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The Jewish Messiah How It Ties Together

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The Jewish Messiah How It Ties Together

The Baal Shem Tov, the Kabbalah Jewish sage[Rabbinical Jew with psychic, occult knowledge and power] and founder of most Kabbalah based Jewish movements of the last several centuries, who is held in high reverence by most Jews. In the Kabbalistic works of the Baal Shem Tov's works on the subject of how to bring about the Jewish Messiah, which is the Jewish World Kingdom in which the Gentiles will be destroyed, he wrote an important story.

The Baal Shem Tov, made the psychic ascent with the Kabbalah Merbava teachings in this expanded state of consciousness he had a vision of the Jewish Messiah. He asks the Messiah when he will come, and destroy the Gentiles and give the world to the Jews, the Messiah of the Jews simply tells him when all the Jews practice the same teachings of the Kabbalah the Baal Shem Tov has to be able to communicate with him, then he will come.

The point of the lesson is for the Jews, its the psychic, occult practices of Judaism of Kabbalah that will bring about the World Government of the Jews. This is why Judaism is constantly repeating of the fact its by each Jew participating in the rituals of the religion which empower the thought form of YHVH with energy and allow it to manifest and Kabbalah practices of their race that speeds up the coming of the Jewish Messiah.

This is also why many of the religious Jews hate the secular Jews because they understand they are dragging them backwards in the goal of bringing about the final agenda of their racial religion. They are a drain on the race and the occult energies connected with them they don't help put the power into the racial thought form of the Jews the YHVH, and the religious Jewish leadership in their own beliefs want to purge them down the road if they don't get on the band wagon of the ritual and occult practices of Judaism. This is why now many Rabbinical Kabbalah adepts are coming public trying to appeal to as many Jews both religious and secular to practice the Kabbalah as fast as possible. Because they know they are losing and they need as many Jews practicing the Kabbalah. The other problem the Jewish adepts mention is the situation for them is too much Kabbalah is philosophy and not the practical practices so its slowing them down in dry speculation which does nothing.

The time of Av in Judaism which relates to the destruction of the Jewish Temple and the destruction of Israel. The Temple in Kabbalah is symbolic of the Jewish soul collectively and world government and how this ties together with the racial thought form they created to tie into this the YHVH. Israel is the Jewish racial soul in Kabbalah, both are destroyed in the Av. Also Av stands for Alef-bet in Kabbalah the 22 Hebrew letters. The 22 Hebrew letters are shown as being the structure and energy of the Jewish racial soul in Kabbalah. The body is the structure or garment of the Jewish soul in Kabbalah. To affect one is to effect the other. The Temple is the physical race of the Jews and how it contains the soul of the Jewish race, the Ark. The Ark is what the Jews use to defeat the Gentiles in Judaism, Jewish occult power.

The Temple contained the Holy of Holies which contained the Ark of the Covenant the two angels upon the Ark one is Metatron and the other is Sandalphon which represents the form and power of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and Jewish soul. And the Covenant which is the Jewish Messiah will come and destroy the Gentiles and give the Jews the world which is the fulfilment of the Covenant. Hence the building of the Third Temple is building of the World Jewish Kingdom. The Ark the symbol of the Covenant and Jewish soul was made with the 22 Hebrew letters in Kabbalah.

The way to end all of this is the Final RTR which reverses the Hebrew 22 letters, during the time of Av the enemy is terrified of this occurring this is the time they are even more open to the effects of the Final RTR. If the Final RTR was not the major threat to them they would not even have the Av. The Jewish Rabbi's have a prophecy and warning in the Kabbalah that Satan [The adversary of the Jews] will destroy them by reversing the 22 Hebrew letters.
So essentially, more rtrs ? 4x a day should suffice :evil: :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: . :twisted:
Quick question, does the finar rtr drain/destroy the yhvh thoughtform?
HP Mageson666 said:
The Jewish Messiah How It Ties Together

The Baal Shem Tov, the Kabbalah Jewish sage[Rabbinical Jew with psychic, occult knowledge and power] and founder of most Kabbalah based Jewish movements of the last several centuries, who is held in high reverence by most Jews. In the Kabbalistic works of the Baal Shem Tov's works on the subject of how to bring about the Jewish Messiah, which is the Jewish World Kingdom in which the Gentiles will be destroyed, he wrote an important story.

