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Bloating Stomach Wife please advise


Nov 13, 2022
Hi Guys my wife was told years ago to do the Fodmap diet, 7 years ago now the GP is denying say she was to go gluten free.

She went to a different doctor and has rushed her through tests, she has went from like 6nhalf stone to 9nhalf.

Anyone think its bad diet or inflimation.
Got bad news guys what i need is help of my people can you do it for me.

thanks Enkiuk
Hello, EnkiUK.

It is difficult to provide proper advice without knowing her diagnosis when she is in that state. Does your wife take any medication or supplements?

The FODMAP diet and gluten-free diet are different approaches, but they may overlap in some cases. The FODMAP diet is often recommended for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to identify and eliminate specific types of carbohydrates that can trigger symptoms. On the other hand, a gluten-free diet is typically recommended for individuals with celiac disease, a condition where the immune system reacts to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye.

I assume you are talking about weight (6nhalf stone to 9nhalf)? Weight gain could be attributed to various factors, including dietary choices, inflammation, hormonal changes, or underlying health conditions. It's crucial for your wife to undergo proper medical assessments to determine the root cause of her weight gain.

If there are concerns about inflammation such as Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's Disease, other conditions, or a potential misdiagnosis, seeking a second opinion from a different medical doctor or other healthcare professionals is a reasonable step. Doctors may perform tests, such as blood tests, imaging, or endoscopy, to investigate the possible causes of her symptoms.

You should also ask Satan and your GD to guide your wife to a good doctor who will take proper care of her. I am sorry for not being able to give any concrete advice.
Hello, EnkiUK.

It is difficult to provide proper advice without knowing her diagnosis when she is in that state. Does your wife take any medication or supplements?

The FODMAP diet and gluten-free diet are different approaches, but they may overlap in some cases. The FODMAP diet is often recommended for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to identify and eliminate specific types of carbohydrates that can trigger symptoms. On the other hand, a gluten-free diet is typically recommended for individuals with celiac disease, a condition where the immune system reacts to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye.

I assume you are talking about weight (6nhalf stone to 9nhalf)? Weight gain could be attributed to various factors, including dietary choices, inflammation, hormonal changes, or underlying health conditions. It's crucial for your wife to undergo proper medical assessments to determine the root cause of her weight gain.

If there are concerns about inflammation such as Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's Disease, other conditions, or a potential misdiagnosis, seeking a second opinion from a different medical doctor or other healthcare professionals is a reasonable step. Doctors may perform tests, such as blood tests, imaging, or endoscopy, to investigate the possible causes of her symptoms.

You should also ask Satan and your GD to guide your wife to a good doctor who will take proper care of her. I am sorry for not being able to give any concrete advice.
Thank you mate for reply yes i have asked for help i know they wont let me down nor my people on here to get the news of that certain word wasnt good.

Might be off this for a while hope not though

appreciate the support x
Can you all help my wife, who is also one of us. She has done dedication ritual many years ago. Not as practicing as me.

Now we really need help, she might be in danger with this stomach thing, not good news..

I have asked Satan and my Gaurdian as suggested if anyone else can add input would be appreciated.

Respect x
Hi Guys my wife was told years ago to do the Fodmap diet, 7 years ago now the GP is denying say she was to go gluten free.

She went to a different doctor and has rushed her through tests, she has went from like 6nhalf stone to 9nhalf.

Anyone think its bad diet or inflimation.

Try this acupoint: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?members/blitzkreig-jg.21286/#profile-post-125

Also, raise and direct solar energy at healing her stomach. Don't abuse antacids, as these can prolong the problem by weakening digestive power.
Well-cooked and smaller meals would be ideal. The idea is that you don't want to eat too lightly that you have trouble recovering, but nothing too dense or cooling that it is difficult to digest.

Diet and inflammation are all contributing factors. Usually the vitality drops, or inflammation raises, which then gives a weakened digestion and symptoms. Has she always had these types of issues?

You can read here for more general information: https://www.meandqi.com/symptoms/bloated abdomen

If she has heat symptoms, redness, irritation, sour breath, then this is more related to inflammation. If she is cold, tired, has possible diarrhea, low appetite, etc, then this is a yang deficiency.

You can also make an appointment with Centralforce.
Thank you Blitz for this reply appreciate all you do my brother.

Im waiting on news until then i will keep checking in and take the advice

Take care mate
Hi Guys my wife was told years ago to do the Fodmap diet, 7 years ago now the GP is denying say she was to go gluten free.

She went to a different doctor and has rushed her through tests, she has went from like 6nhalf stone to 9nhalf.

Anyone think its bad diet or inflimation.

In my eyes diets like the Fodmap diet are complete BS, those are things that are trying to tackle symptoms, ignoring the underlying problem.

It is not uncommon in this day of age for people (especially woman) to have problems with their intestines, there are many things that can cause this, yet there are a couple of things that are often times ignored, especially when it comes to holistic practices. Below i will give a couple of tips, that could be of use.


