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Why Conservatism "Doesn't Conserve Anything"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Sep 19, 2017
The situation with Conservatism is that there is an emerging movement now "Against" it from within, the main claim of which is the claim that Conservatism doesn't really Conserve any traditional American Value. And that is a correct assessment. It hasn't been for a very long time, and it doesn't even remotely serve that purpose.

The weakness of "Conservatism" to manage to defend it's own values boils essentially to the reality that "Conservative" values have never been taken seriously on their own, but as part of a Christianity based matrix of ideologies, that people believe that the main ideas themselves that people like about Conservatism, do originate.

The premise that one needs "Christianity" to define their values, is the premise that one is a retard who cannot think for themselves, which is the same premise of the Talmud and Judaism - The "Jew" comes as a "Savior" to teach "Morals" to the Goyim [Animal in hebrew, slang for non Jews], or rather, enslave them through the creation of inferior, life hating, and alien values that are meant to cripple it, enslave it, and make it self destruct.

We, the "Non Jews", had law, morals, justice, tens of thousands of years before jews. This includes family values, the values of the preservation of the Nation, Racial values, Religious values, legal system, courts, and everything else, long before even the jews conceived in the desert they were anything but a thieving desert tribe. The idea that any of this originates from jews is either due to intense stupidity, lack of education, or indeed, buying into Jewish propaganda, which has worked deliberately to erode historical perception and Truth, as per usual.

When we had centuries and thousands of years of these and building these, the jew only had a sack on his back with which he was going around Nations, trying to find the one which would have mercy on them, to take them in. The rest of the story is known in the Bible: infiltration, theft and hijacking, then the Nations that housed them collapsed. We can observe the pattern is being repeated to this very day. It happened in Rome and it happens now in the United States.

Before this, it was Assyria, and before this, Babylon. Defamation by jews ensued later, and we were told all these people were morbid beasts. As it always happens for whomever is slandered by jews, after the jews have a fight with them.

One can never have a civilization not enslaved by jews, if the above rectification and detachment is not created. The major aspect of who creates civilizations is the definition of values within a civilization. Roman, Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Germanic, and endless others, ancestors, knew all of this pretty well. They defined their own values. We live in a jewish controlled era because the jews managed to win a battle against the above in moral building within our civilization.

Giving the jews the highest level of influence in your civilization, and then pretending one is against them on a political level, can be three things only: Retarded, blindsided or weak, or plain hypocritical.

The analogy here is having a legal system run by jews, and complaining about the fact they are legislating jewish laws. The loop never closes, as most people look on the symptom, and not the cause. Even the jews running the legal system is only a mere symptom of a deeper and far more deliberate infiltration and mental control of the populace : Christianity.

Going into panels and talking about political issues, complaining about finances, financial collapse, degenerate behavior promoted by jews, or the media, or pop culture, and crying that the jews infest your Nations to replace you with random invasive foreigners, isn't going to work, as much as adding ointment to a skin condition that is related to a deeper nutritional problem gets fixed by the ointment.

In plain, if one consumes as a culture jewish propaganda with an open mouth, complaining about the symptoms of it, isn't going to fix anything.

Assessing the question of jewish power is at the highest level a disarming of the jews on the level where they have the control, and that is the moral and religious definition they have within our societies. Ironically, this is far easier than removing their financial or any other power, and will just make them collapse or free popular judgement on them, rendering all other influence they have, pointless.

In other words, it all begins with a mistake, and that mistake, is accepting Christian morality, which is Jewish morality, as part of one's National morality. Christianity being a proto source of Communism, however one decides to bend it, and to lie about it, and to even go as far as to pretend it's not created by Jews, one will always be confronted with the following eggs that support of the main Christian moral paradigm creates, namely:

1. The foundations of "Equality for all", "We are all human beings", and other strange morals which later result in political Communism.
2. Ironically, at the same time as promoting the above above, values such as ultimate power of Jews and justified despotism and slavery by jews are justified by the Bible. One lives after all only in some strange jewish dreamland, when one is under ((("God")))
3. Acceptance to what is deadly and culturally foreign. For one, Europeans believing in a jew from the levant and all the related nonsensical story, is nothing European or Gentile in particular.
4. Jews always in the end take over a civilization, as after all, they are being literally worshipped in Christianity as the "Chosen people". This desert dwelling failure of a people is perceived as "holy", "pious", "chosen by god" and other retarded propaganda is told about them, so eventually a civilization will open itself up to spiritual, intellectual, material, and other forms of domination such as political and financial domination.

Given this context and without delving into any metaphysical analysis, this should already be enough to show the point of failure: Christianity is based on Judaism and is an inherently Jewish faith. How it clothes itself is of no importance, and the end results of Christianity are already the same. Zionist Conservatives and all other movements of kissing Israeli butts as part of "National Policy" is nothing but an extension of the Christian dogma. The Christian dogma is for one to live and humiliate themselves until a jewish Rabbi arrives to come and "Save" them from the impurity of being born non-jews.

