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Finance and Morals?


Active member
Oct 2, 2017
I have been studying the Stock Market and Options Trading for months now. I have tested many strategies and although I'm not scared to lose money, I use my Tactics knowledge to understand that any losses will equal Exponential losses to any future Profits...

But also, if I ever hit it big, I would never want to lose a large amount of money w/ my future Trading, I would feel greatly ashamed if I lost a large amount of money that could have went towards food for the Hungry, etc.
So if I'm going to trade in the long term, it would be foolish to lose any money..
Anyways other people can buy Options
They make "bets" that the price will move in one direction or another
I profit if their Right or Wrong, because they put Value into their Bet, I cannot lose Value because I protect my downside w/ a counter "Bet", that is much cheaper than their "Bet"
Pretty much I'm like a lottery dealer?
Is it morally wrong as a SS to take money from someone for their Bets?
Wouldnt the money be better in my hands?
I love my little restaurant job and I feel great pride from it, but I want to accomplish so much more..
Well since were talking about finances, what's everyone's opinions on Purchasing Real Estate as a form of Income?
Bravera said:
I have been studying the Stock Market and Options Trading for months now. I have tested many strategies and although I'm not scared to lose money, I use my Tactics knowledge to understand that any losses will equal Exponential losses to any future Profits...

But also, if I ever hit it big, I would never want to lose a large amount of money w/ my future Trading, I would feel greatly ashamed if I lost a large amount of money that could have went towards food for the Hungry, etc.
So if I'm going to trade in the long term, it would be foolish to lose any money..
Anyways other people can buy Options
They make "bets" that the price will move in one direction or another
I profit if their Right or Wrong, because they put Value into their Bet, I cannot lose Value because I protect my downside w/ a counter "Bet", that is much cheaper than their "Bet"
Pretty much I'm like a lottery dealer?
Is it morally wrong as a SS to take money from someone for their Bets?
Wouldnt the money be better in my hands?
I love my little restaurant job and I feel great pride from it, but I want to accomplish so much more..
Well since were talking about finances, what's everyone's opinions on Purchasing Real Estate as a form of Income?

It is how it is kind of. I mean you can't spend your time worried that much about this. If you were to do this the person that gave you the money for it obviously doesn't think its wrong or they wouldn't be doing it. Nothing your saying here really is in a major concern morally or ethically. They would be doing it with or without you.

What would be a major concern is if you were per say getting money or proceeds from something that is criminal or very harmful somehow or directly from Jews as you know they will likely have gotten it from something very bad much more so than a gentile.

But thats not what your doing here most likely with either of these things.

Real estate is fine and you more than should go for it if you can. Just remember to be fair to people always that are renting from or living in your property. This is already something that jews people out of an amount of money that makes it difficult for many to live at least in America where I live if you did any research into it you probably know that. If so just dont do that and your in the right here or if you wanted to make a big profit only pick someone who actually can afford this to rent too. Either way your more in the right but I think if you do this focus on lower income people as those are the ones that are fucked. That is if you want to help people. If you can be even a little more fair than most are you still would make a profit and be helping someone most likely.

Did you think about adding a money working to any of this or maybe if you know your about to do something that could be a "bet" as you call it doing a working to make this successful before you do it or maybe even make it successful for someone if they are giving you money to do this like you said. Which I assume would get you more money if your doing it somehow as well.
Take it from me unless you're in on it you will never make it big on the stock market. I'm in a position where I meet people who have dealt in stocks their whole lives and they never learn their lesson, they are addicts to a rigged system and even those that actually get lucky or buy their way in to information that makes them more money than they know what to do with, they never spend it. Reinvest and lose it all, or rarely spend it, but get too greedy and keep making more and more schemes and fixing stocks till they get busted.

Also losing money is a part of the game so to speak, you can't play without risk.

I dont think there's anything wrong with being a "lottery dealer" (lmao), as there's apparently gambling houses in hell as well.
Powerofjustice said:
Take it from me unless you're in on it you will never make it big on the stock market. I'm in a position where I meet people who have dealt in stocks their whole lives and they never learn their lesson, they are addicts to a rigged system and even those that actually get lucky or buy their way in to information that makes them more money than they know what to do with, they never spend it. Reinvest and lose it all, or rarely spend it, but get too greedy and keep making more and more schemes and fixing stocks till they get busted.

Also losing money is a part of the game so to speak, you can't play without risk.

I dont think there's anything wrong with being a "lottery dealer" (lmao), as there's apparently gambling houses in hell as well.

The way most people go at gambling though it IS something really bad. If they were doing it just for fun and maybe even putting spiritual workings into it and knew how to stop after a point they set before they started it wouldn't be bad and may actually be good but most don't.

Yeah there really isn't anything wrong with gambling that is if you actually have money to do it with and can control yourself and not lose everything. If people do end up winning big in something they need to know when to stop or they won't have won anything at all or made their situation any better if they lose it all again in more gambling.

Most people can't say they do this. I mean yeah i do play scratchoffs sometimes just cause its kind of fun but the way most people go into this it is something really bad.
slyscorpion said:
Bravera said:
I have been studying the Stock Market and Options Trading for months now. I have tested many strategies and although I'm not scared to lose money, I use my Tactics knowledge to understand that any losses will equal Exponential losses to any future Profits...

But also, if I ever hit it big, I would never want to lose a large amount of money w/ my future Trading, I would feel greatly ashamed if I lost a large amount of money that could have went towards food for the Hungry, etc.
So if I'm going to trade in the long term, it would be foolish to lose any money..
Anyways other people can buy Options
They make "bets" that the price will move in one direction or another
I profit if their Right or Wrong, because they put Value into their Bet, I cannot lose Value because I protect my downside w/ a counter "Bet", that is much cheaper than their "Bet"
Pretty much I'm like a lottery dealer?
Is it morally wrong as a SS to take money from someone for their Bets?
Wouldnt the money be better in my hands?
I love my little restaurant job and I feel great pride from it, but I want to accomplish so much more..
Well since were talking about finances, what's everyone's opinions on Purchasing Real Estate as a form of Income?

It is how it is kind of. I mean you can't spend your time worried that much about this. If you were to do this the person that gave you the money for it obviously doesn't think its wrong or they wouldn't be doing it. Nothing your saying here really is in a major concern morally or ethically. They would be doing it with or without you.

What would be a major concern is if you were per say getting money or proceeds from something that is criminal or very harmful somehow or directly from Jews as you know they will likely have gotten it from something very bad much more so than a gentile.

But thats not what your doing here most likely with either of these things.

