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Something about Italy


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2019
Italy has been lucky enough to have Jews as close as Arabia and Russia and is one of the most deceived nations on this planet. The Jews have made our people zombies and made them more hateful than themselves. I want to share with you a typical Jewish thing. Don Matteo, it's a xian jewish shit film and the episode today was particularly worth noting and sharing. The title was: "You will have no God but me." And the rest you can imagine, the aggressive, obsessive, meaningless and endless and above all false love of jewsus, slander about Satan, and lies and disgusting illusions as always. I've had enough of these thieves and liars.
Master said:
Italy has been lucky enough to have Jews as close as Arabia and Russia and is one of the most deceived nations on this planet. The Jews have made our people zombies and made them more hateful than themselves. I want to share with you a typical Jewish thing. Don Matteo, it's a xian jewish shit film and the episode today was particularly worth noting and sharing. The title was: "You will have no God but me." And the rest you can imagine, the aggressive, obsessive, meaningless and endless and above all false love of jewsus, slander about Satan, and lies and disgusting illusions as always. I've had enough of these thieves and liars.
100 years ago Benito Mussolini woke our people and warned us about jews, soon something similar will happen again and this time they will lose definitively.
"Don Matteo" is just a stupid TV show, not an actual problem of Italy. The problem of Italy is that it should not exist as a state in the first place, let me explain without being triggered by what I just said. Contrary as some might think, there is no such thing as an "italian race". Italian population is made of different white sub-races with different historical and racial background, with different attitude and even different languages (some call them dialects, only some are).
Italy exists mainly because of the jew Giuseppe Garibaldi, who decided to unify all the different independent states that used to exist all along the Italian peninsula and have them all under only one political entity. There is a quote from Massimo D’Azeglio's that is pretty famous in Italy: "Fatta l'Italia, bisogna fare gli Italiani", which translates in English as "Italy has been made (unified), (now we) must create Italians". Under Mussolini's regime it was about sending workers (and soldiers) from a region to another, to promote integration between Italians. Something similar keeps on happening today too in military, police and gendarmerie (Carabinieri, GDF) personnel: That's how none of these people working in a region are natives of that region. The plan here is to eradicate people's own cultural identity, heritage and race and substitute it with common "Italian" ones which is totally made up. As result, Nordic people of Italy (northern regions) are getting extinct because of immigration of Mediterranean people which come from the southern regions. People mix and races, cultures, languages, all fade away.
This is just plain communism and it is disgusting.

Here's another actual problem: Italy has the pope and the catholic church, a.k.a. it's plenty of jews in it, with all the related consequences.

Arabs invaded Italy a long time ago, if I recall correctly, in the same period of time when arabs invaded Spain. Well they left biological tracts (they race mixed) and you can often still see that in people of the areas that were occupied at the time.
Also, Russia's not really a problem. The Russian's government is sometimes, but not the (Gentile, Slavic) people.

Sorry for the rudeness here, but you do not achieve anything by moaning on the international JoS forum about Italy's supposed problems. Italy as a state is not Roman's empire and it is destined to be doomed. Hopefully in the future people living in Italy will wake the fuck up and make states based on the people's cultural, racial and historical identity instead of the exact opposite. I really hope this happens one day, but seeing the today's situation I do not think it will happen anytime soon, if it is to even happen at all.
I will try to be nice.
Don Matteo defines Italy as a big mac defines America.

there are stereotypes in Italy about Americans as they are all stupid and naive.


I believe every sane person knows how grateful we are to the American nation.
This is to explain that not all stereotypes are true not all Americans are stupid (quite the opposite)
and not all Italians are Don Matteo.
WiseDragon said:
100 years ago Benito Mussolini woke our people and warned us about jews, soon something similar will happen again and this time they will lose definitively.
Mussolini just mimicked, imitated Hitler, and did nonsense. Jews in Italy were largely spared under the regime. Racial laws in Italy were requested by the Reich. While you can see in "Hitlersjugend's handbook" something like "German people (Volk) is made of white people, majority nordic and the rest in these percentages (...)", in Italy they made up a supposed "Italian race". This is plain stupid, totally lacks the point. Fascism has been a pretty stupid ideology, while national socialism actually made (still makes!) a lot of sense.
Adolf Hitler, unfortunately, wrongly believed that Italy was a strong (military and economically) nation, while in reality it was a paper tiger, a joke. You can compare Italy and Germany of the time as the former being the meme "uncle dolan" of the latter, a mere imitation.
That's it.
I believe it is true that Garibaldi was Jewish.
surely he was a Freemason.

however the unity of Italy, has disadvantaged southern Italy and before 1860 it was highly developed.
This is only because the Jews have interfered.
In reality, unity has been and will always be right.

Italy was a nation before 1860.

The various reasons for this are:

Territory (natural boundaries between sea and mountains)

language (dialects exist like the whole world, but the language is one)


In addition, even before the university you could read about poets and artists called Italians.
just as Austrian musicians were called Germans.

The state is one thing, the nation is another.

Italy became in the 1860s but a far earlier nation.
Even in some cities in croatia we speak Italian and the people who are there seem Italian.

also in spain sevilla madrid and barcelona have different cultures but they are all spanish and the independence of catalonia is a communist concept not the unification of italy.

He also thinks of the First World War with Italy divided into a city state.
There are a thousand reasons why Italy is a nation
Something to note about the Italian military and police forces, is the overabudance of Southerners which, in turn, for police forces turns in them being too lax in applying the law, while for military personnel it turns into superiors who think they are smarter and more clever than you, even if most of them actually have a two-digit IQ and lack observation skills. My father is in the local police forces and we have plenty of family "friends" who are in the police too, as well as in the Carabinieri (military police.) So I know something about it.
Pirate11 said:
WiseDragon said:
100 years ago Benito Mussolini woke our people and warned us about jews, soon something similar will happen again and this time they will lose definitively.
Mussolini just mimicked, imitated Hitler, and did nonsense. Jews in Italy were largely spared under the regime. Racial laws in Italy were requested by the Reich. While you can see in "Hitlersjugend's handbook" something like "German people (Volk) is made of white people, majority nordic and the rest in these percentages (...)", in Italy they made up a supposed "Italian race". This is plain stupid, totally lacks the point. Fascism has been a pretty stupid ideology, while national socialism actually made (still makes!) a lot of sense.
Adolf Hitler, unfortunately, wrongly believed that Italy was a strong (military and economically) nation, while in reality it was a paper tiger, a joke. You can compare Italy and Germany of the time as the former being the meme "uncle dolan" of the latter, a mere imitation.
That's it.
Fascism has done plenty of good things, it saved us from communism, warned us about jews, improved our economy greatly, gave us pride again. The fact that Mussolini made mistakes, and that fascism wasn't perfect is well known and already stated by HPs. But you talk about it as it has done nothing good, when actually it did many good things for us. Hitler liked Mussolini. You speak with a lot of confidence about our History and Country...are you even italian?
Pirate11 said:
"Don Matteo" is just a stupid TV show, not an actual problem of Italy. The problem of Italy is that it should not exist as a state in the first place, let me explain without being triggered by what I just said. Contrary as some might think, there is no such thing as an "italian race". Italian population is made of different white sub-races with different historical and racial background, with different attitude and even different languages (some call them dialects, only some are).
Italy exists mainly because of the jew Giuseppe Garibaldi, who decided to unify all the different independent states that used to exist all along the Italian peninsula and have them all under only one political entity. There is a quote from Massimo D’Azeglio's that is pretty famous in Italy: "Fatta l'Italia, bisogna fare gli Italiani", which translates in English as "Italy has been made (unified), (now we) must create Italians". Under Mussolini's regime it was about sending workers (and soldiers) from a region to another, to promote integration between Italians. Something similar keeps on happening today too in military, police and gendarmerie (Carabinieri, GDF) personnel: That's how none of these people working in a region are natives of that region. The plan here is to eradicate people's own cultural identity, heritage and race and substitute it with common "Italian" ones which is totally made up. As result, Nordic people of Italy (northern regions) are getting extinct because of immigration of Mediterranean people which come from the southern regions. People mix and races, cultures, languages, all fade away.
This is just plain communism and it is disgusting.

Here's another actual problem: Italy has the pope and the catholic church, a.k.a. it's plenty of jews in it, with all the related consequences.

