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Just Wanted To Say Something About The Situation

SleepingWolf said:
VoiceofEnki said:
High Priestess Maxine set this standard, and High Priest HoodedCobra followed through to carry on the torch.
Is this actually true the Maxine was as active at one point as Cobra is now? I'm assuming this is referring to the 2000s era? Genuinely asking for those who've only been on these new forums, not the Yahoo days, since the years leading up to what I assume are her higher duties now, she was not as active at least as visibly as Cobra. I assumed she was just active behind the scenes with Cobra, but didn't things were probably different before these forums.

HPS Maxine spent about 3 hours daily in the yahoo groups. She mentioned this number, and it was clear by the amount she posted. She answered most questions, even newbie and retarded and troll ones. She kept that up for well over a decade.
Shannon said:
I believed it was only appropriate to write to all of you to publicly apologize to anyone who may have felt I let them down, or, to put it another way, failed. Also, I wanted to make it known that I have not left the JOS (who in their right mind would after everything that has happened or been experienced?), nor am I an infiltrator or anything of the type that may have been floating about. 

I've never lied about working on my soul or seeking advancement. Part of the difficulty was that I got caught up and retreated, becoming too isolated or withdrawn, among other things (maybe not worth discussing at this point). But, in any case, it is my situation. I just wanted to make that clear. I am only a human who is still capable of making mistakes and having character flaws, but this will be addressed. I sincerely apologize if I have disappointed any of you. But what is done is done. And I am at least happy to know that I accomplished some things that will be useful in the future.

I underestimated my position and allowed other things in life to take hold of me, as well as allowing myself to be taken by the concept that I was no longer of use or that there was nothing more to be gained or shared from me. A lot has transpired over time, and I wanted to remain behind the scenes, which I am doing now and will surely be doing other projects for SS. I still enjoy writing, which is why I put out the two posts a couple days ago, regardless of my position. That's all I had to say, and most importantly, I hope you're all safe, healthy, and strong. I'm still here and will never abandon Satanism. That is definitely a fact.

Arent you a HPS??
Act like one!
Youre one of the extreme selected few, selected to be a part of the clergy to the most spiritually powerful being in the Universe!
How much greater of an honor can ANY being get, let alone a human??
We are evolving our consciousness and this only one of many levels of the physicality - even in this realm. This is the life and reality of the 'living' consciousness - we will always 'live' our existence to realise and experience who we are - 'ourselves'!!!
Manofsatan said:
Osiris Silvio said:
I don't see it as a big deal and I don't fully agree with this demotion nonsense. In my opinion it is just uselessly disrespectful to go on making too much ado about removing a title. It is disrespectful to the dedicated efforts made by the concerned person over years simply because she is unable to be very active lately.

As a proud Satanist, I thank you for your time and knowledge. I found your posts to be meaningful and I really prefer QUALITY to quantity.

For the fact you are using word to insult actions of discipline, shows you may not be a spiritual satanist, you don't understand "dedication" on your level then to talk more on the clergy.
She was the head of the black community, sometimes ago when she made sparing appearance, I asked her if she abandoned that community. Just like abandoning children put under your care. So do you understand what a High Priest or priestess is? It's not play.
The level of disappointment on your name will be forever "Osiris Silivio". Shame on you for your lack of reasoning, understanding and going against order.

Maybe you should ease your tits a little bit. "Shame on you" Oh please you sound pitiable. Spare me your worthless replies next time. Thanks
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
I don't see it as a big deal and I don't fully agree with this demotion nonsense. In my opinion it is just uselessly disrespectful to go on making too much ado about removing a title. It is disrespectful to the dedicated efforts made by the concerned person over years simply because she is unable to be very active lately.

As a proud Satanist, I thank you for your time and knowledge. I found your posts to be meaningful and I really prefer QUALITY to quantity.

You don't see it as a big deal because on the delusional/newbie level, none of this is real to you. This creates the outcome where you think nothing is very serious besides one's own newbie nonsense, which is not the level Clergy is supposed to play at. What is more important is your own nonsense at this tier of limited understanding.

Lately is around 3 years now. Showing up twice per year or whatever is unacceptable as Clergy.

The above is common sense.

Additionally, the "no standards is best standards" is no longer the case. Era's over. The Gods have plans they want to do, their plan is not to appease emotionally weak individuals who don't know who to blame and can't think like mature adults.

I realize most of you have no actual measurement of what is what, and judge based on nothing [and in particular when it comes against someone like me, that is an excellent practice, a feel good practice, a "that's the bad guy practice" which is typical of jealous assholes who invoke angels or something] but absence is what it is.

This essentially comes from the same confused territory that you represent and you think the Gods coddle you and touch your chin and tell you how wonderful you are, without anything substantial in this case.

Your judgements are solely emotional and merely meant to cast doubt upon the evident. Yes, from now on, anyone doing something for JoS will be following a proper path to this. People can't be entering deserted temples.

I won't be opening up websites to see abandoned sites for 6 months or more. I go there and I find a site completely abandonned. Excuse after excuse.

That is not someone who speaks with Azazel face to face, Silvio kiddo. Sorry to break down your reality over this.

As a last note, I want to say openly that most have no real awareness whatsoever of the "level" of a High Priest. If you want to understand what this level is, besides internet sensationalism, an actual look into the future is required.

You cannot miss from all the festivals and all the temples and "just show up" once a day, unless there is fatal illness, actual responsibilities which are overbearing, or death involved.

Okay I am going to skip your disrespect. I understand the situation more clearly now. It would have been better if I did not give my opinion.

Can you stop saying that I invoke angels? I do not invoke any Seraphic slaves and I hate them.

