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What happened to the JoS Website?

Ashley Slade

New member
Oct 16, 2019
So many of the pages are gone from the main page, meditations etc no longer appear. Have they been taken down for a reason or have their been hackers. I am just wondering what is going on.
This doesn't seem to be the case, most if not all the pages are up.

Please share the links of the broken links so they can be repaired. Everything is up entirely.
Hoodedcobra The pages are up, what I mean is on the JoyOfSatan main page there are only 5 links to click on now. No options to click on meditations, witchcraft etc. I can still access them but I have to go through google.
AshleySlade said:
Hoodedcobra The pages are up, what I mean is on the JoyOfSatan main page there are only 5 links to click on now. No options to click on meditations, witchcraft etc. I can still access them but I have to go through google.

Maybe you have a browser addon or use some strange browser?

Everything looks fine to me from WinXP, 7, 10, and Linux.

Everything is up and the frontpage links are perfectly fine.
AshleySlade said:
Hoodedcobra The pages are up, what I mean is on the JoyOfSatan main page there are only 5 links to click on now. No options to click on meditations, witchcraft etc. I can still access them but I have to go through google.

It is happening with me too.
Meteor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This doesn't seem to be the case, most if not all the pages are up.

Please share the links of the broken links so they can be repaired. Everything is up entirely.
I noticed recently that the link to https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/The_Chakras.html on https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/OpeningChakras.html ("For more information about the chakras, PLEASE CLICK HERE") actually leads to https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/The_Chakras.htm instead which doesn't exist. Should be easy to fix (just add an L).

Yeah I posted about this link being broken a long time ago, but it hasn't been fixed. Would really love to read up about the chakras since I haven't seen that page in like forever.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AshleySlade said:
Hoodedcobra The pages are up, what I mean is on the JoyOfSatan main page there are only 5 links to click on now. No options to click on meditations, witchcraft etc. I can still access them but I have to go through google.

Maybe you have a browser addon or use some strange browser?

Everything looks fine to me from WinXP, 7, 10, and Linux.

Everything is up and the frontpage links are perfectly fine.

It shows on the Vivaldi browser too which is pretty new. The chakra page is fine on this browser for me as well as everything else.

I've checked and the Groups archive is down on this too though.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe you have a browser addon or use some strange browser?

Everything looks fine to me from WinXP, 7, 10, and Linux.

Everything is up and the frontpage links are perfectly fine.
Never connect Windows XP to the internet. It's asking to be infected, no matter if you browse the internet or not, there are way too many vulnerabilities in that outdated and closed source crap of a system. Keep safe
I also have this problem on firefox 80.0.1
Only Welcome, Covens, Links, Join hell's army, and demons: the original pre-christian pagan gods are showing
I noticed setting View > Page Style > No Style, will make the other links appear
Pirate11 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe you have a browser addon or use some strange browser?

Everything looks fine to me from WinXP, 7, 10, and Linux.

Everything is up and the frontpage links are perfectly fine.
Never connect Windows XP to the internet. It's asking to be infected, no matter if you browse the internet or not, there are way too many vulnerabilities in that outdated and closed source crap of a system. Keep safe

Unfortunately in some libraries, universities, and all sorts of other places where there are no funds, there is Windows XP. As such I have one too to check if pages display on them, but don't worry, it is used for nothing else at all. Thanks for the heads up.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Pirate11 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe you have a browser addon or use some strange browser?

Everything looks fine to me from WinXP, 7, 10, and Linux.

Everything is up and the frontpage links are perfectly fine.
Never connect Windows XP to the internet. It's asking to be infected, no matter if you browse the internet or not, there are way too many vulnerabilities in that outdated and closed source crap of a system. Keep safe

Unfortunately in some libraries, universities, and all sorts of other places where there are no funds, there is Windows XP. As such I have one too to check if pages display on them, but don't worry, it is used for nothing else at all. Thanks for the heads up.
Glad to hear it was not your personal computer. However, make sure there are no surveillance cams in the public place, you don't want to be recorded visiting JoS websites in a public place, as it could lead to you personally. If you are allowed to, maybe you would be better off booting that computers off a USB drive containing a live distro of Tails Linux. Leaves no traces and doesn't write on the computer's hard drive, I always carry a stick with that when I must use computers that are not mine. Check it out :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Pirate11 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe you have a browser addon or use some strange browser?

Everything looks fine to me from WinXP, 7, 10, and Linux.

