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Where is any proof that Satan made nonwhites?

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Are you speaking about a native african country or are you speaking about some place overseas outside of afrika?

Traumas are traumas. They may influence now and the next generation (and the one after) but it should smoothe out a bit.
Holding on to unnecessary things is unhealthy.

Also it was the jews who did the slave trade trafficing not the whites.

Also do you have any idea what the white aryan peoples have been through?! Right now we are facing a genocide.

It has been said before not by me but by others that if youre in a situation that bad you should try to change it but instead the situation has allowed to breed greed and criminality due to famine. Youre basicly "bleeding" (spiri and physi) all over the place.
You have a choice. You could have tried to build a better place but you're stuck because some jewish government tells you.
Youre not having a high IQ because you were simply not born that way.

Actually rather than discussing I think youd be better off reading the Blacks 4 Satan website that HPS Shannon has written.

One more thing. Must the people pay that have absolutely NOTHING to do with whatever situation you are speaking about? You are speaking about the dead.

Lunar Dance 666:
I talk about my country Brazil, what is happening in my country. Unfortunately the past remains very current, and I know we have to get over the trauma, but I am just saying that it takes a long time to overcome, the current problem of my country has been happening for over 500 years, never changed, what changed was the nomenclature of the facts, but it remains the same thing: forced separation, self-hatred, distorted exaltation of race different of yours, slavery. I've seen black brothers curse themselves just because they are black. Do you have any idea what it means to have witnessed this?

Believe me, I try to change my reality and try to help others as much as I can.

I know that the slavery of the black race was caused by Jews and derivations of Judaism, also by betrayals of some members of the race itself, not
necessarily by whites, some of those who are gone and those who are present only perpetuated by ignorance, lack of empathy and IQ.

I know what the Gentile people went through and keep going through, I am aware of the genocide of the white people and it hurts me a lot. It hurts me to see people make mistakes and suffer more than you think. It hurts me to see any Gentiles being harmed.

What I am talking about is a clipping of the reality I witness. This speech of mine is not about victimism. It is also not about hate of whites.
I learned a few years ago that when one sector of one's life is not doing well the rest is not doing well too, that's what I am talking about. Now imagine you live in a country where everyone is mixed and yet there is forced separation by skin color? The clearer your skin the more assurance that the minimum for survival you will have. The darker your skin is the more you will suffer. To say the opposite is to close my eyes and distance myself from problems. Also just complaining doesn't produce any change and I am aware of it. Sometimes I feel my hands are tied and it's horrible. My wounds over this have healed and I react to attacks of racism and attempts to isolate me, the more they try to do it, the more I react. Each of you know your own reality and the problems of the countries you live in, just as I do.
I am just saying that there is racial and social segregation in my country, but in a misrepresented way, the fault of the Jews.
I'm sorry if at times I misjudged someone. Again if you say, who am I to disagree? You have the property to say something, for you experience it, just as I do.
Anyway I trust Father Satan a lot, he knows what he's doing, he's fair and sees beyond what I'll ever see.

May this 2020 be excellent for all of you!

Hail Satan!

HPS Shannon
Hope I quoted you right.

Yuna24 said:
Aquarius said:
I never said anything about the fact that paying or using money is bad. What I said is that you’re describing capitalism, a giant inequality between the rich and poor that is voluntarily kept like that by jews to destroy families and nations. This is not racial segregation. Let me make an example so that you understand better: If the white rich people that you are talking about were black, would you still call it racial segregation? No? Then why call it like that now too?
What you’re talking about is a giant economic disparity between the rich and the working class.

Here in my country even a poor white is hardly put out of a high class mall for example. 80% of the population is of African descent, however the clearer the person is the more opportunities the person has.

Racial segregation is not bad, on the contrary it is necessary. However what I mean all the time is that because of the Jewish frames and lies racial segregation has become a bad thing.
Exist racial segregation in my country, and not because the people of African descent came together and decided to segregate, but because they were forced and do not turn to themselves. Here in my country we were taught to hate ourselves, our skin, our hair, the shape of the nose and mouth, our origins in a very strong way. How does a race decide on their own and positively to segregate creating space for development if hate themselves? Do you understand what I mean? It goes beyond social inequality to the races.

It is very difficult for a race enslaved for many centuries, kept away from their countries, deprived of access to education, kept in precarious conditions, physically, psychologically and sexually abused, forced to work for more than 15 hours a day in a scorching sun and sleeping in a cold terrible, and after they are finally set free they go to the street, they get no jobs, because they are occupied by European immigrants. This is how slums emerged here and social inequality persists to this day.
To this day my brothers have not recovered from these traumas.

In my country racial segregation is forced on a self-hating people that creates violence, hunger, despair.

For example the word marriage can mean countless things to people. It can mean the union of two people who love each other, it can mean a social contract, a financial acquisition. Still it is a union between people. An arranged and forced marriage still means union, but forced marriage that can go very wrong and cause unhappiness and other negative consequences.

One word, countless meanings and uses.

Hail Satan!
Yuna24 said:
I talk about my country Brazil, what is happening in my country.

I'm not following the entire discussion, but if you mean Brazil, then what you say about the population being 80% blacks is seriously wrong. Look up the racial makeup of Brazil, and you'll see that whites here are somewhere between 44/47% of the population. It's impossible for blacks to be 80%.

Also, I don't know what state you live in not your individual experiences, but your statement about a poor black person not being able to enter a mall, sounds heavily exaggerated and victimizing. I've never seen that happen. Quite on the contrary, I see even an overprotection of blacks against "racism" on part of the media, the educational system with their racial quotas in universities, and leftist groups and movements in general.
Yuna24 said:
I talk about my country Brazil, what is happening in my country.

I don't see any "forced segregation" as you say, either. I see blacks and whites forcedly mixed everywhere in Brazil. Ever since I was a kid, I came across all types of black professionals, for example. Teachers, company managers, etc. Damn, as a white kid in school, I have even been bullied by black kids sometimes (black and white students are also crammed together in public schools), and I hold nothing to say against blacks now as an adult, regardless.