The above psychological mentality, added the metaphysical means which of course most people would deny, will always set and reset the precedent for jewish domination against society. People will be too weak and too "Christianized" to deal with the jews. This is why you see jews like Ben Saphiro with a smirk when they say that they love "Having Good Christian Neighbors", as much as a slave master loves to have great and brainless indoctrinated slaves.

Christianity is nothing more than a program of mental, spiritual, and cultural domination created by jews, that indeed is centered around worship of jews. Setting this as religious precedent and ruling authority within a Nation just inevitably opens it up to eternal jewish domination.

This is why the Founding Fathers of the United States did not make a "Christian" Nation in any constitution, but rather founded a Nation away from this. And the danger of a mentally clean Nation from the jewish mental fungus of Christianity, scared the jews to such an extent, that they considered it a moral duty to overrun everything in regards to religious freedom and re-impose Christianity on the American masses.

The metapolitical framework of the Communist messages of Christianity, does also create the fertile ground for assimilation of all values, nihilism about one's country, accepting foreigners, crowning jews as one's rulers, denying science and scientific advances, and in general gives birth to civilization destructive perils left and right, without an end.

The metapolitical framework of Jewish domination, readily accepted by Christianity as a foundation and rock of Christianity, towards a society and everything it has on the benefit of jews, creates things like excessive and brutal plutocracy run by jews, or jews running the spiritual institutions of a Nation, or other cultural problems.

Clearly, as it's with Jews, it doesn't matter what jew you support, the left of the right jew, the rebel rabbi or the normal one, you ought to have a bad deal, because, with jews, you lose. Christianity is just part of the Good Cop / Bad Cop routine within Judaism, and nothing else.

Anyone with a medium IQ and a mentally free disposition should have been able to see this. The reason people do not see this readily is because of brainwashing, in particular, since infancy. Yes, this type of brainwashing about a Rabbi named Jesus since one was in the crib, and how this thing is somehow a very good thing for civilization, because of the feelings of a brainwashed person. Facts all point elsewhere.

It doesn't take much to comprehend that all these "Christian" stuff is of no importance to us Europeans. It was imposed to us by the sword of the brainwashed serfs and jewish masses, for centuries on end.

One is not only not "Conserving" anything with "Christianity" in the middle, but seeding the seeds for constant repeat of the same mental illness that created all the present problems and social imbalances in the first place.

This is why Conservatism cannot and does not "Conserve" anything. You cannot set asail with a ship with a giant hole and question why it drowns, and then only hope to re-launch the ship with the same giant hole. This is also why, unless "Conservatism" changes radically, it will not protect any value, but only accelerate society down the drain, and Leftism into empowerment.

You can't win against Jews unless you somehow win over the mental program they have installed on every brain, namely, Christianity. All other attempts to win a worldly victory will fail, so long the mind is taken over by the jew and his program, which will always nullify and paralyze anyone who makes a few steps towards betterment, at will. Conservatism may have tried to make a few good things, but the jew pulls out the controller, presses the button to paralyze the victim who has accepted their software, and one instantly loses.

Next time you see Ben Saphiro and his extolling marks about "Christianity" and "Lovely Christian Neighbors", think that this jew loves Christians for one reason: They are the useful slaves and blind fools created by his race. He loves his cattle, and promotes Christianity as much as possible to keep the farm growing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Please do share this post with "Conservatives" and related crowds, maybe some of them have still some power in them and the IQ to asses the facts presented therein, and dare take the extra step to move away from the jewish program into some from of actual "Conservatism" that focuses on actual values and not the debates of jews in the bible.
Conservatism:Conserve Christian values, because it's good to believe in a religion whose goal is an Apocalypse which will kill most people on Earth and turn all humanity into a slave race. Also, even thinking that anything in Christianity is wrong is a sin which you should burn in hell for all eternity for. Reason is not permitted here. But, don't worry, the Liberals are the bad ones and Conservatives are 'good willed'...What a joke.

Conservatives:"We're pro FREEDUMBS!....But God rules all things and you should have the FREEDOM to obey religion for all eternity or else you're evil and we all think you should burn in hell."

You want to conserve intelligence? Too bad, conserving Christianity is more important than letting a nation be a stable racial group or simply promoting educational practices that increase the collective intelligence. Remember, God says intelligence doesn't exist, the only thought you need to have is that you must obey God. Burning the library of alexandria and destroying endless priceless knowledge is good, people!

You want to conserve beauty? Too bad, beauty doesn't exist in Christianity, God itself is merely an appearance-less thoughtform and all people are the same in value as long as they submit to the Borg/God.

You want to conserve scientific progress towards a better future? Too bad, science is evil in Christianity. The inevitable end result of scientific progress would be mankind trying to achieve wisdom and longer lifespan, the exact opposite of what the Bible wants of humans.

It's literally a death worship religion that openly promotes ritualistic cannibalism and death as the way to salvation and nobody notices, it's retarded beyond belief that this has gone on for so long.

