Well-known member
- Joined
- Sep 20, 2017
- Messages
- 7,147
1) Forum Badges: Explained
2) Material Sharing Thread
3) "NavigatedGnosis" YouTube channel
Just Ignore FancyMancy. He's Irrelevant.
I thought that I have been doing these types of things for years, on this forum, on the Yahoo! groups, and on the old forum -
For or Against Defending Israel, Stamping-out anti-Semitism and Supporting Jews? Here's Why.
Project 2025
Antagonistic muh-innocentz jew went deliberately near pro-Palestinian march
For "god" So-Loved the World
Humans are Better and More-Powerful than yahweh, jehova, "god"
Arizona supreme court upholds 1864 law banning almost all abortions
re: "Evil"
(Thanks to whomever it was for managing to edit-out the disgust in this thread.)
Images that describe xianity honestly
(If possible, please edit-out the disgust in this one, as well.)
FancyMancy's Picture and Video Thread
Ashley Banjo - Britain in Black & White, plus related clips
Controversial, I know. I never meant Blacks specifically, nor all non-Whites generally, are not welcome and can't do good things. Clearly, they can and clearly they do. It's a sensitive matter and a very fine line, which I hope I haven't crossed dangerously; perhaps dipped my toe in a bit for some antagonistic reasons - but that's my style. As such,
Offended/upset - Emos/Emotional People/Water Signs/Cowards/Wimps/etc.
Not to be a bully, but to help people realise things. I don't want to say what those things are that I hope people realise, because then they wouldn't be realising them; I'd be telling them what to think and how to feel. People should, and need to, think, feel and be themselves. That's important. Their pride is important. Braining is also important as well as Feeling; Feeling is not the only thing we can and should do.
Blatant, Open anti-White Racism
Female pool player Lynne Pinches refuses to play transgender opponent and walks off
Anti-abrahamism/creationism/theism Humour and Jokes
Remove hook-nose sign language gesture, Jewish group demands
In Case You Missed it or Were Asleep - Welcome to Dystopia/Communism
Banking/economy memes & videos
LGB groups are actively agitating to 'break away' from trans and queer association
Beware of @Le_CRIF (and probably others)
The Joys of Yiddish [Revised]
World Union of Jewish Students - Hasbara Handbook - Promoting Israel on Campus
What do you think 'Harry Potter' is actually about?
Current JoSM Sites & Selected Important Links
My Bitchute channel
(Which apparently has been (((ghostbanned))) now. FU, Bitchute and those who reported my videos. Fucking pricks. I consider that to be blessing "israel".)
Other various j/news threads; my "In the j/news recently" series, which I haven't done for ages.
Other threads/posts by me.
Given recent posts by me, it seems that I don't understand what Karma is. Based on what I have read how others explain Karma, I have been going in this direction and putting in the effort and all of this Energy which I think is important to share with this ministry, and have been doing so for years in my contributions... and bearing no fruit. I consider it OK to not do official things for the Ministry because it is too important and I don't want to tarnish it with mistakes and stupidity, etc.
Apparently, I'm something of a celebrity here, which I had no idea about until recently when I was told. I think the poster is mistaken; I have more notoriety than celebrity. Maybe boil it down to one question - what is it with me?
In response to the decision to open up and permit private messages on this forum, which I still disagree with, I said to whomever is relevant to enjoy their Karma for that decision; in response to me, HPS Lydia told me to enjoy my Karma. Apparently, I have been all these years - or... apparently this is the culmination and the bearing of that... what's the opposite of fruit?, with me and my contributions apparently being irrelevant.
