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  • Fucking awesome....my spoken Chinese fluency is along very smoothly, just took a couple oral tests, without notecards or visuals, and nailed them....given that this is a language commonly regraded as "impossible" due to the large amount of intonations and the such.

    Started learning a couple months ago, and I'm already learning arithmetics and monetary transections in Mandarin....yeah....my most hated topic (math).....can't wait to use this for my upcoming trip to Taiwan.....and maybe get involved in JoS translations soon....
    Damn....as I spiritually-advance, the less I addicted I become to video games. Day by day, I'm beginning to hate and despise my old life of just sitting at home, and wanting to play video games all day.

    Don't know or think if I'm gonna rid of my gaming console, as usual there will be rainy days and just days of extreme boredom but yes indeed....thank you Satan and the Gods!
    Hellenic SS
    That's great!
    @Hellenic SS Indeed what I was thinking, there are many games out there with fascinating storylines. I've noticed that's the kind of games I like, those with compelling storylines, and I don't play any of that GTA or CoD crap, if anything I like CoD zombies but that's it, I hate GTA with a burning passion since it encourages degenerate behavior, as you said - rid one self of degenerate games. People who find it "entertaining" to shoot up hospitals and rob vehicles may need a serious re-evaluation......I especially hate it when gun newbies think playing CoD somehow makes them gun experts, countless numbers of times when range instructors and range officers would tell me horror stories of CoD fanboys acting and huff and puff and finding out the hard way that they're NOWHERE near experts, not even novices.
    @Epiphany makes sense, I think it's a mixture both growing up (in a regular sense) and spiritually growing up.
    Finally had some authentic 🇲🇳 Mongolian food! The dough for the noodles was home-made, and so was the dough for the dumplings (a VERY crucial component of authentic Mongol cuisine). A VERY enlightening experience for the health to be able to come across Asian food without Made in China products (or the fear of), good start to Asian-American Heritage Month. AND NO...."Mongolian stir-fry"/Mongolian BBQ", delicious as it is, is NOT Mongolian in any way shape or form, and was named-so by a retarded chef from Taiwan who simply slapped on the "Mongolia name" just to avoid negative connotations from naming it Beijing grill thanks to communist rule (in spite of the fact that Mongolia was also communist at the time...so someone didn't do his research). Authentic Mongol restaurants are nearly non-existent outside of Mongolia, and if you ever stumble across one, here's a message for you vegetarians: :devilish: ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER (okay....:rolleyes: fine...they have potato salad, no I'm not kidding...potato salad is actually part of Mongol cuisine, of all things, courtesy of Russian influence).
    So perhaps Chinese Paganism may not be "completely forgotten". I visited a Chinatown gift shop, and found them selling statues of Lord Bifrons (Ganesha/Janus), you know, Chinese New Year and all since Lord Bifrons is often associated with New Years and transformations, in my Chinese New Year Post, I did post about Lord Bifrons in both Chinese and Japanese religion, in both systems he is referred to as the "Elephant God", or the "God of Bliss" in Japanese.

    The store clerk didn't just scan it "going about their day", seemed very knowledgeable when he's like, "Oh, you must like the Elephant God". Now, I'm not claiming to have "met a guru" or anything or a "possible JoS Chinese" just because he made a one-line reference to the "Elephant God". But in ancient religion, phrases like "liking a God" wasn't just "liking a God" in terms of the modern vernacular, it often-meant you were associated with that God's group of followers, that's how ancient religions were, none of this "one man bullshit" like corporate Hinduism or Catholicism and the pope. But even if the store clerk was atheist, Buddhist or a Christian, at least it delights me that he has at least has a hint of knowledge about his religion, sort of like the way South Asians are familiar with who Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesha is, even if they're Muslim, Christian, Atheist or whatever or Greeks and their knowledge of Zeus and Poseidon in spite of being Orthodox Christian and etc. Most Chinese I've encountered haven't even got a clue that Chinese religion has Gods.

    I remember asking a Chinese trick-or-treating family on Samhain/Halloween if they knew who Yan-Lou-Wang was (Lord Andras - God of the Underworld/Realm of Departed Souls), they had absolutely no clue, in spite of dressing their kids up in Chinese Dragon costumes. Imagine my infuriation and my experience at the Chinatown store was a complete contrast to the disappointment during Halloween.

    I am also aware that China sends sleeper agents and spies to the U.S. Often-not, their spiritual knowledge is indicative (at least most of the time) of whether they are a CPC spy or legitimate American Chinese wanting to flee from the communist government. Most of the CPC spies tend to be brainwashed atheists without a clue about Chinese spiritual heritage, those who are legal American Chinese tend to further-embrace their spiritual heritages such as Taoism, Falun Gong and Traditional Chinese Medicine, things that are basically banned in China.

    ... I'm currently learning Japanese right now, we could really use someone to promote Shintoism, we also have a Japanese sub-forum if you'd like to post there.

    I was looking for a kanji book out of curiosity and this seemed to be a very popular book among the language learning community... Hard NOPE for me imo, could save you time and money:

    I've got this nice book called Japanese Folktales which is bilingual, with furigana (reading of the kanji) + audio samples. The NHK has a section with easy Japanese News with furigana as well and even Japanese lessons.
    Not sure if I will ever dive deep into Japanese but I've come across these sources and thought these could help.
    I have not posted for a while, do not mistake this for silence. I am doing lots of research for exciting posts that'll be uploaded to the Oriental sub-forums around the time of the Lunar New Year, the Year of the Dragon (at least for China and Vietnam, Korea and Japan's already begun). If there's one thing about the Chinese, they love to celebrate their New Years loud and with a bang! Hail Emperor Fuxi (Satan) and Emperor Tiandi (Baalzabul)!
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
