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  1. AryanPriest666

    I'm not racist, I swear!!!

    Just wanted to clarify something here... I want each race to have their own territory and nation. Believe it or not, despite my liberal use of the word "nigger", I actually love the African peoples. Do I want to live with them, though? Fuck no. Sounds contradictory, right? It's actually...
  2. AryanPriest666


    Asians are in a category of their own. I wouldn't compare them to native Europeans or Africans. That being said, some Asian lineages have more in common with Aryans than Africans. For example, the Japanese Ainu. Can't say I've ever seen an Asian "wigger" though. Is that even a thing? lol I...
  3. AryanPriest666


    Sorry to hear that your family has been diagnosed with wiggerdom. There is nothing more cringeworthy and pathetic than a White man who emulates niggers. Wanting to be a nigger is something I will never fully understand and I see no valid reason why anyone should want to actively choose to adopt...
  4. AryanPriest666


    This is a question I get really excited about. I look forward to meeting those who actually bring forth the great spirit of the Gods, and witness their creations.
  5. AryanPriest666

    About Enemy Nordics

    Where are you getting this information from? I'm not saying you are right or wrong, that's not my purpose here. What I am suggesting is to use discretion when entertaining these narratives. One must consider the source and determine if it is credible or trustworthy. Who is saying all these...
  6. AryanPriest666


    We are Aryans, the noble people. What does that mean? It’s easy to call oneself an Aryan from the comfort of home with nothing to show for it. Sure, you got your DNA tested and “YUP!” it’s been confirmed… you are of the gifted race, noble race. All the markers are there. Congratulations! THE...
  7. AryanPriest666

    Kundalini yoga free resources and lessons

    Just sharing some resources for Kundalini yoga here. If you have others feel free to add them to this thread. Kundalini yoga, a complete course for beginners (6 DVD's with 12 lessons) with Nirvair Khalsa: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVrNrRFC6mqBIDP8XFewDGlwHLEOunqf2 This was...
  8. AryanPriest666

    Question #3675: is being born human a curse

    Human incarnation is a blessing! This idea that being born is somehow a curse is absolute poison! Here's how I understand it: the soul wants to experience things it can only achieve in this realm and decides to become human in order to accomplish it's desires. The soul is full of desires and...
  9. AryanPriest666

    No more 'Mr. Nice Guy'!!!

    I'm sorry, did you mistake me for HPHC? Just so you're aware, I'm not an official JoS clergy member- just another member of the forums as far as the official JoS ministy is concerned. I just felt that needed to be brought to your awareness in case there was some confusion. That being said, I'm...
  10. AryanPriest666

    No more 'Mr. Nice Guy'!!!

    This post is dedicated to Lord Belial/Beelzebuth: Dark Lord of the Earth, King of the Witch's Sabbat, Master of Forbidden Knowledge and Protector of the Witch's Kin. Working with Belial is truly a life-changing endeavour. His Wisdom is DEEP, transformative and darker than the darkest night. As...
  11. AryanPriest666

    Regarding relationships.

    French Foreign Legion, aye? What are running from? Lol, you don't have to answer that. I considered it myself after I was discharged, but it was only a fantasy and glad I didn't go through with it. I guess you're aware that you'd be mingled with a bunch of other races, fighting for ZOG, but I...
  12. AryanPriest666

    US BOMBS YEMEN (12-01-24)

    Thanks, I'll check him out. Trying to get as much good intel as I can.
  13. AryanPriest666

    US BOMBS YEMEN (12-01-24)

    I admit I haven't been keeping abreast of this conflict, but it has my attention now that the US is dropping bombs. I'd be surprised if it didn't fully escalate into a land invasion at this point. The Houthi seem to have a 'suck my dick, kike-lover' attitude towards the US and their morale is...
  14. AryanPriest666

    People In Our Life: Cases To Avoid

    Yes! People who "make me feel good" aren't always what's best for me. Their words may be sweet, but too much sugar isn't healthy. In moderation, it's great because who doesn't love sweets from time to time? It's important to have people around you whom have proven themselves trustworthy and...
  15. AryanPriest666

    About attracting someone

    I usually wait until after the result has been achieved to make any significant offerings as a show of appreciation, but ending your ritual with a simple "Thank you Father Satan, for everything. Thank you to my guardian demon, whoever you are, for all that you do." is good.
  16. AryanPriest666

    My wife cheated on me

    I'm going to give the OP benefit of the doubt and assume he isn't trolling or just looking to vamp in here. Even if he is, I'm going to address the underlying predicament: you caught your wife cheating with a black man. Now what? 1) What is there to think about? It's over. The more you "try to...
  17. AryanPriest666

    My wife cheated on me

    I feel like this subject deserves it's own thread, but I just wanted to get your take real quick since we're here. You believe that sexual communion with the Gods should be considered as infidelity towards one's spouse? Perhaps we have variations in our praxis and what qualifies as infidelity...
  18. AryanPriest666

    What Shiva showed me about anxiety

    Yeah, in my experience He is multi-faceted and can be worked with in different ways. Expectation has a big influence on how He may appear to someone and can be quite subjective at times. If you think He'll appear as a scary, red devil with horns, then He just may in evocation. I've also been...
  19. AryanPriest666