Meanwhile, the American conservatives always invoke the Founding Fathers stupidly, even though the founding fathers had to fight hard to even give Americans a chance of being allowed free religious thought without getting burned at the stake or forced to lie and 'repent' to avoid execution. I guess deep down they must realize how inherently weak their ideas are and know they can't openly state they are against the values that founded the country and that their ideal future involves an apocalypse, after which all non believers burn in hell forever. They just never go as far as to say that part since it would show how disgusting they truly are.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the divide, you have the atheist liberal politicians who only believe in nothingness and care nothing for the future of their race whatsoever. It's always one or the other. Nobody has any real ideals anymore.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The situation with Conservatism is that there is an emerging movement now "Against" it from within, the main claim of which is the claim that Conservatism doesn't really Conserve any traditional American Value. And that is a correct assessment. It hasn't been for a very long time, and it doesn't even remotely serve that purpose.

The weakness of "Conservatism" to manage to defend it's own values boils essentially to the reality that "Conservative" values have never been taken seriously on their own, but as part of a Christianity based matrix of ideologies, that people believe that the main ideas themselves that people like about Conservatism, do originate.

The premise that one needs "Christianity" to define their values, is the premise that one is a retard who cannot think for themselves, which is the same premise of the Talmud and Judaism - The "Jew" comes as a "Savior" to teach "Morals" to the Goyim [Animal in hebrew, slang for non Jews], or rather, enslave them through the creation of inferior, life hating, and alien values that are meant to cripple it, enslave it, and make it self destruct.

We, the "Non Jews", had law, morals, justice, tens of thousands of years before jews. This includes family values, the values of the preservation of the Nation, Racial values, Religious values, legal system, courts, and everything else, long before even the jews conceived in the desert they were anything but a thieving desert tribe. The idea that any of this originates from jews is either due to intense stupidity, lack of education, or indeed, buying into Jewish propaganda, which has worked deliberately to erode historical perception and Truth, as per usual.

When we had centuries and thousands of years of these and building these, the jew only had a sack on his back with which he was going around Nations, trying to find the one which would have mercy on them, to take them in. The rest of the story is known in the Bible: infiltration, theft and hijacking, then the Nations that housed them collapsed. We can observe the pattern is being repeated to this very day. It happened in Rome and it happens now in the United States.

Before this, it was Assyria, and before this, Babylon. Defamation by jews ensued later, and we were told all these people were morbid beasts. As it always happens for whomever is slandered by jews, after the jews have a fight with them.

One can never have a civilization not enslaved by jews, if the above rectification and detachment is not created. The major aspect of who creates civilizations is the definition of values within a civilization. Roman, Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Germanic, and endless others, ancestors, knew all of this pretty well. They defined their own values. We live in a jewish controlled era because the jews managed to win a battle against the above in moral building within our civilization.

Giving the jews the highest level of influence in your civilization, and then pretending one is against them on a political level, can be three things only: Retarded, blindsided or weak, or plain hypocritical.

The analogy here is having a legal system run by jews, and complaining about the fact they are legislating jewish laws. The loop never closes, as most people look on the symptom, and not the cause. Even the jews running the legal system is only a mere symptom of a deeper and far more deliberate infiltration and mental control of the populace : Christianity.

Going into panels and talking about political issues, complaining about finances, financial collapse, degenerate behavior promoted by jews, or the media, or pop culture, and crying that the jews infest your Nations to replace you with random invasive foreigners, isn't going to work, as much as adding ointment to a skin condition that is related to a deeper nutritional problem gets fixed by the ointment.

In plain, if one consumes as a culture jewish propaganda with an open mouth, complaining about the symptoms of it, isn't going to fix anything.

Assessing the question of jewish power is at the highest level a disarming of the jews on the level where they have the control, and that is the moral and religious definition they have within our societies. Ironically, this is far easier than removing their financial or any other power, and will just make them collapse or free popular judgement on them, rendering all other influence they have, pointless.

In other words, it all begins with a mistake, and that mistake, is accepting Christian morality, which is Jewish morality, as part of one's National morality. Christianity being a proto source of Communism, however one decides to bend it, and to lie about it, and to even go as far as to pretend it's not created by Jews, one will always be confronted with the following eggs that support of the main Christian moral paradigm creates, namely:

1. The foundations of "Equality for all", "We are all human beings", and other strange morals which later result in political Communism.
2. Ironically, at the same time as promoting the above above, values such as ultimate power of Jews and justified despotism and slavery by jews are justified by the Bible. One lives after all only in some strange jewish dreamland, when one is under ((("God")))
3. Acceptance to what is deadly and culturally foreign. For one, Europeans believing in a jew from the levant and all the related nonsensical story, is nothing European or Gentile in particular.
4. Jews always in the end take over a civilization, as after all, they are being literally worshipped in Christianity as the "Chosen people". This desert dwelling failure of a people is perceived as "holy", "pious", "chosen by god" and other retarded propaganda is told about them, so eventually a civilization will open itself up to spiritual, intellectual, material, and other forms of domination such as political and financial domination.