Real estate is fine and you more than should go for it if you can. Just remember to be fair to people always that are renting from or living in your property. This is already something that jews people out of an amount of money that makes it difficult for many to live at least in America where I live if you did any research into it you probably know that. If so just dont do that and your in the right here or if you wanted to make a big profit only pick someone who actually can afford this to rent too. Either way your more in the right but I think if you do this focus on lower income people as those are the ones that are fucked. That is if you want to help people. If you can be even a little more fair than most are you still would make a profit and be helping someone most likely.

Did you think about adding a money working to any of this or maybe if you know your about to do something that could be a "bet" as you call it doing a working to make this successful before you do it or maybe even make it successful for someone if they are giving you money to do this like you said. Which I assume would get you more money if your doing it somehow as well.

I would like to see all the Wealth return to Gentiles Hands. I deffinitely have considered and it will probably be my next working to increase my personal wealth, I know my whole life my biggest inspiration has been to build a family and I want to take on that responsibility ASAP.

I have other dreams to give to the community and I will need to learn alot about business if I really want these things to come true, so naturally I need to build my wealth.

I've always thought it was fascinating that you could buy property and build a home on it, I see that a business that takes on this responsibility is extremely vital to the continuation of advancement for our people.

I kinda think that businesses are still the future of our Satanic Communities, but the jews keep stealing all our profits and are not investing in the employees.

I remember reading about Ford, and how well he took care of his employees, I see that in our near future.
Powerofjustice said:
Take it from me unless you're in on it you will never make it big on the stock market. I'm in a position where I meet people who have dealt in stocks their whole lives and they never learn their lesson, they are addicts to a rigged system and even those that actually get lucky or buy their way in to information that makes them more money than they know what to do with, they never spend it. Reinvest and lose it all, or rarely spend it, but get too greedy and keep making more and more schemes and fixing stocks till they get busted.

Also losing money is a part of the game so to speak, you can't play without risk.

I dont think there's anything wrong with being a "lottery dealer" (lmao), as there's apparently gambling houses in hell as well.

I know what happens in the stock market and I am not fearful of what could be, I am only fearful of the future in which I did not take action.

The stockmarket is undoubtedly the easiest way to build your wealth(if I'm wrong please let me know) and w/ spiritual powers this can be safely obtained, this is why I've been studying for months.

I am a competetive gamer and when I really compete I know the steps it takes to rise to the top 1% and push beyond, I am focusing that energy on the Stock Market, I am not scared to compete and lose. My desire to win will ensure my victory.
Bravera said:
Powerofjustice said:
Take it from me unless you're in on it you will never make it big on the stock market. I'm in a position where I meet people who have dealt in stocks their whole lives and they never learn their lesson, they are addicts to a rigged system and even those that actually get lucky or buy their way in to information that makes them more money than they know what to do with, they never spend it. Reinvest and lose it all, or rarely spend it, but get too greedy and keep making more and more schemes and fixing stocks till they get busted.

Also losing money is a part of the game so to speak, you can't play without risk.

I dont think there's anything wrong with being a "lottery dealer" (lmao), as there's apparently gambling houses in hell as well.

I know what happens in the stock market and I am not fearful of what could be, I am only fearful of the future in which I did not take action.

The stockmarket is undoubtedly the easiest way to build your wealth(if I'm wrong please let me know) and w/ spiritual powers this can be safely obtained, this is why I've been studying for months.

I am a competetive gamer and when I really compete I know the steps it takes to rise to the top 1% and push beyond, I am focusing that energy on the Stock Market, I am not scared to compete and lose. My desire to win will ensure my victory.

That is easily one of the dumbest things I have ever read.

To really make any sort of money on the stock market you need to invest a lot and i mean A LOT, 5-6 figures and up, anything else would yield spare change. Unless you could predict the next big thing like Tesla or Amazon and invest early and trust me nobody does. It is not the easiest way to build wealth by far.

And just because you are a gamer doesn't ensure your success on the market, how does that even make sense ? You are buying stock, not running the company, unless you become a majority stake holder you have no idea whats gonna happen with the company.

That's like saying you are competetive lottery player, because surely the more tickets and money you spend on it, the higher your chances of winning are right?
Powerofjustice said:
Bravera said:
Powerofjustice said:
Take it from me unless you're in on it you will never make it big on the stock market. I'm in a position where I meet people who have dealt in stocks their whole lives and they never learn their lesson, they are addicts to a rigged system and even those that actually get lucky or buy their way in to information that makes them more money than they know what to do with, they never spend it. Reinvest and lose it all, or rarely spend it, but get too greedy and keep making more and more schemes and fixing stocks till they get busted.

Also losing money is a part of the game so to speak, you can't play without risk.

I dont think there's anything wrong with being a "lottery dealer" (lmao), as there's apparently gambling houses in hell as well.

I know what happens in the stock market and I am not fearful of what could be, I am only fearful of the future in which I did not take action.

The stockmarket is undoubtedly the easiest way to build your wealth(if I'm wrong please let me know) and w/ spiritual powers this can be safely obtained, this is why I've been studying for months.

I am a competetive gamer and when I really compete I know the steps it takes to rise to the top 1% and push beyond, I am focusing that energy on the Stock Market, I am not scared to compete and lose. My desire to win will ensure my victory.

That is easily one of the dumbest things I have ever read.

To really make any sort of money on the stock market you need to invest a lot and i mean A LOT, 5-6 figures and up, anything else would yield spare change. Unless you could predict the next big thing like Tesla or Amazon and invest early and trust me nobody does. It is not the easiest way to build wealth by far.

And just because you are a gamer doesn't ensure your success on the market, how does that even make sense ? You are buying stock, not running the company, unless you become a majority stake holder you have no idea whats gonna happen with the company.

That's like saying you are competetive lottery player, because surely the more tickets and money you spend on it, the higher your chances of winning are right?

How much could you accomplish with an additional $100 a month? We cant just do the wealth ritual and expect it to fall in our lap, we should start today to understand what wealth is, how to obtain it and how to use it properly.
Bravera said:
Powerofjustice said:
Bravera said:
I know what happens in the stock market and I am not fearful of what could be, I am only fearful of the future in which I did not take action.

The stockmarket is undoubtedly the easiest way to build your wealth(if I'm wrong please let me know) and w/ spiritual powers this can be safely obtained, this is why I've been studying for months.

I am a competetive gamer and when I really compete I know the steps it takes to rise to the top 1% and push beyond, I am focusing that energy on the Stock Market, I am not scared to compete and lose. My desire to win will ensure my victory.

That is easily one of the dumbest things I have ever read.

To really make any sort of money on the stock market you need to invest a lot and i mean A LOT, 5-6 figures and up, anything else would yield spare change. Unless you could predict the next big thing like Tesla or Amazon and invest early and trust me nobody does. It is not the easiest way to build wealth by far.

And just because you are a gamer doesn't ensure your success on the market, how does that even make sense ? You are buying stock, not running the company, unless you become a majority stake holder you have no idea whats gonna happen with the company.

