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The importance of MINDSET when pursuing wealth


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017
Wealth is a topic that is relevant to all of us, some are better off, some are worse off, but this concerns all of us regardless.

I believe many people are somewhat stuck in this, and it is not because of a lack of power, knowledge or even willpower, but simply mindset. Understanding magick, you will understand that your subconscious mind can make or break a magickal working.

You must be totally open to, and accepting of your goals when you perform magickal workings, or they will simply dissipate and accomplish nothing. It doesn't matter how much power or dedication you put into a magickal working if subconsciously you reject the outcome, the working is dismantled by your subconscious mind.

The issue for many I believe, is an internal conflict regarding those with wealth, and modern means of obtaining wealth. I recommend to those of you struggling in this regard, to meditate on your thoughts and feelings towards wealth and those who have.

Because when you have an internal hatred for those who have wealth, you are subconsciously distancing yourself from them, and the wealthy lifestyle you crave. And this isn't to say you should worship or accept slimy methods of gaining wealth, or people who obtain outrageous wealth in illigetimate ways.

But when you don't put in the time to study and understand modern finance, you simply see any wealthy person as another horrible being who exploits others for profits. This is not a black and white matter, it's much deeper than "people who are rich are evil".

If you wish to grow financially, you must understand finance. You must study it, understand it, and incorporate this knowledge into your being. So that you begin to view financial matters in a positive light rather than negative. And begin to crave and work towards wealth instead of hating it and those who have it.

You also must have respect for yourself. And convince yourself that you deserve more than what you have. Look upon others who have wealth not as opposition but inspiration. Instead of hating them, learn from them.

Many people are economically victimized by the modern financial world which jews had a big part in steering the wrong way. Because of this they begin to view things in a black and white filter, and see all forms of obtaining wealth as theft or fraud. But there are legitimate options and opportunities for you.

You've simply blocked them from your psyche, and this is keeping you from wealth. The best advice I can give to any of you, is go to your bank and ask questions. Yes, banks are owned and run on a higher level by jews and corrupt gentiles who decay civilization. But they are staffed by gentiles.

I'm willing to wager that many of you see banks as a pure evil, irredeemable source of corruption and decay. The reality is banks and investors, however corrupt they are at the top, provide to you a gateway to wealth you've never considered. They will happily give you hundreds of thousands to fund your assets and projects if you can prove to and convince them that your business or asset will be financially viable, and that you will have the means to pay them back in the future.

And if you have studied and know what you're doing, the debt won't be a problem for you and should pay itself.

So go to your bank and ask questions. Learn what your options are, and what you have to go to start building assets that will bring you wealth. People inherently condemn anything they don't understand as evil, and a vast majority of people have very shallow understanding of finance and this is the root of their problems, and barrier towards obtaining wealth.

Wealth is a very different game than what it was 100 or even 50 years ago. Many choose to dwell on the past, and complain that things have gotten worse. Things have gotten worse, things have changed. This is no justification to give up or stagnate however.

Learn. Grow. Adapt. Conquer. You have the tools to free yourself financially. But if you reject wealth and the ways it's created internally, it will never come to you. Be more open to wealth and the ways it is obtained and built in the modern financial climate. Adapt and overcome it, but never be consumed by it.
Dahaarkan said:

Thank you. Very well written, you give invaluable advice. I'd pin your post if I were a mod.
Also have a look at my post titled "Spiritual nature of money" : https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=294453

We should make a compilation of all positive advice on the creation of wealth and put it in one place.

It's not easy to get through to people as most were programmed their whole lives to be anti-wealth.
Most think that any wealthy person giving advice, is either giving bad advice or trying to justify something illegitimate.

You want to go shopping? Well you have to first imagine yourself doing it, even for a split second. You have to imagine all the steps you'll take.
You want to build a house? You have to imagine it first.
Everything that is man made, had to be imagined first.
Imagination, which is a spiritual process, precedes the material action.
Imagination is our most powerful tool and it has to be sharpened well. MIND YOUR THOUGHTS !
Dahaarkan said:
Wealth is a topic that is relevant to all of us, some are better off, some are worse off, but this concerns all of us regardless.