The Baal Shem Tov, made the psychic ascent with the Kabbalah Merbava teachings in this expanded state of consciousness he had a vision of the Jewish Messiah. He asks the Messiah when he will come, and destroy the Gentiles and give the world to the Jews, the Messiah of the Jews simply tells him when all the Jews practice the same teachings of the Kabbalah the Baal Shem Tov has to be able to communicate with him, then he will come.

The point of the lesson is for the Jews, its the psychic, occult practices of Judaism of Kabbalah that will bring about the World Government of the Jews. This is why Judaism is constantly repeating of the fact its by each Jew participating in the rituals of the religion which empower the thought form of YHVH with energy and allow it to manifest and Kabbalah practices of their race that speeds up the coming of the Jewish Messiah.

This is also why many of the religious Jews hate the secular Jews because they understand they are dragging them backwards in the goal of bringing about the final agenda of their racial religion. They are a drain on the race and the occult energies connected with them they don't help put the power into the racial thought form of the Jews the YHVH, and the religious Jewish leadership in their own beliefs want to purge them down the road if they don't get on the band wagon of the ritual and occult practices of Judaism. This is why now many Rabbinical Kabbalah adepts are coming public trying to appeal to as many Jews both religious and secular to practice the Kabbalah as fast as possible. Because they know they are losing and they need as many Jews practicing the Kabbalah. The other problem the Jewish adepts mention is the situation for them is too much Kabbalah is philosophy and not the practical practices so its slowing them down in dry speculation which does nothing.

The time of Av in Judaism which relates to the destruction of the Jewish Temple and the destruction of Israel. The Temple in Kabbalah is symbolic of the Jewish soul collectively and world government and how this ties together with the racial thought form they created to tie into this the YHVH. Israel is the Jewish racial soul in Kabbalah, both are destroyed in the Av. Also Av stands for Alef-bet in Kabbalah the 22 Hebrew letters. The 22 Hebrew letters are shown as being the structure and energy of the Jewish racial soul in Kabbalah. The body is the structure or garment of the Jewish soul in Kabbalah. To affect one is to effect the other. The Temple is the physical race of the Jews and how it contains the soul of the Jewish race, the Ark. The Ark is what the Jews use to defeat the Gentiles in Judaism, Jewish occult power.

The Temple contained the Holy of Holies which contained the Ark of the Covenant the two angels upon the Ark one is Metatron and the other is Sandalphon which represents the form and power of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and Jewish soul. And the Covenant which is the Jewish Messiah will come and destroy the Gentiles and give the Jews the world which is the fulfilment of the Covenant. Hence the building of the Third Temple is building of the World Jewish Kingdom. The Ark the symbol of the Covenant and Jewish soul was made with the 22 Hebrew letters in Kabbalah.

The way to end all of this is the Final RTR which reverses the Hebrew 22 letters, during the time of Av the enemy is terrified of this occurring this is the time they are even more open to the effects of the Final RTR. If the Final RTR was not the major threat to them they would not even have the Av. The Jewish Rabbi's have a prophecy and warning in the Kabbalah that Satan [The adversary of the Jews] will destroy them by reversing the 22 Hebrew letters.

Do you guys ever have a global ceremony gathering, to where as all the joy of Satan members come together in a conference or something to perform the RTRs???
Aquarius said:
Quick question, does the finar rtr drain/destroy the yhvh thoughtform?
Remember the jewish prophecy that Satan's offspring would wipe the jews from their book of life, which is how they all connect to the egregore. And that is done by reversing the Torah, which shows that it does weaken/gradually destroy the egregore.
Sandalphon?? Never heard of it, in the new era, explain more...
(((metatron and sandalphon))), are they corruption for Ida and Pingala?

