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About "Jews" - Israel, "JHVH" & Judaism

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Judaism is nothing else but a deviation of an Ancient Pagan Culture [they stole all elements from the Ancient Cultures of the Gods].

The theft and perversion of these terms is so large, that it no longer resembles the Ancient Culture. This was done for reasons of both infiltration, but also because Jews were essentially a bandit, slave and cultureless tribe that meant nothing [and still does]. Yet, they devised a large criminal ideology around stolen terms and spiritual concepts from all the Civilizations that housed them and welcomed them.

Of course, they gave no appreciation from this fact and they desecrated all knowledge to fit a cultural and racial narrative for their own benefits, until we arrive in the present day in history where they conduct genocides and they exist on the same perversions which keep expanding in time and space.

Jews are very sensitive and cutthroat about these topics, because when their theft is highlighted and brought in front of people, the Jews have two problems:

1. They will never be taken seriously again as their terms of "Being Chosen" are going to collapse.
2. When people find out how to return to the Gods, all the Jewish narrative and the Jews also, do collapse.

Jews label themselves as the "Chosen Ones", a term that was carried away from Egypt and other Civilizations. Israel, the "name" of their "Nation", is a perversion of the "Nation" of Isis, Ra and El. These three symbols, do refer to the Moon Goddess Isis, the Sun God Ra, and the generic word for Light [EL] in the Middle Eastern languages.

Pharaohs or generally any extremely advanced people [either Clergy or Leaders] in the Ancient World, were "Messiahs", a word that comes from the Ancient Greek word "Μεσσίας" which means "The Middle One" or the one who acts as a fully advanced being that brings forth the Will of God on earth. Of course, Jews have nothing but an exaggerated idea about this topic, and again deceive people that "The Messiah can only be Jewish".

Now, in regard to the word "Jewish", the "Jew" is a chosen one from "God". The term "JHVH" is a perversion of the four lettered named IAEO, which was later transliterized into a perversion called "JHVH" which was later called "The Most High".

The "Most High" is not a "Jew", but rather is a concept for the consciousness of the Universe that pervades all things in existence. When one connects to the "Four Letter Name" or "IAEO" which is a symbol for the Pillars of the Soul [4 Pillars] one eventually creates the "Temple of God" in where "God" or the consciousness of the universe can reside. Then, one is a "Chosen One".

All of the above concepts and many others, like the endless names that are stolen from other Ancient Pagan religions, were mashed together into what we call "Judaism". Later, these beings also formed an association that they called "The Jews" based on their tribe in the Middle East, and took everything out of context; creating the evil around these concepts that we see today that they do.

The name "Jew" was stolen from the first vowels of the word "IU" or "Iu-Pater" or "Jupiter", the symbol for the power of Zeus. Zeus, was also referred to as the force of IAEO or IAO, a symbol for the trine power of the Universe and the Four Quarters and directions of existence. As such, a "IU" or a "Jew" originally would be someone who was in the sense advanced enough to be aware of the cosmic intelligence or "Zeus". None of this of course, has to do anything in the Jewish context with Zeus. It's just a carry-over and another perversion that was malformed in the centuries.

Continuing on the perversions around the concept of Zeus, "Je-sus" or "Jesus Christ", has again it's source and origin in the invocation of Zeus that is called "IE, ZEUS!" [Jesus...], which means "Come, Zeus!" in Ancient Greek. And the Christ, is an Ancient Greek term of the word Χριστός which further means the "Initiated One in the Mysteries". In this case, "Jesus" is supposed to be a symbol for the connection to the Most High or Father in Heaven, who was originally Zeus and nobody else.

As the Jews are aware of this cultural theft, they doubled down and decided it was extremely important to wipe out all the Ancient Cultures. Their attempts for aeons were to wipe it all outThe "Kabbalah" that the Jews follow, stolen from the levant and the Middle East and Egypt, means "Ka" (The Egyptian Body, the KA), the "Ba" (Egyptian term for second invisible body) and "LAH" which is a generic word for God. Originally, we also have KA-BA-ANKH and the original egyptian tripartite notion for the Soul. The Original "Kabalah" was nothing but spiritual exercises to evolve the Spirit and bring it into the Godhead. Again, stolen and perverted for their own "Interests" and the trail of knowledge attempted to be removed from the rest of mankind.

Jews in the Kabbalah call also the "Most High", the "Ein Sof" which is an anagram of the Ancient Greek "En Fos" which means "The One Single Light" or the Light of Creation. Lucifer, the character that they perverted as a mythological monstrosity, is supposed to be the messenger and bringer of the edicts of the "One Light" that governs the Universe. As such, the entity before the advent of falsehood of the Jews, was considered the unanimous King of the Universe and went by many names.

Words like "Demons" originate directly from Ancient Greek. Demon or Δαίμων in Ancient Greek means God, Divine Intelligence, and is also a word for the soul of each individual human being. There is nothing bad in this word; jews inverted the meaning.

The word "Devil" comes from "Devi" in Ancient Sanskrit, another word for the Gods and Divine Intelligences. Nothing negative here either, besides the Jewish context of these explanations.

The term "Satan" that the Jews further perverted as the "Source of all Evil", is just an attempt to remove another concept from mankind: the concept of Satya or Eternal Truth in Sanskrit. This Divine Mantram from where this was sourced, was called SATANAMA, and was supposed to be used in Serpent Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, to elevate the consciousness into the "One Light" where a being could eventually reach enlightenment.

As such, Satan was also associated with Lucifer or the Bringer of the Light [but also the Serpent, which upon it's ascent, leads to the One Light or Source of Creation]. Without Him, there is no such process that can take place for human beings; severing human beings from this concept, means to sever humans also from the ability to see the Truth and Godhead.

What jews have done is ultimate sacrilege of anything that is holy and divine and turned it all into a formless hate that is manifested through "religious forms". These they want to impose on the world, based on an idea of false supremacy that was generated out of the above perversions and taking these concepts out of their divine context.

When one understands the above, they should further understand the following:

1. The real "Chosen Ones" are actually the Spiritual Satanists, who follow the Ancient and unadulterated culture.
2. Certain symbols and terms have been carried out of context by the Jews. This means nothing because we know the origins of these concepts.
3. We follow the Symbols and Concepts in their original forms, as this is the spiritual inheritance of Humanity.
4. It is normal and desirable that these concepts come together under Spiritual Satanism, as we have the strongest and the purest reformation of the Ancient Eternal Culture.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for enlightening us, High Priest.