Arabs invaded Italy a long time ago, if I recall correctly, in the same period of time when arabs invaded Spain. Well they left biological tracts (they race mixed) and you can often still see that in people of the areas that were occupied at the time.
Also, Russia's not really a problem. The Russian's government is sometimes, but not the (Gentile, Slavic) people.

Sorry for the rudeness here, but you do not achieve anything by moaning on the international JoS forum about Italy's supposed problems. Italy as a state is not Roman's empire and it is destined to be doomed. Hopefully in the future people living in Italy will wake the fuck up and make states based on the people's cultural, racial and historical identity instead of the exact opposite. I really hope this happens one day, but seeing the today's situation I do not think it will happen anytime soon, if it is to even happen at all.
I am not referring to the racial issue but to the intense Jewish infection in Italy as well as in Arabia and Russia. Jews have infiltrated the non-Jewish people everywhere, but in the countries where they are in greatest numbers they have more control. Different version in Arabia ( Islam ) but same nightmare and horror and Jewish control, and the same in Russia and Italy. On the racial issue of Italy I tell you my opinion. The real problem is the racial mix with the Jewish management of migrants. Without enemies the races will be separate and distinct and therefore races in the true meaning of the word. Jews do this for themselves, non-Jews teach the opposite and abolish the meaning of race to assimilate non-Jews. It is a very good and positive thing the racial growth and expansion within the race of course. They are completely against multiracial countries. The multi-racial situation has two choices, either separation or assimilation. There is no middle ground. We cannot bring back the non-Jewish races as they were before and we cannot bring back the non-Jewish peoples genocidal by the Jews. But we can fight spiritually to save the races by separating them to avoid assimilation. Our spiritual combat is to attack our enemies and protect our peoples.
Stormblood said:
Something to note about the Italian military and police forces, is the overabudance of Southerners which, in turn, for police forces turns in them being too lax in applying the law, while for military personnel it turns into superiors who think they are smarter and more clever than you, even if most of them actually have a two-digit IQ and lack observation skills. My father is in the local police forces and we have plenty of family "friends" who are in the police too, as well as in the Carabinieri (military police.) So I know something about it.
Please keep your privacy.
Pirate11 said:
WiseDragon said:
100 years ago Benito Mussolini woke our people and warned us about jews, soon something similar will happen again and this time they will lose definitively.
Mussolini just mimicked, imitated Hitler, and did nonsense. Jews in Italy were largely spared under the regime. Racial laws in Italy were requested by the Reich. While you can see in "Hitlersjugend's handbook" something like "German people (Volk) is made of white people, majority nordic and the rest in these percentages (...)", in Italy they made up a supposed "Italian race". This is plain stupid, totally lacks the point. Fascism has been a pretty stupid ideology, while national socialism actually made (still makes!) a lot of sense.
Adolf Hitler, unfortunately, wrongly believed that Italy was a strong (military and economically) nation, while in reality it was a paper tiger, a joke. You can compare Italy and Germany of the time as the former being the meme "uncle dolan" of the latter, a mere imitation.
That's it.
Evidently Benito Mussolini was not a Satanic soul, this is the case when they govern ignorant people and even worse when they govern Jews.
SS66610888 said:
however the unity of Italy, has disadvantaged southern Italy and before 1860 it was highly developed.
Southern Italians are still crying because jews stole their money two centuries ago instead of working hard and getting better. So people from south feels legitimate in doing criminality and not respecting laws, trying to be "smarter than the system". People from Neaples did so many car insurance frauds (RC auto) that it has become impossible to a Neapolitan to legitimately own a car without having to pay the insurance more than the car itself. Not a problem in northern regions, because people from north prefer to have a legit job as a way to earn money. Mr Di Maio proposed to make the car insurance prices the same on a national basis instead of a provincial basis, that way northern regions would have to pay more than the double just because southern did not like acting.
Northern regions of Italy are the ones making money, but most of the money is going south due to taxes and shit. This is a huge disadvantage for the northern regions, while southern regions waste all the money they get from north. They could use that money to grow their economy, build infrastructures, make hospitals at least decent and do many other great things but nah.
SS66610888 said:
In reality, unity has been and will always be right.

Italy was a nation before 1860.
No, it has not. It has never been and still isn't (It is only on paper).

SS66610888 said:
The various reasons for this are:

Territory (natural boundaries between sea and mountains)
This excludes all of the islands (Sicily, Sardinia and the minor ones) and makes no sense at all. Should Africa be only one nation only because it's a continent? Hell no, people are really different one from another.
SS66610888 said:
language (dialects exist like the whole world, but the language is one)
Official italian language is the dialect which was spoken in Tuscany. It has been chosen for being the official Italian language because Tuscany is more or less in the middle and because there was already enough literature written in that dialect. I have been taught that in elementary school, maybe check wikipedia's page about the italian language or again do some research.
It's not like "there is Italian and from that one language all dialects are originated". There was Latin, from Latin came local vulgar languages and then neo-latin languages. Again, go do some research.
SS66610888 said:
I'm making an extreme example here. So, do you think that people from Sűd Tyrol and Sicily shared the same culture before unification of Italy? I highly doubt so. I'm telling you more, people from the upper north do not understand when people from bottom south speak and vice-versa, even if they are speaking the same italian language they have both been taught at school. Travel a little you'll see that.
SS66610888 said:
In addition, even before the university you could read about poets and artists called Italians.
just as Austrian musicians were called Germans.
So what? Italy is a geographical entity before being a political entity -> a state and a nation. Also, Austrian musicians were called Germanic, not Germans. Austria and Germany always shared much culture but are two separate entities (except from 1938 Anschluss, where Ősterreich was renamed to Ostmark, to 1945). They are like brothers, but they are not the same thing. Ask any German and any Austrian, also try learn German and talk to them: You'll notice how the language varies.

SS66610888 said:
The state is one thing, the nation is another.

Italy became in the 1860s but a far earlier nation.
This I did not understand tbh
SS66610888 said:
Even in some cities in croatia we speak Italian and the people who are there seem Italian.
Croatia, Dalmatia and other parts that have been Italy, were part of Venetian republic, before being part of Italy. When Tito, the communist guy in charge of Jugoslavia decided it was Jugo-land, it just killed many Italians (venetians) who were living there from centuries. They were called fascists and killed in many brutal ways (search for Foibe). Someone remained still, but majority were killed, while Italian government did absolutely nothing and even discriminated the Italian refugees who were forced to get into "mainland" Italy. I even know some elders who were living in there, they told me stories. Fun eh?

SS66610888 said:
also in spain sevilla madrid and barcelona have different cultures but they are all spanish and the independence of catalonia is a communist concept not the unification of italy.
I do not know about Catalonia as I did not do any research about that and separatist movements, so I can't really comment about that.
But here's my tip: Get around Italy, travel across all regions and tell me if it is just one common reality. Spoiler it is not.
Also you avoided my main concern: Mediterranean people coming from south Italy to north and replacing the native Nordic and Alpine population.
SS66610888 said:
He also thinks of the First World War with Italy divided into a city state.
Who did what?
SS66610888 said:
There are a thousand reasons why Italy is a nation
And all of them are banal or non-sense and can be debunked by traveling around Italy. By how you write and your argumentation I tend to guess that you are still young.
Study, travel and have a nice day. But seriously, take a trip and see all the differences by yourself, you'll see I'm right.

Stormblood said:
Something to note about the Italian military and police forces, is the overabudance of Southerners which, in turn, for police forces turns in them being too lax in applying the law, while for military personnel it turns into superiors who think they are smarter and more clever than you, even if most of them actually have a two-digit IQ and lack observation skills. My father is in the local police forces and we have plenty of family "friends" who are in the police too, as well as in the Carabinieri (military police.) So I know something about it.
I totally agree with you, however, this is not only about the military. It's to the point that northern young people (18-22) can't find unqualified, manual or simple jobs because all are taken from older (40+) southerns who get more money for doing these in the north than by getting a serious job in their zones. Well african migrants take this jobs too. End result: Northern people can't have a normal life in their own homeland and can't do anything about it, all while northern regions are becoming decadent and corrupted as southern Italy because population is being replaced with the latter one.
Pirate11 said:
SS66610888 said:
however the unity of Italy, has disadvantaged southern Italy and before 1860 it was highly developed.
Southern Italians are still crying because jews stole their money two centuries ago instead of working hard and getting better. So people from south feels legitimate in doing criminality and not respecting laws, trying to be "smarter than the system". People from Neaples did so many car insurance frauds (RC auto) that it has become impossible to a Neapolitan to legitimately own a car without having to pay the insurance more than the car itself. Not a problem in northern regions, because people from north prefer to have a legit job as a way to earn money. Mr Di Maio proposed to make the car insurance prices the same on a national basis instead of a provincial basis, that way northern regions would have to pay more than the double just because southern did not like acting.
Northern regions of Italy are the ones making money, but most of the money is going south due to taxes and shit. This is a huge disadvantage for the northern regions, while southern regions waste all the money they get from north. They could use that money to grow their economy, build infrastructures, make hospitals at least decent and do many other great things but nah.
SS66610888 said:
In reality, unity has been and will always be right.

