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White People, The BEST of this World

Elias Sebastian said:
What this means is
1)Race pride is important for National Socialism to work.
2)Races have their own responsibility to themselves and not to others.
3)Different races living together destroyed nations. African Americans and Asians should return to their homelands and America should only be for Americans.
4)National Socialism is the only system that has worked against jews and was able to bond workers and Industrialists in a mutualistic way.
5)Taking pride and more importantly allegiance to ones nation and race will make vanity,excessive greed against the betterment of the nation go away.

What do you mean by Americans only? Look, be very careful what you say because life is much easier to write behind a computer. So much so that you talk about National Socialism, I think the Germans are only in Germany or am I wrong? If you want to find a Norwegian, you should go to Norway, don't you think? Why must Africans and Asians leave America? Although they have worked harnessed, underpaid and treated like animals for years to build the United States all together. Do you know the saying: "Rome was not built in a day"? I think the latter are the ones who deserve more to stay in America, the founding fathers have gained independence and I am not saying that it is little for heaven's sake. America is different from Europe because America has always been a no man's land. The people who live there not only have the right, but they deserve thanks to the efforts of their ancestors to live there forever.
Wrong. America was made for "WHITE MEN OF GOOD CHARACTER".This is in the Naturalization Act of 1790 which stated only whites were citizens according to law. America did not have voting rights for non whites till late 1960s. They were brought in for filling labor requirements which got completely out of control as you can see.
1943: Chinese immigrants given the right to citizenship and the right to vote by the Magnuson Act.

1965: Protection of voter registration and voting for racial minorities, later applied to language minorities, is established by the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This has also been applied to correcting discriminatory election systems and districting.

Thomas Jefferson, one of the true founding fathers of america disliked blacks and asians living in america and considered it a serious mistake. He wanted blacks and asians sent back to where they came from. America as a society is disadvantageous for blacks. Because as a principle generally blacks cannot compete with whites in terms of the IQ differential which is a strong indicator of success,wealth and prosperity. The blacks would do much better in their own countries. More importantly the Asians do not need to be in white mans land when they can be with their own kind. Dating is extremely disadvantageous for asian men in america and they have to compensate for it by making a lot of money. Why should whites give jobs in the STEM and IT field to asians when they have record number of unemployed whites out in the streets. The first priority of any race is first to themselves. With the immigration act non white people from different countries came and started living in america and gaining citizenship previously only for whites ,which was done for purely political and economics reasons motivated by the jewry. Before that immigration was only limited to the whites.

And by americans, i mean white. All whites can live and immigrate in white countries because their race is their nation. Same is true for blacks who have a massive continent of africa which is rich in all sorts of natural resources more so than the entire world combines. Same is true for asians who have their own continent.

How would you feel if white americans started immigrating to japan and repopulating the country with the pretext of "oh. japan has a low birth rate. we have to increase the population or else japan will not survive. Its for humanitarian reasons." You don't have that even though asian women are head over heels for white men. But suddenly when these uneducated illiterate muslims barge into germany to increase the population, you have no problem because humanity or some sheet ?

Because this is a jewish conspiracy. The amalgation of the races was brought about by jewish schemers. Their contribution to the country is irrelevant becasue it is wrong in principle. Races are not supposed to live together in large numbers alongside each other.
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
What this means is
1)Race pride is important for National Socialism to work.
2)Races have their own responsibility to themselves and not to others.
3)Different races living together destroyed nations. African Americans and Asians should return to their homelands and America should only be for Americans.
4)National Socialism is the only system that has worked against jews and was able to bond workers and Industrialists in a mutualistic way.
5)Taking pride and more importantly allegiance to ones nation and race will make vanity,excessive greed against the betterment of the nation go away.

What do you mean by Americans only? Look, be very careful what you say because life is much easier to write behind a computer. So much so that you talk about National Socialism, I think the Germans are only in Germany or am I wrong? If you want to find a Norwegian, you should go to Norway, don't you think? Why must Africans and Asians leave America? Although they have worked harnessed, underpaid and treated like animals for years to build the United States all together. Do you know the saying: "Rome was not built in a day"? I think the latter are the ones who deserve more to stay in America, the founding fathers have gained independence and I am not saying that it is little for heaven's sake. America is different from Europe because America has always been a no man's land. The people who live there not only have the right, but they deserve thanks to the efforts of their ancestors to live there forever.
Elias, let me be clear. You have this strange anti-white retarded idea that America was of the native americans and that we Whites stole it. And now you even promote this multiracial degeneration about blacks and asians having to stay in the USA, are you fucked out of your mind dude? We know at this point that you are offended at White people but seriously you need to understand that the world doesen't revolve around your feelings of inferiority and that the USA will be a WHITE ONLY country, just like all EUROPEANS countries will. You're not a National Socialist if you keep saying this bullshit, and when you're not a National Socialist you're not even a Satanist, because the two are 666% connected.

America is made up of 50 states. Why should blacks and Asians go where they worked as slaves to create a better future? (including whites) Already blacks detach themselves from whites, even if for racial reasons, they detach themselves even without Satanism, so what does mixing have to do with it? And the Europe that should worry about this, Trump no longer lets anyone enter the US while Europe does. And like modern football: you play not for the color of your skin but for your skills. If you are not good you don't play, black or white or yellow you don't play. This is cooperation between races and non-mixing. And above all thanks to the United States that blacks today feel proud of being black, so why should they leave? Even Asians sweated their jobs in America because they worked a lot and never gave up. They deserve to stay in America forever.
People could exist under a mega state such as the United States, but this only happens because people exercise their freedoms to purposefully and on their own separate within this State, and because the melting pot idea basically failed for the most part. So there is still existence based on the same ancient laws that people follow unconsciously.

This in the long run creates interest blocs and other things that can under circumstances rip a Nation apart for each race's interest. And this happens almost unavoidably and despite of planning. Every "Rights" organization in the US has to do with racial politics for a reason.

One doesn't "Have to live" but the impression that this all will continue peacefully and forever is invalid. As things escalate, Whites in like 20-30 years may be entirely gone, so that is further proof this does not work. This can be ignored upwards to an extent, but past an extent, if people live crammed together, in due time [may take centuries] racial disputes always emerge and strongly, and Nations are ripped apart.

The only way this could reasonably exist is with a race that has like 95% population of a State, and then other people living there to work and have their stuff. That would be ideal without kicking nobody out but criminals primarily. In most places, this has escalated with 15% foreign races, and the multiplication will make these 30% and 40% in the next decades. This is called in plain slang replacement.

America is a unique example of a multi-racial society, so how it will escalate over there is also going to be a unique situation, with unique solutions that apply to the situation over there and resonate with the American spirit.

Elias Sebastian said:
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
What this means is
1)Race pride is important for National Socialism to work.
2)Races have their own responsibility to themselves and not to others.
3)Different races living together destroyed nations. African Americans and Asians should return to their homelands and America should only be for Americans.
4)National Socialism is the only system that has worked against jews and was able to bond workers and Industrialists in a mutualistic way.
5)Taking pride and more importantly allegiance to ones nation and race will make vanity,excessive greed against the betterment of the nation go away.