The textual theft may be major part of why visually the nazarene and "God" past a certain point were given all the visual attributes and symbols stolen from Zeus/Jupiter and many other learned philosophers of Jovian regalia, particularly by the "Byzantine" Empire.
Judaism is nothing else but a deviation of an Ancient Pagan Culture [they stole all elements from the Ancient Cultures of the Gods].

The theft and perversion of these terms is so large, that it no longer resembles the Ancient Culture. This was done for reasons of both infiltration, but also because Jews were essentially a bandit, slave and cultureless tribe that meant nothing [and still does]. Yet, they devised a large criminal ideology around stolen terms and spiritual concepts from all the Civilizations that housed them and welcomed them.

Of course, they gave no appreciation from this fact and they desecrated all knowledge to fit a cultural and racial narrative for their own benefits, until we arrive in the present day in history where they conduct genocides and they exist on the same perversions which keep expanding in time and space.

Jews are very sensitive and cutthroat about these topics, because when their theft is highlighted and brought in front of people, the Jews have two problems:

1. They will never be taken seriously again as their terms of "Being Chosen" are going to collapse.
2. When people find out how to return to the Gods, all the Jewish narrative and the Jews also, do collapse.

Jews label themselves as the "Chosen Ones", a term that was carried away from Egypt and other Civilizations. Israel, the "name" of their "Nation", is a perversion of the "Nation" of Isis, Ra and El. These three symbols, do refer to the Moon Goddess Isis, the Sun God Ra, and the generic word for Light [EL] in the Middle Eastern languages.

Pharaohs or generally any extremely advanced people [either Clergy or Leaders] in the Ancient World, were "Messiahs", a word that comes from the Ancient Greek word "Μεσσίας" which means "The Middle One" or the one who acts as a fully advanced being that brings forth the Will of God on earth. Of course, Jews have nothing but an exaggerated idea about this topic, and again deceive people that "The Messiah can only be Jewish".

Now, in regard to the word "Jewish", the "Jew" is a chosen one from "God". The term "JHVH" is a perversion of the four lettered named IAEO, which was later transliterized into a perversion called "JHVH" which was later called "The Most High".

The "Most High" is not a "Jew", but rather is a concept for the consciousness of the Universe that pervades all things in existence. When one connects to the "Four Letter Name" or "IAEO" which is a symbol for the Pillars of the Soul [4 Pillars] one eventually creates the "Temple of God" in where "God" or the consciousness of the universe can reside. Then, one is a "Chosen One".

All of the above concepts and many others, like the endless names that are stolen from other Ancient Pagan religions, were mashed together into what we call "Judaism". Later, these beings also formed an association that they called "The Jews" based on their tribe in the Middle East, and took everything out of context; creating the evil around these concepts that we see today that they do.

The name "Jew" was stolen from the first vowels of the word "IU" or "Iu-Pater" or "Jupiter", the symbol for the power of Zeus. Zeus, was also referred to as the force of IAEO or IAO, a symbol for the trine power of the Universe and the Four Quarters and directions of existence. As such, a "IU" or a "Jew" originally would be someone who was in the sense advanced enough to be aware of the cosmic intelligence or "Zeus". None of this of course, has to do anything in the Jewish context with Zeus. It's just a carry-over and another perversion that was malformed in the centuries.

Continuing on the perversions around the concept of Zeus, "Je-sus" or "Jesus Christ", has again it's source and origin in the invocation of Zeus that is called "IE, ZEUS!" [Jesus...], which means "Come, Zeus!" in Ancient Greek. And the Christ, is an Ancient Greek term of the word Χριστός which further means the "Initiated One in the Mysteries". In this case, "Jesus" is supposed to be a symbol for the connection to the Most High or Father in Heaven, who was originally Zeus and nobody else.

As the Jews are aware of this cultural theft, they doubled down and decided it was extremely important to wipe out all the Ancient Cultures. Their attempts for aeons were to wipe it all outThe "Kabbalah" that the Jews follow, stolen from the levant and the Middle East and Egypt, means "Ka" (The Egyptian Body, the KA), the "Ba" (Egyptian term for second invisible body) and "LAH" which is a generic word for God. Originally, we also have KA-BA-ANKH and the original egyptian tripartite notion for the Soul. The Original "Kabalah" was nothing but spiritual exercises to evolve the Spirit and bring it into the Godhead. Again, stolen and perverted for their own "Interests" and the trail of knowledge attempted to be removed from the rest of mankind.

Jews in the Kabbalah call also the "Most High", the "Ein Sof" which is an anagram of the Ancient Greek "En Fos" which means "The One Single Light" or the Light of Creation. Lucifer, the character that they perverted as a mythological monstrosity, is supposed to be the messenger and bringer of the edicts of the "One Light" that governs the Universe. As such, the entity before the advent of falsehood of the Jews, was considered the unanimous King of the Universe and went by many names.

Words like "Demons" originate directly from Ancient Greek. Demon or Δαίμων in Ancient Greek means God, Divine Intelligence, and is also a word for the soul of each individual human being. There is nothing bad in this word; jews inverted the meaning.

The word "Devil" comes from "Devi" in Ancient Sanskrit, another word for the Gods and Divine Intelligences. Nothing negative here either, besides the Jewish context of these explanations.

The term "Satan" that the Jews further perverted as the "Source of all Evil", is just an attempt to remove another concept from mankind: the concept of Satya or Eternal Truth in Sanskrit. This Divine Mantram from where this was sourced, was called SATANAMA, and was supposed to be used in Serpent Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, to elevate the consciousness into the "One Light" where a being could eventually reach enlightenment.

As such, Satan was also associated with Lucifer or the Bringer of the Light [but also the Serpent, which upon it's ascent, leads to the One Light or Source of Creation]. Without Him, there is no such process that can take place for human beings; severing human beings from this concept, means to sever humans also from the ability to see the Truth and Godhead.

What jews have done is ultimate sacrilege of anything that is holy and divine and turned it all into a formless hate that is manifested through "religious forms". These they want to impose on the world, based on an idea of false supremacy that was generated out of the above perversions and taking these concepts out of their divine context.

