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Oct 4, 2022
Hi ,
I read in a military owned institution and I'll be leaving today. I don't know when I'll be able to post again since I won't have internet access most of the time. But I really could use some tips since I'm a beginner. I'll be grateful if you suggest me some runes for being good at study, safe travelling and remaining mentally, physically, psychically safe and sound. Also what to do in order for the runes to work?

And I must say, I'm here in this community for a very short amount of time, but trust me, you people are so supportive and kind and awesome. I love y'all. I don't know if they'll ever see this but posts by Blitzkrieg (I know you transposed I and E), HP hooded Cobra , Korpi and Henu the great helped me a lot. I'm really grateful and humbled by you people. I'm an introvert for now but I dream of that day when the world accepts Satanism and I get to see and know you guys.
thesacredruler said:
Hi ,
I read in a military owned institution and I'll be leaving today. I don't know when I'll be able to post again since I won't have internet access most of the time.
May your change of circumstances be swift, and in one's favor.

If you haven't already, don't forget to download 2023's SS Calendar.
For more details, click here: 2023 - SS CALENDARS

For the purpose of accurately choosing a date for a desired magickal working, you will need this.
Never begin any magickal working during a Void of Course Moon. See here for more details.

I'll be grateful if you suggest me some runes for being good at study, safe travelling and remaining mentally, physically, psychically safe and sound.
I recommend you focus more on your general cleaning and protection during this time.

Surya for cleaning. .mp3 audio.
Surya is the shortened version of Aum Suryae, the planetary mantra of The Sun. See here.
Surya is also one of the many names of Azazel

Visuddhi is great for cleaning chakras and aura, you can vibrate it a few times into your chakras, even just 8x each chakra. VVV-EEE-SSS-UUU-DDD-EEEE.
- Lydia [JG]

Algiz and Sowilo for protection. The .mp3 files for pronunciation are linked down below, titled "The Runic Kabalah CD - Mp3 Zip File [Includes Pronunciations of the Runes]".

"Nine is the greatest German number of power and is also a number of Satan, as it equals the number of the main chakras."
Use multiples of 9. 18 is a number of a power, and a good amount to start with for protection, which you can increase later.
18 consists of two nines and triple six (666).
36 is a solar number, as it is the total number of days in a Solar Square.
111 is also a solar number, for reference.

How do I keep count without losing focus?
I’m sure most of you here know about the best way to count vibrations on the fingers. That is, count the individual vibrations on the right hand (up to 12, one for each pad on the finger, 3 pads per finger, counting with the thumb), and then for every full count on your right hand, you count one on your left hand, this allows one to easily count up to 12x12 vibrations with a single set.

You can divide this up, say for 100 vibrations, just count to 10 on the right hand, which counts as one on the left hand, repeat until you’ve reached 10 on the left hand for 100 vibrations.

Very useful.
- VoiceofEnki

A very simplifed explanation on the runes relevant to your question:
Üruz, Physical health.
Ansuz, Speech and Communications.
Kenaz, Finding the right information.
Raidho, Travel.
Björk (Berkano), Memory.
Mannaz, Intellect.
Dagaz, Intuition.

"Mannaz and Berkano ("int + mem") together are great for intellectual purposes."
- Henu the Great

To learn more about the runes: Rune Secrets

There is an upcoming Witches Sabbat on Saturday 21st January.
Unlike a 40-day Working, the Lunar Cycle is only 28 Days, so it is easier to manage.
A great time to deeply clean and purify the aura and chakras.
The 1,7,14,28 days circles, only work for workings pertaining to: Cleaning the soul, gaining control of the mind, resolving mental blockages of a minor to medium nature, and doing rectification of the soul. It is for nothing else.
The very accurate time of starting a Witches Sabbath, is when the sun has set in Friday, until the time the sun has set in Saturday - this constitutes one full "Sabbath". In essence, this is to be began at the night of Friday [after sunset], ending by the Afternoon of Saturday [when the sun sets]. This follows a lunar approach and not a solar approach on the dates.
More information: Advanced Knowledge: Witches Sabbath & The Lunar Month Purification Circle [Updated]

Also what to do in order for the runes to work?
Specificity with Workings and Affirmations
See also: Index of Common Answers: A Community Project
- Blitzkreig [JG]