What do you mean by Americans only? Look, be very careful what you say because life is much easier to write behind a computer. So much so that you talk about National Socialism, I think the Germans are only in Germany or am I wrong? If you want to find a Norwegian, you should go to Norway, don't you think? Why must Africans and Asians leave America? Although they have worked harnessed, underpaid and treated like animals for years to build the United States all together. Do you know the saying: "Rome was not built in a day"? I think the latter are the ones who deserve more to stay in America, the founding fathers have gained independence and I am not saying that it is little for heaven's sake. America is different from Europe because America has always been a no man's land. The people who live there not only have the right, but they deserve thanks to the efforts of their ancestors to live there forever.
Elias, let me be clear. You have this strange anti-white retarded idea that America was of the native americans and that we Whites stole it. And now you even promote this multiracial degeneration about blacks and asians having to stay in the USA, are you fucked out of your mind dude? We know at this point that you are offended at White people but seriously you need to understand that the world doesen't revolve around your feelings of inferiority and that the USA will be a WHITE ONLY country, just like all EUROPEANS countries will. You're not a National Socialist if you keep saying this bullshit, and when you're not a National Socialist you're not even a Satanist, because the two are 666% connected.

America is made up of 50 states. Why should blacks and Asians go where they worked as slaves to create a better future? (including whites) Already blacks detach themselves from whites, even if for racial reasons, they detach themselves even without Satanism, so what does mixing have to do with it? And the Europe that should worry about this, Trump no longer lets anyone enter the US while Europe does. And like modern football: you play not for the color of your skin but for your skills. If you are not good you don't play, black or white or yellow you don't play. This is cooperation between races and non-mixing. And above all thanks to the United States that blacks today feel proud of being black, so why should they leave? Even Asians sweated their jobs in America because they worked a lot and never gave up. They deserve to stay in America forever.
Elias Sebastian said:
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
What this means is
1)Race pride is important for National Socialism to work.
2)Races have their own responsibility to themselves and not to others.
3)Different races living together destroyed nations. African Americans and Asians should return to their homelands and America should only be for Americans.
4)National Socialism is the only system that has worked against jews and was able to bond workers and Industrialists in a mutualistic way.
5)Taking pride and more importantly allegiance to ones nation and race will make vanity,excessive greed against the betterment of the nation go away.

What do you mean by Americans only? Look, be very careful what you say because life is much easier to write behind a computer. So much so that you talk about National Socialism, I think the Germans are only in Germany or am I wrong? If you want to find a Norwegian, you should go to Norway, don't you think? Why must Africans and Asians leave America? Although they have worked harnessed, underpaid and treated like animals for years to build the United States all together. Do you know the saying: "Rome was not built in a day"? I think the latter are the ones who deserve more to stay in America, the founding fathers have gained independence and I am not saying that it is little for heaven's sake. America is different from Europe because America has always been a no man's land. The people who live there not only have the right, but they deserve thanks to the efforts of their ancestors to live there forever.
Elias, let me be clear. You have this strange anti-white retarded idea that America was of the native americans and that we Whites stole it. And now you even promote this multiracial degeneration about blacks and asians having to stay in the USA, are you fucked out of your mind dude? We know at this point that you are offended at White people but seriously you need to understand that the world doesen't revolve around your feelings of inferiority and that the USA will be a WHITE ONLY country, just like all EUROPEANS countries will. You're not a National Socialist if you keep saying this bullshit, and when you're not a National Socialist you're not even a Satanist, because the two are 666% connected.

America is made up of 50 states. Why should blacks and Asians go where they worked as slaves to create a better future? (including whites) Already blacks detach themselves from whites, even if for racial reasons, they detach themselves even without Satanism, so what does mixing have to do with it? And the Europe that should worry about this, Trump no longer lets anyone enter the US while Europe does. And like modern football: you play not for the color of your skin but for your skills. If you are not good you don't play, black or white or yellow you don't play. This is cooperation between races and non-mixing. And above all thanks to the United States that blacks today feel proud of being black, so why should they leave? Even Asians sweated their jobs in America because they worked a lot and never gave up. They deserve to stay in America forever.
But that is completely irrelevant because slavery was a historical mistake created by the Jews who managed the African slave trade and the end result was blacks staying in America where they don't believe. Same with asians or any other race group. In principle the country should only be for whites. I wouldn't say you can't travel there for travel,education or some kind of temporary work situation, but they must not be made citizens or given voting rights. And race cooperation does not mean races living together and working together. Race cooperation means simply respecting each others right to their own countries and not killing each other for resources.

Moreover if you say if you worked for a country, you would stay there. By the same token the Africans and asians would go to their respective countries, work there and thus would become naturalized there.
Elias Sebastian said:
America is made up of 50 states. Why should blacks and Asians go where they worked as slaves to create a better future? (including whites) Already blacks detach themselves from whites, even if for racial reasons, they detach themselves even without Satanism, so what does mixing have to do with it? And the Europe that should worry about this, Trump no longer lets anyone enter the US while Europe does. And like modern football: you play not for the color of your skin but for your skills. If you are not good you don't play, black or white or yellow you don't play. This is cooperation between races and non-mixing. And above all thanks to the United States that blacks today feel proud of being black, so why should they leave? Even Asians sweated their jobs in America because they worked a lot and never gave up. They deserve to stay in America forever.

Maybe you should try expanding your awareness, knowledge and wisdom before trying to play leader. Educate yourself with the Mein Kampf and sermons like these:

• Race Heredity Charts: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lmapxedpz...-_Race-Heredity-Charts-_HP_Cobra_666.pdf?dl=0
• Mass Karma, Country Karma, World Karma: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ahw6emsh...try_Karma-World_Karma_-_HP_Cobra_666.pdf?dl=0
• Past Life Memory and Race Soul: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aeqkesk07...t_Life_Memory_and_Race_Soul_HP_Cobra.pdf?dl=0

All these apply to sports as well. If someone can't play, they won't play. That's a good statement. THe rest is quite inaccurate. In a society based on Nature's Eternal Law (Spiritual Satanism), only Whites will play in White club, Blacks in Black clubs, Asians in Asian clubs, and so on. Going against nature always proves unfavourable in all cases, 100%. Nature doesn't care about the fact you can't understand what kind of issue foreigners generate by steadily living in a society where they don't belong, just like Saturn doesn't care if you're lazy and you don't want to put in the work. Travelling is fine, studying abroad for short periods of time is fine. Settling down in another country is not fine and shouldn't be tolerated or even entertained as a thought. If you don't understand how divisions and hierarchies in life work, maybe you should get better acquainted with Saturn which rules such things. I provided starting points for understanding races a little. From now on, it's your turn, instead of keeping up with Aquarius and others an emotional argument that isn't supported by reality.
Elias Sebastian said:
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
What this means is
1)Race pride is important for National Socialism to work.
2)Races have their own responsibility to themselves and not to others.
3)Different races living together destroyed nations. African Americans and Asians should return to their homelands and America should only be for Americans.
4)National Socialism is the only system that has worked against jews and was able to bond workers and Industrialists in a mutualistic way.
5)Taking pride and more importantly allegiance to ones nation and race will make vanity,excessive greed against the betterment of the nation go away.

What do you mean by Americans only? Look, be very careful what you say because life is much easier to write behind a computer. So much so that you talk about National Socialism, I think the Germans are only in Germany or am I wrong? If you want to find a Norwegian, you should go to Norway, don't you think? Why must Africans and Asians leave America? Although they have worked harnessed, underpaid and treated like animals for years to build the United States all together. Do you know the saying: "Rome was not built in a day"? I think the latter are the ones who deserve more to stay in America, the founding fathers have gained independence and I am not saying that it is little for heaven's sake. America is different from Europe because America has always been a no man's land. The people who live there not only have the right, but they deserve thanks to the efforts of their ancestors to live there forever.
Elias, let me be clear. You have this strange anti-white retarded idea that America was of the native americans and that we Whites stole it. And now you even promote this multiracial degeneration about blacks and asians having to stay in the USA, are you fucked out of your mind dude? We know at this point that you are offended at White people but seriously you need to understand that the world doesen't revolve around your feelings of inferiority and that the USA will be a WHITE ONLY country, just like all EUROPEANS countries will. You're not a National Socialist if you keep saying this bullshit, and when you're not a National Socialist you're not even a Satanist, because the two are 666% connected.

