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The problem with black jos


New member
Apr 4, 2023
Apart from the usual meditation and magick in the Jos which was taken from books by Maxine and her clergy blacks have a big problem here in this jos, one we are constantly told we are inferior which may be true for the blacks who are lost and brainwashed by the, but to be constantly told how inferior you are to the white race is not something a black person should be subjected to.

But the main problem in this forum and jos on general is the white washing of history. Blacks and other races are stripped off any credit and title when it comes to any advanced civilization or knowledge, everything is said to be subjected owned by whites. Blacks here are constantly worshipping Satan the white extraterrestrial. Then all knowledge we have is told to us that whites gave us, whites taught us how to do everything. And the whites will rule the world and all that. Blacks are being made to look stupid and unintelligent, everything even have n africa is said to be given by whitties. Even the race of Atlantis is said to be white without any proof, there was no documentary of what race the Atlantis belong to, there is no evidence of Atlantis being white, from what i Know the Atlantians could have been black brown or yellow but jos must convince you that they were whites and if you disagree they will slender you. Blacks here just accept anything told to them as truth without making further research like kids.

Again the lemurians are told to be whites by jos members without any proof, from my own research from reading books and listening to podcast of spiritual people, who have time traveled back to the times of lemuria I have found out that the lemurians had brown skin. There was no trace of white skin people in lemuria. Now the jos will never agree because they want to claim every advance civilization and everyone is forced to agree with them but I won't, I am different and I don't care about the norms here, stop claiming every advanced civilization on earth and claiming white taught other races everything because this is simply not true. Even the sumerians we're not white because sumeria is in the middle east who were Arabs, the sumerians and akkadians migrated from mesopotamia and the language sumer has its origins in mesoptamia who were semetic people (people of Arab descent) akkadians who conquered sumeria originated from southern mesopotemia which is west Asia (iraq). There are no single evidence that they were whites, but of course the whites jos wants to claim this civilization as their own just like every other civilization on earth.

Even the nommo who visited the dogon empire and gave them knowledge of the stars are said to be amphibians beings from Sirius b, but jos wants you to believe they are whites, if they were whites am sure the dogon people would have said so, why would they call them amphibians and even say they could no walk on land and they mostly stayed in water, the dogon people never said they were whites and moreover there is no known white civilization that we know of in sirus b. The only white civilizations we know about are from orion and Aldebaran and the pleiadians from Pleiades. But if you are to disagree with this they will slender you. Everything said to blacks on the jos and even to other people has no proof, they just want you to believe them. And whites want to take all the glory for every single thing on earth. Well i will not accept it, and I don't care what any motherfucker says. You can cry about it
One thing I know for certain is that Satan and the gods very much want black to be proud of their race and history. The gods themselves guided me to great books and videos on black history. Two of those books are Lost Cities of Africa by Basil Davidson and When We Ruled by Robin Walker. Also all traditional African religions are branches of Satanism.

This is great video series of African history

Robin Walker lecture

Libraries of Timbuktu

Former HP Shannon did a great job with Black for Satan website

She also did great work finding the satanic history of traditional African religions

The Lemurians were certainly white. This is where the white race originated from. Then we spread from there through Asia to Europe, to Northern Africa, to Australia, and to North and South America. There were already a different race of people living in Australia, the aboriginals, and they may have had some mixing with white people at that time, but the white people did not last there until the present time.

The White Lemurians who went to North and South Americas were there before any other race. This is who built these civilizations like the Mound Builders, and some of the original civilizations of South America. When the Asians came to America, there were already white people there which they say in their historical stories. The Native American race is a mixture of asian and white DNA for this reason, they are not purely asian.

What is known historically as the "Silk Road" is actually the trade routes of the ancient Golden Age Civization when places like Lemuria and Egypt were at their peak. And it is found all along this route from the Pacific coast, through China, through the Middle East, into Europe and Northern Africa in all points of this route that have been excavated the people have been White race, and still having blonde and red hair. These bodies have been preserved very well under the sand, and there is still some skin and all of the hair remaining which shows their race, along with all of the evidence from their bone structure and everything else. Plus all historical stories from all surviving civilizations that used to be part of this route describe the same thing, that it was white people with blonde and red hair.

If you have evidence of Black Golden Age civilizations, I would love to learn more about them. I know there were some like the Dogon. But you don't need to lie about history and claim our white civilizations as your own. Instead, it would be better and more helpful to research, learn about, and share information about the Black Golden Age civilizations from Africa.

