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Taoism - concepts


New member
Mar 10, 2024
Hi everyone,

As said before, I wanted to explain taoist concepts learned, their implication in their training comparing to ours. Since there is too mutch commentaries on taoist text and articles from asian newspapers (search xystus ho) , I’m going this time to try to condense them . Of course, allways, search, verify and check everything with a satanist perperspective.

8 Wonderful meridians :

There is 12 meridians and 8 wonderful ones. for the Taoists the 8 meridian are said to be the reservoirs into which the chi and blood from the normal meridians will flow when they overflow. Also these 8 are said to be our natural passages to heaven and that the tao from heaven can flow freely into the person .

I like the concept overflow of energy : I bet no one has any except someone doing a lot of spiritual training. His Emphasis was to start first with the microcosmic orbit (chariot of ra). Back line is said to be opened in turtles, front in crane and is the reason they live long. Mere supposition, he emphasis of the chariot first may well be prolonging life so we can reach tao before death .

However these 8 are blocked after birth. To reach the tao these 8 must be reopened and theses form the large branch of Taoism known as hsienship aiming at extending life or rejuvenation. Techniques includes meditation, visualisation, contemplation, breathing exercises and the like.

The 5 thieves used in so many text are the 5 elements, anything is compose of it, born, die because of it, they push you to do this and that … On earth we have the natural cycle of birth :

wood => fire => earth =. Metal => water , water => wood

But in heaven(sky), Order production is reverse, birth, sun nourish plants by warm, evaporation give clouds then rain :

fire => wood => water => metal => earth => fire.

Mind (fire) concentrate on kidney (water) so it will vaporize. Fire go up and water down. Fire need water. IF water vaporize ,ching becomes chi which is energy. Chi strong gives longevity

When water rise go to the lungs (metal) then to liver (wood) we have the golden elixir.

Need earth at the center to connect (spleen, idea, intention)

Reversing cycle will produce hsien.

Hsien and it’s different levels are the equivalent of saint, hero, half god, god that cobra talk about. In fact When I read her article I found interessant the similarities (creating a second body as fusion of 5 elements of mantak chia , rising consciousness so when we die we keep on (astral travel), etherizing the body so switch dimention at will (astral time different ?) or rejuvenating and keep an immortal physical body.

To summarize Reaching tao reopen the 8 meridians and cause foetus breathing by navel as before birth a little like breathing direct from the source. The exercises as chariot of ra (microcosmic orbit), union of kan and li (fire and water name of trigram) said also as union of sun and moon, union of yin and yang, help to do again foetus breathing (ex training : holding breath, feeling as if breath by navel, pore skin breathing. Unsaid but because of our site I include auric breathing too), they are are all tied up. There is also a japanese that invented cells breathing. That variant is the same as pore breathing but instead attention is on the cells. Remember breathing imply the receptable of air increase and contract. Who knows corruption or next invention ? Why not do molecules or atomic breathing ?

But contrary to new age , The idea is to get back to purity as we keep our individuality. It seems as if when a corrupted/jews religion say this is evil it is in fact the place to search the truth. For example sex is evil , do not masturbate, mate only to have kids ( no sexual magic), do not do the cross of satan (st peter’s cross imply touch crown sex and chakra hips, is thor hammer, the old pendant as anchor of ship). So when a chingkung master say do not do too big the ball (evocation, I may talk about it one day it similar to rising energy) because your ego will be too big and its is bad for youl, you may traduce as do it biger and bigger at your rhythm (no body of bodybuilder in one day). They enjoy also misdirect a pagan training. Putting god in your heart may be in fact a training to put akasha in your heart but redirected to the idea to put the jewish thougthform link in it.