Given this context and without delving into any metaphysical analysis, this should already be enough to show the point of failure: Christianity is based on Judaism and is an inherently Jewish faith. How it clothes itself is of no importance, and the end results of Christianity are already the same. Zionist Conservatives and all other movements of kissing Israeli butts as part of "National Policy" is nothing but an extension of the Christian dogma. The Christian dogma is for one to live and humiliate themselves until a jewish Rabbi arrives to come and "Save" them from the impurity of being born non-jews.

The above psychological mentality, added the metaphysical means which of course most people would deny, will always set and reset the precedent for jewish domination against society. People will be too weak and too "Christianized" to deal with the jews. This is why you see jews like Ben Saphiro with a smirk when they say that they love "Having Good Christian Neighbors", as much as a slave master loves to have great and brainless indoctrinated slaves.

Christianity is nothing more than a program of mental, spiritual, and cultural domination created by jews, that indeed is centered around worship of jews. Setting this as religious precedent and ruling authority within a Nation just inevitably opens it up to eternal jewish domination.

This is why the Founding Fathers of the United States did not make a "Christian" Nation in any constitution, but rather founded a Nation away from this. And the danger of a mentally clean Nation from the jewish mental fungus of Christianity, scared the jews to such an extent, that they considered it a moral duty to overrun everything in regards to religious freedom and re-impose Christianity on the American masses.

The metapolitical framework of the Communist messages of Christianity, does also create the fertile ground for assimilation of all values, nihilism about one's country, accepting foreigners, crowning jews as one's rulers, denying science and scientific advances, and in general gives birth to civilization destructive perils left and right, without an end.

The metapolitical framework of Jewish domination, readily accepted by Christianity as a foundation and rock of Christianity, towards a society and everything it has on the benefit of jews, creates things like excessive and brutal plutocracy run by jews, or jews running the spiritual institutions of a Nation, or other cultural problems.

Clearly, as it's with Jews, it doesn't matter what jew you support, the left of the right jew, the rebel rabbi or the normal one, you ought to have a bad deal, because, with jews, you lose. Christianity is just part of the Good Cop / Bad Cop routine within Judaism, and nothing else.

Anyone with a medium IQ and a mentally free disposition should have been able to see this. The reason people do not see this readily is because of brainwashing, in particular, since infancy. Yes, this type of brainwashing about a Rabbi named Jesus since one was in the crib, and how this thing is somehow a very good thing for civilization, because of the feelings of a brainwashed person. Facts all point elsewhere.

It doesn't take much to comprehend that all these "Christian" stuff is of no importance to us Europeans. It was imposed to us by the sword of the brainwashed serfs and jewish masses, for centuries on end.

One is not only not "Conserving" anything with "Christianity" in the middle, but seeding the seeds for constant repeat of the same mental illness that created all the present problems and social imbalances in the first place.

This is why Conservatism cannot and does not "Conserve" anything. You cannot set asail with a ship with a giant hole and question why it drowns, and then only hope to re-launch the ship with the same giant hole. This is also why, unless "Conservatism" changes radically, it will not protect any value, but only accelerate society down the drain, and Leftism into empowerment.

You can't win against Jews unless you somehow win over the mental program they have installed on every brain, namely, Christianity. All other attempts to win a worldly victory will fail, so long the mind is taken over by the jew and his program, which will always nullify and paralyze anyone who makes a few steps towards betterment, at will. Conservatism may have tried to make a few good things, but the jew pulls out the controller, presses the button to paralyze the victim who has accepted their software, and one instantly loses.

Next time you see Ben Saphiro and his extolling marks about "Christianity" and "Lovely Christian Neighbors", think that this jew loves Christians for one reason: They are the useful slaves and blind fools created by his race. He loves his cattle, and promotes Christianity as much as possible to keep the farm growing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

My partner and I have been together in a very close and committed relationship for the past 17 years. This is exactly why we do not associate with, or make any friends with other gays in person. In the same way that the religious Jews have the incurable Christians (liberal or conservative in Christianity is irrelevant) by the balls, the liberal Jews own the mainstream LGBT rights movement.

The Jews pretend to play the game of silencing the conservative, Republican Christians through "hate crime" and "hate speech" legislation, in the name of "protecting" gays/bisexuals from Christian "hate crimes" and "hate speech," making Traditional Christian values a crime against a protected class of slaves for the Jews. However, if these gays were to wake up and turn against their Jewish masters, the Jews will exterminate them and exonerate the Christians.

The whole LGBT crap about gays needing to be a "protected class" is just as abominable as the Christians who spread anti-gay superstitions, judging ALL gays just because of the gay slaves who prance nearly-naked up and down the streets and handing out condoms and dildos to five-year olds at gay SHAME, er...I mean, "gay pride" parades.

