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Sep 21, 2017
Jumping from one chapter to another, the question shifts to the non-white segment of the traditionally white countries. What is the position of non-whites in the Jew war? Is it a matter of culture or mostly a matter of instinct?

Who do they prefer and who would they align with in this whole war in which we are all forced to take a side.

The fact remains that each group follows its own interest or at least its own perceived interest as external factors such as manipulation can heavily distort their views, but this is more susceptible based on the nature of each race’s unique predispositions and hereditary behaviors.

Non-whites seem to be both instinctively, but culturally as well, caught up in the diversity area of definition. An Asian or an Arab do not see themselves as an Asian or and Arab, but simply as “not white”. If one would talk to an Asian about black crime rates, for example, in 99% of the cases they would feel attacked as well simply because it is a white that is lecturing a non-white about their behavior.

In a way, the Asian is smart to see how the white acknowledges the fact that another race is a threat to his existence on his own land due to demographical warfare. The person in question makes the correlation between the black and the “diversity” faction of which he too is a part of. The immigrant is by default, on the side of the Jew.

So, the non-white in a white country will choose the side of “diversity” and the mission of the Jew in most of the times and even if he does not publicly proclaim to be in any way against white people, he will genetically mix or breed potential race mixers for the future. A race needs space to exist and evolve based on its own instincts and ways to live and create. The ones who live their original countries are by this exact action, not loyal to the concept of racial purity as no matter how hard things are over there, they chose to give up their natural and cultural compatibility for a foreign financial opportunity. Such individuals perceive life from a mostly materialistic point of view. They do not feel the pleasure of growing inside their own culture and breeding offsprings that look, act and feel like them in terms of natural similarity. And ironically, those people who are by nature race mixers and do not care for their own race, family and friends, will cling to the strategy of accusing left and right of “racism” to have their way and win ground. A liar and a low life will always contradict himself and emanate hypocrisy as is the case of immigrants who leave their races, nations and cultures and then accuse whites of racism when outbreeding us, when they themselves have proven race means nothing to them.

But often, worse aspects are proven during political and ideological warfare. There are third world countries of let’s say mostly Arabs or blacks, people who instead of minding their own affairs and daily challenges would accuse whites of being racist for not wanting their own immigrants to be let in their countries. Such malignant solidarity only proves their instinctual hate and envy for whites as their own immigrants come to countries such as the USA, place individuals as Joe Biden or Barrack Obama in power that in turn bomb the original countries of those exact same immigrants. For them nothing matters more than the hate for whites. There have been a few voices among them that said those immigrants fleeing to white countries constitute the social category which they wish to place in jails or even sentence to death.

Take Islam for example, a religious ideology mostly practiced by Arabs and some black cultures. Muslims do not care if they mix with white women, their only mission as the vermin they are is to breed mixed children that are Muslim like them and their wives. Perhaps this also comes due to the fact that the Arab is not a pure race like the white, the black or the Asian. Sadly, in the case of blacks, similar behavior takes place even without the religious element.

If Donald Trump were to have had a decent combination of courage and intelligence during his presidency, he would have said during his address to the UN that the racial and cultural counterparts of their third world countries leave them and go to the US only to vote for politicians that would instantly bomb their countries and open other senseless military fronts. This would make the point more clearly about the highest priority of the non-white which is his hatred for whites. Whites are stupid and cowardly enough to pretend racial warfare is a fake, non-existing concept, but non-whites understand this instinctively and partake in this process even at the detriment of their own lives and futures. They perceive this racial warfare as their only priority without ever stopping to think why on Earth would the whites themselves put so many barriers in their own defense and give their enemies so much advantage. Whether they are aware or not about the Jews and their accelerated Kalergi plan of replacement, they do not care as this is outweighed by their interest of war. There is also an element of cognitive ability which is lacking. Cultures such as Palestine would whine all day about the West being hand in hand with Israel politically and militarily, but they fail to see how many white nationalists and even leftists would rather root for them instead of the Jews. When the 2023 Israel-Palestine war begun, I myself and others were very enthusiastic about Palestine wiping out as many of those vermin as possible, but several terrorists thought it would be a good revenge act to kill some random guys, shopping in Europe in some random market. Even now after all those years and after so much debate, they still refuse to acknowledge that their enemy is our enemy as well. If they cannot target Soros, Gates, Rotschild or someone from the Rockefeller family why bother to kill random whites that only want to be left alone and provide for their families?

After all those years of endless debate and explanations they fail to see the war as Gentile versus Jew, but still make it as White versus the rest and nothing is changing besides the demographics in their favor. The same Jewish vermin that exterminate them in their own countries, are waiting for them in the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea with their “humanitarian” NGOs ready to bring them into the Western Cities to race mix for the glory of the Jewish mission. Maybe a lot of them do not have the cerebral capacity to see this. Maybe while many whites are cowardly whores, many non-whites are dumb boulders.

The perception of beauty is subjective to the racial instinct, therefore any fake excuses based on love are purely trash. The ones that engage in such acts are committing treason towards nature and they are not held accountable for the simple fact that the enemy does not have any laws or rules against such behavior, worse than that, it is their main weapon and objective in the war against Amalek.