A newbie does not have a raised Kundalini Serpent, which I do, thanks to my Guardian Demon, whether you like it or not. And please, don't be prejudiced. If I did not assess the situation quite properly that does not invalidate my strength, which of course comes from my past lives and higher self in addition to this lifetime.

I did reach a high level through meditation. This I personally and only I can know. Trying to downsize me will not help and will not work. There is always more maturity to attain, however: emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual.
Dahaarkan said:
Osiris Silvio said:
I don't see it as a big deal and I don't fully agree with this demotion nonsense. In my opinion it is just uselessly disrespectful to go on making too much ado about removing a title. It is disrespectful to the dedicated efforts made by the concerned person over years simply because she is unable to be very active lately.

As a proud Satanist, I thank you for your time and knowledge. I found your posts to be meaningful and I really prefer QUALITY to quantity.

The point isn't to destroy Shannon it's simply a situation where a HP should be active in their role. This doesn't mean Shannon is a failed Satanist or a bad person, but simply that she was no longer fulfilling this specific role to the capacity that is required. The reasons for this are only known to her and are frankly irrelevant to the situation.

One can have very valid reasons for not following through, or one may have only excuses. The end result is the same; a person who cannot be active, regardless of the reasons being valid or not, should not maintain the title of HP.

This is why I say when one feels they are unable to follow through with what is required to simply resign, there is no shame in this and this displays integrity and strength of character. Yes, certain people will be very eager to point their fingers because it makes them feel powerful or something. It's easier to kick someone while they are down than to support and uplift them so they may grow from the situation and move forward.

I agree with you, thanks
Manofsatan said:
Osiris Silvio said:
I don't see it as a big deal and I don't fully agree with this demotion nonsense. In my opinion it is just uselessly disrespectful to go on making too much ado about removing a title. It is disrespectful to the dedicated efforts made by the concerned person over years simply because she is unable to be very active lately.

As a proud Satanist, I thank you for your time and knowledge. I found your posts to be meaningful and I really prefer QUALITY to quantity.

For the fact you are using word to insult actions of discipline, shows you may not be a spiritual satanist, you don't understand "dedication" on your level then to talk more on the clergy.
She was the head of the black community, sometimes ago when she made sparing appearance, I asked her if she abandoned that community. Just like abandoning children put under your care. So do you understand what a High Priest or priestess is? It's not play.
The level of disappointment on your name will be forever "Osiris Silivio". Shame on you for your lack of reasoning, understanding and going against order.

I appreciate your passion. But what I thought or wrote does not have to bring any sort of shame to my name. It doesn't invalidate me as a Satanist. Even if I did a mistake, do you think it is that enormous to affect me forever? 😂

What I will learn from all of this, is to not post any replies unless they are very necessary. I don't want to cause any trouble.
SleepingWolf said:
VoiceofEnki said:
High Priestess Maxine set this standard, and High Priest HoodedCobra followed through to carry on the torch.

Is this actually true the Maxine was as active at one point as Cobra is now? I'm assuming this is referring to the 2000s era? Genuinely asking for those who've only been on these new forums, not the Yahoo days, since the years leading up to what I assume are her higher duties now, she was not as active at least as visibly as Cobra. I assumed she was just active behind the scenes with Cobra, but didn't things were probably different before these forums.

I remember in 2015 and 2016 she was very active and writing sermons and posting every day on yahoo groups and the former forum.
I also remember her responding to my first post in the yahoo groups in 2012 when I was just starting out.
Osiris Silvio said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Osiris Silvio said:



A newbie does not have a raised Kundalini Serpent, which I do, thanks to my Guardian Demon, whether you like it or not. And please, don't be prejudiced. If I did not assess the situation quite properly that does not invalidate my strength, which of course comes from my past lives and higher self in addition to this lifetime.

I did reach a high level through meditation. This I personally and only I can know. Trying to downsize me will not help and will not work. There is always more maturity to attain, however: emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual.

I'd sit there to give you some constructive advice but I believe it's better and most deserved for you to dwell in your delusions and the tier where you belong.

I don't have to do manually what life will reply to you by default.

Clearly the only reason you dislike the original post is because of you existing in the same fake fantasy tier that most of people who would dislike this are, but life will settle this for what post won't and I won't.
Osiris Silvio said:

Okay I am going to skip your disrespect. I understand the situation more clearly now. It would have been better if I did not give my opinion.

Can you stop saying that I invoke angels? I do not invoke any Seraphic slaves and I hate them.

A newbie does not have a raised Kundalini Serpent, which I do, thanks to my Guardian Demon, whether you like it or not. And please, don't be prejudiced. If I did not assess the situation quite properly that does not invalidate my strength, which of course comes from my past lives and higher self in addition to this lifetime.

I did reach a high level through meditation. This I personally and only I can know. Trying to downsize me will not help and will not work. There is always more maturity to attain, however: emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual.

You could be a god for all I care and my response is the same either way. You have yet to make a single worthwhile contribution here, and therefore you are utterly worthless to the group regardless of how advanced or not you are, and as a consequence, your voice holds no real weight or importance regardless of how much progress you've made or not.

Due to this, you have no ground with which to stand on to declare HC's contribution as insufficient or not good enough. This empty talk of being risen and bringing up your GD does not impress me.

Start contributing and educating and elevating your brothers and sisters, and maybe then you'll have ground to stand on and be taken seriously. As it is right now you're just one of the many accounts who jump at any opportunity to slander and make empty accusations.
Osiris Silvio said:
A newbie does not have a raised Kundalini Serpent, which I do, thanks to my Guardian Demon, whether you like it or not. And please, don't be prejudiced. If I did not assess the situation quite properly that does not invalidate my strength, which of course comes from my past lives and higher self in addition to this lifetime.
Mate you're stuck in 2015, where everyone's identity was anything they believed hard enough :lol:
Yayaz666 said:
Maya said:
Well HP Cobra just pointed out the obvious, that you are totally and completely absent. In my humble opinion, you yourself chose that years ago actually, by being inactive.