    What Shiva showed me about anxiety

    To answer your first question regarding feminine energies to achieve the same result (I'm assuming by same result you mean a relief from anxiety), I'm not entirely sure. I don't think it's a one-size fits all. It depends on the individual. What works for one may not work for the other. What...
  20. AryanPriest666

    What Shiva showed me about anxiety

    Ah, it's technically a masculine/yang energy. The kind that organizes and structures matter into form from chaos. So in this analogy I was shown, the anxiety or panic in a person is like a state of chaos: bouncing all over, no structure, displaced and behaving erratically. The Masculine comes in...
  21. AryanPriest666

    Jews Caught In Underground Tunnels In New York City

    Apparently, building hidden tunnels and scurrying around in them like diseased, cowardly vermin is a long-standing jewish tradition! In this little clip, the bipedal ratfucker shows a synagogue in Moscow where they've managed to do what they do best: tunnel underground to evade justice. He says...
  22. AryanPriest666

    What Shiva showed me about anxiety

    Yes indeed it does! That mantra specifically came up during his visit with me. Vibrated properly, it accomplishes what I described.
  23. AryanPriest666

    What Shiva showed me about anxiety

    Just wanted to briefly share something Shiva showed me recently about anxiety. Perhaps someone can benefit from it. When viewing a person clairvoyantly who is in a state of anxiousness or panic, the atoms and molecules buzz around erratically. It is a state of energy bouncing around...
  24. AryanPriest666

    Jews Caught In Underground Tunnels In New York City

    You really created a new account just to say that? Say something else. Tell us a bit about yourself. What brings you here?
  25. AryanPriest666

    Jews Caught In Underground Tunnels In New York City

    Did you guys see the clip of the jew literally emerging from the sewer out of one of the hidden side entrances? He wasn't happy about being filmed 😂 Can't make this shit up... jews literally crawling out of the sewer trying to hide. Look at them scurry, look how fearful they were of the police...
  26. AryanPriest666

    Future for us & our kids - careers and jobs

    The inhabitants of North Sentinelese Island disagree with you completely. They are living proof that it is possible. Try again.
  27. AryanPriest666

    Future for us & our kids - careers and jobs

    In your own words, what do you mean by this?
  28. AryanPriest666

    Question #1389: What do you think about Sadhguru?

    Sadhguru is a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and pictures can be found of him smiling and embracing Klaus Schwab. Sadhguru has also stated publicly that he wants to see less souls on the planet.
  29. AryanPriest666

    Future for us & our kids - careers and jobs

    Anything you can do to teach your children how to become self-reliant outside of the system is a boon for them and their children. It's hard to detach from the comforts of modernity, but it must be done in order to thrive outside it's control. The only real way to do this is for you, the father...
  30. AryanPriest666

    Blasphemous "comedy" short film reveals our enemy's diseased mind for all to see!

    Their mask fell off a long time ago as far as I can see. They don't even attempt to hide their mockery of Satan. What they produce at this point doesn't even qualify as entertainment. It's like their entire industry is completely devoted to this one thing. "All tongues who mock Satan and his...
  31. AryanPriest666

    Blasphemous "comedy" short film reveals our enemy's diseased mind for all to see!

    I can't recommend that anyone watch it, but for anyone wondering what our enemy thinks of us, our Gods and our culture, then here is a short film (about 5 minutes) by (((Chris McInroy))): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P1yEHQivTk . It's pure mockery of Satan and his devoted children and...
  32. AryanPriest666

    US condemns Israel far right minister’s call for Palestinian town ‘to be erased’

    Tfw the kike magic stops working and starts backfiring on them...
  33. AryanPriest666

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 36: 8th PDF being written + Improvements]

    Please consider making donations available in a privacy coin. I suggest Monero (XMR) or Pirate Chain (ARRR). This will make it easier to donate anonymously. As is now known, Bitcoin is not anonymous at all. In some ways, it's even more transparent and public than a personal credit card...
  34. AryanPriest666

    Why IS black intelligence so low?

    Lack of a developed prefrontal cortex. It's genetic. Their brains are different. You can compare White European skulls with African skulls to see the difference in prefrontal cortex.
  35. AryanPriest666

    Demystifying The Jews - Why Gentiles Are Down? Getting Responsibility [PART 2]

    I agree 100%. Self-responsibility is way more difficult than sitting around saying "it's the jews!" while doing absolutely nothing constructive. Jews wouldn't get anywhere if not for the willing participation of everyone else. The jew is the trickster. He says "Hey goy, you wanna watch porn...
  36. AryanPriest666

    The Right to be left alone.

    This is just a friendly Satanic reminder that the Right to be left alone is an inherent Right of existing as a Sovereign being and there is no entity that exists which can lawfully revoke or attempt to deny you this Right. Nobody has a right to your data, nobody has a right to what you...
  37. AryanPriest666

    How to heal myself?

