situation so that you decide to help me.

It has been your decision until now to help some people privately, a discrimination against others

not of the Gods
I don't have any debit cards or credit cards. I can draw money of the bank ?
Or get a money card from any store. If they still put them out for use.
I always thought that those come in handy! Especially when it comes down to donations to websites and groups on here! Or if I want and need to order something from offline? I will do whatever it takes to donate! I have heard of Exodus wallet! And I've heard of crypto! And I know that you have a listed here! And I have read about this on here before and just to let you know I have got the Exodus wallet downloaded! And I've read about crypto and I know that you've got it typed on all of the pages on how to donate to this website! My only problem is that I don't have a debit card or a credit card so I will do whatever it is that I have to do to show my appreciation in whatever way I can. Buy either going along with drawing money out of the bank? Or to get a money card from the store somewhere! And ✅️ just do what I can
I am NOT ON HERE TO JOKE AROUND. and I am no freeloader...
I want to give a donation! And I've been looking to give a donation for quite a while! Except for the fact that I don't have credit cards and debit cards like most other people do! I believe in having the money the old fashioned way! By carrying cash with me or drawing cash out of the bank! And if I need to and if I have to I will buy a money card from the store and use that which comes in handy! And it's easy peasy lemon squeezy! And I will do whatever is convenient! I know that I've been wanting and itching to pay this website! My tribute and my thank you! And sometimes even saying thank you word of mouth is not enough! With all that I have learned on here! And the fact that this website is growing bigger and bigger. And people such as myself are learning everyday! When I come home from work it is nice to sit down and read up on things and find out what is going on! Or if I don't have anything else better to :D up on things and find out what is going on! Or if I don't have anything else better to do! :D It is luxury to get on here and to know that I can look up a book from out Satan's Library! Or read up on the news! And find out what is going on and what needs to be done! I feel like a regular student in a regular classroom! Only better! Because I am with the gods as well and I want more than anything to pay my tribute to them to let them know how much I appreciate them! And to let the teachers know how much I love them and how much I appreciate them! And to take my time and do this right! And I want to be able to do the right thing! And I would like to pay! The only thing is I don't have any credit cards or debit cards!.. and I will do whatever it takes to help the community! Because I want to continue learning! And I want to learn as much as I can! And show my dedication and my gratitude and in order to do so?..I have to work something out. 🙏 and see what can DO TO HELP BUILD THIS SCHOOL OF SPIRITUAL SATANISM. ❤️🍎. And help out with whatever I can. I am not joking around here!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
How to know which of the 4 donation levels which one we are in currently?
How much to donate or do a job(work) in Jos to raise the levels?

That will be in my discretion.

There was one person who made almost a million at 21, after being helped to clear some legal cases and we helped them do certain things. Then they boasted to me they would donate, I was like that's a grateful and smart person, alright.

Time to do some projects, and they donated 220 dollars out of it.

Their value of the community is "I make a million and therefore I give 220 dollars to JoS". Therefore, they aren't even worth a single one of my pubic hair as a reward for this.

That's preposterous in both my eyes and of the Gods. I can't imagine myself being helped or blessed in this way and not turning at least a modest amount of the blessing to the community.

That is a very base nature that is lesser than a jew, because one is a Gentile, and also of the Gods, and fucks up twice.

Imagine owning a field of apples that produces a million apples and the best thing comes around in your life and you just give 1 apple to them. That means you are absolutely retarded, and not fit yet for higher occupations in the spiritual planes or in missions of the Gods.

This dude isn't even fit to blow air into my cars tires, maybe not now at least. In other words, the standards will not solely be financial, but they will be highly influenced by a better approach.

They aren't going to ever be in any tier, they should spent their lifetime as they chose in their priorities, and they won't be in our priority.

The mistakes should be rectified, as these things make the Gods enraged. Ungratefulness and being an animal is not something that promotes someone in the eyes of the Gods.

The Ancients, when they made a large field collection of wheat, they sacrificed a percent to the Gods, not because they were dumb, but to show to them that they recognize their existence, and they "sacrificed" the wheat by burning it, to show a commemoration to the Gods.

The rites of Demeter [Astarte] were based on this concept. People sacrificed a portion of their wheat in sacrifices [Done in India too etc today], to show to her that with her help they will receive everything in eternal abundance, so that now it doesn't really matter, because there is eternity. This shows that one is above the temporal nonsense of just eating a few more pieces of food. That's a gesture of respect.

Today these notions are lost to modern humans, who live their existence on temporal nonsense. They want to eat the extra thing, and they are losing track of eternity. That's why our civilization is retarded, and won't last 40,000 years like Ancient Egypt did.

We are 300 years in "Developed Civilization" and people are almost ready to nuke themselves or ruin everything due to AI waifu nonsense.