Italy was a nation before 1860.
No, it has not. It has never been and still isn't (It is only on paper).

SS66610888 said:
The various reasons for this are:

Territory (natural boundaries between sea and mountains)
This excludes all of the islands (Sicily, Sardinia and the minor ones) and makes no sense at all. Should Africa be only one nation only because it's a continent? Hell no, people are really different one from another.
SS66610888 said:
language (dialects exist like the whole world, but the language is one)
Official italian language is the dialect which was spoken in Tuscany. It has been chosen for being the official Italian language because Tuscany is more or less in the middle and because there was already enough literature written in that dialect. I have been taught that in elementary school, maybe check wikipedia's page about the italian language or again do some research.
It's not like "there is Italian and from that one language all dialects are originated". There was Latin, from Latin came local vulgar languages and then neo-latin languages. Again, go do some research.
SS66610888 said:
I'm making an extreme example here. So, do you think that people from Sűd Tyrol and Sicily shared the same culture before unification of Italy? I highly doubt so. I'm telling you more, people from the upper north do not understand when people from bottom south speak and vice-versa, even if they are speaking the same italian language they have both been taught at school. Travel a little you'll see that.
SS66610888 said:
In addition, even before the university you could read about poets and artists called Italians.
just as Austrian musicians were called Germans.
So what? Italy is a geographical entity before being a political entity -> a state and a nation. Also, Austrian musicians were called Germanic, not Germans. Austria and Germany always shared much culture but are two separate entities (except from 1938 Anschluss, where Ősterreich was renamed to Ostmark, to 1945). They are like brothers, but they are not the same thing. Ask any German and any Austrian, also try learn German and talk to them: You'll notice how the language varies.

SS66610888 said:
The state is one thing, the nation is another.

Italy became in the 1860s but a far earlier nation.
This I did not understand tbh
SS66610888 said:
Even in some cities in croatia we speak Italian and the people who are there seem Italian.
Croatia, Dalmatia and other parts that have been Italy, were part of Venetian republic, before being part of Italy. When Tito, the communist guy in charge of Jugoslavia decided it was Jugo-land, it just killed many Italians (venetians) who were living there from centuries. They were called fascists and killed in many brutal ways (search for Foibe). Someone remained still, but majority were killed, while Italian government did absolutely nothing and even discriminated the Italian refugees who were forced to get into "mainland" Italy. I even know some elders who were living in there, they told me stories. Fun eh?

SS66610888 said:
also in spain sevilla madrid and barcelona have different cultures but they are all spanish and the independence of catalonia is a communist concept not the unification of italy.
I do not know about Catalonia as I did not do any research about that and separatist movements, so I can't really comment about that.
But here's my tip: Get around Italy, travel across all regions and tell me if it is just one common reality. Spoiler it is not.
Also you avoided my main concern: Mediterranean people coming from south Italy to north and replacing the native Nordic and Alpine population.
SS66610888 said:
He also thinks of the First World War with Italy divided into a city state.
Who did what?
SS66610888 said:
There are a thousand reasons why Italy is a nation
And all of them are banal or non-sense and can be debunked by traveling around Italy. By how you write and your argumentation I tend to guess that you are still young.
Study, travel and have a nice day. But seriously, take a trip and see all the differences by yourself, you'll see I'm right.

Stormblood said:
Something to note about the Italian military and police forces, is the overabudance of Southerners which, in turn, for police forces turns in them being too lax in applying the law, while for military personnel it turns into superiors who think they are smarter and more clever than you, even if most of them actually have a two-digit IQ and lack observation skills. My father is in the local police forces and we have plenty of family "friends" who are in the police too, as well as in the Carabinieri (military police.) So I know something about it.
I totally agree with you, however, this is not only about the military. It's to the point that northern young people (18-22) can't find unqualified, manual or simple jobs because all are taken from older (40+) southerns who get more money for doing these in the north than by getting a serious job in their zones. Well african migrants take this jobs too. End result: Northern people can't have a normal life in their own homeland and can't do anything about it, all while northern regions are becoming decadent and corrupted as southern Italy because population is being replaced with the latter one.
Are you italian btw?

The South is pretty fucked, I agree, one of the biggest problems there is the fucking mafia, those people run nearly everything there, they have to be destroyed if southern Italy wants to develop. With the jews there will go the mafia, as that shit is totally controlled by jews.
Pirate11 said:
Of course there are differences between the various parts of Italy, as I believe in all countries.
this does not mean that Italy is not a nation.
I don't think Alaska and California are identical, but the United States is always a nation.

Since you're talking about research, do some research yourself on what Hitler said about Germany and Austria.
Read the mein kampf.
Hitler said it was right to annex Austria to Germany because they have the same identity.
And that it had to be done even if it was not economically agreed.

But I guess Hitler was wrong ... and you're right!
Like you said earlier when you said HITLER WRONG ON MUSSOLINI.

also when you speak of southern Italy there are certainly dishonest people in the south, but you don't take into account what the Jewish mafia is in the south.
Then do some research and see how the mafia in the south is in all sectors, and the taxes of the north do not go to the people of the south (who are not Arabs by the way) but to the mafia.

even Germany until 1870 was divided into small states that did not allow it to exploit the large mineral resources that it had and that subjected it to backwardness then with the second reich there was the union with which Germany developed. I do not read it on wikipedia,but you look for it there)
However, I repeat that dividing nations is a typical Jewish tactic as with Catalonia,ti weaken them.

I honestly think this I no longer want to talk to you who only brings prejudices to my country, instead of historical data.

In parentheses I know very well what the sinkholes are and it is yet another communist crime a further shame is that for years there has not even been a page on the history books that spoke of the sinkholes but many on the holocaust
The more I think about this post the more I get angry.

I don't understand why many Italians have so many prejudices about themselves.

I did a research in France there are 75 different dialects, some of which are also studied in school.

What do we do divide France into 100 small pieces?
France's problem is the presence of a race that should not be there, not the different dialects!

Do we want to divide all of Europe into 1000000 countries?
Weak and who are waging war between them?

Germany is divided into 16 United States in one federation.

There are rich and poor areas like in all countries.

The period when there was more power than the central state was the third reich.

Many Italians tend to always consider the negative sides of our nation instead of seeing positive things.

Italy is much less multiracial than other countries in Europe.
And the blacks who were born here are children of two blacks often.
Furthermore, Salvini and Meloni's victory is emerging.
But we always tend to insult ourselves
SS66610888 said:
Pirate11 said:
Of course there are differences between the various parts of Italy, as I believe in all countries.
this does not mean that Italy is not a nation.
I don't think Alaska and California are identical, but the United States is always a nation.

Since you're talking about research, do some research yourself on what Hitler said about Germany and Austria.
Read the mein kampf.
Hitler said it was right to annex Austria to Germany because they have the same identity.
And that it had to be done even if it was not economically agreed.

But I guess Hitler was wrong ... and you're right!
Like you said earlier when you said HITLER WRONG ON MUSSOLINI.

also when you speak of southern Italy there are certainly dishonest people in the south, but you don't take into account what the Jewish mafia is in the south.
Then do some research and see how the mafia in the south is in all sectors, and the taxes of the north do not go to the people of the south (who are not Arabs by the way) but to the mafia.

even Germany until 1870 was divided into small states that did not allow it to exploit the large mineral resources that it had and that subjected it to backwardness then with the second reich there was the union with which Germany developed. I do not read it on wikipedia,but you look for it there)
However, I repeat that dividing nations is a typical Jewish tactic as with Catalonia,ti weaken them.