When one understands the above, they should further understand the following:

1. The real "Chosen Ones" are actually the Spiritual Satanists, who follow the Ancient an unadulterated culture.
2. Certain symbols and terms have been carried out of context by the Jews. This means nothing because we know the origins of these concepts.
3. We follow the Symbols and Concepts in their original forms, as this is the spiritual inheritence of Humanity.
4. It is normal and desirable that these concepts come together under Spiritual Satanism, as we have the strongest and the purest reformation of the Ancient Eternal Culture.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Jews are worthless and a mental
Disease. They are low lives sums
May Satanas information deliver
Hail Satanas
Hail the Gods of Hell
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Absolutely amazing info here, HP.
This will definitely be a helpful sermon to show people that are new to JoS, and it brings new information for the veterans.
Gold as usual.
I believe that the simbology about jewsus being the seed of (((God))) and Israel is stolen from the God Ninurta, according to Sumerian mythology Ninurta is the seed of Enlil and the heir of the earth and heaven.
Thank you for enlightening us, High Priest.

The textual theft may be major part of why visually the nazarene and "God" past a certain point were given all the visual attributes and symbols stolen from Zeus/Jupiter and many other learned philosophers of Jovian regalia, particularly by the "Byzantine" Empire.

I wonder this is why many people are deceived into these "religions", the perversion of the original ancient symbols can still appear to both those who could see/not see aura, energy as the light.

I asked a person who are not into any of these religions and even Spiritual Satanism but they could see energy and aura; to take a look at the xian bible's aura to see what it looked like. The person replied that the bible appeared to radiate these brilliant light of life as they called it. As JG Karnonnos points out if the nazarene and "god" of the enemy are given the visual attributes and symbols stolen from Zeus/Jupiter and others, could these figure appear on the Astral as a beacon of (false) light (of Lucifer) that draws in the unsuspected regardless if they are spiritually advanced or an andrapod?
Judaism is nothing else but a deviation of an Ancient Pagan Culture [they stole all elements from the Ancient Cultures of the Gods].

The theft and perversion of these terms is so large, that it no longer resembles the Ancient Culture. This was done for reasons of both infiltration, but also because Jews were essentially a bandit, slave and cultureless tribe that meant nothing [and still does]. Yet, they devised a large criminal ideology around stolen terms and spiritual concepts from all the Civilizations that housed them and welcomed them.

Of course, they gave no appreciation from this fact and they desecrated all knowledge to fit a cultural and racial narrative for their own benefits, until we arrive in the present day in history where they conduct genocides and they exist on the same perversions which keep expanding in time and space.

Jews are very sensitive and cutthroat about these topics, because when their theft is highlighted and brought in front of people, the Jews have two problems:

1. They will never be taken seriously again as their terms of "Being Chosen" are going to collapse.
2. When people find out how to return to the Gods, all the Jewish narrative and the Jews also, do collapse.

Jews label themselves as the "Chosen Ones", a term that was carried away from Egypt and other Civilizations. Israel, the "name" of their "Nation", is a perversion of the "Nation" of Isis, Ra and El. These three symbols, do refer to the Moon Goddess Isis, the Sun God Ra, and the generic word for Light [EL] in the Middle Eastern languages.

Pharaohs or generally any extremely advanced people [either Clergy or Leaders] in the Ancient World, were "Messiahs", a word that comes from the Ancient Greek word "Μεσσίας" which means "The Middle One" or the one who acts as a fully advanced being that brings forth the Will of God on earth. Of course, Jews have nothing but an exaggerated idea about this topic, and again deceive people that "The Messiah can only be Jewish".

Now, in regard to the word "Jewish", the "Jew" is a chosen one from "God". The term "JHVH" is a perversion of the four lettered named IAEO, which was later transliterized into a perversion called "JHVH" which was later called "The Most High".

The "Most High" is not a "Jew", but rather is a concept for the consciousness of the Universe that pervades all things in existence. When one connects to the "Four Letter Name" or "IAEO" which is a symbol for the Pillars of the Soul [4 Pillars] one eventually creates the "Temple of God" in where "God" or the consciousness of the universe can reside. Then, one is a "Chosen One".

All of the above concepts and many others, like the endless names that are stolen from other Ancient Pagan religions, were mashed together into what we call "Judaism". Later, these beings also formed an association that they called "The Jews" based on their tribe in the Middle East, and took everything out of context; creating the evil around these concepts that we see today that they do.

The name "Jew" was stolen from the first vowels of the word "IU" or "Iu-Pater" or "Jupiter", the symbol for the power of Zeus. Zeus, was also referred to as the force of IAEO or IAO, a symbol for the trine power of the Universe and the Four Quarters and directions of existence. As such, a "IU" or a "Jew" originally would be someone who was in the sense advanced enough to be aware of the cosmic intelligence or "Zeus". None of this of course, has to do anything in the Jewish context with Zeus. It's just a carry-over and another perversion that was malformed in the centuries.

Continuing on the perversions around the concept of Zeus, "Je-sus" or "Jesus Christ", has again it's source and origin in the invocation of Zeus that is called "IE, ZEUS!" [Jesus...], which means "Come, Zeus!" in Ancient Greek. And the Christ, is an Ancient Greek term of the word Χριστός which further means the "Initiated One in the Mysteries". In this case, "Jesus" is supposed to be a symbol for the connection to the Most High or Father in Heaven, who was originally Zeus and nobody else.

As the Jews are aware of this cultural theft, they doubled down and decided it was extremely important to wipe out all the Ancient Cultures. Their attempts for aeons were to wipe it all outThe "Kabbalah" that the Jews follow, stolen from the levant and the Middle East and Egypt, means "Ka" (The Egyptian Body, the KA), the "Ba" (Egyptian term for second invisible body) and "LAH" which is a generic word for God. Originally, we also have KA-BA-ANKH and the original egyptian tripartite notion for the Soul. The Original "Kabalah" was nothing but spiritual exercises to evolve the Spirit and bring it into the Godhead. Again, stolen and perverted for their own "Interests" and the trail of knowledge attempted to be removed from the rest of mankind.

Jews in the Kabbalah call also the "Most High", the "Ein Sof" which is an anagram of the Ancient Greek "En Fos" which means "The One Single Light" or the Light of Creation. Lucifer, the character that they perverted as a mythological monstrosity, is supposed to be the messenger and bringer of the edicts of the "One Light" that governs the Universe. As such, the entity before the advent of falsehood of the Jews, was considered the unanimous King of the Universe and went by many names.