    I left the Runes out of my list because I knew at least 3 other members would cover it in detail. Thought my response would be more productive by giving practical health and living tips. I know my list isn't very exciting, but it's the foundation of a healthy existence imo.
  38. AryanPriest666

    Buddhist masters have such a disgusting aura

    This absolute banger of a remix... https://www.bitchute.com/video/Sbu2zlIlNIie/
  39. AryanPriest666

    How to heal myself?

    1) Daily Qi Gong, Yoga and Meditation to open meridians and unblock trapped energy. 2) Sweat for 20-40 minutes 3x per week. Running, sauna, cardio kickboxing, cycling, etc.. SWEAT!!! 3) Cleansing bath with Epsom salt, sea salt, baking soda and/or borax once per week. 20 minute soak. You can...
  40. AryanPriest666

    if advice was good, it wouldn't be given

    For me, it's a labor of Love. Anything I can do to help awaken and teach others, I do what I can. Access to this knowledge should be given freely and made fully public. No more "secret societies" bullshit and being led around like a donkey with a carrot on a stick. That being said, some...
  41. AryanPriest666

    Order of the Dragon - it existed before Sigismund and 1408?

    The Dragon and it's Order are older than mankind. This "Order of the Dragon" by this "Dracula" kike is utter perversion and has nothing to do with the authentic Dragon and It's Order. The order you reference, this "order of the dragon" has one purpose: to DESTROY/ANNIHILATE/GENOCIDE the TRUE...
  42. AryanPriest666

    Suppressing Emotions & Breaking Mental Barriers

    It's all good, apology accepted. She may have more names, but the three I know and use are: Holle, Hella and Hel.
  43. AryanPriest666

    Suppressing Emotions & Breaking Mental Barriers

    Try watching the video with closed captions (subtitles). Click the "CC" button on the video player to enable subtitles. That way you should be able to read what he's saying. If that doesn't work out, let me know.
  44. AryanPriest666

    Question #367: life is not easy and why is it like that

    Capricorn rules the knees. A meditation you could do is: 1) Clean your aura. 2) Enter a light trance. 3) Focus on your knee. Really tune into it, feel it for a few minutes. Breathe into it. 4) Call in a guide or ask Satan to send a Demon to help you and your knee. 5) Ask your knee (yes...
  45. AryanPriest666

    True Leadership - What does it mean to you?

    True leadership means taking the initiative to do what needs to be done. A true leader does not wait to be told by others what to do or how to do it- they figure it out and then execute. Their will to act comes from a place of authenticity and truth. They are also good listeners, learners and...
  46. AryanPriest666

    Ate an edible, how fucked am I?

    Whoever this person is that gave you this drug is dangerous and does not respect your boundaries. That they kept asking you repeatedly after you said "no" means they don't respect your "no" or your free will. I would advise breaking all contact with that person. This person completely...
  47. AryanPriest666

    Question #312: How to heal sexual trauma

    Sacral chakra clearing meditations; work with Lilith and/or Her Sister Naamah.
  48. AryanPriest666

    Question #364: Negative Thoughts

    It could be useful to start a feelings journal to express yourself. Some people like to write down all their negative thoughts on a piece of paper and then release them to the fire. Some form of artful expression might help such as painting, poetry or music to give your soul an outlet for what...
  49. AryanPriest666

    Question #379: Uncontrollable outbursts of anger/aggression

    1) A good counselor should be able to help you identify the root causes of your anger as well as offer some sort of plan or guidance on how to effectively manage your outbursts. Perhaps a support group could be useful. I think there are support groups that center around anger and those may be a...
  50. AryanPriest666

    The "Not Everyone" Argument - Getting Offended?

    There is a member of my family who uses this every time without fail when I bring up anything. People like them believe that exceptions disprove the rule. Example: I talk about crime statistics and the black community... he points to his one "black" friend. That friend he points to was raised...
  51. AryanPriest666

    Question #344: Yang deficiency

    Herbs for yang deficiency. I'd suggest experimenting with one at a time. Find one you're drawn to or like, learn as much as you can about it and then find a high quality source and start using it. Give it at least 30-90 days for effects to be apparent. My personal favorite for yang tonic herbs...
  52. AryanPriest666

    Question #353: Tiredness with yoga

    Exercises for combating fatigue: 1) 4/4 Energizing Breath https://www.yogatech.com/kundalini_yoga_sets/44breath 2) Breath of Fire 3) Baby pose for 5-15 minutes (you can fall asleep in this position and that's fine) 4) Burpees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auBLPXO8Fww 5) Walking My favorite...
  53. AryanPriest666

    how fucked up one has to be individually to be born among fuckers?

    It might be useful to take a look at Saturn in your natal chart and current Saturn transits. If Saturn is transiting or negatively aspecting one of your planets, this could give further insight into what lessons Saturn is trying to teach you. Studying Saturn in your chart could bring insight...
  54. AryanPriest666

    Suppressing Emotions & Breaking Mental Barriers

    The description of Hagalaz you cited I couldn't disagree with more. Hagalaz is hail or snow from the Goddess Holle/Hella and is extraordinarily healing. I've seen that description of Hagalaz repeated so many times I've lost count but it's inaccurate and not my experience of Hagalaz in the...
  55. AryanPriest666

    how fucked up one has to be individually to be born among fuckers?

