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Dreamers Get Real


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2020
Anyone can dream, and anyone can have dreams. It's not hard to dream. Hopes and aspirations are a dime a dozen. Promises of tomorrow are never ending. Maybe we can all become what we dream of being, gain what we dream of having, tomorrow or some other day when we feel like trying. Maybe the Nazarene will come save everyone from their lazy natures, or we'll get even luckier and bring forth another great soul to challenge jewish oppression and help us organize ourselves so we can build the futures we dream of. Maybe the thieves, oppressors, unscrupulous manipulators and false rulers, will suddenly gain some goodness in their hearts and seek to uplift us all, and give us back some of the stolen wealth they deprived us of for thousands of years.

Wake up. Dreams only become real when you make them become real. Neptune has to meet with Saturn, and you need to go through Saturn to manifest your dreams. Nothing becomes physical until you do the work. Not just physical work with your physical hands, but that too. Not just magick work with your mouth, your mind, your energy, etc... but that too. Not just desires and fanciful imaginations of a better world and a better life, but that too.

Of course you need the desire, the dream. If you don't even have that then you have nothing to aim for. And you need to do the spiritual work to setup the foundation for your dream to manifest physically, because half of reality is spiritual. And of course you need to move your body, work your hands, plow the fields, maintain the connections with people, coordinate and negotiate your goals with other humans, trade, etc etc, all the material things that involve making things happen.

If you take any of those things out of the equation then your dreams won't manifest in the way you want them to. If you have a dream of being an athlete, and you do a spell for physical fitness, but you slouch on your couch with beer instead of going out on the track or running through the woods, or just moving your body in general, or doing anything at all to make progress... then it won't matter. Your will has to follow through with your magick work and your physical work.

If you do a spell to get a house, but you don't even apply for a loan, then how are you going to get a house? There might be ways, and maybe you can make it happen, but the fastest way is to get a loan right now. You can fuss and cry that it's not fair, and that we should have nice houses by default, but right now that's not the case for many people so if you want a roof over your head now that's YOUR roof then you need to do something in the here and now to make it happen. Otherwise keep waiting for someone to come give you a house.

Reality is cold. Reality is cruel. If you get invaded by evil aliens, it is what it is. You have to make do and survive somehow. We didn't ask for this, and we certainly don't deserve it. But the universe doesn't care. Nature allows for anything and everything, all possibilities, with complete indifference. The raw universe doesn't care about you, or me, or anyone. But we have the greatest fortune imaginable. That is, the Gods who rule this universe DO care about us, A LOT. And they help guide us when we ask them, and they can even help us to achieve our dreams if we do our part. Out of all the souls out there in the universe who have hearts full of dreams, but can't achieve them for whatever reasons, their aspirations crushed, their lives taken, some even had their planets destroyed... we have a chance. For some reason, we get to be the lucky ones. We have the greatest ancestors, the greatest spiritual parents we could ever ask for. Thinking about the tragic fates of so many countless souls crushes me, but it would be wrong to waste our fortune. It would be wrong to waste this chance to continue evolving and reaching higher towards our dreams and our spiritual greatness.

There are two possibilities: a world where your dreams are real, and a world where your dreams are only dreams. Do what it takes. Start today to make your dreams come true. "Tomorrow" is a word for quitters and those doomed to regret, to have their dreams vanish within themselves. Today IS tomorrow. Impose your dreams on reality, and make it happen.
This is very important for working magick. A lot of people think that magick literally works miracles or pulls things into existence or manifestation out of thin air.

What magick does is help attract what you want by providing an opening for the physical to be applied to make it happen. Being open psychically will also help you detect the nuances that guide you to these openings and you have to take them.

This is actually something I contemplated on recently also. The physical and spiritual work in a pair like our chakras. You need both.

As for the example explicitly with applying for a loan let me give a testimony. I worked a short time with some runes to manifest wealth and opportunity for me. Within a short time I felt the energy of one of the runes specifically manifesting which was raidho. The restlessness to make soothing happen in my environment and make things different. Next thing I know the day after I get an ad for applying for a home loan ..it came with these subtle vibes. Ii took the hint. Despite this being not the largest amount I got approved.