I had seen these details of what you say before, and I thought of commenting because I know you are a member of the Portuguese forum. But I thought: "she must be talking about an African country which also speaks Portuguese, like Mozambique". But now that you confirm that you were actually talking about Brazil, I had to reply and point out how absurd much of what you're stating is; sorry. You seem heavily programmed with leftist ideas, really. If you have been through personal experiences where you were rejected for being black, alright, it might have happened to you. But please make it clear that this is your personal experience, and don't try to generalize it for all of our country, because there is no base for it.
Yuna24 said:
I talk about my country Brazil, what is happening in my country.

And just to add to the data you say: from two different sources I've just checked, whites (mostly European descendants) make up 44-47% of the Brazilian population, people who call themselves blacks make up only about 7-8%, and the remaining percentage is made up of browns, natives and other races. I definitely don't see a majority of blacks when I walk out there, either. Besides, if blacks were even close to 80% of the total population, how would it be possible for a black person to not be allowed to enter a mall, as you've stated?
Not to be confused, I decided to repost.

Lunar Dance 666, I talk about my country Brazil, what is happening in my country. Unfortunately the past remains very current, and I know we have to get over the trauma, but I am just saying that it takes a long time to overcome, the current problem of my country has been happening for over 500 years, never changed, what changed was the nomenclature of the facts, but it remains the same thing: forced separation, self-hatred, distorted exaltation of race different of yours, slavery. I've seen black brothers curse themselves just because they are black. Do you have any idea what it means to have witnessed this?

Believe me, I try to change my reality and try to help others as much as I can.

I know that the slavery of the black race was caused by Jews and derivations of Judaism, also by betrayals of some members of the race itself, not
necessarily by whites, some of those who are gone and those who are present only perpetuated by ignorance, lack of empathy and IQ.

I know what the Gentile people went through and keep going through, I am aware of the genocide of the white people and it hurts me a lot. It hurts me to see people make mistakes and suffer more than you think. It hurts me to see any Gentiles being harmed.

What I am talking about is a clipping of the reality I witness. This speech of mine is not about victimism. It is also not about hate of whites.
I learned a few years ago that when one sector of one's life is not doing well the rest is not doing well too, that's what I am talking about. Now imagine you live in a country where everyone is mixed and yet there is forced separation by skin color? The clearer your skin the more assurance that the minimum for survival you will have. The darker your skin is the more you will suffer. To say the opposite is to close my eyes and distance myself from problems. Also just complaining doesn't produce any change and I am aware of it. Sometimes I feel my hands are tied and it's horrible. My wounds over this have healed and I react to attacks of racism and attempts to isolate me, the more they try to do it, the more I react. Each of you know your own reality and the problems of the countries you live in, just as I do.
I am just saying that there is racial and social segregation in my country, but in a misrepresented way, the fault of the Jews.
I'm sorry if at times I misjudged someone. Again if you say, who am I to disagree? You have the property to say something, for you experience it, just as I do.

Anyway I trust Father Satan a lot, he knows what he's doing, he's fair and sees beyond what I'll ever see.

May this 2020 be excellent for all of you!

Hail Satan!
Yuna24 said:
Lunar Dance 666:
I talk about my country Brazil, what is happening in my country. Unfortunately the past remains very current, and I know we have to get over the trauma, but I am just saying that it takes a long time to overcome, the current problem of my country has been happening for over 500 years, never changed, what changed was the nomenclature of the facts, but it remains the same thing: forced separation, self-hatred, distorted exaltation of race different of yours, slavery. I've seen black brothers curse themselves just because they are black. Do you have any idea what it means to have witnessed this?

Believe me, I try to change my reality and try to help others as much as I can.

I know that the slavery of the black race was caused by Jews and derivations of Judaism, also by betrayals of some members of the race itself, not
necessarily by whites, some of those who are gone and those who are present only perpetuated by ignorance, lack of empathy and IQ.

I know what the Gentile people went through and keep going through, I am aware of the genocide of the white people and it hurts me a lot. It hurts me to see people make mistakes and suffer more than you think. It hurts me to see any Gentiles being harmed.

What I am talking about is a clipping of the reality I witness. This speech of mine is not about victimism. It is also not about hate of whites.
I learned a few years ago that when one sector of one's life is not doing well the rest is not doing well too, that's what I am talking about. Now imagine you live in a country where everyone is mixed and yet there is forced separation by skin color? The clearer your skin the more assurance that the minimum for survival you will have. The darker your skin is the more you will suffer. To say the opposite is to close my eyes and distance myself from problems. Also just complaining doesn't produce any change and I am aware of it. Sometimes I feel my hands are tied and it's horrible. My wounds over this have healed and I react to attacks of racism and attempts to isolate me, the more they try to do it, the more I react. Each of you know your own reality and the problems of the countries you live in, just as I do.
I am just saying that there is racial and social segregation in my country, but in a misrepresented way, the fault of the Jews.
I'm sorry if at times I misjudged someone. Again if you say, who am I to disagree? You have the property to say something, for you experience it, just as I do.
Anyway I trust Father Satan a lot, he knows what he's doing, he's fair and sees beyond what I'll ever see.

May this 2020 be excellent for all of you!

Hail Satan!

K maybe I misunderstood and calling HPS Shannon was unnecessary but to me you did come across as unreasonable and hating whites but its more that you hate the division itself.

I have heard rumors about brazil. Poverty. Also heard that there are some shops set up by dutch people and that young teens (underage) sell their bodies (sex) for money to tourists. I was watching a documentary. It might have been another place but I thought it was Brazil that this happened in.

Honestly.. over here the basics are still seen as having a place to sleep, a place to wash and clean yourself and to have food on the table and a few clothes. They also added a washing machine for your clothes and bedlinen (may be a wrong word) because washing them by hand is really time consuming.
I've also been talking with the elderly like how it was after the war. They say if they came from the city "there was nothing" and call about everything we have now luxury.