Last comment on sex magic. Samael aun weor was the first in 1968 to point rising kundalini by sex but he failed to explain why, no details and didn’t knew about chi ckung. His books are also corrupted, lot lot jewish stuff particularly by his students after his death. White magic for him is sex magic and not letting out jing as taoist but with the goal to destroy the self/ personality to be a pure vessel of god instead of the logical goal( to us) purifying the gross of elements , Black tantrism is evil since it is letting go jing with a goal, waiting connected, mix both liquids in your partner and suck it back in the wheel. That training also exist in taoist but my teacher said once out its useless, no power in it and it is evil, we do not eat garbage, we must use the pure stuff before it is out. We can conclude in fact that the real meaning is using sex to clean chakras/nadis and combining the energies of both partner for a same goal. I do not remember the name of the book but western sex magik do use orgasm to obtain a common goal.

You will remark with time that It is always symbols of boiling water with mixing something in it (witch marmit, 3 wells nordic, celtic marmit) or put fire under water, sun moon breathing, combining polarities opposite (men and woman, female energy 6th chakra with male 3rd chakra), friction (fire) of aumdhalla (nordic cow) done by fast licking ice which gives a flow of water and life (from pineal i guess), androgyn myth .

All seems to be linked to a hiden training by using concepts, images. Lick with tongue too slow and it will be glued to the ice so we may understand small fast breath and a time to rest since tongue will be too cold. Like water and electricty we need a container to put the resulting effect. Mantak chia in his book fusion 5 elements use the tai chi symbol to mix more than one element or planet in a specific point. And that place if we refer to our site and understanding may well be in fact the grail (3rd chakra), The famous stomach where chronos put all his kids when he gulp them, a place that instead dying digested alive they grow to adulthood.

3 treasures

They are shen chi and ching . There terms are explained by the book on chi kung of yang jwing ming but for me his explanation wasn’t clear. The terms explained by si fu is more direct. A chinese letter has more than one meaning. Important to know Shen chi and jing are separated in pre-natal and post natal.

Let's resume the key to alchemy from a taoist text explained by the teacher is :

Purple smoke Is golden elixir

Opening (8 meridians) is the basic level, 1st stage to obtain before going through 1st level

Golden elixir in order proper work :

  • Refinement ching to chi
  • Refinement chi to shen
  • Refinement shen to void
  • Refinement void to tao
Purple = red + black = fire + Water

My understanding is before building energy, we need a back up plan, opening here the 8 wonderful channels so if we build too mutch energy it goes somewhere safe. But how many will build that mutch ? Yes you can clean for example ida and pingala with pranayama all your life to clean them but it is just on step, the final goal is bringing energy by them to 1st chakra, combine them ( motion of your choice) and feel the result fire/ligth rising to the crown (chariot of ra) then save somewhere the the cumulated energy. Remember movies or stories that the light at each floor of the tower must be bright with light until you reach the crown.

Since our time is limited on earth, taoism invented trainings (exercises, healing breath, drugs …) to keep long good health so they could finish the process of refinement. Oh, as i remember void is also synonym of tai gig (tai chi), tao being a force static, tai gig being tao in motion. It is interessant o trace in many mth the same concept of reverse creation to get back to power and purity. EG : in yoga, kundalini rise and destroy all, ibsorbing bijas chakras, elements, senses, gods, etc and once at the crown go down to gives birth them back but as a perfect world or being.


It is the sun (cantonese) , god, divinity,spirit, soul, brain, consciousness

This heart should not be confused with the physical heart of flesh and blood. It is formless, empty but divine being.. At first, the real nature of prenatal resides in the primordial shen, but by and aby this shen loses its originality and is degraded into the postnatal through contamination with lusts, selfishness and desires. THE primordial shen is calm and perfect while the postnatal shen is mobile and deficient. The prenatal shen is divine, enlightened and in harmony with its real nature while le postnatal shen is dim, dark and is divorced from its real nature.

The Taoist heart is synonymous with the prenatal true nature which is the same for everyone whereas the postnatal heart is different with individuals. The eradication od the postnatal heart of differences require different techniques and methods. If the heart is the same for everyone of us, there is no need for the use of different techniques and methods.