America is made up of 50 states. Why should blacks and Asians go where they worked as slaves to create a better future? (including whites) Already blacks detach themselves from whites, even if for racial reasons, they detach themselves even without Satanism, so what does mixing do? And Europe that should worry about mixing not the United States because we are talking about a state that occupies half of the continent, the world is not as small as it seems. And like modern football: you play not for the color of your skin but for your skills. If you are not good you don't play, black or white or yellow you don't play. This is cooperation between races and non-mixes. And so America was built, nobody told immigrants to get laid like in South America. And above all thanks to the United States that blacks today feel proud of being black, so why should they leave?
So just let blacks stay in america because that makes them feel proud? That's some good critical thinking......Not.
What makes them proud are disgusting terrorist movements like black lives matter that is made up of the most kind of degenerate blacks who also are criminals and who would love to kill whitey. Your points make ABSOLUTELY no sense.
Fucking stop already, all of this 'OH YOU RACIST PIECE OF SHIT' is ignorance, I bet that if this post was named 'BLACK PEOPLE, THE BEST OF THIS WORLD' there would not be any problems. If you're black and you have an inferiority complex don't answer. Simply as that.
The Jews have all the faults you want but these very good people despite all the evil they suffered through the fault of the Jews eventually survived. They have worked spitting blood for underpaid dozens of years. Underpaid because it is true that it is the fault of the Jews but whites were more privileged than blacks. I'm sorry but their place in the USA is well deserved. You say black people kill white people but when? Do you know what racism is? You blame the Jews but no one obliges you whites to be racist. Now the one who should worry about racial mixing and Europe. Trump no longer lets anyone in while Europe does.
ahana666 said:
Fucking stop already, all of this 'OH YOU RACIST PIECE OF SHIT' is ignorance, I bet that if this post was named 'BLACK PEOPLE, THE BEST OF THIS WORLD' there would not be any problems. If you're black and you have an inferiority complex don't answer. Simply as that.

I'm not an American so I don't understand these English fashion phrases. I said nothing bad about whites but I defended blacks and Asians. Your colleague said they should leave the USA. This is a real injustice how can you afford to say such a thing?
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
Aquarius said:
Elias, let me be clear. You have this strange anti-white retarded idea that America was of the native americans and that we Whites stole it. And now you even promote this multiracial degeneration about blacks and asians having to stay in the USA, are you fucked out of your mind dude? We know at this point that you are offended at White people but seriously you need to understand that the world doesen't revolve around your feelings of inferiority and that the USA will be a WHITE ONLY country, just like all EUROPEANS countries will. You're not a National Socialist if you keep saying this bullshit, and when you're not a National Socialist you're not even a Satanist, because the two are 666% connected.

America is made up of 50 states. Why should blacks and Asians go where they worked as slaves to create a better future? (including whites) Already blacks detach themselves from whites, even if for racial reasons, they detach themselves even without Satanism, so what does mixing do? And Europe that should worry about mixing not the United States because we are talking about a state that occupies half of the continent, the world is not as small as it seems. And like modern football: you play not for the color of your skin but for your skills. If you are not good you don't play, black or white or yellow you don't play. This is cooperation between races and non-mixes. And so America was built, nobody told immigrants to get laid like in South America. And above all thanks to the United States that blacks today feel proud of being black, so why should they leave?
So just let blacks stay in america because that makes them feel proud? That's some good critical thinking......Not.
What makes them proud are disgusting terrorist movements like black lives matter that is made up of the most kind of degenerate blacks who also are criminals and who would love to kill whitey. Your points make ABSOLUTELY no sense.

But what do you want to know about black culture? If all blacks had wanted to kill whites they would have already done so since they are also in numerical superiority in the world. But luckily there are good people. Blacks in the United States had a huge artistic musical influence. Remember that music is a gift from Satan. Jazz was created by African slaves. Jazz belongs to Satan. Black people have influenced America in a positive way and fortunately music does not kill. And if you want to blame the Jews, the Jews have used people of all races here on our planet, not just black people.
There suffering is the fault of the Jews. The Jews created America the way it is now. And that is why its failing apart and full of racial violence. There is a racial war being fought between Latin's and Blacks over regions in America that ends with men, women and children being gunned down over racial territory. White flight is in full momentum and society is falling apart. Whites are victims of numerous racial attacks as well.

How do you build a nation out of that?

Also Whites were not privileged they worked hard to build a nation and deserved the reward of such. You act like Whites should apologize for being industrious. Blacks were brought by Jews to be slaves to Jewish slave owners so the Jews don't have to pay the Goyim. The Blacks were freed by Whites who then worked to build them a homeland with Liberia. Most American Blacks believe they don't have a place within America as its a White nation. In fact that is the whole main claim of Black identity politics even if they don't understand such.

The only way to ever insure fairness and equality for Blacks and end racism against them is to create a separate Black nation for them its keeping the races together in the same nation that is causing the problems.

Elias Sebastian said:
The Jews have all the faults you want but these very good people despite all the evil they suffered through the fault of the Jews eventually survived. They have worked spitting blood for underpaid dozens of years. Underpaid because it is true that it is the fault of the Jews but whites were more privileged than blacks. I'm sorry but their place in the USA is well deserved. You say black people kill white people but when? Do you know what racism is? You blame the Jews but no one obliges you whites to be racist. Now the one who should worry about racial mixing and Europe. Trump no longer lets anyone in while Europe does.
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
Aquarius said:
Elias, let me be clear. You have this strange anti-white retarded idea that America was of the native americans and that we Whites stole it. And now you even promote this multiracial degeneration about blacks and asians having to stay in the USA, are you fucked out of your mind dude? We know at this point that you are offended at White people but seriously you need to understand that the world doesen't revolve around your feelings of inferiority and that the USA will be a WHITE ONLY country, just like all EUROPEANS countries will. You're not a National Socialist if you keep saying this bullshit, and when you're not a National Socialist you're not even a Satanist, because the two are 666% connected.

America is made up of 50 states. Why should blacks and Asians go where they worked as slaves to create a better future? (including whites) Already blacks detach themselves from whites, even if for racial reasons, they detach themselves even without Satanism, so what does mixing do? And Europe that should worry about mixing not the United States because we are talking about a state that occupies half of the continent, the world is not as small as it seems. And like modern football: you play not for the color of your skin but for your skills. If you are not good you don't play, black or white or yellow you don't play. This is cooperation between races and non-mixes. And so America was built, nobody told immigrants to get laid like in South America. And above all thanks to the United States that blacks today feel proud of being black, so why should they leave?
So just let blacks stay in america because that makes them feel proud? That's some good critical thinking......Not.
What makes them proud are disgusting terrorist movements like black lives matter that is made up of the most kind of degenerate blacks who also are criminals and who would love to kill whitey. Your points make ABSOLUTELY no sense.

But what do you want to know about black culture? If all blacks had wanted to kill whites they would have already done so since they are also in numerical superiority in the world. But luckily there are good people. Blacks in the United States had a huge artistic musical influence. Remember that music is a gift from Satan. Jazz was created by African slaves. Jazz belongs to Satan. Black people have influenced America in a positive way and fortunately music does not kill. And if you want to blame the Jews, the Jews have used people of all races here on our planet, not just black people.
Elias Sebastian said:
You say black people kill white people but when? Do you know what racism is?
Yes, I do know. It's when stupid little shits believe that hating and killing white people is not racism but saying that blacks have to go back to africa is racist.