But I can only guess and think that houses must be unreasonably priced, as they start to be more and more over here. Due to immigration.
Already a shortage here and they need to build about a million more in the next 4 years.
We do not even have the space speaking country wise. To build so many houses without forcing farmers to give up their excistence..

Anyway I hope that you'll be able to change something over there. And that the RTRs would also bring more positive changes in general.
Dypet Rod said:
Yuna24 said:
I talk about my country Brazil, what is happening in my country.

And just to add to the data you say: from two different sources I've just checked, whites (mostly European descendants) make up 44-47% of the Brazilian population, people who call themselves blacks make up only about 7-8%, and the remaining percentage is made up of browns, natives and other races. I definitely don't see a majority of blacks when I walk out there, either. Besides, if blacks were even close to 80% of the total population, how would it be possible for a black person to not be allowed to enter a mall, as you've stated?

Sorry I didn't answer you before, I didn't see your answer about what I said earlier.
I chose to make a brief summary to answer you, this time with data to support what I've been talking about in this topic rather than writing a simple text as I did before.

About the classification of color or race:

"IBGE researches the color or race of the Brazilian population based on self-declaration. That is, people are asked about their color according to the following options: white, black, brown, indigenous or yellow." (Extracted from: Meet Brazil - Population
available at:

Reflection on the number you came up with and why it is not accurate: Problem with racial self-declaration

"In theory, racial self-classification would be a more reflexive process involving personal socialization, whereas third-party categorization would involve perceptions of status, geographical location, and relative notions of color (Cohen, 1994; Erikson, 1968: 89). However , the official rating system includes interviewee and interviewer self-perception, which often marks the interviewee's color by assuming the answer is obvious, feeling uncomfortable to ask the question, or not considering the question as important ( In addition, the respondent is responsible for the color declaration of all residents of the household, and this statement may not correspond to the color in which members of that household would classify themselves. combination of self-declaration and interviewer perception.

The results obtained by racial classification systems depend on the classification scheme used and also on who performs the classification (Bailey, 2008; Bailey and Telles, 2006; Telles and Lim, 1998). Different people may classify the same individual in different ways and yet classify them as being made by the same person, and may view, alter the situation, alter and interpret the question. Despite the socially shared social meanings of race / color, inclusion in predefined categories is not something fixed. This is particularly true in Brazil, where a racial classification tends to be ambiguous and volatile. The way people classify each other and identify themselves automatically is often contradictory, varying according to a social situation (Sansone, 2003; Simões and Jeronymo, 2007). Racial classification in Brazil, therefore, "is far from being an exact science" (Telles, 2004: 88).

Recent research, for example, shows that inequality between income and health depends on one-dimensional and multidimensional measures of employed races (Saperstein, 2006; 2008; 2008; 2011; Saperstein and Sykes, 2008).

Little is known about the agreement between racial classifications in Brazil. We do not yet know the percentage of people who classify (and are classified) in the same racial category when different classification methods, containing the same categories, are used, for example. Four studies investigated how racial categorization would change if race / color data were collected using methodologies other than those imposed by the IBGE. Telles and Lim (1998) measured income inequality between whites, browns and blacks, and found that whites earn 26% more than mulattos when racial classification is made by the interviewer and 17% more than browns when color is self-declared. Racial inequality between blacks and browns remains virtually unchanged: Blacks earn 13% less browns when they are classified by the interviewer and 12% less when declaring their own color. Thus, according to this research, depending on how racial categorization is implemented, income inequality between whites and browns changes significantly.

In another study, Bailey and Telles (2006) investigated how adopting the terms "brown" and "black" would alter the population's race / color distribution compared to IBGE categories. The authors show that 40% of Brazilians choose the term "dark", especially younger people, those with fewer years of schooling and people living in areas with few whites. In particular, 13% of whites, 60% of browns and 38% of blacks prefer to fall into the broad category of "brunettes". The authors also demonstrate that the term "black" is more prevalent among people with higher socioeconomic status and who call themselves "black" in the official census classification. More recently, Bailey (2009) used data from PESB 2002 to investigate how the dichotomous format - black or white - would affect the identification of beneficiaries of specific racial policies and future classification trajectories. The author shows that approximately half of browns opt for the "white" category when response options are restricted to black or white terms only. The dichotomous format increases white participation from 49% to 67% " (Extracted from: Black in white? Measurement, relevance and classificatory agreement in the country of racial uncertainty.
Available at:

In order to understand the current situation of black people in Brazil, it is first necessary to know how their history was constituted in the country. In this sense, it is impossible not to mention the importance that black people had for Brazilian society. see the inherited traits of the black population. The arrival of blacks to the country is known to have occurred in inhuman conditions, and that its role was to cater to all day-to-day activities, be it in plantations, in manufacturing, in street trading, in shops, in among workshops, among others (FIGUEIREDO, 2014).

However, their “services” were no longer important as they did not meet the new economic system adopted by the Russian Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, which led to the abolition
of slavery, which would structurally change Brazilian society. Blacks, after abolition, were left out of society, being replaced by immigrants, who already had knowledge about the machinofatura in agricultural production, which, consequently, led blacks to go to urban areas (FIGUEIREDO, 2014), where , according to Souza (2005), began to perform subordinate functions, since only few could educate themselves, rise in business and prosper.
In most cases, former slaves began to live in peripheral urban areas because they were geographically excluded and exposed to racial prejudice.
the tenements and the slums (FIGUEIREDO, 2014), which, according to Carril (2006), correspond to the housing nucleus that arose wildly on public land, located in areas without urbanization.

According to Figueiredo (2014, p. 4): As a consequence of this whole process of slavery and marginalization after slavery, black people remained in Brazilian society for a long time occupying a situation of social risk and vulnerability in the face of the intense prejudice with which they were treated.(FIGUEIREDO, 2014, p. 4).