I believe many people are somewhat stuck in this, and it is not because of a lack of power, knowledge or even willpower, but simply mindset. Understanding magick, you will understand that your subconscious mind can make or break a magickal working.

You must be totally open to, and accepting of your goals when you perform magickal workings, or they will simply dissipate and accomplish nothing. It doesn't matter how much power or dedication you put into a magickal working if subconsciously you reject the outcome, the working is dismantled by your subconscious mind.

The issue for many I believe, is an internal conflict regarding those with wealth, and modern means of obtaining wealth. I recommend to those of you struggling in this regard, to meditate on your thoughts and feelings towards wealth and those who have.

Because when you have an internal hatred for those who have wealth, you are subconsciously distancing yourself from them, and the wealthy lifestyle you crave. And this isn't to say you should worship or accept slimy methods of gaining wealth, or people who obtain outrageous wealth in illigetimate ways.

But when you don't put in the time to study and understand modern finance, you simply see any wealthy person as another horrible being who exploits others for profits. This is not a black and white matter, it's much deeper than "people who are rich are evil".

If you wish to grow financially, you must understand finance. You must study it, understand it, and incorporate this knowledge into your being. So that you begin to view financial matters in a positive light rather than negative. And begin to crave and work towards wealth instead of hating it and those who have it.

You also must have respect for yourself. And convince yourself that you deserve more than what you have. Look upon others who have wealth not as opposition but inspiration. Instead of hating them, learn from them.

Many people are economically victimized by the modern financial world which jews had a big part in steering the wrong way. Because of this they begin to view things in a black and white filter, and see all forms of obtaining wealth as theft or fraud. But there are legitimate options and opportunities for you.

You've simply blocked them from your psyche, and this is keeping you from wealth. The best advice I can give to any of you, is go to your bank and ask questions. Yes, banks are owned and run on a higher level by jews and corrupt gentiles who decay civilization. But they are staffed by gentiles.

I'm willing to wager that many of you see banks as a pure evil, irredeemable source of corruption and decay. The reality is banks and investors, however corrupt they are at the top, provide to you a gateway to wealth you've never considered. They will happily give you hundreds of thousands to fund your assets and projects if you can prove to and convince them that your business or asset will be financially viable, and that you will have the means to pay them back in the future.

And if you have studied and know what you're doing, the debt won't be a problem for you and should pay itself.

So go to your bank and ask questions. Learn what your options are, and what you have to go to start building assets that will bring you wealth. People inherently condemn anything they don't understand as evil, and a vast majority of people have very shallow understanding of finance and this is the root of their problems, and barrier towards obtaining wealth.

Wealth is a very different game than what it was 100 or even 50 years ago. Many choose to dwell on the past, and complain that things have gotten worse. Things have gotten worse, things have changed. This is no justification to give up or stagnate however.

Learn. Grow. Adapt. Conquer. You have the tools to free yourself financially. But if you reject wealth and the ways it's created internally, it will never come to you. Be more open to wealth and the ways it is obtained and built in the modern financial climate. Adapt and overcome it, but never be consumed by it.

I agree with everything you said, but if the top jews decide to take the plug of the financial system crash the markets, then with hyper inflation, the people with depts are in the worst situation, since the loans are always tied to inflation/deflation rates.
Fuchs said:
I agree with everything you said, but if the top jews decide to take the plug of the financial system crash the markets, then with hyper inflation, the people with depts are in the worst situation, since the loans are always tied to inflation/deflation rates.

You have to structure your loans well and as long as you act in so called "good faith" nothing bad is going to happen to you.
Learn the markets and you'll be able to completely insulate yourself from anything that happens and guarantee massive profits in any situation.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Fuchs said:
I agree with everything you said, but if the top jews decide to take the plug of the financial system crash the markets, then with hyper inflation, the people with depts are in the worst situation, since the loans are always tied to inflation/deflation rates.

You have to structure your loans well and as long as you act in so called "good faith" nothing bad is going to happen to you.
Learn the markets and you'll be able to completely insulate yourself from anything that happens and guarantee massive profits in any situation.

Maybe explain to him how credit score works.
Stormblood said:
Maybe explain to him how credit score works.

Credit scores are only useful if you don't have assets and I rather not teach those. Forget about stupid credit scores.