. The prenatal shen is bright, divine, and in perfect harmony with nature while le postnatal shen is dim, dull and estranged with nature. The latter results in all vanities, follies whereas the former enables the quelling of all vanities to return to the prenatal state. An ancient sage said : when the human heart is not dead the tao heart will not be born. This means that unless the mind is free from all entanglements the primordial shen will not appear.

it is one of the reason for the emphasis of empty mind or void meditation. Or the classic of the cup of tea, the master keep pouring but if we do not tell him stop the tea overflow the cup and goes to garbage. And There is a time to drink meaning to empty the cup inside you, you do not throw away your tea, you drink it, then thre is a time to digest and restart the process. The attention must be on all the alchemical operation in yourself.

But the paragraph of the human heart bug me a little, looks like partly corrupted or too vague.

Point to say is that the shen is dispersed if too many things in mind (so best focus one at a time) or if you are not here and now (emphasis repeated of calling back your conscicousnes/awaness/shen in daily life to where you are or what you are doing, the 3 wun exercise or calling back your attention to inside you as you are doing meditation) .

Where goes shen chi follow. No chi you are death. No chi in body no use shen to stay in corpse.

As he said all is question of balance and my understanding is searching when to have desire when to have not. If you do not have desire/ goal, you will never have the drive to do anything, why have powers or muscles, knowledge ? If you have no desire to be a boss, will you work to become one (studies, find correct job and keep going higher up…) ? But that is where discussion came, sometimes he said desire is ok but desire following the rules of nature.


It is hay (cantonese) , air, gaz, breathing,energy, life force, primeval energy within each of us at birth

The postnatal chi is the chi of breathing, or simply air. The prenatal may be compared to the roots of a plant or the source of water whereas the postnatal chi, the stems and branches of the plant and the actual flow (stream or river) respectively. Without the source, water stops flowing; and without roots, the plant withers. The depletion of the prenatal chi brings about death.

The extinction of life is caused by the extinction of chi and the sustenance of life is consequent upon the retention of chi. Therefore chi is life. The termination of life is consequent on the termination of chi. Conversely, the retention of life is consequent on the retention of chi.

This region is connected upward to the center of the spine ( the ming moon or life door). They are linked to the tu meridian (one of the 14 meridians) and are the roost of chi and transformations. The one yang in the water trigram can be vaporized to become chi. After puberty, this chi is continuously drained away and the chi in the kidney is depleted. A condition known as cold water and frigid metal results. Fire and water no longer balance each other. This may be compared to heaven and earth lacking in circulation of air. At this the body is prey to all kinds of sickness eventually resulting in inevitable death. The explanation is very simple, there is no meeting or interaction between shen and chi.

Now you understand why boiling water is so important exercise, we want more chi.. Older you are, less prenatal energy is left. And, chi goes also out by nose and throat and back yin (anus). Remember the other articles, the exercise where you visualise a container of your choice when breathe in, hold energy there as close it, exhale without attention to the process (chi follow attention, so concentating on the process of exhalation may get rid it of good chi with the bad one ). The goal is to keep the good right energy in you.


It is jing ( cantonese), physical semen, essence, vitality

Now what is important its that chi and ching is the same thing but one is not moving and other yes.

Jing is the one fixed, chi as air move continuously.

Now the culture or nourishment of the prenatal shen is said to be refinement of one’s nature while that of the prenatal chi, the refinement of life. This is technically known in esoteric Taoist classis as dual cultivation – the cultivation of one’s spirit and human life.

In fact dual ultivation has many meaning, is also a reference of bedroom art but also a reference to combining fire and water, sun and moon, man and woman, union of any opposite polarities.

