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Global Forest "Fires" That Are Ongoing

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Every year, including how Canada was recently decimated, or how it happened with Brazil not that long ago, or how it goes in Greece and Turkey; there is a constant situation of random fires every summer going up.

Sure, some of this is sometimes a "coincidence". Yet, most of the time, in most fire area sites in all of the above Nations, they find out that the fires weren't set exactly by two matches and one cigarette, but rather, elaborately planned to ruin specific territories of each Nation.

Seemingly "opposed" Nations to one another, such as Turkey or Greece, do get affected in the same way. "Good" Countries like Canada, are similarly blazed apart. That's because the international elements who have a longterm plan to enslave humanity, don't really care about Nationalisms or anything like this. They will hit everyone the same.

The same plan of caged miscagenated humans without culture, that are perpetually enslaved, and don't have any spiritual or other form of existence, but are crammed like sardines in a can, is present for all human population. They have expressed this will of theirs. What color you are in the end won't matter, the plan remains the same.

You could be in the other side of the planet, they will still want to burn the forests there. Their "alliance" is strong, and against all Gentile people similarly. Meanwhile, Gentiles bicker and they are in oblivion in regards to what is going on.

If anyone checks the news, they will see that these situations have intensified over the recent years. Everyone here is well aware of the enemy's agenda in regards to both "wildlife" and the situation of how they will use an ever shrinking mass of greenery on the planet to try to forcibly establish all sorts of subterranean agendas around everything.

As we live in a society where we spend all our time and public energy to focus on nonsense, these problems go without watch. Yes, we are developing AI to find dissents of thoughts online, and so on, so forth. Sattelite technology is used to track every phone, yet we somehow cannot invent solutions for forest fires.

Drones with explosives that can kill people are already developed, but there can't be drone patrol over giant forests and national treasures to ensure that the notice of any fire happens immediately. There are meanwhile trillions all around to suddenly house any invader in Europe, Turkey, or anywhere else; the money will be printed for this.

Abdul will suddenly have a house the moment he sets foot in Canada, but nobody can fucking pay for a few drones so that the authorities are alerted before National Disasters. Of course, yes. Ahoy, stupid goy.

And a few more trillions as to not die from a flu weaker than the regular flu will also be present, if needed. But there can't be enough planes to douse fires, and there can't be drones to watch over and prevent the death of the planet.

Needless to say it takes one to be a willing fool to not want to accept this. Also, the systematic progress of the enemy alien hive, is to disconnect humanity from anything that resembles it; the earth, what is natural, procreation, emotion, spirituality and finally to drive our technological advancements not in the betterment of society, but in the worsening of it [delusion, isolation, stupidity].

If anyone studies the agenda of the enemy, you can understand, this is merely an attempt to destroy life on the planet. The existence of certain animal humans in each nation also furthers this, as many will set a fire only for a few coins. Further, I don't want to sound cliche here, but we have the greed of humans coming in play.

But above all, we have a situation of a deliberate and planned agenda that is based on forced migration, deforestation, keeping whatever is green for the "few", "mega-cities" that will look like the ugly games in Cyberpunk, and many other worthless plans concocted out of sick minds.

The same goes for scamdemics and other forms of popular control, including also the "motivating ideals" of the "ruling elite" which currently is focused on ignoring all the real problems, and creating nonsensical ones. Thou shall be eating buggies, having chips, meat only for Billy Gateway and so on; we know how that goes.

Ah, goy, look at this accident, half of Canada literally burned and half of the Amazon. Now, you can't have any meat or anything. Planet is suffocating. It's the global warming goy, do as we say. And humanity somehow will literally buy that nonsense.

These subhumanoids that plan these things will not win, yet, their damage must be both addressed and offset. There is a reason why these beings will be damned in the end.

One Guardian a few days ago, met Lady Astarte, and she reiterated to her about how important our planet, it's health, it's species, all life on it, how precious it all is. Currently, humanity is to where it seldom understands most of these things.

