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Please help, I don't know what's happening to me

Hvítr Ormr

Sep 24, 2017
In the ancient past
Some of you may remember I wrote a post about being destroyed by enemy curses earlier this year, I think it was in June. With your guys' help I thought I'd figured out what was wrong and beaten it, that it was kind of being caused by me focusing on it, but for the past few days ever since Halloween it's come back with a vengeance. I don't know how to stop it, my aura just keeps getting dirtier and dirtier with curses from the moment I wake up each day. And no matter how much AOP (including Blitzkreig's one about targeting enemy curses directly) I do, no matter how much I try and clean it doesn't work, it won't stop. I vibrate Surya 216 times into my soul constantly, and that used to work but now it's stopped, it doesn't do anything anymore. Just more and more curses and dirt, and more and more fear keeps building up each day each day until it overwhelms me and I feel like I want to die. The only thing that helps is returning curses part 2, but the next day it's just been exactly the same.

I feel like something horrific is going to happen to me because of all these curses and there's nothing I can do to stop it. And I don't even understand why this is happening, I was fine literally 4 days ago.

Please, will someone help me understand what is happening and what I can do to stop it. I really feel like I'm going to die.
What you describe as "negativity", could not be related to cursing, but planetary forces or other negativity. It can also relate to emotional instability or other things like this. Putting endless faith into this matter is wrong and must be lessened, ie, the cursing. Undoubtedly, it exists, but further patience is required.

If you feel like you are going to die, you must also look into the medical aspects underlying things.

What you describe here can be insensitivity to meditation which can occur in almost all meditators every sometime. Negative transits can make you feel like you are being showered with shit so to say, and this might be persistent and not go away. Regardless you should keep cleaning and doing protection.

Your mentality here is off, you are creating a victimized view of being "cursed" to justify everything on it, and this in itself is the wrong thing to do, because it will make everything harder.

You must have more faith in the protection of the Gods and put less worry into this if possible. Chances are the cursing might be real, but no matter what, you need to have faith in the Gods and so on.

Take this from the person who likely gets the biggest blunt of everything.
I am also going through the same situation and I have been like this for the last two years, I spend practically all day cleaning, some of us have accumulated a lot of dirt and karma from many past lives.
Never give up and keep on cleaning, there will come a day when your soul will be completely clean and free and will shine again.
Also as Hooded Cobra says the gods have always been with me in the most difficult times and they have shown me that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What you describe as "negativity", could not be related to cursing, but planetary forces or other negativity. It can also relate to emotional instability or other things like this. Putting endless faith into this matter is wrong and must be lessened, ie, the cursing. Undoubtedly, it exists, but further patience is required.

If you feel like you are going to die, you must also look into the medical aspects underlying things.

What you describe here can be insensitivity to meditation which can occur in almost all meditators every sometime. Negative transits can make you feel like you are being showered with shit so to say, and this might be persistent and not go away. Regardless you should keep cleaning and doing protection.

Your mentality here is off, you are creating a victimized view of being "cursed" to justify everything on it, and this in itself is the wrong thing to do, because it will make everything harder.

You must have more faith in the protection of the Gods and put less worry into this if possible. Chances are the cursing might be real, but no matter what, you need to have faith in the Gods and so on.

Take this from the person who likely gets the biggest blunt of everything.

I get what you're saying HC, and thank you for replying I didn't expect that. I will try not to get so scared, it's just it's so hard not too, I feel such fear sometimes that it's paralyzing almost. I thought I'd beaten this already earlier this year, but the methods I was using don't seem to work anymore so I'm kind of panicking because I don't know what to do. I was fine until literally Halloween night, I was just sitting with some incense burning and I just felt this huge rush of negative energy suddenly cover me. I cleaned it with returning curses part 2 but ever since it's just been coming back each day, feeling worse each time it does. I think I can hear voices mocking me in my head when I try to make it go away too but I don't know if it's just my own voice or not. I'll say to myself something like "I'm fine, I'm not being cursed, my AOP is working correctly" over and over to try and make it stop, but each time I do I just hear a voice just turning around what I say back onto me, like questioning if that's the case then why is this happening then, and then I'll feel the negative energy get even worse in response. I don't think there's anything medically wrong with me, I'm just scared something horrible is gonna happen to me that might kill me cos I can't get rid of the negative energies. I'll try and have more faith in Satan and the Gods though, cos I suppose that hasn't happened yet so maybe they're protecting me. I know they must be protecting you, because as you say you must be receiving the brunt of it and you're ok aren't you.