My buying capacity will increase as well with the more I make which i am working on now.

The money mantra is great also. I came to this job starting out at a lower rate and suddenly there was an opening for me to weld test and I jupes to it ..and even had help. I got 3 more an hour. Then ANOTHER came which has even a 50 percent fail rate. I passed that one too and now am getting even 4 MORE dollars an hour. This is the longest job I'll be on so far and one of the less physically demanding too. A lot of work but also a lot of sitting down due to the pace.

You have to create the openings but they will hand you nothing besides pointing towards what to do. If you don't act and are not open enough to feel the guidance of the energy showing you where to go and what to do then nothing will come. Get off your butts and do it!

That was a great read! Wonderful post Jrvan thank you for sharing this with us! This is the kind of inspiration we need to share with each other! We all have the power to manifest our dreams deep within each and every one of our hearts, all we need is to take the first few steps and we can make it happen! The Gods will lead us to the door we just have to open it and be unafraid to step through.

Hail Satan!
Very true. Have a vision, and work towards manifesting it! We have all the tools available to us to make our dreams a reality (as long as our dreams are realistic of course). Work towards accomplishing goals, don't give up. The Gods will assist us, they want us to succeed :)
Shadowcat said:
This is very important for working magick. A lot of people think that magick literally works miracles or pulls things into existence or manifestation out of thin air.

What magick does is help attract what you want by providing an opening for the physical to be applied to make it happen. Being open psychically will also help you detect the nuances that guide you to these openings and you have to take them.

This is actually something I contemplated on recently also. The physical and spiritual work in a pair like our chakras. You need both.

As for the example explicitly with applying for a loan let me give a testimony. I worked a short time with some runes to manifest wealth and opportunity for me. Within a short time I felt the energy of one of the runes specifically manifesting which was raidho. The restlessness to make soothing happen in my environment and make things different. Next thing I know the day after I get an ad for applying for a home loan ..it came with these subtle vibes. Ii took the hint. Despite this being not the largest amount I got approved.

My buying capacity will increase as well with the more I make which i am working on now.

The money mantra is great also. I came to this job starting out at a lower rate and suddenly there was an opening for me to weld test and I jupes to it ..and even had help. I got 3 more an hour. Then ANOTHER came which has even a 50 percent fail rate. I passed that one too and now am getting even 4 MORE dollars an hour. This is the longest job I'll be on so far and one of the less physically demanding too. A lot of work but also a lot of sitting down due to the pace.

You have to create the openings but they will hand you nothing besides pointing towards what to do. If you don't act and are not open enough to feel the guidance of the energy showing you where to go and what to do then nothing will come. Get off your butts and do it!

This is a really good point. A lot of the time the spells manifest as a bunch of cascading opportunities that build on each other. Part of empowering our psychic senses and Upper Chakras is knowing when Magick has thrown something our way, while strengthening the Lower Chakras manifest these into active reality.

If you sit on your ass at home in a basement they're just not going to reach you most of the time.

Sometimes the spells come with unexpected benefits. Even though I was doing a Venus Square for something else entirely that had nothing to do with sex or relationships, it manifested a lot of interest at me out of nowhere. Flirting came more smoothly too.
The problem is that people and myself including don't want to do that. I nor anyone wants to do anything physical. As physicality got boring a hell of a long time ago. Like the old saying goes, "When life stopped being fun; that occurred a LONG time ago." Most people walk around dead with a work and pray, work and pray, and pump the opiate of the masses into their system every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday mentality. For me I'm against everything so I don't fall into the traps of others. But...

