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Slothz Tales Incel Buddha

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Slothz Tales Incel Buddha

As the annual meeting of MGTOW, Monks Going There Own Way [which is not the way if its the way of no way] gathered at the sacred space of Redditbodhi to discuss with the venerable Incel Lord Buddha that which monks discuss. One monk asked the venerable Buddha...."Oh venerable Buddha, lord of all wisdom and who's radiating knowledge fills all universal beings with compassion and the stars even come to hear thou discourse which are numerous as the stars themselves" the monk gasped in with a long breath as this train of praise is wind generating..."Please tell us what is the cause of all suffering?"

As Buddha took a long haul on his bong he brushed the Cheetos off his robe and stated: "The cause of all suffering is the Stacie's who bitch shielded me when I asked them on a date to the high school dance and the Chads who slammed me into the lockers in the hallways in-between class."

Then a shocked looking MGTOW came running in and yelled: "Oh venerable lord weed Buddha who's name is pure! There are women asking to become monks of MGTOW!"

The MGTOW's all looked shocked then Buddha stated: "MGTOW's chant the precept on the Buddha's stance on women!"

The MGTOW's started to chant the precept:
"Buddha always over Puta
Bro's before Hoes
No homo."

As Buddha adjusted his Fedora and took a drink of mountain dew from his cup he took a haul off his bong. Then looking around he stated: "MGTOW's remember when I told you Mara sent his hawt daughters to sexually tempt me! But I was all like whatever sluts I am not buying you a drink as you attempt to manipulate me with your sexual market value!"

"You actually talked to hawt chicks!" Stated one of the monks.

"Great lord of all venerable stuff that is like really good and stuff the women still want to be MGTOW!" A monk stated looking surprised.

Buddha then took another major haul off his bong: "Alright then" He stated and continued: "However this will be the rules of MGTOW Buddha for all women MGTOW's who will be called Bitchkkhuni's or Bitches and this shall be the precepts of such:

Bitches shall make Buddha a sandwich when Buddha wants one.
Bitches shall not spill a drop of mountain dew when filling Buddha's cup with such.
Bitches shall not talk back to Buddha like not ever.
Bitches shall never......never I mean totality not like ever mention the name Billy Idol who is the form of Mara itself and lives in the sixth sphere of chad heaven."

And with that the meeting of Redditbodhi went into history as the wisdom of Incel Buddha traversed the world.
Lol! This is my favourite Slothz Tales!
That was amusing...

I thought Buddha was one of Father's forms, but was tainted by christianity. Am I wrong? Please correct me, HPs.
a discussion of the jewish ideology/lifestyle psyop of "involuntary celibacy" or 'INCEL'


a discussion of how the M.G.T.O.W movement is a jewish psyop

"Buddha always over Puta" hahahahaha

Very creative tale, HP Mageson. One of the best Slothz Tales I've read.
We can have the fun and giggles, but the MGTOW crowd are not exactly dumb cultists.

This guy is very level-headed and has some serious arguments, from a regular point of view; And he's not alone. Many women have really gone off the rails unfortunately.

On another note, I really can't help but see an animated cartoon in my mind whenever I read these works of art! :D
What is the point, that the lack of calculation of males towards their so called significant others always leads to essentially building false hopes onto the wrong women?

Like oh, "I was hanging around with that stripper that has been with over 5000 men in her lifetime, and she told me she loved me, so long I held the dollar bills flying and I believed it cause she was deceitful bitch and I was innocent" type of stuff? "My biggest breakdown was when this stripper told me that she didn't want to have kids with me, imagine my shock. Then I went to MGTOW and I'm right back on the strip club now and throwing bills again, but as a changed man!".

People do bad to other people, maybe these guys can get over it, and instead of huge rants to evoke solidarity, time can be put to work out how to spot decent women and be better at being in relationship with these.

Women cheat men and men cheat women, what's new under the sun? I guess the jew and his necessity to bolster Feminism and MGTOW to make a lot of money, but that isn't new either.

"BetterBachelor" needs to put the lube down and start reading on Jews and the destruction they have done to society. And how this affects both genders mentally, and their relationship.

All that these people complain about is essentially the existence of jews and the social state that this world has been based upon since their emergence. Part of this is the complete lack of the spirit of other people, and being an NPC drone.

Normal, non-jewed people, behave far less that way.

Inflorescentia said:
We can have the fun and giggles, but the MGTOW crowd are not exactly dumb cultists.

This guy is very level-headed and has some serious arguments, from a regular point of view; And he's not alone. Many women have really gone off the rails unfortunately.