In the ark they remember the symbol of the heart: the ark also remembereth the sigil of Vapula.

Any correlation?
I'm curious I ended with a brain injury back in 2016 and take seizure medication for it can I still meditate?and do the RTR?
Its fun walking around seeing all the Jews, they always say "how", as in how am I not cursed to pieces, all the while their aura is nothing, worn down to the foundation, looking blackish grey. Their physical appearance however is no longer maskable;

it is horrifying. Best Halloween Ever?
Hailenki.88 said:
I'm curious I ended with a brain injury back in 2016 and take seizure medication for it can I still meditate?and do the RTR?
You can, but bear in mind that this medication is most likely harmful to your body and soul as a whole, and as such you should focus on healing your condition through magick while slowly decreasing your intake of this medication until you reach 0.
Consider making a topic on our health forums regarding your condition specifically, and I'm sure our experienced members will give you more in-depth advice on how to fix it. :)
Hailenki.88 said:
I'm curious I ended with a brain injury back in 2016 and take seizure medication for it can I still meditate?and do the RTR?

Disregard light advice on this, as this could be more serious. You might want to ask a professional here, a doctor, and just tell them something about doing Yoga without adding many details, and see what they have to say first.

It is in the Joy Of Satan website that anything like this will require to be looked carefully before you meditate. If you get seizures, meditation or doing too much meditation may actually trigger them, unless you have completely healed right now, which is not unlikely either.
Aquarius said:
Quick question, does the finar rtr drain/destroy the yhvh thoughtform?

The YHVH thoughtform, the jewish racial collective, and the Torah, are all one, if I'm remembering previous sermons correctly? So it'd stand to reason that the Final RTR is indeed killing YHVH directly.

Right now what I've been wondering is how YHVH relates to the barrier on this world and if one powers the other to a degree, because from what I've gathered, the barrier isn't necessarily kept powered by the hebrew letters. Guess we'll find out soon enough.
Al_Jariel66 said:
Do you guys ever have a global ceremony gathering, to where as all the joy of Satan members come together in a conference or something to perform the RTRs???

I hope you are joking. At least once a week there is a subject about keeping it a secret(I'm talking about being an SS here),so as a joke I'd like to ask: do you have a suicidal wish? As far as I know it's strongly encouraged to keep yourself safe, and for being safe around the enemy ,you need to at least hide your real identity, so a gathering would be the f*cking greatest gift we could give the goblins. Would you like to? We'll all meet after this bs with the goblins ends. Just fight 'till the end brother.
Sabazios said:
Al_Jariel66 said:
Do you guys ever have a global ceremony gathering, to where as all the joy of Satan members come together in a conference or something to perform the RTRs???

I hope you are joking. At least once a week there is a subject about keeping it a secret(I'm talking about being an SS here),so as a joke I'd like to ask: do you have a suicidal wish? As far as I know it's strongly encouraged to keep yourself safe, and for being safe around the enemy ,you need to at least hide your real identity, so a gathering would be the f*cking greatest gift we could give the goblins. Would you like to? We'll all meet after this bs with the goblins ends. Just fight 'till the end brother.

Okay, no problem.
SdD said:
Sandalphon?? Never heard of it, in the new era, explain more...
(((metatron and sandalphon))), are they corruption for Ida and Pingala?

In the ark they remember the symbol of the heart: the ark also remembereth the sigil of Vapula.

Any correlation?

No, he means a literal phone with sandals. Sounds familiar? ;P Joking, of course.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hailenki.88 said:
I'm curious I ended with a brain injury back in 2016 and take seizure medication for it can I still meditate?and do the RTR?

Disregard light advice on this, as this could be more serious. You might want to ask a professional here, a doctor, and just tell them something about doing Yoga without adding many details, and see what they have to say first.