1. Apple cider vinegar, i know this stuff can be nasty, but it is a very potent ''intestine & liver cleaner'', it will help healing, cleaning and digesting.
When using apple cider vinegar know that this is extremely acidic, it is great for your intestine but not for your teeth, also if used improperly it can ''burn a hole' in your stomach.
How to use it: Pour a swig of apple cider in a glass, fill up the rest of the glass with warm water (About body temp.), drink this with a straw!- Do this once or twice a day.

2. I have come to understand that it is very important, contrary to popular believes, that eating fatty foods are a necessity for a healthy liver, gallbladder & intestines. Preferably natural healthy fats like beef tallow or butter.
Beef tallow is delicious when used to prepare meats, not so much when used with anything else in my opinion.

3. Eat plenty of meat! meat and other animal produce are often times ''demonized'' in modern diets, this is done under a false assumption that cows etc. are bad for the environment and thus for human consumption. this is of-course not true, in contrary it is very healthy!

4. Avoid ultra processed foods, for obvious reasons.

5. Sun light, especially if you are living in the northern hemisphere it is very important to catch some sunlight when you are able to, as the sun is very healing to the body.

6. Earthening, skin to earth contact will help in reducing inflammation among other things, we humans are essentially walking electricity generators that just like anything else electric needs to be earthed to be regulated.


On a last note i am curious about the bloating part, as this could be a sign of malnutrition. If your wife is worried about eating to much, it would be healthier to choose for a intermittent fasting route, where you do eat more than enough to support the body, yet leave enough time in between meals for your body to heal and strengthen itself (as the body has trouble doing this when you eat constantly throughout the day). Only eating small portions of food every day will cause your body to shutdown, this will cause the body to start eating its own flesh, organs etc., thats what happens when the body is malnourished, bloating will be a result of this.

It could be other things besides malnourishment, for example a poor working intestine or liver. To help fix issue's with this i highly recommend apple cider vinegar to clean the liver and intestine out, and eating more fats like discribed above to ensure a healthier intestine. Fats are also essential for a healthy gallblatter, not enough fat in your diet will cause gallstones!
In my eyes diets like the Fodmap diet are complete BS, those are things that are trying to tackle symptoms, ignoring the underlying problem.

It is not uncommon in this day of age for people (especially woman) to have problems with their intestines, there are many things that can cause this, yet there are a couple of things that are often times ignored, especially when it comes to holistic practices. Below i will give a couple of tips, that could be of use.


1. Apple cider vinegar, i know this stuff can be nasty, but it is a very potent ''intestine & liver cleaner'', it will help healing, cleaning and digesting.
When using apple cider vinegar know that this is extremely acidic, it is great for your intestine but not for your teeth, also if used improperly it can ''burn a hole' in your stomach.
How to use it: Pour a swig of apple cider in a glass, fill up the rest of the glass with warm water (About body temp.), drink this with a straw!- Do this once or twice a day.

2. I have come to understand that it is very important, contrary to popular believes, that eating fatty foods are a necessity for a healthy liver, gallbladder & intestines. Preferably natural healthy fats like beef tallow or butter.
Beef tallow is delicious when used to prepare meats, not so much when used with anything else in my opinion.

3. Eat plenty of meat! meat and other animal produce are often times ''demonized'' in modern diets, this is done under a false assumption that cows etc. are bad for the environment and thus for human consumption. this is of-course not true, in contrary it is very healthy!

4. Avoid ultra processed foods, for obvious reasons.

5. Sun light, especially if you are living in the northern hemisphere it is very important to catch some sunlight when you are able to, as the sun is very healing to the body.

6. Earthening, skin to earth contact will help in reducing inflammation among other things, we humans are essentially walking electricity generators that just like anything else electric needs to be earthed to be regulated.


On a last note i am curious about the bloating part, as this could be a sign of malnutrition. If your wife is worried about eating to much, it would be healthier to choose for a intermittent fasting route, where you do eat more than enough to support the body, yet leave enough time in between meals for your body to heal and strengthen itself (as the body has trouble doing this when you eat constantly throughout the day). Only eating small portions of food every day will cause your body to shutdown, this will cause the body to start eating its own flesh, organs etc., thats what happens when the body is malnourished, bloating will be a result of this.

It could be other things besides malnourishment, for example a poor working intestine or liver. To help fix issue's with this i highly recommend apple cider vinegar to clean the liver and intestine out, and eating more fats like discribed above to ensure a healthier intestine. Fats are also essential for a healthy gallblatter, not enough fat in your diet will cause gallstones!
Thank you bro went to hospital everything fine. Well apart from bloating, sometimes puffs her face up also, i will look into it, she is eating enough calories maybe not the right ones.

