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What is the story with Erwin Rommel?

Sep 21, 2017
What is the evidence that he was approached by two of Hitler’s generals with the ultimatum to commit suicide or go on trial with the liklihood of public execution?

Apparently, though he was involved in the coup, he was not of the character to commit assassinations, and had not even known about the attempts to assassinate Hitler by the time he was injured from an ally bombing of his car which had him hospitalized and sent home during the climax of all of that mess.

Then again, this is from sources which claim the man was in disagreement with Hitler about executing POWs and jews...
The point of the coup was to murder Hitler and then the Army was to overthrow the government. That is called treason. The Junkers were trying to cost the German's and their allies the defensive war against the Soviet Union and that level of treason by the Junkers got every German woman eight to eighty violently raped by the Red Army. Millions of Axis soldiers alone died because of this treason that includes Stalingrad and Kursk. Which cost them the war.
HP Mageson666 said:
The point of the coup was to murder Hitler and then the Army was to overthrow the government. That is called treason. The Junkers were trying to cost the German's and their allies the defensive war against the Soviet Union and that level of treason by the Junkers got every German woman eight to eighty violently raped by the Red Army. Millions of Axis soldiers alone died because of this treason that includes Stalingrad and Kursk. Which cost them the war.

Believe me when I say, Im well aware of that treason and they earned their death/execution with that.

Im just concerned with certain discrepancies in the individuals who may or may not have intended for things to go the way they did.

In any case, I CAN recognize that regardless if Rommel wanted to personally assassinate Hitler, the coup to overthrow the government was dividing their resources, and so it cost lives other than the threat towards the leadership.

If this is the case, Rommel inadvertently caused unnecessary death by adding to this serious abuse of responsibility.

So it seems justifiable, Im just a bit critical on these particulars often...

I can't say I take that particular narrative in which things went down with Rommel as verbatim considering the jewish lies that Hitler was ready to "dominate the world and genocide all who oppose".

The funny thing is, after reading the last two or three sermons by you and HC, Id gotten a very clear set of answers I needed regarding these issues of authority and responsibility, so it kind of resolved itself.

Thank you for the response Mageson.
Are we even 100% sure that he was plotting to kill Hitler. Or is this like the holoahoax.If you notice the base facts the holoahoax are true jews and other criminals were sent to work camps. And then the enemy simply created layers of lies upon that - in this case to the point were they did themselves a disservice because several of their claims are absolutely ridiculous and would be totally impossible materially.
I read Rommel's wikipedia page. Obviously this can only provide some clues because its the mainstream jewish narrative.
I'll explain how it might have gone : this guy was clearly loved of both germany's ennemies and the german populace alike. He was maybe the one person most seen as "good guy with a spotless record" by everyone Obviously there were many good people in nazi germany including our beloved Fuhrer. The point is the nazi germany and Hitler himself were slandered and painted as evil for all the war and before that as well in many countries. And this is how propaganda works you paint your cause as righteous and your enemies as evil. Even if you are a race traitor shabbos goy serving jews and fighting the actual protectors of the aryan race like the rulers of the allies were.
So now after the war and after the enemy victory, they were looking to build on the slanders they made about nazi germany during the war as much as possible to make it appear like the good guys won the evil nazis are done with. They already had the plan to lie about a holohoax of 6 millions way before the war actually they were making up this shit for decades. So what would be a master stroke in this process of creating layers of lies wraped around how nazi germany really was ? Take the one most admired war hero of nazi germany who had died late in the war timeline and given state funerals. Give a carrot or stick option to his wife to start confessing that he was part of the plot of traitors (plot having indeed existed.. like the work camps/prisons did) and get maybe a few more "testimonies" this way. Now you just added a nail in the coffin to the demoralization and demonization of the nazis who lost the war. Now the person seen as the biggest war hero (doesn't matter how good or not he was at his post) and who got honored with state funerals turned out to be looking to kill Hitler too. Because obviously Hitler was sooo evil everyone was out to kill him, even a friend of his who professed his admiration and loyalty to him for years.
I'm just speculating but you see how this could have gone.
You could try asking our Fuhrer himself what happened with Rommel. There is a quite a bit of shady area in towards the end of this story. Supposedly Rommel wasn't dealt with along other traitors (why ?!) but would have been confronted personally later and given the choice to suicide discreetly. And this whole story only surfaced after the war and was primarily supported by his dead widow's "confessions". I am not sure, maybe it was actually the case but it could very well be a hoax.
Dying from a complication of his severe wounds ? Getting killed somehow ?
ASQV13886662080 said:
What is the evidence that he was approached by two of Hitler’s generals with the ultimatum to commit suicide or go on trial with the liklihood of public execution?