(Think of it like the writing Bucovski he's old like in his late 60s-early 70s. He took a job as a FedEx employee a few decades ago and was utterly demoralized to the point. His book became famous for people cause he just says shit other writers don't say or if they do say it's small little prints online. But Bucovsky the Romanian descended guy goes. I have to get up near the crack of dawn follow my morning routine and then enter a truck and I have to do all these deliveries and I have to enslave myself and shit into a toilet knowing every day I have to get up and do stuff for others like a slave; Been a while since I read one of his excerpts but he became famous in his time by people cause he basically lived a work and pray, work and pray, and then I don't know what he does on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. But I know he isn't religious but probably did state I tried to do the opiate pumping that non-religious people do). Most of bucovski's statements are usually blunt annihilation statements to demoralize people so they stop enslaving themselves and others.

For example my friend is a good example. Does exactly like me the only difference is he doesn't posses a mental illness and he body builds plus he is a Saturn machine doing things like clockwork. Capricorn is sure as hell an awesome sign. Probably why we are good friends. He is my opposite and I'm his opposite. But what he does state is the only reason people give a shit about you is if you work. If they see you enslaved around they get happy. What do you do for a living? I do this and that. No mang, What do you work? Oh I don't do shit cause I hate work. And then everyone hates you cause your not enslaving yourself nor wanting to be a slave. The greatest slave is the slave that works knowing he isn't a slave.

For example I'm a thinker; I've mentioned this a few times before but my Neptune and certain mental aspects(Mercury and Leo and 8th house properties) are "A person who thinks excessively both on the up and down" especially when I drink coffee; hell considering coffee acts like super/turbo -charging product depending on how much I have.

Sheer fact is most people don't want to do stuff such as myself. When you introduce magick to people they believe when accepting that it acts like a anchor to deliver something. For example people and JoS fails to mention that magick = Turbo/Super -charging technologies at first and for a long time. You have to do things. People don't want to do things.

I don't know if this is my Leo South Node and Aquarius North Node and I'm supposed to live the peoples way, the ways of the proletariat but I'm speaking most people don't want to do shit. They just want to sit back and spend their time doing whatever. Or if they have free time spend whatever pathetic amount of time thinking and processing philosophically especially the garbage they digest. If I were to speak to many people at first they'd recoil in horror but then when you think about and I spend time just MG42ing them into they turn and change. They'll eventually realize the same thing.

And yes if your wondering people. Without being spiritual many will state I'm a delusional or crazy Satanist or crazy, delusional person. I'd rather be this way and have entertaining thoughts and spend my time thinking, processing, and walking and thinking. Rather then do nothing and be nothing. At least my inner world and my world-view is far superior than other people. Funny even my own Satanists/NS personnel on this forum hate my World-view. Maybe it's too advanced even for them and even they recoil at it. Kinda like my grandfather who says life is only work you can only make money from work. Any other way is stealing. Obviously this person ignorant, stupid person doesn't know capitalism and doesn't understand in this system you berg and stein, stein and berg. It's all about how much shekels and kessels you make and how much you can rob and reap to the top.

For example my mentality is "If I can think it, I did it; so why do I have to do it". Kinda like my life "SS;DD Same shit; different day". Sheer fact is with everything I have and been living since as far back as I remember with the same shit, different day; and the same general mentality. I'm basically going "Why should I bother with magick".

I'm told by people magick helps. Doesn't help me. I'm told do XYZ meditations and whatnot and it helps or attracts or whatever.

And my question becomes "How do I know what I did created or organized that scenario?"

For example my favorite activity is thinking. And I'm not trying to Herman Rosenblatt myself "It was real because it was in my mind". But certainly I'd rather like I said above. I'd rather think it and have it in my mind than bother doing it.

For example in Outlaw Star the Doctor tells the dying cybernetically enhanced corpse of the antagonist brother to hack the doorways and he does the Doctor enters comes out some 30 seconds later in the scene. And goes "I know everything".

The Doctor is such a fanatical Doctor and such a mentally intense person. The person would rather learn "everything" and know "everything". Despite one fundamental flaw/s; he is older probably in his late 50s-early 60s and he is limited in what he can do.