Words like "Demons" originate directly from Ancient Greek. Demon or Δαίμων in Ancient Greek means God, Divine Intelligence, and is also a word for the soul of each individual human being. There is nothing bad in this word; jews inverted the meaning.

The word "Devil" comes from "Devi" in Ancient Sanskrit, another word for the Gods and Divine Intelligences. Nothing negative here either, besides the Jewish context of these explanations.

The term "Satan" that the Jews further perverted as the "Source of all Evil", is just an attempt to remove another concept from mankind: the concept of Satya or Eternal Truth in Sanskrit. This Divine Mantram from where this was sourced, was called SATANAMA, and was supposed to be used in Serpent Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, to elevate the consciousness into the "One Light" where a being could eventually reach enlightenment.

As such, Satan was also associated with Lucifer or the Bringer of the Light [but also the Serpent, which upon it's ascent, leads to the One Light or Source of Creation]. Without Him, there is no such process that can take place for human beings; severing human beings from this concept, means to sever humans also from the ability to see the Truth and Godhead.

What jews have done is ultimate sacrilege of anything that is holy and divine and turned it all into a formless hate that is manifested through "religious forms". These they want to impose on the world, based on an idea of false supremacy that was generated out of the above perversions and taking these concepts out of their divine context.

When one understands the above, they should further understand the following:

1. The real "Chosen Ones" are actually the Spiritual Satanists, who follow the Ancient an unadulterated culture.
2. Certain symbols and terms have been carried out of context by the Jews. This means nothing because we know the origins of these concepts.
3. We follow the Symbols and Concepts in their original forms, as this is the spiritual inheritence of Humanity.
4. It is normal and desirable that these concepts come together under Spiritual Satanism, as we have the strongest and the purest reformation of the Ancient Eternal Culture.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Truth, be told. 🔥 I, am so honored ! To be a Spiritual Satanist.
Continuing on the perversions around the concept of Zeus, "Je-sus" or "Jesus Christ", has again it's source and origin in the invocation of Zeus that is called "IE, ZEUS!" [Jesus...], which means "Come, Zeus!" in Ancient Greek. And the Christ, is an Ancient Greek term of the word Χριστός which further means the "Initiated One in the Mysteries". In this case, "Jesus" is supposed to be a symbol for the connection to the Most High or Father in Heaven, who was originally Zeus and nobody else.
Ha, that's interesting I was reading a book today that said that exact same thing about IE, Zeus.
Fascinating. Were you looking over my shoulder?? :)
But one question we have to hate all the jews? I think all nations have satanists almost 1 or 2 i not think could exist one nation that not have any satanist, sure Israel and Palestina have satanists also.
You do not have to do anything but it is natural and healthy to hate something that threatens to degrade the quality of your existence and has been doing so for many centuries. Palestine has indeed brothers and sisters that were not infected with islam and are with Satan but israel is not a human nation, it is an oncological abomination, a cancer, a tumor that we're in the process of healing.

Have a good day
Absolutely powerful, meaningful and necessary sermon for everyone. I would also like to emphasize that the knowledge presented here is one layer, a surface one. This same sermon contains deeper layers, because everything that is presented here is what we already knew in one way or another subconsciously which is confirmed by this same sermon. Jews might have been able to destroy lots of knowledge, our books, but they failed in destroying the human psyche itself which was given to us by our Gods.
Timeless wisdom! People like the High Priest deserve to be Professors and great educators but are unfortunately ignored and/or ridiculed; it's a shame academia turned to a cesspool.
The scientific method has been perverted to a mere tool for political and financial power, it needs to return to it's proper authority and integrity.
Many great minds have tried to revert its glory but could not achieve much alone, now here at JoS we independent scholars stand united for this cause.
Judaism is nothing else but a deviation of an Ancient Pagan Culture [they stole all elements from the Ancient Cultures of the Gods].

The theft and perversion of these terms is so large, that it no longer resembles the Ancient Culture. This was done for reasons of both infiltration, but also because Jews were essentially a bandit, slave and cultureless tribe that meant nothing [and still does]. Yet, they devised a large criminal ideology around stolen terms and spiritual concepts from all the Civilizations that housed them and welcomed them.

Of course, they gave no appreciation from this fact and they desecrated all knowledge to fit a cultural and racial narrative for their own benefits, until we arrive in the present day in history where they conduct genocides and they exist on the same perversions which keep expanding in time and space.

Jews are very sensitive and cutthroat about these topics, because when their theft is highlighted and brought in front of people, the Jews have two problems:

1. They will never be taken seriously again as their terms of "Being Chosen" are going to collapse.
2. When people find out how to return to the Gods, all the Jewish narrative and the Jews also, do collapse.

Jews label themselves as the "Chosen Ones", a term that was carried away from Egypt and other Civilizations. Israel, the "name" of their "Nation", is a perversion of the "Nation" of Isis, Ra and El. These three symbols, do refer to the Moon Goddess Isis, the Sun God Ra, and the generic word for Light [EL] in the Middle Eastern languages.

Pharaohs or generally any extremely advanced people [either Clergy or Leaders] in the Ancient World, were "Messiahs", a word that comes from the Ancient Greek word "Μεσσίας" which means "The Middle One" or the one who acts as a fully advanced being that brings forth the Will of God on earth. Of course, Jews have nothing but an exaggerated idea about this topic, and again deceive people that "The Messiah can only be Jewish".

Now, in regard to the word "Jewish", the "Jew" is a chosen one from "God". The term "JHVH" is a perversion of the four lettered named IAEO, which was later transliterized into a perversion called "JHVH" which was later called "The Most High".

The "Most High" is not a "Jew", but rather is a concept for the consciousness of the Universe that pervades all things in existence. When one connects to the "Four Letter Name" or "IAEO" which is a symbol for the Pillars of the Soul [4 Pillars] one eventually creates the "Temple of God" in where "God" or the consciousness of the universe can reside. Then, one is a "Chosen One".

All of the above concepts and many others, like the endless names that are stolen from other Ancient Pagan religions, were mashed together into what we call "Judaism". Later, these beings also formed an association that they called "The Jews" based on their tribe in the Middle East, and took everything out of context; creating the evil around these concepts that we see today that they do.