On another note, I really can't help but see an animated cartoon in my mind whenever I read these works of art! :D
Inflorescentia said:
Many women have really gone off the rails unfortunately.
As a male who has friendly chats with other males, the same can be said with dudes, but actually it isn’t true.

It’s isn’t women who are going off of the rails or even men for that matter, it’s really people at large, gender aside, especially young people mostly from all these strange liberal movements and all this toxic insanity the jews are pushing in western culture especially. But this is regardless of gender. Men tend to say women are crazy cause they need someone to blame cause of course they can’t be the problem, and also they have unrealistic expectations and women to do the same back. Clearly the jews are pitting us against one another. This is for a reason. It creates hang ups, and creates problems that really leads to dark roads. No one can progress with these mentalities, thus why the jew aims to create these situations in people’s psyches. To trap them and then take them down. It’s obvious.

People are people really and if you’re attracting or seeing the types you don’t like or respect, perhaps it’s the environment you’re in and you’d do yourself a service to work your way away from that and move towards being around better people.

Great tale btw Mageson!
MGTOW is another mutation of the psychic virus of Jewish Cultural Marxism. This clown name guy takes a common fact that there is an infatuation period in relationships that phase into something more solid its part of the bonding after that in time is the test of lasting love or people just are not compatible. That is why a lot of people get divorced after a few years they should just live together first for a couple of years first then decide.

Because we don't live in a society with wisdom that is taught people believe this fantasy ideal of love that is promoted in movie and other fantasy stories that love is the infatuation feeling and they need to stay high forever on such. So when the feeling goes away they believe they are not in love anymore. Then some people are more compulsive and always chasing this feeling and the high effect. This issue can be solved with spiritual development and studying astrology to understand if one is compatible. Match making services such be astrologically planned which is how this was in the Pagan world.

However this clown literally "Joker" then takes a normal factor and puts this into the ideological construct of MGTOW to then justify the cult narrative and then finds some arbitrary stories of silly people who behave immature and then uses this to prove some ideology based on confirmation bias. To then feel justified in his own beliefs. That is all MGTOW is about and its built on the Cultural Marxist platform. This is how every fucking Christard thinks information out as well.

Inflorescentia said:
We can have the fun and giggles, but the MGTOW crowd are not exactly dumb cultists.

This guy is very level-headed and has some serious arguments, from a regular point of view; And he's not alone. Many women have really gone off the rails unfortunately.

On another note, I really can't help but see an animated cartoon in my mind whenever I read these works of art! :D
Eric13 said:
Inflorescentia said:
Many women have really gone off the rails unfortunately.
As a male who has friendly chats with other males, the same can be said with dudes, but actually it isn’t true.

It’s isn’t women who are going off of the rails or even men for that matter, it’s really people at large, gender aside, especially young people mostly from all these strange liberal movements and all this toxic insanity the jews are pushing in western culture especially. But this is regardless of gender. Men tend to say women are crazy cause they need someone to blame cause of course they can’t be the problem, and also they have unrealistic expectations and women to do the same back. Clearly the jews are pitting us against one another. This is for a reason. It creates hang ups, and creates problems that really leads to dark roads. No one can progress with these mentalities, thus why the jew aims to create these situations in people’s psyches. To trap them and then take them down. It’s obvious.

People are people really and if you’re attracting or seeing the types you don’t like or respect, perhaps it’s the environment you’re in and you’d do yourself a service to work your way away from that and move towards being around better people.

Great tale btw Mageson!
This is actually a very carefully created societal problem where an entire society is being manipulated by people in boardrooms. From songs to advertisements to jokes to videos, everything is trying to shape the way the elite want society to function. This is an elders of Zion type situation where Jews don't want gentiles to have connected bonds with each others and live harmoniously in their own societies. Therefore they try to shape the culture to create dissonance in people to turn them against each other. Not many people have good role models who know much about life and most parents are extremely bad at parenting. The values and behaviors the child gathers from the childhood is synonymous with the experiences he has gone through in human society and the jews are manipulating societal and cultural trends. Behind the scenes, they are motivating and trying to shape a plethora of different groups and manage their trends while keeping them at each others throats.

This casual sex thing wasn't there until the sexual revolution which the jews have profited hugely off. They changed this hippie culture into a drug cocaine thing and the CIA was very involved in this drug hippie culture thing.They are shaping little girls and boys minds with social media and various songs and shows and trends .The pickup art was created by the jew, Ross Jeffries and MGTOW after the growth of radical feminism. After the failure of pickup art, a group called incels who were scammed with pickup art not working and have been convinced of an ideology of inferiority although most of them are simply fucked in the head. These dating apps and social media are also a very hazardous invention where people are faced with the decision to compete and compare themselves with hundreds of thousands of suitors and eventually fail. This also destroys the natural pair bonding experience where a man courts a woman physically. A woman has hundreds of choices now, before 20 years she only knew some 5-6 guys of her area or the place she worked, extended family etc. Humans are wired to live in small tribes, they are not ready to live and compete in a global scale or even a regional scale.