    We can be programmed by parents and our environment with all sorts of junk. Most all of us have some degree of self-defeating program our parents, teachers or society gave us. It doesn't matter whose fault it is when you consider the relationship between souls at the soul level. In the end...
  56. AryanPriest666

    Newbie here!

    All you need for that is to practice blue steel in the mirror for one hour every day for a week until you got it down perfect from every possible angle of delivery. Once you've perfected it, you can start practice giving it to your pets and your family. It may freak them out a little at first...
  57. AryanPriest666

    Suppressing Emotions & Breaking Mental Barriers

    I recommend doing the HUUL breath for 11-30 minutes every night for 40 consecutive days. This will do a few things: 1) clean your aura of debris, clearing dross or excess back to the Earth. 2) open your energy centers/meridians, allowing trapped emotions to surface and be released. 3) ground...
  58. AryanPriest666

    Russian Jews afraid of psychic attacks

    Well, when you think about it, Western governments have already incited energetic attacks against Russia via their propaganda. How many people in the West are psychically attacking Russia with their "I hate Putin and stand with Ukraine" program? They don't realize it, but their mass negativity...
  59. AryanPriest666

    Would watching porn of another race also count as race mixing?

    If you salivate over eating chocolate ice cream all day, will it make you more likely to eat chocolate ice cream or less likely to eat chocolate ice cream? I know it's probably been said a million times here already, but: ELIMINATE 100% OF PORN FROM YOUR LIFE. Do this, and such questions become...
  60. AryanPriest666

    Question #220: White Race

    Glad I'm not the only one here who sees through this poorly camouflaged foreskin collector.
  61. AryanPriest666

    Santa is Odin?! Odin is Satan?! Santa = Satan!!!

    I know I'm a bit late with this, but holiday cheer is still in the air and we're about Satan 24/7 anyway. With a bit of help, I connected these dots within the past year or so, but it only really hit home recently. Of course Santa is Satan! (If I'm somehow wrong about this, please show me...
  62. AryanPriest666

    Happy New Year! Another wonderful year with Jos

    Happy new year to you as well! I'm glad you're here.
  63. AryanPriest666

    Andrew Tate Arrested

    Romanian lawyers right now: "TRADE OFFER FOR ANDREW TATE! I RECEIVE: All of your Bugattis. YOU RECEIVE: 0 years in Romanian prison. DO YOU ACCEPT?" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  64. AryanPriest666

    Question #300: Is racemixing against the Gods?

    You want to talk to the Gods? Learn evocation and ask them yourself! Or are you too lazy to do any real work on your own? You come here asking a question like this and expect an answer directly from the gods, but don't want us chiming in? :lol: It doesn't take a genius to figure out who is...
  65. AryanPriest666

    Do guys have two soul mates?

    Yeah, this OP border jumper likes White women. He's mentioned he is latino and his two "lovers" are White. *pukes a little*
  66. AryanPriest666

    Question #280: Fighting with alcohol use, as I climb spiritually.

    Take shots of maple syrup instead if the craving is that bad. The high sugar content will quell the craving. I recommend REAL maple syrup, it's better for you and tastes better too, is no more expensive than a bottle of whiskey. Alcohol is a dark path, my friend. You don't need me to warn you...
  67. AryanPriest666

    Question #174: Join the US Army

    I'm glad to see this has nearly been smashed into a pulp but let me drive it home. THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES IS THE LAST PLACE YOU WANT TO BE AS A SATANIST. I can't make it any more clear than that. You will be force-vaxxed, fed dog food, drink flouridated water from BPA-laced...
  68. AryanPriest666

    Question #163: how do I control women

    The problem with this sort of manipulation is that it's only temporary, only works on certain women, and almost always backfires in the long run. When she finds out (she WILL eventually find out) you aren't who you say you are, any self-respecting woman is gonna dip in one form or another and...
  69. AryanPriest666

    Andrew Tate Arrested

    "This is what happens when you don't recycle your pizza boxes." Bro this shit is just tooooooo freakin' funny, man. I can't :lol: This is the best movie ever. Scripts like this, who needs a movie theatre? It's all a show. That being said, I don't doubt the legitimacy of the allegations...
  70. AryanPriest666

    Music thread

    When people ask me about my beliefs political, spiritual or otherwise, I just send them this link with the text "Whatever makes more of this, that's what my beliefs are." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wy-W-pYlds
  71. AryanPriest666

    I request the deletion of my account

    Why do you need an admin to delete your account? Can't you just... leave? You don't need anyone's permission to just leave. It's super easy. You just stop logging in, checking the forum or engaging. You're a man? So man up, sort your shit out, deal with your problems, accept responsibility...
  72. AryanPriest666

    My spouse is vaccinated.

    Sounds like cold sores to me.
  73. AryanPriest666

    What's the real story of the United States?

    Most all of the true history of the world has been rewritten and carefully covered up. What we've been taught in school is nothing short of indoctrination into a script that is little more than fiction written by the enemy for the purposes of controlling and enslaving us. That being said, we can...
  74. AryanPriest666

    Just why are Jews so obsessed with destroying the hite race?