Psychic and spiritual warfare and retaliation we are doing, is going to damn permanently these enemy souls who do these actions or who command them for their "own benefit". They deserve damnation.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A very good reminder and summary.You have highlighted it very well, that there's only money for what the controlling kikes want.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Psychic and spiritual warfare and retaliation we are doing, is going to damn permanently these enemy souls who do these actions or who command them for their "own benefit". They deserve damnation.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

By all means, absolutely!!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Psychic and spiritual warfare and retaliation we are doing, is going to damn permanently these enemy souls who do these actions or who command them for their "own benefit". They deserve damnation.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

i still want my benz gtr all black
Many NPC here, wants more taxes and more stupid goverment control over meat and cars so we can "save" the planet... even when we have a news of some fuckers getting arrested for strating over 10 fires in the wild... and people finding this out, trying to wake the fuckers, gets called idiots.

I have remembered why I did delete twitter from my phone 6 months ago... too many NPCs...
Good sermon!

Hail Astarte!
Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Psychic and spiritual warfare and retaliation we are doing, is going to damn permanently these enemy souls who do these actions or who command them for their "own benefit". They deserve damnation.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

But when??
When everything will be burnt to the ground? This kind of words remind me of the xtian promises of "heaven".

Can we not do anything spiritually to change the situation? Will all the forests have to be burnt before any justice takes place? And will the justice ever be permanent??? So what, one or two people will be held responsible... Even if the enemy is clearly taken responsible for what is going on, no one will lift a finger. A protest will last a week or so, and nothing will change.

Nothing changes, even if people know the cause, the ones responsible for this, etc.

Can't we, as a big group of spiritual people do something spiritually about it??
It's astounding the amount of destruction that has happened this summer. So much land burned, wildlife destroyed, and polluted air. So many people evacuated or on notice to evacuate, losing their homes, stress.

Stay strong everyone, keep up cleaning and AoP. The stronger we are, the better the world will become.
Thank you HP for this important sermon, its an eye opener
Yes,time ago i thinked the same think "why not used the drone for patrol the whole forest?" And the answer are ever "the jew not want It"....Comrade of RTR...show them how powerful are the Spiritual warfare!
The kikes are so desperate that they are literally torching the planet in order to fulfill what remain of their power with souls of the dead, it's the same crap that happened in Australia... subhuman arsonists starting fire, the government doing everything to let the chaos continue while the mass media is blaming on climate change.
Luckily for us no one is buying this shit anymore and many MANY people know that what happened in Hawaii was a plot and cLiMatE ChAnGe, if only the people would start to revolt already, just how much fucking suffering do they need in order to revolt already for fuck sake...
May the kikes forever rot in piss.



Hail Satan, I work as a mortician, when I prepare a Christian bodies, I brand them with 666s pentagrams upside down crosses. That's how we do it in Pennsylvania. :D
The fires in Maui for an example are not caused by natural fires. Evidence shows this was deliberate and caused by Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). The locals reported bright flashes of light before the fires occured. How come the houses of Oprah, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Lady Gaga (to name a few of them) being perfectly untouched by the fires, while the houses of the natives/regular people burned to the ground? The commercial big buck stores are still there. They want to build 15 minutes smart cities run by artificial intelligence, complete and total surveillance.

Also, the Scottish government downed 15.7 million trees (deforestation) since year 2000 to develop "net zero" wind farms. Many other governments do this as well as most of you are aware of.

The total burden on nature and the environment in and around the wind power plant will lead to a not inconsiderable deterioration of water quality, not only in the construction area or planning area, but also in and along all waterways in and out of the construction area and with associated deterioration of pastures and habitats for livestock , domestic and wild animals, including birds. The pollution will also affect organisms and fish in waterways.

Pollution from wind power plants is a major threat to nature and to the country's grazing industries, food industry, food safety and our drinking water.