That's like saying you are competetive lottery player, because surely the more tickets and money you spend on it, the higher your chances of winning are right?

How much could you accomplish with an additional $100 a month? We cant just do the wealth ritual and expect it to fall in our lap, we should start today to understand what wealth is, how to obtain it and how to use it properly.

If you understand how to do this its ok. I agree its not that bad of a thing.

But i thought of something. I would not put more money than you can afford to lose in this right now due to the situation with the economy. It probably isn't totally stable no matter where you are in the world. Especially with Uranus in Taurus some things will make it big really suddenly but also some things may suddenly collapse or become worthless. You can take a chance but please be aware of this.

Me personally what I am working on doing for money is a general website where I offer services to people dealing with spiritual stuff just general population mainly. I mean i may not be totally pro by our standards but compared to what most people do i am great lol. Also maybe selling cards and poems other things i think of. Things like that.

Maybe think of something your good at like that too. Go with what you know. Keep thinking of ideas. There are ways to make money like this.

You can do this but be careful.
Bravera said:
How much could you accomplish with an additional $100 a month? We cant just do the wealth ritual and expect it to fall in our lap, we should start today to understand what wealth is, how to obtain it and how to use it properly.

If you mean setting aside 100$ a month and investing it in something with compound interest, in the short term(5-10 years) literally nothing. You can see for yourself if you google compound interest calculator and play around with the numbers. Like any investment the more money you start out with, the more you will make. That's why its unrealistic to expect to make any significant amount of money in the short term with investments if you are starting out with next to 0 funds.

Not to discourage you, but you kinda missed the golden ticket on the stock market a few months ago, when the markets crashed and everything was quite literally dirt cheap. In that situation it doesn't really matter what you buy as the market will always bounce back and the risk to your investment is minimal. The billionaires call this happy time, because they can often double or even triple their net worth by capitalising on a crisis.

The fastest way to generate a lot of wealth is to buy a business, not start one. What i mean by that is when you buy a business, all the infrastructure is already there and you only have to steer it in the direction you wish. However not everyone is business oriented, so the next best thing is real estate. In both cases you will most likely not have enough money to buy whichever one you choose outright, so you will need to take out a loan. Many people are scared of taking loans, but they really shouldn't be. What many people don't know is many billionaires are in fact in debt, not because they cant pay it off, but because they want to be in debt as there are many advantages, if you know how to play the game so to speak.

There's also ways to buy a business with little to no money spent on your side(you're still entering debt though) but it would take too long to put it in a single post. You should read Dan Pena's books also check out Robert Kiyosaki if you are into real estate, or want to learn how to use debt to your advantage.

Hope that helps.
Powerofjustice said:
Bravera said:
How much could you accomplish with an additional $100 a month? We cant just do the wealth ritual and expect it to fall in our lap, we should start today to understand what wealth is, how to obtain it and how to use it properly.

If you mean setting aside 100$ a month and investing it in something with compound interest, in the short term(5-10 years) literally nothing. You can see for yourself if you google compound interest calculator and play around with the numbers. Like any investment the more money you start out with, the more you will make. That's why its unrealistic to expect to make any significant amount of money in the short term with investments if you are starting out with next to 0 funds.

Not to discourage you, but you kinda missed the golden ticket on the stock market a few months ago, when the markets crashed and everything was quite literally dirt cheap. In that situation it doesn't really matter what you buy as the market will always bounce back and the risk to your investment is minimal. The billionaires call this happy time, because they can often double or even triple their net worth by capitalising on a crisis.

The fastest way to generate a lot of wealth is to buy a business, not start one. What i mean by that is when you buy a business, all the infrastructure is already there and you only have to steer it in the direction you wish. However not everyone is business oriented, so the next best thing is real estate. In both cases you will most likely not have enough money to buy whichever one you choose outright, so you will need to take out a loan. Many people are scared of taking loans, but they really shouldn't be. What many people don't know is many billionaires are in fact in debt, not because they cant pay it off, but because they want to be in debt as there are many advantages, if you know how to play the game so to speak.

There's also ways to buy a business with little to no money spent on your side(you're still entering debt though) but it would take too long to put it in a single post. You should read Dan Pena's books also check out Robert Kiyosaki if you are into real estate, or want to learn how to use debt to your advantage.

Hope that helps.

So you have to understand that you are teaching me strategies and tactics to give me an advantage to building my wealth.

This is what I mean when I say I have experience rising to the top in a competetive scenario. You must become conscious of every single Aspect and Master what you know, then you will gain Abilities that noone has access to, and you can apply these Abilities to other Aspects, etc. It becomes exponential Growth of Mastery, in relation to the other competitors..

But I dont compete against others anymore, I try to compete against my future Self, who will I be in a year from today? I wanna be 10x better than that guy, I want to Dominate that guy, he is weak compared to the man I could really create.

If this is the dumbest thing you have ever heard then surely you can teach me oh wise man, how do I improve my philosophy of achieving every single one of my goals ASAP??
slyscorpion said:
Bravera said:
How much could you accomplish with an additional $100 a month? We cant just do the wealth ritual and expect it to fall in our lap, we should start today to understand what wealth is, how to obtain it and how to use it properly.

If you understand how to do this its ok. I agree its not that bad of a thing.

But i thought of something. I would not put more money than you can afford to lose in this right now due to the situation with the economy. It probably isn't totally stable no matter where you are in the world. Especially with Uranus in Taurus some things will make it big really suddenly but also some things may suddenly collapse or become worthless. You can take a chance but please be aware of this.

Me personally what I am working on doing for money is a general website where I offer services to people dealing with spiritual stuff just general population mainly. I mean i may not be totally pro by our standards but compared to what most people do i am great lol. Also maybe selling cards and poems other things i think of. Things like that.

Maybe think of something your good at like that too. Go with what you know. Keep thinking of ideas. There are ways to make money like this.

You can do this but be careful.

Yessir I would never risk more than I feel comfortable losing, so many people work their asses off for years and have almost nothing to show for it, it's a shame and I really want to make a change.
I think you have deffinitely motivated me to pursue my idea of selling Skateboards Locally.
I have been really pushing myself every morning to go skateboarding, I love booty so I gotta worship tha booty lol...

You know this year is the first year that Skateboarding is an official Olympic Sport!?
I mean, it's a Skatanic Sport after all :p
Bravera said:
Powerofjustice said:
Bravera said:
How much could you accomplish with an additional $100 a month? We cant just do the wealth ritual and expect it to fall in our lap, we should start today to understand what wealth is, how to obtain it and how to use it properly.

If you mean setting aside 100$ a month and investing it in something with compound interest, in the short term(5-10 years) literally nothing. You can see for yourself if you google compound interest calculator and play around with the numbers. Like any investment the more money you start out with, the more you will make. That's why its unrealistic to expect to make any significant amount of money in the short term with investments if you are starting out with next to 0 funds.