Apparently, though he was involved in the coup, he was not of the character to commit assassinations, and had not even known about the attempts to assassinate Hitler by the time he was injured from an ally bombing of his car which had him hospitalized and sent home during the climax of all of that mess.

Then again, this is from sources which claim the man was in disagreement with Hitler about executing POWs and jews...

You should read David Irvings book on Rommel. It's been a long time since I read it, but I remember my takeaway is that bigger conspirators of the plot were guys under Rommel like Speidel.

I believe Rommel was approached about the plot, and just discarded it completely with zero intentions of ever acting against Hitler. he took his role as a loyal soldier seriously. Where his mistake was was not reporting these guys immediately likely out of friendship/loyalty. When the plot unraveled guys like Speidel were captured they played the game of blaming higherups for not stamping it out eventually putting the blame on Rommel who was the Western front commander at the time.

after the war Speidel further perpetuated the Rommel myth because it was clear in postwar Germany only those
associated with the Stauffenberg assasination attempt would be considered anti-nazi and given favorable positions. and Speidel was Rommels chief of staff so it made sense to build up Rommels (and thus his own) involvement.

I could be wrong, but this was just my takeaway.
Sinistra said:
You could try asking our Fuhrer himself what happened with Rommel. There is a quite a bit of shady area in towards the end of this story. Supposedly Rommel wasn't dealt with along other traitors (why ?!) but would have been confronted personally later and given the choice to suicide discreetly. And this whole story only surfaced after the war and was primarily supported by his dead widow's "confessions". I am not sure, maybe it was actually the case but it could very well be a hoax.
Dying from a complication of his severe wounds ? Getting killed somehow ?

You added excellent pry to this topic, thank you for your points Sinistra.
jay said:
ASQV13886662080 said:
What is the evidence that he was approached by two of Hitler’s generals with the ultimatum to commit suicide or go on trial with the liklihood of public execution?

Apparently, though he was involved in the coup, he was not of the character to commit assassinations, and had not even known about the attempts to assassinate Hitler by the time he was injured from an ally bombing of his car which had him hospitalized and sent home during the climax of all of that mess.

Then again, this is from sources which claim the man was in disagreement with Hitler about executing POWs and jews...

You should read David Irvings book on Rommel. It's been a long time since I read it, but I remember my takeaway is that bigger conspirators of the plot were guys under Rommel like Speidel.

I believe Rommel was approached about the plot, and just discarded it completely with zero intentions of ever acting against Hitler. he took his role as a loyal soldier seriously. Where his mistake was was not reporting these guys immediately likely out of friendship/loyalty. When the plot unraveled guys like Speidel were captured they played the game of blaming higherups for not stamping it out eventually putting the blame on Rommel who was the Western front commander at the time.

after the war Speidel further perpetuated the Rommel myth because it was clear in postwar Germany only those
associated with the Stauffenberg assasination attempt would be considered anti-nazi and given favorable positions. and Speidel was Rommels chief of staff so it made sense to build up Rommels (and thus his own) involvement.

I could be wrong, but this was just my takeaway.

Useful information, Im glad you all responded.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