I honestly think this I no longer want to talk to you who only brings prejudices to my country, instead of historical data.

In parentheses I know very well what the sinkholes are and it is yet another communist crime a further shame is that for years there has not even been a page on the history books that spoke of the sinkholes but many on the holocaust
I think I know what you're referring to. Let me explain. Before the Jews arrived, the ancient Romans partially ruined themselves. They did not respect the race. The worst thing a race can do is what Rome did. The creation of a multiracial empire. In such a case, to avoid separation it is necessary to assimilate, as Rome did in the Italy known today. Obviously, the Jews have further ruined the Romans and today they are trying to assimilate them completely as they are trying with other white countries. It is the separate and pure races that are true and real empires, such as China for example.
Pirate11 said:
There was Latin, from Latin came local vulgar languages and then neo-latin languages.

Not exactly. "Neo-latin" languages were already in existence when Latin was being implemented in the Empire. The only reason for the similarity is that they're all descended from the same branch of Indo-European languages.

I don't understand why many Italians have so many prejudices about themselves.

I did a research in France there are 75 different dialects, some of which are also studied in school.

What do we do divide France into 100 small pieces?
France's problem is the presence of a race that should not be there, not the different dialects!

Do we want to divide all of Europe into 1000000 countries?
Weak and who are waging war between them?

Germany is divided into 16 United States in one federation.

There are rich and poor areas like in all countries.

The period when there was more power than the central state was the third reich.

The only difference between the unification of Italy, and the unification of Germany, is that Germany first made economic and then political unification and had excellent state-of-the-art infrastructure and railways.
Italy, on the other hand, did political unification first and long after economic unification this was a mistake but on the other hand, when there are Jews in the middle, it is normal.

This does not mean that it is wrong to unify Italy but only that the way to do it was wrong.

Many Italians tend to always consider the negative sides of our nation instead of seeing positive things.
Italians are white, all true Italians are white.
Even those from the south. Being Mediterranean does not mean being black or Arab or Asian.

Italy is much less multiracial than other countries in Europe.
And the blacks who were born here are children of two blacks often.
Furthermore, Salvini and Meloni's victory is emerging.
But we always tend to insult ourselves.

As for the Roman Empire as far as I love Italy, unfortunately there is nothing to see the Roman Empire was much better.

Furthermore, even if I love my country, I am not a nationalist because of this I find the wars between white countries stupid let alone between Sicily and Lombardy.

Many Italians hate Napoleon because they think he enslaved Italy when instead Napoleon was a pre-Hitler (albeit with many more limitations) and was the only one who managed to take Rome away from the popes.

This is to say how useless I find the rivalry between white countries even more between regions of the same nation
Pirate11 said:
Stormblood said:
Something to note about the Italian military and police forces, is the overabudance of Southerners which, in turn, for police forces turns in them being too lax in applying the law, while for military personnel it turns into superiors who think they are smarter and more clever than you, even if most of them actually have a two-digit IQ and lack observation skills. My father is in the local police forces and we have plenty of family "friends" who are in the police too, as well as in the Carabinieri (military police.) So I know something about it.
I totally agree with you, however, this is not only about the military. It's to the point that northern young people (18-22) can't find unqualified, manual or simple jobs because all are taken from older (40+) southerns who get more money for doing these in the north than by getting a serious job in their zones. Well african migrants take this jobs too. End result: Northern people can't have a normal life in their own homeland and can't do anything about it, all while northern regions are becoming decadent and corrupted as southern Italy because population is being replaced with the latter one.

Southern young people can't either. The problem is that you need 2+ years of experience to get an entry-level job in Italy, unless you know Tinkie Winkie and the Fimbles. Then they can hire you.

Police forces require to at least complete VFP1 service in the Army, Air Force or Navy. Same for Carabinieri and GF. To do VFP1 service, you need to be either extroverted and lie, be of good family status, have friends in high places or just cunning, otherwise the psychiatrist will think they know you're fit from duty from one minute of interview. Not mention the ridiculous age limits: 25 for VFP1 and NCO school, 21 for cadetships, while they decrease each year the minimum physical fitness requirements (which you can refuse to do and move forward in the competition anyway) and in the Army, for example, they don't even have mental fitness requirements. In the Air Force they have mental fitness requirements, but of all questions they usually give, I've been confirmed most of them are below average intelligence in difficulty, about 2 of them are average level and about 2 of them are slighly above average. A 2 years old could pass them, if they knew how to write and read. VFP4 service has ridiculous general culture quizzes, when instead it should be based on technical occupational knowledge, since you don't get a degree to be in lowest echelon of the troops. Another alternative is modelling, but everyone knows that good looks, hygiene, posture and style aren't enough to even get an interview there. All it takes is a look at the list of models of most agencies: filled with lizards, mostly Ashknazi.

Maybe one can try to go abroad through EU opportunities. Wait, you can't. You need to have at least an undergraduate degree or be okay with volunteering or, yet again, living in highly multicultural and overpriced cities like London. Or even applying to foreign militaries, if you speak the languages and can afford to even travel for taking all the required assessments. It's not like everyone is like the French Foreign Legion that offers you bed, food and clothes for the duration of the selection process but then, if you pass it, you get trained like you are lower than scum and sent as the first unit to die in Jewish wars.

Let's not even talk about education either, where you go out of schools with mostly theoretical knowledge, if any. Little to none true education garnered from the application of learning.

The commies have ruined everything in this country and they are working incessantly to widen the gap between unemployed and employed just like they do between wealthy and poor.

The only positive thing is food, despite the fact most people overeat pasta both at lunch and dinner.
Inflorescentia said:
Not exactly. "Neo-latin" languages were already in existence when Latin was being implemented in the Empire. The only reason for the similarity is that they're all descended from the same branch of Indo-European languages.


Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Romanian are the Neo-Latin/Romance languages and they didn't exist before the fall of the Roman Empire. Get your facts straight. Italian is a very young language. The Old French variant of the French language didn't even exist before the 8th century CE. Spanish in the 9th century CE. Romanian around the 10th century BCE. Portuguese is a little older, depending on whether you consider the first appearance of written documents or the spoken language. Old Portuguese was also known as Galician-Portuguese. Italian didn't appear until much, much later, coming from post-Latin languages now considered dialects, especially from Tuscanian. Still, after the fall of the Roman empire and successive invasions of Germanic tribes. These languages all come from Latin mixed either with some remnants of the original pre-Roman language and/or with the Germanic language of the invading tribes.

A simple research, instead of useless far-fetched preconceptions, would've given you many answers.
Aquarius said:
Are you italian btw?

The South is pretty fucked, I agree, one of the biggest problems there is the fucking mafia, those people run nearly everything there, they have to be destroyed if southern Italy wants to develop. With the jews there will go the mafia, as that shit is totally controlled by jews.
Yes, I am Italian. I usually do not interact with other Italians online, I made an exception in this thread lol
About mafia, here's my thought:
The bosses, the owners and the ones that get the major profits out of mafia, are all jewish, no exception. But there's a catch, this crime organizations could in any way survive without low-rank gentiles who do the dirty jobs for them. The real problem is about the mentality of the people, until people in south Italy glorify mafia (especially teenagers, who think mafia and being a criminal is cool), and have a "mafioso" lifestyle (favors in exchange of favors in every aspect of their lives, favoring their friends and their families etc, you get it), there is no hope of getting rid of it. This is also the reason why there are almost no native north Italians in it, and why it is not present in the north (it is present anyway but it is covert, it is made of southern people anyway, and north people are sane enough to think bad about it). There can be no mafia without southern Italians acting retarded trying to be smarter than the system (state).
Stormblood said:
Southern young people can't either. The problem is that you need 2+ years of experience to get an entry-level job in Italy, unless you know Tinkie Winkie and the Fimbles. Then they can hire you. (...)
Not really 100% true, I would like to share my experience but I can not for (((obvious reasons))). I know about the military, but it mostly works like that: You are unemployed but you know someone that knows someone (...) so you join the army even if you don't deserve it and there are other candidates that are long way more worthy than you but do not have connections. That's how most of the quotas are taken, the rest is taken by worthy people.
Of course I am not talking about you personally lol I'm making an example here.
SS66610888 said:
Of course there are differences between the various parts of Italy, as I believe in all countries.
this does not mean that Italy is not a nation.
I don't think Alaska and California are identical, but the United States is always a nation.
Should they annex Canada then? No.
Should italian regions of Switzerland be part of Italy? No.
Should cities like these be part of Italy? These cities have more Neapoletans than Naples itself. No.
Get your shit right.
SS66610888 said:
Since you're talking about research, do some research yourself on what Hitler said about Germany and Austria.
Read the mein kampf.
I probably read it the first time even before you were born tbh.
SS66610888 said:
Hitler said it was right to annex Austria to Germany because they have the same identity.
And that it had to be done even if it was not economically agreed.