Nevertheless, it is still debated today whether or not there really is racial discrimination in Brazil. Those who admit its existence cite the various cases of racist attitudes that occur daily in various sectors of society. Those who do not admit the existence of racial discrimination in Brazil base their position on the fact that the country is home to a large number of mestizos and that true discrimination considers the social class of the individual and not the color of their skin (LOBO, 2008).

The mere existence of this doubt, despite the many studies and research that demonstrate the socioeconomic vulnerability of black people in Brazil, points to the danger of this situation, as explained by the prosecutor and representative of the National Council of the Public Prosecution, Maria Bernadete Figueroa: Racism is a great unknown to the Brazilian people and the institutions of this country. People do not know the concept and therefore think it does not even exist ”(PNUD, 2015). Also according to Figueroa, knowing and admitting the existence of racial discrimination is fundamental to identify the institutional mechanisms that determine the reproduction of racism in Brazil.

The main argument of those who do not recognize the existence of racism in Brazil is the claim that social discrimination is motivated by financial factors without any racial influence. However, as we have shown earlier in this article, the historical heritage of black exploitation in Brazil has repercussions in several areas, especially economic development.

The history of black people in Brazil shows that there was no concern with their integration into the process of class society formation and socioeconomic development in the post-abolition period, as many after the abolition choose to stay on the farms, others decide to move to other places where they find it difficult to settle down, since in order to be entitled to land they must have purchasing power (BARRETO, 2010).
The same author also emphasizes that at least as long as they are free, they are trapped, since they carry the stigma of color with them, in addition to their previous situation as a slave. Thus, the process of urbanization and industrialization contributed to forms of exclusion of the black population, considered one of the most vulnerable groups.

According to Campos (2006), blacks and browns following history were the last to arrive in the modern Brazilian economy, even being part of the daily life of society for at least four centuries; they were the last to have a right to the educational system (although until the twentieth century they constituted the majority of the population); they were the first to suffer discrimination initially because they were slaves and then because of their color.

Thus, the inheritance of slavery is perceived as one of the factors of “marginalization” of the black, reflecting racial inequalities and discriminatory practices. In addition, the exploitation of the black workforce contributes to the historical maintenance of the allocation and segregation of its workforce in certain markets, that is, the concentration of black workers in low-wage sectors.
From this perspective, there is a tendency to treat poor neighborhoods as occupations or invasions of urban areas, consisting of black populations, far from urbanistic discourse.

Barreto (2010) emphasizes that although there is no longer the punishment and whips of the overseers as forms of punishment, racial discrimination, painful activity, prejudice and the worst places to live end up constituting a new form of punishment.

Following this line of reasoning, Campos (2006) reports that cities were not made for the poorer classes, so transport is deteriorated, the poor, especially a significant portion of African descent, suffer from urban shortages (such as transportation, housing). , education, leisure, among others.). And that urban planning in Brazilian cities (among them the author cites Rio de Janeiro) is inefficient as it meets the needs of the poorest populations. " (Extracted from: Social and Racial Segregation: Reflections and discussion about Brazilian urban space and Macapa - AP.
Available at: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://anais.anpur.org.br/index.php/anaisenanpur/article/download/1633/1612/&ved=2ahUKEwjn-JaVhvvmAhXJGrkGHTa8C1wQFjAOegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw3m1qYPn5iXmcLWO0jsYZDv).

Some news:

"Man accuses market security of aggression and racism in Florianópolis"

"In Sao Paulo, blacks are more condemned than whites for trafficking"

"Young black people are barred in ES mall and parents go to the police
Minors say they were barred from entering Moxuara Mall. According to victims, security guards claimed to have an injunction for the ban".

School tour has barred entrance to luxury mall in Sao Paulo

Boy is barred in SP mall and mother makes complaint for racism

Racism generates 31% pay gap between blacks and whites, poll says
Racial prejudice would explain persistent inequality among higher education workers

In fact I can not talk about everything that happens in Brazil because I am not everyone, people are unique and each has a life story that differs from each other in many ways. When I read speeches like you I think, am I really exaggerating? Are the black brothers and sisters with whom I spoke too exaggerating, and what has happened to me all my life and the brothers and sisters of race are isolated facts? But then when I hear more reports, I see some news about it and read published articles I see that it's not my exaggeration, it really happens. I don't know if you live in Brazil too and if you are black as I am, but your view is different and that makes me happy because maybe you were not a victim of the same as me and many brothers and sisters "subtly" we passed every day.

And yes, I understand that we of the black race can get out of these troublesome situations, live as Father Satan wants and the Duat Gods and Goddesses too, but it takes time, so many traumas and so many things to work on. Sometimes the discourse of resilience and overcoming is insensitive and hinders the process of moving on.
Aren't we each on our own journey? We didn't reincarnate and now we're here? It all takes time.

I continue to say that approximately 80% of Brazil's population is black (brown and black) based on what I observe. Maybe I'm wrong about that.

I feel ridiculous and stupid to write this, but come on. White people stay white no matter how much sun they get, right? How can a person be considered white if the skin darkens too much after sunny hours? And yes, I know this can vary from where a person lives, to how much melanin, I don't know, but a white person doesn't change skin tone so much. Am I wrong to think so?
An example is my brother, he was registered in the maternity ward as white and in fact he was white when he was a baby. Today he has darker skin than mine, the result of hours in the sun. My former best friend turned red as a tomato in the sun and his skin tone never changed, his mother too, and she worked in the fields, for years in a region where the sun is scorching.
I was born black and my skin color never changed =D

I don't know if the data I posted will make sense to you, I'm not trying to convince anyone, but I will not invalidate what I see happening in Brazil. Look I'm not even focusing on the indigenous race of Brazil. I could post more material about it and talk for hours about the misrepresented racial segregation that happens in Brazil and yet it is a big problem here, all the fault of the damned Jews and derivatives of Judaism aka Christianity and Islam; I think the most important thing is to continue meditations, do RTR's and live.

Hail Satan!
Yuna24 said:
I continue to say that approximately 80% of Brazil's population is black (brown and black) based on what I observe. Maybe I'm wrong about that.