You watch "very spiritual people" who tell you these lies? Who are they? How do you know that they are "very spiritual" or that any of the senses they claim to have are accurate? There is the insane black woman on tick tock who has spent more than a year telling lies about students who were murdered, and falsely accusing an innocent white woman, and her excuse is that she is "very spiritual" and she has consulted her "spiritual senses" but everything she says is a lie. So it takes more than just pretending to be spiritual to gather any truth.
And Whitecloud is at it again, provoking animosity between races.

Nobody says blacks are inferior, nobody says that the white race is superior, that's just you being a hateful brat and projecting your insecurities.

And it's not whitewashing if it's just history.

Lemuria was ours, Atlantis was ours. You can not like that, and it's fine.

You had your civilizations, they most likely are buried deep underground and the jews don't want you to find them.

But it's also true that the race that has fallen the most is the black race, you can see it wherever you go. This doesn't mean that you're inferior, just with different qualities.

Of course you're back, after all, this organization that was created by a white woman, and maintained by white people, is the best organization on earth.
Apart from the usual meditation and magick in the Jos which was taken from books by Maxine and her clergy blacks have a big problem here in this jos, one we are constantly told we are inferior which may be true for the blacks who are lost and brainwashed by the, but to be constantly told how inferior you are to the white race is not something a black person should be subjected to.

But the main problem in this forum and jos on general is the white washing of history. Blacks and other races are stripped off any credit and title when it comes to any advanced civilization or knowledge, everything is said to be subjected owned by whites. Blacks here are constantly worshipping Satan the white extraterrestrial. Then all knowledge we have is told to us that whites gave us, whites taught us how to do everything. And the whites will rule the world and all that. Blacks are being made to look stupid and unintelligent, everything even have n africa is said to be given by whitties. Even the race of Atlantis is said to be white without any proof, there was no documentary of what race the Atlantis belong to, there is no evidence of Atlantis being white, from what i Know the Atlantians could have been black brown or yellow but jos must convince you that they were whites and if you disagree they will slender you. Blacks here just accept anything told to them as truth without making further research like kids.

Again the lemurians are told to be whites by jos members without any proof, from my own research from reading books and listening to podcast of spiritual people, who have time traveled back to the times of lemuria I have found out that the lemurians had brown skin. There was no trace of white skin people in lemuria. Now the jos will never agree because they want to claim every advance civilization and everyone is forced to agree with them but I won't, I am different and I don't care about the norms here, stop claiming every advanced civilization on earth and claiming white taught other races everything because this is simply not true. Even the sumerians we're not white because sumeria is in the middle east who were Arabs, the sumerians and akkadians migrated from mesopotamia and the language sumer has its origins in mesoptamia who were semetic people (people of Arab descent) akkadians who conquered sumeria originated from southern mesopotemia which is west Asia (iraq). There are no single evidence that they were whites, but of course the whites jos wants to claim this civilization as their own just like every other civilization on earth.

Even the nommo who visited the dogon empire and gave them knowledge of the stars are said to be amphibians beings from Sirius b, but jos wants you to believe they are whites, if they were whites am sure the dogon people would have said so, why would they call them amphibians and even say they could no walk on land and they mostly stayed in water, the dogon people never said they were whites and moreover there is no known white civilization that we know of in sirus b. The only white civilizations we know about are from orion and Aldebaran and the pleiadians from Pleiades. But if you are to disagree with this they will slender you. Everything said to blacks on the jos and even to other people has no proof, they just want you to believe them. And whites want to take all the glory for every single thing on earth. Well i will not accept it, and I don't care what any motherfucker says. You can cry abouti really hope this isn
To any black satanist here that really wants to progress I would ask of you not to try hanging on to a dead past,,
The past has happened,live in the now,This is the moment for you to proof yourself to yourself , who you really are and what you can achieve,Don't lose morale because a white satanist said this or pointed out to that,or a certain God was said to look like a fish or a different colour to you,,we don't choose or decide how the Gods gets to look like the same way we don't choose the colours on a on a zebra,,it's irrelevant and really not a thought you should burden yourself with,
You're inferiors if you see yourself as such,you're only inferior If you're in the same position today in spirituality as you were yesterday,