The global warming, the climate change crisis, as HPHC said, the scamdemic (Bill Gates openly admitted there will be another pandemic to really get the attention of the people), it is all orchestrated by a selected few to promote their agenda. Just look at Agenda 21 and Agenda 30. It is sickening to say the least.
Yagami Light said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Psychic and spiritual warfare and retaliation we are doing, is going to damn permanently these enemy souls who do these actions or who command them for their "own benefit". They deserve damnation.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

But when??
When everything will be burnt to the ground? This kind of words remind me of the xtian promises of "heaven".

Can we not do anything spiritually to change the situation? Will all the forests have to be burnt before any justice takes place? And will the justice ever be permanent??? So what, one or two people will be held responsible... Even if the enemy is clearly taken responsible for what is going on, no one will lift a finger. A protest will last a week or so, and nothing will change.

Nothing changes, even if people know the cause, the ones responsible for this, etc.

Can't we, as a big group of spiritual people do something spiritually about it??

Cooler heads prevail, brother.

We, and the Gods, are on top of this.
It's hilariously pathetic how the Jews need the LAW as a weapon AND means of defense to prevent an uprising against them. They need these laws as a Without it, they can't defend themselves in a fight, and they'd be flattened in at least two months, just like the Romans and others have done so all those millenia ago.
Yagami Light said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Psychic and spiritual warfare and retaliation we are doing, is going to damn permanently these enemy souls who do these actions or who command them for their "own benefit". They deserve damnation.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

But when??
When everything will be burnt to the ground? This kind of words remind me of the xtian promises of "heaven".

Can we not do anything spiritually to change the situation? Will all the forests have to be burnt before any justice takes place? And will the justice ever be permanent??? So what, one or two people will be held responsible... Even if the enemy is clearly taken responsible for what is going on, no one will lift a finger. A protest will last a week or so, and nothing will change.

Nothing changes, even if people know the cause, the ones responsible for this, etc.

Can't we, as a big group of spiritual people do something spiritually about it??

The situation is that currently, there are many problems ongoing sister. I only feel the same way.

Someone has to keep the enemy pressed. Like in wars, they burn villages and all people [and we all want to help all the people] but we cannot do this over a few reasons. So unavoidably with the enemy, some things will be lost. However, after winning over, we will be able to rebuild. It's kind of tragic, but this is the strict reality with the enemy.

80% of all the fires and all of this, is clearly to enforce their narrative on "Climate Crisis" and "Climate Agenda", and they do this recklessly. 20% is lunatics and other bad elements of society.

The battle is however long here, and they know it too. We must focus on ourselves being okay and doing what we can for our common goal, and then progressively, we will work on these subjects one by one.

These things take time. Distance and a cool head is needed.
Hail Astarte!
Hail Satan!
I'm not a fan of Q-Anon or anything (controlled opposition), but I hear that they have space tech that they use to start these "wildfires". I noticed how I believe it was a couple summers ago, culminating to last summer, food distribution centers were the ones mostly being effected by "accidental fires". Whether or not the space tech beam theories are true or not, it doesn't change the fact that these is all orchestrated to destroy the economies of the world.

However, given that these "food distribution" centers are for the most-part, distributing poisoned garbage (and about 70% of everything you find on the grocery shelves is garbage), what the Gentiles need to start doing is setting up their own food distribution centers, no, not "hauling prep and run into the woods" shit.

With that being said, what I find absolutely alarming is how the evangelical Christians are "cheering" these as "jehovah burning the world" for it's "sins"......the same "sins" that the Bible numerous times, admits is the doings of its own "god" (mass murders, pedophilia, race-mixing and etc.) and how the nazarene needs to murder and destroy the world before he arrives, with all it's talks about how Christians "need to hate the world".

And yet....as you stated, the population is absolutely clueless and zombified, not caring a single bit. It's how China continues to get swallowed up by the evil communists, as neither the Chinese or Americans a like have risen up en masse to the abominable "work conditions" that Chinese slave laborers must go through. I haven't heard a single Chinese (Overseas or Mainland) speaking out, and this is is where other countries are heading towards.

