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What should I do in this situation?


Feb 10, 2019
Greetings my brothers and sister
Well, I'll start by telling you the story in a shorter version.
About 3 to 4 yeras ago, I've started talking with a girl because I've been asked by one of my good friends. That girl was his girlfriend,so naturally I wasn't intrested in her, but frankly I was intrested in her older sister(same age as me) for a couple of years(8 more exactly, and not interested... more like a being mesmerized by her, a crush). So because of him I ve started talking with his girlfriend, hoping to get some advices from her. Things didn't go as planned. After a few weeks my friend broke up with her, and she found me as an''elder brother''(or something similar). In the meantime while talking with her, I've started in a way or other to like spending time with her. In 3 months, when she was at school, she started talking to other mans. I didn't really care too much at that time. She asked me about a gypsie, what my opinion was about him and all. Giving a great description of both his personallity and my hate towards his race, she didn't understood what I ve told her, so she started dating him. In a short amount of time, while she didn't talk to me, she broke up him... OFCOURSE IT'S NORMAL, a gentile and a gypsie? This is something that shouldn't be tried, it's against the laws of nature so it won't last long. That gypsie (so that I make clear, I'm talking about those jewish beings from Romania) made a few of his female friends harass that girl. So when I ve heard of it, I've stopped those females(another note, saying female instead of woman is the way I say ''non-gentiles womans). That girl started talking with me again, and somehow, I ve falled in love(losing my interest towards her sister). After a period of time, in December, she again asked me about a gypsie, as with the first one she didn't listen to me, so this was it. In 2 weeks another break up, in that time again the same old story where she didn't talk to me. I've pointed out it, about those gypsies. Well all's when it ends well, right?. Until friday 13, in february, I've started wanting her, more and more, and because of that, I've started getting involved in the occult(this isn't the sole reason, because I've always thought about the existence of gods, of magic, and had a good opinion of them, same going for demons, not that I've had too much of knowledge, but I couldn't perceive them as evil, even though having a xian orthodox background back then). So I've started reading, and reading ,and reading, tried various small exercises, as breathing exercices, some vampyric exercises, and the list goes on,somehow I've found the JOS, there was a pdf in an apk titled the'' evil bible''. I felt a somewhat familiar feeling,pleasing feeling or how can I describe it? Something that would give one a nostalgic feeling, full of warmth or something similar. So reading it I've found the link, found out the exercises being easy to do, not like any before, and not being absurd as many others. I could keep going at it for way more, but that's not the story right now. She was the cataclyst, the primary factor that led me here faster than expected. So on friday 13, I myself was deeply in love with her(as usual, one sided love), at that day when I've heard she doesn't want to talk to me anymore I had a mental breakdown, gotted some nice , very nice depression, and in the third day after it I've got a very nice vice, started smoking. With this my depression was gone, and many other things besides it. She stopped talking with me because she got herself another boyfriend, a white skinned gypsie... wow how nice... ok... in 2 weeks she again started talking, got me so angry, but at the same time somehow way too happy. But for my own good in another 2 weeks I've stopped talking to her. Until the summer, when again we've started talking, at the time she broke up with the gypsie, and was again single, no problem, in a few days, she got another boyfriend... this time was an aryan guy(... 22 years... while she had 15, and I was around 17).... another mental breakdown for me... another win for her... this time I was like''F*ck depression, f*ck that bitch'', so I've started talking with her sister, improved my relation with her, and all, till the autumn, when that girl(the little sister) started talking with someone on fb and somehow ended up thinking it was me. So then on full rage she started talking sh*t about me to my friends, her sisters(both the younger, which i had almost no connection with, and the older which I again started loving), so all 3 of them stopped talking with me. But me being just as sick minded, I've made all my friends come to me, instead of remaining there where I wouldn't go, where those 3 were. That's the story. We still didn't make up(doesn't really matter).
And here is where the problem lies. About 2-3 years as of now while we didn't talk, I didn't think much about them, nor cried for them or anything, didn't really care anymore. But for the past few months this year(about from february or march), my mind started reminding me of her existence(the girl in the story ,not her sisters). I have days when I think about repairing the relationship between us, or to do a love spell towards her.