Not to discourage you, but you kinda missed the golden ticket on the stock market a few months ago, when the markets crashed and everything was quite literally dirt cheap. In that situation it doesn't really matter what you buy as the market will always bounce back and the risk to your investment is minimal. The billionaires call this happy time, because they can often double or even triple their net worth by capitalising on a crisis.

The fastest way to generate a lot of wealth is to buy a business, not start one. What i mean by that is when you buy a business, all the infrastructure is already there and you only have to steer it in the direction you wish. However not everyone is business oriented, so the next best thing is real estate. In both cases you will most likely not have enough money to buy whichever one you choose outright, so you will need to take out a loan. Many people are scared of taking loans, but they really shouldn't be. What many people don't know is many billionaires are in fact in debt, not because they cant pay it off, but because they want to be in debt as there are many advantages, if you know how to play the game so to speak.

There's also ways to buy a business with little to no money spent on your side(you're still entering debt though) but it would take too long to put it in a single post. You should read Dan Pena's books also check out Robert Kiyosaki if you are into real estate, or want to learn how to use debt to your advantage.

Hope that helps.

So you have to understand that you are teaching me strategies and tactics to give me an advantage to building my wealth.

This is what I mean when I say I have experience rising to the top in a competetive scenario. You must become conscious of every single Aspect and Master what you know, then you will gain Abilities that noone has access to, and you can apply these Abilities to other Aspects, etc. It becomes exponential Growth of Mastery, in relation to the other competitors..

But I dont compete against others anymore, I try to compete against my future Self, who will I be in a year from today? I wanna be 10x better than that guy, I want to Dominate that guy, he is weak compared to the man I could really create.

If this is the dumbest thing you have ever heard then surely you can teach me oh wise man, how do I improve my philosophy of achieving every single one of my goals ASAP??

Listen here, you asked for advice to build your wealth and even encouraged others to criticize you, you're spouting nonsense on how the stock market is the easiest thing ever and support your statements with motivational quotes from instagram, your gaming experience and are clearly deluded as to how wealth workings are put into practice. So excuse me for calling you out on your absurd posts
Powerofjustice said:
The fastest way to generate a lot of wealth is to buy a business, not start one. What i mean by that is when you buy a business, all the infrastructure is already there and you only have to steer it in the direction you wish. However not everyone is business oriented, so the next best thing is real estate. In both cases you will most likely not have enough money to buy whichever one you choose outright, so you will need to take out a loan. Many people are scared of taking loans, but they really shouldn't be. What many people don't know is many billionaires are in fact in debt, not because they cant pay it off, but because they want to be in debt as there are many advantages, if you know how to play the game so to speak.

I agree with this statement.
Recently I am reading a lot about the financial sector, both books and internet, because in the long run I want to make money without working myself, having more time to dedicate to SS problems.

I also suggests that if you want to make money fast, you should buy a business, but to maintain one, you should also have the qualities and abilities of a leader, like how to talk with other people, and not just commanding.

You can also create one, and gradually find people that runs your business for you, but it is more slower, and if you have never made experience as a boss/leader, you can fail many times.

I read in a book that the stock market is the "playground of the rich people". But to play there you wanna put money from 5 digits and on. If you have a business that makes money for you, you can "play", and if you lose maybe is not a big deal. But if you are an employee, if you lose like 10'000 dollars, that's quite a tragedy.

In any case, it is your choice. These are just suggestions.
Powerofjustice said:
Bravera said:
Powerofjustice said:
If you mean setting aside 100$ a month and investing it in something with compound interest, in the short term(5-10 years) literally nothing. You can see for yourself if you google compound interest calculator and play around with the numbers. Like any investment the more money you start out with, the more you will make. That's why its unrealistic to expect to make any significant amount of money in the short term with investments if you are starting out with next to 0 funds.

Not to discourage you, but you kinda missed the golden ticket on the stock market a few months ago, when the markets crashed and everything was quite literally dirt cheap. In that situation it doesn't really matter what you buy as the market will always bounce back and the risk to your investment is minimal. The billionaires call this happy time, because they can often double or even triple their net worth by capitalising on a crisis.

The fastest way to generate a lot of wealth is to buy a business, not start one. What i mean by that is when you buy a business, all the infrastructure is already there and you only have to steer it in the direction you wish. However not everyone is business oriented, so the next best thing is real estate. In both cases you will most likely not have enough money to buy whichever one you choose outright, so you will need to take out a loan. Many people are scared of taking loans, but they really shouldn't be. What many people don't know is many billionaires are in fact in debt, not because they cant pay it off, but because they want to be in debt as there are many advantages, if you know how to play the game so to speak.

There's also ways to buy a business with little to no money spent on your side(you're still entering debt though) but it would take too long to put it in a single post. You should read Dan Pena's books also check out Robert Kiyosaki if you are into real estate, or want to learn how to use debt to your advantage.

Hope that helps.

So you have to understand that you are teaching me strategies and tactics to give me an advantage to building my wealth.

This is what I mean when I say I have experience rising to the top in a competetive scenario. You must become conscious of every single Aspect and Master what you know, then you will gain Abilities that noone has access to, and you can apply these Abilities to other Aspects, etc. It becomes exponential Growth of Mastery, in relation to the other competitors..

But I dont compete against others anymore, I try to compete against my future Self, who will I be in a year from today? I wanna be 10x better than that guy, I want to Dominate that guy, he is weak compared to the man I could really create.

If this is the dumbest thing you have ever heard then surely you can teach me oh wise man, how do I improve my philosophy of achieving every single one of my goals ASAP??

Listen here, you asked for advice to build your wealth and even encouraged others to criticize you, you're spouting nonsense on how the stock market is the easiest thing ever and support your statements with motivational quotes from instagram, your gaming experience and are clearly deluded as to how wealth workings are put into practice. So excuse me for calling you out on your absurd posts

I mean it really is... you just press a couple buttons on your phone and boom, you either win or lose some money...

I dont spend time on social media, I wouldnt know of these motivational quotes, I base my wisdom upon Natural Laws and in a way use the Scientific method daily to ensure I am not incorrectly basing my knowledge..

Maybe you have never played a competetive game, maybe you didnt have the chance to be defeated over and over again, or maybe you havent had the oppurtunity to rise to the top and dominate the competetion. But in a way this is one of my greatest masteries in this lifetime, I know what I'm talking about and sure it lacks substance in changing the world, but nevertheless it is still based upon actual Wisdom I have gained from years of Training...it is my "weapon" that I will bring into the real world and I will rise to the top because it is proven to work, millions of gamers compete everyday, and there is a reason that only a few rise to the top, maybe you should accept this reality and understand what it is that they do?