    White people are the white blood cells of this body called Earth and the jew is the infection. The jew understands this. The jew also understands we are Lucifer's offspring and that we will never willingly submit to their rule, so they do what they can via subversion and corruption. Lucifer's...
  75. AryanPriest666

    Question #204: Important Question Regarding Moons Nodes in a Birth Chart

    I suggest researching about Rahu and Ketu. These are the North and South nodes of the Moon as understood by the Vedic system. I've studied both Western and Vedic approaches to the Moon's nodes and in my opinion, the Vedic system has a much deeper understanding of their energies and functions.
  76. AryanPriest666

    Dealing with human death - my experience/opinion

    You're right about that. Especially if it's sudden, unexpected, violent or if the person is under the influence of drugs. They can be confused and not understand what has happened in some cases. Fortunately, we all have guides that help orient us on the other side. Some have an easier time with...
  77. AryanPriest666

    Christiansanity: 3 Levels of Retardation

    Fortunately most of my family are basically green to yellow zoners. Some are fairly open to and even interested in things like yoga. None of them seem to really go very far with it, though. As far as I know, I'm the only living member of my bloodline who actively practices the things we practice...
  78. AryanPriest666

    Dealing with human death - my experience/opinion

    Haha one of your arms is trying to make a break for it! :lol: Which one is it I'm curious, the right or the left?
  79. AryanPriest666

    Question #163: how do I control women

    I would suggest working with Lilith on this one. She can answer your questions in far more detail than I can, but I will do my best to relay some information here. You will want to banish this notion of "controlling" women. That simply won't do. I understand your frustration, but attempting to...
  80. AryanPriest666

    Yule Ritual. I cant 😭

    No worries, mate! Satan isn't going to punish you for any those things, He is not like that. You have nothing to worry about here. When you hear the music, remember your love for Satan in your heart and enjoy time with your family as much as possible. Satan wants you healthy and happy, so make...
  81. AryanPriest666

    Living "primitive"

    Hell yeah, man. That's awesome. I'm glad things lined up for you. I can't think of any downsides, but I'm sure you'll be able to navigate them no problem. I hear the first 1-3 years are the most trying since you have to learn a lot, adapt and get settled in, but after that it's much more...
  82. AryanPriest666

    Lucifer's the Light of the World!

    Listening to this one on loop right now. Give it a listen, sing along and Hail Lucifer! LUCIFER'S THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0Ut84rpvVE Lyrics: [Chorus] Tell me what's that light? Lucifer's the light Tell me what's that light? Lucifer's the light Tell me...
  83. AryanPriest666

    anxiety and paranoia

    Holy Basil (Tulsi) extract powder 2-3x per day. Magnesium Glycinate 2-3x per day. Epsom salt ritual cleansing bath 1-4x per month. Long, slow deep breathing meditations. Alternate nostril breathing. Eliminate sources of stress and excess stimuli. Long walks in the park/hiking. Yoga.
  84. AryanPriest666

    What do you think about this?

    Who do they plan to put there? The same street shitters ruining all the other major cities? Awesome... give the street shitters more expensive things to break I guess. What they don't advertise here is that once you're in there is no way out, your every movement will be traced via gps locator...
  85. AryanPriest666

    Dealing with human death - my experience/opinion

    Once you realize that consciousness exists independently of the physical vessel, fear dissolves immediately. With meditation and yoga this can be achieved, but most people have to wait to get ejected from their meat suit to realize "holy shit, I'm still alive! That dead fuck right there is me...
  86. AryanPriest666

    Soon-to-be mother wants to circumcise her son so she has a "pretty dick" to look at when changing nappies

    Ah, yes... the "I want to die alone in a nursing home covered in cat piss, loved by no one" starter kit. I knew they were still in stock!
  87. AryanPriest666

    European men traveling abroad for wives

    Being a professional chef is not the same as being an effeminate, stay-at-home, apron-wearing "dad". Why are you so offended?
  88. AryanPriest666

    Question #103 I don't know what to do anymore with my family or father

    I would suggest counseling of some kind. You need to be able to talk to someone who is trained to deal with a situation like this who has experience and can help you navigate through this. If you can, see if you can talk your mother into receiving counseling as well if she's open about it, but I...
  89. AryanPriest666

    Avatar Project / 2045 Initiative: The New Human in the Jew World Order

    Just think how many soyjack NPC's are researching about this and thinking to themselves "Omg immortality?! Heckin neato! This sounds super cool! Avatar?! I WANT TO BE ONE!!!" While this idea is repulsive to healthy SS with our humanity and intelligence still intact, do not be surprised at how...
  90. AryanPriest666

    European men traveling abroad for wives

    In Scythian and Ancient Germanian culture, you weren't acknowledged by the community as a "man" until you brought back the head on an enemy. Yes, an actual head of a real life decapitated opponent. Also in that culture, the worst possible thing you could do is retreat from battle. If you cowered...
  91. AryanPriest666

    Epic Playlist for Yule 2022

    "Melek Taus" by Therion is one of my favorites. I've actually been listening to this one the past few days.
  92. AryanPriest666

    Women as Navy SEALs?

