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Why is White Race dying - HORRIFIC CRIMES

Edward Lonsa

Oct 3, 2017
Sometimes bad things happen. But races don't die just because they happen. Races are dying out because of how people react to them.

In front of a bloody Swedish woman, other Swedes have closed the door. It happened after all the rapists left. There was no danger. The one not opened her was *a man*. He heard her screaming. Saw her being raped, kicked, thrown against the ground. He NEVER called the police or hospital. And when all the maniacs were already far away, he just shut the door in front of her. It's cowardice, which has no real danger to explain, it's cowardice for cowardice itself. Her neighbor wasn't jewish or muslim. He was Swedish, and he didn't even call for hospital. Then, where she went for help, there was no danger. Those she approached wouldn't be charged with racism. They could have said she'd been raped by "the Swedes" or attacked "by bears". They could have called someone to take her to the hospital, whatever the reason. But they didn't do even this. She were in a subway full of people, covered in blood. No one noticed her.

There are jews in the universe. There are muslims in the universe. But they all are not the danger. What IS the danger is that people drive deeper their bananas, their headphones, stumbling into their smartphones, all locking their doorlocks, afraid to look out of the window, to put their ear to the door. Everybody wants to turn their backs on what's going on around them as far as possible. They try to live quietly till death and learn nothing of all the terrible things that have been happening around them their whole lives. And sometimes some of them get torn away from herd by reality and become part of what others are so afraid to see that they drive their bananas deeper and deeper into their ears and go faster away without looking back.

Can you imagine the village of our Ancestors who closed the doors, drove bananas into their ears, cut the music louder, etc., so as not to hear their enemies raping their people, burning houses in the village and setting their own house on fire?

Can you imagine that Alexander was sitting quietly in his palace in Moscow and drinking coffee when Napoleon entered Moscow? Where then would the Russian Empire be?

You can't imagine such behavior even among animals. If they have even the slightest hope that they can defend themselves and their own, they stand.

I repeat, all these "humans" (who, in my opinion, are no more human than their rapists) were not in danger - neither would they get charged with racism or related. They just turned their back on a member of their own kind for no reason - just out of a "I don't care" attitude.

The Slavs would have heard the screams and run down of high floors of the multi-storey buildings. The Japanese and Vietnamese would have come out from the whole district to the screams of their kind. In African village all village would run out of their huts hearing their woman screaming. But Swedish White man closed the door in front of Swedish White woman covered with blood when ALL danger was gone and NO ONE saw him doing it.

Hillary Clinton, Podesta, Soros, Rockepheller, Putin, Kim Chin Yn, greys - no one of them can do such a thing to you. You alone can do this to yourself. To your kind. And this is a reason you die.

Sweden: Nobody Helped Woman Raped by 20 Muslim Migrants

A rape case so brutal that even the Swedish main stream media is reporting about it.

“Eeew, you have sperm on your face and on your clothes, don’t involve us,” they said to the woman. She had just endured a gang rape and abuse by up to twenty perpetrators in a stairwell in Fittja, but nobody in the southern Stockholm suburb wanted to help the victim, Metro reports.

More details are now being published about the high profile case in Fittja, which took place in a stairwell in August 2016. The woman was gang-raped and also beaten up by up to twenty perpetrators. The woman was kicked, beaten, threatened with a knife and her head was knocked against the floor until she went unconscious.

A neighbor who witnessed the brutal attack chose to ignore the it. He later stated to the police that he has “learned not to see or hear too much.” The man has lived for 15 years in Fittja, a Muslim-dominated area.

Seeking help after the rape, the woman rang the doorbell of one apartment to ask for assistance to call the police. But the man who opened the door ignored her appeal and turned the bloody victim soaked in the rapists’ bodily fluids away.

The woman then managed to get to the Fittja city center to seek help but there she was told she was “disgusting.” Nobody wanted to help her. “A guy told her she was disgusting and she had sperm in her hair,” reads the police report. She also tried to get help from a guard at the train station, but also he didn’t care about the woman’s situation.

Instead, the woman was forced to take the subway to central Stockholm in order to seek help. Several men are now charged with the crime. According to the prosecution, they also filmed the rape and laughed during their sexual abuse.

All of the rapists are reported to have a “migrant background,” the Swedish media’s expression for Muslim migrants.

Source: jihadwatch.org

Please spread this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When will we do more Race Awakening as a group?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When will we do more Race Awakening as a group?

Pretty soon. For more effectiveness, we have to keep hammering the RTR. The nail is already in and almost at full. When it's in fully, we will move on to the next nail to fit.

I deleted my own reply to this as I was rather, most purely, enraged by what I read on the article.
Spread this everywhere, at least 100 people have to read this per one person spreading the message.