I did not ask for your criticism, but gladly accept the challenge to see things from your perspective.
Bravera said:
Powerofjustice said:
Bravera said:
So you have to understand that you are teaching me strategies and tactics to give me an advantage to building my wealth.

This is what I mean when I say I have experience rising to the top in a competetive scenario. You must become conscious of every single Aspect and Master what you know, then you will gain Abilities that noone has access to, and you can apply these Abilities to other Aspects, etc. It becomes exponential Growth of Mastery, in relation to the other competitors..

But I dont compete against others anymore, I try to compete against my future Self, who will I be in a year from today? I wanna be 10x better than that guy, I want to Dominate that guy, he is weak compared to the man I could really create.

If this is the dumbest thing you have ever heard then surely you can teach me oh wise man, how do I improve my philosophy of achieving every single one of my goals ASAP??

Listen here, you asked for advice to build your wealth and even encouraged others to criticize you, you're spouting nonsense on how the stock market is the easiest thing ever and support your statements with motivational quotes from instagram, your gaming experience and are clearly deluded as to how wealth workings are put into practice. So excuse me for calling you out on your absurd posts

I mean it really is... you just press a couple buttons on your phone and boom, you either win or lose some money...

I dont spend time on social media, I wouldnt know of these motivational quotes, I base my wisdom upon Natural Laws and in a way use the Scientific method daily to ensure I am not incorrectly basing my knowledge..

Maybe you have never played a competetive game, maybe you didnt have the chance to be defeated over and over again, or maybe you havent had the oppurtunity to rise to the top and dominate the competetion. But in a way this is one of my greatest masteries in this lifetime, I know what I'm talking about and sure it lacks substance in changing the world, but nevertheless it is still based upon actual Wisdom I have gained from years of Training...it is my "weapon" that I will bring into the real world and I will rise to the top because it is proven to work, millions of gamers compete everyday, and there is a reason that only a few rise to the top, maybe you should accept this reality and understand what it is that they do?

I did not ask for your criticism, but gladly accept the challenge to see things from your perspective.

Mate, maybe you misunderstood me or just refuse to understand what i'm saying.

There's nothing wrong with being competetive or motivated to accomplish something, I can clearly see that you are. But in my humble opinion you are taking it to an extreme. I can also see and understand how being competetive is a big factor in some circumstances, but please explain to me how exactly and in what way is one competetive on the stock market? It's literally who can spend more money. The only real way i can see a competetive nature applied in this scenario is where people buy and instantly sell stocks in the span of milliseconds, do that a couple hundred times a day and end up wit 2-3 hundred bucks at the end of the day, if they are lucky.

And yeah it really is as easy as pressing a couple buttons on your phone, but again i'm asking you how is the stock market any different from playing the lottery? How can you see what's going to happen with a company unless you are right there to see it i.e. majority stake holder. How is your competetiveness going to give you an edge over everybody else?

That's what pisses me off so much, if you can make me see your point, actually make me understand that you aren't just putting blind faith into this, then I tip my hat to you, i'm a gamer too, but i just cant see it the same way that you evidently can. Maybe we can trade gaming experience afterwards or something idk :lol: .
Bravera said:
Powerofjustice said:
Bravera said:
So you have to understand that you are teaching me strategies and tactics to give me an advantage to building my wealth.

This is what I mean when I say I have experience rising to the top in a competetive scenario. You must become conscious of every single Aspect and Master what you know, then you will gain Abilities that noone has access to, and you can apply these Abilities to other Aspects, etc. It becomes exponential Growth of Mastery, in relation to the other competitors..

But I dont compete against others anymore, I try to compete against my future Self, who will I be in a year from today? I wanna be 10x better than that guy, I want to Dominate that guy, he is weak compared to the man I could really create.

If this is the dumbest thing you have ever heard then surely you can teach me oh wise man, how do I improve my philosophy of achieving every single one of my goals ASAP??

Listen here, you asked for advice to build your wealth and even encouraged others to criticize you, you're spouting nonsense on how the stock market is the easiest thing ever and support your statements with motivational quotes from instagram, your gaming experience and are clearly deluded as to how wealth workings are put into practice. So excuse me for calling you out on your absurd posts

I mean it really is... you just press a couple buttons on your phone and boom, you either win or lose some money...

I dont spend time on social media, I wouldnt know of these motivational quotes, I base my wisdom upon Natural Laws and in a way use the Scientific method daily to ensure I am not incorrectly basing my knowledge..

Maybe you have never played a competetive game, maybe you didnt have the chance to be defeated over and over again, or maybe you havent had the oppurtunity to rise to the top and dominate the competetion. But in a way this is one of my greatest masteries in this lifetime, I know what I'm talking about and sure it lacks substance in changing the world, but nevertheless it is still based upon actual Wisdom I have gained from years of Training...it is my "weapon" that I will bring into the real world and I will rise to the top because it is proven to work, millions of gamers compete everyday, and there is a reason that only a few rise to the top, maybe you should accept this reality and understand what it is that they do?

I did not ask for your criticism, but gladly accept the challenge to see things from your perspective.

Regarding the stock market someone told me that it was a gamble, which is partly true but not entirely. It's to the amateur but statistics to the person who knows what they're doing and you really want to know what you're doing here or you're going to get fucked. The focus here to be ahead in some way, this is by doing due diligence and keeping tabs on the company and news at all times, as well as the market.

For example, a company is expected to have a catalyst on a certain day, leading to this day the hype gets the stock moving upwards as the days go by. You want to be in this as early as possible so that not only do you have gains but you now have a sort of insurance if things go south. Two options:

1:Wait for the catalyst and if the news is more than what it turns out to be it could reach higher levels.

2:Lock in profits before catalyst, as the goal was not entirely the catalyst but in fact the hype driving it in this first place. This is the easier options because of the tendency of stocks to be over-hyped before news comes in and by the time it does it's usually priced in, but there's the chance that it can fall due to the news not meeting expectations. So why take the risk when you can lock in profits?

This is what I did with BYFC, a stock that was hyped due to the black lives matter movements "national blackout day", locked in profits before the news broke, don't even know what the news was supposed to be but it was obvious that the hype was going to drive the price pretty high beforehand so I sold my entire position a few days before and am not surprised to see there was a sell off on that day lol but don't be like that. Yeah money does talk, *fills money with pockets*, what were you guys protesting for again?..

As you can see it's easier to profit off the hype than it is to profit off actual catalysts and you want to be at beginning of it in every way possible to make the most of it.

The stock market is fun money and you should never make your entire income reliant upon it. It's wolf eat wolf, and you will get bitten.
Hidden Warrior said:
Powerofjustice said:

I agree with this statement.
Recently I am reading a lot about the financial sector, both books and internet, because in the long run I want to make money without working myself, having more time to dedicate to SS problems.