Elias Sebastian said:
I'm sorry but their place in the USA is well deserved.
No, it really isn't. How did negroes develop the united states? it was the White men that developed the USA, negroes just went along, some of them great people like george washington carver but I can't really name any other ones as I don't know them. I would like you to visit Detroit and then tell me how black people still deserve to be in the USA.

Elias Sebastian said:
You blame the Jews but no one obliges you whites to be racist
Your broken english doesn't allow me to interpet this comment of yours.

All in all Elias, you definitely have negative feelings about the White race, it's most likely the typical jealousy migrant have towards people that are better than them, you're even avoiding the question about why don't you go back to your own country, to your own people now that you finished your education here in Italy, maybe you prefer a developed White country?

Elias Sebastian said:
Your colleague said they should leave the USA. This is a real injustice how can you afford to say such a thing?
We can say that all day. Your little pathetic inferiority-based feelings have no value in Nature, nor in National Socialism(which is Nature, by the way) nor in Satanism(which is National Socialism, by the way). One day Blacks and Asians are gonna gtfo of all White countries and go back to their roots, which is a fucking beautiful thing, for them, and for us, and you're a pathetic fucking being for thinking otherwise, especially since you're supposedly a "satanist".
Elias Sebastian said:
I'm not an American so I don't understand these English fashion phrases. I said nothing bad about whites but I defended blacks and Asians. Your colleague said they should leave the USA. This is a real injustice how can you afford to say such a thing?

I agree with elias you guys are fucking ignorant racists. Black people make such spectacular contributions to white nations. All you have to do is walk down a neighborhood dominated by black people and you will know. You're just not living life if you're not constantly in danger of being robbed or murdered.

As for white privilege it's a very real thing. I personally LOVE basking the privilege of knowing that a significant portion of what I earn in a month is confiscated by the government to be spent feeding and housing racial groups that want to rape and murder my friends and family, and also to fund programs that bring more of these people to the country I live in.

It's a pure joy knowing that my ancestors who over thousands of years of blood, sweat and tears have erected the nations we live in today, are being forgotten as history is rewritten to appeal to people who are offended by simple truths, and our heritage being handed over to people who contributed nothing towards building and maintaining our nations.
Elias Sebastian said:
The Jews have all the faults you want but these very good people despite all the evil they suffered through the fault of the Jews eventually survived. They have worked spitting blood for underpaid dozens of years. Underpaid because it is true that it is the fault of the Jews but whites were more privileged than blacks. I'm sorry but their place in the USA is well deserved. You say black people kill white people but when? Do you know what racism is? You blame the Jews but no one obliges you whites to be racist. Now the one who should worry about racial mixing and Europe. Trump no longer lets anyone in while Europe does.
Two wrongs don't make a right. They don't belong in white countries and they will in the future go live in their respective countries where they belong. Racism is highly overestimated. That was a thing of the past. Currently there is institutional legal discrimination against whites and blacks get everything for free from the federal government for being black.
Elias Sebastian said:
ahana666 said:
Fucking stop already, all of this 'OH YOU RACIST PIECE OF SHIT' is ignorance, I bet that if this post was named 'BLACK PEOPLE, THE BEST OF THIS WORLD' there would not be any problems. If you're black and you have an inferiority complex don't answer. Simply as that.

I'm not an American so I don't understand these English fashion phrases. I said nothing bad about whites but I defended blacks and Asians. Your colleague said they should leave the USA. This is a real injustice how can you afford to say such a thing?

Eventually an order is going to have to be attained for each of our own nations in catering to our races and our home grounds, but this won't be for a while. This segregation is necessary to enable growth for our own people. Crammed together in one country, blacks, asians and whites have little room to expand their cultures, lifestyles, individual expression and nature without eventually interfering with another race's attempts to do this as well, and eventually this leads to frustrations and pressure which then leads to conflict.

As it stands for blacks and asians of our ministries here in Joy of Satan, if you are in the Americas, stay here. This is the safest option at this point in time throughout this war for you. I'm not going to get upset or desire to tell non-whites of our own to get out of our countries when it wouldn't be the best decision for them. They're allies and evidently many of them just happened to be born here and had no choice in the matter like many others of non-white races.

The state of home countries for blacks and asians at this point in time is depressing and it seems the Americas are really the final stand in this whole world wide war. This however does not excuse the crude behaviour of non-white outsiders and normies of which I still hold great resentment and loathing towards; I only have respect for our non-white members here and can extend a view of compassionate understanding given the circumstances.

That is all.
HPS Shannon said:
I hope this thread doesnt turn into something negative. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

All of the gentiles from Satan are meant to be the best and great. We need to remember there are ranks and heirarchies everywhere in nature but its not about who's best or who is second best, etc, etc.

Satan and the gods are the best but as I was told ' the best creates the best"

Right now lets keep the focus on annihilating our enemy. Lets always be reminded of our sacred place with Satan as we spring fourth to divinity.

Every single day we see the nightmare in Earth the Jew has created, no gentile will succeed or develop if they continue. I have a feeling things are going to get real dire for us all within the next couple of years, especially with this push to control and lock down our freesoms, its most disconcerting.

Thank you for your input Shannon. I really Admire all that you do. You're very smart too and see through alot of nonsense, that others of my race fall in line with.

There are Countless Races on this Earth, but not very Highly Evolved, intelligent ones. Soon there will be Hundreds of Evolved Races who Either live on or Visit Earth.

We cannot Fathom how many intelligent beings are actually out there, that the Empire of Orion works with. We will be a vacation spot, with portals that connect Planet to Planet.

Imagine how many Languages and Cultures we will need to learn. The Blue birds and the red birds, exist in midst of each other. They just dont procreate together and sit in the same nest.

Doesnt mean they wont sit in the same tree.
Elias Sebastian said:
The Jews have all the faults you want but these very good people despite all the evil they suffered through the fault of the Jews eventually survived. They have worked spitting blood for underpaid dozens of years. Underpaid because it is true that it is the fault of the Jews but whites were more privileged than blacks. I'm sorry but their place in the USA is well deserved. You say black people kill white people but when? Do you know what racism is? You blame the Jews but no one obliges you whites to be racist. Now the one who should worry about racial mixing and Europe. Trump no longer lets anyone in while Europe does.
The US is a country built by White people for White people. The only non Whites in America will be Native Americans because they were there before Europeans, the rest will go to their ancestral homelands.
And no, Whites are not racist but we should be.
Length said:
I didn't receive a single notice about this post so i failed to respond. Fist off, i love Black People. They are my Race. They are beautiful and our skin color is awesome. Some mixed blacks themselves could consider their skin color as gold as thats how it looks on some people. I think the Black Race is awesome beyond any doubt and my intention of this post was the obvious respect and awareness of Ary people in general .

Direct in line of the very beings which founded ourselves so the qualities of Whites in general is extremely high and much to the fashion of Satan and the Gods of Hell- meaning they are awesome. I would also admit that there are beautiful Whites as well as any other Race. Take Asian or Asian women for example. Their structure of their face and how they look in General as the Asiatic race is beyond awesome. You could honestly tell that they were and some are still empowered to an extent from past generations. There is no denying the Beauty of any race, and some races like Arabs bodies differ so much physically that it is astonishing to witness.