The Jews are protecting the mainstream LGBT community, until these gays start to think for themselves and see that special protection for gays as an endangered, "persecuted minority" is only a Jewish trap that does NOT lead to liberation, but to EXTERMINATION.
The conservatives have a really huge hard on for capitalism, but I’m not so sure if capitalism is really all that and a bag of chips.
Its hilarious to think that Christianity can be used to support conservatism since Christianity is inherently an anarchist- Communist cult that owes no allegiance to race,nation,society or even to one's own children. Their movement was originally spearheaded by jews as a movement 'against' the Roman state,against allegiance to the state,ones race and ones family values.


Any conservative values that these people support are results of the inherently atavistic behavior that human populations and race have that was present before Christianity.
I always hated the idea of conservatism because from what I see so far, it uses a lot of ideologies from that worthless piece of crap Bible. Plus, I have always hated Ben Shapiro and now that I know he’s a Jew, it makes me hate him even more.
Jack said:
Its hilarious to think that Christianity can be used to support conservatism since Christianity is inherently an anarchist- Communist cult that owes no allegiance to race,nation,society or even to one's own children. Their movement was originally spearheaded by jews as a movement 'against' the Roman state,against allegiance to the state,ones race and ones family values.


Any conservative values that these people support are results of the inherently atavistic behavior that human populations and race have that was present before Christianity.
First time I've heard of "anarcho christianity". Not sure how it differs from anarcho communism but it's probably the biggest oxymoron ever invented, if you consider that anarchy is lawlessness, extreme individualism and communism/xianity is extreme authoritarianism and collectivism(to the point of being borgs with the state being the CPU). What do they really have in common outside of classlessness, anyway?

Anarchy always seemed like such a meme. I get where some of the so-called anarchists are coming from but even Kaczynski basically admitted that anarchy is impossible to implement outside of miracle circumstances and even then it's not long for this world.

Wonder if, for most of them, it's just a phase like teenagers go through out of angst and edginess. Same with neo commies, now that I think of it.
If the psychotic rants of Rabbi Jesus aren't anarchist then what is "Anarchist"? Rabbi Jewsus is the total symbol of being a rascal and a dick to one's own nation, people, family, and the planet in general.

The psychotic rant of Rabbi Yeshua is just a psychotic rant of the whole jewish race over their own self importance over everything else existing in the universe.

All the bible is built upon the destruction of all natural order and order of ranking in life, and replacing it all with a "Stalin and serfs" relationship, only with "Rabbi Jewsus and his eternally enslaved goyim Sheep" in this context.

curio said:
Jack said:
Its hilarious to think that Christianity can be used to support conservatism since Christianity is inherently an anarchist- Communist cult that owes no allegiance to race,nation,society or even to one's own children. Their movement was originally spearheaded by jews as a movement 'against' the Roman state,against allegiance to the state,ones race and ones family values.


Any conservative values that these people support are results of the inherently atavistic behavior that human populations and race have that was present before Christianity.
First time I've heard of "anarcho christianity". Not sure how it differs from anarcho communism but it's probably the biggest oxymoron ever invented, if you consider that anarchy is lawlessness, extreme individualism and communism/xianity is extreme authoritarianism and collectivism(to the point of being borgs with the state being the CPU). What do they really have in common outside of classlessness, anyway?

Anarchy always seemed like such a meme. I get where some of the so-called anarchists are coming from but even Kaczynski basically admitted that anarchy is impossible to implement outside of miracle circumstances and even then it's not long for this world.

Wonder if, for most of them, it's just a phase like teenagers go through out of angst and edginess. Same with neo commies, now that I think of it.
Conservatism is often more a kind of disturbing xian modernism than anything to do with the concept of conserving.

'Pro-life' is one thing. The big mobilization against abortion occurred when a woman was poisoned by her doctor with thalidomide, she had to have an abortion because the fetus was deformed beyond repair and wrote an article notifying parents about the dangers of the drug in 1961. Her reward for this was her and her children being threatened with death for decades. Around this time nearly all agitation and money in 'right to life' was from catholics. Protestant churches had abortion very low on the agenda of things they cared about, actually many American protestants were huge advocates of eugenics or agreed with Luther that the disabled were full of demons. Then in the 1980s it flipped.

The catholic church only considered infanticide anything more than a minor sin in the 1450s, probably (this is my assumption) because of pagans leaving the church, not handing their kids over to monks and affirming the value of healthy life. And it only ramped up the anti-abortion rhetoric four centuries later because it needed the numbers to gain influence (especially in the US which the church tried to take control of) and was part of its opposition to eugenics.

The muh free markits thing is hardly 'conservative' either, traditionally the US was a very frugal country.

As for religion... 'one nation under god' comes from a hardcore xian socialist and came a century after the founding of the US, literally. Does one ever see a conservative using 'out of many, one', 'new order of the ages' or 'it favors our undertakings', things actually from the Founding Fathers, as a catchphrase? They seem to realize instinctively these have nothing to do with xianity. Sometimes huge conspiratard breakdowns result from this.