It is in the Joy Of Satan website that anything like this will require to be looked carefully before you meditate. If you get seizures, meditation or doing too much meditation may actually trigger them, unless you have completely healed right now, which is not unlikely either.

yea I've had a gut feeling telling me that perhaps my brain could have possibly healed because i haven't had a seizure, going on almost 2 an a half years but that I believe is totally due to the medication but I really want to heal myself through meditation I'll look into getting referred to a neurologist thank you hp cobra it is always a great comfort to see your posts and get advice from you
Hailenki.88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hailenki.88 said:
I'm curious I ended with a brain injury back in 2016 and take seizure medication for it can I still meditate?and do the RTR?

Disregard light advice on this, as this could be more serious. You might want to ask a professional here, a doctor, and just tell them something about doing Yoga without adding many details, and see what they have to say first.

It is in the Joy Of Satan website that anything like this will require to be looked carefully before you meditate. If you get seizures, meditation or doing too much meditation may actually trigger them, unless you have completely healed right now, which is not unlikely either.

yea I've had a gut feeling telling me that perhaps my brain could have possibly healed because i haven't had a seizure, going on almost 2 an a half years but that I believe is totally due to the medication but I really want to heal myself through meditation I'll look into getting referred to a neurologist thank you hp cobra it is always a great comfort to see your posts and get advice from you

Just be safe btw sun Square helps with this I think. I see no reason to think that would agrevate anything at all. So far as the rtr I don't know start out slow like 1 to 3 reps. If your going to be meditating start out really slow see how it feels don't push it too far. With sun square I think Spiritual always relates to health and you can if you want use surya or Suryae whichever you like more. I like Surya better. Always affirm.

If this feels bad just stop but I think this may start to heal it.
slyscorpion said:
Just be safe btw sun Square helps with this I think. I see no reason to think that would agrevate anything at all. So far as the rtr I don't know start out slow like 1 to 3 reps. If your going to be meditating start out really slow see how it feels don't push it too far. With sun square I think Spiritual always relates to health and you can if you want use surya or Suryae whichever you like more. I like Surya better. Always affirm.

If this feels bad just stop but I think this may start to heal it.
I agree with you overall but not sure if it's actually valid to use Surya instead of Suryae in the Sun Square specifically. The squares are really sensitive and can be fucked up easily with the slightest deviations.
Shael said:
slyscorpion said:
Just be safe btw sun Square helps with this I think. I see no reason to think that would agrevate anything at all. So far as the rtr I don't know start out slow like 1 to 3 reps. If your going to be meditating start out really slow see how it feels don't push it too far. With sun square I think Spiritual always relates to health and you can if you want use surya or Suryae whichever you like more. I like Surya better. Always affirm.

If this feels bad just stop but I think this may start to heal it.
I agree with you overall but not sure if it's actually valid to use Surya instead of Suryae in the Sun Square specifically. The squares are really sensitive and can be fucked up easily with the slightest deviations.

Hmm I have been using Surya on the last two sun Squares I did. This one still feels powerful I'll have to see. I think in the moon square someone one time mentioned using another variation of the moon name as well once I don't know their experience. You may be right for some people but I have not had problems with this I actually like it better and feel it gives more power.
slyscorpion said:
Hmm I have been using Surya on the last two sun Squares I did. This one still feels powerful I'll have to see. I think in the moon square someone one time mentioned using another variation of the moon name as well once I don't know their experience. You may be right for some people but I have not had problems with this I actually like it better and feel it gives more power.
It's possible that it works. I'm just putting it out there for people to be cautious with altering anything about the squares as they are very sensitive :)
HP Mageson666 said:
The Jewish Rabbi's have a prophecy and warning in the Kabbalah that Satan [The adversary of the Jews] will destroy them by reversing the 22 Hebrew letters.

Hi. Do you remember what part of the Zohar says this?
Ryan369 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Jewish Rabbi's have a prophecy and warning in the Kabbalah that Satan [The adversary of the Jews] will destroy them by reversing the 22 Hebrew letters.

Hi. Do you remember what part of the Zohar says this?

Try this link, I couldn't find it but it should be here.

When I read Do Not Fear The Truth I was intrigue because we all need the Truth. If I asked 10 people who is the messiah, I can receive 10 different answers when there's only one answer.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