The name "Jew" was stolen from the first vowels of the word "IU" or "Iu-Pater" or "Jupiter", the symbol for the power of Zeus. Zeus, was also referred to as the force of IAEO or IAO, a symbol for the trine power of the Universe and the Four Quarters and directions of existence. As such, a "IU" or a "Jew" originally would be someone who was in the sense advanced enough to be aware of the cosmic intelligence or "Zeus". None of this of course, has to do anything in the Jewish context with Zeus. It's just a carry-over and another perversion that was malformed in the centuries.

Continuing on the perversions around the concept of Zeus, "Je-sus" or "Jesus Christ", has again it's source and origin in the invocation of Zeus that is called "IE, ZEUS!" [Jesus...], which means "Come, Zeus!" in Ancient Greek. And the Christ, is an Ancient Greek term of the word Χριστός which further means the "Initiated One in the Mysteries". In this case, "Jesus" is supposed to be a symbol for the connection to the Most High or Father in Heaven, who was originally Zeus and nobody else.

As the Jews are aware of this cultural theft, they doubled down and decided it was extremely important to wipe out all the Ancient Cultures. Their attempts for aeons were to wipe it all outThe "Kabbalah" that the Jews follow, stolen from the levant and the Middle East and Egypt, means "Ka" (The Egyptian Body, the KA), the "Ba" (Egyptian term for second invisible body) and "LAH" which is a generic word for God. Originally, we also have KA-BA-ANKH and the original egyptian tripartite notion for the Soul. The Original "Kabalah" was nothing but spiritual exercises to evolve the Spirit and bring it into the Godhead. Again, stolen and perverted for their own "Interests" and the trail of knowledge attempted to be removed from the rest of mankind.

Jews in the Kabbalah call also the "Most High", the "Ein Sof" which is an anagram of the Ancient Greek "En Fos" which means "The One Single Light" or the Light of Creation. Lucifer, the character that they perverted as a mythological monstrosity, is supposed to be the messenger and bringer of the edicts of the "One Light" that governs the Universe. As such, the entity before the advent of falsehood of the Jews, was considered the unanimous King of the Universe and went by many names.

Words like "Demons" originate directly from Ancient Greek. Demon or Δαίμων in Ancient Greek means God, Divine Intelligence, and is also a word for the soul of each individual human being. There is nothing bad in this word; jews inverted the meaning.

The word "Devil" comes from "Devi" in Ancient Sanskrit, another word for the Gods and Divine Intelligences. Nothing negative here either, besides the Jewish context of these explanations.

The term "Satan" that the Jews further perverted as the "Source of all Evil", is just an attempt to remove another concept from mankind: the concept of Satya or Eternal Truth in Sanskrit. This Divine Mantram from where this was sourced, was called SATANAMA, and was supposed to be used in Serpent Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, to elevate the consciousness into the "One Light" where a being could eventually reach enlightenment.

As such, Satan was also associated with Lucifer or the Bringer of the Light [but also the Serpent, which upon it's ascent, leads to the One Light or Source of Creation]. Without Him, there is no such process that can take place for human beings; severing human beings from this concept, means to sever humans also from the ability to see the Truth and Godhead.

What jews have done is ultimate sacrilege of anything that is holy and divine and turned it all into a formless hate that is manifested through "religious forms". These they want to impose on the world, based on an idea of false supremacy that was generated out of the above perversions and taking these concepts out of their divine context.

When one understands the above, they should further understand the following:

1. The real "Chosen Ones" are actually the Spiritual Satanists, who follow the Ancient an unadulterated culture.
2. Certain symbols and terms have been carried out of context by the Jews. This means nothing because we know the origins of these concepts.
3. We follow the Symbols and Concepts in their original forms, as this is the spiritual inheritence of Humanity.
4. It is normal and desirable that these concepts come together under Spiritual Satanism, as we have the strongest and the purest reformation of the Ancient Eternal Culture.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This came like an answer for everything for me.

Thank you HPHC.

Hail Satan!
Hail Valefor!
Thank you for not letting people forget the thievery and pilfering undertaken by the Jewish race, HP. There isn't really a single page of any of their books which isn't either outright theft, or curses upon gentiles and their Gods.

There are many people who find it hard to deprogram from Christianity, even when first discovering inclinations towards Satanism and Paganism. Nine times out of ten, this isn't out of sentiment for the Christian religion. It's out of fear. Christianity and Islam have propagated not because they're superior faiths, but because they're idiot religions that have been forced onto the world by fire and sword, and have kept their grip on people for fear that any deviation will lead to them being tortured for all eternity. There's is no greater intellectual degeneracy in all mankind than a concept like that, and the fact it's so accepted by society is proof of how far things have fallen.

The primary way for people who hold this fear to deprogram is to know that all the content therein is stolen from older religions. As a rogue example...

Take Odin. Anyone acquainted with Norse lore knows the story of how Odin hung himself by the neck from Yggdrasil, and stabbed himself in the side with his spear, Gungnir. He hung there for 9 days, gaining enlightenment of the cosmos and runes, in an act of great self-sacrifice, with the knowledge of runes, of course, later being passed to humanity.

"Coincidentally", I wonder how many people are aware that, according to the Jehova's Witnesses cult of "Bible scholars", the fictional character of Jesus was never crucified at a cross, but rather hung from a tree, and stabbed in the side with a spear?

One wonders where they got their ideas from. Of course, there's an infinitely long lineage of dying-and-rising and crucified Gods across Europe and the rest of the gentile world. One can even see the same narrative in the Aztec Quetzalcoatl (which, hilariously, idiot Mormons have tried to say was secretly Jesus all along!). It goes on, and on, and on. Dionysus, Adonis, even lesser know names like Zalmoxis, you could list off names the Jews stole from until you were blue in the face.

Even Pythagoras. A great, sacred man who taught his followers ethics, morality, and science. He was considered to have performed miracles, and his followers in turn performed them in his name also. There's even a legend where he descended down to Hades itself. For those with even a passing knowledge of Christianity, this should all be sounding a little too familiar.

The Genesis story? Stolen. The Flood? Stolen. About the only things that weren't stolen were the parts that displayed the Jews for what they were. Bandits. If you follow the obscure paper trail all the way back to the very beginnings of their kind, you won't find any grandeur of a supposedly "chosen" people. Hateful nomads, drawn from the lowest orders of society, who cursed and spat on every superior nation around them. Judaism is nothing but the aggregate collection of everything they absorbed as they wandered from place to place (inventing a fictitious origin story as they did), getting kicked out of every civilization who could no longer tolerate them, all the way until they set their eyes on Palestine, and the unfortunate people who have had their ancestral land ripped from their grasp and turned into the unholy nation we now know as Israel.