So now I want to ask. What should I do? And what does this mean?(me thinking about her) If it means something at all
Firstly you need to start study more JoS library to understand the reality. Correct interpretation of this lecture will give you some boost into your life by understanding things better ;) Trust me.

Secondly that normal you dream about that girl. Men have that sort of things, don't worry ;) Will gone with the wind
If you find yourself obsessed with her,do a love spell towards her . Use the extremely powerful mantra "Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah "and program it .If your constantly thinking about what could have been,just do it and see how it is so you know you gave it your best. The repetition of 216 is most powerful .
"[name of desired one] is deeply in love with me and desires me sexually."

Break out of the friendzone ,this is very important. You must make it clear to her that your sexually interested in her the next time you see her. Make sure to look her in the eyes and tell her "btw i just noticed you look cute" or if you want to be safe "btw i just noticed you look cute,in this dress/getup,with that eyeliner/whatever noticeable about her".Ramp up the sexuality little by little .Say, "you look really sexy",....after some time "you have sexy lips". Bring up relationship, and then little by little sexual topics.You get the idea. Introduce some light touching as well.

Make her fight with her lover if she has one. Use destruction runes like thurisaz,hagalaz etc and infuse the violent energy in her aura and program it as given in the quote below .
To break up a couple or to deter a potential interest, you would put an aura of revulsion around the person you wish to isolate. For example, [name of person]’s aura is repelling all of [name of person interested or in love with] interests, affection and attraction in every way. [Name of person] is revolting and repulsive to [name of person interested or in love with]. You infuse the energy into the aura of the person you want to keep isolated from the one who has an interest. You get the basic idea. One’s aura will act on the other and create an indifference, or even enmity. It can take a lot of energy, but in breaking up a couple, you can do this to each of their auras so that they find each other disgusting and break up.
Jack said:
If you find yourself obsessed with her,do a love spell towards her . Use the extremely powerful mantra "Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah "and program it .If your constantly thinking about what could have been,just do it and see how it is so you know you gave it your best. The repetition of 216 is most powerful .
"[name of desired one] is deeply in love with me and desires me sexually."

Break out of the friendzone ,this is very important. You must make it clear to her that your sexually interested in her the next time you see her. Make sure to look her in the eyes and tell her "btw i just noticed you look cute" or if you want to be safe "btw i just noticed you look cute,in this dress/getup,with that eyeliner/whatever noticeable about her".Ramp up the sexuality little by little .Say, "you look really sexy",....after some time "you have sexy lips". Bring up relationship, and then little by little sexual topics.You get the idea. Introduce some light touching as well.

Make her fight with her lover if she has one. Use destruction runes like thurisaz,hagalaz etc and infuse the violent energy in her aura and program it as given in the quote below .
To break up a couple or to deter a potential interest, you would put an aura of revulsion around the person you wish to isolate. For example, [name of person]’s aura is repelling all of [name of person interested or in love with] interests, affection and attraction in every way. [Name of person] is revolting and repulsive to [name of person interested or in love with]. You infuse the energy into the aura of the person you want to keep isolated from the one who has an interest. You get the basic idea. One’s aura will act on the other and create an indifference, or even enmity. It can take a lot of energy, but in breaking up a couple, you can do this to each of their auras so that they find each other disgusting and break up.

Brother, thank you. But as I've said above, we don't talk anymore, she's ignoring me, as I would be non-existent,while I was doing the same for those past years(after that incident with the guy on fb she thought it was me, afterwards trying to ruin my image). For about 2 years I wasn't even thinking about her anymore,didn't give a crap if she was with someone or not, she just appeared a few months ago in my mind out of nowhere again, it's as you've said I'm getting obsessed with her, for the past few months just like that, I started overthinking about her. I thought about doing the love spell a couple of times in this period of time, but I didn't bring myself to do it. Back then (when we stopped talking permanently) I thought even our relationship as friends had broken up, so I didn't want to do a spell to cut the ties(as I thought that it was in a way a help[also mentioned above that she was a trigger], and I'd let the ties remain there for the next reincarnation as a sign of gratitude). But I think I'll give it a shot(to the love spell) for 40 days, after i get the driver license(because my unorganised schedule it's taking it's effect on me). Anyway brother, thank you for the advices
Sabazios said:
Jack said:
If you find yourself obsessed with her,do a love spell towards her . Use the extremely powerful mantra "Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah "and program it .If your constantly thinking about what could have been,just do it and see how it is so you know you gave it your best. The repetition of 216 is most powerful .
"[name of desired one] is deeply in love with me and desires me sexually."

