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Yoga: Focus, Breath

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
(This post is mainly aimed at people who don’t have much if any experience with yoga.)

We here all know that yoga and spirituality have been corrupted. One thing in particular is the ignoring of the lower chakras, ignoring the 6th chakra, and an over-emphasis on the 3rd eye. As stated on the JoS, all chakras need to be open and functioning properly. The kundalini serpent cannot rise if chakras are left blocked.

Many Kundalini Yoga kriyas (sessions) actually do work each chakra on it’s own or in groups. One such is the Base chakra, where the focus of the movements should be on the Base itself. But instead, instruction is given to focus on the 3rd eye. This prevents the Base from being properly empowered. Energy goes where the focus is. If you work on your Base chakra, your focus should be on that chakra, not on another.

By focusing extensively on the 3rd eye, the practitioner remains spiritually weak and off balance. Especially as the 3rd eye is an extension of the 6th chakra, which is completely ignored in yoga. You cannot work heavily an extension while leaving the chakra it is an extension of, completely ignored.

The 3rd eye rules astral vision, etc, but it is the 6th that allows for wisdom, intuition, and true “inner sight”. Which, in my opinion, is why many yogis and new agers fully believe in enemy lies and dogma. They are influenced by the spells and thoughtforms, but cannot understand that they are spells and thoughtforms. For all their advancement through yoga and practice with meditation and pranayam, they cannot understand that Satan is the True Creator God of humanity, or that we need to eat meat and have sex, or that having “christ consciousness” is sick and evil, that we are not supposed to be “absent of desire”, and so on.

When doing yoga (Hatha or Kundalini), focus on your chakras, or at least on your physical body in the asanas. Don’t put all your focus to just the 3rd eye, as yoga will work the entire soul and body.

For those who are not spiritually inclined at all, and have no sense of where your chakras are, simply doing yoga will help to open up your chakras and bring energy into them, allowing you to get a better feel for your chakras with consistency. The kundalini yoga spinal series are wonderful for this, even starting at just 18 reps per pose. Hatha is even more important in many ways, as it frees up energy blocks in the nadis, and there are 144,000 nadis in the body. Try new asanas every so often and see how they work for you :)

As for how to breathe in yoga. With Hatha, it is important to take full breaths. Inhale to 80-90% of maximum capacity, exhale to 10-20%, as a general guideline in most poses. Don’t just breathe shallowly keeping the lung capacity between 40-60%. Most people breathe like this due to a lack of exercise, too much sitting at desks or on the couch, slumped over.

A lot of Hatha calls for Ujjayi breath also known as oceanic breathing. This is said to help with overall healing of the body, and helps to slow the brain waves, allowing for a more trance-like state during asanas. And of course always be careful with pranayam, increasing it gradually, never push yourself with it. The warnings are right on the JoS. To build up, you can do a few rounds once you are in a comfortable asana, then switch to normal breathing, and then try it again in another asana.

Don’t ever stress out over your breathing, take it easy and relax into it. You might also find it very helpful to start your Hatha session by sitting on your mat and doing alternate nostril breathing to balance the soul first.

As for kundalini yoga, it is heavy on Breath of Fire. It is important to slowly build up to it. Many kriyas (excluding the more known spinal series) can last for an hour, with the breath of fire totaling 30-40 minutes of that. When following along to a video or in a class, never push yourself more than what you can handle. Always switch to regular breathing as soon as you need to. I started by doing breath of fire for about 5-10 seconds then switched to regular breathing, throughout. I slowly but steadily built my way up.

A really good book available in free downloadable PDF format that I recommend on Hatha yoga is linked below. You can skip the beginning of the book and go straight to page 61 and onward. It gives clear instructions for various parts of the body per pose, and shows pictures from multiple angles, giving a 360 degree idea of each pose. This book was a game-changer for my practice.

BKS Iyengar: The Path To Holistic Health

I’ve posted this recently already but why not post again. Here is a video showing the KY spinal series, it’s easy to follow along to and shows the correct speed. It includes a 15 minute shavasana at the end so you can just keep following along without wondering how long you’ve been lying down for.

One last tip for doing yoga. If you don’t want to count numbers for holding asanas, you can mentally chant “SaTaNaMa” slowly on both your inhale and exhale, and do for example 4 rounds per asana. But don’t hold an asana longer than you feel comfortable, come out of it when you feel you need to.

Satan gave us the knowledge of Yoga. Yoga heals, advances, and empowers.
I watched the whole YouTube video and i really love the music and the background view.
I was visualiseing doing it with her and next to her.
Thanks Lydia
Lydia said:
(This post is mainly aimed at people who don’t have much if any experience with yoga.)

We here all know that yoga and spirituality have been corrupted. One thing in particular is the ignoring of the lower chakras, ignoring the 6th chakra, and an over-emphasis on the 3rd eye. As stated on the JoS, all chakras need to be open and functioning properly. The kundalini serpent cannot rise if chakras are left blocked.