A lot of our weakening is based on white guilt about the former colonial history. Who in their right mind would even dwell on such reasoning? Anyone, as stupid as they can be, understands to a certain degree the notion of competition. Countries, empires and races have fought each other or even among their own, nobody is exempt from that so-called “sin”, but some were better at it and won that form of competition at that time, just as how some youngsters manage to get into university and others don’t. Wars were fought for land and resources as we were limited by the technology and circumstances of that time in history. When killing and conquering was the norm, we all did it with no exception, but we whites were better than most of the rest. Better than the Ottoman Empire, Better than any black tribe, better than the Indians, the mighty Shogunates or the vast Khanates of Asia. And for that long time of history, I personally am not ashamed. In fact, I am extremely proud that my ancestors were able to conquer and make something of the conquered land and resources so that all the races of today can enjoy modern trade, fast traveling, communication, diplomacy, modern technology and advanced medicine. I am not sorry at all! In fact, I am extremely proud and I will never apologize to those ungrateful bastards that have chosen the path of the Jew.

When we fought and conquered, the rest of the adversaries were no snowflakes either. We even fought among each other, but that does not seem to bother the enemy so much, an enemy that has developed on our efforts and has taken over a pre-built system in which they enjoy all the comfort in the world, a comfort which they ungratefully dismiss.

It seems the majority of cases they are drawn to anti-white ideology as their limited souls and minds cannot create on their own and need to feed on other's efforts while playing victim. This is why an imam has stated that the ones immigrating are mostly the ones they try to put in prison. It is a lazy strategy based on a lazy ideology and the more a soul is mixed, the more its perceptions are distorted, disoriented and that soul has to rely on limited and inferior ideologies such as Christianity, Islam and cultural Marxism. Some races or mixed races cannot really perceive spirituality beyond a certain level and this is why they will cling to ideologies like the Abrahamic faiths.

Even if a great deal of them may not be oriented towards this race war, their vision, being on a white country, is limited as the racial instinct is in opposing magnetism as of what it would have been in their original countries. Let’s say we have a modern Jewish conservative leadership in a country. They will let people of different groups mix as long as they are Christians. The black will not hate the white, but his instinct remains distorted and may often still not see a problem in race mixing. Just as long as they are all “good conservative Christians” the rest does not matter. It does not matter that they will have half-breeds with even more distorted instincts, susceptibility to disease, low IQ and even issues such as incompatible bone marrow transplants.

When the white people’s collective vision rises above the weak conservatism, non-whites may feel confused or threatened and become enemies again. This is a danger that remains and cannot be dismissed when having a multi racial state. Whether you go backward or forward in terms of ideology, problems may still arise. If you go back one step on the knowledge ladder to Jewish leftism, you will have a much bigger segment of non-white population ready to join their mission and exterminate Caucasians and if you go a few steps forward to spiritual enlightenment you will find enormous discrepancies between the groups and very different missions and objectives. Either way, a multi racial state is not sustainable compared to an ethno-state where the collective instinct is not deviated from its natural course and works in perfect balance and compatibility. Nature always has the last word whether some may like it or not.

The ethno-state is essential for a pure, collective instinct which is directly correlated with race and its patterns of creation and solutions.

As I elaborated many times, the white traitor is the most repulsive and dangerous enemy. This is a far more aggressive and offensive affirmation than saying the N word which is nothing but an excuse for conflict. Imagine being this retarded to make such a big deal about the word NIGGER when I would break whites in half for supporting the enemy willingly. You think blacks dislike the world? They use it themselves and love being called the N word because they love conflict and being a victim. Their whole existence revolves around this pseudo-ideology, being rewarded and compensated for being a victim.

Candace Owens in an interview indirectly admitted that the behavior of blacks is not entirely related to culture and ideology as many blacks who switch from leftist to conservative would still keep their bad behavior. She pointed out that conflict resolution is still a matter of natural instinct and every minor conflict must turn into a war and a series of aggressive reactions followed by “I hate you forever” she said.

The facts here are obvious as are all other aspects covered in previous chapters. The enemy has no choice, but to censor and impede free speech based on laws and social intimidation as the argument and truth are on our side. They cannot properly debate so they resort to emotional warfare and social pressure of the stupid “brothers” of whites. The Jew hates the smart white. You will ask it a question and it will reply with another question. Typical tactic, but if you insist on your question and refuse to change the subject it will start dwelling on whining and labels to attract your weak-minded fellow white on his side

Another category that identifies itself more with diversity than with whites is the gay spectrum. In short what they do is also partake in the enemy’s agenda of demographic decline, protecting and advocating for the empowerment of foreign racial elements as well. Since they have the label of “minority” well placed by the enemy on their foreheads, they will identify with all other “minorities” and join the common cause to tear out the roots of the fabric of society. Therefore, the homosexual element is correlated with the same ideological spectrum unfortunately. There are many LGBT members that would rather stand with Islam, an idea that would rather see them dead than protect the integrity of their country and culture. A failed and frustrated category that finds pleasure in the destruction of what they perceive as incompatible, the culture in which they think they do not find themselves. Again, this complete irrational alliance between elements such as homosexuals and Islam, only underlines the hatred for whites that the two have.

It should not take a lot of courage to admit the truth that we see with our own eyes, but that simple act of courage opens up a path of no return as one chooses to act with honesty and see the world as it is, not as we would like it to be.
Returned to say my feedback. Your authoring skills are very profound and useful. I believe this should be what White people should read.

This would help them learn a lot and evolve :)
Returned to say my feedback. Your authoring skills are very profound and useful. I believe this should be what White people should read.

This would help them learn a lot and evolve :)
Thank you so much for your feedback! I will do my best to produce quality chapters that are useful for all of us :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