  93. AryanPriest666

    Question #102: Navy SEAL Advice

    Why would you want to serve ZOG as one of it's mercenaries? You really want to go to war? I really doubt you want that. You think you do, but you do not and I know this for a fact. Perhaps you want the glory and recognition of being "the first female Navy SEAL" but even if you make it through...
  94. AryanPriest666

    Question #94: On Sadguru

    Sadhguru? You mean (((Klaus Schwab's))) best Hindu friend in the entire world? He's a member of the WEF. Does that answer your question? It should. He also advocates population control and wants less people on the planet. He is also pro-vaccination. Veganism is self-destructive and very...
  95. AryanPriest666

    Goddess Kali is from the Jewish egregor?

    Fuck no. She's Infernal.
  96. AryanPriest666

    Be careful with your kindness. It opens your soul.

    It's rare that I open up to anyone in such a way that they could hurt me. I've learned how naive and foolish it is to blindly trust people or giving them the benefit of the doubt. Want my trust? Earn it. And even decades of built trust can be annihilated completely in a matter of seconds. It's a...
  97. AryanPriest666

    Drawing as a form of divination?

    That sounds badass. I've not personally experimented with this method of divination, but I have a feeling there are certain individuals who would be really good at this. Maybe the idea came to you because you have the gift for it? I'd be curious to see/hear results achieved from application...
  98. AryanPriest666

    The forgotten place in the kingdom of Hell

    I'm not an expert on this, but my understanding of "Sheol" is that it's like the kike underworld.
  99. AryanPriest666

    Canada openly sacrificing their own citizens

    So if you call a suicide hotline in Canada now, do they instead send a suicide assistance team with a suite of options for you to follow through with the intent? "You're really gonna do it this time you say? No problem! We can help! We're sending an experienced team to your location to assist...
  100. AryanPriest666

    European men traveling abroad for wives

    We live in a wasteland (romantically and otherwise). It's a miracle to me that we're still even here considering everything we've survived thus far. The truth is that the weakest Aryan genes among us are prone to mixing with other races regardless of the catalyst. Of course with respect to...
  101. AryanPriest666

    Meltology documentary MUST SEE!!!

    More evidence. Maps of the Sahara desert from the 1700's show it full of cities, towns, castles, lakes and rivers. Yet the (((official history))) is that it's been a desert for more than 5,000 years. Look at these slides and tell me... do you see what I see...
  102. AryanPriest666

    I'm in a confused place,and I really need good help/advice

    Enemy religious mind control programs are designed to keep us in fear, programming/indoctrinating us during our formative years. It sounds like you were subjected to this sort of fear-based mind control from an early age just like many of us here were. Needless to say, this programming can run...
  103. AryanPriest666


    Here is a casted sculpture depicting what appears to be Anubis next to Hecate in her Torch-bearing triple goddess form. https://digital.library.cornell.edu/catalog/ss:1975897 Her connection to the underworld, the moon, dogs, transformation, crossroads, nighttime and phosphorous is quite...
  104. AryanPriest666

    Leniency and Tolerance on the Forums?

    You're not the only person on Earth that knows the entire truth, nor are you the only one willing to do anything about it. It's taken a long time for things to become this fucked, and it's going to hypothetically take just as long to unfuck it. The "unfucking" isn't an overnight process. A lot...
  105. AryanPriest666

    How could we help men with suicidal thoughts?

    For the record, I didn't link the mantra as a prescription "to prevent suicide". I simply suggest that Kali can be helpful in situations such as this and then linked one of her songs/mantras. I never said "this is a mantra you should chant if you're contemplating suicide". I never even suggested...
  106. AryanPriest666

    My spouse is vaccinated.

    Whatever is in the vax that is causing people problems, I don't believe it's in all of the them. This is just my speculation/theory. The only evidence I have to support my theory is that not everyone who got it is experiencing negative consequences. Perhaps there were only certain batches of the...
  107. AryanPriest666

    Meltology documentary MUST SEE!!!

    Isn't it wild what heat can do to minerals and bricks? All kinds of crazy stuff... At first, I wanted to dismiss the ice being crystalized buildings, but some of it does appear to be genuinely crystalized building and NOT ice. Although in some areas it appears there is both snow/ice and...
  108. AryanPriest666

    How could we help men with suicidal thoughts?

    Looks like we got off on the wrong foot here. Apparently muting isn't an option. I'll just be transparent and maybe we can still be friends at the end of this. I'd hate to ruin a potentially fruitful relationship before it had a chance to blossom over a simple misunderstanding that could be...
  109. AryanPriest666

    How could we help men with suicidal thoughts?

    Annnnd you're muted. See ya! :D
  110. AryanPriest666

    How could we help men with suicidal thoughts?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: "There is no power in Kali mantra" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: What the fuck do...
  111. AryanPriest666

    Introduction to Astrology, Lesson 6: Different Types of Astrology, an Introduction

    It's okay. I don't want this thread devolving into a sidereal vs. tropical debate. They're both valid for their own reasons imo. I just like getting educated opinions as to why they choose one over the other. I've used both in my days, but tend to prefer Jyotish lately and have gotten a lot out...
  112. AryanPriest666

    How could we help men with suicidal thoughts?