Many Kundalini Yoga kriyas (sessions) actually do work each chakra on it’s own or in groups. One such is the Base chakra, where the focus of the movements should be on the Base itself. But instead, instruction is given to focus on the 3rd eye. This prevents the Base from being properly empowered. Energy goes where the focus is. If you work on your Base chakra, your focus should be on that chakra, not on another.

By focusing extensively on the 3rd eye, the practitioner remains spiritually weak and off balance. Especially as the 3rd eye is an extension of the 6th chakra, which is completely ignored in yoga. You cannot work heavily an extension while leaving the chakra it is an extension of, completely ignored.

The 3rd eye rules astral vision, etc, but it is the 6th that allows for wisdom, intuition, and true “inner sight”. Which, in my opinion, is why many yogis and new agers fully believe in enemy lies and dogma. They are influenced by the spells and thoughtforms, but cannot understand that they are spells and thoughtforms. For all their advancement through yoga and practice with meditation and pranayam, they cannot understand that Satan is the True Creator God of humanity, or that we need to eat meat and have sex, or that having “christ consciousness” is sick and evil, that we are not supposed to be “absent of desire”, and so on.

When doing yoga (Hatha or Kundalini), focus on your chakras, or at least on your physical body in the asanas. Don’t put all your focus to just the 3rd eye, as yoga will work the entire soul and body.

For those who are not spiritually inclined at all, and have no sense of where your chakras are, simply doing yoga will help to open up your chakras and bring energy into them, allowing you to get a better feel for your chakras with consistency. The kundalini yoga spinal series are wonderful for this, even starting at just 18 reps per pose. Hatha is even more important in many ways, as it frees up energy blocks in the nadis, and there are 144,000 nadis in the body. Try new asanas every so often and see how they work for you :)

As for how to breathe in yoga. With Hatha, it is important to take full breaths. Inhale to 80-90% of maximum capacity, exhale to 10-20%, as a general guideline in most poses. Don’t just breathe shallowly keeping the lung capacity between 40-60%. Most people breathe like this due to a lack of exercise, too much sitting at desks or on the couch, slumped over.

A lot of Hatha calls for Ujjayi breath also known as oceanic breathing. This is said to help with overall healing of the body, and helps to slow the brain waves, allowing for a more trance-like state during asanas. And of course always be careful with pranayam, increasing it gradually, never push yourself with it. The warnings are right on the JoS. To build up, you can do a few rounds once you are in a comfortable asana, then switch to normal breathing, and then try it again in another asana.

Don’t ever stress out over your breathing, take it easy and relax into it. You might also find it very helpful to start your Hatha session by sitting on your mat and doing alternate nostril breathing [insert link] to balance the soul first.

As for kundalini yoga, it is heavy on Breath of Fire. It is important to slowly build up to it. Many kriyas (excluding the more known spinal series) can last for an hour, with the breath of fire totaling 30-40 minutes of that. When following along to a video or in a class, never push yourself more than what you can handle. Always switch to regular breathing as soon as you need to. I started by doing breath of fire for about 5-10 seconds then switched to regular breathing, throughout. I slowly but steadily built my way up.

A really good book available in free downloadable PDF format that I recommend on Hatha yoga is linked below. You can skip the beginning of the book and go straight to page 61 and onward. It gives clear instructions for various parts of the body per pose, and shows pictures from multiple angles, giving a 360 degree idea of each pose. This book was a game-changer for my practice.

BKS Iyengar: The Path To Holistic Health

I’ve posted this recently already but why not post again. Here is a video showing the KY spinal series, it’s easy to follow along to and shows the correct speed. It includes a 15 minute shavasana at the end so you can just keep following along without wondering how long you’ve been lying down for.

One last tip for doing yoga. If you don’t want to count numbers for holding asanas, you can mentally chant “SaTaNaMa” slowly on both your inhale and exhale, and do for example 4 rounds per asana. But don’t hold an asana longer than you feel comfortable, come out of it when you feel you need to.

Satan gave us the knowledge of Yoga. Yoga heals, advances, and empowers.

Thank you for such good quality articles
If possible please make other articles on
Foundation meditation
Mantras and runes
Magical workings
Thanks again :mrgreen: :)

I always stuck with basic nose breathing during hatha yoga. If I were to transition to the ujaji/cat breath, do I still have to proceed slowly not, since there are no breath holds with it during yoga practice?
Very good post. Interesting.

I also noticed that in 95% of spiritual fast food, Ajna Chakra is associated with the 3rd eye. Which is indeed a huge piece of crap from the enemy, once again.

Working the 3rd eye (although it takes more or less time to open) does not really work the pineal gland. While working directly on Ajna in the center of the brain, also works the pineal gland AND the third eye. (But this is already explained on the chakras opening page : https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/6th_Chakra.html)

This is the power center I am working on right now, as it is actually quite weak compared to my 3rd eye.