I honestly cannot understand how you dare to say that you were "no longer of use" while you were in charge of specific forums. To every forum many questions are posted daily, and you ignored that someone might need you. Some people have no title, yet they work way more than you here, and they appreciate their position. It is a disgrace to the Gods to be chosen for a specific work and leave it aside for years, only to show up every six months to write 5 comments.

Maybe because she felt like so many things were being handled by the people being present. That nothing felt missing. And i feel like she was trying to be respectful by not resigning. She might have not been involved in many other projects that were going on at the moment, hence the more isolation. I would also keep some other things i would rather say in my mind.

The JoS is evolving. The forums haven't been the same 7years ago. As it evolves more engagement is needed from everyone. Everyone has a part to play and I think Sister Shannon has done much. I am personally grateful for her work. I think if she would have decided to let go of the preisthood as Hp Maxine did, it would have been the best way. I also don't think working for Satan means doing everything others are doing. For those who are doing much. Good for them. More blessings.

Everyone does what they can. Our realities are so much different. And i am kindly waiting to see the improvements the next priest/priestess of the Blacks for Satan will do. And from my mind its not the amount of work that one does but the quality that matters.

Maybe yes, maybe no, we can't know and we will never know the actual truth for this, we can only make assumptions. Assuming how a person's life is, assuming what they are doing etc. though these are not facts, just imagination.
Everyone has an opinion, you think she did much, and I totally respect your opinion. Though I am sorry but my opinion is different because I see some things in a different way. My opinion is that when the Gods give you something to do, you don't give up. And in my opinion, her task was to be an hps, with all the weight and honour this has, and she gave up for her own reasons long ago. This doesn't mean I don't appreciate her work.
Now what if every hp we have gave up because they thought "they have done much" as you assume? We would have nothing right now. And she just left the time pass for years. The fact that she made a post about it is good, but when you talk about anything on the forums you have to know that there are many opinions and points of view out there.
NinRick said:
BrightSpace666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Exactly one does not know and one will assume based on statements and claims.

Maya has stated valid points. The problem is people assume false things about certain situations, and exactly this needs to be cleared by revealing the reality, in a formal or informal way, whatever the situation might be.

I personally agree with Maya, and people should understand the seriousness but also be empathic to certain degree, that minimally should do with the general respect of SS people. This doesn't negate the brutal and logical part of things, such as questioning why to stop the confusion.

Since the situation has been communicated, now we must look towards to the future.

In no way did I say I disagree, because to some extent it is understandable. Unfortunately, that's just the way things are, we have to move on, which can be difficult in many cases, but given the current circumstances that are happening and are happening spiritually, we have to move on.

Maya said 666% the truth. What she said is not "to some extent [...] understandable", everything she said is fully right.

You have some social complexes and can not address issues direcly, because you want to make everyone feel perfectly fine always, just as much as you want to feel yourself. This opens up to delusions, you should work on that.
Harsh facts are more valuable than posing and faking everything, just to get approval of people.

Be real and advance step by step and be recognized for that, than pretend to more and fake it just to get approval of people.

Again, it's a question of attitude and how the whole phenomenon is reflected in you. Not everyone has the same opinion about a certain thing, and that's perfectly normal. Just as it is not normal to call someone having a contrary opinion on something "pretence" or "hypocrisy".

I take this "pretending" off on me, because if you think that, you have the wrong idea about me. It is true that I want everyone to be perfect, that is a fact. Just like I don't like fighting, I have always been a peace loving person.

I feel I don't need to explain myself, my opinion speaks for itself. I have the same opinion about former High Priest Salem Burke. Whatever you say will not change my opinion. I didn't like that he betrayed us [allegedly], I liked his personality at the time. That's it, nothing will change that.

Feel free to call me a "hypocrite" or think I'm "faking it", but that puts me on the negative stage of reality and interpretation and gives me a false image.

We have freedom, which gives us freedom of opinion and freedom of thought. That is what the Path itself is about, FREEDOM.
Osiris Silvio said:
A newbie does not have a raised Kundalini Serpent, which I do, thanks to my Guardian Demon, whether you like it or not. And please, don't be prejudiced. If I did not assess the situation quite properly that does not invalidate my strength, which of course comes from my past lives and higher self in addition to this lifetime.

Look here friends, we have another risen one.

I wonder what it will take for people to get their head out of their ass and stop having delusions about advancement or being risen.

Nobody seems to know what it means anymore. Every one is risen these days after a year or two yes yes.

Very good, then do act like it too if you are risen.

But of course, none of the proclaimed risen ones ever act like it. What does that tell us?

Then we have the people of actual quality and ability, do we ever see anyone of them brag about their spiritual accomplishments?

No, they never do, because it doesn't need to be said as it is evident from their actions and ability.

The true risen one won't really mention it, nor do they ever need to mention it. It is undeniable in their actions and ability that they are risen, and it doesn't have to be said.

That is the difference between a risen one and a fool.

Hail Satan!
BrightSpace666 said:
I feel I don't need to explain myself, my opinion speaks for itself. I have the same opinion about former High Priest Salem Burke. Whatever you say will not change my opinion. I didn't like that he betrayed us [allegedly], I liked his personality at the time. That's it, nothing will change that.

You are a person of deep kindness and emotion, and you place the people whom you respect for the good things they have done in your eyes on very large pedestals, which interferes with your judgement.