FYI - before these badges were released/employed a few weeks ago, I was wondering already about me wasting my time; I said already in a thread ages ago that I don't get much recognition/'likes', praise, followers, etc. for what I do. I can't and I don't know how to and I don't want to sensationalise my content; I'm not an "influencer"; I don't follow a format which sheep bleat along with, which I bring to JoSM for JoSM-promotive reasons. (I haven't really said that it can be used by JoSM-specific usage, but it can. I also didn't say it can't, and it is open for all to see and copy, take, and re-use, which I cannot prevent. The least I ask is credit.) I still carried on anyway, despite the lack of return by others - "fake it 'til you make it". Apparently, I still haven't made it. Fuck you, Karma. I said in a thread I think I'm wasting my time (where I'm a "celebrity" here). Only that user replied to me about that; no-one else told me I'm not wasting my time here.
I was going to post something like this thread after I saw the badges the first time, but I decided not to. Then HPHC's thread about explaining the badges came out, and I still decided to not post a version of this thread. Then these two other threads I added under "re:" above I saw... that was the final straw.
Like I said, I don't want to tarnish this Ministry with mistakes and stupidity, etc. -
I know I said, "Braining is also important as well as Feeling; Feeling is not the only thing we can and should do.", and it might seem like I am promoting autistic traits, but I don't mean to. Both are important. While I may, or may not, be "autistic" in whichever amount or to whichever degree, I have tried being unbiased, by saying both Braining and Feeling need to be done. I realise people infer what others say, so I hope I have been clear in what I am trying to say in that, in this thread, and always.
I know it sounds like I am whingeing, crying and bitching like a little bitch (as you might have seen before that I like to say), but I don't know how to be honest without it sounding like that. "Oh, hey, man, it's cool. No biggie." It's not cool, and it is a "biggie". I be honest - and I hope that is known, but if it sounds like I'm muh offendidz and muh feewingz are huwt, then oh well, even if I don't mean it to be like that. I don't need to try and hide or mask or show a façade or whatever. I try to explain; you infer whatever and however.
I might not be doing very well at all Spiritually, but I am doing Physically/Virtually (online) what I can. I don't leave antitracts and promotional materials in the Physical World; it's all focussed online. Return is important; recognition is desired but feedback is important - and recognition is a form of feedback/return. I don't seem to have hardly any, so I'm doing it mostly all wrong. Yes, I make long-arsed posts and perhaps over-comment/over-reply to many points, but you can tl;dr that and post your own replies and maybe come back and read them later. I don't take what I share, and the fact that I contribute things, lightly. It is important to me, and I hope it is important and reliable and helpful for and to the Ministry, Earth and Her Inhabitants.
1) Forum Badges: Explained
Forum Badges: Explained
Greetings to everyone in our most beautiful community. As everyone has seen there has been an implementation of the Joy of Satan badges system, the badges being a material verification for the service, goodwill and works done by people so that they are publicly recognized for their work. These...