Yes, you're very wrong about that. Maybe you "see" this because you live in one of the northernmost states of Brazil where most people have a darker skin tone. But southernmost states like São Paulo, Curitiba and Rio Grande do Sul are full of whites in a huge amount. If blacks were even "approximately" 80% of the population, how would it be possible for them to be "marginalized" as a whole, as you say? In your previous messages quoting other members, you make it seem like Brazil is so hostile to blacks, and yet they are such a superior portion of the population? Doesn't that sound paradoxical? How can they comprise most of the population, and at the same time be a "marginalized minority" who is forced to live in slums in the peripheral areas and remain unemployed? It's mathematically impossible to marginalize and discriminate 80% of the population. Blacks would also comprise most of the presence in the industry and the market, if that were the case. We'd also see the opposite of the types of events that you claim; we would see whites as a minority, and possibly being marginalized and discriminated against.

On one hand, you highlight "brown and black" in parentheses in this line of yours, as to claim that you are including browns in the count in order to justify your "80%" claim (and even if we include them in the count, it wouldn't amount to 80%). On the other hand, you don't include them in the count when you claim that blacks are made to be so inferior. This is exactly what jews and the left do; they use blacks, browns, gays and other "minorities" when it favors their narrative, and discard them when it doesn't. Why are browns part of the black race when they comprise "80%" of the population, but not part of the black race when they are marginalized?

And I don't mean to imply that you are an enemy yourself; I'm not even saying any of that with the intent of offending you. You just seem to have your ideas twisted by enemy propaganda.

Yuna24 said:
I feel ridiculous and stupid to write this, but come on. White people stay white no matter how much sun they get, right? How can a person be considered white if the skin darkens too much after sunny hours? And yes, I know this can vary from where a person lives, to how much melanin, I don't know, but a white person doesn't change skin tone so much. Am I wrong to think so?

Being white does not refer only to how pale the skin is or how pale it remains. This is the usual misinformed fallacy propagated by those who think race=skin color. In fact, the enemy reduces race to being only about skin color, so that people don't get educated about race. There is much more than skin color to it. There are different subtypes of white (the German Nazi party recognized five under research at their time: Nordic, Alpine, Mediterranean, East Baltic and Dinaric), and each one of them has their own traits and their own slight biological variations. Many Mediterranean whites for example may have darker skin tone. I recognize what you're saying, as my own skin type only gets red under sun exposure as well and then gets back to normal, but this is not a standard in telling whether someone is white. Besides understanding the typical characteristics of each white subtype, another important factor is to consider the person's bloodline. A race is not connected to an individual without also being connected to this individual's family.

As for the news articles you shared, I took a look at each of them, and the first thing that caught my attention is how most of them are from left-winged news vehicles such as Uol, Abril, Folha and G1 (which belongs to Globo), which are all known for publishing manipulated and tendentious news, and which frequently publish news which talk about president Bolsonaro in a negative tone or which straight out blame him of something at every opportunity they have. In the last link I clicked, there was even a suggested news article at the bottom of the page which said: "diversity - do you know what a cysgender person is?"
This, to me, says enough.

I get the point of why you shared these news and these university-style texts. You mean to show me that discrimination against blacks happens. I know it does; and I never said it doesn't happen. There are rotten apples everywhere, and an individual who discriminates against a black person does not represent the rest. But blacks are not the only type of people who are victimized. Honest white men, women and children get robbed, killed, beaten, raped, kidnapped and wrongfully accused every day. Blacks, whites, browns, Asians, mulattos and all types of people are constantly denied proper health care in public hospitals. Honest working people of all races are denied a credit raise and other financial benefits at the bank. Whites are far from being "treated as princes and getting their way easily" just because they are white; this is a fallacy pushed by the left wing and those who parrot what it preaches. Blacks are far from being the only group of people who have suffered and still suffer in the hands of the jews. However, the dirty left media loves to publish carefully selected news where something happened against a black person and make it seem like only blacks are treated unfairly and should therefore get some special type of protection for them over other types of people, and like whites have any significant type of social "privilege" over blacks.
Not to mention that these specific types of discrimination against blacks should be investiged in depth (which they almost aren't), because society is taught to see any type of punishment against blacks as "racism", with blacks themselves being taught to use their race as an excuse to get away with being irresponsible, and the other side of the story is almost never known.

As for the university-style texts you shared, they are clearly meant to push people into believing something that they don't see. To push the idea of "historical debt" and make whites feel guilty. One of the authors you cited even has Cohen (a jewish surname) as their surname.

Be careful what you read and what you see. The media makes people constantly absorb the same types of news about supposed racial crimes to program this into people's minds, and schools, universities and their books are the places where the idea of black victimization, "historical debt", etc are pushed the most. And blacks themselves are in turn taught to parrot these things and this is how they get manipulated by the jews, just like every "minority" that they use to favor their narrative.
Of course, blacks were brought to Brazil through slavery. But why don't schools also mention that the people who sold them as slaves, as well as many of the Brazilian people who owned them as slaves, were OTHER BLACK PEOPLE?
Barão de Guaraciaba for example, the first black Brazilian Baron (yeah, Brazil is so hostile to blacks, that we once had a black Baron, oh my), he was the master of approximately 1,000 black slaves.

Take a look at this video if you are willing to:
It will show you the perspective of a black man (as well as the perspective of some other black people) about the whole matter. He says for example that the blacks who live in Brazil today have better living conditions than the blacks in Africa themselves. It will also give you perspective on how the left press takes words out of their context and twist them around to favor them.

Yuna24 said:
When I read speeches like you I think, am I really exaggerating? Are the black brothers and sisters with whom I spoke too exaggerating, and what has happened to me all my life and the brothers and sisters of race are isolated facts? But then when I hear more reports, I see some news about it and read published articles I see that it's not my exaggeration, it really happens.