But I guess Hitler was wrong ... and you're right!
Did I ever say the 1938 Anschluss was wrong? I don't think so.
SS66610888 said:
Like you said earlier when you said HITLER WRONG ON MUSSOLINI.
Hitler is not a superhero, and he was not a God during the time the Third Reich existed. If Hitler did not make any mistake and had already completed Magnum Opus, he would have won the war. Makes sense? Every human makes mistakes, Hitler included. That said, he did wrong by putting his trust on Benito Mussolini, this is a fact.
See I hate this in particular. I am telling facts are you are pushing communist propaganda and trying to discredit me instead of providing facts and having a normal conversations. Jews do this a lot but also many south Italians do when they have nothing to say in an argument. Do you have a long nose or can you act like a normal person?
SS66610888 said:
also when you speak of southern Italy there are certainly dishonest people in the south, but you don't take into account what the Jewish mafia is in the south.
Read the beginning of this post, I explained how I think about mafia. People from south can't blame the mafia for everything bad regarding them, it's ridiculous.
SS66610888 said:
Then do some research and see how the mafia in the south is in all sectors, and the taxes of the north do not go to the people of the south (who are not Arabs by the way) but to the mafia.
I never said southern Italians are Arabs, maybe you should take an English course. Or maybe you can travel a little outside of your region and see the differences between Nordic and Mediterranean people, even those who are not Italian (Greece, Spain, Portugal, Albania).
SS66610888 said:
even Germany until 1870 was divided into small states that did not allow it to exploit the large mineral resources that it had and that subjected it to backwardness then with the second reich there was the union with which Germany developed. I do not read it on wikipedia,but you look for it there)
However, I repeat that dividing nations is a typical Jewish tactic as with Catalonia,ti weaken them.
I think I already spoke enough about this. The fact is that if you are from South Italy it is very convenient for you to have Italy unified, as you can exploit North Italy freely and have the same rights as native nordic people. Also, you can not compare Germany and Italy, as they are totally separate entities and realities. But here's the most important thing you are constantly avoiding: MEDITERRANEAN PEOPLE FROM SOUTH ITALY ARE REPLACING THE NORDIC POPULATION OF NORTHERN ITALY. I guess you don't care because it's convenient to you?
SS66610888 said:
I honestly think this I no longer want to talk to you who only brings prejudices to my country, instead of historical data.
This is childish lol I'm talking facts not prejudices, you are showing everyone here that Italians can not talk decent English and that they can not have a normal conversation without getting full-retarded. So you are the one that is throwing bad light at Italy right now, and everyone has the damn right to not like it.
SS66610888 said:
In parentheses I know very well what the sinkholes are and it is yet another communist crime a further shame is that for years there has not even been a page on the history books that spoke of the sinkholes but many on the holocaust
"In parentheses" > "perhaps"
Like really this stuff is plain stupid.
I'm making the main point clear right here for the last time: MEDITERRANEAN PEOPLE FROM SOUTH ITALY ARE REPLACING THE NORDIC POPULATION OF NORTHERN ITALY. This MUST be stopped.
I am not pushing any communist propaganda, saying that Italy must remain united is not a communist.

To say to divide it is communist.

read a post by hp cobra on the "italian race" the typical italian was like Mussolini.

I don't think it's right for the Mediterranean to mix with the Nordics, but it doesn't seem like a big Italian problem.

if you want to know I'm not even from southern Italy you are simply saying a lot of bullshit about my country.

then being told that I am Jewish by someone who has a lizard with the ss uniform as an avatar only makes you laugh.
How funny it makes a fool like you say that Hitler made mistakes and that he wasn't a god.

You have not brought any historical data on why Italy must be united.

I, on the other hand, brought you data on how his union took place.

you feel sorry for the hatred you have for your own country, you have many inferiority complexes
also I agree that mixing with the Nordics is wrong there is no doubt about this.
But at this moment it is more important that mixing with other breeds does not take place, and Italy at this moment is less at risk than other countries.

also not all the people of northern italy are nordic. Do you have this matteo salvini?
And some southern Italians are Nordic.

of course the further south you go, the less Nordic there are.

moreover, this has nothing to do with Italy's political union.

You said that the union of Italy is wrong, and as "proof" of this you said that the same language is not spoken.

When I pointed out to you that this is not true and that dialects exist all over the world, you only knew how to accuse me of being Jewish.

I want to bring you another example in Belgium in the north Dutch is spoken in the south French this is much worse than having dialects.

Are we going to split Belgium tomorrow?

I want to tell you a secret ...

I learned about this Belgian curiosity, from a news on the Belgian national football team.

you see it is true! Italians think only of football!
Pirate11 said:
Aquarius said:
Are you italian btw?

The South is pretty fucked, I agree, one of the biggest problems there is the fucking mafia, those people run nearly everything there, they have to be destroyed if southern Italy wants to develop. With the jews there will go the mafia, as that shit is totally controlled by jews.
Yes, I am Italian. I usually do not interact with other Italians online, I made an exception in this thread lol
About mafia, here's my thought:
The bosses, the owners and the ones that get the major profits out of mafia, are all jewish, no exception. But there's a catch, this crime organizations could in any way survive without low-rank gentiles who do the dirty jobs for them. The real problem is about the mentality of the people, until people in south Italy glorify mafia (especially teenagers, who think mafia and being a criminal is cool), and have a "mafioso" lifestyle (favors in exchange of favors in every aspect of their lives, favoring their friends and their families etc, you get it), there is no hope of getting rid of it. This is also the reason why there are almost no native north Italians in it, and why it is not present in the north (it is present anyway but it is covert, it is made of southern people anyway, and north people are sane enough to think bad about it). There can be no mafia without southern Italians acting retarded trying to be smarter than the system (state).
Stormblood said:
Southern young people can't either. The problem is that you need 2+ years of experience to get an entry-level job in Italy, unless you know Tinkie Winkie and the Fimbles. Then they can hire you. (...)
Not really 100% true, I would like to share my experience but I can not for (((obvious reasons))). I know about the military, but it mostly works like that: You are unemployed but you know someone that knows someone (...) so you join the army even if you don't deserve it and there are other candidates that are long way more worthy than you but do not have connections. That's how most of the quotas are taken, the rest is taken by worthy people.
Of course I am not talking about you personally lol I'm making an example here.
SS66610888 said:
Of course there are differences between the various parts of Italy, as I believe in all countries.
this does not mean that Italy is not a nation.
I don't think Alaska and California are identical, but the United States is always a nation.
Should they annex Canada then? No.
Should italian regions of Switzerland be part of Italy? No.
Should cities like these be part of Italy? These cities have more Neapoletans than Naples itself. No.
Get your shit right.
SS66610888 said:
Since you're talking about research, do some research yourself on what Hitler said about Germany and Austria.
Read the mein kampf.
I probably read it the first time even before you were born tbh.
SS66610888 said:
Hitler said it was right to annex Austria to Germany because they have the same identity.
And that it had to be done even if it was not economically agreed.