I've noticed this in the everyday interaction, and the energies of people just reaks of slave. Work your slave 9-5, then go home, watch porn, or fake country movies, shove Hot Pockets, pop tarts, smoke cigarettes or fast food or some other garbage food down your throat, play violent video games, or indulge in some other garbage media....and yes, Fox News and CNN are both included in there, as both the GOP and Democratic Party is controlled by the same "chosen race", and will only add another "day-to-day" distraction to turn Americans against one another while they burn and destroy and enact "jehovah's judgement", all things aimed at destroying human creativity to terraform life into the fullest and skills to survive hard times.

Now recall when I said the need for Gentiles to conquer their resources and set up their own distribution centers....yeah of course, the goy slave population won't know or even think of that, since their heads are soooooo wrapped up about the next NFL game or the next Avengers movie or Spiderman game or throwing tantrums that the gas station doesn't have their fav cigarette/dip brand......

The "whistleblower community", which for the most part is controlled and led by Christians and Jews, isn't helping, since they're heads are also wrapped up in the "flee to the woods bullshit" and "let's pray for the destruction of this world" without actually giving their communities real true solutions to survive AND THRIVE (Satanism)!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yagami Light said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Psychic and spiritual warfare and retaliation we are doing, is going to damn permanently these enemy souls who do these actions or who command them for their "own benefit". They deserve damnation.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

But when??
When everything will be burnt to the ground? This kind of words remind me of the xtian promises of "heaven".

Can we not do anything spiritually to change the situation? Will all the forests have to be burnt before any justice takes place? And will the justice ever be permanent??? So what, one or two people will be held responsible... Even if the enemy is clearly taken responsible for what is going on, no one will lift a finger. A protest will last a week or so, and nothing will change.

Nothing changes, even if people know the cause, the ones responsible for this, etc.

Can't we, as a big group of spiritual people do something spiritually about it??

The situation is that currently, there are many problems ongoing sister. I only feel the same way.

Someone has to keep the enemy pressed. Like in wars, they burn villages and all people [and we all want to help all the people] but we cannot do this over a few reasons. So unavoidably with the enemy, some things will be lost. However, after winning over, we will be able to rebuild. It's kind of tragic, but this is the strict reality with the enemy.

80% of all the fires and all of this, is clearly to enforce their narrative on "Climate Crisis" and "Climate Agenda", and they do this recklessly. 20% is lunatics and other bad elements of society.

The battle is however long here, and they know it too. We must focus on ourselves being okay and doing what we can for our common goal, and then progressively, we will work on these subjects one by one.

These things take time. Distance and a cool head is needed.

Of course we will rebuild! After all, this is the principle of the Phoenix, always regenerating and rebuilding.