You have all the rights to be here,You have all the knowledge in JOS to achieve your greatness,,don't look at your fellow black and think of them as being inferior for their shortcomings, unjust and destructive way of living,you are here in this moment to proof to your fellow blacks of their potential and what they can achieve,blacks are very good at copying,we see something good and we want it too,we are quick to change our ways if results are presented,it's our greatest weakness that the Jews have taken advantage of by introducing this idea that only the degenerate,thugs and drug junkies get to have a good life and wealth, don't buy to that,,
The same way you can fall fast into cultural Degeneracy is the same way you can rise, we have potential we just don't have people to show the best in us, and that's why the Jew will always push the most vile and regressed of blacks,
To the blacks here who are working on themselves and trying to advance as Satanist, don't spend your whole time trying to proof yourself to other people that you're better than the rest ,because you somehow walk or think differently from your fellow blacks ,,don't seek validation from others,only the gods deserve this from you, not the people you're in the same hole with,as Satanist the gods have already seen you,Seek your own power,give your fellow blacks a reason,an icon A positive wake up call they can emulate on,
As a Satanist I am very very proud of a mind like @Blackdragon666

Satan never made you less,It's up to to you to help the gods with this burden we fell into,,they are not babysitter

Wake up,work hard and meditate,do the RTRs,Grow your strength,grow your own power ,this world shall be here for a long time and what legacy will you build if you just spent your time trying to proof to people you're a better,,
Let your action speaks for yourself,,
Don't like a white Hilter trying to support and strengthening his own race ,then be the black Hitler fighting and strengthening your own race,

The dogons had contact with the gods,,well great ,The Egyptian were this race or that,,,so what?it's only dust there now
This is your moment seize it ,Grow black JOS,,

We will get there eventually,We have been cursed,and the gods have given us power to return those curses,
The enemy fears every Gentile and the more you think of yourself as insignificant and less in this fight the more you make it easier for the Jew to fight on one front,,
Never waver,you are great ,you're a king,The Enemy should be reminded of this
The enemy isn't white ,
The biggest problem with the black mentality is the Jewish existence and their lies.

The Jewish race was the one that started the whole racial problem. Starting with biblical curses like the curse of Ham and onward.

And then, they inflame blacks with negative racial preoccupations, saying whites are evil, whites degenerate them, and blacks can never achieve because of whites, so much so that most black people are hyper-fixed on their race and racial faults, and that most people, especially whites, are racist and evil, always seeing them as lower.

Blacks are too focused on racial identity and politics in such a negative way that it makes them very racist in a way that makes people racist. There’s more to this, of course.

The point here is that the soul, personality, quality of character, and behaviors are most important. You can be whatever race you are, but if you don’t carry a higher, evolved, and elevated character, then you are inferior.

The Jews have done a great job at making the black race low-level. It’s always the Jews. They have fabricated so many lies about the white race that most black people will find it uncomfortable to learn that the majority of the demon gods are white Nordic ETs. Do you see the madness here?

That’s the first thing that needs to be dispelled when it comes to reprogramming and shaping the black mind. If blacks have been told that whites are oppressive, evil, and the origin of racism, it's understandable that they would be reluctant to worship or accept a white god who created the races.

The white race inherited a lot from the gods, but remember that the gods created the other races intact and near perfection. Even the white race has suffered from the Jews. Because the truth is, without the gods help, every race on earth will be destroyed by the Jews.

Over thousands of years, each race has degenerated on its own. We have degenerated physically, genetically, and, most importantly, spiritually.

The gods are not fixated on race but mostly on the soul and its perfection; the rest follows. The gods would not have created the other races if they thought we were no good, and they work around the clock to ensure every gentile evolves and is superior and perfect. Always.

Every race has its own history. I do know that the gods told me that so much information and knowledge were lost in Africa. So that’s where you start.

I asked the gods years ago for information regarding the black race, and I was led to a book called “The Lost Cities of Africa”, just like Cowboy123.

Now, of course, here and there, there will be white members, usually new, who say hateful or harsh things about black people but ignore them. That’s just the consequence of reality—the Jews are enraging both sides, and this is the consequence. That gets healed with time, though, especially when these members meditate and get close to the gods. Healing takes place for everyone.

If you really want to evolve and better yourself, you’ll sincerely ask Satan and the gods to help you on your path to understanding and betterment.
Now, of course, here and there, there will be white members, usually new, who say hateful or harsh things about black people but ignore them. That’s just the consequence of reality—the Jews are enraging both sides, and this is the consequence. That gets healed with time, though, especially when these members meditate and get close to the gods. Healing takes place for everyone.

If you really want to evolve and better yourself, you’ll sincerely ask Satan and the gods to help you on your path to understanding and betterment.

Well is it wrong to be racist or should I say contempt or hate for another race if you feel justified in the personal inner World of your mind?

For example I'm not the biggest fan of blacks due to their easily manipulable nature look at Floyd/BLM/Anti-Fa riots in the "Summer of Love" campaign.