What you said here, again, says it all. You are easily influenced by what you are told. When you hear again about individual cases of discrimination against blacks on the leftist media, you get back to this mindset of exaggerated victimization of blacks. And that's how the enemy manipulates and uses black people like you and other people, and make them spread misinformation around like you have been doing here. Break free from this. You have your own value, I have my own, other gentiles have suffered in the jews hands just like you. You are smart enough to do your research, provide sources (even though these sources are doubtful) and express yourself reasonably and politely, so you are also smart enough to really educate yourself about the truth behind your race and to see through the manipulations and fallacies of the jewish press.

Stay safe.
Yuna24 said:

Also, you can't just make up a specific percentage and spread it around as if it were absolute truth like you did. Anyone who read what you say and is not aware of the facts, will imagine Brazil like "Africa II" and think that the population is really made up of mostly afro-descendants. This may be true for specific states like Bahia. But what about the Italian colonies in São Paulo and the German colonies in the South, for example? States comprised mostly of euro-descendants, which are rich in European culture? There is not one predominant race in the whole of Brazil (I mean, considering all of our states as a whole). However, there is a larger amount of a specific race or sub-race in each state and cardinal region.
Dypet Rod said:
Yuna24 said:

Also, you can't just make up a specific percentage and spread it around as if it were absolute truth like you did. Anyone who read what you say and is not aware of the facts, will imagine Brazil like "Africa II" and think that the population is really made up of mostly afro-descendants. This may be true for specific states like Bahia. But what about the Italian colonies in São Paulo and the German colonies in the South, for example? States comprised mostly of euro-descendants, which are rich in European culture? There is not one predominant race in the whole of Brazil (I mean, considering all of our states as a whole). However, there is a larger amount of a specific race or sub-race in each state and cardinal region.
Now she’s just gonna tell you how there is racial segregation(which she doesn’t even know what that mean) and muh black victimhood. Maybe with your long informative post she will understand? Let’s find out.
To be faithful to the scale… (Giving one of Maat :cool: ;) )
Same vision of brazil of Dypet Rod…
Dypet Rod said:
Yuna24 said:

Also, you can't just make up a specific percentage and spread it around as if it were absolute truth like you did. Anyone who read what you say and is not aware of the facts, will imagine Brazil like "Africa II" and think that the population is really made up of mostly afro-descendants. This may be true for specific states like Bahia. But what about the Italian colonies in São Paulo and the German colonies in the South, for example? States comprised mostly of euro-descendants, which are rich in European culture? There is not one predominant race in the whole of Brazil (I mean, considering all of our states as a whole). However, there is a larger amount of a specific race or sub-race in each state and cardinal region.

I don't live in the northeast, although I know 6 of the 9 states that make it up. I also know the southeast well and the midwest.
The news I posted is not fallacious, as it has passed through other media outlets, I would love to see that it did not actually happen.
There is an estimated
5,099,815 slaves came to Brazil from 1501 to 1881 if my memory does not fail me. See in:

I understand that race above all means collective memory. It is the memory that allows our survival. Contains specific characteristics, history, lifelong learning. This is also seen, for example, in the ease of performing some activities, and all of this is identified by the color of the skin. It is by the color of the skin that the race can be identified and consequently the race characterization. When there is miscegenation, much of the collective memory is lost. I speak this in summarized biological terms before they say I'm wrong and deluded.
I consider browns to be part of the black race, precisely because of the skin's subtom and physical characteristics.

As much as one talks about one's own pain to another people, the other will never understand the magnitude, the pain that can be the size of a galaxy to those who experience it for the other can be the size of a pea. The most we can do is be empathetic.
Because of my uncle's unjustified racism, omission and hatred for my father I was sexually abused at 4 years old, he did it just to get revenge on my parents, I was excluded by a large part of my paternal family, I was bullied, I am regarded by some with suspicion and followed in stores as if I am a thief which I am not. I have a nephew, he's like my son and he's very attached to me, but no one not even my neighbors believe he's my nephew because he's white and I'm black. His grandmother every time had to show his ID to the security subway to prove that she was actually his grandmother because of his skin color, his father and my mother had to do that too. Also the difficulty in getting a job because of skin color and not my resume.
All pain and hatred over skin color, unjustified thoughts about a race. The humiliation, impotence, pain.
I would love to see that everything I experienced was nothing more than hallucination or a nightmare. I would not like to hear from my brothers about this either, not from the news, but from those I have known throughout my life. I wish it was my exaggeration or victimhood but everything is very real.

Again, if you are saying, who am I to disagree with, isn't it?

But I stand by what I say: there is racial / social segregation through racism rooted in my country blamed in Jews and derivatives of Judaism aka Christianity, Islam etc.
I keep what I said not only because it is my reality, but also because it is the reality of many.

Hail Satan!
Aquarius said:
Dypet Rod said:
Yuna24 said:

Also, you can't just make up a specific percentage and spread it around as if it were absolute truth like you did. Anyone who read what you say and is not aware of the facts, will imagine Brazil like "Africa II" and think that the population is really made up of mostly afro-descendants. This may be true for specific states like Bahia. But what about the Italian colonies in São Paulo and the German colonies in the South, for example? States comprised mostly of euro-descendants, which are rich in European culture? There is not one predominant race in the whole of Brazil (I mean, considering all of our states as a whole). However, there is a larger amount of a specific race or sub-race in each state and cardinal region.
Now she’s just gonna tell you how there is racial segregation(which she doesn’t even know what that mean) and muh black victimhood. Maybe with your long informative post she will understand? Let’s find out.

You're funny. :lol:

I will not argue with you anymore, each one lives a reality and I am not asking you to buy what I say, just don't expect it to deny, diminish my reality, I tried for many years to do it and just got sick, in early adolescence I developed depression, OCD and sjogren's syndrome, see, my own immune system attacks me.
Although I cured myself of depression and OCD 4 years ago, Sjogren's Syndrome persists.

I earn more by drinking coffee while waiting for the sun to rise again than by arguing about it again.

Hail Satan!
Yuna24 said:
This is also seen, for example, in the ease of performing some activities, and all of this is identified by the color of the skin. It is by the color of the skin that the race can be identified and consequently the race characterization.