Im not playing the superior or inferior card either. Nor was or am i saying Heil Whites and fuck everyone else. My mood within this post is uplifting and Inspiring of and to the Whites in general. Im not being forceful, disruptive, or aggressive in this post either. This is more like a general remark/ statements of whites.

I also dont understand how what i posted could be taken negatively. I mean if you are not cucked or have any problems or lack of information then my post would be just what it is, a positive statement regarding the Aryan Race of people.

When the Infiltrators realize they have been played. Lol
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
You say black people kill white people but when? Do you know what racism is?
Yes, I do know. It's when stupid little shits believe that hating and killing white people is not racism but saying that blacks have to go back to africa is racist.

Elias Sebastian said:
I'm sorry but their place in the USA is well deserved.
No, it really isn't. How did negroes develop the united states? it was the White men that developed the USA, negroes just went along, some of them great people like george washington carver but I can't really name any other ones as I don't know them. I would like you to visit Detroit and then tell me how black people still deserve to be in the USA.

Elias Sebastian said:
You blame the Jews but no one obliges you whites to be racist
Your broken english doesn't allow me to interpet this comment of yours.

All in all Elias, you definitely have negative feelings about the White race, it's most likely the typical jealousy migrant have towards people that are better than them, you're even avoiding the question about why don't you go back to your own country, to your own people now that you finished your education here in Italy, maybe you prefer a developed White country?

Elias Sebastian said:
Your colleague said they should leave the USA. This is a real injustice how can you afford to say such a thing?
We can say that all day. Your little pathetic inferiority-based feelings have no value in Nature, nor in National Socialism(which is Nature, by the way) nor in Satanism(which is National Socialism, by the way). One day Blacks and Asians are gonna gtfo of all White countries and go back to their roots, which is a fucking beautiful thing, for them, and for us, and you're a pathetic fucking being for thinking otherwise, especially since you're supposedly a "satanist".

Stai convincendo me o te stesso?
You say I feel inferior to everything but I don't hate whites. Do you know who Simon Bolivar is? Simon Bolivar has made Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru independent. Then he became president of these states like George Washington. Simon Bolivar was born in Venezuela but his family is Spanish. So, given that he is a white man, then should all South Americans leave or die like the American Indians because they risk mixing with whites? After this aquarium I advise you to study or do further research on the Internet. The other half of the United States is made up of pure black culture and for all they have had to suffer they deserve to live there forever. USA = 50 United States. Germany = Germany. Is this clear to you?
Elias Sebastian said:
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
You say black people kill white people but when? Do you know what racism is?
Yes, I do know. It's when stupid little shits believe that hating and killing white people is not racism but saying that blacks have to go back to africa is racist.

Elias Sebastian said:
I'm sorry but their place in the USA is well deserved.
No, it really isn't. How did negroes develop the united states? it was the White men that developed the USA, negroes just went along, some of them great people like george washington carver but I can't really name any other ones as I don't know them. I would like you to visit Detroit and then tell me how black people still deserve to be in the USA.

Elias Sebastian said:
You blame the Jews but no one obliges you whites to be racist
Your broken english doesn't allow me to interpet this comment of yours.

All in all Elias, you definitely have negative feelings about the White race, it's most likely the typical jealousy migrant have towards people that are better than them, you're even avoiding the question about why don't you go back to your own country, to your own people now that you finished your education here in Italy, maybe you prefer a developed White country?

Elias Sebastian said:
Your colleague said they should leave the USA. This is a real injustice how can you afford to say such a thing?
We can say that all day. Your little pathetic inferiority-based feelings have no value in Nature, nor in National Socialism(which is Nature, by the way) nor in Satanism(which is National Socialism, by the way). One day Blacks and Asians are gonna gtfo of all White countries and go back to their roots, which is a fucking beautiful thing, for them, and for us, and you're a pathetic fucking being for thinking otherwise, especially since you're supposedly a "satanist".

Stai convincendo me o te stesso?
You say I feel inferior to everything but I don't hate whites. Do you know who Simon Bolivar is? Simon Bolivar has made Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru independent. Then he became president of these states like George Washington. Simon Bolivar was born in Venezuela but his family is Spanish. So, given that he is a white man, then should all South Americans leave or die like the American Indians because they risk mixing with whites? After this aquarium I advise you to study or do further research on the Internet. The other half of the United States is made up of pure black culture and for all they have had to suffer they deserve to live there forever. USA = 50 United States. Germany = Germany. Is this clear to you?
Black should all be with Blacks in their own country and same with Whites and Asians, whatever they are good and developed or not. There is no need to say that one race is better than another or whatever as we are not at full "power" the jews stripped all gentiles of real spirituality and the only advancement in almost anything was done by Whites because as a race they are a bit stronger on the mental aspect and intelligence than the others and because being more close to the God's genetically made the connection with them better and they could have their invisible help. That is it, the other races can advance and develop on their own but they need the jews gone and spiritual advancement.
Elias Sebastian said:
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
You say black people kill white people but when? Do you know what racism is?
Yes, I do know. It's when stupid little shits believe that hating and killing white people is not racism but saying that blacks have to go back to africa is racist.

Elias Sebastian said:
I'm sorry but their place in the USA is well deserved.
No, it really isn't. How did negroes develop the united states? it was the White men that developed the USA, negroes just went along, some of them great people like george washington carver but I can't really name any other ones as I don't know them. I would like you to visit Detroit and then tell me how black people still deserve to be in the USA.

Elias Sebastian said:
You blame the Jews but no one obliges you whites to be racist
Your broken english doesn't allow me to interpet this comment of yours.

All in all Elias, you definitely have negative feelings about the White race, it's most likely the typical jealousy migrant have towards people that are better than them, you're even avoiding the question about why don't you go back to your own country, to your own people now that you finished your education here in Italy, maybe you prefer a developed White country?

Elias Sebastian said:
Your colleague said they should leave the USA. This is a real injustice how can you afford to say such a thing?
We can say that all day. Your little pathetic inferiority-based feelings have no value in Nature, nor in National Socialism(which is Nature, by the way) nor in Satanism(which is National Socialism, by the way). One day Blacks and Asians are gonna gtfo of all White countries and go back to their roots, which is a fucking beautiful thing, for them, and for us, and you're a pathetic fucking being for thinking otherwise, especially since you're supposedly a "satanist".

Stai convincendo me o te stesso?
You say I feel inferior to everything but I don't hate whites. Do you know who Simon Bolivar is? Simon Bolivar has made Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru independent. Then he became president of these states like George Washington. Simon Bolivar was born in Venezuela but his family is Spanish. So, given that he is a white man, then should all South Americans leave or die like the American Indians because they risk mixing with whites? After this aquarium I advise you to study or do further research on the Internet. The other half of the United States is made up of pure black culture and for all they have had to suffer they deserve to live there forever. USA = 50 United States. Germany = Germany. Is this clear to you?
You really don't like thinking too hard with your head don't you?
What you said as irony against me using Simon Bolivar makes no sense, he united south americans(looks like they couldn't on the own?) he did a great thing, but why would you think that I think that all south americans should move away?

The narrative about the poor native americans getting their land stolen makes no sense either, we brought civilization, and it's civilization that advances humanity, not cleaning your ass with leafs, but if that is what you prefer you're welcome to do it Elias, nobody's stopping you.