It makes you biased in favor of the person. This is not really a good thing. We should be able to asses and judge people unbiasedly, setting aside our emotions and personal feelings.

Salem Burke certainly did inspire people, however it was in the wrong ways. His achievements on this path appeared back then to be extraordinary, however it was just immature child's play without any substance.

If you know about him, I don't think you will respect him anymore.

I certainly don't, and it disgusts me that people like them are still being looked up to with respect because one time in the past they carried an undeserved title.

Unfortunately, because the times were different, it was necessary for more people to be around with titles, but in truth for almost all of them the title was completely undeserved.

Salem Burke was pretending to be some great Satanist to the public, while privately he was a drug addict and a wife beater.

These days such a thing is absolutely unacceptable. Let alone for HP, even as a dedicated member to Satan this is unacceptable.

There is a reason why he went of the deep end and disappeared, because for one he lacked balance, and for two he didn't even care to change himself to a respectable person at all, he just kept pretending and continued acting and living like a subhuman behind the scenes.

The Gods let this run its course. Since he didn't care to change or listen to them even once, they leave him be and let his existence run its course.

This is the result of being a pretender and living like a worthless person behind the scenes.

Why should such a person deserve your respect? Because once they carried the title of HP?

What other reason could there possible be? That he used magic to win a small lottery and subsequently also ruined his life by exposing himself like an idiot?

I don't even want to imagine what he wasted the money on. Someone like him would have squandered it on drugs and other trash.

The Gods couldn't care less about a person like that.

Why cling onto the people who's fate with the JoS has ended long ago?

It is a waste of your sympathy and respect.

In fact, you yourself are much greater of a person than "Salem Burke" ever was, a better SS and even your contributions blow his contributions out of the water with no contest.


That is the case for many members here. The failed people of the past are already completely eclipsed by the growing membership of today, because we are moving forward and we all grow alongside each other and alongside the JoS.

What for then do the people of today cling on to the failed people of the past, whom for the most part aren't even worth mentioning?

Just as we all rise, we must not cling onto the poison of the past.

We must judge all of it objectively without bias, and realize what really is to be respected and what was all along a poison that stains the JoS rather than uplift it.

Hail Satan!
I really am grateful there are High Priests and High Priestesses in here.You all are important but at the same time I understand how busy you are.You are human beings and you may feel tired sometimes.Its ok but you should never think you are not important because you have no Idea how important you all are for us.My biggest nightmare and fear is losing JOS which will happen if High priests and High priestesses leave us.
HP, I have a thousand things going on in my mind and would like some good sound advice _ I want to be happy and empowered in my life
Missrainbow1 said:
My biggest nightmare and fear is losing JOS which will happen if High priests and High priestesses leave us.

This here is exactly why the HP's and Guardians must always remain strong and always be present except for truly dire circumstances that are unavoidable.

Membership who have reached higher levels of understanding, or simply those who are truly dedicated, too should do what they can to help the JoS and be present for the people, especially the newer or lesser advanced people who need us.

Also, do not worry, the Joy of Satan will not fall or disappear. Through our unity and dedication towards the Gods, we will make sure of that.

We will grow the Joy of Satan to such an extend that even if the whole world falls, the Joy of Satan stands!

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Osiris Silvio said:
A newbie does not have a raised Kundalini Serpent, which I do, thanks to my Guardian Demon, whether you like it or not. And please, don't be prejudiced. If I did not assess the situation quite properly that does not invalidate my strength, which of course comes from my past lives and higher self in addition to this lifetime.

Look here friends, we have another risen one.

I wonder what it will take for people to get their head out of their ass and stop having delusions about advancement or being risen.

Nobody seems to know what it means anymore. Every one is risen these days after a year or two yes yes.

Very good, then do act like it too if you are risen.

But of course, none of the proclaimed risen ones ever act like it. What does that tell us?

Then we have the people of actual quality and ability, do we ever see anyone of them brag about their spiritual accomplishments?

No, they never do, because it doesn't need to be said as it is evident from their actions and ability.

The true risen one won't really mention it, nor do they ever need to mention it. It is undeniable in their actions and ability that they are risen, and it doesn't have to be said.

That is the difference between a risen one and a fool.

Hail Satan!

Valkarie said:
HP, I have a thousand things going on in my mind and would like some good sound advice _ I want to be happy and empowered in my life

I am always available, just mail me or ask in the forums if I can help you in anyway. Thank you.
BrightSpace666 said:
NinRick said:
BrightSpace666 said:
In no way did I say I disagree, because to some extent it is understandable. Unfortunately, that's just the way things are, we have to move on, which can be difficult in many cases, but given the current circumstances that are happening and are happening spiritually, we have to move on.

Maya said 666% the truth. What she said is not "to some extent [...] understandable", everything she said is fully right.

You have some social complexes and can not address issues direcly, because you want to make everyone feel perfectly fine always, just as much as you want to feel yourself. This opens up to delusions, you should work on that.
Harsh facts are more valuable than posing and faking everything, just to get approval of people.

Be real and advance step by step and be recognized for that, than pretend to more and fake it just to get approval of people.

Again, it's a question of attitude and how the whole phenomenon is reflected in you. Not everyone has the same opinion about a certain thing, and that's perfectly normal. Just as it is not normal to call someone having a contrary opinion on something "pretence" or "hypocrisy".

I take this "pretending" off on me, because if you think that, you have the wrong idea about me. It is true that I want everyone to be perfect, that is a fact. Just like I don't like fighting, I have always been a peace loving person.

I feel I don't need to explain myself, my opinion speaks for itself. I have the same opinion about former High Priest Salem Burke. Whatever you say will not change my opinion. I didn't like that he betrayed us [allegedly], I liked his personality at the time. That's it, nothing will change that.