We must have a different mind as Spiritual Satanists, a mind that is focused on eternity. We will exist even if this whole thing goes down the flames, and the Gods will too.

The mindset here is the same. This is a higher mindset. This also opens up other gateways in the mind where you understand that abundance has a strong element of giving.

There is another person who made 600 dollars total per month and donated 10% to JoS for many years, I think maybe 5 years now. That's "just" 60 dollars. But that's not 60 dollars that's a fighting man giving from what they have to JoS for 5 consecutive years.

They will be on a higher tier, because of their sacrifice. We are also friends for years, and I am always there for them. I know what it took. The Gods smile upon this practice, for obvious reasons. It shows a character of high quality. There are means to know who lies and who does not.

The first character would have to do something relative to their power to be considered at this point, for example.
I've been thinking a bit, that to ask these questions(whether I should even post it?), because it seems bit unnecessary or I thought it was a stupid question.
But what can be the worst...maximum I get no response at most.

I am very happy, that you for writing such a beautiful answer and story.It was really good to read!

Sunny said:
Wow how wise you are HP!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There was one person who made almost a million at 21, after being helped to clear some legal cases and we helped them do certain things. Then they boasted to me they would donate, I was like that's a grateful and smart person, alright.

Time to do some projects, and they donated 220 dollars out of it.

I have been thinking about this very subject lately. What would be a considerate and ethical amount to be donated as a millionaire. Donate in one go an extraordinary amount instead of a "salary", then the JoS decides how to handle the amount given, lets say you have a clear idea of a safe investment that will return a decent monthly income for the JoS indefinitely. Or both the big donation and the individual themselves keep a high amount as well to make the investments of their own and maybe both keep the donations going and doing other things.

Then expand the types of projects not just backing up the JoS but for instance, full reconstruction of ancient ruins like the Parthenon and whatnot - I've read the only reason no one has done this is because of these governments lack money (or multi-millionaires are just uninterested). Wide spread teaching and employment of these ancient architecture and art techniques and make it viable professions, reforestation projects etc.

Sorry if this is all too hypothetical and too much "what would I do if I won the lottery" meme. I can't help to think of helpful Satanists becoming millionaries and flexing on the Rabbis with nothing they can do about it.
Powerofjustice said:
Commander, when can we begin receiving the bi-weekly PDFs. I see this as tremendously valuable, I want to sign up for it as soon as possible as to not miss any.

I do believe the first thing will be sent within 7 to 10 days, as I am doing the translating now. These will be from a few Ancient Texts as well.

Manofsatan said:
I have it in heart to be a great donator to the Jos finance, it's my desire.
Does this mean we won't get any knowledge if we aren't good donators?
I swear it, I'll do my best but don't take away what I love most. Thank you for all you do, I swear it, I'll be great at donating very soon. My heart is true to this.
Plz HP!

No, everyone will get knowledge, but these people who do extra will receive extra. The already existing plan is as is, and the plan is to increase this for humanity in general.

None of what has been stated undoes anything of the general plan for JoS which was already present, like everything that is given openly and freely.

What is stated is built to incentivize people to grow themselves, and to know that there can be extra acceleration to this end. This just builds upon and intensifies other areas of development, and further empowers us.

The Gods treat people that come close to them different than those who do not. That is self evident when one looks at this world. That's the whole essence of evolution in itself.

blueFlame666 said:
What makes you think i'm such a social person that i'll email you regardless of who you are.

And to explain to you my financial condition and my whole situation so that you decide to help me.

It has been your decision until now to help some people privately, a discrimination against others

not of the Gods

That's your own emotional problem since it's not mandated or requested of you to do this. One makes that choice. One can donate without any of this whatsoever. You just don't send that you want anything from it, which still counts all the same.

We are all being naturally judged against and discriminated by existence itself, our decisions and what we do define us, as the Gods help individuals and people, and don't see everyone as an "equal". Our decisions make us unequal.

Yes one has to talk about a problem if they want help and you could do this anonymously too. That's the universe.

Complain to the universe if you have problems with this.

Egon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There was one person who made almost a million at 21, after being helped to clear some legal cases and we helped them do certain things. Then they boasted to me they would donate, I was like that's a grateful and smart person, alright.

Time to do some projects, and they donated 220 dollars out of it.

Sorry if this is all too hypothetical and too much "what would I do if I won the lottery" meme. I can't help to think of helpful Satanists becoming millionaries and flexing on the Rabbis with nothing they can do about it.

No offense but there is a lot of imaginative "unicorn mentality" in this comment, such as people thinking they will get a lottery or something, and then all of a sudden they will live in a mansion.

Real wealth is not built in this way, let alone proper wealth that leads a soul anywhere. Almost all people made by these means, eventually return to nothingness.

The idea is not what one does when they make a "million", but what they do all the time.

If they know this, then they know what to do with the millions when they arrive. If not, they are as ignorant as they were before after something happens.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