It's just it came out of nowhere when I thought I was doing ok, although I noticed Saturn went direct on the 24th and I am going through a Saturn transit, so could that be the culprit?
Chances are you're aggravating all of these problems with just your mind by constantly dwelling on it and being scared of it, you're constantly giving energy to these forces. You need to be more stable minded.
Hvítr Ormr said:
Some of you may remember I wrote a post about being destroyed by enemy curses earlier this year, I think it was in June. With your guys' help I thought I'd figured out what was wrong and beaten it, that it was kind of being caused by me focusing on it, but for the past few days ever since Halloween it's come back with a vengeance. I don't know how to stop it, my aura just keeps getting dirtier and dirtier with curses from the moment I wake up each day. And no matter how much AOP (including Blitzkreig's one about targeting enemy curses directly) I do, no matter how much I try and clean it doesn't work, it won't stop. I vibrate Surya 216 times into my soul constantly, and that used to work but now it's stopped, it doesn't do anything anymore. Just more and more curses and dirt, and more and more fear keeps building up each day each day until it overwhelms me and I feel like I want to die. The only thing that helps is returning curses part 2, but the next day it's just been exactly the same.

I feel like something horrific is going to happen to me because of all these curses and there's nothing I can do to stop it. And I don't even understand why this is happening, I was fine literally 4 days ago.

Please, will someone help me understand what is happening and what I can do to stop it. I really feel like I'm going to die.

Find a hard and demanding job(orna second job) that will keep your mind occupied and surround yourself with people. Be always busy. Personally if I don't come back home in 4 legs I find it a wasted day

On a hallowen night me too I experienced something heavy and horrific, energy wise, but I slapped myself on the face 3 times and hard just to wake up from status quo and I carry on with whatever I need to be doing.
If it is only fear from things that do not concern you or things that are not real, pay no attention and do not harbour such thoughts and emotions. Concentrate and create better habits such as happy, positive things and calm. Too much thinking is also problematic.
It might be worth thinking about physical factors, like being too close to a 5G cell tower, or fluoride in your drinking water, or being under lots of airplane chem-trails, or being downwind of agricultural pesticides, etc.

A good test might be to take a nice long vacation somewhere clean and far away in the mountains, like for a month if you can, and see how you feel then.
Hi everyone, I'm feeling a lot better now. I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply to everyone here who gave me a reply and offered advice, it's just I've had a rough time for the last couple of weeks. I'm fairly sure it is Saturn ultimately that's been causing some trouble for me, but now that I've realized what it is that it's trying to show me I think I'm gonna be ok now. I just need to try to calm down and not get scared when I feel enemy attacks, as I do know ultimately that my AOP is strong enough to protect me adequately. It's just even with all the void meditation I do it still gets to me sometimes.

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=397491 time=1667528738 user_id=346]
It might be worth thinking about physical factors, like being too close to a 5G cell tower, or fluoride in your drinking water, or being under lots of airplane chem-trails, or being downwind of agricultural pesticides, etc.

A good test might be to take a nice long vacation somewhere clean and far away in the mountains, like for a month if you can, and see how you feel then.

This is something to think about I hadn't considered, I like the idea of getting away from my living situation for a little while, might be helpful as you say.
Hvítr Ormr said:

The solution is not necessarily the cleaning or AOP, but rather it is restoring your sense of strength, which it sounds like Saturn is testing. If you had pre-existing problems here, then Saturn would definitely want you to be aware of it.

Fears can come from a lack of fire, but they can also come from the presence of water, such as within a certain house or sign. Saturn aspecting certain areas means you are being "tested" in those areas.

Regardless, you know what the problem is, so you don't necessarily need to identify it perfectly. It appears like a fear of loss of control, especially with important matters like self preservation.

You should be doing actions to directly bolster your confidence, whether that is a larger working or something short term like inhaling solar energy and programming it to do so. You can do the Sun in Sag. Square for this exact purpose, as any transits may be long-term.


If the problem is coming from a physical origin (which it could be both), then this may manifest as feeling hyper, insomnia, or lethargy. Feeling unable to relax is more related to a lack of yin, whereas weakness or fear comes from a lack of yang. It is possible to have both, but the point is that you will see and feel this on your body, not just through your mind/emotions alone.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