Boiling jing was often repeated in texts ? And the same idea seems to be in divergent civilisation (hinduism tantric, sex magic western) ? Some visualize fire under lower dan tien (my understanding 2nd central chaka, prostate in man) , jerk in india say rub his coccyx to awaken kundalini wit advice of his guru, some say concentrate direcly on dan tian. But the real reason behind theses references corrupted/misunderstood is that Fire is attention, concentration, friction. Concentrating on a point bring heat there (microcosmic orbit using points), why you do fire breath in yoga or as in necronomicon before the risign of the stone ? Why sex is so important ? Simple, masturbating or mating imply friction close to the zone of j ing and bring your focus there. In one word boiling your jing.

. A said on the forum orgasm is not equal losing jing, in sexual kung fu of mantak chia we have the same concept (of course you do have to loose if you want kids, but magician and taoist search the best time for conception and birth) . Following the concept to keep energy, We do have to understand that too mutch heat break the glass/ceramic vase in one word you loose your refinement (classic saying in western alchemy is do not break the vase in the athanor). Fire therefore must be tamed , too mutch friction/fire and you loose your refinement, not enough water and food is not cooked and may burn (do not forget a marmit on the oven)

Hence spirit water is the primordial ching. The water converted from the renal yang of the prenatal tu meridian fused with the blood converted from the postnatal yin meridian, chung meridian and the cardiac yin and the confluence meet at the region mentioned above. Blood is the fundamental of women and hence water follows blood to become menstruation while chi is the fundamental of men and hence blood follows water to become physical ching, or semen.

. IN chuang tzu, it is recorded gwong sing tzu’s admonition t0 the yellow emperor : Toil not your body, disturb not your ching, let not yourself be buried in thinking and worrying, then you can live long. I guard the tao and rest in harmony and hence I cultivate my body to the age of 1200 with no signs of decay.

This is the stilling or calming of the prenatal shen and chi thereby becoming hsien in the reverse cycle. The distinction between a layman and a sage lies only in the wonders of the movement and the stillness of shen and chi. Also the changes of ching and blood are under the control of shen and chi. Hence, it suffices to speak of the 2 treasures, shen and chi, there being no need to delve deeply into ching.

As i was searching new updates on our modern site, i fell as i try to make this article on magnum opus . I was surprised about the reference that is like guarding the one. To make short Meditation increase physical jing and chi, but the cup/vessel (prostate) has a limit of space. (no offense he never talked about the equivalent for woman). Following the cycle of seasons, the micrcosmic orbit with the 12 terrestrial branches (nature repeat seasonal process in human body), energy will be close to phallus at pig hour. This is said to be the cause of why Man have many erections at nigth as they sleep, energy fill the sex and since cannot go further goes back to continue the wheel. More energy/chi stronger it is. But it happens that your door is not solid enough or a beautiful dream may happen, and oups you are wet. This is probably one of the reason of microcosmic orbit modfied said in last commentary of mine (bypassing prostate and phallus points) . The goal is to avoid tentation or the natural risk of energy going to the organ.

It is important to specify that the teacher is not saying to not to use sex but mainly not dirty the process with images, porno to enforce the erection. My understanding is that he meant the goal. Apart the natural cycle said, we need desire to erect at will, we cannot say it is lust or impure the desire to feel the heat, the skin, the closeness of your partner. It is important to understand by experience that in both trainings, if you fail to transform most or any of jing in chi, you are more sensitive, the vase start to be too full, pressure on the door is stronger.

This is an other way to loose jing wich is natural urination. THis is why even if you are a monk all your life, you still go nowhere and age. This is also why they say as urinate concentrate on crown and/or squeezing slightly perineum/anus up so no air(chi) goes out from back yin (anus). Just to precise That number one and 2 are supposed to be done separately. Naturally bad chi is smelling so if you sense nothing or roses, you may have lost good chi.

As for Guarding the one it simply mean when natural erection happen at night, and you remark it ,wake up, do not start playing with it, calm the mind, breath deep, concentrate up until he calm down. You may stand up to do some ligth exercise. Idea is mind clean and pure, and use the energy for yourself.