2) Material Sharing Thread
Material Sharing Thread
Greetings everyone. I made this thread for everyone to share their material that can be freely used for everyone to promote the JoS. This can be raw materials, such as recordings of AH speech, pictures of anything satanic, videos of anything Satanic (such as even beautiful places, music that can...

3) "NavigatedGnosis" YouTube channel
"NavigatedGnosis" YouTube channel
Greetings. Today I found something really interesting on YouTube. It's a channel dedicated to Spiritual Satanism and the JoS. Its name is "NavigatedGnosis" and the person behind the channel has been posting shorts about Demons being good, astrology, the occult, and even promoting our Forums and...

Just Ignore FancyMancy. He's Irrelevant.
I thought that I have been doing these types of things for years, on this forum, on the Yahoo! groups, and on the old forum -
For or Against Defending Israel, Stamping-out anti-Semitism and Supporting Jews? Here's Why.
For or Against Defending Israel, Stamping-out anti-Semitism and Supporting Jews? Here's Why.
This OP is a placeholder because I can't edit my posts. This animated .gif below can be this thread's thumbnail. I made this animated .gif back in November 2015 - with some old links! I have put the .gif in spoiler tags because it contains some flashes, so it might be an epilepsy trigger. I...

Project 2025
Project 2025
I'm not American, of course, and I quote directly from sources here. Apparently, this project is to reform the US federal government to support Trumpism Apparently, it is a plan to turn the US into an authoritarian theocracy, threatening our freedoms & liberties. It plans to ban abortion...

Antagonistic muh-innocentz jew went deliberately near pro-Palestinian march
Antagonistic muh-innocentz jew went deliberately near pro-Palestinian march
This video includes bits from ITV Good Morning Britain and also what I think is the full clip from Sky News. I have added it twice, the second time with altered audio in an attempt to try and help hear what is being said and quieten background noise. There is also a last bit at the end of the...

For "god" So-Loved the World
For "god" So-Loved the World
Exposing Christianity Evil Images that Describe xianity Honestly Humans are Better and More-Powerful than yahweh...

Humans are Better and More-Powerful than yahweh, jehova, "god"
[PICS/VIDS] Humans are Better and More-Powerful than yahweh, jehova, "god"
Those on slower connections should give these time to load.

Arizona supreme court upholds 1864 law banning almost all abortions
Arizona supreme court upholds 1864 law banning almost all abortions
Justices rule to hold off on requiring state to enforce ban for 14 days, to allow advocates to ask lower court to pause it again Abortion rights activists in Tucson, Arizona on 4 July 2022. Photograph: Sandy Huffaker/AFP/Getty Images The Arizona supreme court ruled Tuesday to let a law banning...

re: "Evil"
re: "Evil" by Forum Contributors
Evil Pope says priests' abuse of nuns went as far as "sexual slavery" © TONY GENTILE / REUTERS Pope Francis celebrates a closing mass at the end of the Synod of Bishops at the Vatican Nuns have suffered and are still suffering sexual abuse...

Images that describe xianity honestly
Images that describe xianity honestly
Let's resurrect (pun not intended) a good, old thread. The previous thread was started by HP Mageson666. Well, I'd like to know how "jesus" managed to punch its way out of its mum's unbroken, virginous hymen...

FancyMancy's Picture and Video Thread
FancyMancy's Picture and Video Thread
I made this thread on the Yahoo! JoS666 Group in 2017. Instead of making a new thread for each thing I want to share, which might not fall into a news article or another thread, and clogging up the forum, I'll do them in here. Feel free to add your own. This one is NSfW...

Ashley Banjo - Britain in Black & White, plus related clips
[Race] Ashley Banjo - Britain in Black & White, plus related clips
This post is split into 3 posts. Firstly because it is long - it exceeded the 100 000 character limit, then because it exceeded the 35 picture limit. The pictures will have loaded by the time you get to them in the thread. I quote a lot from the video. I colour-code the quotes, not one colour...

Offended/upset - Emos/Emotional People/Water Signs/Cowards/Wimps/etc.
For Emos; Emotional People; Water Signs Persons; Cowards; Wimps; and the like
There are many jew infiltrators coming and registering here and on the Yahoo! Groups, trying to start shit. Some of them might be pretending to be poor, lonely wimps with overly-emotional dispositions. Some persons joining are genuine non-jew persons of these types. I want you to read these...

Blatant, Open anti-White Racism
[j/news] Blatant, Open anti-White Racism
White theatregoers urged not to attend play aimed at black audiences Theatres spark outrage with black-only audience policy White theatregoers urged not to attend play aimed at black audiences Tambo and Bones ©Provided by The Telegraph A theatre has urged white people not to attend a play...

Female pool player Lynne Pinches refuses to play transgender opponent and walks off
Female pool player Lynne Pinches refuses to play transgender opponent and walks off
The text in this post was copied from the article as it appeared 2 days ago. It has changed slightly since. Lynne Pinches refused to play Harriet Haynes in the final of the Ladies Champions of Champions - Jason Bye © Provided by The Telegraph A pool player has forfeited her chance to win a...