    It's an alchemical process involving the transmutation of repressed emotions. Men are taught to bottle and repress their suffering and this has to be unlearned. Underneath the sea of sadness and pain is a burning inferno of RAGE. That anger and rage is the invaluable resource that will liberate...
  113. AryanPriest666

    Meltology documentary MUST SEE!!!

    Yes, you are quite wrong about me here. :D I have climbed several mountains, canyons and caves, visited many ruins and literally live on top of a giant ruin. I also have visited more countries than there are eggs in a carton. That being said, I don't have to leave the 1 mile radius from my...
  114. AryanPriest666

    Arguing with the apathetic: a complete waste of time?

    I tend to agree. Unfortunately, I think things still have to get much much worse for the average Joe to take any sort of meaningful action. I just hope that by that time it won't be too late. I just think it's unfair that I should have to pay the consequences of their apathy alongside them. It...
  115. AryanPriest666

    Introduction to Astrology, Lesson 6: Different Types of Astrology, an Introduction

    Antares is the most prominent, brightest star in the constellation of Scorpio. It's the red heart of the Scorpion. How is it NOT about Scorpio?
  116. AryanPriest666

    Arguing with the apathetic: a complete waste of time?

    Ever try to talk to someone about how the kikes are actively trying to genocide us, flooding our homelands with hostile foreign invaders, slowly poisoning us with lies and deceit etc. only to realize they're completely apathetic and 100% couldn't care less? It's not even that they disagree or...
  117. AryanPriest666

    The jew's hidden-in-plain-sight, dark, 'depressing' message on famous syrup/treacle tins for over a century

    Oy vey! What an antisemitic thing to point out! This post is literally the holocaust! The jewish people will never recover from this accusation, but I suppose around $6,000,000 per year indefinitely will cover the ongoing psychological damage caused by this. Cash or check is fine oy vey. *rubs...
  118. AryanPriest666

    Nature Connection Sit Spot Guide

    Ideally, the more private the better but work with what you have. If you live in a big city for example, make due with what is available. If a small park is all you have, then use it. In small parks, use your ninja senses to find the place where you would be most concealed/private. Using your...
  119. AryanPriest666

    Introduction to Astrology, Lesson 6: Different Types of Astrology, an Introduction

    Forgive me if this has already been covered, but what is your opinion on Vedic astrology and the sidereal zodiac? What is your justification for using Tropical over Sidereal? According to the Tropical zodiac, Antares resides in approximately 10 degree of Sagittarius (of course this is always...
  120. AryanPriest666

    This guy just DESTROYED xtianity

    "We're collecting your IP's be very afraid, goy!" This is just pure intimidation. Who cares? It's the equivalent of some punk saying "I know where you live." It's pathetic. They're cowards. Also, prove he's mining IP's. I'm interested in conclusive evidence, not hearsay. If you're going to make...
  121. AryanPriest666

    Meltology documentary MUST SEE!!!

    As for the glaciers and Antarctica ice... have you been there and held it in your hand or tried to melt it? I haven't, so I can't confirm or deny what it is. I don't like just taking someone else's word, I have to experience it first hand in order for me to say "okay this is real" or "yeah...
  122. AryanPriest666

    Nature Connection Sit Spot Guide

    I try, man. I feel like I've acquired a decent amount of resources and experience over the years and that it's time I start giving back. One way I'm trying to do that is sharing what I've discovered with earnest seekers that I feel kinship with.
  123. AryanPriest666

    More High Priests?

    As always, it's quality over quantity. This is the way it's supposed to be. With leadership, quality is paramount. The Gods and all their devotees deserve the very best among us to be at the helm. Champions gain their status through merit and accomplishment. Nobody is entitled to receive the...
  124. AryanPriest666

    Do I need to be under the sun to breathe in sun energy

    You can breathe in solar energy any time day or night and you don't need to be outside, although getting sunlight is healthy. You can imagine yourself as being inside the Sun itself. You can travel to the Sun, go inside and bask in it's radiance. Even if you have difficulty visualizing the...
  125. AryanPriest666

    Letting my inner demons free

    The personality self can become fragmented through trauma and emotions too difficult to process. They can present as "alternate personalities" or "alter egos". It's not unusual. Topics to investigate that could prove useful: soul retrieval, shadow work, trauma healing. Also, you could ask...
  126. AryanPriest666

    What should a father teach his son?

    I've just been meditating on the things a father should teach his son. I believe a father has a responsibility to teach his son certain things and to instill in him certain principles. If your father taught you any of the things on this list, count your blessings. If, like many of us, your...
  127. AryanPriest666

    This guy just DESTROYED xtianity

    Update: I've been looking into this Bjerknes guy and listening to his interviews with Adam Green. Something is definitely off... He claims Jesus is Satan and that Hitler is controlled opposition funded by kikes who lost WW2 on purpose for Israel. I'm two inches from saying "fuck this...
  128. AryanPriest666

    Im leaving this forum and a confession

    Maybe just stop being a troll. This drama is unnecessary. Is your GD telling you to leave here forever, or is She perhaps trying to help you self-correct? If you're being self-destructive via trolling, wasting your time, etc., the person you're hurting the most is yourself but I'm sure you know...
  129. AryanPriest666

    Occult properties of our planet Earth/Terra?