Yes the pure black culture, I bet that at this point you're just taking stuff from your ass to appear intelligent and just throw it here.
You still have a kiddy mind that doesn't comprehend nature, maybe keep meditating and studying (and not dreaming multicultural worlds) and maybe you'll reach a higher level of understanding.
Personally, I believe there's no getting through to him right now. He just wants to convince himself he belongs in Italy despite not being Italian (and neither White for that matter), so he keeps projecting his insecurities onto the Blacks. He may think of this as therapeutic as, if we tell him Blacks are are welcome to stay in the USA after we've solved other impelling problems, he will feel it as a justification to feel Italian and welcome in Italy.

More briefly, he should work on sorting this out within himself first by focusing more on deep cleaning, instead of trying to convince people outside of himself, believing that's going to do any good for his inner confusion and contamination.
Elias Sebastian said:
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
You say black people kill white people but when? Do you know what racism is?
Yes, I do know. It's when stupid little shits believe that hating and killing white people is not racism but saying that blacks have to go back to africa is racist.

Elias Sebastian said:
I'm sorry but their place in the USA is well deserved.
No, it really isn't. How did negroes develop the united states? it was the White men that developed the USA, negroes just went along, some of them great people like george washington carver but I can't really name any other ones as I don't know them. I would like you to visit Detroit and then tell me how black people still deserve to be in the USA.

Elias Sebastian said:
You blame the Jews but no one obliges you whites to be racist
Your broken english doesn't allow me to interpet this comment of yours.

All in all Elias, you definitely have negative feelings about the White race, it's most likely the typical jealousy migrant have towards people that are better than them, you're even avoiding the question about why don't you go back to your own country, to your own people now that you finished your education here in Italy, maybe you prefer a developed White country?

Elias Sebastian said:
Your colleague said they should leave the USA. This is a real injustice how can you afford to say such a thing?
We can say that all day. Your little pathetic inferiority-based feelings have no value in Nature, nor in National Socialism(which is Nature, by the way) nor in Satanism(which is National Socialism, by the way). One day Blacks and Asians are gonna gtfo of all White countries and go back to their roots, which is a fucking beautiful thing, for them, and for us, and you're a pathetic fucking being for thinking otherwise, especially since you're supposedly a "satanist".

Stai convincendo me o te stesso?
You say I feel inferior to everything but I don't hate whites. Do you know who Simon Bolivar is? Simon Bolivar has made Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru independent. Then he became president of these states like George Washington. Simon Bolivar was born in Venezuela but his family is Spanish. So, given that he is a white man, then should all South Americans leave or die like the American Indians because they risk mixing with whites? After this aquarium I advise you to study or do further research on the Internet. The other half of the United States is made up of pure black culture and for all they have had to suffer they deserve to live there forever. USA = 50 United States. Germany = Germany. Is this clear to you?
This is completely false, historically. The native Americans sold the land to the whites and afterwards they declared war against the whites for being in a land they legally bought from the natives. It was not a genocide, it was a war with many casualties on both sides. The native Americans were mass murdering each others tribes before whites came to America. This shit is something you weren't taught in history class.
I honestly think you're just being nice. I love whites as well as every other race. We're all Father Satan's family. Stay gold. Everyone we don't need to fight over this.
Let's keep having someone who is not American, and has never been to America, try to lecture us about American culture and history....   :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

I wouldn't try to argue with an Italian about the subtle points of Italian culture and history, because I don't know much about it. But good thing Elias is so extremely bold that he doesn't need to know what he's talking about, he doesn't need to know anything about our culture or our history, he can still lecture us like we are babies and he knows better just by talking out of his ass.  :lol: Elias, you can argue with Aquarius about American culture and history as long as you want, because you are both Italians with no experience or knowledge about America so it is mostly nonsense either way, but your time would be better spent to argue about something that you actually know about, like the culture in Italy.

As an American, who has been here my whole life and does know all about the history and cultures here, my opinion is that whatever good people who are American citizens at this time should stay as American citizens, regardless of race. Anybody who is subversive and anti-American, they don't need to be here, regardless of race and including all the white communist marxist liberals. Those liberals have such a hatred against America, they can leave since they hate it here so much. And they can go to Russia since they love marxism so much. I agree with having secure borders and stopping future immigration, or at least slowing it down very much and limiting it only to the most qualified and smartest people.

Something that America has that other countries and cultures do not have, is we have African Americans and Asian Americans, and there is nothing wrong with that. Many African Americans have been here just as long as the white people have, and most of them are great people with strong morals. If in Italy or other places in Europe, there are a lot of Muslim extremists who want to cut off your head, and many of them are also black, that may start to influence your opinion about them. But America is completely different, we don't have extremist muslims in any significant amount, and most of our black citizens are great people who do contribute and have good morals. Remember that America is bigger than all of Europe. In America, we have many communities and cities where the citizens there are mostly or entirely non-white, and that is fine if they are happy with it. America has enough space that this works, there is room for all the different communities. But each American state is larger than most entire European countries are, and we have 50 of them, so it is a very different situation than Europe and you can't compare them.

All illegal immigrants, and all who are criminals, should not be here. All white marxist America-hating liberals need to go live in Russia, since that's the society they want so much. And the borders have to be secure. But african Americans who have been here for many generations, and they are good people, let them stay. Many of them have the kind of family-centered values that we wish everyone would have. We have the space and resources for them, it is a good thing for them to be here.   There is a small percentage of them who do bad things, just like there is a small percentage in any group who does bad things, but those people do not represent the majority.

President Truman, who wrote in his high school yearbook about himself being jewish, created a lot of "new deal" style liberal policies that ripped apart black families. He created laws that black single mothers would get a lot of money from the government, but only if there is no man living in the home. If the children had a father, or any male role model like an uncle, the family would not get the money, so they could not afford for the father to be involved. This dropped the percentage of black families who have a father from about 95% to about 30%, and is just now finally increasing again. This is why many of them had to look for a male role model from outside of the home, which usually meant older boys in the neighborhood who were in the same situation, which is the single absolute cause of all the gangs. Then the CIA and Cartels flooded black cities with millions of pounds of drugs for decades. And everywhere you look in that history, all the problems that you see are directly traced back to liberal democrat policies and the jewish politicians who create them. Policies that they pretend are meant to help, but really just cause a million more problems. In the exact same way they promote all these pills on TV that they say is made to cure a disease, but then they list the side effects and it really causes 15 more diseases that you didn't have before. Plus the jewish record companies putting endless propaganda through the control of the rap music industry, through lyrics that encourage crimes and drug use, because that is what the producers want to happen to their culture.

So the majority of black people in America are great, noble, moral people who always want to do the right thing. And whatever ones have problems, all of their problems trace directly and clearly back to the same enemy where our problems come from. Some of them have been made to blame it on us, and it is equally wrong to blame it on them. But the political and cultural environment of America is in a complete transformation right now because the jewish liberal democrat politicians are in this desperate race against the clock, and they are exposing themselves for their purely insane and evil actions and plans more and more every single day. I truly believe that most democrats are about to be voted out of office, and it's going to be many years before anyone trusts them ever again. All americans, regardless of race, are now seeing where all their problems really do come from, and it is not each other. Republicans are all about all citizens being successful and prosperous, and just want a healthy and strong society for everybody to benefit from. And when they start feeling these improvements, the black people are turning against democrats and they are turning against the idea of racism. They see that it's the democrats who pretend to be their friend are really the most racist and hateful people who have caused all of their problems, and the regular white republicans who the democrats always tell them are racist, are really not racist at all and they just want to have everybody succeed.