My question is if I hate another race though not act on it publicly just in my personal inner World. Is that bad?

I know we are Joy of Satan a racialist organization of particular O.R.I.O.N. or O.N.I.O.R. (Our Race Is Our Nation | Our Nation Is Our Race). But I want to know is not ignorantly as I study and in my own personal backyard and personal contemplation I understand.

But would it be fair to state you'll want to berate me for dislike?

I know the Gods are their own entity and own self and as Satan in the Al-Jilwah states, "I allow each and everyone dictates of their own nature". But are there beings of higher power that don't like XYZ race and not in ignorance just it's their personal way they roll.

I've read of Gods or Daemons who dislike other Gods/Daemons. Not out of annihilation just dislike for doing certain things. Like one person put it his Guardian Demon did not like his Succubus, the person asked the entity to try and speak to her and work things out. He came back and said I'll look the other way but I'm not a fan of her but I'll carry through with myself and our interaction as your Guardian.

In Social Marxism and Social Capitalism Racist = simply against another race or contempt for another race or hatred. Social Marxism deraciafies on a we wuz all eqwalz 'n' sheit and muh brotherhood. And Social Capitalism deraciafies on a we kan b' rich 'n' sheit 'n' only give 2 shits about riches 'n' wealth 'n' sheit.

So Social Marxism attacks based on the very foundation of societal changes with a tinsel of economics while Social Capitalism attacks on a basis of economic properties only.

Social Nazism or Social National Socialism. Imbues racialism i.e. understanding of race i.e. racial realism i.e. ORION/ONIOR but also further compounds down to Sub-race and even the Tribal aspect of reality ORIOT/OTIOR.

Social Nazism imbues racist in my own personal terminology as racial self-preservation. I believe a Social Nazi term other than racialist or supporter of races and sub-races with racial separation is.

Racist = A healthy biological-mental-spiritual property of every Human that instills protocols to preserve your racial make up in the spheres of Mental, Physical, and Spiritual properties.

I believe it's not just the make up of the Homonid entities our Gods encountered and made us. Or for all intents and purposes when they encountered us and upgunned us that they in themselves SIGNIFICANTLY boosted racialism and racism in us.

While I'm certainly aware an -ism as race-ism is seen as negative through the lenses of Social Marxism and Social Capitalism on a Socio-level. I believe this continuous hijacking and pushing of racial credence is eventually pushing people to be racialist and racist properly through Racial Nazism or Racial National Socialism.

Why do I say this. The new hot topic is CivNat or PopNat. Civil Nationalist and Popular Nationalist.

I believe eventually once a proper fixing of our planet begins it'll instill Racial Nationalism eventually.

In simplest terms the enemy communist and capitalist forces have so divested the racial vector and so invested in simply equality and economic factor. They've alienated and shall alienate themselves into a conundrum of the racial question.

And not just the racial question but the Species Question.

If Jews literally admit they are another species altogether Spiritually, Religiously, and Nationalistically, Genetically, Culturally, Socially, and even the very morula of the creation of their people i.e. the female is considered the progenitor of their principle racial structure in pregnancy much to the detriment of foolish mamzers believing themselves to be Gentiles or part Gentiles = not jewish.

Why lie to yourself and others. A person born with enough of a genetic lineage of jewishness through masculine and or feminine principle is considered a Jew.

Sheer fact is questions need to be address such as mine of.

Am I a bad Satanist or National Socialist for hating other races in my backyard?

For example it was quite common for people to hate blacks, Asians, and other mongeloid or people of dark and or differences than Whites in the 1900s. Fast Forward to 2020s and coming up to the 2030s people are all cucked up and doing stupid shit with various other races.

Sheer fact is Humanity needs a deep reordering and Social Nazism is the answer. As Hitler put its it in his speech the Jewish Question needs to be addressed not just in Germany but in every country.


If this is WhiteCloud can you please stop posting on our forums and making accounts and simply dedicate and join us already. Or leave, you remind me of the troll Ghostkid and his innocent but foolish questioning.

I get it your curious it bothers you and your bothered by our organization.

If you can't beat them, join them.

WhiteCloud Y U cause issues.

Fall in line and march in lockstep with us.

Seriously WhiteCloud have you not seen the state of the World. Do you want the World to SHTF moment?

I think WhiteCloud is just wanting to join but is fence straddling.

WhiteCloud join us and establish betterment for us. In fact if you care so much about the poor negroids, well teach them and help them out lend your support and tell them to come to us. We need more manpower if we had more members we can do more stuff.