The amount of money that you can loan is (mostly) determined by asset value + ( years * cashflow ) / safety margin.
How many years of cashflow you get is determined by how safe the cashflow is. For small family business it's about 3 years. For real estate it can go to 20 or 30 years.

Almost everyone can buy an asset right now and start getting revenue. Especially during these turbulent times, people are selling everything they can for cheap.
Here's an example that anybody can do:
Find a popular phone app that is free to download. Buy the rights to the app from the developer and then slap a price on it. Instant win. After 6 months, go to a bank and make a loan based on the earnings of the app. Then use that money to buy another app.
Stormblood said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Fuchs said:
I agree with everything you said, but if the top jews decide to take the plug of the financial system crash the markets, then with hyper inflation, the people with depts are in the worst situation, since the loans are always tied to inflation/deflation rates.

You have to structure your loans well and as long as you act in so called "good faith" nothing bad is going to happen to you.
Learn the markets and you'll be able to completely insulate yourself from anything that happens and guarantee massive profits in any situation.

Maybe explain to him how credit score works.

If you have something to say just say it.
Gentiles, especially people under Satan deserve wealth. “We” deserve a good life. Wealth belongs to Satan’s people. Wealth suits Satan’s people best.
Stormblood said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Fuchs said:
I agree with everything you said, but if the top jews decide to take the plug of the financial system crash the markets, then with hyper inflation, the people with depts are in the worst situation, since the loans are always tied to inflation/deflation rates.

You have to structure your loans well and as long as you act in so called "good faith" nothing bad is going to happen to you.
Learn the markets and you'll be able to completely insulate yourself from anything that happens and guarantee massive profits in any situation.

Maybe explain to him how credit score works.

My reply was based on the last big hyper inflation which did took place in germany 1914-1923. The people with depts did have the most dissadvantage. Also about housing if you get one or more Rental Nomads, then you quickly see how the banks auction your houses and apartments, for less than they are worth, because you can't pay your liabilities. Which puts one in a lot of dept. Just the thought of beeing dependant on a good will of a bank gives me the shivers.
Fuchs said:

Please avoid personal debt or doing business in your name.
LLCs are great to shield you from liability.
Corporations are great to shield you from taxes.
Combine them with holding companies, trusts and offshoring and you become untouchable.

How to avoid taxes?
By never taking any profit out of the corporation. Do not issue dividends.
How do you enjoy life?
By taking debt based on the corporation's value and by issuing options to the lender for the payment of interest.

That's the basics to get you started. There are a million tricks, be creative.
What if you don't have any money? How do you buy assets?
What if big institutions don't want to lend to you?

The solution is called seller financing.

It's when the seller of the business is also the lender.

Lets say there's a website that's not doing well but in your opinion it has great potential, especially if you were to buy it and develop it further.
You contact the owner and after establishing a price, you ask to make a contract where you will pay the owner at a later date the agreed amount of money.
If they refuse, you can propose a rent-to-own deal. Where if you pay x amount of months you become the new owner. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rent-to-own

You can do similar things in the real estate market, but I'm no expert in that field so I won't be commenting.

The opportunities are endless and only limited by your imagination!
Stormblood said:
Maybe explain to him how credit score works.

I wonder if it helps when one takes his time and uses imagination daily to break his/her psychological barrier as pointed out by Dahaarkan. Like for e.g. , suppose someone who works 9-5 job daily and its set on his mindset that I will be only earning x amount every month or that I am forever going to live in rent. Suppose he took just 5-10 minutes of his times daydreaming or imagining.

His imagination includes him having his own house, car and many properties. He imagines the color of his car, the touch of it, the windows of his apartment, the mansion etc. He also imagines going into various owned properties to collect rent or for maintenance.

He basically daydreams about him being wealthy and rich while keeping in mind that what he is doing is breaking the psychological barrier onset on him due to his current environment, situation or circumstances. He knows that just doing this itself won't make him gain any wealth and that he is purely doing it to break his psychological barrier so that his money spells won't be affected negatively.
Would doing that help ?
I don't have any particular desire to hoard lots of money and i've never been money hungry .Its just a tool for acquiring other resources. And on the deserving part ,i know (not believe) that i deserve the total attention of multitudes of people and power to run their lives as i see sit. That is to say,its not as simple as money. I know i deserve power over other people and their lives and that i can make better decisions than most people.
Username said:
Stormblood said:
Maybe explain to him how credit score works.