Additional Information:
Cleanse your space. AUM x 10-30 per day 'the energy of AUM is cleansing [my room] in a healthy, safe and protective way', for at least a few weeks.
- Karnonnos
In the case of a house, apartment or other living area that has bad vibes from the intense negative emotions of the former people who lived there, it can take a lot of energy for just one person to do the ritual. Vibrating the ancient Sanskrit word “Sananda,” which means happiness and joy 10 times can help to diffuse the negative energies. The more people who can participate in the banishing ritual, the better. The “Sananda” ritual should be done from a new moon to a full moon when the moon is waxing.
- Excerpt from "Banishing Ritual"

Now is a good time to save as much as you can, before your internet access is revoked:


High Quality Sigils by Coraxo
Sigil Meditation is very important.
Simply visualise, or focus on the Sigil in front of you, and speak.
Never doubt that Father Satan can hear you. He can.
Talking in this way will help you establish a deeper connection to Him.

You should download Father Satan's Sigils, and your Guardian's if you know who they are.
Don't worry if you don't yet know your Guardian, you will find out when the time is right.

I suggest reading through the entirety of The Pantheon of Hell, and take note of any thoughts and feelings that come to mind.

The Runic Kabalah CD - Mp3 Zip File [Includes Pronunciations of the Runes]
The CD goes together with this PDF book: The Runic Kabalah

Opening Chakras CDs - Mp3 Zip File
The CD goes together with this PDF book: Satanic Power Meditation Vol. 1

The Complete Satanic Calendar

Complete JoS Backup

Visit Satan's Library. Search for and download the below, as it can't be linked (filename).
"[ZIP] All English PDFs - Satan's Library - May 16 2022 [367 MB]".

Exposing Christianity

This file is outdated, and doesn't contain everything.

Final RTR + Killing Tetragrammaton RTR + Shattering Jewish Soul Protection RTR
.mp3 Audio Pronounciation for the Final RTR
It is THE PRIORITY Torah Ritual.

Satan's Absolution Ritual
Astarte’s Power Ritual
Baalzebul’s Power Ritual
Azazel’s Power Ritual
Valefor's Power Ritual
Reverse Torah Rituals
To save the rituals, right-click the webpage and select "Save Page As...",
To save the audio files, scroll to the bottom of the respective pages, open "MP3 FOR THE RITUAL", then right-click to "Save Audio As..."

RTR Schedule - Oct 6 to Oct 15 [Yom Kippur Counterattack]
The SS War Room - Timed Spiritual Offensive
You can amplify the power of a ritual by coordinating it with other Satanists using the War Room timer.
Start the Final RTR when the timer says 00:00:00. Other rituals can be done at 01:00:00.

All people looking at the timer will see the same time, and every 2 hours, we will have the ability to co-ordinate an attack against the enemy. This way, you know that always, when you do an RTR, other people from all over the world, are doing it with you.

Don't obsess over this timer, just follow it when you can. Every 24 hours, there are 12 intervals on which the RTR can be done. So no matter your timezone, you can participate and do an RTR.

A Message And All My Writings Collected & Available For Download
- HP. Hoodedcobra666

Monumental Satanic Knowledge - Help For Beginners On The Satanic Path
Project - For Beginners
- BrightSpace666, in collaboration with Shadowcat and Veritá_666
Korpi said:
thesacredruler said:
Hi ,
I read in a military owned institution and I'll be leaving today. I don't know when I'll be able to post again since I won't have internet access most of the time.
May your change of circumstances be swift, and in one's favor.

If you haven't already, don't forget to download 2023's SS Calendar.
For more details, click here: 2023 - SS CALENDARS

For the purpose of accurately choosing a date for a desired magickal working, you will need this.
Never begin any magickal working during a Void of Course Moon. See here for more details.

I'll be grateful if you suggest me some runes for being good at study, safe travelling and remaining mentally, physically, psychically safe and sound.
I recommend you focus more on your general cleaning and protection during this time.

