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Taoist breath


New member
Mar 10, 2024
Good day everyone

This article will be about breathing. There is actually many types of breathing talked in taoism. Some are already known to us, some others are not practiced. Last time I have talked about 6 direction breathing which could be categorizing as invoking the 5 flows (5 chinese elements) for health or else. The sounds used are in cantonese. Remember to follow your own rhythm and being progressive.

Technics :

  • Abdominal, inhale 10 exhale 10 without retention. Inhale not maximum, lowers abs used only (below navel)
  • Abdominal 5-0 5-0
  • Holding breath full or empty (you must forget breath from nose and visualise it done from navel as babies). Inhale more, exhale less (emphasis on exhale has risk of good go out with bad). Three ways to practice : inhale exhale slower and slower, emphasis on holding or combined. Easier done at midnight.
  • Foetus breathing
  • Natural breathing (to me is abdominal), swell abdomen,pull in as exhale, practice before sunrise or before sleeping. Slow breath, no sound, Goal is prolonging without forcing it.
  • sole breathing (based on tao te ching). It is funny that japanese kozo nishino use the same idea. Of course it is a mind technic.
*** remember that speed of breath may differ from counting. This is more visible when we do mantra , if we exhale too fast/too strong air we fail to vocalise long, also we can inhale a count of 10 but in fact fill only the lungs 30% or 100%
The goal of natural breathing is to have baby breathing (smooth, slow, regular, whole body expand/contract, if you put a feather close to a nostril there is no motion of it) then move on to foetus one (air do not come from outside). from memory ,Foetus one imply the 8 wonderful meridians opened. There is on wikipedia someone (catherine...) saying that in fact is is skin breathing and my theory is that it may be auric breathing. The navel will be the entry of energy like the umbilical cord, this is why the teacher said the reference of navel as entry point of air.

Type :

  • breathing the 5 flows (with or not the prime directions (rat ,rabbit, horse, roster, lamb ) . Simpler option is just face direction rising sun in day, and setting in night.
  • Breathing fog (sorry no detail received apart that it is not any fog)
  • breathing the moon
  • breathing the sun
  • breathing fire and water. Fire is red air visualisation to protect yourself and burn to ashes illness. No detail for color of water visualisation but deduction is dark blue or black .Other way is just drink it or bath with intent like bardon books. Red smoke start at heart expand and cover whole body then explose in flames, burn all inside out.

Breathing fire and water is often used for illness. Illness start with discomforts. Fire is for serious disconfort, water minor ones . We do not use fire if we have hypertension. The teacher said as soon you have one , excuse yourself, go in a room, do some breathing/visualisation or best meditate. By experience, the breating of fire was quite usefull when asthma crisis started and it has reduce rapidly its effects with delais of recuperation. For info asthma can be resumed as a liquid secreted becoming like a solid gel that block the passage of air. If you had had any, you know that to recuperate naturally you must do cardio vascular exercise, fire breath or vocalisation of mantras until empty. It heat the liquid so you cough and split it, provoking a small type of crisis of false asthma. Doctors say to use a pomp to evacuate the toxin but it takes by experience too long . I used that technic of fire also when I caught covid without being vaccinated at its starting moment, next day it was over, zero side efect, working as if nothing. Coincidences ? Basic strength ? technic ?

About breathing the teacher repeated first do empty your mind to avoid damages. In other words do void meditation which is in our site then you do the breathing technics of your choice. Remember that in tai chi, chin kung they keep repeating do not think anything, empty your mind and all will comes by itself. For my part it was corrupted or misunderstood since as said in our site and forum it is only the first step before doing some training (meditation, chakras, magic…)

It is important here to remark a contradiction with breathing as much can with the lower abdomen (below navel). Full breathing dor my part imply expansion down then sideways (loving handle), kidneys (see mantak chia variant full abdominal breath in iron shirt) then its front (upper abs) then rib cages all over then upper rib cage. It is also our way In the site to proceed (except loving handle kidney) for full breathing.

Now I’am goint to explain the moon and sun type of breathing/invocation

MOON/SUN (inside us):

We are going to visualise the moon/sun

empty mind,

knock teeth,

swallow saliva

inside heart see the sun around the size of a ring. Red in color with 9 purples spikes shining through heart .Do it until feel warm. Train In day. No period restriction. Gradually the spikes ligth extend up to the teeth but not out of the body then get smaller to heart, this cycle keeps on. Important is not the visualisation itself.

  • We can deduct the reason to not go in details in visualisation. We do not want to forget the main goal or to be so precise that we are loosing consciousness of ourselves. EG : you look at a ferrari, you start to see yourself driving, you are fascinated and really driving, you are your tool (image) finally time pass, you forgot all then you wake up from zombi mind and do not remember what has happen around you or in you. Same thing happen when you work hard, at the end time pass by and you wake up the working days is over. You did a job but like a robot. Attention means presence and not presence, be one with and not being one with or if you prefer going back from visualisation to a spectator of it not a participant. Same concept is in meditation . I do not know how to make it clearer, think as musahi myamoto : see all when you wanna see close then reverse see all to see close; tao is perpetual switch like a perpetual wave or like walking with 2 legs..