Before the corona virus happened, Trump's policies dropped black unemployment, asian unemployment, and hispanic unemployment all to the lowest levels in all of history, and dropped female unemployment to the lowest levels since about 70 years ago. Trump, someone who the media is always lying about and trying to say he is racist, is doing more to help minorities than any other president in history, and he is one of those Straight White Males that the Marxists are always crying about. Things like this are showing the black communities that white people like Trump are not racist at all, and we are even doing more to help them than anyone else ever did, so all the liberal marxist lies about racism are collapsing. The entire marxist narrative that makes some black people hate white people is collapsing and being proven wrong more and more every day. And friendliness and comradery betwern races is steadily improving. As the Marxists lose all power and influence, racial tensions improve and everybody gets along a lot better.

So Elias and Aquarius are both partly correct, and both very incorrect, because neither of you are American. America is an extremely complex situation that even many Americans never really understand, so neither of you Italians could make a definitive argument about it because you just don't know what your talking about. Race relations and friendliness is very good in America, and is improving every day, and we have enough room for it to work. But you can't compare America and European countries.
What? You say Blacks shouldn't stay in America? How about jazz music?!
This proves non Whites contributed to White countries.

Racists btfo.
I personally think that USA/America belongs to White People. A White man discovered America and we civilized it before anyone else, so..

Whites are not racist assholes, but as one said we should be.
Elias Sebastian said:
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
America is made up of 50 states. Why should blacks and Asians go where they worked as slaves to create a better future? (including whites) Already blacks detach themselves from whites, even if for racial reasons, they detach themselves even without Satanism, so what does mixing do? And Europe that should worry about mixing not the United States because we are talking about a state that occupies half of the continent, the world is not as small as it seems. And like modern football: you play not for the color of your skin but for your skills. If you are not good you don't play, black or white or yellow you don't play. This is cooperation between races and non-mixes. And so America was built, nobody told immigrants to get laid like in South America. And above all thanks to the United States that blacks today feel proud of being black, so why should they leave?
So just let blacks stay in america because that makes them feel proud? That's some good critical thinking......Not.
What makes them proud are disgusting terrorist movements like black lives matter that is made up of the most kind of degenerate blacks who also are criminals and who would love to kill whitey. Your points make ABSOLUTELY no sense.

But what do you want to know about black culture? If all blacks had wanted to kill whites they would have already done so since they are also in numerical superiority in the world. But luckily there are good people. Blacks in the United States had a huge artistic musical influence. Remember that music is a gift from Satan. Jazz was created by African slaves. Jazz belongs to Satan. Black people have influenced America in a positive way and fortunately music does not kill. And if you want to blame the Jews, the Jews have used people of all races here on our planet, not just black people.


Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
Aquarius said:
Yes, I do know. It's when stupid little shits believe that hating and killing white people is not racism but saying that blacks have to go back to africa is racist.

No, it really isn't. How did negroes develop the united states? it was the White men that developed the USA, negroes just went along, some of them great people like george washington carver but I can't really name any other ones as I don't know them. I would like you to visit Detroit and then tell me how black people still deserve to be in the USA.

Your broken english doesn't allow me to interpet this comment of yours.

All in all Elias, you definitely have negative feelings about the White race, it's most likely the typical jealousy migrant have towards people that are better than them, you're even avoiding the question about why don't you go back to your own country, to your own people now that you finished your education here in Italy, maybe you prefer a developed White country?

We can say that all day. Your little pathetic inferiority-based feelings have no value in Nature, nor in National Socialism(which is Nature, by the way) nor in Satanism(which is National Socialism, by the way). One day Blacks and Asians are gonna gtfo of all White countries and go back to their roots, which is a fucking beautiful thing, for them, and for us, and you're a pathetic fucking being for thinking otherwise, especially since you're supposedly a "satanist".

Stai convincendo me o te stesso?
You say I feel inferior to everything but I don't hate whites. Do you know who Simon Bolivar is? Simon Bolivar has made Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru independent. Then he became president of these states like George Washington. Simon Bolivar was born in Venezuela but his family is Spanish. So, given that he is a white man, then should all South Americans leave or die like the American Indians because they risk mixing with whites? After this aquarium I advise you to study or do further research on the Internet. The other half of the United States is made up of pure black culture and for all they have had to suffer they deserve to live there forever. USA = 50 United States. Germany = Germany. Is this clear to you?
You really don't like thinking too hard with your head don't you?
What you said as irony against me using Simon Bolivar makes no sense, he united south americans(looks like they couldn't on the own?) he did a great thing, but why would you think that I think that all south americans should move away?

The narrative about the poor native americans getting their land stolen makes no sense either, we brought civilization, and it's civilization that advances humanity, not cleaning your ass with leafs, but if that is what you prefer you're welcome to do it Elias, nobody's stopping you.

Yes the pure black culture, I bet that at this point you're just taking stuff from your ass to appear intelligent and just throw it here.
You still have a kiddy mind that doesn't comprehend nature, maybe keep meditating and studying (and not dreaming multicultural worlds) and maybe you'll reach a higher level of understanding.

I don't dream of multicultural worlds, I was talking about the USA and not the whole world. However don't worry, Argentina and Australia are practically white states. It is obvious that in front of the billions of Asians the white race seems to be little but thanks to countries like Australia, Canada, Argentina it can be remedied in the future.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Elias Sebastian said:
The Jews have all the faults you want but these very good people despite all the evil they suffered through the fault of the Jews eventually survived. They have worked spitting blood for underpaid dozens of years. Underpaid because it is true that it is the fault of the Jews but whites were more privileged than blacks. I'm sorry but their place in the USA is well deserved. You say black people kill white people but when? Do you know what racism is? You blame the Jews but no one obliges you whites to be racist. Now the one who should worry about racial mixing and Europe. Trump no longer lets anyone in while Europe does.
The US is a country built by White people for White people. The only non Whites in America will be Native Americans because they were there before Europeans, the rest will go to their ancestral homelands.
And no, Whites are not racist but we should be.

Do you feel like a God after saying such a phrase? Do you think Hitler told the Germans to be racist with other races? So why did Hitler make a deal with Japan by showing him great respect for his support during World War II? But do you feel smart after saying such a sentence? I didn't think I'd find people like you on Jos ... :eek:
Dahaarkan said:
Elias Sebastian said:
I'm not an American so I don't understand these English fashion phrases. I said nothing bad about whites but I defended blacks and Asians. Your colleague said they should leave the USA. This is a real injustice how can you afford to say such a thing?

I agree with elias you guys are fucking ignorant racists. Black people make such spectacular contributions to white nations. All you have to do is walk down a neighborhood dominated by black people and you will know. You're just not living life if you're not constantly in danger of being robbed or murdered.

As for white privilege it's a very real thing. I personally LOVE basking the privilege of knowing that a significant portion of what I earn in a month is confiscated by the government to be spent feeding and housing racial groups that want to rape and murder my friends and family, and also to fund programs that bring more of these people to the country I live in.

It's a pure joy knowing that my ancestors who over thousands of years of blood, sweat and tears have erected the nations we live in today, are being forgotten as history is rewritten to appeal to people who are offended by simple truths, and our heritage being handed over to people who contributed nothing towards building and maintaining our nations.

Lol. Bro you didn't hear. The fist American president was actually Black.....
Elias Sebastian said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Elias Sebastian said:
The Jews have all the faults you want but these very good people despite all the evil they suffered through the fault of the Jews eventually survived. They have worked spitting blood for underpaid dozens of years. Underpaid because it is true that it is the fault of the Jews but whites were more privileged than blacks. I'm sorry but their place in the USA is well deserved. You say black people kill white people but when? Do you know what racism is? You blame the Jews but no one obliges you whites to be racist. Now the one who should worry about racial mixing and Europe. Trump no longer lets anyone in while Europe does.
The US is a country built by White people for White people. The only non Whites in America will be Native Americans because they were there before Europeans, the rest will go to their ancestral homelands.
And no, Whites are not racist but we should be.