I wonder if it helps when one takes his time and uses imagination daily to break his/her psychological barrier as pointed out by Dahaarkan. Like for e.g. , suppose someone who works 9-5 job daily and its set on his mindset that I will be only earning x amount every month or that I am forever going to live in rent. Suppose he took just 5-10 minutes of his times daydreaming or imagining.

His imagination includes him having his own house, car and many properties. He imagines the color of his car, the touch of it, the windows of his apartment, the mansion etc. He also imagines going into various owned properties to collect rent or for maintenance.

He basically daydreams about him being wealthy and rich while keeping in mind that what he is doing is breaking the psychological barrier onset on him due to his current environment, situation or circumstances. He knows that just doing this itself won't make him gain any wealth and that he is purely doing it to break his psychological barrier so that his money spells won't be affected negatively.
Would doing that help ?

Are you asking me? Of course it helps to visualise what you desire. The more you do it, the better. Remember to also visualise how you would feel having your desires materialised. That's very important as well because power comes from emotions and feelings.
Stormblood said:
Username said:
Stormblood said:
Maybe explain to him how credit score works.

I wonder if it helps when one takes his time and uses imagination daily to break his/her psychological barrier as pointed out by Dahaarkan. Like for e.g. , suppose someone who works 9-5 job daily and its set on his mindset that I will be only earning x amount every month or that I am forever going to live in rent. Suppose he took just 5-10 minutes of his times daydreaming or imagining.

His imagination includes him having his own house, car and many properties. He imagines the color of his car, the touch of it, the windows of his apartment, the mansion etc. He also imagines going into various owned properties to collect rent or for maintenance.

He basically daydreams about him being wealthy and rich while keeping in mind that what he is doing is breaking the psychological barrier onset on him due to his current environment, situation or circumstances. He knows that just doing this itself won't make him gain any wealth and that he is purely doing it to break his psychological barrier so that his money spells won't be affected negatively.
Would doing that help ?

Are you asking me? Of course it helps to visualise what you desire. The more you do it, the better. Remember to also visualise how you would feel having your desires materialised. That's very important as well because power comes from emotions and feelings.
Yes, I was asking you. I feel that what I said helps a lot in breaking psychological barriers regarding wealth and asked for your thoughts. Of course such a method isn't limited just to wealth but to love,education etc. I intended one to enjoy daydreaming and break psychological barriers at the same time.
We are blessed to be given the gift of imagination by Sir Satan.
Username said:

It will help to delete the poverty programming for sure.
Imagining lots of wealth will put lots of pressure on your subconscious mind to find ways to materialize the dreams. It helps to also write them on paper and vocalize them every day.
Eventually your subconscious mind will start pushing ideas on wealth creation to your conscious mind.
When you get a genius idea, write it on paper. Immediately start visualizing yourself executing the idea and your subconscious mind will be forced to find ways for its execution.
The execution part is the hardest. You'll need genius ideas to execute your genius idea.
Don't stop this process until you have every step of the way planned and written down on paper. Have every detail in writing. Not planning is planning to fail.
Jack said:
I don't have any particular desire to hoard lots of money and i've never been money hungry .Its just a tool for acquiring other resources. And on the deserving part ,i know (not believe) that i deserve the total attention of multitudes of people and power to run their lives as i see sit. That is to say,its not as simple as money. I know i deserve power over other people and their lives and that i can make better decisions than most people.

You cannot lead without financial understanding, unless your intention is to lead a nation to bankruptcy, or if you wish to put yourself completely at the mercy and influence of financial advisors who can be bribed and controlled by your enemies, and will take you for a ride. Governing in a way that allows for your nation to grow financially is not an option, it is one of the most important requirements and if you cannot fulfill this you are not fit to lead. Learn finance and update your mindset.

If your goal is a position of leadership you still have a lot of work to do on yourself. You have the charisma of a brick wall and the communication skills of a donkey's asshole. You are very good at giving your opinion, not so good at doing so in a way that seduces people to your views and ideals.