Feel free to call me a "hypocrite" or think I'm "faking it", but that puts me on the negative stage of reality and interpretation and gives me a false image.

We have freedom, which gives us freedom of opinion and freedom of thought. That is what the Path itself is about, FREEDOM.

My opinion about this thread, and my opinion about you being a pretender, who pretends to be further in advancement than he actually is, to gain a sense of validation from others, caused by deep insecurities, are 2 separate topics.
NinRick said:
BrightSpace666 said:
NinRick said:
Maya said 666% the truth. What she said is not "to some extent [...] understandable", everything she said is fully right.

You have some social complexes and can not address issues direcly, because you want to make everyone feel perfectly fine always, just as much as you want to feel yourself. This opens up to delusions, you should work on that.
Harsh facts are more valuable than posing and faking everything, just to get approval of people.

Be real and advance step by step and be recognized for that, than pretend to more and fake it just to get approval of people.

Again, it's a question of attitude and how the whole phenomenon is reflected in you. Not everyone has the same opinion about a certain thing, and that's perfectly normal. Just as it is not normal to call someone having a contrary opinion on something "pretence" or "hypocrisy".

I take this "pretending" off on me, because if you think that, you have the wrong idea about me. It is true that I want everyone to be perfect, that is a fact. Just like I don't like fighting, I have always been a peace loving person.

I feel I don't need to explain myself, my opinion speaks for itself. I have the same opinion about former High Priest Salem Burke. Whatever you say will not change my opinion. I didn't like that he betrayed us [allegedly], I liked his personality at the time. That's it, nothing will change that.

Feel free to call me a "hypocrite" or think I'm "faking it", but that puts me on the negative stage of reality and interpretation and gives me a false image.

We have freedom, which gives us freedom of opinion and freedom of thought. That is what the Path itself is about, FREEDOM.

My opinion about this thread, and my opinion about you being a pretender, who pretends to be further in advancement than he actually is, to gain a sense of validation from others, caused by deep insecurities, are 2 separate topics.

By this not only you delude yourself, you also deceive other people here, which is always a bad thing, as Satanism stands for truth and dealing with reality.
I can see why Cobra would demote inactive clergy members, and I agree with that. If Cobra can be active as he is, then everyone can and should. There should be some standards.

As for Shannon, thank you for this follow up, and I am glad you decided to stick around. There are people who in your place would rage quit and become vindictive (Jake Carlson never wrote since he got demoted for example). You, on other hand show maturity and understanding of reality of this situation.
Osiris Silvio said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
I don't see it as a big deal and I don't fully agree with this demotion nonsense. In my opinion it is just uselessly disrespectful to go on making too much ado about removing a title. It is disrespectful to the dedicated efforts made by the concerned person over years simply because she is unable to be very active lately.

As a proud Satanist, I thank you for your time and knowledge. I found your posts to be meaningful and I really prefer QUALITY to quantity.

You don't see it as a big deal because on the delusional/newbie level, none of this is real to you. This creates the outcome where you think nothing is very serious besides one's own newbie nonsense, which is not the level Clergy is supposed to play at. What is more important is your own nonsense at this tier of limited understanding.

Lately is around 3 years now. Showing up twice per year or whatever is unacceptable as Clergy.

The above is common sense.

Additionally, the "no standards is best standards" is no longer the case. Era's over. The Gods have plans they want to do, their plan is not to appease emotionally weak individuals who don't know who to blame and can't think like mature adults.

I realize most of you have no actual measurement of what is what, and judge based on nothing [and in particular when it comes against someone like me, that is an excellent practice, a feel good practice, a "that's the bad guy practice" which is typical of jealous assholes who invoke angels or something] but absence is what it is.

This essentially comes from the same confused territory that you represent and you think the Gods coddle you and touch your chin and tell you how wonderful you are, without anything substantial in this case.

Your judgements are solely emotional and merely meant to cast doubt upon the evident. Yes, from now on, anyone doing something for JoS will be following a proper path to this. People can't be entering deserted temples.

I won't be opening up websites to see abandoned sites for 6 months or more. I go there and I find a site completely abandonned. Excuse after excuse.

That is not someone who speaks with Azazel face to face, Silvio kiddo. Sorry to break down your reality over this.

As a last note, I want to say openly that most have no real awareness whatsoever of the "level" of a High Priest. If you want to understand what this level is, besides internet sensationalism, an actual look into the future is required.

You cannot miss from all the festivals and all the temples and "just show up" once a day, unless there is fatal illness, actual responsibilities which are overbearing, or death involved.

Okay I am going to skip your disrespect. I understand the situation more clearly now. It would have been better if I did not give my opinion.

Can you stop saying that I invoke angels? I do not invoke any Seraphic slaves and I hate them.

A newbie does not have a raised Kundalini Serpent, which I do, thanks to my Guardian Demon, whether you like it or not. And please, don't be prejudiced. If I did not assess the situation quite properly that does not invalidate my strength, which of course comes from my past lives and higher self in addition to this lifetime.

I did reach a high level through meditation. This I personally and only I can know. Trying to downsize me will not help and will not work. There is always more maturity to attain, however: emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual.

You must understand "muh serpent is risen" is not an argument that can be formed towards reality.

Whether you agree or disagree about the clergy demotion is whatever, but bringing "my raised kundalini serpent" into a discussion is just very childish.

Another thing. Just because the kundalini serpent pierces the crown chakra, doesn't necessarily equate to "risen".

The serpent after it pierces the crown, requires you to work alot on yourself to truly be a worthy conduit for this power, and for it to continue to circulate and evolve you.