So what is left... conservatives I guess defend gun rights and self-defense that seems to be all they follow from the original America. A few (rightfully) still oppose the Federal Reserve but most don't even know what that is. Most of them want to go back to the 1950s but don't understand many problems they whine about stem from the 'great' 1950s...

From viewing the behavior of conservatives they seem to absorb or fixate on outrage after outrage then this progressively gives way to a kind of nihilism that either leads to wanting to die or ayn rand 'fuck everyone they are my slaves' type bullshit. Muh jeboo becomes the comforter. The alt-right has basically degenerated into one woman-hating 'normie'-hating half and another half full of 'normies' that is identical to the neocon bullshit it was originally condemning which is where ben comes in and is shilled everywhere... I noticed his (married) sister also became a meme to appeal to the incel set...

A lot of conservatives are also easily programmed, want to fit in at any cost, herd types of people. This is less so now the enemy has manifested itself in every area of life and pissed off any freedom-loving person (hence the incredible lameness of the propaganda and media, NPC bullshit liberalism puts out now) but these types still dominate the conservative mass and drag it back to the 'we need to give 63 gorillion dollars to some place most people can't locate because jeboo will come down from the sky and smite us if we don't..'

I have also noted large segments of the conservative aristocrat Junker class betrayed Germany to the Soviet Union. The Anti-Christ from what I have read accused Franco of being an Illuminist traitor. Many of those who originally were of liberalism and socialism like Laval remained loyal. This is why it is pointless imo to talk of a 'right-wing'...
Btw @HPHoodedCobra where do you think these people are going to end up with ,these America Firsters. So far they have been only questioning about the issues Trump won the election over(and why cuckersatives don't back these issues)I.e Immigration (connected to demographics question. ),Foreign Aid to Israel and fightingin the middle east(connected to Trump's America First idea.) And the Degeneracy the Democrats are espousing (unfortunately they are using Christianity to back up this specific issue. ). A bunch of these people are already banned, and people who support them are also getting banned (ex- Michelle Malkin's who supported these people asking questions in conservative seminars, who is fucking married to a jew and supports Israel. ). Its a weird flex to ban these people like this.

If these Zoomers can expose the Jewish role in advancing their own interests in the Republican party,then it's good but I think these people are going to be de platformed soon. The jews are terrified of anything that opposes their interests.

What are your thoughts on this movements future ?
Jack said:
Btw @HPHoodedCobra where do you think these people are going to end up with ,these America Firsters. So far they have been only questioning about the issues Trump won the election over(and why cuckersatives don't back these issues)I.e Immigration (connected to demographics question. ),Foreign Aid to Israel and fightingin the middle east(connected to Trump's America First idea.) And the Degeneracy the Democrats are espousing (unfortunately they are using Christianity to back up this specific issue. ). A bunch of these people are already banned, and people who support them are also getting banned (ex- Michelle Malkin's who supported these people asking questions in conservative seminars, who is fucking married to a jew and supports Israel. ). Its a weird flex to ban these people like this.

If these Zoomers can expose the Jewish role in advancing their own interests in the Republican party,then it's good but I think these people are going to be de platformed soon. The jews are terrified of anything that opposes their interests.

What are your thoughts on this movements future ?

I think it's pathetic to see 25 year old people kissing the ass of Rabbi Christ on the stick, speaking of "Salvation", as if they were 80 years old and about to die next week, and begging like cowards for their forgiveness for a jew. This shows a slowing down of vitality and of personal awareness. These types cannot expose the enemy past a point and the enemy has ways to control and subvert them.

The only reason they primarily exist is because the enemy loves it when idiots promote "Christianity", which is their number 1 favorite sleeping pill for the goyim. Christianity is the "easy path to anti-semitism" that never worked to go further than complaints and useless claims which never get fulfilled.

Normally the enemy wouldn't ban them, but indeed, fund them. But now the enemy is in a weakening position in regards to social dialectic [the left is in a progressive decline] and therefore these are currently allowed to kind of exist in order to boost leftist morale.

If the "America First" people are truly America first, they got to ask themselves why it is that the US wasn't founded on Christianity like any other state, first and foremost, and why the Americans did actually break from the Church rule of England, among other questions.

Anyone who believes in "Christianity" is a slave to the jews. The idea that such a slave can deal any damage to the enemy politically is an illusory idea. The enemy lets these exist as useful idiots and then breaks them easily. They do this to promote and try to revive "Christianity" as a mass brainwashing pill for the masses.

The values espoused by the movement are correct, and their ideas on point, but the jew holds the yoke through the Christianity in it all. They aren't the first movement to have this happen and they seem to be mostly left alone because the jews aren't afraid of them.

Empowerment of Christianity = Empowerment of Jewish Occultistic Grip = Power for the Jews to do as they see fit. Empowering Christianity is empowering Jewish Kabbalistic Magic. If these kids don't understand it, then they will see so in the future. Xianity is the outer wing of Kabbalistic Magick.