I also suggests that if you want to make money fast, you should buy a business, but to maintain one, you should also have the qualities and abilities of a leader, like how to talk with other people, and not just commanding.

You can also create one, and gradually find people that runs your business for you, but it is more slower, and if you have never made experience as a boss/leader, you can fail many times.

I read in a book that the stock market is the "playground of the rich people". But to play there you wanna put money from 5 digits and on. If you have a business that makes money for you, you can "play", and if you lose maybe is not a big deal. But if you are an employee, if you lose like 10'000 dollars, that's quite a tragedy.

In any case, it is your choice. These are just suggestions.

I came across Grant Cardone recently, he has a book called 10x and says we should make our goals 10x bigger, we should understand how much action it would take to accomplish those goals, to not be average, go above and beyond, be obsessed, to always be expanding, only contract only briefly to get all your ducks lined up...

He explains that it takes the same amount of energy to do nothing as it takes to go above and beyond, and for me I think of the planet Jupiter in comparison to building my success, that once i build that massive success, the gravity of my successes will just keep falling back upon me.

Before I ever started thinking about building wealth, I knew that one day I wanted to build a great Library in honor of the Gods, where people can come to study and grow spiritually and have some amphitheaters and every wonderful event that will build our people..

Now I want to build 10 of them... lol and I want to take my family on a vacation around Jupiter, and I want to build Spaceships because our population isnt getting smaller, I want alot of kids, and a massive family, I hope I can grow old enough to see myself have a big family of 100! It was said te gods will arrive in 20 years, and I'm super excited I want to do everything I can to greet them with the most abundant gratitude that I can give, I'm starting today by fighting hard and idk where my path leads me but it gives me so much Joy, truly the Joy of Satan ^_^
My father has been day trading for years now, he's been successful in it(not always though). And one thing it has taught me is that I don't want to do that. He's basically constantly checking out the stock market, when he's driving he has his phone on the stock market, when he's watching tv it's on the stock market channel, when he works he's also on the stock market checking it out. That's not something I want to do.
Powerofjustice said:
Bravera said:
Powerofjustice said:
Listen here, you asked for advice to build your wealth and even encouraged others to criticize you, you're spouting nonsense on how the stock market is the easiest thing ever and support your statements with motivational quotes from instagram, your gaming experience and are clearly deluded as to how wealth workings are put into practice. So excuse me for calling you out on your absurd posts

I mean it really is... you just press a couple buttons on your phone and boom, you either win or lose some money...

I dont spend time on social media, I wouldnt know of these motivational quotes, I base my wisdom upon Natural Laws and in a way use the Scientific method daily to ensure I am not incorrectly basing my knowledge..

Maybe you have never played a competetive game, maybe you didnt have the chance to be defeated over and over again, or maybe you havent had the oppurtunity to rise to the top and dominate the competetion. But in a way this is one of my greatest masteries in this lifetime, I know what I'm talking about and sure it lacks substance in changing the world, but nevertheless it is still based upon actual Wisdom I have gained from years of Training...it is my "weapon" that I will bring into the real world and I will rise to the top because it is proven to work, millions of gamers compete everyday, and there is a reason that only a few rise to the top, maybe you should accept this reality and understand what it is that they do?

I did not ask for your criticism, but gladly accept the challenge to see things from your perspective.

Mate, maybe you misunderstood me or just refuse to understand what i'm saying.

There's nothing wrong with being competetive or motivated to accomplish something, I can clearly see that you are. But in my humble opinion you are taking it to an extreme. I can also see and understand how being competetive is a big factor in some circumstances, but please explain to me how exactly and in what way is one competetive on the stock market? It's literally who can spend more money. The only real way i can see a competetive nature applied in this scenario is where people buy and instantly sell stocks in the span of milliseconds, do that a couple hundred times a day and end up wit 2-3 hundred bucks at the end of the day, if they are lucky.

And yeah it really is as easy as pressing a couple buttons on your phone, but again i'm asking you how is the stock market any different from playing the lottery? How can you see what's going to happen with a company unless you are right there to see it i.e. majority stake holder. How is your competetiveness going to give you an edge over everybody else?

That's what pisses me off so much, if you can make me see your point, actually make me understand that you aren't just putting blind faith into this, then I tip my hat to you, i'm a gamer too, but i just cant see it the same way that you evidently can. Maybe we can trade gaming experience afterwards or something idk :lol: .

Because it's not about if I'm right or wrong, it's about being there and fighting for what I want, I have every tool I need to succeed, I excel because well I just know that I will... sure i might lose a bit, but I never focus on the losses, I just take a quick check... why did I lose? Ok maybe I'll even write it down, then I will build a strategy to make sure I never make the same mistake again..

And then I will repeat an affirmation in my head until I do in fact succeed.. I gave my nephew a gaming name, "I am Thee Greatest" and everytime he hopped on that system and competed, he had in his mind, he would tell himself even just subconciously, I am the Greatest..

I love the challenge that I dont know where the price is going, it makes me want to build my spiritual powers strong enough to either just always be right or be able to predict where the price will go

Heres another thing, when you reach the top of a competetive scenario, you will compete against the best, and you will be forced to refine or completely throw away some strategies, then you can return to the lower spectrum, and maybe throwing away that strategy will make you have less success against the weaker players...

So then you have to build new strategies for your new strategies...etc. No AI could consistently compete against a human in a dynamic environment, and no human can consistently compete against a SS using something as simple as Affirmations

I see the stock market as a video game, because that's just what I want it to be for me, a challenge to succeed against all obstacles in any circumstances. And I will create real power within my life and I have the backing of the gods on my side because I'm sure they will guide me properly.
Since COVID hit I've been lead to invest in the stock market and real estate. There's a movement out there called FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), and so far, for me, it's been an incredible journey of learning and growth. I've technically invested in the stock market since a young age, but through a financial advisor. I'm now taking that into my own hands to save myself the 3% you pay off to an advisor, which over the course of your life, could amount to a very large amount of money.

With the stock market, I've learned it's just like the spiritual journey we are taught to take, which means to take it slow, step by step, and increase the amount we can take on in bits.

I spent countless hours during unemployed time off researching the market, and eventually starting up my first brokerage account. 6 months later and I've now opened my second brokerage account, which will allow me to trade paper stocks (they give you a program with fake money so you can test yourself on the market to see how well you can do).

Trading on the market can certainly be favourable, but needs to be treated like a career - not a game. It's only gambling if you choose not to fully research tactics and inform yourself on how to be aware of trends to take advantage of. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Personally, I'm only investing right now in the long term as a buy and hold with very minimal swing trading until I plan to purchase my first house for the purpose of house hacking. If you're not familiar with house hacking, start reading up on it and watching youtube videos. I'll talk more about that below. Having only been in the market myself for just a few months now, I'm now at a point where when the market falls, my holdings won't go below 2-3%+. At first, it would fluctuate into the minus, but now it's compounding enough that it doesn't. When the markets are high before a correction, I'm hitting close to 10% returns, which is pretty good seeing as how the average Joe typically only generates a 7% return. With some more research to identify trends, I plan on utilizing my cash account (not my tax free accounts) to start doing more swing trading.