A Rabbi stated it outright when they said "God (JHVH) gave the Jewish people the Land of Israel. Without that, the only claim the modern State of Israel can make is it is stronger and was able to take the land from the Arabs.” Thievery is their entire racial legacy, nothing more.
When you possess a wisdom and might even regardless to enviorment you belong, others nearby you are naturally forced by subconscious energy exchange to uplift or fall in face of that light. Forced to change. Light of enlightened ones can touch seriously hard, if person is slave, corrupted and the worst - blind. That's why people blame Father and whole family, because they lose their life challenges. "ALL ARE GUILTY BUT NOT YOU"
No matter how strong you want to worship evolution and growth. They will condemn it. What to do? Shine more for yourself, your closest and these, that want to learn - the trash will die by itself.
The Pluto rules madness and instanity, that's how blind are challenged. They don't know what to do, what to feel or think, because the Energy Flows are to complicated to comprehend it by themself and THE WORST what can they do in this case is a rejection or blame, because it sinks deeper and deeper into damnation making impossible to overcome.
About YHVH, "Ein Sof" or Hierarchy it's a definitely more complicated in roots/ The Deeps than all mortals already know about. In short what Can I whisper - If YHVH was The Highest in Hierarchy, we could won a war far far before without battles for millennia to nowadays, because Gods obviously were able to handle a being created by their children.
Judaism is nothing else but a deviation of an Ancient Pagan Culture [they stole all elements from the Ancient Cultures of the Gods].

The theft and perversion of these terms is so large, that it no longer resembles the Ancient Culture. This was done for reasons of both infiltration, but also because Jews were essentially a bandit, slave and cultureless tribe that meant nothing [and still does]. Yet, they devised a large criminal ideology around stolen terms and spiritual concepts from all the Civilizations that housed them and welcomed them.

Of course, they gave no appreciation from this fact and they desecrated all knowledge to fit a cultural and racial narrative for their own benefits, until we arrive in the present day in history where they conduct genocides and they exist on the same perversions which keep expanding in time and space.

Jews are very sensitive and cutthroat about these topics, because when their theft is highlighted and brought in front of people, the Jews have two problems:

1. They will never be taken seriously again as their terms of "Being Chosen" are going to collapse.
2. When people find out how to return to the Gods, all the Jewish narrative and the Jews also, do collapse.

Jews label themselves as the "Chosen Ones", a term that was carried away from Egypt and other Civilizations. Israel, the "name" of their "Nation", is a perversion of the "Nation" of Isis, Ra and El. These three symbols, do refer to the Moon Goddess Isis, the Sun God Ra, and the generic word for Light [EL] in the Middle Eastern languages.

Pharaohs or generally any extremely advanced people [either Clergy or Leaders] in the Ancient World, were "Messiahs", a word that comes from the Ancient Greek word "Μεσσίας" which means "The Middle One" or the one who acts as a fully advanced being that brings forth the Will of God on earth. Of course, Jews have nothing but an exaggerated idea about this topic, and again deceive people that "The Messiah can only be Jewish".

Now, in regard to the word "Jewish", the "Jew" is a chosen one from "God". The term "JHVH" is a perversion of the four lettered named IAEO, which was later transliterized into a perversion called "JHVH" which was later called "The Most High".

The "Most High" is not a "Jew", but rather is a concept for the consciousness of the Universe that pervades all things in existence. When one connects to the "Four Letter Name" or "IAEO" which is a symbol for the Pillars of the Soul [4 Pillars] one eventually creates the "Temple of God" in where "God" or the consciousness of the universe can reside. Then, one is a "Chosen One".

All of the above concepts and many others, like the endless names that are stolen from other Ancient Pagan religions, were mashed together into what we call "Judaism". Later, these beings also formed an association that they called "The Jews" based on their tribe in the Middle East, and took everything out of context; creating the evil around these concepts that we see today that they do.

The name "Jew" was stolen from the first vowels of the word "IU" or "Iu-Pater" or "Jupiter", the symbol for the power of Zeus. Zeus, was also referred to as the force of IAEO or IAO, a symbol for the trine power of the Universe and the Four Quarters and directions of existence. As such, a "IU" or a "Jew" originally would be someone who was in the sense advanced enough to be aware of the cosmic intelligence or "Zeus". None of this of course, has to do anything in the Jewish context with Zeus. It's just a carry-over and another perversion that was malformed in the centuries.

Continuing on the perversions around the concept of Zeus, "Je-sus" or "Jesus Christ", has again it's source and origin in the invocation of Zeus that is called "IE, ZEUS!" [Jesus...], which means "Come, Zeus!" in Ancient Greek. And the Christ, is an Ancient Greek term of the word Χριστός which further means the "Initiated One in the Mysteries". In this case, "Jesus" is supposed to be a symbol for the connection to the Most High or Father in Heaven, who was originally Zeus and nobody else.

As the Jews are aware of this cultural theft, they doubled down and decided it was extremely important to wipe out all the Ancient Cultures. Their attempts for aeons were to wipe it all outThe "Kabbalah" that the Jews follow, stolen from the levant and the Middle East and Egypt, means "Ka" (The Egyptian Body, the KA), the "Ba" (Egyptian term for second invisible body) and "LAH" which is a generic word for God. Originally, we also have KA-BA-ANKH and the original egyptian tripartite notion for the Soul. The Original "Kabalah" was nothing but spiritual exercises to evolve the Spirit and bring it into the Godhead. Again, stolen and perverted for their own "Interests" and the trail of knowledge attempted to be removed from the rest of mankind.

Jews in the Kabbalah call also the "Most High", the "Ein Sof" which is an anagram of the Ancient Greek "En Fos" which means "The One Single Light" or the Light of Creation. Lucifer, the character that they perverted as a mythological monstrosity, is supposed to be the messenger and bringer of the edicts of the "One Light" that governs the Universe. As such, the entity before the advent of falsehood of the Jews, was considered the unanimous King of the Universe and went by many names.