Surya for cleaning. .mp3 audio.
Surya is the shortened version of Aum Suryae, the planetary mantra of The Sun. See here.
Surya is also one of the many names of Azazel

Visuddhi is great for cleaning chakras and aura, you can vibrate it a few times into your chakras, even just 8x each chakra. VVV-EEE-SSS-UUU-DDD-EEEE.
- Lydia [JG]

Algiz and Sowilo for protection. The .mp3 files for pronunciation are linked down below, titled "The Runic Kabalah CD - Mp3 Zip File [Includes Pronunciations of the Runes]".

"Nine is the greatest German number of power and is also a number of Satan, as it equals the number of the main chakras."
Use multiples of 9. 18 is a number of a power, and a good amount to start with for protection, which you can increase later.
18 consists of two nines and triple six (666).
36 is a solar number, as it is the total number of days in a Solar Square.
111 is also a solar number, for reference.

How do I keep count without losing focus?
I’m sure most of you here know about the best way to count vibrations on the fingers. That is, count the individual vibrations on the right hand (up to 12, one for each pad on the finger, 3 pads per finger, counting with the thumb), and then for every full count on your right hand, you count one on your left hand, this allows one to easily count up to 12x12 vibrations with a single set.

You can divide this up, say for 100 vibrations, just count to 10 on the right hand, which counts as one on the left hand, repeat until you’ve reached 10 on the left hand for 100 vibrations.

Very useful.
- VoiceofEnki

A very simplifed explanation on the runes relevant to your question:
Üruz, Physical health.
Ansuz, Speech and Communications.
Kenaz, Finding the right information.
Raidho, Travel.
Björk (Berkano), Memory.
Mannaz, Intellect.
Dagaz, Intuition.

"Mannaz and Berkano ("int + mem") together are great for intellectual purposes."
- Henu the Great

To learn more about the runes: Rune Secrets

There is an upcoming Witches Sabbat on Saturday 21st January.
Unlike a 40-day Working, the Lunar Cycle is only 28 Days, so it is easier to manage.
A great time to deeply clean and purify the aura and chakras.
The 1,7,14,28 days circles, only work for workings pertaining to: Cleaning the soul, gaining control of the mind, resolving mental blockages of a minor to medium nature, and doing rectification of the soul. It is for nothing else.
The very accurate time of starting a Witches Sabbath, is when the sun has set in Friday, until the time the sun has set in Saturday - this constitutes one full "Sabbath". In essence, this is to be began at the night of Friday [after sunset], ending by the Afternoon of Saturday [when the sun sets]. This follows a lunar approach and not a solar approach on the dates.
More information: Advanced Knowledge: Witches Sabbath & The Lunar Month Purification Circle [Updated]

Also what to do in order for the runes to work?
Specificity with Workings and Affirmations
See also: Index of Common Answers: A Community Project
- Blitzkreig [JG]

Additional Information:
Cleanse your space. AUM x 10-30 per day 'the energy of AUM is cleansing [my room] in a healthy, safe and protective way', for at least a few weeks.
- Karnonnos
In the case of a house, apartment or other living area that has bad vibes from the intense negative emotions of the former people who lived there, it can take a lot of energy for just one person to do the ritual. Vibrating the ancient Sanskrit word “Sananda,” which means happiness and joy 10 times can help to diffuse the negative energies. The more people who can participate in the banishing ritual, the better. The “Sananda” ritual should be done from a new moon to a full moon when the moon is waxing.
- Excerpt from "Banishing Ritual"

Now is a good time to save as much as you can, before your internet access is revoked:


High Quality Sigils by Coraxo
Sigil Meditation is very important.
Simply visualise, or focus on the Sigil in front of you, and speak.
Never doubt that Father Satan can hear you. He can.
Talking in this way will help you establish a deeper connection to Him.

You should download Father Satan's Sigils, and your Guardian's if you know who they are.
Don't worry if you don't yet know your Guardian, you will find out when the time is right.

I suggest reading through the entirety of The Pantheon of Hell, and take note of any thoughts and feelings that come to mind.

The Runic Kabalah CD - Mp3 Zip File [Includes Pronunciations of the Runes]
The CD goes together with this PDF book: The Runic Kabalah

Opening Chakras CDs - Mp3 Zip File
The CD goes together with this PDF book: Satanic Power Meditation Vol. 1

The Complete Satanic Calendar

Complete JoS Backup

Visit Satan's Library. Search for and download the below, as it can't be linked (filename).
"[ZIP] All English PDFs - Satan's Library - May 16 2022 [367 MB]".