Though, indeed, some tragic losses will occur
There's definitely a globalist agenda behind all of this stuff going on with 'climate change' and politics both. Hawaii is an island surrounded by water on all sides, and they want us to believe that it had a dry enough climate to start that much wildire? Yeah right! I personally think the whole climate change and encouragement of plant-based diets is a way to attack the political right, so that the left can take over the government and perpetuate the globalist agenda for their lobbyists. The republicans have stopped these dems from passing bills that support the globalist agenda a lot in the past, and these dems have decided to put a stop to it and orchestrate a coup at the same time. They attack gas/oil companies and meat farmers because they donate and support the RNC. Meanwhile, the green energy companies want to dominate the energy sector, thus the need for people to believe in climate change. There's no doubt in my mind that someone paid arsonists (or some other previously mentioned methods) to start the fires. It means a lot of money for dems and green energy companies [that lobby them] alike. The worst part of that it is that if solar/wind companies were to expand enough to handle the power grid, adding in all of the electric freight transportation in the future and individual EVs, then they'd either take up too much forest area or pollute the waterways to the point where it would kill a lot of wildlife and sea life. I mean, calling it 'green' energy seems to be an oxymoron, because taking too much forest area means less trees and less trees means more CO2 [which is one thing that they say is contributing to climate change]. I think that fossil fuels and green energy should coexist. It seems to be the only sensible thing, but there's too many greedy numbskulls involved.
Zelia said:
There's definitely a globalist agenda behind all of this stuff going on with 'climate change' and politics both. Hawaii is an island surrounded by water on all sides, and they want us to believe that it had a dry enough climate to start that much wildire? Yeah right! I personally think the whole climate change and encouragement of plant-based diets is a way to attack the political right, so that the left can take over the government and perpetuate the globalist agenda for their lobbyists. The republicans have stopped these dems from passing bills that support the globalist agenda a lot in the past, and these dems have decided to put a stop to it and orchestrate a coup at the same time. They attack gas/oil companies and meat farmers because they donate and support the RNC. Meanwhile, the green energy companies want to dominate the energy sector, thus the need for people to believe in climate change. There's no doubt in my mind that someone paid arsonists (or some other previously mentioned methods) to start the fires. It means a lot of money for dems and green energy companies [that lobby them] alike. The worst part of that it is that if solar/wind companies were to expand enough to handle the power grid, adding in all of the electric freight transportation in the future and individual EVs, then they'd either take up too much forest area or pollute the waterways to the point where it would kill a lot of wildlife and sea life. I mean, calling it 'green' energy seems to be an oxymoron, because taking too much forest area means less trees and less trees means more CO2 [which is one thing that they say is contributing to climate change]. I think that fossil fuels and green energy should coexist. It seems to be the only sensible thing, but there's too many greedy numbskulls involved.

There is a chance that there are paid arsonists to cause such forest fires.

If you checked the news, 79 people have been already arrested for provoking forest fires deliberately.

That is the tactic that is used by the Enemy.
The recent Maui fire i have seen a yt video where there was 1 citizen of Maui saying that the sirens didn't go off. The mayor was not in town and the firefighters had a day off.
The parents were at work and the children home alone.
Lot's of dead children and other people and a burned vegetation.
Reminds me of the recent desaster of the chemical train wrecks in about 3 US states, i think Ohio was one of them.
Chemical trains "derailed", land and rivers and lakes contaminated with chemical shit that led to death of all the fish in it.
And plants destroyed and unplantable territory of the farmers.

Reminds me of the famous quote from Hitler: "They don't want you to come to peace".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As we live in a society where we spend all our time and public energy to focus on nonsense, these problems go without watch. Yes, we are developing AI to find dissents of thoughts online, and so on, so forth. Sattelite technology is used to track every phone, yet we somehow cannot invent solutions for forest fires.
There is a saying "necessity is the mother of invention". Judging by that, you can see what the most important "necessity" is to those in power. Cracking down on bad goys.
pimmlmag6 said:
The recent Maui fire i have seen a yt video where there was 1 citizen of Maui saying that the sirens didn't go off. The mayor was not in town and the firefighters had a day off.
The parents were at work and the children home alone.
Lot's of dead children and other people and a burned vegetation.
Reminds me of the recent desaster of the chemical train wrecks in about 3 US states, i think Ohio was one of them.
Chemical trains "derailed", land and rivers and lakes contaminated with chemical shit that led to death of all the fish in it.
And plants destroyed and unplantable territory of the farmers.

Reminds me of the famous quote from Hitler: "They don't want you to come to peace".

One of that states was Ohio indeed.

How "interesting" how the firefighters had a day off and the mayor was not in town exactly at that moment :roll:

Another clear example of how they manipulate the fire phenomena
Set666 said:
pimmlmag6 said:
The recent Maui fire i have seen a yt video where there was 1 citizen of Maui saying that the sirens didn't go off. The mayor was not in town and the firefighters had a day off.
The parents were at work and the children home alone.
Lot's of dead children and other people and a burned vegetation.
Reminds me of the recent desaster of the chemical train wrecks in about 3 US states, i think Ohio was one of them.
Chemical trains "derailed", land and rivers and lakes contaminated with chemical shit that led to death of all the fish in it.
And plants destroyed and unplantable territory of the farmers.