For example maybe we if we had a larger prescense could have done a ritual to stop that criminal Sean "P.Diddy" Combs. I hope he gets caught and extradited to the States.
Apart from the usual meditation and magick in the Jos which was taken from books by Maxine and her clergy blacks have a big problem here in this jos, one we are constantly told we are inferior which may be true for the blacks who are lost and brainwashed by the, but to be constantly told how inferior you are to the white race is not something a black person should be subjected to.

But the main problem in this forum and jos on general is the white washing of history. Blacks and other races are stripped off any credit and title when it comes to any advanced civilization or knowledge, everything is said to be subjected owned by whites. Blacks here are constantly worshipping Satan the white extraterrestrial. Then all knowledge we have is told to us that whites gave us, whites taught us how to do everything. And the whites will rule the world and all that. Blacks are being made to look stupid and unintelligent, everything even have n africa is said to be given by whitties. Even the race of Atlantis is said to be white without any proof, there was no documentary of what race the Atlantis belong to, there is no evidence of Atlantis being white, from what i Know the Atlantians could have been black brown or yellow but jos must convince you that they were whites and if you disagree they will slender you. Blacks here just accept anything told to them as truth without making further research like kids.

Again the lemurians are told to be whites by jos members without any proof, from my own research from reading books and listening to podcast of spiritual people, who have time traveled back to the times of lemuria I have found out that the lemurians had brown skin. There was no trace of white skin people in lemuria. Now the jos will never agree because they want to claim every advance civilization and everyone is forced to agree with them but I won't, I am different and I don't care about the norms here, stop claiming every advanced civilization on earth and claiming white taught other races everything because this is simply not true. Even the sumerians we're not white because sumeria is in the middle east who were Arabs, the sumerians and akkadians migrated from mesopotamia and the language sumer has its origins in mesoptamia who were semetic people (people of Arab descent) akkadians who conquered sumeria originated from southern mesopotemia which is west Asia (iraq). There are no single evidence that they were whites, but of course the whites jos wants to claim this civilization as their own just like every other civilization on earth.

Even the nommo who visited the dogon empire and gave them knowledge of the stars are said to be amphibians beings from Sirius b, but jos wants you to believe they are whites, if they were whites am sure the dogon people would have said so, why would they call them amphibians and even say they could no walk on land and they mostly stayed in water, the dogon people never said they were whites and moreover there is no known white civilization that we know of in sirus b. The only white civilizations we know about are from orion and Aldebaran and the pleiadians from Pleiades. But if you are to disagree with this they will slender you. Everything said to blacks on the jos and even to other people has no proof, they just want you to believe them. And whites want to take all the glory for every single thing on earth. Well i will not accept it, and I don't care what any motherfucker says. You can cry about it
I don't know the history of the Lemurians, but you can ask the Gods for help and study for yourself. All kinds of studies can be useful. You don't have to believe in a white Egypt or a white Atlantis; that's just a detail in your spiritual journey. However, it is undeniable that there are many teenagers and immature people on the forum who often offend the race of others without even realizing it. I think the first thing you should learn when studying magic and spirituality is to put your ego aside. I've noticed a lot of evolution on the forum from 2022 to 2024; people are evolving, and that's the goal of Satanism. But I also realize that many people mix up their truths with the real truth of the world, regardless of race

The enemy does his best to set Gentile against Gentile. It's easier for us to destroy if we're separated, it's 2024 we're seeing the Jews being exposed, in addition to the threats of war and other things that could be catastrophic, at this point, race should be the least of our worries, we're all comrades and we're all connected to Satan

Don't get hung up on the past either, it wasn't perfect, if it was we wouldn't be where we are.
Well is it wrong to be racist or should I say contempt or hate for another race if you feel justified in the personal inner World of your mind?

For example I'm not the biggest fan of blacks due to their easily manipulable nature look at Floyd/BLM/Anti-Fa riots in the "Summer of Love" campaign.

My question is if I hate another race though not act on it publicly just in my personal inner World. Is that bad?

I know we are Joy of Satan a racialist organization of particular O.R.I.O.N. or O.N.I.O.R. (Our Race Is Our Nation | Our Nation Is Our Race). But I want to know is not ignorantly as I study and in my own personal backyard and personal contemplation I understand.

But would it be fair to state you'll want to berate me for dislike?

I know the Gods are their own entity and own self and as Satan in the Al-Jilwah states, "I allow each and everyone dictates of their own nature". But are there beings of higher power that don't like XYZ race and not in ignorance just it's their personal way they roll.