In terms of playing the stock market as a means to make money, as others mentioned on here, that you need 5-6 digits in order to make money, this is not true. In order to make a living, yes, you will need to have more money, but like a business, you have to start somewhere. You don't throw 5-6 digits into a building a new business from scratch without having a foundation of knowledge as to how to actually run, operate, market, maintain, and grow said business. The amount of money you need to get started on trading depends on the variety of methods one can take when trading. You can be an intraday trader, or a swing trader. You can trade large-mid cap, short cap, penny stocks, options, futures, etc. You can short stocks. And you can do all these either long or short. You have to know exactly what you're getting yourself into and REALLY learn it inside and out before you start throwing your money in. Different brokerage accounts are best for whichever way you want to go.

Watching proficient traders live is one of the best ways to learn. Watch whoever you find to be effective & efficient in their strategies.

I am of the opinion, everything you need to become a good trader, is available online for free. Only spend money on content when there is proof of outcome in their claims & you see value in the purchase. You will have to spend money to start off with a brokerage account (unless you want to swing trade with a free app, but this doesn't sound like the method you want to get into).

Provided you appropriately entertain both the theoretical & pragmatic application of trading & then embark into paper trading to test & formulate your own strategies, the acumen you acquire should provide plenty of insight to keep you moving in the right direction.

TRADING | STUDYING RESOURCES To increase your theoretical trading acumen :

Trading Stories and Biographies

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre

Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street's Champion Day Trader by Martin Schwartz

Way of the Turtle by Curtis M. Faith

Short-Term Trading and Analysis

The Art and Science of Technical Analysis by Adam Grimes 1 Getting Started in Technical Analysis by Jack D. Schwager

Long-Term Secrets to Short-Term Trading 2nd Edition by Larry Williams

The Universal Principles of Successful Trading: Essential Knowledge for All Traders in All Markets by Brent Penfold

Market Comprehension

Irrational Exuberance (3rd Ed.) by Robert J. Shiller

Seasonal Stock Market Trends: The Definitive Guide to Calendar-Based Stock Market Trading by Jay Kaeppel

Following the Trend: Diversified Managed Futures Trading by Andreas F. Clenow

Stocks on the Move: Beating the Market with Hedge Fund Momentum Strategies by Andreas F. Clenow


Trading Psychology 2.0: From Best Practices to Best Processes by Brett N. Steenbarger

The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets by Brett N. Steenbarger

Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, Second Edition by Van K. Tharp

Trading Beyond the Matrix: The Red Pill for Traders and Investors by Van K. Tharp

Super Trader, Expanded Edition: Make Consistent Profits in Good and Bad Markets by Van K. Tharp

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

TRADING | VIDEO RESOURCES To increase your pragmatic trading acumen :

These are some channels I’d recommend (Free content is sufficient, don’t buy their programs) :

*Humbled Trader


Steven Dux

Umar Ashraf

Live Traders

Meir Barak

Master the Market



Mind you, I've barely scraped the surface on any of these, so I can't tell you what's good or not. You'll have to start somewhere and find out for yourself. Personally, Humbled Trader has provided a lot of healthy direction for those wanting to get into this.

Investors Underground on youtube is also a great place to start and they provide an enormous amount of hours of free lessons:

Learn to Day Trade - Beginners Lesson 1 of 8

It could take 6 months to 1 year of heavy research and studying before you start jumping in with your own money. Go steady, and you will know when you are ready to take the next step.

Personally, I would love to make this a full time career, but my next goal in life is to get into house hacking. In order to apply for a mortgage loan, I can't be starting up my own business and relying on the income from that until 3 years of taxable income on that has passed. As such, I'm putting in the 9-5 to get houses rolling now. House hacking is all about buying a property in a somewhat less favourable neighbourhood in a somewhat dilapidated state, and follow the BRRRR method (Buy, Renovate, Rent, Refinance, Repeat). Typically, you want to renovate to give a place more bedrooms than it had before you bought it, live in it for the first year to take advantage of OOL (Owner Occupied Loan), rent out the rest of the rooms for cash flow, then after one year, take advantage of the debt system by refinancing to go and buy another property. Rinse and repeat. Build equity and forced appreciation through strategic renovations - then sell off the homes when you want, or keep the ones that are easy to manage with great tenants and keep the cash flow moving. I would recommend checking out Mike Rosehart on youtube for how to go about doing this.

Like others have said, nothing immoral about doing this. People need places to live, and as long as you're not ripping people off on rent, you're doing society a favour by supporting your nation's economy. Same with trading. Depending on your method, when you put money into a stock, you're putting money into a business that they can leverage to help their business grow. So if you put money in, stock goes up and you sell for a profit, the company is in a better position than it was before, so you're helping that business grow. And unless you're buying and holding for the long-term, you really don't need to invest your time in learning about the company, managerial ethics, their philosophy, etc. as you're only looking at identifying immediate trends, as with penny stocks, for example.

Anywho, all the best on your endeavours!
As a side note, in addition to all this, I've heard that Options and Futures trading is the riskiest forms of trading. I really haven't studied that area myself at all, so I'm just going based on what I've heard elsewhere from professional (non-scummy/scammy) traders. It might be best to delve into less risky areas of trading first to really become a trading professional before getting into Options and Futures. There's a lot of hype and scams out there right now around this, but it's up to you to decide if is the best method for yourself to get started in. Just my two cents.
Hearsync said:
Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Might aswell call this book:"Learning how to think, from an israellian jew".
Unless you haven't researched about that book then I really wonder why you think learning psychology from a kike is useful?
Hearsync said:
As a side note, in addition to all this, I've heard that Options and Futures trading is the riskiest forms of trading. I really haven't studied that area myself at all, so I'm just going based on what I've heard elsewhere from professional (non-scummy/scammy) traders. It might be best to delve into less risky areas of trading first to really become a trading professional before getting into Options and Futures. There's a lot of hype and scams out there right now around this, but it's up to you to decide if is the best method for yourself to get started in. Just my two cents.

Thank you I will take what I can with me, this is alot of information surely I will find exactly what I am looking for. I will not consider it as a game, I would not want to waste my time. I need space and I need time, so I'm working hard today to create these things.
While reading and learning is important, the best way to learn about finance is to get off the fucking computer and go make some money. Then find something you enjoy and find a way to create assets around it.

I personally have always been very attracted to real estate, so I saved up some money and started getting informed on how to get started. By that I mean going to banks and real estate agencies and asking questions.