Anti-abrahamism/creationism/theism Humour and Jokes
Anti-abrahamism/creationism/theism Humour and Jokes
NON-CHRISTIAN: No, I don't want to accept your god. CHRISTIAN: Then you send yourself to Hell. A christian is going around mugging people... except that those victims are choosing to be mugged. When in court, the judge offers the christian mugger the choice of going to jail. If god is so...

Remove hook-nose sign language gesture, Jewish group demands
Remove hook-nose sign language gesture, Jewish group demands
© One of the ways to sign the word ‘Jew’ in Flemish, shown in this screengrab taken from the University of Ghent’s Flemish sign language centre. An organisation representing Jewish communities in Europe are demanding the removal of a “racist and humiliating” depiction of...

In Case You Missed it or Were Asleep - Welcome to Dystopia/Communism
[PICTURES] In Case You Missed it or Were Asleep - Welcome to Dystopia/Communism
For those on slower connections - there are loads of pictures in this thread. You might want to give them time to load. You can find these pictures, and probably more, from online. These ones I found while checking news; there are multiple threads/articles containing these types of pictures, and...

Banking/economy memes & videos
Banking/economy memes & videos
Some may be true, some may be false. Size of bank failures since 2000 See also March 2023 United States bank failures...

LGB groups are actively agitating to 'break away' from trans and queer association
LGB groups are actively agitating to 'break away' from trans and queer association What's the difference between christianity preying on Children, and politics/government/"authourity", the establishment... preying on Children? All of these supposedly-different same TPTBs do it. There must be an agenda with many seemingly-different...

Beware of @Le_CRIF (and probably others)
Beware of @Le_CRIF (and probably others)
Longer version of Nick Clegg welcoming jewish manifesto

The Joys of Yiddish [Revised]
[BOOK] The Joys of Yiddish [Revised]
I found this ebook online after hearing about, and then searching for, it. There are two copies/versions I found, both which appear to be the same but with slight differences, such as different font sizes; therefore, more or less pages; therefore, different file sizes. For those who don't know...

World Union of Jewish Students - Hasbara Handbook - Promoting Israel on Campus
World Union of Jewish Students - Hasbara Handbook - Promoting Israel on Campus
I came across this PDF, which I have provided a link to at the bottom. Below, I have copied only a small part of the full 121+10-page (i.e. preface/contents pages + main body) PDF. I make a slight edit in the document - to make it clear that I have disabled the link in the actual document...

What do you think 'Harry Potter' is actually about?
What do you think 'Harry Potter' is actually about?
Don't worry. This is not merely a fandom post about a jew's(?) franchise. I am asking the question seriously, and from a SS perspective. So what do you think or have realised what Harry Potter is truly about? If using any part of the Harry Potter canon universe helps you, in any context, then...

Current JoSM Sites & Selected Important Links
Current JoSM Sites & Selected Important Links
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. ~UN Declaration of Human Rights Despite (((repeated attempts))) to...

My Bitchute channel

A channel about interesting, important and educational things. The content sensitivity should be 'Normal' generally.