But I guess Hitler was wrong ... and you're right!
Did I ever say the 1938 Anschluss was wrong? I don't think so.
SS66610888 said:
Like you said earlier when you said HITLER WRONG ON MUSSOLINI.
Hitler is not a superhero, and he was not a God during the time the Third Reich existed. If Hitler did not make any mistake and had already completed Magnum Opus, he would have won the war. Makes sense? Every human makes mistakes, Hitler included. That said, he did wrong by putting his trust on Benito Mussolini, this is a fact.
See I hate this in particular. I am telling facts are you are pushing communist propaganda and trying to discredit me instead of providing facts and having a normal conversations. Jews do this a lot but also many south Italians do when they have nothing to say in an argument. Do you have a long nose or can you act like a normal person?
SS66610888 said:
also when you speak of southern Italy there are certainly dishonest people in the south, but you don't take into account what the Jewish mafia is in the south.
Read the beginning of this post, I explained how I think about mafia. People from south can't blame the mafia for everything bad regarding them, it's ridiculous.
SS66610888 said:
Then do some research and see how the mafia in the south is in all sectors, and the taxes of the north do not go to the people of the south (who are not Arabs by the way) but to the mafia.
I never said southern Italians are Arabs, maybe you should take an English course. Or maybe you can travel a little outside of your region and see the differences between Nordic and Mediterranean people, even those who are not Italian (Greece, Spain, Portugal, Albania).
SS66610888 said:
even Germany until 1870 was divided into small states that did not allow it to exploit the large mineral resources that it had and that subjected it to backwardness then with the second reich there was the union with which Germany developed. I do not read it on wikipedia,but you look for it there)
However, I repeat that dividing nations is a typical Jewish tactic as with Catalonia,ti weaken them.
I think I already spoke enough about this. The fact is that if you are from South Italy it is very convenient for you to have Italy unified, as you can exploit North Italy freely and have the same rights as native nordic people. Also, you can not compare Germany and Italy, as they are totally separate entities and realities. But here's the most important thing you are constantly avoiding: MEDITERRANEAN PEOPLE FROM SOUTH ITALY ARE REPLACING THE NORDIC POPULATION OF NORTHERN ITALY. I guess you don't care because it's convenient to you?
SS66610888 said:
I honestly think this I no longer want to talk to you who only brings prejudices to my country, instead of historical data.
This is childish lol I'm talking facts not prejudices, you are showing everyone here that Italians can not talk decent English and that they can not have a normal conversation without getting full-retarded. So you are the one that is throwing bad light at Italy right now, and everyone has the damn right to not like it.
SS66610888 said:
In parentheses I know very well what the sinkholes are and it is yet another communist crime a further shame is that for years there has not even been a page on the history books that spoke of the sinkholes but many on the holocaust
"In parentheses" > "perhaps"
Like really this stuff is plain stupid.
I'm making the main point clear right here for the last time: MEDITERRANEAN PEOPLE FROM SOUTH ITALY ARE REPLACING THE NORDIC POPULATION OF NORTHERN ITALY. This MUST be stopped.
After the reversal of their alphabet, it would be nice to dissolve their DNA.



I will come back to this for the last time because it is getting too long for everyone.

I avoided your statement on the mix between the Mediterranean and the Nordics, because what I contest is the division of Italy.

As for the mix between the Nordics and the Mediterranean, I agree with you, it doesn't have to happen, the problem is that it has already happened to a large extent.

Of course this does not mean that it must continue.

But this problem cannot be solved by making a wall from Florence that divides Italy.

This is resolved with a culture of race that only National Socialism could bring, considering that in Nazi Germany there were 5 subraces that lived there.

Surely the mixing of subraces was not promoted.

I think, however, before tackling the problem of the mix between subraces it is more important to face the problem of racial mixing with blacks.

In Italy this problem is more evident in the north than in the south.

Milan, which is certainly a source of pride for Italy and which is probably the most advanced city, is also facing the problems of this "modernity".
It is much more multicultural than Palermo, not because of the Milanese, but because more wealth attracts more immigration.

So we should worry more about mixing with other breeds than between subraces.

And even if the mix between sub breeds is wrong to divide Italy is not the solution for me
Stormblood said:
Inflorescentia said:
Not exactly. "Neo-latin" languages were already in existence when Latin was being implemented in the Empire. The only reason for the similarity is that they're all descended from the same branch of Indo-European languages.


Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Romanian are the Neo-Latin/Romance languages and they didn't exist before the fall of the Roman Empire. Get your facts straight. Italian is a very young language. The Old French variant of the French language didn't even exist before the 8th century CE. Spanish in the 9th century CE. Romanian around the 10th century BCE. Portuguese is a little older, depending on whether you consider the first appearance of written documents or the spoken language. Old Portuguese was also known as Galician-Portuguese. Italian didn't appear until much, much later, coming from post-Latin languages now considered dialects, especially from Tuscanian. Still, after the fall of the Roman empire and successive invasions of Germanic tribes. These languages all come from Latin mixed either with some remnants of the original pre-Roman language and/or with the Germanic language of the invading tribes.

A simple research, instead of useless far-fetched preconceptions, would've given you many answers.

That's the accepted paradigm. However, the Roma Madre theory is often defeated by empirical data and often-ignored linguistic research. I am confident that Spanish and Romanian are not derived from Latin, and if you were to study how languages form, you will realize that the concept of a language transforming into another makes absolutely no sense. At best, a language can derive neologisms and borrow expressions, but it will never change its grammatical structure and nuances as a result from foreign exposure, let alone one from a hostile invader, like the Roman Empire.

A language is either adopted or forms naturally. It is never spliced so violently as you seem to think.
Master said:
I'm not quite sure about what you mean by "dissolve", but I would possibly get Black migrants back to Africa, this is where the Black race belong. I'm sure that without jewish influence (and help, if needed) they can develop in a fast, healthy and Gentile way in their motherland
Pirate11 said:
Yes, I am Italian. I usually do not interact with other Italians online, I made an exception in this thread lol
Wow, here is another Italian who has never set foot in an Italian section.

I can understand who does not integrate, but either does not integrate entirely or it does not make sense to integrate only one at the expense of the other.

I never understood what leads this Italians to favor another people over their own blood people.

It only denotes me a great lack of understanding and awareness of their own people, even a lack of Satanic wisdom's path. It is written many times, even by HPs, to help the own people.

I am so very sorry and sad to see these guys that they "despise" own people.

If a people which one Satanist belongs to, they are culturally far behind, the approach of feeling superior is of the xian mentality. Congratulations. Explain a metaphor to me, how can one member of family neglect a other member of same family?
The next step is simply a subversion, if one doesn't fucking care of the situation. The survival of the Italians, which I remind you they are a Gentile People, all belonged to Satan in soul's level, it depends through the works of Italian Satanists so may the Italians have a better future like other peoples belonging to the great Satanic family.

Now, politely, move your ass and make a contribution in the Italian section.
In Southern Italy, there are also people with a light complexion and fair eyes. They are a minority, yes. The majority is still with dark eyes, dark hair and dark complexion - which doesn't mean black, since we're still talking about a white subrace (I'm saying this to prevent inappropriate responses from both Southerners and Northerners).
Pirate11 said:
Every White is White. Period. There is no mixing between two Whites. It has been explained before many times.
Pirate11 said:
Master said:
I'm not quite sure about what you mean by "dissolve", but I would possibly get Black migrants back to Africa, this is where the Black race belong. I'm sure that without jewish influence (and help, if needed) they can develop in a fast, healthy and Gentile way in their motherland
By dissolve, I meant destroy, and I meant Jews. It's all the Jews' fault. The blacks have to go back to their nations, of course. The solution with all migrants is for them to return to their countries.
SS66610888 said:
I will come back to this for the last time because it is getting too long for everyone.

I avoided your statement on the mix between the Mediterranean and the Nordics, because what I contest is the division of Italy.

As for the mix between the Nordics and the Mediterranean, I agree with you, it doesn't have to happen, the problem is that it has already happened to a large extent.

Of course this does not mean that it must continue.

But this problem cannot be solved by making a wall from Florence that divides Italy.

This is resolved with a culture of race that only National Socialism could bring, considering that in Nazi Germany there were 5 subraces that lived there.

Surely the mixing of subraces was not promoted.

I think, however, before tackling the problem of the mix between subraces it is more important to face the problem of racial mixing with blacks.

In Italy this problem is more evident in the north than in the south.

Milan, which is certainly a source of pride for Italy and which is probably the most advanced city, is also facing the problems of this "modernity".
It is much more multicultural than Palermo, not because of the Milanese, but because more wealth attracts more immigration.

So we should worry more about mixing with other breeds than between subraces.