Break out of the friendzone ,this is very important. You must make it clear to her that your sexually interested in her the next time you see her. Make sure to look her in the eyes and tell her "btw i just noticed you look cute" or if you want to be safe "btw i just noticed you look cute,in this dress/getup,with that eyeliner/whatever noticeable about her".Ramp up the sexuality little by little .Say, "you look really sexy",....after some time "you have sexy lips". Bring up relationship, and then little by little sexual topics.You get the idea. Introduce some light touching as well.

Make her fight with her lover if she has one. Use destruction runes like thurisaz,hagalaz etc and infuse the violent energy in her aura and program it as given in the quote below .
To break up a couple or to deter a potential interest, you would put an aura of revulsion around the person you wish to isolate. For example, [name of person]’s aura is repelling all of [name of person interested or in love with] interests, affection and attraction in every way. [Name of person] is revolting and repulsive to [name of person interested or in love with]. You infuse the energy into the aura of the person you want to keep isolated from the one who has an interest. You get the basic idea. One’s aura will act on the other and create an indifference, or even enmity. It can take a lot of energy, but in breaking up a couple, you can do this to each of their auras so that they find each other disgusting and break up.

Brother, thank you. But as I've said above, we don't talk anymore, she's ignoring me, as I would be non-existent,while I was doing the same for those past years(after that incident with the guy on fb she thought it was me, afterwards trying to ruin my image). For about 2 years I wasn't even thinking about her anymore,didn't give a crap if she was with someone or not, she just appeared a few months ago in my mind out of nowhere again, it's as you've said I'm getting obsessed with her, for the past few months just like that, I started overthinking about her. I thought about doing the love spell a couple of times in this period of time, but I didn't bring myself to do it. Back then (when we stopped talking permanently) I thought even our relationship as friends had broken up, so I didn't want to do a spell to cut the ties(as I thought that it was in a way a help[also mentioned above that she was a trigger], and I'd let the ties remain there for the next reincarnation as a sign of gratitude). But I think I'll give it a shot(to the love spell) for 40 days, after i get the driver license(because my unorganised schedule it's taking it's effect on me). Anyway brother, thank you for the advices
Sometimes even if you are infatuated of her it doesent mean it’s true love, try looking rationally at the situation, she’s clearly a person who is not smart and race conscious who willingly goes with gipsies. Do you really want her as a girlfriend? That’s pretty gross to me. Also, it seems she doesent care about you, why waste your time with her?
Aquarius said:
Sabazios said:
Jack said:
If you find yourself obsessed with her,do a love spell towards her . Use the extremely powerful mantra "Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah "and program it .If your constantly thinking about what could have been,just do it and see how it is so you know you gave it your best. The repetition of 216 is most powerful .


Break out of the friendzone ,this is very important. You must make it clear to her that your sexually interested in her the next time you see her. Make sure to look her in the eyes and tell her "btw i just noticed you look cute" or if you want to be safe "btw i just noticed you look cute,in this dress/getup,with that eyeliner/whatever noticeable about her".Ramp up the sexuality little by little .Say, "you look really sexy",....after some time "you have sexy lips". Bring up relationship, and then little by little sexual topics.You get the idea. Introduce some light touching as well.

Make her fight with her lover if she has one. Use destruction runes like thurisaz,hagalaz etc and infuse the violent energy in her aura and program it as given in the quote below .