Cheers for reply.
...Only eating small portions of food every day will cause your body to shutdown, this will cause the body to start eating its own flesh, organs etc., thats what happens when the body is malnourished, bloating will be a result of this...
This post really speaks to me and I'm glad that I found it! That's crazy! Who knew... and here we have all these FODMAP diets and things that suggest eating smaller portions of food throughout the day with things such as avocado on low-FODMAP toast, bone-broth soups, etc... basically enough calories for one meal spread throughout the day with what appears to be barely any sodium. And these people call themselves doctors. From a couple studies I learned of, the actual healthy range should be somwhere between 2,000mg and 5,000mg (a median of 3,500 if I recall, the same as what Americans already consume on average), which is just a bit less than double the recomended amount.

I've gone from one thing to the other (supplements, elimination diets and such) but my own problems (bloating, IBS-C and frequent urination) appear to be this life-long almost impossible thing. I regrettably became a pescetarian at 16 (watched to many PETA and mudslime videos of animals being killed) and I developed this emotional and physical aversion to consuming it, aside from seafood (I used to go fishing as a kid) and animal byproducts (eggs/dairy).

I'm thinking that I might try a keto diet for a while and try a parasite cleanse protocol just to see if this garners results yet this might be a challenge. I always have some kind of granola in the morning, typically scrambled eggs (with broccoli and cheese) or quacamole toast with salad for lunch and things like tuna melts with salad, salmon with salad and mashed potatoes, Greek homemade pizza, tempeh stir-fry, bean chili and such for dinner. All organic btw with Himalayan pink salt and healthy oils - butter, coconut, avocado and olive (cold-pressed virgin).
I did also used to drink a lot of coffee, however I've cut back tremendously (1-2 cups instead of 5-8). That's a lot, I know lol... worked at a cafe for too long.

If I stick to a keto smoothie for breakfast, eggs for lunch and try to work out some keto recipes for dinner I think it can be done. Granted I'm very routine-oriented and a little (perhaps a lot LOL) OCD. Cauliflower or Shiritaki rice may be good for stir-fry. I also found a list of proteins that appear to be keto-safe.

Green Beans (1 cup / 100g) 7g carbs
Black Soybeans (1 cup) 16g carbs, 2g net
Tofu, Firm (1/2 block / 220g) 4.5g carbs, 3g net
Tempeh (100g) 12.68g carbs, 7.28 net
Natto (2 Tbsp) 2.8g carbs, 1.5g net
Edamame, Shelled (1 cup / 155g) 13.8g carbs, 5.6g net

All things considered I may be best off consuming beef/chicken/pork/etc, especially when I consider all the antinutrients in these foods. Because of traumas though I feel that I would probably have to go to a farm and experience the whole process.

This health stuff sure is not easy! After an X-ray, bloodtests and so on my doctors only answer was to eat more fiber. I was dumbfounded when he said that though what can you expect from people heavily indoctrinated into the current medical system. 😅

Anyway, thanks for the info and sorry to barrage you with my long comment!
Keto has it's place for a time. to help people introduce more health fats into their diet. One thing I highly suggest is that all that tofu be fermented because all of that soy if your a male will cause issues with your testicles- soy plants make phytoestrogen- phyto meaning fake or false- but having it fermented helps neutrilize these chemicals just ask the Asians.
Finding a farm that pratices sustainable farming- cows not getting antibiotics and eating lots of grass instead of grains, chickens eating outside, same with pigs ect is a good place to find good food for your body.
if your not wanting to just scoure the internet or guess you can go to Weston A. Price Foundation they have a part where you can search for farms near you that follow those kinds of pratices I mentioned and they more info on eating more fermented foods which will help reduce the bloating along with healing any gut issues your having.
Please take a look at the site. Good luck. your one a good path.
Anyway, thanks for the info and sorry to barrage you with my long comment!

Yeah how horrible of you to say that my tips were of help to you, you better apologies for it. 😂 In all seriousness I am quite happy to hear about it, thank you for sharing this.

Don't worry about diets or eating habits that you have had in the past, all can be fixed. It is however a shame that you have gotten a negative attitude towards meats, I do agree that there are some horrible animal practices, this does need to change. Do remember that we are made in such a way that meat is almost essential for a healthy body, if you have the money for it you can opt into grass fed beef, this way you know the animals have had a good life (As good as it gets in today's world). Fish is also a very healthy option, albeit it does not contain all the nutrients you need.

When it comes to Keto, this is not a bad option, that said it is lacking in certain areas. If you want to continue Keto I recommend slightly tweaking it, do add in some grains / fibers the body does work best on this.

I'd say a diet containing:

45% Vegetables
35% Meats / chicken / fish
20% Fibers / grains / carbs

Is a good ratio, everyone is different so this is not set in stone, eat the way you like it best, you need to be able to live happily after all.
By the way usually there is no need to eat in the early morning, personally I eat for the first time around noon (Sometimes as late as 13:30), It is rare for me to eat after 20:00. This way my body has a lot of time to function without it being halted by food that needs to be taken care of.

All in all you are on the right track by the sounds of it, good work.
Also if you want more information I am always willing to share what I know, no need to apologies next time. 🙂

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