Someone said recently a reply to me that "Thinking does not = Spirituality or being Spiritual". Okay sure but if 97% of the population doesn't do much spiritual things. And of those 3% that do spiritual things less than 1% are actually at some spiritual level.

Why should I bother with spirituality. Why should I follow a demoralized and destroyed science. I do wish to advance and do wish to become better. But when I see all the shit I have to do completely alone and completely antagonized by people for example many state I meditate at a higher up level or am able to enter a trance and work with the subtle realms. And everyone hates me or people subconsciously attack me or for example people act weird around me or weird shit happens.

I'm aware I sound like a pussy and probably am one. WHO knows! but in all seriousness like a reply HP.Cobra gave sometime in the old ProPHP forums I believe it was something Maxine wrote. Just as recently as around 2020-2021 when HP.Cobra wrote jews are performing experimental kaballah and teaching it to regain control cause shit is hitting the fan for them, IF that is happening. We inasmuch state our rituals but reality could just be shifting based on expanded knowledge. But this ProPHP forum post Maxine typed up, Why the JoS is the way it is! and replied we are really experimental and why we do have a base trance, void, and single-pointed concentration with a few other meditations like chakras or mindfulness or cleaning/protecting.

Maxine basically said, JoS is experimental not highly experimental but enough that in certain cases it is highly experimental. For example Maxine has spoken about the experiments with kabalistic squares or with certain alphabets and certain necronomicon runes. Funny Cobra never really as the current main HP, replied in such manner but Maxine was open about it stating, we developed certain technologies out of experimenting.

Again I don't know what experimenting means per say in a occult way. But funny enough I wouldn't be surprised if some people had to take one for the team.

Sheer fact is no one is doing the right thing. For example we have people that read Maxine's reply and state in two years especially if you perform heavy cleaning and now purification you'll reach a virgin level for a human. Not a high level but a higher level. Again what does that even mean or what does that even do. For example your a hardcore meditator unlike myself or others. You can trance, void, single-pointed concentration for minutes on end 10-15-20 minutes. Your a machine, okay, you clean day one because you spent years performing mindfulness and trance and can astral project you ran into the JoS. And do certain buddhist/hindu mantras so your used to that.

Okay day one till the second year of your dedication. Clean, purify, and protect; you perform returning curses clean/purify with Witches Sabbaths both 28-days and 1-Twofer Fri/Sat cleanings when the time is less than ideal. You vibrate 216 vibrations of Surya perform everything. Maybe do Runic builds. Hell you might be a person who says I only plan on doing cleaning/purification cause I don't want to advance with dirtiness. You do Yoga perform a series of asanas say for an hour your into Yoga hardcore and exercise you clean/purify the nadis system with yoga, affirmation, and visualization. You perform pranayama you follow what one member wrote on Iyenger. Iyenger iterated pranayama should be done after Yogic work cause the subtle nature of the nadis makes them delicate and performing pranayama after Yoga reduces tension in the nadis network.

So you clean two years do this. No empowerment just various things and clean/purify. How does that person know he is doing that to his soul? How does a person know what they are doing?

What if Satan or some God or a Nordic citizen comes up to you and tells you do this and that for a month and your golden after the 40-days switch to this.

For example we tell people "Do this and that?". How do you know that is what that person needs. For example what if you have a poor person who is told to do a freeing the soul working to improve his financial floor. What if he does it and it gets worse. Or what if a being of higher power comes. And states "That person needs a brahmastra nuclear strike to strike down the karma. His karma is too embedded to reality to remove with a freeing the soul. He needs to nuke it out of reality."

How do we even know what we are doing with magick or ourselves.

We have people that go I did XYZ and this happened. How do you even know you just did it with your physical self and it processed through.

Someone above said I applied for a home loan and things fell through. Okay sure not much money but enough money. Things fall through. Reality and life sucks lets face it no one loves living real. Dave Chappelle's keep it real is enough to attest for it.

But if someone is loaning you money things are going to fall through. But then I have thoughts like "What is the point of all that?"