You may have vented and risen the serpent properly out the crown, im not invalidating or doubting that. But if you want to REALLY SEE and EXPERIENCE what this divine force of Satan can do, you must contiue to work with it and circulate it.

Just becuase this force has been cultivated and risen, does NOT mean the immediate result is strong wisdom and power after this. It can take alot of work to bring this out properly.

Lastly, The Kundalini Serpent is not grounds for a dick measuring contest. You can't just whip it out and beat people with it when you have a disagreement.

Cobra must have written you that stern, important reply for a reason, so swallow your pride and figure out why.

Best of luck. Hope you reflect on things.
It's always the same with these dipshits who like to sit and complain that people aren't good enough, that they don't do enough, that they are delusional and stupid etc etc. Always kicking other SS down, rather than try to help or elevate them.

And then you click on their profile to look at what they've contributed with, and it's a bunch of



Kikes are on the offensive demoralizing, condemning and downplaying all the valuable SS this week, and of course this retard ninrick is at the vanguard of this. Gratz on welcoming every new member who is confused or needs guidance by insulting them and making them feel worthless immediately upon joining.

Fucking ape. Enjoy your "hard facts".
Aquarius said:
Osiris Silvio said:
A newbie does not have a raised Kundalini Serpent, which I do, thanks to my Guardian Demon, whether you like it or not. And please, don't be prejudiced. If I did not assess the situation quite properly that does not invalidate my strength, which of course comes from my past lives and higher self in addition to this lifetime.
Mate you're stuck in 2015, where everyone's identity was anything they believed hard enough :lol:

Did you do the King and Queen Meditation? I got 10 kundalini serpents, how many do you got bro.. 1? Those are rookie numbers over here, bump up to 5, thats what all the big boys are doing. That Luciferus Insanitus energy. Lol
Shannon, just do your best to go from here and be more active. Clergy is not for everyone, and us being human, we sometimes fall into mistakes that cost us later on. That goes for everyone.

Keep this is mind as you reflect back on this in the future. You will overcome these issues you describe in time and we will look forward to seeing more posts from you, as they are always very informative and provide insight into alot of things.

Good Luck, Stay Strong and Hail Satan!
Larissa666 said:
I can see why Cobra would demote inactive clergy members, and I agree with that. If Cobra can be active as he is, then everyone can and should. There should be some standards.

As for Shannon, thank you for this follow up, and I am glad you decided to stick around. There are people who in your place would rage quit and become vindictive (Jake Carlson never wrote since he got demoted for example). You, on other hand show maturity and understanding of reality of this situation.

I think it's also important to understand that if a role is not met, it's better one leaves it, but that it also helps, absolves and likely in the longterm will improve and alleviate for the person doing this. It kind of helps everyone in the end.

The people are helped by not having empty expectations, others in positions are helped by not expecting certain things, and the person themselves does let go of what they might not want or feel incompatible with at the time.

This incompatibility has to do with what one does, it's not an opinion or a feeling based situation.

It's actually in their best benefit too in the longterm, as the emptiness of an unmet obligation can be a problem in one's mind. This can actually help in that regard. I don't want Shannon to no longer have to push anything.

She just walks her path now, and that's for the best. She explained herself better than I ever could, and I asked that she related this to us so that we know instead of anyone assuming anything.

As far as I am concerned on any "personal" level, I spoke above, and also this is not the best thing in my opinion with the whole "absent" thing, as it's kind of a wasted opportunity and untapped potential waiting.

Yet the future is large and open and one can still do what they could do. Understanding arrives at different times in many ways.
serpentwalker666 said:
Aquarius said:
Osiris Silvio said:
A newbie does not have a raised Kundalini Serpent, which I do, thanks to my Guardian Demon, whether you like it or not. And please, don't be prejudiced. If I did not assess the situation quite properly that does not invalidate my strength, which of course comes from my past lives and higher self in addition to this lifetime.
Mate you're stuck in 2015, where everyone's identity was anything they believed hard enough :lol:

Did you do the King and Queen Meditation? I got 10 kundalini serpents, how many do you got bro.. 1? Those are rookie numbers over here, bump up to 5, thats what all the big boys are doing. That Luciferus Insanitus energy. Lol
You just gave me ptsd. Lmao
The amount of times ive had to take breaks or backtracked in some form is phenomenal, but most people dont enjoy discussing these types of things. Especially when you consider your position as something of extreme importance. I know what its like just to miss one day of RTRs, how many times have i laid in bed at the end of my night thinking, why cant i just do one right now?

Sometimes i think, others should be doing this work, im just a "kid", why is it my responsibility to take care of the entire planet. But, perfect practice makes perfect. For me, I make posts to remind whomever will read it, that they must take action, they must remember Satan and the Gods, that they too can be Godlike and build towards their goals. That even in the midst of pain and despair, even at the threat of death, there is always more to give and more to take. In fact, it is our responsibility to "take" in a noble manner, because what people have to give, is generally for the better.

Also, I remember, sometimes Im going to be "weak", but those times when im weak, other people who I have personally built up during my "Strength", they will hold the reigns until I do Recover.

One RTR today will be worth 10 Tommorow, One post today will be worth 10 Tommorow, because you will have inspired and empowered the most important community on this planet. Life is all about Learning and whether we like it or not, we are all teachers.
Bravera said:
The amount of times ive had to take breaks or backtracked in some form is phenomenal, but most people dont enjoy discussing these types of things. Especially when you consider your position as something of extreme importance. I know what its like just to miss one day of RTRs, how many times have i laid in bed at the end of my night thinking, why cant i just do one right now?