There is also the occipital, also called "Zeal Chakra" that I have to work on because I don't feel it at all. This back extension chakra seems to have a great importance for travel in other dimensions, as well as lucid dreaming. It seems to me that from the Taoist and Kuji In side, it is the famous "jade door", which is opened with Retsu Mudra. (the famous mudra which is also used in the power meditations for the opening of the 3rd eye)

You can also work with the runes which are very powerful when properly vibrated.

Sowilo seems to be very powerful, for the 6th chakra (the sun rune par excellence, which can give a lot of energy to the pineal gland)

I noticed that Gebo (or Gibor, if you work with the Armanen Futhark, which is its equivalent) is also interesting for the pineal gland. Because it has the famous G-sound. In addition to curing many ailments, such as chronic headaches / migraines, hair problems...

Mannaz seems to be appropriate for working with the 3rd eye AND the occipital.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I watched the whole YouTube video and i really love the music and the background view.
I was visualiseing doing it with her and next to her.
Thanks Lydia
I know right, so nice to watch along with :) I do other videos by her as I've been doing the spinal series for so long I don't need to watch along.

Hail goddess diana said:
Thank you for such good quality articles
If possible please make other articles on
Foundation meditation
Mantras and runes
Magical workings
Thanks again :mrgreen: :)
Thank you for the compliment :) I have written some posts on magickal workings before. As for mantras and runes, I just stick with what's on the JoS as I don't have any additional knowledge in those areas.

winragefilled666 said:
I always stuck with basic nose breathing during hatha yoga. If I were to transition to the ujaji/cat breath, do I still have to proceed slowly not, since there are no breath holds with it during yoga practice?
Feel it out as you do it. Do as much as feels comfortable, which is pretty much the only advice I can give as we are all individuals :)
From studying a bit of JoS forums on Hatha yoga and particularly some of the things HP.Cobra mentioned. Many seem to count but there are a few who perform things like HP.Cobra's 40-day guide.

It's either you enter an asana hold it for XYZ amount of seconds to a minute. In other words IF your new and don't wish to burden yourself deeply maybe 10-15-20 seconds.

So there is Asana + Counting UP to a minute with certain Asanas you can drive it up 5-10 minutes(ex: Head/Hand - stand).

The next thing mentioned is breath counting. Which I've done both either breath per asana count or breath in/out and it counts for two.

For example IF I enter Bow Asana my breath is my counting. In other words I perform XYZ or up to 60 deep almost complete full breaths(like Lydia mentioned 70ish-80ish%). It takes about a second to breath in and out so the act of breathing in and then out is a count. So breath in/Breath out 1, Breath in/out 2...breath in/out 15...breath in/out 25...breath in/out 37...breath in/out 60.

The second example is say I enter Bow Asana again well my breath is divided into two things INTAKE and OUTTAKE. So on the Intake I count 1 and on the Outake I count 2. In other words you cut the counting in half to make it easier on a person particularly if they aren't inclined to do yoga or are just trying to learn the moves or they are burning out.

So breath in 1/breath out 2, breath in 3/ breath out 4...breath in 12/breath out 13...breath in 37/breath out 38...breath in 59/breath out 60.

So those are the methods by which I understood counting of HATHA Asana positions.(Not K-Yoga, that is totally different)

1. Either COUNTING:

(1, 2, 3...5...8...9...27...54...60+)

2. Breath Counting 1 intake and outtake counts as ONE:

(So breath in 1, breath out; breath in 2, breath out; breath in 3, breath out...breath in 17, breath out...breath in 38, breath out...breath in 49, breath out...breath in 60, breath out). Could breath in and count during intake or count during the outtake whichever is easier to keep track of. People who lose count might want to wait for the out breath to count.


3. Split-Breath counting: You count intake and outtake as separate counts to cut Asana time in half. More so for people learning or having issues with yoga or simply burning out.

(Breath in 1, breath out 2, breath in 3, breath out 4...breath in 18, breath out 19...breath in 39, breath out 40...breath in 57, breath out 58).

I'm sure when people state combine pranayama with Asana of Yoga they more than likely mean Kundalini Yoga but Hatha can have the ALMOST full complete yogic breath(70ish-80ish% intake) without breath hold as a counting and potential empowering method. Albeit I have mentioned this in the past and people believe I'm stating Breath of Fire for every move. Which is not BoF but CYB without the hold. No idea how people cannot understand what I mean shame it's hard for me to translate to text but apparently people in the past have mentioned to me that I'm crazy for suggesting BoF even though that's not what I meant.