Do you feel like a God after saying such a phrase? Do you think Hitler told the Germans to be racist with other races? So why did Hitler make a deal with Japan by showing him great respect for his support during World War II? But do you feel smart after saying such a sentence? I didn't think I'd find people like you on Jos ... :eek:
It's like speaking to a kid........ is your brain a rock..?
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
The US is a country built by White people for White people. The only non Whites in America will be Native Americans because they were there before Europeans, the rest will go to their ancestral homelands.
And no, Whites are not racist but we should be.

Do you feel like a God after saying such a phrase? Do you think Hitler told the Germans to be racist with other races? So why did Hitler make a deal with Japan by showing him great respect for his support during World War II? But do you feel smart after saying such a sentence? I didn't think I'd find people like you on Jos ... :eek:
It's like speaking to a kid........ is your brain a rock..?

I am a child? ok, always better than being the dog in the group. I was talking about the USA not about Italy. I will try to be more lovable with you. ;)
Elias Sebastian said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Elias Sebastian said:
The Jews have all the faults you want but these very good people despite all the evil they suffered through the fault of the Jews eventually survived. They have worked spitting blood for underpaid dozens of years. Underpaid because it is true that it is the fault of the Jews but whites were more privileged than blacks. I'm sorry but their place in the USA is well deserved. You say black people kill white people but when? Do you know what racism is? You blame the Jews but no one obliges you whites to be racist. Now the one who should worry about racial mixing and Europe. Trump no longer lets anyone in while Europe does.
The US is a country built by White people for White people. The only non Whites in America will be Native Americans because they were there before Europeans, the rest will go to their ancestral homelands.
And no, Whites are not racist but we should be.

Do you feel like a God after saying such a phrase? Do you think Hitler told the Germans to be racist with other races? So why did Hitler make a deal with Japan by showing him great respect for his support during World War II? But do you feel smart after saying such a sentence? I didn't think I'd find people like you on Jos ... :eek:
There is nothing wrong with what I said, you dumb fuck.
Elias Sebastian said:
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
Do you feel like a God after saying such a phrase? Do you think Hitler told the Germans to be racist with other races? So why did Hitler make a deal with Japan by showing him great respect for his support during World War II? But do you feel smart after saying such a sentence? I didn't think I'd find people like you on Jos ... :eek:
It's like speaking to a kid........ is your brain a rock..?

I am a child? ok, always better than being the dog in the group. I was talking about the USA not about Italy. I will try to be more lovable with you. ;)
I do not understand this insult.
Elias Sebastian said:
I am a child? ok, always better than being the dog in the group. I was talking about the USA not about Italy. I will try to be more lovable with you. ;)

Hold the phone I think I know just what the fuck you are. You're a disgusting infiltrator, you don't feel any connection with any race here for a damn good reason and you're just naturally spewing this garbage because it's 'natural' to you. You even said it yourself a long time ago where you made up some blatant lie of people calling you an alien or that you're not of this world and don't belong on Earth but that was just you trying to express how you actually feel or some subconscious garbage of your soul.

You preached of an origin a year ago of an association you came from that was dominated by jewish direction of which you were born from. You have a terrible fucking vibe to all your posts and everything you say is a straight blind steer that sounds like everything the enemy so heavily preaches, not to mention your profile name is a variation of israelian origin of 'ēlīyāhū meaning "Jehovah is God" and even Sebastian has some relation with xianity, why does your whole freaking profile name reflect this?

Far too much of your entire person smells like bullshit to me and I refuse to trust a single damn thing that comes out of your head.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Elias Sebastian said:
I am a child? ok, always better than being the dog in the group. I was talking about the USA not about Italy. I will try to be more lovable with you. ;)

Hold the phone I think I know just what the fuck you are. You're a disgusting infiltrator, you don't feel any connection with any race here for a damn good reason and you're just naturally spewing this garbage because it's 'natural' to you. You even said it yourself a long time ago where you made up some blatant lie of people calling you an alien or that you're not of this world and don't belong on Earth but that was just you trying to express how you actually feel or some subconscious garbage of your soul.

You preached of an origin a year ago of an association you came from that was dominated by jewish direction of which you were born from. You have a terrible fucking vibe to all your posts and everything you say is a straight blind steer that sounds like everything the enemy so heavily preaches, not to mention your profile name is a variation of israelian origin of 'ēlīyāhū meaning "Jehovah is God" and even Sebastian has some relation with xianity, why does your whole freaking profile name reflect this?

Far too much of your entire person smells like bullshit to me and I refuse to trust a single damn thing that comes out of your head.

I'm not here by chance, or maybe yes, I don't know. however I repeat for the umpteenth time that I don't hate whites. I have real white friends not only on the computer. Hating whites is like hating Satan himself. I did not choose Satan, I was already of Satan in some previous life. I repeat that I don't hate whites, the war will end, the Gods will be with us and the whites will have to have 10 children each, what's the problem? Today people have few children because they can't support them all. And I have no idea why the Chinese and Indians count in billions, who knows how they did it.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Elias Sebastian said:
I am a child? ok, always better than being the dog in the group. I was talking about the USA not about Italy. I will try to be more lovable with you. ;)

Hold the phone I think I know just what the fuck you are. You're a disgusting infiltrator, you don't feel any connection with any race here for a damn good reason and you're just naturally spewing this garbage because it's 'natural' to you. You even said it yourself a long time ago where you made up some blatant lie of people calling you an alien or that you're not of this world and don't belong on Earth but that was just you trying to express how you actually feel or some subconscious garbage of your soul.

You preached of an origin a year ago of an association you came from that was dominated by jewish direction of which you were born from. You have a terrible fucking vibe to all your posts and everything you say is a straight blind steer that sounds like everything the enemy so heavily preaches, not to mention your profile name is a variation of israelian origin of 'ēlīyāhū meaning "Jehovah is God" and even Sebastian has some relation with xianity, why does your whole freaking profile name reflect this?

Far too much of your entire person smells like bullshit to me and I refuse to trust a single damn thing that comes out of your head.
I don't think he's an infiltrator, he's a south american guy who lives in Italy and is kinda dumb who sometime ago posted about how he felt that nordic people were jealous of him. LOL
Ghost in the Machine said:
Elias Sebastian said:
I am a child? ok, always better than being the dog in the group. I was talking about the USA not about Italy. I will try to be more lovable with you. ;)

Hold the phone I think I know just what the fuck you are. You're a disgusting infiltrator, you don't feel any connection with any race here for a damn good reason and you're just naturally spewing this garbage because it's 'natural' to you. You even said it yourself a long time ago where you made up some blatant lie of people calling you an alien or that you're not of this world and don't belong on Earth but that was just you trying to express how you actually feel or some subconscious garbage of your soul.

You preached of an origin a year ago of an association you came from that was dominated by jewish direction of which you were born from. You have a terrible fucking vibe to all your posts and everything you say is a straight blind steer that sounds like everything the enemy so heavily preaches, not to mention your profile name is a variation of israelian origin of 'ēlīyāhū meaning "Jehovah is God" and even Sebastian has some relation with xianity, why does your whole freaking profile name reflect this?

Far too much of your entire person smells like bullshit to me and I refuse to trust a single damn thing that comes out of your head.
I do not think he is an infiltrator, but rather a dumb south american who lives in Italy and thinks nordic people are jealous of him. He's pretty fucked up about the race question.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