I've read of Gods or Daemons who dislike other Gods/Daemons. Not out of annihilation just dislike for doing certain things. Like one person put it his Guardian Demon did not like his Succubus, the person asked the entity to try and speak to her and work things out. He came back and said I'll look the other way but I'm not a fan of her but I'll carry through with myself and our interaction as your Guardian.

In Social Marxism and Social Capitalism Racist = simply against another race or contempt for another race or hatred. Social Marxism deraciafies on a we wuz all eqwalz 'n' sheit and muh brotherhood. And Social Capitalism deraciafies on a we kan b' rich 'n' sheit 'n' only give 2 shits about riches 'n' wealth 'n' sheit.

So Social Marxism attacks based on the very foundation of societal changes with a tinsel of economics while Social Capitalism attacks on a basis of economic properties only.

Social Nazism or Social National Socialism. Imbues racialism i.e. understanding of race i.e. racial realism i.e. ORION/ONIOR but also further compounds down to Sub-race and even the Tribal aspect of reality ORIOT/OTIOR.

Social Nazism imbues racist in my own personal terminology as racial self-preservation. I believe a Social Nazi term other than racialist or supporter of races and sub-races with racial separation is.

Racist = A healthy biological-mental-spiritual property of every Human that instills protocols to preserve your racial make up in the spheres of Mental, Physical, and Spiritual properties.

I believe it's not just the make up of the Homonid entities our Gods encountered and made us. Or for all intents and purposes when they encountered us and upgunned us that they in themselves SIGNIFICANTLY boosted racialism and racism in us.

While I'm certainly aware an -ism as race-ism is seen as negative through the lenses of Social Marxism and Social Capitalism on a Socio-level. I believe this continuous hijacking and pushing of racial credence is eventually pushing people to be racialist and racist properly through Racial Nazism or Racial National Socialism.

Why do I say this. The new hot topic is CivNat or PopNat. Civil Nationalist and Popular Nationalist.

I believe eventually once a proper fixing of our planet begins it'll instill Racial Nationalism eventually.

In simplest terms the enemy communist and capitalist forces have so divested the racial vector and so invested in simply equality and economic factor. They've alienated and shall alienate themselves into a conundrum of the racial question.

And not just the racial question but the Species Question.

If Jews literally admit they are another species altogether Spiritually, Religiously, and Nationalistically, Genetically, Culturally, Socially, and even the very morula of the creation of their people i.e. the female is considered the progenitor of their principle racial structure in pregnancy much to the detriment of foolish mamzers believing themselves to be Gentiles or part Gentiles = not jewish.

Why lie to yourself and others. A person born with enough of a genetic lineage of jewishness through masculine and or feminine principle is considered a Jew.

Sheer fact is questions need to be address such as mine of.

Am I a bad Satanist or National Socialist for hating other races in my backyard?

For example it was quite common for people to hate blacks, Asians, and other mongeloid or people of dark and or differences than Whites in the 1900s. Fast Forward to 2020s and coming up to the 2030s people are all cucked up and doing stupid shit with various other races.

Sheer fact is Humanity needs a deep reordering and Social Nazism is the answer. As Hitler put its it in his speech the Jewish Question needs to be addressed not just in Germany but in every country.


If this is WhiteCloud can you please stop posting on our forums and making accounts and simply dedicate and join us already. Or leave, you remind me of the troll Ghostkid and his innocent but foolish questioning.

I get it your curious it bothers you and your bothered by our organization.

If you can't beat them, join them.

WhiteCloud Y U cause issues.

Fall in line and march in lockstep with us.

Seriously WhiteCloud have you not seen the state of the World. Do you want the World to SHTF moment?

I think WhiteCloud is just wanting to join but is fence straddling.

WhiteCloud join us and establish betterment for us. In fact if you care so much about the poor negroids, well teach them and help them out lend your support and tell them to come to us. We need more manpower if we had more members we can do more stuff.

For example maybe we if we had a larger prescense could have done a ritual to stop that criminal Sean "P.Diddy" Combs. I hope he gets caught and extradited to the States.
I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I’m not talking about racialism.

The gods feelings and perceptions are much higher, deeper, and more evolved than humans. I’m not going to comment on what that member said about a god not liking another god or succubus, because I don’t know that SS, their level of psychic openness, etc. But it’s a little hard for me to accept that experience at face value.

There’s nothing wrong with hating, rightfully, another person, race, or whatever, as these are parts of emotions. We are not Xians who should oppose or suppress how we feel. All I’m saying is that healing, understanding, and a general evolved way of thinking take place the more one comes into Satanism. There are satanists who had that way of thinking, only to have evolved out of it because of Kundalini serpent energy and meditation.