Either way from what HP.Cobra mentions on the 40-day guide is Breath counting, so my guess is HP.Cobra when he performs Hatha he is breath counting fully. Not split-breath nor simply counting the time.
Lydia said:
As for how to breathe in yoga. With Hatha, it is important to take full breaths. Inhale to 80-90% of maximum capacity, exhale to 10-20%, as a general guideline in most poses. Don’t just breathe shallowly keeping the lung capacity between 40-60%. Most people breathe like this due to a lack of exercise, too much sitting at desks or on the couch, slumped over.
Satan gave us the knowledge of Yoga. Yoga heals, advances, and empowers.

Last week was very emotionally charged and tiring for me, then this post popped up in the announcements.
I just took notice of how I was breathing then and took a few deep breaths. I also made a few decisions that helped but within 15 minutes I felt SOO much better.

Perfect utilization of the 8th fold path's Yantra & Asana techniques.

Btw Lydia, I'm still waiting for my Solar return reading that I ordered 5-6 months ago. Just checking if you got my order. Also, could you check your email as I'd like to make some modifications to the order details. Sorry if this comes at an inconvenience, it's just that I might be leaving for a long while and I don't think I'll be able to receive it by then.
Thank you Lydia! This was very informative :). I actually found myself being able to go up to 111 breaths in KY pretty quick with ease. I guess its also a stamina thing. Not being a smoker helps too ofcourse.
Fantastic post. Thanks for the references; especially the speed of the Spinal Series !
Lydia said:

Well.. WOW!!! I guess you forgot to say "Welcome to the NEXT LEVEL OF EVOLUTION" in your intro :lol: This is seriously an AWESOME post! I felt so much power just reading it, the book seems extremely promising and I'm GLAD you posted that video link again cuz I managed not to see it the other time although I always voraciously read your posts. :p

I tried the first Kundalini Yoga along with the girl in the video and felt something really good going on. I never did it so fast before, felt like a swaying Cobra! XD

Side note: I also felt extremely inspired to add asanas to my constantly evolving and changing personal martial art style. Who knows, I might create an entirely new kata/form involving efficient self defense and spinal exercises to unblock the nadi while training it.. :D this surely got me inspired to give so much more.

And I never knew Ujjayi breath is also known as Oceanic, but wow.. I tried it again and it DOES sound like sea waves on a beach! :O

I really love your posts, Sister. Keep them coming!

Gear88 said:
It takes about a second to breath in and out [...]
There's your problem right there, and why people say you are doing BoF. 1 second to breathe in and out? Absolutely not! It should take at least 4 full seconds per inhale, 4 full seconds per exhale. Minimum. One Mississippi, two Mississippi.... full seconds. After a while, each inhale and exhale should be 8 full seconds, and then longer. Which is why I recommended counting in SaTaNaMa's, as that is 1 second per sound, for a total of 4 seconds.

Breathing as fast as you do all the time yet not in actual BoF is harmful. The body needs long deep breaths, look into the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Do you always breathe so fast? A resting breath should be 4 seconds minimum. A lot of people with experience in yoga and other areas have a 10-20 second inhale / 10-20 second exhale.
Specter said:
Perfect utilization of the 8th fold path's Yantra & Asana techniques.

Btw Lydia, I'm still waiting for my Solar return reading that I ordered 5-6 months ago. Just checking if you got my order. Also, could you check your email as I'd like to make some modifications to the order details. Sorry if this comes at an inconvenience, it's just that I might be leaving for a long while and I don't think I'll be able to receive it by then.
Email me at lastro7(at)protonmail(dot)com. My other inbox is flooded, this one is a bit too but I'm trying to organize things. And if your SR is past, I can do it for the next year instead, whichever you prefer. We will sort it out in email.
Lydia said:
Gear88 said:
It takes about a second to breath in and out [...]
There's your problem right there, and why people say you are doing BoF. 1 second to breathe in and out? Absolutely not! It should take at least 4 full seconds per inhale, 4 full seconds per exhale. Minimum. One Mississippi, two Mississippi.... full seconds. After a while, each inhale and exhale should be 8 full seconds, and then longer. Which is why I recommended counting in SaTaNaMa's, as that is 1 second per sound, for a total of 4 seconds.

Breathing as fast as you do all the time yet not in actual BoF is harmful. The body needs long deep breaths, look into the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Do you always breathe so fast? A resting breath should be 4 seconds minimum. A lot of people with experience in yoga and other areas have a 10-20 second inhale / 10-20 second exhale.

Waaaaaaa. Ive been doing it wrong this whole time! FML lol. I've been doing it uber fast too like in 1 to 2 seconds per breath. I will now modify! Thanks again Lydia
Shadowcat said:
Lydia said:
Gear88 said:
It takes about a second to breath in and out [...]
There's your problem right there, and why people say you are doing BoF. 1 second to breathe in and out? Absolutely not! It should take at least 4 full seconds per inhale, 4 full seconds per exhale. Minimum. One Mississippi, two Mississippi.... full seconds. After a while, each inhale and exhale should be 8 full seconds, and then longer. Which is why I recommended counting in SaTaNaMa's, as that is 1 second per sound, for a total of 4 seconds.