Brother, thank you. But as I've said above, we don't talk anymore, she's ignoring me, as I would be non-existent,while I was doing the same for those past years(after that incident with the guy on fb she thought it was me, afterwards trying to ruin my image). For about 2 years I wasn't even thinking about her anymore,didn't give a crap if she was with someone or not, she just appeared a few months ago in my mind out of nowhere again, it's as you've said I'm getting obsessed with her, for the past few months just like that, I started overthinking about her. I thought about doing the love spell a couple of times in this period of time, but I didn't bring myself to do it. Back then (when we stopped talking permanently) I thought even our relationship as friends had broken up, so I didn't want to do a spell to cut the ties(as I thought that it was in a way a help[also mentioned above that she was a trigger], and I'd let the ties remain there for the next reincarnation as a sign of gratitude). But I think I'll give it a shot(to the love spell) for 40 days, after i get the driver license(because my unorganised schedule it's taking it's effect on me). Anyway brother, thank you for the advices
Sometimes even if you are infatuated of her it doesent mean it’s true love, try looking rationally at the situation, she’s clearly a person who is not smart and race conscious who willingly goes with gipsies. Do you really want her as a girlfriend? That’s pretty gross to me. Also, it seems she doesent care about you, why waste your time with her?

This goes without saying, indeed it's gross, also I've said above, that right now i can't comprehend what's going on. When I'm thinking rationally( about 75% of time), I also say that she is of no good, for the reasons you mentioned above, for the reason I was a fool for falling in love(back then I really was strucked hard, how shall I say, I was quite the weird guy, talking for an considerably amount of time with the opposite sex, meant to me that I liked the conversations brought up, and due to me liking that in some time I would've perceived it as a routine, something that I wouldn't like to lose, and when I wouldn't like to lose something then I'd start overthinking, a day,2 , a week, a month, a year, and so on, after overthinking I'd fall in love, hard, for the respective woman, so that's how it was), yes she didn't care about me, either way it's fine. My sole problem is, After 2 or 3 years of not even remembering her I started again ,without any external influence, thinking about her. And I can't seem to find the reason why, how, and what should i do?
Sabazios said:
Aquarius said:
Sabazios said:
Brother, thank you. But as I've said above, we don't talk anymore, she's ignoring me, as I would be non-existent,while I was doing the same for those past years(after that incident with the guy on fb she thought it was me, afterwards trying to ruin my image). For about 2 years I wasn't even thinking about her anymore,didn't give a crap if she was with someone or not, she just appeared a few months ago in my mind out of nowhere again, it's as you've said I'm getting obsessed with her, for the past few months just like that, I started overthinking about her. I thought about doing the love spell a couple of times in this period of time, but I didn't bring myself to do it. Back then (when we stopped talking permanently) I thought even our relationship as friends had broken up, so I didn't want to do a spell to cut the ties(as I thought that it was in a way a help[also mentioned above that she was a trigger], and I'd let the ties remain there for the next reincarnation as a sign of gratitude). But I think I'll give it a shot(to the love spell) for 40 days, after i get the driver license(because my unorganised schedule it's taking it's effect on me). Anyway brother, thank you for the advices
Sometimes even if you are infatuated of her it doesent mean it’s true love, try looking rationally at the situation, she’s clearly a person who is not smart and race conscious who willingly goes with gipsies. Do you really want her as a girlfriend? That’s pretty gross to me. Also, it seems she doesent care about you, why waste your time with her?

This goes without saying, indeed it's gross, also I've said above, that right now i can't comprehend what's going on. When I'm thinking rationally( about 75% of time), I also say that she is of no good, for the reasons you mentioned above, for the reason I was a fool for falling in love(back then I really was strucked hard, how shall I say, I was quite the weird guy, talking for an considerably amount of time with the opposite sex, meant to me that I liked the conversations brought up, and due to me liking that in some time I would've perceived it as a routine, something that I wouldn't like to lose, and when I wouldn't like to lose something then I'd start overthinking, a day,2 , a week, a month, a year, and so on, after overthinking I'd fall in love, hard, for the respective woman, so that's how it was), yes she didn't care about me, either way it's fine. My sole problem is, After 2 or 3 years of not even remembering her I started again ,without any external influence, thinking about her. And I can't seem to find the reason why, how, and what should i do?