I am spreading this now myself.

Do your daily RTR also. Sublimate rage into something useful.
That poor woman, what the fuck! These sick freaks that turned her away, seriously where the hell is the human compassion, that human nature of social bonding? It's just been tossed to the garbage to be used for only the disgusting degenerate rapefugees and filthy invaders.

I try not to be too deeply affected by these things but I simply cannot imagine being in that situation and then just having every one of your own people completely turn you away when you're desperate for help, that's just heart breaking.

It's not like they had to do open heart surgery, they literally just needed to call the police and give her some support. I mean, fuck that pisses me off. I'll definitely be spreading this where I can.
The enemy tries to basically shatter any form of human compassion and human logic. With these things, they try to destroy all emotional functions in humans, and this involves incidents like this one above. And all logic within humanity and all sense of boundary. Lower than animals is what everyone involved in this situation is what everyone is, except the victim.

Muslims are essentially doing psychological warfare with these things. Jews of course back them up.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Spread this everywhere, at least 100 people have to read this per one person spreading the message.

I am spreading this now myself.

Do your daily RTR also. Sublimate rage into something useful.

I'm trying to find places I can spread this but I am literally blocked from every damn possible website where I can do online warfare now, even places I haven't gotten to yet, Quora.com for fucks sake. Gab was my last line of online warfare as I lost access to things over the past 2 years little by little every time my posts gained popularity, but it seems just now I'm blocked from that too no matter what I try:


I had other gab log-ins but I lost access to those as well, my main was all that was left standing and now it's gone too. All of this is with VPN and such but it seems they must've tracked my wi-fi of which I have no control over. Posts get deleted, removed, shadow banned, everything has me completely shut out. Do you know of any places this can be spread? Youtube is gone, tumblr is gone, reddit is gone, 4chan, memebase, memedroid, facebook, twitter, twitch, everything with google and now gab. This is something I wanted to mention a long time ago but because I still had Gab I deemed I was good, but now I don't. I can't make an account even on a bunch of things, yes I can't even get that far.

Any suggestions?
In regards to South Africa and their BEE, Black Economic Empowerment program.

I hear that any financial benefits for furloughed workers during this lockdown will only be for black employees.

Also all food aid packages have to go through the government for distribution because any and all aid is for blacks only.

So there are people starving based on their race.

What I remember was that South Africa didn't go communist by force.

White people voted for the rosy picture of a joyous rainbow nation. Now only to be told there's no white in a rainbow.
i get so fucking hard thinking about what im gonna do to these people someday
The sad thing is as a whole whites WANT to go extinct and ignore these things. We enjoy groveling to Jew and mooslim invaders, for whatever the reason.

The most important thing is to spread white power ideas at the micro level. Making your family and friends aware of these issues and telling them what the solution is.

The masses won’t accept this until the last minute and then want to join like Father said. Save those close to you while you still can
Damn you guys are getting agitated. A while ago you were debating quarantining the jews and even more recently free money for everybody.
Well done guys.
Dont forget to put more black men in the announcements going Eureka about how they finally like dark skin women because they couldnt get the white chicks they wanted... Dont worry we will win Over those mudsharks
Fucking disgusting on both sides, so glad I don’t live in these countries. I’d rather DIE fighting them than stand idle like a scared puppy, sickening. Making the RAR a priority now.
I would slaughter them all if I could. Both the gentiles watching and the rapists.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I know what Sweden needs!

Any society where the citizens have an actual living soul, every one of those rapists would be publicly crucified in the middle of town with everyone watching.

I will be honest here. Although I'm not white, I really, really hate this is going so fucking rampant in Europe. I have rage because, Jews with their sick fucking protocols are destroying whites. Honestly for all these fuck, that are there doing this shit, meaning my race that follow this bullshit, I would wipe them out.

I don't know why I want to wipe thise degenerates out, but maybe it's like with Satan with Jews. Those degenerate fucking rapist ARE NOT MY PEOPLE!! :evil:
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Spread this everywhere, at least 100 people have to read this per one person spreading the message.

I am spreading this now myself.

Do your daily RTR also. Sublimate rage into something useful.

I'm trying to find places I can spread this but I am literally blocked from every damn possible website where I can do online warfare now, even places I haven't gotten to yet, Quora.com for fucks sake. Gab was my last line of online warfare as I lost access to things over the past 2 years little by little every time my posts gained popularity, but it seems just now I'm blocked from that too no matter what I try:


I had other gab log-ins but I lost access to those as well, my main was all that was left standing and now it's gone too. All of this is with VPN and such but it seems they must've tracked my wi-fi of which I have no control over. Posts get deleted, removed, shadow banned, everything has me completely shut out. Do you know of any places this can be spread? Youtube is gone, tumblr is gone, reddit is gone, 4chan, memebase, memedroid, facebook, twitter, twitch, everything with google and now gab. This is something I wanted to mention a long time ago but because I still had Gab I deemed I was good, but now I don't. I can't make an account even on a bunch of things, yes I can't even get that far.