Breathing as fast as you do all the time yet not in actual BoF is harmful. The body needs long deep breaths, look into the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Do you always breathe so fast? A resting breath should be 4 seconds minimum. A lot of people with experience in yoga and other areas have a 10-20 second inhale / 10-20 second exhale.

Waaaaaaa. Ive been doing it wrong this whole time! FML lol. I've been doing it uber fast too like in 1 to 2 seconds per breath. I will now modify! Thanks again Lydia
We are talking about Hatha, not KY. The kundalini yoga spinal series is fast.
Lydia said:
(This post is mainly aimed at people who don’t have much if any experience with yoga.)

We here all know that yoga and spirituality have been corrupted. One thing in particular is the ignoring of the lower chakras, ignoring the 6th chakra, and an over-emphasis on the 3rd eye. As stated on the JoS, all chakras need to be open and functioning properly. The kundalini serpent cannot rise if chakras are left blocked.

Thanks Lydia it was really helpful. Your posts are amazing.
i had to take a little break from yoga cuz i hit my back and it pained a lot for sometime. I skipped yoga for 7 days and then started again in void accidently. My bad i didnt check. How long i have to wait now to restart it again?
Lydia said:
Shadowcat said:
Lydia said:
There's your problem right there, and why people say you are doing BoF. 1 second to breathe in and out? Absolutely not! It should take at least 4 full seconds per inhale, 4 full seconds per exhale. Minimum. One Mississippi, two Mississippi.... full seconds. After a while, each inhale and exhale should be 8 full seconds, and then longer. Which is why I recommended counting in SaTaNaMa's, as that is 1 second per sound, for a total of 4 seconds.

Breathing as fast as you do all the time yet not in actual BoF is harmful. The body needs long deep breaths, look into the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Do you always breathe so fast? A resting breath should be 4 seconds minimum. A lot of people with experience in yoga and other areas have a 10-20 second inhale / 10-20 second exhale.

Waaaaaaa. Ive been doing it wrong this whole time! FML lol. I've been doing it uber fast too like in 1 to 2 seconds per breath. I will now modify! Thanks again Lydia
We are talking about Hatha, not KY. The kundalini yoga spinal series is fast.

My bad I didn't read the whole thing. Have an off day x.x lol. Still good info
Lydia said:
Gear88 said:
It takes about a second to breath in and out [...]
There's your problem right there, and why people say you are doing BoF. 1 second to breathe in and out? Absolutely not! It should take at least 4 full seconds per inhale, 4 full seconds per exhale. Minimum. One Mississippi, two Mississippi.... full seconds. After a while, each inhale and exhale should be 8 full seconds, and then longer. Which is why I recommended counting in SaTaNaMa's, as that is 1 second per sound, for a total of 4 seconds.

Breathing as fast as you do all the time yet not in actual BoF is harmful. The body needs long deep breaths, look into the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Do you always breathe so fast? A resting breath should be 4 seconds minimum. A lot of people with experience in yoga and other areas have a 10-20 second inhale / 10-20 second exhale.

Yeah pretty much normal breathing. What is it about a second almost coming up maybe nearing two seconds breath in to breath out.

Don't people breath normal?

Not just upper, mid lung breathing but when taking a full lungful with the diaphragm doesn't take any longer than 1 second or is about 1 second.

And besides even on breath of fire. The small hissy like breathing I probably inhale and exhale 2-3 breaths in one second. But that's because breath of fire is using the upper lungs. In other words BoF is a continuous hiss like serpent breath and normal breathing is normal breathing.

BoF is not using the full lungs rather the lower lungs are filled with a moderate amount of air and the upper lungs take in. 2-3 breaths per second nearing two seconds so what a 40ish-50ish rep BoF x 3 is like less than 2 minutes or whatever, not even nearing two minutes.

I have no idea why you state that is wrong and I've never in my life heard of anyone being able to breath in for 10 seconds let alone 20 seconds. All of that sounds like some sort of advanced pranayamic control or some sort of siddhi or something reminds me of reading about people in deep meditation where they feel themselves not breathing anymore and even if they feel the breath the very act of taking the breath seems like it takes forever to breath in, hold or temporarily hold and then release.

If the person can breath 10 let alone 20 great. But then they'd probably be a giant person being several feet taller than most people and having massive lung capacity. And even if I COULD breath that long I'd just reach a point of straining the lungs to the point of incapacity to breath any further. I don't know if those people are breathing in and somehow forcing their lungs. Eventually no matter what you can't breath in any further your just straining the lungs. TRYING to breath in more but can't.

Normal breathing of taking lungfuls like you said 70ish-80ish percent. Inhale, Exhale doesn't take any longer than a second or slightly above a second. In reality since humans aren't computers "What exactly constitutes a second?" So 1 Mississippi or 1 Satanama or whatever. So yeah there we go we approximate a second whether a little under or a little over.