May I say that nocturnal emission happen a lot for kids in times of puberty because we are at our sexual peak. Then as we age it happen less and less (also the erection at nigth) naturally by ageness or because it is empty . Of course we may reverse the tendency even if we are old. But it is harder to get back at our peak, then time left in life to reach tao is reduced. Think abut the saying If there is nothing to boil how can cook food or drink tea ? Therefore, A young one start with more potential. Just Remember as satanist, what you do with your body is your choice..

In the dim, obscure, dreamlike and trancelike state, the true breath is born. This is the root of life pointed out in the song. There is consciousness in shen but not in chi. The continuous concentration of prenatal shen ion the preantal chi eventuates n the coalescence of shen and chi which in turn brings about the pause of mortal breathing and the emergence of true breath.

Commencing with shen refining chi until the latter completely transforms into the former ie the coalescence of shen and chi, it is followed by the mystification of both shen and form (spiritual and corporeal union with the tao).

. Otherwise, in the absence of the attraction force of shen, these 2 chi dissipate instantly. I ching says : to bring together life. This means to bring together ching and chi so that they may blend with shen to become one unified being. Taoist call this the concoction of the elixir.

Ching is nothing but the essence generated during movements and flow of shen and chi.

Laymen depend on shen and chi to nourish the body while sages nourish shen and chi to reach the ultimate tao.

In fact only at the meeting of the shen and chi, the mystical orifice presents itself and only in the state of fong fut and miu ming (deamlike state) can true breath be born. This is the preliminary key to the highest tao.

In one word ,in state of empty mind, or void meditation, that taoist called trance/dream like state. Holding breath as we already know is the first step of power (visualisation,etc...)


In practical terms or tangible form, this consists in cultivating/refining the 3 treasures which are ching chi shen

Jing forms the body; chi gives the body life while shen confer the sum total of mental activities. Hence nourishing ching chi shen nourish respectively body, life, mental activities.

There are 2 division of the 3 treasures : external refers to eyes, ears (kidney) and mouth (talk) while internal treasures simply refer to ching chi shen. Thus excessive hearing (means Listen instead to your own breathing) shakes jing too much , talking impairs chi while seeing too much toils the shen. Anger take a lot of chi and means 3 month to recover lost. So no loss for no important reason.

  • Primary level: no excess opening, temperate in all, retention (do not loose it) protection and preservation of the 3 treasures
  • Intermediate: fixation, securing the 3 treasures; make it stay there. Sex is one way but hard (not full act). And must no have desire since it pollute the 3 treasures
  • Advances: reparation, replenishment 3 treasures, can stop act 2 and then if no obligation continue
  • Superior: transformation of the 3 treasures

this is why there is a technic called reverse seeing or in one word try to look at an organ/else in you, reverse hearing (hear heart beat or breathing) … unsaid but I use also reverse touching (feeling inside expansion/contraction lungs, pressure blood moving) but I never did reverse smelling / tasting .I guess it is higher to figure it out. …

But We can resume the concept as have energy (cumulate first if not enough), secure it, keep it, refine it to attain tao. Again for old people there is a way tro train to get back what has been lost (technic of warming little kidneys).

  • Block the external 3 treasures that prime chi will not escape through them (air go out by mouth nose and anus)
  • Still the mind that prime shen will not escape outside (attention here now inside you)
  • Secure and strengthen the kidney that prime jing sill not leak downward (exercise of woman after birth is good for man also, but beware too mutch imply weakening the door aprticularly if in same day you do sex, rubbing palms against each other to put warm hand (fire) on kidneys after meditation increase is strength, weak kidney imply easy lost.…)
Reverse seeing, hearing so that the divine light shines and focuses inside the body

Next time i wil ltry to explain jing jor, a cantonese name for a technic close to our void meditation. Hope that this article is not too long or complex.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