    It's okay. I didn't mean to insult you. You're free to believe what you will. I simply advocate for the critical examination of evidence and the application of logic with gratuitous amounts of discernment. I have little use for "belief" these days. Just look at how much retarded shit the...
  130. AryanPriest666

    This guy just DESTROYED xtianity

    You're saying Adam Green is jewish? Please post evidence. How is he luring people through their IP so jews can track them? What is the basis of this allegation? Bjerknes is 1/4 jewish? Please post evidence.
  131. AryanPriest666

    Occult properties of our planet Earth/Terra?

    Undisputed according to who? (((NASA)))? Did you know that "Nasa" in Hebrew means "to deceive"? Any information or "evidence" coming from NASA should be considered highly suspect and subjected to critical scrutiny as they've been caught in several MASSIVE lies and deceptions. I don't want the...
  132. AryanPriest666

    Occult properties of our planet Earth/Terra?

    The Gnostics had intimate knowledge of this. Much of it has been lost, destroyed or obfuscated, but I recommend the works of John Lamb Lash here. There is a free course available on his website called "Planetary Tantra" that I believe may be useful to your line of inquiry. Planetary Tantra...
  133. AryanPriest666

    Meltology documentary MUST SEE!!!

    "Anomalous soil accumulation" :lol: :lol: :lol:
  134. AryanPriest666

    Meltology documentary MUST SEE!!!

    What is your attachment to this 13,000 years ago??
  135. AryanPriest666

    Nature Connection Sit Spot Guide

    "A sit spot (or secret spot) is simply a favorite place in nature that you visit regularly to cultivate awareness as you expand your senses and study patterns of local plants, birds, trees, animals, etc." https://nature-mentor.com/sit-spot/ Nature connection ftw.
  136. AryanPriest666

    am i a cyborg?

    Get yourself a sit spot. "A sit spot (or secret spot) is simply a favorite place in nature that you visit regularly to cultivate awareness as you expand your senses and study patterns of local plants, birds, trees, animals, etc." https://nature-mentor.com/sit-spot/
  137. AryanPriest666

    am i a cyborg?

  138. AryanPriest666

    Occult "Sources" & "Citations" - Is It All Real?

    Oy vey, goy! You want to communicate with your Ancient Ancestral Gods? Well that's fantastic! What a noble pursuit! Luckily for you, me and my (((MAGICKAL GROUP))) have authored an entire collection of books explaining how to do exactly that! I suggest starting with "Hebrew For Dummies" as it...
  139. AryanPriest666

    Having a Home Is A Basic Human RIGHT

    I earnestly pray for the Gods to return in the manner you've described. Things could be so much better for us. I know what is possible because I know what was lost... what we had. Watch all 4 parts of the "When The Buildings Cried" documentary...
  140. AryanPriest666

    Having a Home Is A Basic Human RIGHT

    Search the forums for "meltology". I made a separate thread about it with links to a couple of documentaries covering it. The "mudflood" is the result of the great meltification. Very few Tartarian researches have any idea what they're talking about. If they don't know about meltology, they are...
  141. AryanPriest666

    Watch out, food prices just increased again.....

    Just make sure you live near plumpy, non-GMO, organic, free-range humans... as a last resort, you can always eat them! :D
  142. AryanPriest666

    Having a Home Is A Basic Human RIGHT

    You don't have to sell me on this. I want the number of non-Aryans in my nation to be exactly zero. These are hostile invaders and should be treated accordingly. None of what I'm talking about applies to them. With all non-Aryans off our backs, what I'm talking about is easily doable and...
  143. AryanPriest666

    Video explaining the very basics of what universe operates like.

    The old churches and cathedrals overtaken by the enemy are partially surviving remnants of the old world that was destroyed. Their original design, purpose and intent have been secreted away. Those buildings are advanced technology we can't replicate even today. Anyone who tells you how they...
  144. AryanPriest666

    Punk Rock and the Joos

    I haven't read the article, but the allegation would not be surprising to me if true. Look at any popular punk rock band and who is signing their checks, promoting their label and producing for them? Likely a jew... Also, how many "punk rockers" have you met that weren't just absolute fucking...
  145. AryanPriest666

    Kanye West Exposes Jews

    It's all an act. Kanye is not "on our side". Quite the opposite. He works directly for the enemy. Nothing about what he's doing is "anti-semitic". The whole purpose of his stunt is to allow the jews to cry victim, incite violence against themselves, likely tie in some sort of false flag against...
  146. AryanPriest666

    This guy just DESTROYED xtianity

    "Refusing to accept factual evidence that contradicts my calcified, irrational belief system strengthens my resolve!" -christcucks united against truth
  147. AryanPriest666

    This guy just DESTROYED xtianity

    Read from where? What was the accusation founded on? Can you prove he's jewish or works for mossad? What makes you think he's enemy?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