The way you explain yourself and talk about your views and ideals inspires no devotion, if anything you turn many against you simply because of the way you express yourself. When people talk of charismatic leaders this isn't just a useful trait or extra, it is a requirement for successful leadership, and without it your rule is short lived.

The way you worded your intentions here is a good example of your repugnant communication skills, and non existent charisma. You word your thoughts in an almost malicious or threatening manner, and you will inspire no loyalty like this. If you slither into leadership, and address those following you in these ways, you'll have about a week before you are shot in the back of the head.

Even this post is an uninvited, unrelated boast of your supposed "right to rule", which nobody asked about. Work on your charisma and your communication skills if leadership is your goal.

You are excessively blunt, verbally prideful and confrontational. If you were a lawyer in a courtroom, you'd defend an innocent man all the way down to death row.
I'm willing to share my secret formula for guaranteed money making in the markets, but not on a public forum and certainly not in unencrypted format.
I wish that HPHC shares a PGP key so that I can send it to him safely and then he could decide to share it only with those that are worthy.
Ah shit, the one math topic I failed at in my education and hated was financial.
Orionite said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
I'm willing to share my secret formula for guaranteed money making in the markets, but not on a public forum and certainly not in unencrypted format.
I wish that HPHC shares a PGP key so that I can send it to him safely and then he could decide to share it only with those that are worthy.

I would love to hear that out. I'm a regular full time employee and was more or less at peace with being one for a while, but lately I've been getting a lot of signals to seek out financial independence or at least to improve my situation.

Create and share a PGP key here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=65885
Use a nickname instead of real name when making the key. Also use a temporary email address from https://tempmail.plus (or some other provider, like guerrillamail).
I'll then encrypt the secret formula with a new PGP key and post it here on the forum. I'll then use your public PGP key to encrypt the private key of the PGP key used to encrypt the secret formula and post it. You'll decrypt the private PGP key with your private PGP key and then decrypt the message.
In this fashion, I can share the same message with multiple people, using different public keys, while guaranteeing that the message is the same for everyone.
tabby said:
Ah shit, the one math topic I failed at in my education and hated was financial.
They certainly don't teach you the mindset during that class ;)
There's good financial math classes on Khan academy if you want.
Orionite said:
Unfortunately I'm not at liberty to install Linux on my current PC, but thank you for reaching out.

windows: https://www.gpg4win.org/
mac: https://gpgtools.org/

I'm sure that there are apps for phones as well.
Aquarius said:
tabby said:
Ah shit, the one math topic I failed at in my education and hated was financial.
They certainly don't teach you the mindset during that class ;)
There's good financial math classes on Khan academy if you want.

Haha definitely not. I barely made the marks to avoid repeating the class and that's only because I made my father help me every time I had homework for it. Pain in the ass.

Jrvan mentioned the same thing to me, I checked it out this morning brushing up on some multiplication practice and I've yet to want to start pulling my hair out haha, so I think I'll check out the financial topic tomorrow. Depending on how it goes I might just incorporate this into some home self-schooling.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
I'm willing to share my secret formula for guaranteed money making in the markets, but not on a public forum and certainly not in unencrypted format.
I wish that HPHC shares a PGP key so that I can send it to him safely and then he could decide to share it only with those that are worthy.

Alright, the offer is closed.
By making the offer, my conscience is clear. However, I'm forced to retract the offer or it would seem as if I need people to take it. Of course I don't want to be seen as needy.
Orionite said:
Unfortunately my PGP key didn't get approved yet. That's too bad. I'm not a believer in secret formulas (And I'd say that many of us here aren't), but I was hoping to at least get some insight from it. That being said, I don't hold it against you.

You'll get it, under the condition that you don't share it with absolutely nobody and that you follow my instructions on how to use it.
Orionite said:
Thanks, my PGP key got approved in your thread by now.

Sorry but you fucked up the creation of the PGP key by putting a gmail address in it.
You are too careless, I'm not going to risk my secret.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Orionite said:
Thanks, my PGP key got approved in your thread by now.

Sorry but you fucked up the creation of the PGP key by putting a gmail address in it.
You are too careless, I'm not going to risk my secret.