Sometimes i think, others should be doing this work, im just a "kid", why is it my responsibility to take care of the entire planet. But, perfect practice makes perfect. For me, I make posts to remind whomever will read it, that they must take action, they must remember Satan and the Gods, that they too can be Godlike and build towards their goals. That even in the midst of pain and despair, even at the threat of death, there is always more to give and more to take. In fact, it is our responsibility to "take" in a noble manner, because what people have to give, is generally for the better.

Also, I remember, sometimes Im going to be "weak", but those times when im weak, other people who I have personally built up during my "Strength", they will hold the reigns until I do Recover.

One RTR today will be worth 10 Tommorow, One post today will be worth 10 Tommorow, because you will have inspired and empowered the most important community on this planet. Life is all about Learning and whether we like it or not, we are all teachers.


Profound and beautiful :D

Exactly as the proverb says: Less is more
As one of those who spoke in your defence in the previous thread, you made the right call by leaving this message. As has been said, by myself and many others, the period of inactivity and lack of communication given your station and so on, wasn't the greatest of looks. However, you've also done a lot of good for your subsection of the community, and unlike certain "HPs" in the past, you actually seemed to have always meant well and were interested in progressing. The station isn't for everyone, and given your apology here you can walk away from it with at least some grace intact.

That being said total distance probably isn't necessary. You still know much, you're still an insightful person, and I'm sure the black community here would still appreciate you as a figure. Without the burden of station, perhaps you'll even find yourself more capable of providing the wisdom you've picked up over the years. As you said, you're only human. Don't let this shake you off the path. You can still be an extremely valued member, and I'm sure many of us would still be glad knowing you're here progressing by our sides.
VoiceofEnki said:
Osiris Silvio said:
A newbie does not have a raised Kundalini Serpent, which I do, thanks to my Guardian Demon, whether you like it or not. And please, don't be prejudiced. If I did not assess the situation quite properly that does not invalidate my strength, which of course comes from my past lives and higher self in addition to this lifetime.

Look here friends, we have another risen one.

I wonder what it will take for people to get their head out of their ass and stop having delusions about advancement or being risen.

Nobody seems to know what it means anymore. Every one is risen these days after a year or two yes yes.

Very good, then do act like it too if you are risen.

But of course, none of the proclaimed risen ones ever act like it. What does that tell us?

Then we have the people of actual quality and ability, do we ever see anyone of them brag about their spiritual accomplishments?

No, they never do, because it doesn't need to be said as it is evident from their actions and ability.

The true risen one won't really mention it, nor do they ever need to mention it. It is undeniable in their actions and ability that they are risen, and it doesn't have to be said.

That is the difference between a risen one and a fool.

Hail Satan!

Another stupid clown. I'm not going to deign to justify myself to a low thing like you. Idiot
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


A newbie does not have a raised Kundalini Serpent, which I do, thanks to my Guardian Demon, whether you like it or not. And please, don't be prejudiced. If I did not assess the situation quite properly that does not invalidate my strength, which of course comes from my past lives and higher self in addition to this lifetime.

I did reach a high level through meditation. This I personally and only I can know. Trying to downsize me will not help and will not work. There is always more maturity to attain, however: emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual.

I'd sit there to give you some constructive advice but I believe it's better and most deserved for you to dwell in your delusions and the tier where you belong.

I don't have to do manually what life will reply to you by default.

Clearly the only reason you dislike the original post is because of you existing in the same fake fantasy tier that most of people who would dislike this are, but life will settle this for what post won't and I won't.

Delete this account you piece of shit and spare me your disgusting drama.
NinRick said:
NinRick said:
BrightSpace666 said:
Again, it's a question of attitude and how the whole phenomenon is reflected in you. Not everyone has the same opinion about a certain thing, and that's perfectly normal. Just as it is not normal to call someone having a contrary opinion on something "pretence" or "hypocrisy".

I take this "pretending" off on me, because if you think that, you have the wrong idea about me. It is true that I want everyone to be perfect, that is a fact. Just like I don't like fighting, I have always been a peace loving person.

I feel I don't need to explain myself, my opinion speaks for itself. I have the same opinion about former High Priest Salem Burke. Whatever you say will not change my opinion. I didn't like that he betrayed us [allegedly], I liked his personality at the time. That's it, nothing will change that.

Feel free to call me a "hypocrite" or think I'm "faking it", but that puts me on the negative stage of reality and interpretation and gives me a false image.

We have freedom, which gives us freedom of opinion and freedom of thought. That is what the Path itself is about, FREEDOM.

My opinion about this thread, and my opinion about you being a pretender, who pretends to be further in advancement than he actually is, to gain a sense of validation from others, caused by deep insecurities, are 2 separate topics.

By this not only you delude yourself, you also deceive other people here, which is always a bad thing, as Satanism stands for truth and dealing with reality.

Okay, thanks.
BrightSpace666 said:
NinRick said:
NinRick said:
My opinion about this thread, and my opinion about you being a pretender, who pretends to be further in advancement than he actually is, to gain a sense of validation from others, caused by deep insecurities, are 2 separate topics.

By this not only you delude yourself, you also deceive other people here, which is always a bad thing, as Satanism stands for truth and dealing with reality.

Okay, thanks.

Why are you speaking like that about BrightSpace? He gives such wonderful topics. I respect him very much for his wisdom and I personally even took some of his toughts as really helpful in my advancement and in life. Anyway he is awesome. Why such opposition? Have I missed something, I don’t think so, because after reading alot of his posts and topics, I can say he is really advanced, of course there is levels, but I consider from my perspective it to be like that. and he is not trying to pretend. It is just like that. Maybe you understood something trough some assumption or what, but there are whole lot of family members who respect him.
Osiris Silvio said:

Please restrain yourself, because you are making yourself look bad.