Hate and feel all you must. I’m just saying that when one sees the bigger picture, our perceptions change.

There is a reason that you feel the way you do, that all of us have our way of thinking and perceptions, but on the race situation, if it weren’t for the Jews and suppressed spiritual knowledge, evolved and aware gentiles wouldn’t harbor hate or disdain towards other gentiles because we wouldn’t have all the issues we have now.

To highlight and emphasize my point, the gods have been with humanity since the beginning and have seen all the horrible, vile, deprived, sick, and degenerate things humanity has done to one another throughout the ages, yet the gods still work around the clock for us and love and care for us (black or white) in such a profound way that the average human wouldn’t understand. The gods are beyond all of that, for one, because it's essentially not our fault.

The path here for us, SS, is to evolve and become like them. And when that happens, do you think you’ll have the same feelings you do? Or any race that hates another?

For now, continue as you do. You’re not wrong. We’re all just experiencing the conditions of this current Jewish system.
The biggest problem with the black mentality is the Jewish existence and their lies.

The Jewish race was the one that started the whole racial problem. Starting with biblical curses like the curse of Ham and onward.

And then, they inflame blacks with negative racial preoccupations, saying whites are evil, whites degenerate them, and blacks can never achieve because of whites, so much so that most black people are hyper-fixed on their race and racial faults, and that most people, especially whites, are racist and evil, always seeing them as lower.

Blacks are too focused on racial identity and politics in such a negative way that it makes them very racist in a way that makes people racist. There’s more to this, of course.

The point here is that the soul, personality, quality of character, and behaviors are most important. You can be whatever race you are, but if you don’t carry a higher, evolved, and elevated character, then you are inferior.

The Jews have done a great job at making the black race low-level. It’s always the Jews. They have fabricated so many lies about the white race that most black people will find it uncomfortable to learn that the majority of the demon gods are white Nordic ETs. Do you see the madness here?

That’s the first thing that needs to be dispelled when it comes to reprogramming and shaping the black mind. If blacks have been told that whites are oppressive, evil, and the origin of racism, it's understandable that they would be reluctant to worship or accept a white god who created the races.

The white race inherited a lot from the gods, but remember that the gods created the other races intact and near perfection. Even the white race has suffered from the Jews. Because the truth is, without the gods help, every race on earth will be destroyed by the Jews.

Over thousands of years, each race has degenerated on its own. We have degenerated physically, genetically, and, most importantly, spiritually.

The gods are not fixated on race but mostly on the soul and its perfection; the rest follows. The gods would not have created the other races if they thought we were no good, and they work around the clock to ensure every gentile evolves and is superior and perfect. Always.

Every race has its own history. I do know that the gods told me that so much information and knowledge were lost in Africa. So that’s where you start.

I asked the gods years ago for information regarding the black race, and I was led to a book called “The Lost Cities of Africa”, just like Cowboy123.

Now, of course, here and there, there will be white members, usually new, who say hateful or harsh things about black people but ignore them. That’s just the consequence of reality—the Jews are enraging both sides, and this is the consequence. That gets healed with time, though, especially when these members meditate and get close to the gods. Healing takes place for everyone.

If you really want to evolve and better yourself, you’ll sincerely ask Satan and the gods to help you on your path to understanding and betterment.
It’s agreeable that Jews are a part of the problem, but underneath all that as well is the need of blacks degenerate behavior afterwards that such continuation is just adding more oil to a raging fire. This just increases. Blacks need reeducation into their roots, focus on that, without the victim mentality. Because it’s always the victim mentality and it gets old. I absolutely abhor it.
It’s agreeable that Jews are a part of the problem, but underneath all that as well is the need of blacks degenerate behavior afterwards that such continuation is just adding more oil to a raging fire. This just increases. Blacks need reeducation into their roots, focus on that, without the victim mentality. Because it’s always the victim mentality and it gets old. I absolutely abhor it.
I agree completely. That’s a separate beast on its own to tackle. Reprogramming and refinement.
Well to be honest Shannon my dislike of blacks if not outright hatred. Is this ghetto thug and victim mentality, muh reparations etc.etc.

I see them as being useful idiots for certain things and being pingponged around the World as weapon systems. The conglomeration of racial groups is heating the World up. I can see why you state what you state with the World stage being the way it is.

Sheer fact is thank you for taking out the time to understand. It reminds me of Tasteless and Artosis, Starcraft Brood War and Starcraft 2 as well as other game casters.

The 300IQ question as they state. It's not so much I should suppress but in fact should transmute the energy to help. Sadly I feel some people are lost causes and continue mucking around the low-IQ spectrum of reality.