Man this is some of the most pretentious nonsense I have ever seen. If you can snap money into existence or whatever your secret is, and you care about our cause why not just donate it to the JoS instead of giving people false hopes and waving your finger deciding who's worthy and who's not.
Powerofjustice said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Orionite said:
Thanks, my PGP key got approved in your thread by now.

Sorry but you fucked up the creation of the PGP key by putting a gmail address in it.
You are too careless, I'm not going to risk my secret.

Man this is some of the most pretentious nonsense I have ever seen. If you can snap money into existence or whatever your secret is, and you care about our cause why not just donate it to the JoS instead of giving people false hopes and waving your finger deciding who's worthy and who's not.

I understand that it looks like "pretentious nonsense" to you.
From my point of view, there are several serious problems if my method were to fall into enemy hands. First is that they'd make sure that it stops from working, nullifying many years of work.
The second problem is that, by the trading activity "fingerprint" they could identify all the people using my method and link them together, including me.
Orionite has exposed his real identity by sharing a gmail address. If he is under surveillance right now and I were to give him my method of making money, they could find my identity by my trading activity.

Btw I do donate. You can ask HPHC for confirmation.
Powerofjustice said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Orionite said:
Thanks, my PGP key got approved in your thread by now.

Sorry but you fucked up the creation of the PGP key by putting a gmail address in it.
You are too careless, I'm not going to risk my secret.

Man this is some of the most pretentious nonsense I have ever seen. If you can snap money into existence or whatever your secret is, and you care about our cause why not just donate it to the JoS instead of giving people false hopes and waving your finger deciding who's worthy and who's not.

I may not agree with this user on many things but one just doesn't use enemy email providers to create PGP keys. It just doesn't make any sense. If you are trying to be as private and as safe as possible, you certainly don't use jewmail, outlook, jewhoo and similar that are the furthest from being private, encrypted and safe.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
I understand that it looks like "pretentious nonsense" to you.
From my point of view, there are several serious problems if my method were to fall into enemy hands. First is that they'd make sure that it stops from working, nullifying many years of work.
The second problem is that, by the trading activity "fingerprint" they could identify all the people using my method and link them together, including me.
Orionite has exposed his real identity by sharing a gmail address. If he is under surveillance right now and I were to give him my method of making money, they could find my identity by my trading activity.

Btw I do donate. You can ask HPHC for confirmation.

A gmail doesn't automatically mean exposing the real identity. I can give you for example one of my fake yahoo emails, I would really be interested to see if you can find any personal information only using the yahoo email adress alone, especially given your IT background.
But I do agree obviously that if one wants to be anonymous, it doesn't make a lot of sense to use platforms that are `anonimity-privacy nightmares` in that regard.
The Alchemist7 said:
A gmail doesn't automatically mean exposing the real identity. I can give you for example one of my fake yahoo emails, I would really be interested to see if you can find any personal information only using the yahoo email adress alone, especially given your IT background.
But I do agree obviously that if one wants to be anonymous, it doesn't make a lot of sense to use platforms that are `anonimity-privacy nightmares` in that regard.

I'd hire a private detective and he'd find you in less than a week. They can muster legal power and force any company to hand over information.
Yahoo sure is keeping logs of IP addresses that connect to its services and ISPs keep logs (forever) of which IP address was assigned to who at what time.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
I'd hire a private detective and he'd find you in less than a week. They can muster legal power and force any company to hand over information.
Yahoo sure is keeping logs of IP addresses that connect to its services and ISPs keep logs (forever) of which IP address was assigned to who at what time.
I don't think the IP argument would work. Probably all Yahoo is going to hand out is a bunch of Tor node IPs.
The Alchemist7 said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
I'd hire a private detective and he'd find you in less than a week. They can muster legal power and force any company to hand over information.
Yahoo sure is keeping logs of IP addresses that connect to its services and ISPs keep logs (forever) of which IP address was assigned to who at what time.
I don't think the IP argument would work. Probably all Yahoo is going to hand out is a bunch of Tor node IPs.