Any suggestions?

its quite possible that your MAC address is banned. Can u try with a different device? or with a mac address spoofer?

thats wild tho, did not think one could get kicked off everything like that.
9 RTR’s done I feel soo much better :twisted:
Hail Satan!
This is the very thing that infuriates me everyday and completely makes me look down on the broken destroyed "men" of today. They are completely apathetic towards everything including our enemies destroying our world.

And people wonder why women are becoming feminists... it's because so many men are cowards and/or treat us like garbage if we get raped, like this poor woman. Incidentally, isn't Sweden one of the countries with the highest percentage of (((feminists)))? Maybe because so many of the men there are cucks. I'm not stating this to start an argument. This poor woman, nobody helping her, only insulting her because she has sperm in her hair and is covered in blood? Imagine going through something like that :cry:

RTR fuel.
Lydia said:
And people wonder why women are becoming feminists...

RTR fuel.

Sweden has a feminist government and has the highest rape count in Europe... This is because of all the Muslims they took in.
Seems like Edward is trying? to demonize whites at taking the blame off jews and Muslims, I think that because he says there are jews/Muslims in the universe but it's not their fault. then he posts an article about Swedish women being raped by Muslims. is it just me or is something off. if I'm not mistaken Edward is of Latino/Chicano heritage? and from my understanding of these guys, they are hardcore jew worshippers and it seems like to me he is trying to mislead us/ defend his masters. in a "slick" way. correct me if I'm wrong.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I'm trying to find places I can spread this but I am literally blocked from every damn possible website where I can do online warfare now, even places I haven't gotten to yet, Quora.com for fucks sake. Gab was my last line of online warfare as I lost access to things over the past 2 years little by little every time my posts gained popularity, but it seems just now I'm blocked from that too no matter what I try:


I had other gab log-ins but I lost access to those as well, my main was all that was left standing and now it's gone too. All of this is with VPN and such but it seems they must've tracked my wi-fi of which I have no control over. Posts get deleted, removed, shadow banned, everything has me completely shut out. Do you know of any places this can be spread? Youtube is gone, tumblr is gone, reddit is gone, 4chan, memebase, memedroid, facebook, twitter, twitch, everything with google and now gab. This is something I wanted to mention a long time ago but because I still had Gab I deemed I was good, but now I don't. I can't make an account even on a bunch of things, yes I can't even get that far.

Any suggestions?
There might be some methods to better hide your identity and go around those bans.

Ninja 666 said:
@Ninja Pinging you here since maybe you can help him.
Lydia said:
And people wonder why women are becoming feminists... it's because so many men are cowards and/or treat us like garbage if we get raped, like this poor woman. Incidentally, isn't Sweden one of the countries with the highest percentage of (((feminists)))? Maybe because so many of the men there are cucks. I'm not stating this to start an argument. I literally cried at the thought of this poor woman, nobody helpng her, only insulting her because she has sperm in her hair and is covered in blood? Imagine going through something like that and nobody helps you :cry:

RTR fuel.

I'd argue that those shouldn't be considered humans, let alone men or women, and they are the tragic majority.
Edward Lonsa said:

Source: jihadwatch.org

Please spread this.

What the fuck :( :cry: I don't even know what to say or feel. I'm absolutely disgusted, angry, and I couldn't stop a tear.

Some things should not go unpunished. Not even in a thousand years.

This is just the most terrible news I've come across in months. What a fucking sissy, witnesses a rape crime and turns away the woman, to add insult to injury. This idiot is probably Christian.
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Spread this everywhere, at least 100 people have to read this per one person spreading the message.

I am spreading this now myself.

Do your daily RTR also. Sublimate rage into something useful.

Any suggestions?
I would say even a random forum. Any place is definitely ok.
Lydia said:
And people wonder why women are becoming feminists... it's because so many men are cowards and/or treat us like garbage if we get raped, like this poor woman. Incidentally, isn't Sweden one of the countries with the highest percentage of (((feminists)))? Maybe because so many of the men there are cucks.
I totally agree with what you're saying, but will also point out that it was stated an entire subway of people ignored her. So it really boils down to the majority of Swedes in the area as a whole being cowards, of both genders. It's definitely despicable that even the men are too fearful to do anything to help... It's in males' very nature to defend women, and the lack of any drive to do so here just shows how far our Aryan people have fallen... just insane.
Those "people" who ignored her screams are disgrace of the White Race.