Words like "Demons" originate directly from Ancient Greek. Demon or Δαίμων in Ancient Greek means God, Divine Intelligence, and is also a word for the soul of each individual human being. There is nothing bad in this word; jews inverted the meaning.

The word "Devil" comes from "Devi" in Ancient Sanskrit, another word for the Gods and Divine Intelligences. Nothing negative here either, besides the Jewish context of these explanations.

The term "Satan" that the Jews further perverted as the "Source of all Evil", is just an attempt to remove another concept from mankind: the concept of Satya or Eternal Truth in Sanskrit. This Divine Mantram from where this was sourced, was called SATANAMA, and was supposed to be used in Serpent Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, to elevate the consciousness into the "One Light" where a being could eventually reach enlightenment.

As such, Satan was also associated with Lucifer or the Bringer of the Light [but also the Serpent, which upon it's ascent, leads to the One Light or Source of Creation]. Without Him, there is no such process that can take place for human beings; severing human beings from this concept, means to sever humans also from the ability to see the Truth and Godhead.

What jews have done is ultimate sacrilege of anything that is holy and divine and turned it all into a formless hate that is manifested through "religious forms". These they want to impose on the world, based on an idea of false supremacy that was generated out of the above perversions and taking these concepts out of their divine context.

When one understands the above, they should further understand the following:

1. The real "Chosen Ones" are actually the Spiritual Satanists, who follow the Ancient an unadulterated culture.
2. Certain symbols and terms have been carried out of context by the Jews. This means nothing because we know the origins of these concepts.
3. We follow the Symbols and Concepts in their original forms, as this is the spiritual inheritence of Humanity.
4. It is normal and desirable that these concepts come together under Spiritual Satanism, as we have the strongest and the purest reformation of the Ancient Eternal Culture.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Every sermon is on another level, every sermon every time hits more straight and more perfect... Thank you dear High Priest...
Judaism is nothing else but a deviation of an Ancient Pagan Culture [they stole all elements from the Ancient Cultures of the Gods].

The theft and perversion of these terms is so large, that it no longer resembles the Ancient Culture. This was done for reasons of both infiltration, but also because Jews were essentially a bandit, slave and cultureless tribe that meant nothing [and still does]. Yet, they devised a large criminal ideology around stolen terms and spiritual concepts from all the Civilizations that housed them and welcomed them.

Of course, they gave no appreciation from this fact and they desecrated all knowledge to fit a cultural and racial narrative for their own benefits, until we arrive in the present day in history where they conduct genocides and they exist on the same perversions which keep expanding in time and space.

Jews are very sensitive and cutthroat about these topics, because when their theft is highlighted and brought in front of people, the Jews have two problems:

1. They will never be taken seriously again as their terms of "Being Chosen" are going to collapse.
2. When people find out how to return to the Gods, all the Jewish narrative and the Jews also, do collapse.

Jews label themselves as the "Chosen Ones", a term that was carried away from Egypt and other Civilizations. Israel, the "name" of their "Nation", is a perversion of the "Nation" of Isis, Ra and El. These three symbols, do refer to the Moon Goddess Isis, the Sun God Ra, and the generic word for Light [EL] in the Middle Eastern languages.

Pharaohs or generally any extremely advanced people [either Clergy or Leaders] in the Ancient World, were "Messiahs", a word that comes from the Ancient Greek word "Μεσσίας" which means "The Middle One" or the one who acts as a fully advanced being that brings forth the Will of God on earth. Of course, Jews have nothing but an exaggerated idea about this topic, and again deceive people that "The Messiah can only be Jewish".

Now, in regard to the word "Jewish", the "Jew" is a chosen one from "God". The term "JHVH" is a perversion of the four lettered named IAEO, which was later transliterized into a perversion called "JHVH" which was later called "The Most High".

The "Most High" is not a "Jew", but rather is a concept for the consciousness of the Universe that pervades all things in existence. When one connects to the "Four Letter Name" or "IAEO" which is a symbol for the Pillars of the Soul [4 Pillars] one eventually creates the "Temple of God" in where "God" or the consciousness of the universe can reside. Then, one is a "Chosen One".

All of the above concepts and many others, like the endless names that are stolen from other Ancient Pagan religions, were mashed together into what we call "Judaism". Later, these beings also formed an association that they called "The Jews" based on their tribe in the Middle East, and took everything out of context; creating the evil around these concepts that we see today that they do.

The name "Jew" was stolen from the first vowels of the word "IU" or "Iu-Pater" or "Jupiter", the symbol for the power of Zeus. Zeus, was also referred to as the force of IAEO or IAO, a symbol for the trine power of the Universe and the Four Quarters and directions of existence. As such, a "IU" or a "Jew" originally would be someone who was in the sense advanced enough to be aware of the cosmic intelligence or "Zeus". None of this of course, has to do anything in the Jewish context with Zeus. It's just a carry-over and another perversion that was malformed in the centuries.

Continuing on the perversions around the concept of Zeus, "Je-sus" or "Jesus Christ", has again it's source and origin in the invocation of Zeus that is called "IE, ZEUS!" [Jesus...], which means "Come, Zeus!" in Ancient Greek. And the Christ, is an Ancient Greek term of the word Χριστός which further means the "Initiated One in the Mysteries". In this case, "Jesus" is supposed to be a symbol for the connection to the Most High or Father in Heaven, who was originally Zeus and nobody else.

As the Jews are aware of this cultural theft, they doubled down and decided it was extremely important to wipe out all the Ancient Cultures. Their attempts for aeons were to wipe it all outThe "Kabbalah" that the Jews follow, stolen from the levant and the Middle East and Egypt, means "Ka" (The Egyptian Body, the KA), the "Ba" (Egyptian term for second invisible body) and "LAH" which is a generic word for God. Originally, we also have KA-BA-ANKH and the original egyptian tripartite notion for the Soul. The Original "Kabalah" was nothing but spiritual exercises to evolve the Spirit and bring it into the Godhead. Again, stolen and perverted for their own "Interests" and the trail of knowledge attempted to be removed from the rest of mankind.

Jews in the Kabbalah call also the "Most High", the "Ein Sof" which is an anagram of the Ancient Greek "En Fos" which means "The One Single Light" or the Light of Creation. Lucifer, the character that they perverted as a mythological monstrosity, is supposed to be the messenger and bringer of the edicts of the "One Light" that governs the Universe. As such, the entity before the advent of falsehood of the Jews, was considered the unanimous King of the Universe and went by many names.