Tor IPs can be de-anonymised, which is why people often advise to use both Tor and good, paid VPNs. Free VPNs are not going to protect you. Anyway, I have seen they managed to complete the exchange in another thread, so I'll butt out. He doesn't me to support him anyway.
Stormblood said:
Tor IPs can be de-anonymised, which is why people often advise to use both Tor and good, paid VPNs. Free VPNs are not going to protect you. Anyway, I have seen they managed to complete the exchange in another thread, so I'll butt out. He doesn't me to support him anyway.
Definitely it also happened before. I think Tor de-anonymization would be impossible if the hosts/owners of the third nodes would delete all the browsing logged there. But most likely no node host is deleting the browsing activities of the people who came across that node, especially given that apparently intel agencies and other such entities own a lot of tor nodes themselves to merely collect data without a precise goal or looking for something specifically.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
The Jones Plantation, aka The Jewish Plantation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb8Rj5xkDPk

Warning : that video may cause some employees to become depressed, quit their jobs and ruin their lives.
Instead, I suggest that you get angry and focus that anger on finding an alternative. Till then, keep working that plantation.
When pursuing wealth, too many people think only about increasing their financial capital. However, that's only one kind of wealth and it may not be wise to focus on just getting money. Why? Because after a certain point you'll get diminishing returns for your efforts (except for a few rare people).
It's better to focus on increasing all types of capital. They are all very important and you can get a lot of initial gain for very little effort. Here's a list :

  • financial
    • currency
    • income
    • stocks
    • bonds
    • properties
    • patents
  • social
    • connections with other people
  • human
    • skills
    • intellect
    • strength
    • endurance
    • health
    • experience
  • cultural
    • knowledge
    • education
    • clothing
    • background
    • behavior
    • mannerisms
  • spiritual
    • state of mind
    • creativity
    • intuition
    • willpower
    • ideas
  • environmental
    • opportunities
    • ease of making money
    • ease of doing business
    • laws

One of the most important types of capital is social capital. It may be counterintuitive but the power of your social network increases exponentially, not linearly. Metcalfe's law states that the value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of people. If knowing 10 people gives you a social capital of 10, knowing 100 gives you a social capital of 10,000. Do not underestimate this.
As for cultural capital, you don't have to know everything, be the best dressed and the best behaved. Just be better than average. It's easy and you'll get a big return.
As for environmental, you can't expect to become rich in the middle of a desert. If it sucks where you are, move.
For the spiritual knowledge, I can't overstate how lucky we are. Very few people have this. Once you get your other kinds of capital in order, your wealth will skyrocket.

PS. I would like to make this thread contain only on-topic advice. I'd be really grateful if a mod could delete all posts past Dahaarkan's last reply.
When pursuing wealth, too many people think only about increasing their financial capital. However, that's only one kind of wealth and it may not be wise to focus on just getting money. Why? Because after a certain point you'll get diminishing returns for your efforts (except for a few rare people).
It's better to focus on increasing all types of capital. They are all very important and you can get a lot of initial gain for very little effort. Here's a list :

  • financial
    • currency
    • income
    • stocks
    • bonds
    • properties
    • patents
  • social
    • connections / relations with other people
    • reputation
    • status
  • human
    • skills / talent
    • intellect
    • strength
    • endurance / resilience
    • health
    • experience
  • cultural
    • knowledge
    • education
    • clothing
    • background
    • behavior
    • mannerisms
  • spiritual
    • state of mind
    • creativity
    • intuition
    • willpower
    • ideas
  • environmental
    • opportunities
    • ease of making money
    • ease of doing business
    • laws
    • efficiency and quality of life

One of the most important types of capital is social capital. It may be counterintuitive but the power of your social network increases exponentially, not linearly. Metcalfe's law states that the value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of people. If knowing 10 people gives you a social capital of 10, knowing 100 gives you a social capital of 10,000. Do not underestimate this.
As for cultural capital, you don't have to know everything, be the best dressed and the best behaved. Just be better than average. It's easy and you'll get a big return.
As for environmental, you can't expect to become rich in the middle of a desert. If it sucks where you are, move.
For the spiritual knowledge, I can't overstate how lucky we are. Very few people have this. Once you get your other kinds of capital in order, your wealth will skyrocket.

PS. I would like to make this thread contain only on-topic advice. I'd be really grateful if a mod could delete all posts past Dahaarkan's last reply.
Bad information about money : https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=384512#p384512
More money is always better : https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=385975#p385975

PS. It'd be nice if a mod could be kind enough to remove all the off topic garbage from this thread.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