Christianity is Judaism for Gentile consumption in the form of a social sleeping pill. The reason the US is going down is Christianity in the first place, all the left is a pendulum of reactions towards the strange jewish impositions and restraints of Christianity on top of gentiles.

Xianity's values are all fictional, it's just the "America First" people are just projecting their own healthy aspects of their animus such as family values, conserving your Nation's demographics and identity etc, into something that is a black hole of jewish crap, namely, the religion the jews imposed on the Romans and with which jews consolidated ultimate power over the West.

Their ideas are on point but their hearts are controlled by the jewish rebel rabbi, and therefore the question of opposing "Jews" is out of it. They can say mean stuff about jews, but they will never have the power or volition to actually deal with them. De-Christianization is required.
Conservatism=civil nationalism=boomer nationalism
When the boomer generation dies off within the next 20 years, conservatism will die with them.
Strange no one's mentioned TPUSA on this forum at all this entire time.... The whole thing was very exciting for me... Dan Krenshaw. Don Jr. Ben Shapiro. Charlie Kirk. It was all so great. This will bring real change......
HauptSturm said:
Strange no one's mentioned TPUSA on this forum at all this entire time.... The whole thing was very exciting for me... Dan Krenshaw. Don Jr. Ben Shapiro. Charlie Kirk. It was all so great. This will bring real change......

I was also surprised that TPUSA and the Groyper Army has not been mention here. I wonder if the race awaking rituals helped with this movement.
HauptSturm said:
Strange no one's mentioned TPUSA on this forum at all this entire time.... The whole thing was very exciting for me... Dan Krenshaw. Don Jr. Ben Shapiro. Charlie Kirk. It was all so great. This will bring real change......

These shills are really in big trouble and this is a big relief.

The movement is all in correct optics, if Rabbi Yeshua is also thrown out of it and people deprogram on the fundamental level, the enemy is in for defeat in the United States.

I mentioned Rabbi Saphiro exactly for the TPUSA subject here.

How they will try to destroy this is just through rendering it all useless through Xianity somehow, which is the final card the jews always play on everything.
mindy87 said:
HauptSturm said:
Strange no one's mentioned TPUSA on this forum at all this entire time.... The whole thing was very exciting for me... Dan Krenshaw. Don Jr. Ben Shapiro. Charlie Kirk. It was all so great. This will bring real change......

I was also surprised that TPUSA and the Groyper Army has not been mention here. I wonder if the race awaking rituals helped with this movement.

Our rituals are boosting this among others, big time. Many people in all spheres do benefit, including the Political sphere.

Eventually also the Kabbalistic program of xianity will collapse, and further progress will be made, which is why we need to keep spamming the RTR.
Yurei said:
Conservatism=civil nationalism=boomer nationalism
When the boomer generation dies off within the next 20 years, conservatism will die with them.

There is a new "Conservative" movement forming now and the jews are trying to stop this with shilling. But they will not succeed.

The last card the jews have to play now is "But muh Xianity". If this card fails also then they are in big trouble beyond saving. No amount of shilling will turn things around if this happens.

This is why you have Saphiro and all these jews promoting Xianity. Xianity is necessary to promote Rabbinical Neo-Cohen mentality into the new generation.
A lot of social problems in the US which became later leftist agenda were issues that emerged from dumb Xianity having power in the 1950's.

Such as problems with women's rights or sexual imbalances. These backfire later, always. They are actually made to backfire.

The dumb influence of Xianity also opened the way for jews to destabilize the USA but also use the virulent brainwashed people to form powerful Zionism support wings within the USA and eventually also rule it. Support for Israel by Gentiles emerged as a result of Xianity.

Christianity is designed in such a way that if one Nation follows it and has some artificial unnatural order, it later implodes. When this happens jews go in and start the advocacy for the cancer that they caused. And they are then elevated into sovereign power over the decaying population.

Karnonnos said:
Conservatism is often more a kind of disturbing xian modernism than anything to do with the concept of conserving.

'Pro-life' is one thing. The big mobilization against abortion occurred when a woman was poisoned by her doctor with thalidomide, she had to have an abortion because the fetus was deformed beyond repair and wrote an article notifying parents about the dangers of the drug in 1961. Her reward for this was her and her children being threatened with death for decades. Around this time nearly all agitation and money in 'right to life' was from catholics. Protestant churches had abortion very low on the agenda of things they cared about, actually many American protestants were huge advocates of eugenics or agreed with Luther that the disabled were full of demons. Then in the 1980s it flipped.

The catholic church only considered infanticide anything more than a minor sin in the 1450s, probably (this is my assumption) because of pagans leaving the church, not handing their kids over to monks and affirming the value of healthy life. And it only ramped up the anti-abortion rhetoric four centuries later because it needed the numbers to gain influence (especially in the US which the church tried to take control of) and was part of its opposition to eugenics.

The muh free markits thing is hardly 'conservative' either, traditionally the US was a very frugal country.