The focus of this debate is not about who you are, or who HPHC is, but on the judgement and delegation of titles and responsibilities.

Destroying your relationship with the community over this is not a wise thing to do, despite if tempers have flared or whatever.

You gave your input that you thought the situation was too harsh, but HPHC corrected you and explained how he thought it was necessary. There is no need to extend any friction past this point, especially not to the sort of serious damage which is happening now.

Just recognize that you were missing some facts and opinions about the situation, but these have now been given to you. At this point, just disconnect from the situation rather than trying to proof yourself at the expense of your reputation.
BrightSpace666 said:
NinRick said:
By this not only you delude yourself, you also deceive other people here, which is always a bad thing, as Satanism stands for truth and dealing with reality.

Okay, thanks.

This situation is not solely on you or anything uniquely damning or anything. There is some amount of learning to be had here, but it does not have to be done at major expense of your own feelings. This goes for everyone.

It is natural for people who are compassionate to go to great lengths for others, but there is a balancing act here. Look at the zodiac wheel and see how Capricorn and Cancer oppose each other. Both are concerned about well-being, but one chooses to nurture and the other chooses to employ discipline and restrictions.

By being careful about who we trust with certain responsibilities, this avoids certain upsets like which has happened. The situation with Shannon was overdue, and that is why it "exploded" in a sense. Nonetheless, she is fine and still a capable woman, despite if she needs to fix certain things.

As for yourself, just be aware of the motivations behind your actions, as well as the credibility behind them. People may do things out of pain, or act prematurely or without proper evidence or backing. That does not mean their intentions are fake, but that they need to prune some of their problematic tendencies, restoring themselves to a perfected state.

There are people who strongly want authority, yet without credibility and there are also very competent people who are hindered by low confidence. Both confidence and credibility are needed to successfully influence others. Yet, if you have one aspect of this, then you are already half way there.

As SS, we have the tools to shape ourselves into prosperous archetypes or roles, and so there is no reason to despair or anything. It would also be silly to assume that you can detach yourself from any negative karma overnight. Just try to do your best on a daily basis while you implement the long-term solutions necessary.

Channel your drive to help with an equal desire to research and cite, so that people do not accuse you of lacking substance within your forum presence. This would become like a learning process, where you add more grounding to the input you give others, which prevents unintentionally misleading other. Korpi is a good example of this, where he puts all his sources so we can see where his thoughts are coming from.
BrightSpace666 said:
NinRick said:
NinRick said:
My opinion about this thread, and my opinion about you being a pretender, who pretends to be further in advancement than he actually is, to gain a sense of validation from others, caused by deep insecurities, are 2 separate topics.

By this not only you delude yourself, you also deceive other people here, which is always a bad thing, as Satanism stands for truth and dealing with reality.

Okay, thanks.

NinRick is trying to explain in a maybe more direct than necessary manner, that the important thing about sharing things is actually to have conquered these things, because alternatively one is promoting delusion to one's self or others, and this gap might make one want to appear as bigger than what one is, a situation which is not holding itself up on strong pillars but rather only claims.

The important thing is to limit this and engage in proper action, but also inner development, and not try to drag the future by the hair.

NinRick also a small request, as Brightspace always has shown positive sentiment and is an SS in good standing, please articulate a point in a way that is related to a brother, and not based on too much harshness.

Osiris Silvio said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Osiris Silvio said:

A newbie does not have a raised Kundalini Serpent, which I do, thanks to my Guardian Demon, whether you like it or not. And please, don't be prejudiced. If I did not assess the situation quite properly that does not invalidate my strength, which of course comes from my past lives and higher self in addition to this lifetime.

I did reach a high level through meditation. This I personally and only I can know. Trying to downsize me will not help and will not work. There is always more maturity to attain, however: emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual.

I'd sit there to give you some constructive advice but I believe it's better and most deserved for you to dwell in your delusions and the tier where you belong.

I don't have to do manually what life will reply to you by default.

Clearly the only reason you dislike the original post is because of you existing in the same fake fantasy tier that most of people who would dislike this are, but life will settle this for what post won't and I won't.

Delete this account you piece of shit and spare me your disgusting drama.

When your ego-trip is over while you simultaneously try to pretend you call others on these, and rather the false target which is "me" on this case, keep in mind none of this behavior let alone communal distance will help you alleviate the causes of this.

Instead of finding idiots to hang around with who have nothing to tell you, which will validate a pointless delusion, or drifting away by your own self in delusion in a secluded manner, it's best to face certain situations such as the fact that a zap up your ass proves nothing

Or that you are a constant hypocrite to your own projected standards, which you quickly made up just to tell me something negative about decisions you did not even understand, but you "felt" justified you "could" understand based on a chain of internal delusion taking place that probably also involves the "Gods" for which you are beginning to have contact but you assume you are the golden baby because of a repressed ego that seeks expression in that problematic manner.

Things you claimed on decent speech being a sign of enlightenment, where in practice you didn't even do that? Only when you need it to have something to say to "me".

These were only to make up nonsense about me to attack me with for psychological reasons I have illustrated above and because I can see right away you belonged in the category you expressed discontent with.

Which is the pointless imaginative sheep who think they are "Ascended" while you are nowhere on this level by the standard of reality.

The sole purpose of this incident is that it exposes your own lack of what you consider a reality, which clashed with actual reality.

You can accept this and move on, instead of telling yourself foul lies that give you a false sense of superiority backed by nothing, which you falsely consider your identity at this point.

I also don't want any apologies or anything, the only decent thing would be to understand it, and I won't take personally the words you told me here, because I know they are the product of you thinking that everything is measured subjectively, and your own applied hypocrisy on the subject.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