The only other way they do it is slowly breathing in and I doubt humans have fine-grain control to breath in THAT slowly even if I breath slowly or slow down my breathing it doesn't take very long to fill nor exhale.

I just breath normally that's it. Even if I count it how do I even know I'm counting a second exactly as precisely as possible like I said you can't so 1-2 seconds breath in, breath out 1-2. Just normal breathing I mean lungful of course not simply normal breathing by maintaining a reserve on the lower/mid lungs and taking diaphragmatic breath.

I just breath I don't waste time doing scientific calculations just to somehow breath since I'm already breathing.
Gear88 said:
Yeah pretty much normal breathing. What is it about a second almost coming up maybe nearing two seconds breath in to breath out.

Don't people breath normal?

Not just upper, mid lung breathing but when taking a full lungful with the diaphragm doesn't take any longer than 1 second or is about 1 second.

And besides even on breath of fire. The small hissy like breathing I probably inhale and exhale 2-3 breaths in one second. But that's because breath of fire is using the upper lungs. In other words BoF is a continuous hiss like serpent breath and normal breathing is normal breathing.

BoF is not using the full lungs rather the lower lungs are filled with a moderate amount of air and the upper lungs take in. 2-3 breaths per second nearing two seconds so what a 40ish-50ish rep BoF x 3 is like less than 2 minutes or whatever, not even nearing two minutes.

I have no idea why you state that is wrong and I've never in my life heard of anyone being able to breath in for 10 seconds let alone 20 seconds. All of that sounds like some sort of advanced pranayamic control or some sort of siddhi or something reminds me of reading about people in deep meditation where they feel themselves not breathing anymore and even if they feel the breath the very act of taking the breath seems like it takes forever to breath in, hold or temporarily hold and then release.

If the person can breath 10 let alone 20 great. But then they'd probably be a giant person being several feet taller than most people and having massive lung capacity. And even if I COULD breath that long I'd just reach a point of straining the lungs to the point of incapacity to breath any further. I don't know if those people are breathing in and somehow forcing their lungs. Eventually no matter what you can't breath in any further your just straining the lungs. TRYING to breath in more but can't.

Normal breathing of taking lungfuls like you said 70ish-80ish percent. Inhale, Exhale doesn't take any longer than a second or slightly above a second. In reality since humans aren't computers "What exactly constitutes a second?" So 1 Mississippi or 1 Satanama or whatever. So yeah there we go we approximate a second whether a little under or a little over.

The only other way they do it is slowly breathing in and I doubt humans have fine-grain control to breath in THAT slowly even if I breath slowly or slow down my breathing it doesn't take very long to fill nor exhale.

I just breath normally that's it. Even if I count it how do I even know I'm counting a second exactly as precisely as possible like I said you can't so 1-2 seconds breath in, breath out 1-2. Just normal breathing I mean lungful of course not simply normal breathing by maintaining a reserve on the lower/mid lungs and taking diaphragmatic breath.

I just breath I don't waste time doing scientific calculations just to somehow breath since I'm already breathing.

My point is, you are not breathing normal. One second per breath is way too fast for normal, for Hatha or anything else in life, sitting on couch or anything. 4 seconds is healthy normal, which is why I went in detail to get my point across. Faster breathing if running or hurrying to get somewhere. Not one second or even 2 while in a normal state.
Lydia said:
A lot of Hatha calls for Ujjayi breath also known as oceanic breathing. This is said to help with overall healing of the body, and helps to slow the brain waves, allowing for a more trance-like state during asanas. And of course always be careful with pranayam, increasing it gradually, never push yourself with it. The warnings are right on the JoS. To build up, you can do a few rounds once you are in a comfortable asana, then switch to normal breathing, and then try it again in another asana.

Don’t ever stress out over your breathing, take it easy and relax into it. You might also find it very helpful to start your Hatha session by sitting on your mat and doing alternate nostril breathing [insert link] to balance the soul first.

I started to include the cat breath yesterday with 5 breaths for each position and visualization of some chakras at Hatha yoga. I find myself very emotional at the point of crying and using a handkerchief quite a lot through the session. Normally a I think about the Gods (specially Satan) when I cry. Am I doing something wrong or is it normal?
Elas Qilar said:
I started to include the cat breath yesterday with 5 breaths for each position and visualization of some chakras at Hatha yoga. I find myself very emotional at the point of crying and using a handkerchief quite a lot through the session. Normally a I think about the Gods (specially Satan) when I cry. Am I doing something wrong or is it normal?

The way I see it, you may have triggered the unblocking of the throat chakra which is responsible for emotions. That would explain the emotional reaction and the crying. I'd say it's pretty normal :) I found myself tearing up doing some meditations and workings too.