What is the point of wasting time getting a house or buying a house or hell if houses are highly expensive even falsely expensive why should I bother.

The reality is you buy a house or pay it off and pay off 200-300K for many. Well funny enough the house isn't even worth that much it's like 30-50K or if expensive why should I dedicate my entire life to be a slave just for a morsel of a house.

How do I even know magick is working? What processes occur how do they occur. What if my magick sucks and the only thing that did it is a being of higher power.

I do a ritual nothing happens. But some Nordic extra-terrestrial or Gargoyle alien sensed it and boosted it. So now I have to live knowing I can't thank this person or knowing that my magick is useless and only works when an extra-terrestrial does stuff for me.

So are the Gods just toys we use is Lavey right they are nothing more than archetypes or energy totems to download differences into reality.

Sheer fact is how do we even know we are to do magick. It's like Yoga even the most basic physical exercise the void, trance, and single-pointed concentration of physi-spiritual action.

Okay well you check it out and there is like 5,000 asanas there's like 800 schools of yoga, and even like 1,000 personal schools of yoga.

WTF do we even do or how do we even get involved in this shit. Most people don't give a shit and just give up. Most people are going to have to be either forced at gun point to do things. Or moved by magick. They became goyim, cattle, sheep they need a shepherd to do things.

It's like the Gods most people are going to hate them. What do you mean magick only works by doing stuff? Your people state magick brings stuff like the aura and it's magnetic properties. What do you mean I have to get up every day at like 3 in the morning and meditate everyday. What do you mean Yoga is done every day. What do you mean I have to learn every single food I eat and learn all this Orion crap just to live.

Most people are going to see the Gods and the empire of Orion stuff. And just go "If I believe in you Satan or the Gods if I believe and just dedicate or leave you guys alone. Will you leave me alone and let me live my life in peace as life sucks and is a worthless piece of shit. I have to get up early in the morning and be at work by 8am. If I accept you and pray for you will you just improve my life. If you want you can enslave me or I'll do things favors for you and you grant me a miracle".

Most people are not gonna give a shit it's like the gamer-jesus meme. The guy is playing on his PC and jabus shows up and he closes the blinds cause jabus's illumination of his spiritual emanations is glaring up the screen and annoying the gamer.

Most people live in the World. They don't want to do anything any more. They just want to birth, toddler, child, teenager, young adult, work, money, eat, sleep, shit, get older and then die off enslaving their children to raise them as they become old and decrepit. Most people raise children not for improving the World or raising a God simply to enslave them and teach them the communism is fun 'n' sheit so in the future as they get older and decrepit they can be raised by their children.

Sheer fact is I'm gonna end it. But most people don't want to do anything. If they do magick it's simply to think about it. In my mind I can live entire aeons of life. As long as I'm provided data I can update my databanks and live inexorable periods of time.

I can live a better life in my head. But I can't download this stuff into reality.

If I did I'd probably have half the city I live in killed. Cause the amount of people that deserve to have a gun pointed at them and shot is huge.

Sheer fact is most people just want to fuck shit up. They want to see the World burn. If they get magick they'd probably be like how do I perform 5th and 6th generational warfare to fuck shit up.

Most people are going to die and reincarnate in a World the Gods go "Next lifetime you reincarnate and your ours".

To which most people will laugh and say "I go to heaven".

Unless the Gods impose some sort of reality in a different way. Most people are just going to be like "Betty, sweety, the newspaper and online articles state magick is real. Interesting I wonder if I can make money off suckering people with magick or use to increase my 401K".

And Betty replies "Lol that is stupid just pray to something or some being of higher power and they do it for you." John's like, yeah exactly correct or do it yourself and pray while your doing it like soccer players do they run out into the field performing the jesus cross and they bless and get blessed for playing soccer".

Most people unless shit hits the fan will just remain in their own little isolated realities.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=425419 time=1676704224 user_id=57]
We have all the tools available to us to make our dreams a reality (as long as our dreams are realistic of course).