Exposing Christianity

This file is outdated, and doesn't contain everything.

Final RTR + Killing Tetragrammaton RTR + Shattering Jewish Soul Protection RTR
.mp3 Audio Pronounciation for the Final RTR
It is THE PRIORITY Torah Ritual.

Satan's Absolution Ritual
Astarte’s Power Ritual
Baalzebul’s Power Ritual
Azazel’s Power Ritual
Valefor's Power Ritual
Reverse Torah Rituals
To save the rituals, right-click the webpage and select "Save Page As...",
To save the audio files, scroll to the bottom of the respective pages, open "MP3 FOR THE RITUAL", then right-click to "Save Audio As..."

RTR Schedule - Oct 6 to Oct 15 [Yom Kippur Counterattack]
The SS War Room - Timed Spiritual Offensive
You can amplify the power of a ritual by coordinating it with other Satanists using the War Room timer.
Start the Final RTR when the timer says 00:00:00. Other rituals can be done at 01:00:00.

All people looking at the timer will see the same time, and every 2 hours, we will have the ability to co-ordinate an attack against the enemy. This way, you know that always, when you do an RTR, other people from all over the world, are doing it with you.

Don't obsess over this timer, just follow it when you can. Every 24 hours, there are 12 intervals on which the RTR can be done. So no matter your timezone, you can participate and do an RTR.

A Message And All My Writings Collected & Available For Download
- HP. Hoodedcobra666

Monumental Satanic Knowledge - Help For Beginners On The Satanic Path
Project - For Beginners
- BrightSpace666, in collaboration with Shadowcat and Veritá_666

Hi, i want to use Ansuz to improve my ability of speech to manipulate people etc. How should use it? Which day and hour should i start? How many days i need to vibrate and how many rep?

Congratulations on doing some extraordinary work by these posts. Thank you, this helps many people.
Thank you 😄

Syt's advice on influencing others:
Hello Caspian,
I find that simple color magick is one of most effective and least mentioned methods of influencing people and their thoughts.
In this instance, I would use purple. The qualities and attributes of purple and other colors can be found here:
https://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpen ... Color.html

This is my tried-and-true method:
1. Raise my energies with RAUM/ or with the full chakra meditation
2. When I feel the buzz, I visualize the person standing before me and in a brilliant sphere of the corresponding color- Lighting up the entire room with its immense glow.
3. With every exhale, I visualize the sphere getting more condensed and brighter.
4. Program the energy around them while keeping up the above visualization.
5. Do this for 10+ minutes every night.


Rather than "manipulate" others, why not instead influence through more peaceable and healthy means?
Such as with Ehwaz:
#19. Represents the horse. It is also closely identified with Castor and Pollux the Gemini twins. Used to see into the future and for psychic communication. Like the fourth chakra, this rune unites opposites. This rune forges bonds and is used to seal marriages and friendships. Can be used to bind another’s thoughts and actions to the operator’s will. Used in spiritual divination to understand the will of the Gods. Used to empower thoughtforms and bring them under the control and will of the mage. When used with other runes, Eihwaz unites the energies harmoniously.

For creating trust, friendship, and good communications, Ehwaz is best. - Blitzkreig [JG]
Ehwaz: Trust, communication, friendship
Gebo: Love, union, reciprocation
Wunjo: Joy, bliss, harmony, family
Uruz, Thurisaz: Sexual health/connection
Nauthiz: Endurance, stress resistance - Blitzkreig [JG]
Those we are in close contact with influence us, for better or for worse. A good friend should enrich our life, in one way or another.
Gold, Green, or Yellow are each great colors for friendship, use the one you feel most affinity for regarding this purpose.
- Lydia [JG]
When working with the Runes, it is best to use the associated number when deciding the amount of repetitions.
In the case of Ehwaz, this would be multiples of 19. However, it is not required.
To understand more about numbers and their many uses, there is an incredible post by HP. Hoodedcobra666 on this:
Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10

Familiarize yourself with these pages: Mercury and The Throat Chakra
The Rulerships of Venus and Mercury - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Spotting an Afflicted or Debilitated Mercury - Shadowcat

For future reference: Mercury 2080, Planetary Square.
If the mantra is too long, there are Shortcuts.
If not already, download this year's SS Calendar: Astrology Calendars
Contained within are all good dates for Mercurial workings.