Lydia said:

Lydia thank you very much for your valuable contributions to Me and all of us here. I would like to ask you if, by any chance, you knew a valid kundalini yoga app. May the Gods Bless You!
Ansuz.Oss said:
Lydia said:

Lydia thank you very much for your valuable contributions to Me and all of us here. I would like to ask you if, by any chance, you knew a valid kundalini yoga app. May the Gods Bless You!

I've got one, it's called "Lydia", kindly sponsored by JoyofSatan! :p

Dude, you don't need (probably corrupted) apps or tools. When you have this Knowledge, all you need is your willpower to stick to a routine every day until you see results (when you DO see results you'll never wanna quit anyway).

If you must have something physical to tick off your progress, Yoga and meditations, make yourself a list, much like a calendar. You can make it monthly but I suggest you make it weekly. This way you'll be able to add notes on particularly good days and easily check them in the future (we DO forget about good days and rant about our lack of progress sometimes).

Personally, I do this all mentally, ticking off things I have to do for myself and Satan as the day goes by, so I don't skip anything, starting with at least ONE daily FRTR+Tetra. But there HAVE been days in which something happened and I have to postpone rituals until night, and at some point wasn't sure whether or not I had already done some. If in doubt, do them again. You can never do "too many rituals" or "too much meditation", not even if you already were a God/Goddess.

There are certainly apps where you're reminded of something every time you set the alarm to ring, thought, so if that's your kind of thing, do go for it.

Elas Qilar said:
I started to include the cat breath yesterday with 5 breaths for each position and visualization of some chakras at Hatha yoga. I find myself very emotional at the point of crying and using a handkerchief quite a lot through the session. Normally a I think about the Gods (specially Satan) when I cry. Am I doing something wrong or is it normal?

That is very normal, the release of blocked or pent-up emotions. In yoga classes, it is often brought up at the beginning, so students know what to expect and feel ok crying. Tissue boxes are sometimes passed around. I didn't even think to mention this before, does anyone think I should do a "yoga for beginners" post, mentioning things like this, and other stuff? Since most people here seem to be learning yoga at home alone.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Ansuz.Oss said:
Lydia thank you very much for your valuable contributions to Me and all of us here. I would like to ask you if, by any chance, you knew a valid kundalini yoga app. May the Gods Bless You!
I've got one, it's called "Lydia", kindly sponsored by JoyofSatan! :p
Lol :)

@Ansuz.Oss, I don't know of any (I've never actually checked though). Do you mean something to follow along to? There are youtube channels, I recommend Kimilla, I'm sure there are others too.
Lydia said:
I didn't even think to mention this before, does anyone think I should do a "yoga for beginners" post, mentioning things like this, and other stuff? Since most people here seem to be learning yoga at home alone.
Yes, you definitely should. Many people lack basic concepts which can't be found on JoS, and during this scamdemic time many are also alone in home.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Ansuz.Oss said:

I wanted to clarify that I did not intend to denigrate Lydia's contribution, on the contrary :) I simply find it more convenient to have an app that stores progress and guides with the exercises. I know, it is also a form of laziness that, if I want, I can overcome.

I have an intense daily program, obviously always chosen by me, I don't have to complain: P on days where we don't have a group spiritual program to follow I do Shema, Final RTR + Tetra, 72.Every day I do hatha yoga and in this period I do Venus's square, two runic works and one of protection. This is why an app was more convenient for me: D

Thanks for the advice Brother!

Lydia said:
Elas Qilar said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Ansuz.Oss said:
Lol :)

@Ansuz.Oss, I don't know of any (I've never actually checked though). Do you mean something to follow along to? There are youtube channels, I recommend Kimilla, I'm sure there are others too.

That's right, I meant someone or something valid and reliable to follow. I am Italian and I do not speak and I do not understand everything and correctly in English. That's why I asked if there was an app :) thanks a lot Sister!
Lydia said:
Elas Qilar said:
I started to include the cat breath yesterday with 5 breaths for each position and visualization of some chakras at Hatha yoga. I find myself very emotional at the point of crying and using a handkerchief quite a lot through the session. Normally a I think about the Gods (specially Satan) when I cry. Am I doing something wrong or is it normal?

That is very normal, the release of blocked or pent-up emotions. In yoga classes, it is often brought up at the beginning, so students know what to expect and feel ok crying. Tissue boxes are sometimes passed around. I didn't even think to mention this before, does anyone think I should do a "yoga for beginners" post, mentioning things like this, and other stuff? Since most people here seem to be learning yoga at home alone.
Maybe I should study more about Yoga...I'd like to add new breathings to feel the effects.

I've cried in just two sessions, so I think it's gone for now. I feel that the sessions are more powerful with these breathing. I forgot to mention that I've also added the alternate nasal breathing. I'm testing weather it is better to do it before or after the sessions (even both). I think that breathing (5) before and (5) after the session are the most optimal way to balance energies.