Other various j/news threads; my "In the j/news recently" series, which I haven't done for ages.
Other threads/posts by me.
Given recent posts by me, it seems that I don't understand what Karma is. Based on what I have read how others explain Karma, I have been going in this direction and putting in the effort and all of this Energy which I think is important to share with this ministry, and have been doing so for years in my contributions... and bearing no fruit. I consider it OK to not do official things for the Ministry because it is too important and I don't want to tarnish it with mistakes and stupidity, etc.
- Am I wasting my time?
- Do my contributions not align with what JoSM recognises? i.e. I have not been recognised for my contributions, which, at the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider to be important and I hope are good contributions.
- Are my contributions not reliable?
- Am I not helpful?
Apparently, I'm something of a celebrity here, which I had no idea about until recently when I was told. I think the poster is mistaken; I have more notoriety than celebrity. Maybe boil it down to one question - what is it with me?
In response to the decision to open up and permit private messages on this forum, which I still disagree with, I said to whomever is relevant to enjoy their Karma for that decision; in response to me, HPS Lydia told me to enjoy my Karma. Apparently, I have been all these years - or... apparently this is the culmination and the bearing of that... what's the opposite of fruit?, with me and my contributions apparently being irrelevant.
FYI - before these badges were released/employed a few weeks ago, I was wondering already about me wasting my time; I said already in a thread ages ago that I don't get much recognition/'likes', praise, followers, etc. for what I do. I can't and I don't know how to and I don't want to sensationalise my content; I'm not an "influencer"; I don't follow a format which sheep bleat along with, which I bring to JoSM for JoSM-promotive reasons. (I haven't really said that it can be used by JoSM-specific usage, but it can. I also didn't say it can't, and it is open for all to see and copy, take, and re-use, which I cannot prevent. The least I ask is credit.) I still carried on anyway, despite the lack of return by others - "fake it 'til you make it". Apparently, I still haven't made it. Fuck you, Karma. I said in a thread I think I'm wasting my time (where I'm a "celebrity" here). Only that user replied to me about that; no-one else told me I'm not wasting my time here.
I was going to post something like this thread after I saw the badges the first time, but I decided not to. Then HPHC's thread about explaining the badges came out, and I still decided to not post a version of this thread. Then these two other threads I added under "re:" above I saw... that was the final straw.
Like I said, I don't want to tarnish this Ministry with mistakes and stupidity, etc. -
- Ages ago, HPHC said in reply to a user that I make him laugh sometimes (no idea if I still do) but also I can - I am paraphrasing - say really stupid things, as well.
- HPS Lydia, before she was a HPS, and maybe before she was a JG, said something along the lines of me maybe having autistic traits. It seems so, but at least a silver lining is that I stick to this and keep on doing it, and even if there's a 1-in-10 chance that I might hit on a golden nugget, at least it's there and I managed to bring something worthwhile, that (at the risk of sounding arrogant or worse) I don't and haven't seen any others providing.
- Other than the one user who 'likes' every single post on the Planet (
) (and is it the same who changed their username, or is it a different user now? I posted a thread for one to 'like' as a joke, but I think it was a different username.), I don't get much return for what I do. FancyMancy, obviously, is stupid, retarded, whatever.
I know I said, "Braining is also important as well as Feeling; Feeling is not the only thing we can and should do.", and it might seem like I am promoting autistic traits, but I don't mean to. Both are important. While I may, or may not, be "autistic" in whichever amount or to whichever degree, I have tried being unbiased, by saying both Braining and Feeling need to be done. I realise people infer what others say, so I hope I have been clear in what I am trying to say in that, in this thread, and always.
I know it sounds like I am whingeing, crying and bitching like a little bitch (as you might have seen before that I like to say), but I don't know how to be honest without it sounding like that. "Oh, hey, man, it's cool. No biggie." It's not cool, and it is a "biggie". I be honest - and I hope that is known, but if it sounds like I'm muh offendidz and muh feewingz are huwt, then oh well, even if I don't mean it to be like that. I don't need to try and hide or mask or show a façade or whatever. I try to explain; you infer whatever and however.
I might not be doing very well at all Spiritually, but I am doing Physically/Virtually (online) what I can. I don't leave antitracts and promotional materials in the Physical World; it's all focussed online. Return is important; recognition is desired but feedback is important - and recognition is a form of feedback/return. I don't seem to have hardly any, so I'm doing it mostly all wrong. Yes, I make long-arsed posts and perhaps over-comment/over-reply to many points, but you can tl;dr that and post your own replies and maybe come back and read them later. I don't take what I share, and the fact that I contribute things, lightly. It is important to me, and I hope it is important and reliable and helpful for and to the Ministry, Earth and Her Inhabitants.