Reminds me of the famous quote from Hitler: "They don't want you to come to peace".

One of that states was Ohio indeed.

How "interesting" how the firefighters had a day off and the mayor was not in town exactly at that moment :roll:

Another clear example of how they manipulate the fire phenomena

Just how they made 9/11 happen.
Everything went according to plan.
Just how the Kalergi Plan happens right now with a massive flood of muslims and black Africans.
These evil people have really brought up the ante with these fires but I guess they aren't done with inflicting suffering on this earth. They have their agenda for SARS in 2025 by the looks of things.

These fires hit really bad in BC, Alberta, Ontario and NWT. It's unlike anything I've seen before where there are more than a few fires at once. Presently they are all over and the smoke has saturated much of the air with times becoming slightly overwhelming even for a young healthy person.

Fun fact - CDC actually posted a tweet during COVID stating that N95 masks are not effective against forest fire smoke. They pulled it soon after because the size of ash particles in the smoke (measured in microns) is much larger than the alleged 'virus'.

People with asthma were unable to leave their homes or work. A person I know became very ill for several days from it and couldn't leave the house.

On top of these issues, food security has been severely impacted as well due to this.

I can't believe it... Fires all over Canada, USA, Hawaii and Greece... plus other places I'm sure. It's unprecedented and unforgivable.
Can anyone please help me understand what I saw (post https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=88433) ?

I had an insight during that event which correlates exactly with what HP. Hoodedcobra666 wrote in the original post and I am clueless as to what action to take. I want to protect all forms of life and I want to learn more about everything you guys are preaching.

I had multiple 'paranormal' events happen to me (with witnesses in some occasions) and am therefore inclined to believe what I am seeing and hearing is not a mere fabrication of my mind and I have had entities (possibly 'demons') communicate with me in my dreams and even on a computer, through writing on Notepad.exe but I could not translate the message in any way.

I would be eternally grateful for any help in reaching a higher spiritual state and I am willing to advance the cause of the Joy of Satan community.
Lately I've been feeling a sense of urgency where performing our RTRs is concerned.
I used to only wish that I could do them every day while making excuses as to why I can't and also engaging in procrastination and telling myself: "Oh I'll do it later tonight or even tomorrow" or something.

This went on for months on end until about mid August. I've been doing them every day since then and I can definitely say that something has felt "different" about my life lately.

It's almost like I can see and feel the effects of the RTRs not only on myself but on my closest loved ones too. Seeing the results with my own eyes truly makes me want to do much more.
It's like a switch was flipped inside of me and all I can think about now is the RTRs.

Coming across your inspirational words fuels my fire Commander Cobra. Thank you.

Theresa said:
Can anyone please help me understand what I saw (post https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=88433) ?

I had an insight during that event which correlates exactly with what HP. Hoodedcobra666 wrote in the original post and I am clueless as to what action to take. I want to protect all forms of life and I want to learn more about everything you guys are preaching.

I had multiple 'paranormal' events happen to me (with witnesses in some occasions) and am therefore inclined to believe what I am seeing and hearing is not a mere fabrication of my mind and I have had entities (possibly 'demons') communicate with me in my dreams and even on a computer, through writing on Notepad.exe but I could not translate the message in any way.

I would be eternally grateful for any help in reaching a higher spiritual state and I am willing to advance the cause of the Joy of Satan community.

Alright, first things first, you did the dedication ritual?
I did not, as I am currently unsure of what to believe in.
I would rather build up my trust in this community and its preachings before I sign any kind of contract. I am more than willing to engage with demons, as I have done in the past with various levels of success.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