I wanted to add to this :)

Outside of silly things like becoming something we're not, such as a dinosaur or the opposite sex, some dreams which are unrealistic or unattainable today might become possible to achieve in the future of society (or with future levels of soul advancement even). As the wealth and development levels of society increase, more things become possible. So if someone was determined enough, they could hold the dream inside their heart, and seek to manifest it in future lifetimes. As long as we are with Satan, our souls will live forever. For now though, it's better to focus on what we can achieve in this current time.
Shadowcat said:
This is very important for working magick. A lot of people think that magick literally works miracles or pulls things into existence or manifestation out of thin air.

What magick does is help attract what you want by providing an opening for the physical to be applied to make it happen. Being open psychically will also help you detect the nuances that guide you to these openings and you have to take them.

This is actually something I contemplated on recently also. The physical and spiritual work in a pair like our chakras. You need both.

As for the example explicitly with applying for a loan let me give a testimony. I worked a short time with some runes to manifest wealth and opportunity for me. Within a short time I felt the energy of one of the runes specifically manifesting which was raidho. The restlessness to make soothing happen in my environment and make things different. Next thing I know the day after I get an ad for applying for a home loan ..it came with these subtle vibes. Ii took the hint. Despite this being not the largest amount I got approved.

My buying capacity will increase as well with the more I make which i am working on now.

The money mantra is great also. I came to this job starting out at a lower rate and suddenly there was an opening for me to weld test and I jupes to it ..and even had help. I got 3 more an hour. Then ANOTHER came which has even a 50 percent fail rate. I passed that one too and now am getting even 4 MORE dollars an hour. This is the longest job I'll be on so far and one of the less physically demanding too. A lot of work but also a lot of sitting down due to the pace.

You have to create the openings but they will hand you nothing besides pointing towards what to do. If you don't act and are not open enough to feel the guidance of the energy showing you where to go and what to do then nothing will come. Get off your butts and do it!

Congrats on the wage increase! That's great. If the new job is safer then I'm also glad to hear that because I got worried sometimes when you talked about work related injuries.
SapphireDragon said:

That was a great read! Wonderful post Jrvan thank you for sharing this with us! This is the kind of inspiration we need to share with each other! We all have the power to manifest our dreams deep within each and every one of our hearts, all we need is to take the first few steps and we can make it happen! The Gods will lead us to the door we just have to open it and be unafraid to step through.

Hail Satan!

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hadn't written a post for a while, and I got inspired while thinking to myself about the nature of dreams and wishes, Saturn, and Neptune, and then it all kind of came together.

Everyone at one time in their life wanted to be something or to do something, but the lack of spirituality and the engineering of society right now tends to make a lot of people lose hope. Or they chase money to try to do something for decades, only to forget what it was all for by the time they get the funds. It doesn't have to be like that for us with magick and knowledge at our fingertips. I wanted to try to rekindle some fire in people who need it so they can keep the hope alive, and strive towards the open possibilities, and realize that dreams can come true if we work for them. The thing about dreams is that if we don't chase them, they die.
Gear88 said:

It's a difference in perception. What you're focusing on is everything and everyone around you, and the negatives of all of that (not noticing all of the positive things happening around), while you ignore the internal reality inside yourself. If you change the inside, what you will find outside will be much brighter.

If you don't want to work for someone then create your own opportunities. You said you love thinking; then maybe you can do a podcast and setup donations. You can do magick to attract people to your podcast and boost the success of it. And if you get lots of listeners then you will know the magick worked. May as well try it, right? What do you have to lose? Or you can do nothing, like you said.
jrvan said:
Shadowcat said:
This is very important for working magick. A lot of people think that magick literally works miracles or pulls things into existence or manifestation out of thin air.

What magick does is help attract what you want by providing an opening for the physical to be applied to make it happen. Being open psychically will also help you detect the nuances that guide you to these openings and you have to take them.

This is actually something I contemplated on recently also. The physical and spiritual work in a pair like our chakras. You need both.