I'm pretty sure there are specific workings to detach from someone. I experienced something similar with an ex of mine. I felt connected and in love with him but he was constantly getting involved with dumb xian whores :roll: I did a working to bring someone new into my life.
You can find someone else to direct your interest but you may want to detach from this girl either way, so it won't cause problems with a new love interest. As a very basic working(kinda) I sit in the sun, breathe in energy, and for a certain number of breaths I will say an affirmation. In your case it would be like "In a positive and healthy way for me, I am completely emotionally detached from ((insert name of girl here))". This seems to work well for me so you may try something similar.
Sabazios said:
Aquarius said:
Sabazios said:
Brother, thank you. But as I've said above, we don't talk anymore, she's ignoring me, as I would be non-existent,while I was doing the same for those past years(after that incident with the guy on fb she thought it was me, afterwards trying to ruin my image). For about 2 years I wasn't even thinking about her anymore,didn't give a crap if she was with someone or not, she just appeared a few months ago in my mind out of nowhere again, it's as you've said I'm getting obsessed with her, for the past few months just like that, I started overthinking about her. I thought about doing the love spell a couple of times in this period of time, but I didn't bring myself to do it. Back then (when we stopped talking permanently) I thought even our relationship as friends had broken up, so I didn't want to do a spell to cut the ties(as I thought that it was in a way a help[also mentioned above that she was a trigger], and I'd let the ties remain there for the next reincarnation as a sign of gratitude). But I think I'll give it a shot(to the love spell) for 40 days, after i get the driver license(because my unorganised schedule it's taking it's effect on me). Anyway brother, thank you for the advices
Sometimes even if you are infatuated of her it doesent mean it’s true love, try looking rationally at the situation, she’s clearly a person who is not smart and race conscious who willingly goes with gipsies. Do you really want her as a girlfriend? That’s pretty gross to me. Also, it seems she doesent care about you, why waste your time with her?

This goes without saying, indeed it's gross, also I've said above, that right now i can't comprehend what's going on. When I'm thinking rationally( about 75% of time), I also say that she is of no good, for the reasons you mentioned above, for the reason I was a fool for falling in love(back then I really was strucked hard, how shall I say, I was quite the weird guy, talking for an considerably amount of time with the opposite sex, meant to me that I liked the conversations brought up, and due to me liking that in some time I would've perceived it as a routine, something that I wouldn't like to lose, and when I wouldn't like to lose something then I'd start overthinking, a day,2 , a week, a month, a year, and so on, after overthinking I'd fall in love, hard, for the respective woman, so that's how it was), yes she didn't care about me, either way it's fine. My sole problem is, After 2 or 3 years of not even remembering her I started again ,without any external influence, thinking about her. And I can't seem to find the reason why, how, and what should i do?
Listen to me,that girl is unsure and has no direction and control of her life. If you give that direction and dominant presence to her, she will mirror your ideals. Rather than trying to forget her without doing anything, try to do everything in your power to get her and if everything fails you'll forget her without feeling sorry that you didn't try your best and think about what could have been. A possible explanation of why you suddenly started thinking about her is because she may be masturbating to you. If you get wet dreams about someone which are vivid but you normally don't care about them, there's a high possibility she's masturbating to you. As a spiritually sensitive person you pick up these subtleties if they happen to you. When you do a love spell something similar happens but with a different,phenomenally more powerful intensity and the affirmation directs reality particularly rather than being just a wet dream.
Sabazios said:
Aquarius said:
Sabazios said:
Brother, thank you. But as I've said above, we don't talk anymore, she's ignoring me, as I would be non-existent,while I was doing the same for those past years(after that incident with the guy on fb she thought it was me, afterwards trying to ruin my image). For about 2 years I wasn't even thinking about her anymore,didn't give a crap if she was with someone or not, she just appeared a few months ago in my mind out of nowhere again, it's as you've said I'm getting obsessed with her, for the past few months just like that, I started overthinking about her. I thought about doing the love spell a couple of times in this period of time, but I didn't bring myself to do it. Back then (when we stopped talking permanently) I thought even our relationship as friends had broken up, so I didn't want to do a spell to cut the ties(as I thought that it was in a way a help[also mentioned above that she was a trigger], and I'd let the ties remain there for the next reincarnation as a sign of gratitude). But I think I'll give it a shot(to the love spell) for 40 days, after i get the driver license(because my unorganised schedule it's taking it's effect on me). Anyway brother, thank you for the advices
Sometimes even if you are infatuated of her it doesent mean it’s true love, try looking rationally at the situation, she’s clearly a person who is not smart and race conscious who willingly goes with gipsies. Do you really want her as a girlfriend? That’s pretty gross to me. Also, it seems she doesent care about you, why waste your time with her?

