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  • Mastery over Your Time, is freedom.
    Freedom is death of futile things.
    Sometimes pain, boredom, confusion.
    But Truth.
    Freedom is teleporting over and between The Times.
    even with the highest level of dominance over yours, it's still a cage..
    @Rocca As humans we participate in laws that cannot make us "overcome" time in the physical sense. And this is not what even one will ever look for.
    However, "surpassing the times" in the human case could turn out to be a reference to the Magnum Opus. Spirituality is precisely what in the name of which we free ourselves from every "cage". A truly advanced soul has no cage, only priorities.
    Raw Justice is a natural force, inevitable, as it can be traced back to the laws of existence and energy.
    Ethical Justice, on the other hand, is something that we establish, having chosen to redeem growth over misery, which is the divine Ethics of Humanity.

    Knowledge of the laws of existence is not sufficient for life, without the desire for growth.
    Wisdom is where knowledge is applied according to the Ethics of life.
    When I dedicated myself, different events led me to see that I was destined for Satan. Difficulties are part of existence. Overcoming pain is the first sign of Satan's presence and protection.
    Where a heart is still too fragile to overcome a difficulty, Satan extends his hand of help, making the greatest gift, the strength and desire to redeem one's freedom. Even just feeling his presence is reassuring.
    His presence is the strength to sow the gift of freedom, in times. As eternal as his being, so is our time.
    Hail The true caring Father, Hail Satan!
    De ‘l verbo unico è significato, d’a venir l’atti; poetico è de l’atti spirtali.

    The only meaning of the verb is the acts to come; poetic is the spiritual acts.

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