And even if the mix between sub breeds is wrong to divide Italy is not the solution for me
We have to do our part spiritually. Our Gods will guide us to important decisions.
Cfecit said:
I never understood what leads this Italians to favor another people over their own blood people.
I never understood what leads this Italians to favor another people over their own blood people.Now, politely, move your ass and make a contribution in the Italian section.
So are you expecting me to text in the Italian section just because I am Italian? I'm already making contributions where I feel like making them in the forums (the English section is international, not reserved to British and Americans. I am fully qualified to contribute in it). Also you are not to tell people what to do with their time in such arrogant way, boomer.
I am also accused of of betraying (?) and not integrating within other Italians? wtf? I am free to talk with whoever I want, in any language I know and about any topic I want. This stupid mentality of yours is, among other things, one of the reasons I would start typing in the Italian section.
Cfecit said:
If a people which one Satanist belongs to, they are culturally far behind, the approach of feeling superior is of the xian mentality. Congratulations. Explain a metaphor to me, how can one member of family neglect another member of same family?
I did not understand the first part of what you have said. Are you telling me Italians are culturally behind and that I have a christian mentality for feeling superior (which I do not anyways? lol)? Also why are you talking metaphors when you can ask me directly the question directly? Quick reply: Me being Italian is meaningless, you would not care if I said I was of another nationality. But since I said I am Italian, you feel like projecting onto me your communist ideas like if you have any right to tell me what to do with my time only because of my nationality. The truth is, you do not know me in any way. I've only met nice people on the English subforums while Italian people online only waste time talking instead of putting their efforts into meditation. Check my signature, that's what differentiates me from you. It's not about FeeLiNg SuPeRiOr it's about how I chose to live my life, aka putting effort in my meditations and my things, and avoiding wasting time talking.
Is this clear? Grow the fuck up

luis said:
Pirate11 said:
Every White is White. Period. There is no mixing between two Whites. It has been explained before many times.
I clearly remember HP Hooded Cobra telling it's ok for sub-races to mix a little, but not to the point of extinction. This is happening today, unfortunately, and is wrong. If you do not find that message let me know, I'll try finding it in the forum or ask HP again for your convenience.

Stormblood said:
In Southern Italy, there are also people with a light complexion and fair eyes. They are a minority, yes. The majority is still with dark eyes, dark hair and dark complexion - which doesn't mean black, since we're still talking about a white subrace (I'm saying this to prevent inappropriate responses from both Southerners and Northerners).
This is true. There are not only Mediterraneans and Nordics in Italy, but also Alpines and other white sub-races, in different percentages


Making the point, again:
Inflorescentia said:
Stormblood said:
Inflorescentia said:
Not exactly. "Neo-latin" languages were already in existence when Latin was being implemented in the Empire. The only reason for the similarity is that they're all descended from the same branch of Indo-European languages.


Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Romanian are the Neo-Latin/Romance languages and they didn't exist before the fall of the Roman Empire. Get your facts straight. Italian is a very young language. The Old French variant of the French language didn't even exist before the 8th century CE. Spanish in the 9th century CE. Romanian around the 10th century BCE. Portuguese is a little older, depending on whether you consider the first appearance of written documents or the spoken language. Old Portuguese was also known as Galician-Portuguese. Italian didn't appear until much, much later, coming from post-Latin languages now considered dialects, especially from Tuscanian. Still, after the fall of the Roman empire and successive invasions of Germanic tribes. These languages all come from Latin mixed either with some remnants of the original pre-Roman language and/or with the Germanic language of the invading tribes.

A simple research, instead of useless far-fetched preconceptions, would've given you many answers.

That's the accepted paradigm. However, the Roma Madre theory is often defeated by empirical data and often-ignored linguistic research. I am confident that Spanish and Romanian are not derived from Latin, and if you were to study how languages form, you will realize that the concept of a language transforming into another makes absolutely no sense. At best, a language can derive neologisms and borrow expressions, but it will never change its grammatical structure and nuances as a result from foreign exposure, let alone one from a hostile invader, like the Roman Empire.

A language is either adopted or forms naturally. It is never spliced so violently as you seem to think.
Romania has lots of words similar to Latin or Italian, as well as slavish.
Stormblood said:
In Southern Italy, there are also people with a light complexion and fair eyes. They are a minority, yes. The majority is still with dark eyes, dark hair and dark complexion - which doesn't mean black, since we're still talking about a white subrace (I'm saying this to prevent inappropriate responses from both Southerners and Northerners).
There are nordic italians in north, center and south Italy. And they are a minority in our country. If this pirate guy thinks that if he goes in north italy he will find mostly nordic people he is fucking wrong. They are a minority in north Italy too and to divide our country to preserve this minority of people is a dumb idea, as many others that this guy stated with arrogance. Plus, being blonde hair and blue eyed doesn't make you a nordic either. And as Hp Hoodedcobra stated the blonde hair and blue eyed is a myth.
That's it.
WiseDragon said:
Stormblood said:
In Southern Italy, there are also people with a light complexion and fair eyes. They are a minority, yes. The majority is still with dark eyes, dark hair and dark complexion - which doesn't mean black, since we're still talking about a white subrace (I'm saying this to prevent inappropriate responses from both Southerners and Northerners).
There are nordic italians in north, center and south Italy. And they are a minority in our country. If this pirate guy thinks that if he goes in north italy he will find mostly nordic people he is fucking wrong. They are a minority in north Italy too and to divide our country to preserve this minority of people is a dumb idea, as many others that this guy stated with arrogance. Plus, being blonde hair and blue eyed doesn't make you a nordic either. And as Hp Hoodedcobra stated the blonde hair and blue eyed is a myth.
That's it.
Inflorescentia said:
Stormblood said:
Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Romanian are the Neo-Latin/Romance languages and they didn't exist before the fall of the Roman Empire. Get your facts straight. Italian is a very young language. The Old French variant of the French language didn't even exist before the 8th century CE. Spanish in the 9th century CE. Romanian around the 10th century BCE. Portuguese is a little older, depending on whether you consider the first appearance of written documents or the spoken language. Old Portuguese was also known as Galician-Portuguese. Italian didn't appear until much, much later, coming from post-Latin languages now considered dialects, especially from Tuscanian. Still, after the fall of the Roman empire and successive invasions of Germanic tribes. These languages all come from Latin mixed either with some remnants of the original pre-Roman language and/or with the Germanic language of the invading tribes.

A simple research, instead of useless far-fetched preconceptions, would've given you many answers.

That's the accepted paradigm. However, the Roma Madre theory is often defeated by empirical data and often-ignored linguistic research. I am confident that Spanish and Romanian are not derived from Latin, and if you were to study how languages form, you will realize that the concept of a language transforming into another makes absolutely no sense. At best, a language can derive neologisms and borrow expressions, but it will never change its grammatical structure and nuances as a result from foreign exposure, let alone one from a hostile invader, like the Roman Empire.

A language is either adopted or forms naturally. It is never spliced so violently as you seem to think.

I speak Spanish and I understand a little Romanian because a relative of mine is married to a Romanian woman and we would meet often, would also hear her speak to the phone. Her sister is good at reading cards but they're not gypsies of course, like many Italians think. Italian, Spanish, Romanian and Portuguese are very similar to Latin. Why? Because they were developed from it and other local languages. The Roman Empire was warlike but was also disciplined and wasn't much hostile before the Flavians started ruining it and its customs. The goal of the Imperium was to recreate the global Vedic Empire of old, because up to a certain point the priests kings, the senators and the emperors knew we all came from the same Satanic culture, and so did the population.
WiseDragon said:
Stormblood said:
In Southern Italy, there are also people with a light complexion and fair eyes. They are a minority, yes. The majority is still with dark eyes, dark hair and dark complexion - which doesn't mean black, since we're still talking about a white subrace (I'm saying this to prevent inappropriate responses from both Southerners and Northerners).
There are nordic italians in north, center and south Italy. And they are a minority in our country. If this pirate guy thinks that if he goes in north italy he will find mostly nordic people he is fucking wrong. They are a minority in north Italy too and to divide our country to preserve this minority of people is a dumb idea, as many others that this guy stated with arrogance. Plus, being blonde hair and blue eyed doesn't make you a nordic either. And as Hp Hoodedcobra stated the blonde hair and blue eyed is a myth.
That's it.