  • Heart is more a zone of concentration. Chances that it is in fact because the heart chakra is a connector and tha we want reciruclate eveywhere the energy. Also Since middle dan tien is close to it, chances are strong that the middle dan tian is the heart chakra at center line and is the real reference here.

  • The teacher never used the spiral of mantak chia after training to put energy in one spot (funny we do that with chakras). He believed that just moving arms on body, walking will send the energy where it is needed by its own nature. Of course, using motions, massage, exercises after medidation concentration, swallowing saliva etc… imply that your attention is at your motion or touching place. Chi follow attention. Either he knew the consequence of the motions after either it was too obvious to say it

  • Irony is also that many asiatic put a deity at the heart or over the head. It looks like a way to invoke what is represented by the deity but misunderstood by corruption. You do not want to be that deity and loose yourself, you want to connect by it to what it can do. Since heart chakra is a connector in ourself, they is chances that it serves a general connector to all forces. Of course, for my understnading and our sites, if you train with fire, you will concentrate first on 3rd chakra, with water 2nd, earth 1st. Forum said once akasha is 4th and air 5th, but I haven’ yet remarked the changes in the site. But akasha is the source of everything, is everywhere (use the force luke) and connecting/ dissolving all. Coincidence may be.
  • Silly idea or not, inspiration is sometime trails. Since moon = 6th chakra and sun 3rd; may be the starting point should be in fac there, then bring it to heart to expand. And fill aura (body inside flame is case fire breathing). I have to try that idea that just came up

Difference with moon it is that it is yellow with 10 white spikes, training in night

Swallow saliva 9 times up to 39 times (at least 9 since 9 spikes for sun) => (unsaid but I guess same multiple for moon)

MOON (with real one):

Ingest chi from the real moon, deep breathing chi from it to us.

We want pure yin, so we do not practice after full moon, best at next half moon. Strongest day is day before/in/after full moon. Still can do it 1 days in all where is the position of the moon.

Moon is cold so if you aleady are cold better take sun.

Thunder trigram is upper crescent, chi is growing so best time to inhale. But mountain trigam is lower cescent, chi weaken.

Look image moon, abdominal breathing, yellow chi (air) go from moon through nose to stomach. No holding breath, do 50 times

Knock teeth

Inside stomach feel moon bright there. It is called ingestion of energy from the moon. Feel the inside.

Down chin when out breath.

  • As you can see t is like invoking by nose or mouth. Us we do a visualisation of a rope/channel connecting moon/sun to 3rd eye to fill it. Timing differ also.

  • What is interessant here he says and keep repeating put energy in stomach. (swallowing is important for taoism, where does it goes ?) Stomach zone is solar plexus therefore 3rd chakra at center line. Also, Why choose the stomach and not the lower dan tien ?
  • The story of chronos eating his children in one gulp, putting them in his stomach, ging and growing in it and that they are freed once grown up may well be an allegory of training. The gods of olympus are tied to planets therefore bring planet energies (chakras) in grail chakra, nourish them (food or akasha) and once they are adult they are freed, purify gross (kill their variant titans) and take their right throne (chakras correspnding) and zeus olympus throne (crown). Of course barely supposition by deduction.

SUN (real one):


Done in day, face sun.

Breath in by nose 80% then swallow saliva, follow its path to stomach, breathe then normally

Start with 7times.

Not done if bad weather.


Yut9 wun6 jue1 ging2 jiu3 to1 yuen ying2 wui6 ha6 check5 tong6 yuen6 biu1 jeung8 beng2

Morning face sun (east) 6 to 7

  • Sit, calm mind
  • Knock teeth 9 times
  • Beginning incantation
  • Not look at sun (closed eyes then, logic, you do not want damagin them) Inhale gently though nose; visualise 5 colors clouds (elements) chi leave the sun comes toward you so head to toe wrapped by 5 colors. (red yellow blue or green, white, black) . Forget breathing Got stronger until feel warmed
  • After a while imagine violet purple air from sun com to merge with 5 colors clouds. The swallow it inside (imagine and action)
  • 36 times rolling tongue, swallow 3 times = inshale 3 times if short
  • 36 times knowck thing. Not open window, if wind better in fine weather

Sorry, I do not have the translation or the chinese characters but I used this CC-Canto - A Cantonese dictionary for everyone and choose whats is closest logical possible.

? - to call - sigh - place - request - to drag on – to shine – flourish or rbaised) - down - ? - ?- ?- blaze - ? – cookie …..

Yut9 not found, and yut6 (moon or month

Thank you in advance for cantonese or others If you find any information to get the correct translation and partiocularly chinese character. Having the character is best because it has different interpretation. To hide their knowledge taoist used to play with sound similar, or use a character that has many meanings. Therefore the same phrase may mean something else (tao te ching, won tin king change meanings with civilian, governors, doctors, taois masters,etc…) But to resume, we can understand here it is a concept of praying like the hindu extended mantras (more to me description of visualisation). But in the sentence it is possible that there is the sun cantonese name (real mantra) follow up with the request to come to me shining, hot to my stomach as food.

You may remark also the curiosity here. 7 colors goes from sun to stomach. May be original training was something else. (chronos idea said higher up)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