This internet social media thing is taking a very problematic turn with vr and surveillance. The illusion of free choice has served the jews well.
I agree with the counter arguments. Indeed, from my experience, relationship misfortune comes from a lack of forethought (and an addiction to hormones).

But the kind of behavior I see exemplified in these videos is beyond what I could ever imagine, and since I don't live in the US or Canada, I get the impression that it's becoming endemic over there. From betrayals to infanticide, it's the stuff that's normally a staple of gypsies, and it's shocking to see white American women in these instances.

It may be the case that these MGTOW dudes are just experiencing tunnel vision, inducing confirmation bias. I hope that's true.

the difficulty of realizing the 14 words under the J.O.G (jewish occupation government)


I think MGTOW is a decent starting place for guys to work on themselves, as women these days are mostly materialistic, not all women though, just those infected with The Jew Viruses
Matty Boy said:
I think MGTOW is a decent starting place for guys to work on themselves, as women these days are mostly materialistic, not all women though, just those infected with The Jew Viruses
Yes goyim, hate all women and don’t procreate, can’t risk the next Adolf Hitler with White babies right?
This is how people get fucked over by this nonsense they only hear what they like and ignore the rest. Then after awhile the toxic atmosphere of MGTOW starts to influence them to the point they just become the male equal of some raging cultural Marxist chick with funny colored hair the only difference they start raving against the Matriarchy. If you don't understand this your not Jew wise.

Matty Boy said:
I think MGTOW is a decent starting place for guys to work on themselves, as women these days are mostly materialistic, not all women though, just those infected with The Jew Viruses
HP Mageson666 said:
This is how people get fucked over by this nonsense they only hear what they like and ignore the rest. Then after awhile the toxic atmosphere of MGTOW starts to influence them to the point they just become the male equal of some raging cultural Marxist chick with funny colored hair the only difference they start raving against the Matriarchy. If you don't understand this your not Jew wise.

Matty Boy said:
I think MGTOW is a decent starting place for guys to work on themselves, as women these days are mostly materialistic, not all women though, just those infected with The Jew Viruses

Yes it's the male version of feminism, it's a good starting place I said, similar to nofap or something along those lines, to be used as a crutch, then when you've learned what you needed to about yourself, right back on the path.

I was being influenced by MGTOW negatively for awhile. But now all I care about is helping the earth.

Also I don't really post here as much as I'd like to, I'm Canadian and the topics and posts on here seem extremely American. Not to mention all the hate I receive after posting here.
Matty Boy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
This is how people get fucked over by this nonsense they only hear what they like and ignore the rest. Then after awhile the toxic atmosphere of MGTOW starts to influence them to the point they just become the male equal of some raging cultural Marxist chick with funny colored hair the only difference they start raving against the Matriarchy. If you don't understand this your not Jew wise.

Matty Boy said:
I think MGTOW is a decent starting place for guys to work on themselves, as women these days are mostly materialistic, not all women though, just those infected with The Jew Viruses

Yes it's the male version of feminism, it's a good starting place I said, similar to nofap or something along those lines, to be used as a crutch, then when you've learned what you needed to about yourself, right back on the path.

I was being influenced by MGTOW negatively for awhile. But now all I care about is helping the earth.

Also I don't really post here as much as I'd like to, I'm Canadian and the topics and posts on here seem extremely American. Not to mention all the hate I receive after posting here.
This forum is for everyone, don't worry about being canadian, there's SS all over the world writing on here:)
Aquarius said:
Matty Boy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
This is how people get fucked over by this nonsense they only hear what they like and ignore the rest. Then after awhile the toxic atmosphere of MGTOW starts to influence them to the point they just become the male equal of some raging cultural Marxist chick with funny colored hair the only difference they start raving against the Matriarchy. If you don't understand this your not Jew wise.

Yes it's the male version of feminism, it's a good starting place I said, similar to nofap or something along those lines, to be used as a crutch, then when you've learned what you needed to about yourself, right back on the path.

I was being influenced by MGTOW negatively for awhile. But now all I care about is helping the earth.

Also I don't really post here as much as I'd like to, I'm Canadian and the topics and posts on here seem extremely American. Not to mention all the hate I receive after posting here.
This forum is for everyone, don't worry about being canadian, there's SS all over the world writing on here:)

I think it means that in the last week or so the clergy has been focusing more on what might happen to the USA than the rest of the world.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