It's the fairness of the skin. The Nordics have among the fairest skin. The statement of cobra is in regards to Whites, not Nordics. Nordics do mostly have fairer traits in eyes and hair colour, unlike most Whites that have darker hair and eyes.
Pirate11 said:
Cfecit said:
So are you expecting me to text in the Italian section just because I am Italian? I'm already making contributions where I feel like making them in the forums (the English section is international, not reserved to British and Americans. I am fully qualified to contribute in it). Also you are not to tell people what to do with their time in such arrogant way, boomer.

I am also accused of of betraying (?) and not integrating within other Italians? wtf? I am free to talk with whoever I want, in any language I know and about any topic I want. This stupid mentality of yours is, among other things, one of the reasons I would start typing in the Italian section.

Cfecit said:
I did not understand the first part of what you have said. Are you telling me Italians are culturally behind and that I have a christian mentality for feeling superior (which I do not anyways? lol)? Also why are you talking metaphors when you can ask me directly the question directly? Quick reply: Me being Italian is meaningless, you would not care if I said I was of another nationality. But since I said I am Italian, you feel like projecting onto me your communist ideas like if you have any right to tell me what to do with my time only because of my nationality. The truth is, you do not know me in any way. I've only met nice people on the English subforums while Italian people online only waste time talking instead of putting their efforts into meditation. Check my signature, that's what differentiates me from you. It's not about FeeLiNg SuPeRiOr it's about how I chose to live my life, aka putting effort in my meditations and my things, and avoiding wasting time talking.
Is this clear? Grow the fuck up

wtf. It's all as I imagined. Nothing new. You are not the first and unfortunately not the last. It's just a typical mentality that exists in Italy. Did u ever know we're debate long time ago on this same subject with other italian? Too a portoguese guy which moved in Swiss and hate fully Portugal every things, even portuguese people. This is the totally wrong approach. Fortunately the others, included two guys I mentioned above, understood that it is wrong having this "don't give a damn fucking contribution, even the smallest ever."
I try to explain you, then if you have a conscience, happy for all us, if you still fucking care, I cannot do otherwise, just feel so sorry for you. I'm not ur fucking dad, there is nothing personal, everyone will face with Satan. Needless to turn around, before or later all the chickens are coming home to roost.

First, I have not intervened in this topic because it's not first time we're talking about and, in my case, I preferrer spending time on translate one Sermon than write things which where it has already been explained in several Sermons or other topics here. Just charge the references, the context is same.

Second, "arrogant way", lol, those who know me know that I did it on purpose, I tested you to see how your reaction is. Just it. There were two ways to act on my criticism, you have chosen the negative and passive one, as it almost always happens to others when he/she feels offended by my words. You put more information on your attitude, which was my goal. I know, it sounds like creative bastard means of communication. Just the ends justify the means...Really, ask yourself, if one wants one to collaborate, as my case, do you think it will get better results if one use insults or as a master-slaver relationship? Maybe yes if you are here physically with me so I can put the chains on your neck or hands and make you work for me, but here is online and I don't have this possibility :roll: So, fatti due domande ;)

Clarified this two aspects above, i know very well the english section means Int'l and not only USA. English is common language to communicate thought difference people and so all can understand, just it. Clarified this, next, I never said you have to speak only Italian in italian section. You are free to go text anyone, i don't fucking care, many italians, even I, we write in different sections of the forum, when there is a topic that we like or that we think we can help. Some do it more elsewhere than in italian's section, but if they made contributions in italian's section, even a little, it's fine to me, of course if they put more help, would be better, but generally I cannot complain much about this guys.
Clarify this, next, YES, I write in capital letters, in boldface, even with underline, I AM FULLY EXPECTING YOU TO TEXT IN THE ITALIAN SECTION JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE ITALIAN, even I also add DAMN.
It is not a duty to me, not even to other Italian Satanists, but it is a duty TO YOUR PEOPLE, to SATAN. The work we are doing in the Italian section is not done to have any kind of status. We are just the volunteers who put time and energy to help new ones and to contribute with translation or other things. My translations are not signed by me, even by other translator in their works. If I died tomorrow, nobody would know that over 180 Sermon translated in Italian are from my fucking hands. We DO it in order to give the Italians an extra means to discover SATAN, and give the enemy more headaches. The enemy wants everything down. The more information, the more means we have to wake the Italians up. Just logic. I'm not a fucking retard to affirm this, because if more italians know Satan, the situation will be better and therefore I too, indirectly, will have a better of general situation's life in Italy, which is my interest. Basic teachings of "cause effect". And who could do? Italians to italian, French to french, German to german, not because they are fucking birthplace's name on it, but just for a means of ease and familiarity, also with a view to working better, and also why should non-native speakers do it instead of native speakers? I could add more other endless examples, but we got it each other what I want to say, at least I hope. Damn.

I fly over other your sentences (the part where I bolded) because you know it is meaningless and slander.
If you don't know what you can to help, ask to Satan, or I'll give you one advice, start making translations. The Italians will thank you. One translations of HP Mageson's Sermons make, usually, about 20 mins. HP Hooded about 1 hours. If you don't have this time in a one day, just dilate in two-three days, even in a week. One Sermon a week, which is nothing, makes you publish 52 Sermon in a year, it's a WTF number. 10 translators in this rate makes 520 Sermons in a year, DOUBLE, TRIPLE WTF. and in this rate in two years (or less) the Italian Satanic's Library will be every same from JoS's library in english. And i repeat once time, who will have the great benefit? All Italians, people of Satan. Damn again.

So. that's all from me. Hope to see you soon on Italian's section, wish with booking a one or two (or even more?) Sermon to translate. If you choose to be selfish, farewell.

Note: I write long so the next "mental case" of Italian fucking care other italians, or other guy fucking own people, I just put the link to this therad so I don't will need to rewrite the reason which one Satanist "should" <<[MUST]>> help own people.

I hope you don't tell me about italian should learn first english which the JoS are from....because i'll be angry with you, warned man half saved man :lol: ;)
WiseDragon said:
Stormblood said:
In Southern Italy, there are also people with a light complexion and fair eyes. They are a minority, yes. The majority is still with dark eyes, dark hair and dark complexion - which doesn't mean black, since we're still talking about a white subrace (I'm saying this to prevent inappropriate responses from both Southerners and Northerners).
There are nordic italians in north, center and south Italy. And they are a minority in our country. If this pirate guy thinks that if he goes in north italy he will find mostly nordic people he is fucking wrong. They are a minority in north Italy too and to divide our country to preserve this minority of people is a dumb idea, as many others that this guy stated with arrogance. Plus, being blonde hair and blue eyed doesn't make you a nordic either. And as Hp Hoodedcobra stated the blonde hair and blue eyed is a myth.
That's it.
Nordic people in north Italy are now becoming a minority (they are not already) exactly because of the Mediterraneans immigrating from the south of Italy. Nordics are natives of northen Italy too. It's not about blue eyes and blonde hair, they are legit nordics. Big brain has clearly never been in Northern Italy here
Cfecit said:
I'm not even going to waste my time replying to all of this crap and nonsense. Just mind you are not in the position for telling other people online what they are to do. And yes, I think Italians should learn English instead of only relying on others for translations, as independence and "sapersela sbrigare da soli, essere autosufficienti, non dipendere da nessuno" are strong Satanic values I highly regard. Not knowing at least English as second language is simply ridiculous in 2020, this makes people stuck in their own little world and not being able to expand their mind. If you are happy translating stuff (I have read some translations, I do not recall who made these, but many are at Google Translate level, I hope you did not make them, else you would be ridiculous being proud of your work) and you think you are providing a good service to what you feel is your own community, then go ahead, you'll be happy and proud. But again, you have no right to tell me or anyone else what to do, or what community (subforum) should one be active part of.
Honestly, I believe English have been taught for free in Italian's public school since at least 25 to 30 years, so no one has an excuse for not being able to understand at least basic every-day level English. I mean, there are also totally free on-line courses, people have really no excuse, unless their excuse is being lazy or lacking a functioning brain (very common I see). I don't know (and do not care) about you, but I am a polyglot, I can speak German as well and trust me it is more complicated than English. If the Reich won the war and Europe was to speak German as international language, you fella would get crazy lol

Anyway, I'm done talking to online underage Italians on this topic about things that they can simply not understand, it is a waste of my time I could better invest by meditating and doing something actually useful.
Meanwhile, Native Nordic people of North Italy are being racially and culturally replaced by Mediterranean people from South Italy. This MUST be stopped.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