Stop playing games and reading books and go talk to people who are in the business(es) that you are interested in. Let these people guide you and teach you how it really works, even if they take some sort of cut from your profits, the practical knowledge is invaluable.

Believe me when I tell you, you will never learn anything of great value from financial gurus. All these people want is for you to buy their fucking books and not actually provide the intricacies and knowledge you actually need to be financially successful. And why would they ever do that. If you become financially knowledgeable and free you won't buy their books anymore.

All they give is vague ideas that don't really translate into meaningful income. So stop reading books and go to work. Save up some money, find something you like and talk to people who are successful in what you desire.

Focus heavily on your solar chakra and keep it clean and as empowered as you can, while complimenting your work with money workings.
Bravera said:
I have been studying the Stock Market and Options Trading for months now. I have tested many strategies and although I'm not scared to lose money, I use my Tactics knowledge to understand that any losses will equal Exponential losses to any future Profits...

But also, if I ever hit it big, I would never want to lose a large amount of money w/ my future Trading, I would feel greatly ashamed if I lost a large amount of money that could have went towards food for the Hungry, etc.
So if I'm going to trade in the long term, it would be foolish to lose any money..
Anyways other people can buy Options
They make "bets" that the price will move in one direction or another
I profit if their Right or Wrong, because they put Value into their Bet, I cannot lose Value because I protect my downside w/ a counter "Bet", that is much cheaper than their "Bet"
Pretty much I'm like a lottery dealer?
Is it morally wrong as a SS to take money from someone for their Bets?
Wouldnt the money be better in my hands?
I love my little restaurant job and I feel great pride from it, but I want to accomplish so much more..
Well since were talking about finances, what's everyone's opinions on Purchasing Real Estate as a form of Income?

Real estates go through cycles.
There can be a period of great growth, more oders will inflate the price causing a bubble ( hyper indlated price) and then burst with "ghost cities" in some places of the world.
You can make money hypothetically by investing at the time when prices are going up really fast. (upward trend).
Government bonds can be called safe but this was false in some cases like that of greece.

Commodity trading is still fine.
Purchasing real physical gold is the best as countries too "bail out" through Fed with Gold.
Having a low to medium expense and high share going towards investment is generally the safest way.

Forex is fine too but is really risky.
Insurance, healthcare, maybe short term investments in industries on a rise now seems like a "safe short term investment". ( Under 1 year).
Dahaarkan said:
While reading and learning is important, the best way to learn about finance is to get off the fucking computer and go make some money. Then find something you enjoy and find a way to create assets around it.

I personally have always been very attracted to real estate, so I saved up some money and started getting informed on how to get started. By that I mean going to banks and real estate agencies and asking questions.

Stop playing games and reading books and go talk to people who are in the business(es) that you are interested in. Let these people guide you and teach you how it really works, even if they take some sort of cut from your profits, the practical knowledge is invaluable.

Believe me when I tell you, you will never learn anything of great value from financial gurus. All these people want is for you to buy their fucking books and not actually provide the intricacies and knowledge you actually need to be financially successful. And why would they ever do that. If you become financially knowledgeable and free you won't buy their books anymore.

All they give is vague ideas that don't really translate into meaningful income. So stop reading books and go to work. Save up some money, find something you like and talk to people who are successful in what you desire.

Focus heavily on your solar chakra and keep it clean and as empowered as you can, while complimenting your work with money workings.

I understand what your saying but I hate to limit possibilities, I work good with knowledge, simple sayings can change my life. A whole book of information can and will be inflated, but surely it has just that little bit of knowledge to push me to my next level.

I definitely am taking steps towards a greater understanding of business and building some concepts along the way. I know how to reach a certain point of financial success, and I'm working towards this path daily.

I kinda hate taking days off from work, because I have such a clear view of the success I'll be obtaining once I complete some simple but time consuming goals.

It's difficult though to find the right balance between living in the moment and building my future.
Bravera said:
Hidden Warrior said:
Powerofjustice said:

I agree with this statement.
Recently I am reading a lot about the financial sector, both books and internet, because in the long run I want to make money without working myself, having more time to dedicate to SS problems.

I also suggests that if you want to make money fast, you should buy a business, but to maintain one, you should also have the qualities and abilities of a leader, like how to talk with other people, and not just commanding.

You can also create one, and gradually find people that runs your business for you, but it is more slower, and if you have never made experience as a boss/leader, you can fail many times.

I read in a book that the stock market is the "playground of the rich people". But to play there you wanna put money from 5 digits and on. If you have a business that makes money for you, you can "play", and if you lose maybe is not a big deal. But if you are an employee, if you lose like 10'000 dollars, that's quite a tragedy.

In any case, it is your choice. These are just suggestions.

I came across Grant Cardone recently, he has a book called 10x and says we should make our goals 10x bigger, we should understand how much action it would take to accomplish those goals, to not be average, go above and beyond, be obsessed, to always be expanding, only contract only briefly to get all your ducks lined up...

He explains that it takes the same amount of energy to do nothing as it takes to go above and beyond, and for me I think of the planet Jupiter in comparison to building my success, that once i build that massive success, the gravity of my successes will just keep falling back upon me.

Before I ever started thinking about building wealth, I knew that one day I wanted to build a great Library in honor of the Gods, where people can come to study and grow spiritually and have some amphitheaters and every wonderful event that will build our people..

Now I want to build 10 of them... lol and I want to take my family on a vacation around Jupiter, and I want to build Spaceships because our population isnt getting smaller, I want alot of kids, and a massive family, I hope I can grow old enough to see myself have a big family of 100! It was said te gods will arrive in 20 years, and I'm super excited I want to do everything I can to greet them with the most abundant gratitude that I can give, I'm starting today by fighting hard and idk where my path leads me but it gives me so much Joy, truly the Joy of Satan ^_^
I understand how you have goals and ambititions but fake gurus like Grant Cardone are scum that sell you a dream for their profit they are motivational gurus and influencers and will not help you succeed in the longterm. I used to listen to him and scum similar to him like Dan Lok, thank Satan I matured and educated myself on who really profits from my relationship with them. Always keep in mind these gurus want you poor not rich why would they help you get rich when they profit with you being poor?
I've gathered some incredibly helpful videos make sure to check them out and educate yourself.
And this channel is more than helpful
Good luck brother!
Aquarius said:
Hearsync said:
Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Might aswell call this book:"Learning how to think, from an israellian jew".
Unless you haven't researched about that book then I really wonder why you think learning psychology from a kike is useful?

As I mentioned in my post, I've barely scraped the surface on any of these, so I can't tell anyone what's good or not. I was merely providing a list I came across one day as what may or may not contain some useful information. I haven't read or researched that book, but thanks for pointing out the kike in that one :) I've tagged on that one my list to avoid should I ever come around to reading all the books in that list

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