As for religion... 'one nation under god' comes from a hardcore xian socialist and came a century after the founding of the US, literally. Does one ever see a conservative using 'out of many, one', 'new order of the ages' or 'it favors our undertakings', things actually from the Founding Fathers, as a catchphrase? They seem to realize instinctively these have nothing to do with xianity. Sometimes huge conspiratard breakdowns result from this.

So what is left... conservatives I guess defend gun rights and self-defense that seems to be all they follow from the original America. A few (rightfully) still oppose the Federal Reserve but most don't even know what that is. Most of them want to go back to the 1950s but don't understand many problems they whine about stem from the 'great' 1950s...

From viewing the behavior of conservatives they seem to absorb or fixate on outrage after outrage then this progressively gives way to a kind of nihilism that either leads to wanting to die or ayn rand 'fuck everyone they are my slaves' type bullshit. Muh jeboo becomes the comforter. The alt-right has basically degenerated into one woman-hating 'normie'-hating half and another half full of 'normies' that is identical to the neocon bullshit it was originally condemning which is where ben comes in and is shilled everywhere... I noticed his (married) sister also became a meme to appeal to the incel set...

A lot of conservatives are also easily programmed, want to fit in at any cost, herd types of people. This is less so now the enemy has manifested itself in every area of life and pissed off any freedom-loving person (hence the incredible lameness of the propaganda and media, NPC bullshit liberalism puts out now) but these types still dominate the conservative mass and drag it back to the 'we need to give 63 gorillion dollars to some place most people can't locate because jeboo will come down from the sky and smite us if we don't..'

I have also noted large segments of the conservative aristocrat Junker class betrayed Germany to the Soviet Union. The Anti-Christ from what I have read accused Franco of being an Illuminist traitor. Many of those who originally were of liberalism and socialism like Laval remained loyal. This is why it is pointless imo to talk of a 'right-wing'...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yurei said:
Conservatism=civil nationalism=boomer nationalism
When the boomer generation dies off within the next 20 years, conservatism will die with them.

There is a new "Conservative" movement forming now and the jews are trying to stop this with shilling. But they will not succeed.

The last card the jews have to play now is "But muh Xianity". If this card fails also then they are in big trouble beyond saving. No amount of shilling will turn things around if this happens.

This is why you have Saphiro and all these jews promoting Xianity. Xianity is necessary to promote Rabbinical Neo-Cohen mentality into the new generation.

phew, thank you, I was really concerned for a moment when I saw some people here endorsing movements which are infested with jews.
Larissa666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yurei said:
Conservatism=civil nationalism=boomer nationalism
When the boomer generation dies off within the next 20 years, conservatism will die with them.

There is a new "Conservative" movement forming now and the jews are trying to stop this with shilling. But they will not succeed.

The last card the jews have to play now is "But muh Xianity". If this card fails also then they are in big trouble beyond saving. No amount of shilling will turn things around if this happens.

This is why you have Saphiro and all these jews promoting Xianity. Xianity is necessary to promote Rabbinical Neo-Cohen mentality into the new generation.

phew, thank you, I was really concerned for a moment when I saw some people here endorsing movements which are infested with jews.

I think you misread what the other brother wrote here, at least I believe he mentioned them as a list of jews who are getting destroyed lately in the public debate. Which is entirely true, they are.

They didn't endorse them, they just made a mention of them, at least as far as I can see.
The only thing christian conservatism does is that the jews keep conserving their power, it's that simple.
Xianity has to be removed from society.
What is really funny about cuckservatives is just like this post said, their obsession with christianity, they tell you that jews are bad but they also tell that we need to protect christianity and if you tell them the truth they will tell you that you was deceived by jewish lie and paganism is a lie, some we're so retarded that they actually told me that christianity brought the today civilization like wtf...
Many of them are delusional just like the left..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If the "America First" people are truly America first, they got to ask themselves why it is that the US wasn't founded on Christianity like any other state, first and foremost, and why the Americans did actually break from the Church rule of England, among other questions.

These retards are getting their falsified information from idiots like Steven Crowder who says that the Founding Fathers were in a minority branch of xianity (I believe he said evangelists iirc) and that's why they were oppressed and gives b.s. articles that are easily debunked as sources. The easily observed fact that the Founding Fathers practiced the occult and were involved in Pagan rituals shows how wrong these "America was found christianity" misinformed fools.
These arguments are solely emotion and disinformation based. Civilization is in it's entirety founded by Non-Xians.

All what xians did was come in later, do Communist rebellions, and kill all the civilized elements, replacing them with cattle.

Common sense for a very brainwashed person is really hard.

Weassel said:
What is really funny about cuckservatives is just like this post said, their obsession with christianity, they tell you that jews are bad but they also tell that we need to protect christianity and if you tell them the truth they will tell you that you was deceived by jewish lie and paganism is a lie, some we're so retarded that they actually told me that christianity brought the today civilization like wtf...
Many of them are delusional just like the left..
liberals and conservatives are just the two sides of the same coin:
Does anyone agree?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