This goes without saying, indeed it's gross, also I've said above, that right now i can't comprehend what's going on. When I'm thinking rationally( about 75% of time), I also say that she is of no good, for the reasons you mentioned above, for the reason I was a fool for falling in love(back then I really was strucked hard, how shall I say, I was quite the weird guy, talking for an considerably amount of time with the opposite sex, meant to me that I liked the conversations brought up, and due to me liking that in some time I would've perceived it as a routine, something that I wouldn't like to lose, and when I wouldn't like to lose something then I'd start overthinking, a day,2 , a week, a month, a year, and so on, after overthinking I'd fall in love, hard, for the respective woman, so that's how it was), yes she didn't care about me, either way it's fine. My sole problem is, After 2 or 3 years of not even remembering her I started again ,without any external influence, thinking about her. And I can't seem to find the reason why, how, and what should i do?
You probabily still have some astral connections to her https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Detaching.html make sure you know you want to detach from her.
Sabazios said:
This goes without saying, indeed it's gross, also I've said above, that right now i can't comprehend what's going on. When I'm thinking rationally( about 75% of time), I also say that she is of no good, for the reasons you mentioned above, for the reason I was a fool for falling in love(back then I really was strucked hard, how shall I say, I was quite the weird guy, talking for an considerably amount of time with the opposite sex, meant to me that I liked the conversations brought up, and due to me liking that in some time I would've perceived it as a routine, something that I wouldn't like to lose, and when I wouldn't like to lose something then I'd start overthinking, a day,2 , a week, a month, a year, and so on, after overthinking I'd fall in love, hard, for the respective woman, so that's how it was), yes she didn't care about me, either way it's fine. My sole problem is, After 2 or 3 years of not even remembering her I started again ,without any external influence, thinking about her. And I can't seem to find the reason why, how, and what should i do?

Sound like that the problem is that you dont have anything else on your mind to distract you from it. besides doing meditations to raise your energies and get control over yourself it might be a good thing to find something else to do. one thing that might work very well is go out and let yourself go, if you cant dance take some dance lessons. you will surely find someone else to think about when you are actively doing something else. some exercise could help as well especialy if you are are somewhat shy, this might help you get out of your shell more.

You need confidence in yourself, you need to know that you are wanted by other woman. There are plenty of woman that want you, so why stay in the past and keep thinking about a woman that didnt even like you. accept what happend in the past and let it be.
lilquote said:
Sabazios said:
Aquarius said:
Sometimes even if you are infatuated of her it doesent mean it’s true love, try looking rationally at the situation, she’s clearly a person who is not smart and race conscious who willingly goes with gipsies. Do you really want her as a girlfriend? That’s pretty gross to me. Also, it seems she doesent care about you, why waste your time with her?

This goes without saying, indeed it's gross, also I've said above, that right now i can't comprehend what's going on. When I'm thinking rationally( about 75% of time), I also say that she is of no good, for the reasons you mentioned above, for the reason I was a fool for falling in love(back then I really was strucked hard, how shall I say, I was quite the weird guy, talking for an considerably amount of time with the opposite sex, meant to me that I liked the conversations brought up, and due to me liking that in some time I would've perceived it as a routine, something that I wouldn't like to lose, and when I wouldn't like to lose something then I'd start overthinking, a day,2 , a week, a month, a year, and so on, after overthinking I'd fall in love, hard, for the respective woman, so that's how it was), yes she didn't care about me, either way it's fine. My sole problem is, After 2 or 3 years of not even remembering her I started again ,without any external influence, thinking about her. And I can't seem to find the reason why, how, and what should i do?