As for the example explicitly with applying for a loan let me give a testimony. I worked a short time with some runes to manifest wealth and opportunity for me. Within a short time I felt the energy of one of the runes specifically manifesting which was raidho. The restlessness to make soothing happen in my environment and make things different. Next thing I know the day after I get an ad for applying for a home loan ..it came with these subtle vibes. Ii took the hint. Despite this being not the largest amount I got approved.

My buying capacity will increase as well with the more I make which i am working on now.

The money mantra is great also. I came to this job starting out at a lower rate and suddenly there was an opening for me to weld test and I jupes to it ..and even had help. I got 3 more an hour. Then ANOTHER came which has even a 50 percent fail rate. I passed that one too and now am getting even 4 MORE dollars an hour. This is the longest job I'll be on so far and one of the less physically demanding too. A lot of work but also a lot of sitting down due to the pace.

You have to create the openings but they will hand you nothing besides pointing towards what to do. If you don't act and are not open enough to feel the guidance of the energy showing you where to go and what to do then nothing will come. Get off your butts and do it!

Congrats on the wage increase! That's great. If the new job is safer then I'm also glad to hear that because I got worried sometimes when you talked about work related injuries.

This is also part of astrological karma I am trying to clean. I will get it to a much better place soon enough. Already on the way :). Thanks for thinking of me ^^
Gear88 said:
The problem
TLDR: You're a lazy fuck and are just waiting to die.
I can't believe that there are people who call themselves "SS" and are like this, if you really are like this and continue like this for all of your life, I wouldn't say you don't deserve your soul to just wither away, Satan's protection on you after death would just be wasted.
The way I describe the spiritual interacting with the physical always is like its a body, vehicle or an anchor point. I'm not sure if I read these words from someone else here, forgot and just say this frequently now but I like this as a term.

The important thing with this is to also understand routines and cycles in the context of this. Energy is exerted and replenishes itself day after day and the body grows stronger and can do more and more work on routine. The same thing happens with the work too where it compounds in its external effect on the 'body' of your external workplace, client, other kinds of affairs like this and this generates opportunities outwards from these things like other people spreading the word and so on.

If elements of your routine are screwed like your diet or habits, but you work very hard, the replenishing thing either won't work to the fullest or at all, meaning you will be privy to diseases either short term or chronic. Chronic disease like cancers and such that tend to happen later in life are from the 'smaller' bad habits that you might overlook for years. Spiritual practice like yoga and meditation works as a preliminary cure to these where modern medicine fails.

I got to meet with the founders of my business recently. They started asking everyone what our goals were. They explained how, we already are those things that we aspire to be. We just don't have the customers and aren't providing the service, we don't have the training or knowledge yet.

When he asked me, I explained how I'm already studying and visualizing, going through the motions, faking it till I make it. And he explained further, that I'm not Faking it, today there is something you can do that does make you that person you aspire to be.

I will meditate on this further, obviously I already have great understanding of achieving my goals. But it is important for me to enter the Wisdom of Visualization in the Present tense.
Bravera said:

I got to meet with the founders of my business recently. They started asking everyone what our goals were. They explained how, we already are those things that we aspire to be. We just don't have the customers and aren't providing the service, we don't have the training or knowledge yet.

When he asked me, I explained how I'm already studying and visualizing, going through the motions, faking it till I make it. And he explained further, that I'm not Faking it, today there is something you can do that does make you that person you aspire to be.

I will meditate on this further, obviously I already have great understanding of achieving my goals. But it is important for me to enter the Wisdom of Visualization in the Present tense.

There's a lot of truth to that concept as long as you don't give up.

If you have the heart of a lion, then you will become a lion if you do what lions do. Experience is gained by doing. We're like cubs that weren't taught how to hunt, but we have the ability and the instinct to hunt if we awaken it. Better yet, we have spiritual knowledge now.

As long as you know what you want, and you have the will to go after it, then you can take the natural steps necessary to get it. You will know what to do so long as you have the vision. After that, it's determination - and witchcraft. Remember, one step at a time. Good luck ;)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