Thank you for your reply. I'll keep an eye on your "yoga for beginners" if you do. May Satan bless you.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Elas Qilar said:
I started to include the cat breath yesterday with 5 breaths for each position and visualization of some chakras at Hatha yoga. I find myself very emotional at the point of crying and using a handkerchief quite a lot through the session. Normally a I think about the Gods (specially Satan) when I cry. Am I doing something wrong or is it normal?

The way I see it, you may have triggered the unblocking of the throat chakra which is responsible for emotions. That would explain the emotional reaction and the crying. I'd say it's pretty normal :) I found myself tearing up doing some meditations and workings too.


It's weird, because I started crying when I was doing the straddle stretch, which affects the first chakra. Nevertheless, according to Lydia, you have a point. Maybe it's a way the Gods use to communicate with us or it is just a natural reaction of our souls.

Thank you for your response.
Hail Satan.
Lydia said:
I didn't even think to mention this before, does anyone think I should do a "yoga for beginners" post, mentioning things like this, and other stuff? Since most people here seem to be learning yoga at home alone.

I think it's an excellent idea. :D

Not only because it would be great to know what you, as an expert, suggest to do as a complete beginner, but also because as far as I know the only "official" Yoga document we have to follow is the one linked in the 40 days of training (I think) after the initial chakras awakening exercises. Other than that, there's just your posts and that's where knowledge flows the best.

Besides, a good list of asanas would be a fresh start even for those like me who have done it before but didn't feel satisfied with the current routine (or didn't feel much energy back then and are readier to appreciate Hatha Yoga now).


PS. I was gonna send the message but there's something I need to ask if you're going to do this post. Could you try to give the simplest instructions (meant for a COMPLETE beginner) on how to focus on the your energy while doing asanas? When doing Yoga the initial focus is on the pain and physical discomfort until one reaches a level where asanas do not hurt and it feels more pleasurable to do them, feeling a flow of energy actually happening, but I think many just avoid including Yoga in their daily routine because of the pain alone and see no real benefit other than 'stretching' or fitness. In my experience, I've had the best time removing blockages doing Yoga rather than meditations, so now I keep it in high consideration.
A complete beginner will not know that, they'll believe this is good because it makes you fit and Hindu do it, but the true spiritual value tends to be forgotten or ignored here. This mentality needs to change for all those that still don't fully appreciate this art.
There are some problems I've been facing when it came to breathing exercises and yoga, which I was hoping I could be better educated on.

The first is that I'm really only able to breathe out of one nostril at a time. There are times (that are few and far between) where I'm briefly able to breathe through both nostrils, but it's not regular. Whenever I tried the alternating nostrils breathing exercise, or the breath of fire when I first was introduced, it caused me a lot of pain in the nostril I couldn't breathe through, and I still couldn't get any air through. Is there some mantra or specific pose I can do to fix this?

The second would be that for many years before I learned about self empowerment and meditation, I consistently cracked my neck by just twisting it on it's own to the right. I've been getting better at helping it adjust itself with yoga, however during points of breathing in energy or even merely feeling it, It's almost sort of numb in the region of my right shoulder primarily, but overall along the right side of my whole body. Is there anything specific I can do for this?

And lastly would be if there's any really effective poses that are good at helping with hips clicking with pain when I bring my knees close to my chest and lower the? (Basically if doing leg raises or other such exercises)

Would really love some advice on this, thank you in advance.
BurgeoningMoon said:

Hello. I would recommend doing the Twin Serpent Meditation daily. This will balance your Ida and Pingala, which will balance your nostrils.

It seems cracking your neck, and to one side, affected your nadis. You might need some help from a physiotherapist or someone like that, this sounds physical not spiritual. Maybe massage therapy or acupuncture, talk to a professional and see what treatment would be best. Yoga and mediation can heal it, but it might take longer if there is something out of place that a physiotherapist can solve quicker. I'm just listing some options here, you decide which would be best for you.

As for your hips clicking like that, try lunge pose. It's the 6th (7th picture) down in this post. Relax into it and feel the stretch of the back leg, the hip flexor. This will help strengthen the hips for when you lift your legs. Other poses that involve stretching and strengthening your legs like that will help, such as Bow pose (Dhanurasana).
Thank you for sharing this!🔥🐍🙏 You gave me the advice I was looking for. And encouraged me to get back into the practice of yoga. I love this sport!! And always will!!💖 Hail Satan!!!!
Thank you for this Lydia. For the last couple weeks, and being a beginner this video has helped me so much open the pathway for my kundalini serpent to rise. I love following this video as it helps alot with form, breathing and repetitions and the music and sounds are very relaxing and helpful.

Appreciate it so much and thank you.
Thank you Lydia!Loved the yoga guide! Excellent information to get the energy flowing correctly without restrictions.
Thank you I really needed this, yoga is an area of my life that needs a lot of work.
SATchives said:
Thank you I really needed this, yoga is an area of my life that needs a lot of work.

You're welcome, I have more links on yoga in my signature, and of course there are endless resources online :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