I'll admit I've seen my fair share of good Blacks like the Trump-supporting Black employee working construction in 2019 period. And other examples like BCP, Black Conservative Patriot, and yet others like on Rumble and other alt channels. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if good blacks are often throttled algorithmically against a horde of blacks who mean terrible things to their people sorta like Salty Crackers and his mention of Sabby Sabs causing a stir on twitter/X stating this 15 year old Black kid attacking cops with a shovel is good. She is getting her people killed.

Anyways thank you.

Oh for the Blackfolk who are on here. Africans in certain periods of time did excellent like certain cities in Africa were quite advanced even possessing fine China plates and decorations from China itself. There WAS inter-continental trade there were advanced Blacks.

Sadly I feel like everything is utterly hidden by certain individuals to instill a beaten down mentality.

Blacks can do wonderful things if there are good people and good heads of leaders and can do great things. But sometimes inter-operability of working with other racial groups Whites/Asians/Others can boost. Not all blacks are hoodie rats some are very prominent.

BTW Shannon what is your take on Young Pharaoh Allah, the guy promoted by many as We Wuz Kangz back a few years ago when he got popular. Doing Couples Yoga and wanting people to study the Bible and Koran, as he put it God hates niggas, if your a nigga God hates you.

Has anyone from JoS ever tried reaching out to YPA and his organizational group?
Well to be honest Shannon my dislike of blacks if not outright hatred. Is this ghetto thug and victim mentality, muh reparations etc.etc.

I see them as being useful idiots for certain things and being pingponged around the World as weapon systems. The conglomeration of racial groups is heating the World up. I can see why you state what you state with the World stage being the way it is.

Sheer fact is thank you for taking out the time to understand. It reminds me of Tasteless and Artosis, Starcraft Brood War and Starcraft 2 as well as other game casters.

The 300IQ question as they state. It's not so much I should suppress but in fact should transmute the energy to help. Sadly I feel some people are lost causes and continue mucking around the low-IQ spectrum of reality.

I'll admit I've seen my fair share of good Blacks like the Trump-supporting Black employee working construction in 2019 period. And other examples like BCP, Black Conservative Patriot, and yet others like on Rumble and other alt channels. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if good blacks are often throttled algorithmically against a horde of blacks who mean terrible things to their people sorta like Salty Crackers and his mention of Sabby Sabs causing a stir on twitter/X stating this 15 year old Black kid attacking cops with a shovel is good. She is getting her people killed.

Anyways thank you.

Oh for the Blackfolk who are on here. Africans in certain periods of time did excellent like certain cities in Africa were quite advanced even possessing fine China plates and decorations from China itself. There WAS inter-continental trade there were advanced Blacks.

Sadly I feel like everything is utterly hidden by certain individuals to instill a beaten down mentality.

Blacks can do wonderful things if there are good people and good heads of leaders and can do great things. But sometimes inter-operability of working with other racial groups Whites/Asians/Others can boost. Not all blacks are hoodie rats some are very prominent.

BTW Shannon what is your take on Young Pharaoh Allah, the guy promoted by many as We Wuz Kangz back a few years ago when he got popular. Doing Couples Yoga and wanting people to study the Bible and Koran, as he put it God hates niggas, if your a nigga God hates you.

Has anyone from JoS ever tried reaching out to YPA and his organizational group?
Oh, you’re definitely not the only one who feels the way you do. For a while, I disliked being black and disassociated with my race because of what I have seen. The whole thug, low-IQ, violent bunch are still considered a separate kind of black to me, but at the same time I understand they are lost.

We all have degenerated in some way though. And like all races, there will be some that may never truly wake up, well, until they die and reincarnate and has a chance to start over.

You’re feelings are very justified. What person wouldn’t feel hatred towards them. Just like I dislike the whites who actually want to see their own race lowered and eradicated because of Jewish lies.

Honestly, I don’t have an opinion on YPA much. I mean, there are a lot of blacks like him and thinks the way he does. The whole issue is their attachment to Islam and Christianity, even if they might be on the right path in some regard. Cowboy123 wrote a lot about how xianity curses black gentiles. That information would definitely be valuable if one were to contact people like YPA.

There are blacks who know the Jewish problem but still connect with xianity in some way, mixing it with kemetism and paganism. It’s much easier to do online activism to connect with the population of black gentiles who are connected to our gods in some way. You have the blacks who are into the Egyptian pantheon of gods and are very spiritual and have rejected xianity completely. They’re the younger generation though.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