I'm pretty sure there are specific workings to detach from someone. I experienced something similar with an ex of mine. I felt connected and in love with him but he was constantly getting involved with dumb xian whores :roll: I did a working to bring someone new into my life.
You can find someone else to direct your interest but you may want to detach from this girl either way, so it won't cause problems with a new love interest. As a very basic working(kinda) I sit in the sun, breathe in energy, and for a certain number of breaths I will say an affirmation. In your case it would be like "In a positive and healthy way for me, I am completely emotionally detached from ((insert name of girl here))". This seems to work well for me so you may try something similar.

Yes, there are workings to detach from unwanted people, I've readed them many times before the first time I've done it. But from what I understood, (excepting the fact that I'm no longer in contact, or barely talking once a few months with some of my old friends, bad influences, and so on), it's that it will destroy the connection at the soul level, and in next reincarnation we won't(most probably) even meet, not to say that even if we'd meet , I would find her more disgusting(than how I thought of her after the last incident), and that would result in us not even talking(that, so to say, I'd find quite good,but , there's always a but, excepting the fact that she was the most important trigger towards my awakening, thing that I can't just let slide, I'm not sure of what will happen between me and her older sister , with which I've grown together, and I just can't think that a person I've given my admiration to[not in the sense of veneration, or something like this,but more something that I've aspired to go beyond, as she was a somewhat smart (here I'm specifically referring to the kind of smart at studies at schools)person, also racially aware, compared to her sister, and , let it like this]). And now that I've said all of these(not like I even understand myself anymore about those two), that's why I haven't done it, cutting the ties spiritually. Anyway thanks for the advice :D
Jack said:
Sabazios said:
Aquarius said:
Sometimes even if you are infatuated of her it doesent mean it’s true love, try looking rationally at the situation, she’s clearly a person who is not smart and race conscious who willingly goes with gipsies. Do you really want her as a girlfriend? That’s pretty gross to me. Also, it seems she doesent care about you, why waste your time with her?

This goes without saying, indeed it's gross, also I've said above, that right now i can't comprehend what's going on. When I'm thinking rationally( about 75% of time), I also say that she is of no good, for the reasons you mentioned above, for the reason I was a fool for falling in love(back then I really was strucked hard, how shall I say, I was quite the weird guy, talking for an considerably amount of time with the opposite sex, meant to me that I liked the conversations brought up, and due to me liking that in some time I would've perceived it as a routine, something that I wouldn't like to lose, and when I wouldn't like to lose something then I'd start overthinking, a day,2 , a week, a month, a year, and so on, after overthinking I'd fall in love, hard, for the respective woman, so that's how it was), yes she didn't care about me, either way it's fine. My sole problem is, After 2 or 3 years of not even remembering her I started again ,without any external influence, thinking about her. And I can't seem to find the reason why, how, and what should i do?
Listen to me,that girl is unsure and has no direction and control of her life. If you give that direction and dominant presence to her, she will mirror your ideals. Rather than trying to forget her without doing anything, try to do everything in your power to get her and if everything fails you'll forget her without feeling sorry that you didn't try your best and think about what could have been. A possible explanation of why you suddenly started thinking about her is because she may be masturbating to you. If you get wet dreams about someone which are vivid but you normally don't care about them, there's a high possibility she's masturbating to you. As a spiritually sensitive person you pick up these subtleties if they happen to you. When you do a love spell something similar happens but with a different,phenomenally more powerful intensity and the affirmation directs reality particularly rather than being just a wet dream.
Well, brother, how should I say this, I love the way you think. It's a good ideea indeed, I'll do as you've said, not only because I hate to regret, anything, but also because it's the best way. I thought that this was the case(either masturbating or thinking with intent about me) but I wasn't sure about it. I'll give my all trying. And make sure it will work out someway or other. I most likely wanted to hear someone more experienced and who had more knowledge than me saying that this was the case. Thanks a lot brother
Aquarius said:
Sabazios said:
Aquarius said:
Sometimes even if you are infatuated of her it doesent mean it’s true love, try looking rationally at the situation, she’s clearly a person who is not smart and race conscious who willingly goes with gipsies. Do you really want her as a girlfriend? That’s pretty gross to me. Also, it seems she doesent care about you, why waste your time with her?