They are worse than jews themselves.
i blame xian insanity cuz of mind trapped under kike spell they cannot grow spiritually and waiting joo joo on stick to save their life's that unfortunately never happens.
This is cowardice, and cowardice is fear. He who is in power directs things, for better or for worse. And jews have been in power for a long time and these are the results. A few months ago, a member posted a news item about Norway. There were muslims spreading islam and a Norwegian man rejected islam and threw a couple from the koran in the bin and was attacked and threatened by muslims. And the islamicized states asked the Norwegian state not to allow such behavior by Norwegians and to take action. And therefore, the invaders have more rights than the natives. And the police are helping the invaders instead of helping their own people.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I know what Sweden needs!

Any society where the citizens have an actual living soul, every one of those rapists would be publicly crucified in the middle of town with everyone watching.
Have your own Vlad Sweeden, Romania needs him too :(
“Eeew, you have sperm on your face and on your clothes, don’t involve us,”
Wtf is this even real, i hope those guys never reproduce, what kind of soy boy one must be to tell something like that its totally disgusting, i know that the sweeds had been indoctrinated but this kind of stupidity is outside their gorv programming, its just pure stupidity coming from them...
This 'man' does not deserve to be called a man and ultimately is a sickening individual. I cannot imagine ignoring a woman who needs help at all. At the end of the day there are a lot of internal traitors beyond even just being cowards. Whether regarding Sweden, Rotherham or the Euroweek camps of Poland these traitors are everywhere and they are very dangerous. I am exasperated in dealing with these cuckolds and traitors.

Whatever they must tell themselves, like 'fuck you I got mine', 'jezzuzzzz and communism will save me', or 'this child was just a whore anyway', renders them utter beasts. This attitude is becoming more and more common. We must hammer the RTRs.
All those who turn the other cheek and refused to help either when the crime was being committed or when the woman came to seek help afterwards deserve the same capital punishment as the rapists, which in my opinion should be a death sentence. Because allowing such subhuman garbage to live in your society will cause the death of the entire society.

They aid and abet the immigrant filth, empower them to commit these unspeakable crimes. They are equally vile and disgusting to the immigrants themselves. Worse even, in some way, for turning their backs on their race and by proxy letting this happen under their fucking noses.

If there were any decent men around there, this immigrant filth would have been surrounded by dozens of furious men ready to kill them on the spot less than 30 seconds after the first scream for help of this woman. Just calling the police from within the safe space of your home is not enough during a situation like this, because by the time they arrive she would already have been violated by them.

If this happened in my street I'd run down there myself no matter how many of them there are. I think any SS men here would do the same. If a woman get's violated under your nose, then you have failed as a man. It's incomprehensible to me how any man could think or feel otherwise. It's natural instinct to jump through the fire to protect the woman of your race and society.

As Edward said, in Eastern Europe and other places around the world men still have this instinct. They'd come running down all their flats en mass to beat the life out of the piece of filth that dares to commit such acts. A woman only has to yell for help once, and all the men within earshot would come running. People who turn the other cheek to such things are shunned as well.

So many Swedish "men" are so cucked, there's no masculinity left in them. It is disgusting.

If I saw that happen I'd loose all self control. Stab them in the back in the name of self defense, and get their attention away from her so that she could try to escape, then have them all to myself. Probably though, with how insane and unjust the legal system is today, after it would be said and done, I'd be me getting arrested and looking at who knows how many years of jail time.

People should be legally allowed to take out the trash so to speak. After 5 years society would be pure and beautiful again. Of course because I am law abiding I'd never commit such acts myself and don't encourage others to go so far, until the day justice returns to this world that is...
This is very very very sad......it's liberalism (individualism) that has messed up the Western mindset......
You guys need to get into serious Viking mode how long are you going to allow this to continue happening or is it people are really just afraid to labeled "racist" by the kike liberal cucked media.....
Egon said:
Years ago I've read a similar thing in Sweden as well and had to leave my workplace for a while and breath, and yet the situation hasn't changed. These sick fucks should be trapped and tormented in the afterlife as well as this life. And reincarnate those cuck excuses of whitey in the worst places of Somalia or something.

Whites who allow these things and nod their head yes or champion enemy causes, when they happen are going to experience existential punishment directly from the Gods, beyond comprehension and natural law, individually also. They are destroying their race, civilization, themselves, and empowering all the enemies of the Gods while at it.

Doing a kamikaze mission on your own race may look fun for them now, but when the ride ends, they will not enjoy it.

Accepting heinous things past a point has nothing to do with brainwashing solely, it means something in the spirit is broken and beyond repair. Even brainwashing has some limits, it's not like people are locked into a ward and they are told what and how to think 24/7. Past a point the errors may be present within.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