First of all, again, no. Race is not limited to skin color. This is the fallacy promoted by the enemy which creates further confusion and lack of racial awareness. Race cannot be determined only by skin color. If that were true, I could call an Asian person white, and a tupi-guarani Indian black, based on their skin color. Or worse yet, I could call a jew white, because he happens to have a pale skin tone.
The traits of an Asian person for example are obviously different from those of a white/Aryan person. Nose shape, eyes, etc.
Like I said, some Mediterranean whites may have a somewhat darker skin tone than that of Nordic whites, and that doesn't make them black or equal to browns.
Skin color is just one aspect of an isolated race, and the same skin color can manifest in different races. What you need to look into are the other physical traits. An Alpine white for example has a different head shape than that of a Nordic white. Nordic and Mediterranean whites have different hair type. And so on.

Browns are a different matter, and they are a subtype of their own. They may have black blood, but I personally don't think they can be called entirely "black" either, because a brown and a black person will still not look the same. However, their traits are closer to blacks than to whites, yes. Eye shape, hair type, etc. Again here, it's the traits that give it away. If a person with a light skin tone has typical black traits, such as scarce eyebrows and round eyes (in a sense you can see all of the eyeball shape through the eyelids) for example, they cannot be called white.

The confusion created around this is because we have adopted terms that relate to colors in order to identify races. Black, white, brown, red, yellow...but race cannot be identified by color only.

Yuna24 said:
The news I posted is not fallacious, as it has passed through other media outlets, I would love to see that it did not actually happen.

And again, I did not say that the events themselves are fallacious or fake. Let me specify my focus here. These cases obviously happen. There are blacks who suffer racial discrimination. But what the leftist media does, is they strategically select these cases where blacks were treated with prejudice, and repeatedly publish news like these so that people are programmed to think that this type of thing against blacks happens more often than any other types of aggressions against white men, women and children, in order to feed the fallacy that black people suffer more than whites (and in the hands of whites). Do you understand now?

Now, I'd like to make it clear that I respect your individual suffering in the forms of the events that you exposed here, and I'm sorry that you had to go through these things. Sure no one will have a better understanding of a person's individual suffering than the person who's been through this experience themselves. But please don't toss this on top of the same scale when talking about your race as a whole (meaning, all the individuals that are part of your race). For example, if somebody happens to call me a "white sissy bitch boy" or gangs up against me and beats me for being white, this would be my suffering and yes, it's a big deal. But I cannot claim that the white race as a whole suffers more than blacks based on this. We are not in a scenario where blacks are being constantly shot, killed, denied of their rights to buy goods at shops or banished from Brazil because they're black. If this were the case, we could say that racism/racial discrimination is the biggest or one of the biggest problems for us to turn our attentions to. But it's not. We are literally at a point where racial prejudice is practiced by only some isolated individuals or groups of individuals, and when this practice is exposed, the person who commited the racial offense is promptly punished by the rest of society as if it were the worst offense ever (even without much investigation at all). You can't deny that this is the current scenario here. I see cases of racial offense constantly reported on the media, and I see people react violently against these cases on social media and everywhere. The person who commited the racial offense in question not only gets punished by the law, but also loses their job, has their house vandalized and their life ruined. Such is the case with that woman who called a soccer player a "monkey" in a stadium for example. Look up what happened to her as an aftermath of that.
So with all that, you can't say that prejudice against blacks in Brazil is one of our biggest problems anymore (if it ever was). But it may be one of the biggest problems that one isolated black individual has personally suffered in his/her life. That depends on what type of life each person has had.

Yuna24 said:
I have a nephew, he's like my son and he's very attached to me, but no one not even my neighbors believe he's my nephew because he's white and I'm black. His grandmother every time had to show his ID to the security subway to prove that she was actually his grandmother because of his skin color, his father and my mother had to do that too

This is because obviously, blacks and whites are not naturally meant to be part of the same family; the same bloodline. In Brazil, there may be families where there are black people and some seemingly "white" (light-skinned) individuals. He's still part of your family, with all the personal emotional connection that you guys have and all, and this is not gonna change. But black families are supposed to be made up only of black individuals; and white families, only of white individuals. It's that simple. Emotional aspects aside, individuals of seemingly different racial traits in the same family obviously creates confusion, because it's not meant to be like this. This is different than just a close friendship, so to speak. The people who are confused about the different racial traits between you and your nephew, are not to blame. The reason why there are some individuals of seemingly "different races" in the same family is again from race mixing pushed mainly by the jews. It's not natural. But for families which are already constituted like this, it's simply like this already, and it cannot be undone. It can only be prevented from further happening, by being aware of the matter.
Yuna24 said:
There is an estimated
5,099,815 slaves came to Brazil from 1501 to 1881 if my memory does not fail me.

And yes, but this was along the period of almost 400 years. A considerably long time which conceived and extinguished many generations of people. In a much shorter time, from 1820 to 1959 alone (139 years), we received an estimated 5,674,569 immigrants. So that does not make blacks the biggest portion of the population; they're far from that.
Aquarius said:
Now she’s just gonna tell you how there is racial segregation(which she doesn’t even know what that mean) and muh black victimhood. Maybe with your long informative post she will understand? Let’s find out.

Yeah, there is so much "segregation" that this is what a typical public school classroom in Brazil looks like:


(Note: it's just teenagers playing "bus". But it's just to show how many races and subtypes of races are used to sharing the same space and interact with each other.)

Some cases of prejudice may happen, but in a large scale, there is no so called "forced segregation" here. In hospitals, malls, companies, industries and in politics, you will see blondes, brunettes, blacks, Asians and browns all sharing the same space as normally as breathing. Cases of racial discrimination are not as commonplace as she meant to portray, and anyone who is caught even supposedly discriminating against a black person gets punished and hostilized (rightfully or not) in turn.
lealok said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
lealok said:
The prorace mixing propaganda is used also to make people believe there are more race traitors than the real thing. And White women are more faithful to their race than White men according to all statistics.