Words like "Demons" originate directly from Ancient Greek. Demon or Δαίμων in Ancient Greek means God, Divine Intelligence, and is also a word for the soul of each individual human being. There is nothing bad in this word; jews inverted the meaning.

The word "Devil" comes from "Devi" in Ancient Sanskrit, another word for the Gods and Divine Intelligences. Nothing negative here either, besides the Jewish context of these explanations.

The term "Satan" that the Jews further perverted as the "Source of all Evil", is just an attempt to remove another concept from mankind: the concept of Satya or Eternal Truth in Sanskrit. This Divine Mantram from where this was sourced, was called SATANAMA, and was supposed to be used in Serpent Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, to elevate the consciousness into the "One Light" where a being could eventually reach enlightenment.

As such, Satan was also associated with Lucifer or the Bringer of the Light [but also the Serpent, which upon it's ascent, leads to the One Light or Source of Creation]. Without Him, there is no such process that can take place for human beings; severing human beings from this concept, means to sever humans also from the ability to see the Truth and Godhead.

What jews have done is ultimate sacrilege of anything that is holy and divine and turned it all into a formless hate that is manifested through "religious forms". These they want to impose on the world, based on an idea of false supremacy that was generated out of the above perversions and taking these concepts out of their divine context.

When one understands the above, they should further understand the following:

1. The real "Chosen Ones" are actually the Spiritual Satanists, who follow the Ancient an unadulterated culture.
2. Certain symbols and terms have been carried out of context by the Jews. This means nothing because we know the origins of these concepts.
3. We follow the Symbols and Concepts in their original forms, as this is the spiritual inheritence of Humanity.
4. It is normal and desirable that these concepts come together under Spiritual Satanism, as we have the strongest and the purest reformation of the Ancient Eternal Culture.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks for the additional clarity on the topic HP, let's get back what's ours!
You do not have to do anything but it is natural and healthy to hate something that threatens to degrade the quality of your existence and has been doing so for many centuries. Palestine has indeed brothers and sisters that were not infected with islam and are with Satan but israel is not a human nation, it is an oncological abomination, a cancer, a tumor that we're in the process of healing.

Have a good day
Thank this answer me. I have thinking in that Israel are one nation that pitifully exist but exist and I don't know if there also are satanists I don't know because I don't live there. But you say me that not are one human nation this answer me
Timeless wisdom! People like the High Priest deserve to be Professors and great educators but are unfortunately ignored and/or ridiculed; it's a shame academia turned to a cesspool.
The scientific method has been perverted to a mere tool for political and financial power, it needs to return to it's proper authority and integrity.
Many great minds have tried to revert its glory but could not achieve much alone, now here at JoS we independent scholars stand united for this cause.
Completely agree
But one question we have to hate all the jews? I think all nations have satanists almost 1 or 2 i not think could exist one nation that not have any satanist, sure Israel and Palestina have satanists also.

Nowadays, the word "hate" and the concept of "hating someone" are greatly distorted. Hatred should also be understood as absolute intransigence towards the object of hatred and full willingness to take appropriate measures. Uncontrolled hatred as a strong emotion can harm or not give the desired results.

As for the jews. The Palestinians as people are pagans poisoned by islam, I don't know why you mentioned them in such context. And jews are ALL people who have even a DROP of jewish blood. Their souls are very different in structure from pagan ones. They were created by reptiles only to introduce and destroy pagans and are technically incapable of a normal life. Even those who look normal only seem so. Sooner or later they will stick a knife in your back or otherwise show their true nature. jews are such that no matter how positive they look, it's better to stay away from them. When you get close to people, you create a connection with them on the astral, and a connection with a jewish soul opens you up to jewish curses.

There are many sermons on this topic, be sure to read everything you can find YOURSELF. This is very important information that can save your life or save you from big problems.

For example :

This sermon and all the additions:

This site as a whole is extremely useful :

Here are specifically 2 articles about the structure of the jewish soul:

Somewhere there is a sermon under which the High Priest explains for a very long time the history of the origin of the jewish soul. Couldn't find it now.

Nevertheless, it is already very informative. But there is still a lot of information that you need to read.
The term "Satan" that the Jews further perverted as the "Source of all Evil", is just an attempt to remove another concept from mankind: the concept of Satya or Eternal Truth in Sanskrit. This Divine Mantram from where this was sourced, was called SATANAMA, and was supposed to be used in Serpent Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, to elevate the consciousness into the "One Light" where a being could eventually reach enlightenment.
I highly appreciate that you mention the use of this mantra and its benefit related to elevate consciousness in Kundalini Yoga. This is an understated benefit. Perhaps Yoga exercises can provide more benefits (especially spiritual ones) than we are aware of.
Great sermon! Quick question is the E in IAEO pronounced Ay like the Raum meditation states or is it more like Eh as Epsilon is pronounced?
This was answered elsewhere, but for the general audience: The latter.
Nowadays, the word "hate" and the concept of "hating someone" are greatly distorted. Hatred should also be understood as absolute intransigence towards the object of hatred and full willingness to take appropriate measures. Uncontrolled hatred as a strong emotion can harm or not give the desired results.

As for the jews. The Palestinians as people are pagans poisoned by islam, I don't know why you mentioned them in such context. And jews are ALL people who have even a DROP of jewish blood. Their souls are very different in structure from pagan ones. They were created by reptiles only to introduce and destroy pagans and are technically incapable of a normal life. Even those who look normal only seem so. Sooner or later they will stick a knife in your back or otherwise show their true nature. jews are such that no matter how positive they look, it's better to stay away from them. When you get close to people, you create a connection with them on the astral, and a connection with a jewish soul opens you up to jewish curses.

There are many sermons on this topic, be sure to read everything you can find YOURSELF. This is very important information that can save your life or save you from big problems.

For example :

This sermon and all the additions:

This site as a whole is extremely useful :

Here are specifically 2 articles about the structure of the jewish soul:

Somewhere there is a sermon under which the High Priest explains for a very long time the history of the origin of the jewish soul. Couldn't find it now.

Nevertheless, it is already very informative. But there is still a lot of information that you need to read.
Thanks for all this links I going to check. I have listen this before that them are created by Reptilians. Curious I think that I not know any jew in person I only have see some of them in youtube. I only see the antisemitism here are so high. I really hated more the xians than the jews.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