This goes without saying, indeed it's gross, also I've said above, that right now i can't comprehend what's going on. When I'm thinking rationally( about 75% of time), I also say that she is of no good, for the reasons you mentioned above, for the reason I was a fool for falling in love(back then I really was strucked hard, how shall I say, I was quite the weird guy, talking for an considerably amount of time with the opposite sex, meant to me that I liked the conversations brought up, and due to me liking that in some time I would've perceived it as a routine, something that I wouldn't like to lose, and when I wouldn't like to lose something then I'd start overthinking, a day,2 , a week, a month, a year, and so on, after overthinking I'd fall in love, hard, for the respective woman, so that's how it was), yes she didn't care about me, either way it's fine. My sole problem is, After 2 or 3 years of not even remembering her I started again ,without any external influence, thinking about her. And I can't seem to find the reason why, how, and what should i do?
You probabily still have some astral connections to her https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Detaching.html make sure you know you want to detach from her.

I know that I still have some astral connections with her, because in the first place I didn't break them... I've also said why, it's because I couldn't bring myself to. No matter what it was, foolish, or anything else, and no matter how she was, being with those creatures(the gypsies )was gross,foolish, irrational, and so on. Just because of one thing I couldn't do it(the fact that I've got here). I will first do what brother Jack said, and afterwards if it doesn't work, and I can't get her to sanity, I'll cut all of my ties with her. Thanks for the advices, and, I know you are right, with what you've said,and that would be the most rational thing I should be doing, but I will try the other option first.
Prawdy said:
Firstly you need to start study more JoS library to understand the reality. Correct interpretation of this lecture will give you some boost into your life by understanding things better ;) Trust me.

Secondly that normal you dream about that girl. Men have that sort of things, don't worry ;) Will gone with the wind

I know brother. And, I did read the library(also have it saved on more devices) a few times before coming here(not memorated it all, but I ll try to''Learn by heart''). And bro... you didn't really understand me(also sorry that I didn't reply faster) but thanks, after I make some free time I'll read it again. I might've skipped some important sermons or info. :?
I believe that, if an individual race-mixes, it is possible that they are physically altered from that (not just spiritually). Even though a Gentile cannot become a Jew, people can gradually experience biological changes from racemixing ( believe microchimerism is the term for this). Regardless of what you do, make sure to prioritize racial purity and staying true to your spiritual purpose.
HailVictory88 said:
I believe that, if an individual race-mixes, it is possible that they are physically altered from that (not just spiritually). Even though a Gentile cannot become a Jew, people can gradually experience biological changes from racemixing ( believe microchimerism is the term for this). Regardless of what you do, make sure to prioritize racial purity and staying true to your spiritual purpose.
Yes brother, I know(and also with the matter of race mixing, I do know persons that through those don't resemble their parents[those that I know, have some characterics different, like darker skin, the nose being a bit longer, or so,] while the parents look like the average white person, they look a bit closer to latins, or arabs), the person in case, the one that I was talking about, is the same as me(white skinned, brunette, brown eyes, no jewish blood in our families as far as I know[while at mine I'm sure for 6 generations by now, for hers I'm sure only for 3, but she doesn't have jewish traits, neither her sisters, parents, and so on, and ofcourse as far as I know[because I know her family quite good]she’s the first of her family getting in relationships with other races[I don't know if she got in sexual relations with them, hoping she didn't ]) I'm not gonna get into race mixing, why? Because even before getting here, knowing much more about race, and everything else that I learned here, I wasn't attracted to other skin colors, and anything that I dididn't find good looking, or matching my looks
HailVictory88 said:
I believe that, if an individual race-mixes, it is possible that they are physically altered from that (not just spiritually). Even though a Gentile cannot become a Jew, people can gradually experience biological changes from racemixing ( believe microchimerism is the term for this). Regardless of what you do, make sure to prioritize racial purity and staying true to your spiritual purpose.
When someone has sex some dna is shared between the two and it will be in their own dna, this was literally something discovered by scientists.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