According to all statistics? are you sure?

Married couples in the United States in 2010:
White Husband-Black Wife = 168.000
Black Husband-White Wife= 390.000

Race is not a priority for most women. attributes such as height, good shape, ability to talk, social success, money are much more important

When you put a group of black and white people together, what tends to happen is that both white men and black men start vying for the white woman.

As if that were not enough, there is intense interracial propaganda in the media, and on the pornographic sites propaganda of inferiority and ridicule of the white man is also being pulled.

And black men are loving it! Very wrong is who thinks that they are not liking what is happening
I guess before the Jews came black men were running from their homes in Africa to go marry white women hmm?because they love white women so much
or did you miss the fact that it is the Jews took blacks to america and even Europe and is still promoting a race mix agenda.
well don't say this like it is a one sided thing,"only black men like marring white women".it is also the other way round.
and you know what that is Jewish race mixing.
the fact is to seize back the world from Jews not to stay in the forum bashing black men of how they love race mixing,guess who also loves accepting other races into their country because of guilt complex.
Dypet Rod said:
Yuna24 said:
There is an estimated
5,099,815 slaves came to Brazil from 1501 to 1881 if my memory does not fail me.

And yes, but this was along the period of almost 400 years. A considerably long time which conceived and extinguished many generations of people. In a much shorter time, from 1820 to 1959 alone (139 years), we received an estimated 5,674,569 immigrants. So that does not make blacks the biggest portion of the population; they're far from that.

Calm down, it was just something I found in a published article and found it interesting to share only, it wasn't to prove a point.

Hail Satan!
Nama Enki said:
lealok said:

According to all statistics? are you sure?

Married couples in the United States in 2010:
White Husband-Black Wife = 168.000
Black Husband-White Wife= 390.000

Race is not a priority for most women. attributes such as height, good shape, ability to talk, social success, money are much more important

When you put a group of black and white people together, what tends to happen is that both white men and black men start vying for the white woman.

As if that were not enough, there is intense interracial propaganda in the media, and on the pornographic sites propaganda of inferiority and ridicule of the white man is also being pulled.

And black men are loving it! Very wrong is who thinks that they are not liking what is happening
I guess before the Jews came black men were running from their homes in Africa to go marry white women hmm?because they love white women so much
or did you miss the fact that it is the Jews took blacks to america and even Europe and is still promoting a race mix agenda.
well don't say this like it is a one sided thing,"only black men like marring white women".it is also the other way round.
and you know what that is Jewish race mixing.
the fact is to seize back the world from Jews not to stay in the forum bashing black men of how they love race mixing,guess who also loves accepting other races into their country because of guilt complex.
I believe that the whites who want to race mix with blacks are the most disgusting and meek that are of our race, not sure about blacks though, for them it’s usually a sign of power and feeling inferiority regarding their own race.
Yuna24 said:
Dypet Rod said:
Yuna24 said:
There is an estimated
5,099,815 slaves came to Brazil from 1501 to 1881 if my memory does not fail me.

And yes, but this was along the period of almost 400 years. A considerably long time which conceived and extinguished many generations of people. In a much shorter time, from 1820 to 1959 alone (139 years), we received an estimated 5,674,569 immigrants. So that does not make blacks the biggest portion of the population; they're far from that.

Calm down, it was just something I found in a published article and found it interesting to share only, it wasn't to prove a point.

Hail Satan!

Oh, okay. Since it was said in reply to the previous paragraph, I had assumed it was.
The melanin that the original man/woman has is what makes us gods/chaos beings . It is black to allow its chemical structure to obtain, retain, store, and generate light and sound Energy once it contacts the molecule. This light and sound energy permits the black man/woman to have a higher level of perception and gives him the ability to communicate with the spiritual world. melanin is the fundamental substance in all aspects of life whether in cosmic life (Carbon) plant/nature life or animal life melanin will always be there meaning the black man/woman is spirtually and physically connected to EVERYTHING. The gods/demons as well. The first homo sapien sapien fossil ever found was found in East africa and melanin was found in the fossil so you tell me if we are connected to satan. No hate but the level of ignorance in this comment is ridiculous hopefully you learned something my dude
7soulja7 said:
The melanin that the original man/woman has is what makes us gods/chaos beings . It is black to allow its chemical structure to obtain, retain, store, and generate light and sound Energy once it contacts the molecule. This light and sound energy permits the black man/woman to have a higher level of perception and gives him the ability to communicate with the spiritual world. melanin is the fundamental substance in all aspects of life whether in cosmic life (Carbon) plant/nature life or animal life melanin will always be there meaning the black man/woman is spirtually and physically connected to EVERYTHING. The gods/demons as well. The first homo sapien sapien fossil ever found was found in East africa and melanin was found in the fossil so you tell me if we are connected to satan. No hate but the level of ignorance in this comment is ridiculous hopefully you learned something my dude

I'm sorry but you have to do better than that response in order to prove that blacka gentiles, for example, come from Satan.

All this talk such as 'melanin this and melanin that' is vague and unsubstantial when compared to the actual evidence available.

Responses such as yours cannot be taken seriously.

Perhaps you might want to give this site a read...

“With the black race, the primary directive and nature is on the physical. Movement, rhythm and sensuousness are our exalted aspects. You see this also in how we are built, shaped and toned. Rhythm and dance is highly spiritual, and is a high form of expression for blacks, especially in Africa. This goes into our roots and wiring and is also the basis of traditional African spirituality. You even see this in the Americas at Christian churches and certain congregations when they are worked up into a spiritual frenzy, blacks are inclined to dance and move”. Copied this directly from the blacksforsatan page so do you know why “the black race” is everything stated above? because of MELANIN you can find this information in plenty of books and documents that melanin is the primary of cause for are movement, rhythm, etc. please read “ Melanin: the chemical key to greatness by Carol Barnes”. One out of the hundred books on the topic. so I genuinely don’t understand how this would be unsubstantial or vague why to the topic at hand?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