Everything is up and the frontpage links are perfectly fine.
Never connect Windows XP to the internet. It's asking to be infected, no matter if you browse the internet or not, there are way too many vulnerabilities in that outdated and closed source crap of a system. Keep safe

Unfortunately in some libraries, universities, and all sorts of other places where there are no funds, there is Windows XP. As such I have one too to check if pages display on them, but don't worry, it is used for nothing else at all. Thanks for the heads up.
As long as it goes through a modern router that rejects unsolicited connections, then XP should be fine. The browser is the main vulnerability, but only if you browse bad websites or find a malicious ad. I have an XP desktop connected through a router that has somehow avoided being infected for over 10 years. (I use the last supported version of Chrome.) Most routers these days have an impressive list of built-in firewall features. However, the XP firewall is vulnerable, so Pirate11 is probably correct if XP is connected directly to the Internet.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
As long as it goes through a modern router that rejects unsolicited connections, then XP should be fine. The browser is the main vulnerability, but only if you browse bad websites or find a malicious ad. I have an XP desktop connected through a router that has somehow avoided being infected for over 10 years. (I use the last supported version of Chrome.) Most routers these days have an impressive list of built-in firewall features. However, the XP firewall is vulnerable, so Pirate11 is probably correct if XP is connected directly to the Internet.
Well yes but actually not - let me explain: What you are referring to when you is called NAT, and here's an article on why it should not be considered as a security feature. Moreover, most consumer grade modem/routers are pure shit, so you can't really relay on their built-in firewall (you should consider a real hardware firewall, with OPNSense/PfSense/Endian firewall software if you are looking to make use of a firewall on your network).
XP is never fine, as it is a closed source proprietary operating system (Some source code has been recently leaked though, check the news). It is no more maintained since 2014, you can't say it is anywhere acceptable, new vulnerabilities in software are discovered in the amounts of hundreds everyday. Browsers are a major malware entry-point, but they are far to be the only one, especially in old unmaintained software.
If you REALLY and ABSOLUTELY need to run Microsoft Windows XP (or any other version, as far as I am concerned for my own equipment), do it in Virtual Machine (VM) hosted by a secure and open-source operating system, be it Linux or BSD.
Keep safe
Pirate11 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
As long as it goes through a modern router that rejects unsolicited connections, then XP should be fine. The browser is the main vulnerability, but only if you browse bad websites or find a malicious ad. I have an XP desktop connected through a router that has somehow avoided being infected for over 10 years. (I use the last supported version of Chrome.) Most routers these days have an impressive list of built-in firewall features. However, the XP firewall is vulnerable, so Pirate11 is probably correct if XP is connected directly to the Internet.
Well yes but actually not - let me explain: What you are referring to when you is called NAT, and here's an article on why it should not be considered as a security feature. Moreover, most consumer grade modem/routers are pure shit, so you can't really relay on their built-in firewall (you should consider a real hardware firewall, with OPNSense/PfSense/Endian firewall software if you are looking to make use of a firewall on your network).
XP is never fine, as it is a closed source proprietary operating system (Some source code has been recently leaked though, check the news). It is no more maintained since 2014, you can't say it is anywhere acceptable, new vulnerabilities in software are discovered in the amounts of hundreds everyday. Browsers are a major malware entry-point, but they are far to be the only one, especially in old unmaintained software.
If you REALLY and ABSOLUTELY need to run Microsoft Windows XP (or any other version, as far as I am concerned for my own equipment), do it in Virtual Machine (VM) hosted by a secure and open-source operating system, be it Linux or BSD.
Keep safe
Most modern routers have a built-in statefull firewall with a default "deny-all" for incoming connections, in addition to NAT. However, even NAT should be sufficient. In the article you linked, they admit that "connections from the Internet cannot pass to a specific computer on the inside network through the NAT device". They downplay the importance of this, but the fact remains: If you don't initiate a connection, an attacker cannot reach your computer through NAT (unless they hack your router). XP doesn't support IPv6, so all connections will go through NAT. If you have auto-updates turned off, and if you only browse the internet, then the browser is the only attack surface. However, if all you browse are the JoS websites, which have no ads, then there is no entry point for malicious code unless someone hacks the website and tampers with the pages. Here are some diagrams:

The router's NAT and firewall blocks this case. XP never even sees the attacker.
Windows XP | Router | <- Attacker

The only connections allowed through are those that originate from XP.
Windows XP -> Router -> joyofsatan.org

There are only three outer attack surfaces:

1. The Router
2. joyofsatan.org

1. Modern routers are very secure and are not a common target. Regardless, this threat exists independently of Windows XP. If someone hacks your router, then they can cause a whole mess of trouble, even if you run Linux!

2, 3. joyofsatan.org is a popular target, but HP Cobra trys his best to stay on top of security. The NSA can break HTTPS with a few supercomputers, but the result is the same as directly hacking JoS. However, this is difficult and hasn't happened (to my knowledge) in the history of JoS! It is only after penetrating surface 2 or 3 that Windows XP comes into play. Firefox and Chrome are no longer supported, and as you said, old browsers are vulnerable. An attacker just needs to try old exploits until one of them works. However, getting this far is extremely unlikely, and anyone who hacks JoS could use other tactics like social engineering to break even the most secure OS. Additionally, there are plenty of zero-day browser exploits out there that are kept secret until the opportune moment. Therefore, I said XP was "fine", but not great. It's more vulnerable than Linux, but nothing's perfect.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