Do not begin an intellect working while Mercury is retrograde. You can find this information within the calendar.
Do not begin anything during a Void of Course Moon.
Mercury's Day is Wednesday. Start these workings during the Hour of Mercury, and to be ideally repeated during the hour.
However, do not stress about the correct hour so much you fail the working.
What matters most is completing the full 40-days, for permanence.
Although it is not obviously listed, the Moon in Aquarius is useful for intellect, as well as Gemini or Virgo. While Sagittarius rules expanded degrees of thinking and research, the Mercurial signs are related to the immediate mental processes which occur during reading or thinking. - Blitzkreig [JG]
Also, Most Workings are not just a 'One Shot Deal'.
Do not rush into a working, only to then lose confidence as to its effectiveness because you're unsure if it is right for you.
Essential reading: Overcoming Obstacles.
Korpi said:
Thank you 😄

Syt's advice on influencing others:
Hello Caspian,
I find that simple color magick is one of most effective and least mentioned methods of influencing people and their thoughts.
In this instance, I would use purple. The qualities and attributes of purple and other colors can be found here:
https://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpen ... Color.html

This is my tried-and-true method:
1. Raise my energies with RAUM/ or with the full chakra meditation
2. When I feel the buzz, I visualize the person standing before me and in a brilliant sphere of the corresponding color- Lighting up the entire room with its immense glow.
3. With every exhale, I visualize the sphere getting more condensed and brighter.
4. Program the energy around them while keeping up the above visualization.
5. Do this for 10+ minutes every night.


Rather than "manipulate" others, why not instead influence through more peaceable and healthy means?
Such as with Ehwaz:
#19. Represents the horse. It is also closely identified with Castor and Pollux the Gemini twins. Used to see into the future and for psychic communication. Like the fourth chakra, this rune unites opposites. This rune forges bonds and is used to seal marriages and friendships. Can be used to bind another’s thoughts and actions to the operator’s will. Used in spiritual divination to understand the will of the Gods. Used to empower thoughtforms and bring them under the control and will of the mage. When used with other runes, Eihwaz unites the energies harmoniously.

For creating trust, friendship, and good communications, Ehwaz is best. - Blitzkreig [JG]
Ehwaz: Trust, communication, friendship
Gebo: Love, union, reciprocation
Wunjo: Joy, bliss, harmony, family
Uruz, Thurisaz: Sexual health/connection
Nauthiz: Endurance, stress resistance - Blitzkreig [JG]
Those we are in close contact with influence us, for better or for worse. A good friend should enrich our life, in one way or another.
Gold, Green, or Yellow are each great colors for friendship, use the one you feel most affinity for regarding this purpose.
- Lydia [JG]
When working with the Runes, it is best to use the associated number when deciding the amount of repetitions.
In the case of Ehwaz, this would be multiples of 19. However, it is not required.
To understand more about numbers and their many uses, there is an incredible post by HP. Hoodedcobra666 on this:
Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10

Familiarize yourself with these pages: Mercury and The Throat Chakra
The Rulerships of Venus and Mercury - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Spotting an Afflicted or Debilitated Mercury - Shadowcat

For future reference: Mercury 2080, Planetary Square.
If the mantra is too long, there are Shortcuts.
If not already, download this year's SS Calendar: Astrology Calendars
Contained within are all good dates for Mercurial workings.

Do not begin an intellect working while Mercury is retrograde. You can find this information within the calendar.
Do not begin anything during a Void of Course Moon.
Mercury's Day is Wednesday. Start these workings during the Hour of Mercury, and to be ideally repeated during the hour.
However, do not stress about the correct hour so much you fail the working.
What matters most is completing the full 40-days, for permanence.
Although it is not obviously listed, the Moon in Aquarius is useful for intellect, as well as Gemini or Virgo. While Sagittarius rules expanded degrees of thinking and research, the Mercurial signs are related to the immediate mental processes which occur during reading or thinking. - Blitzkreig [JG]
Also, Most Workings are not just a 'One Shot Deal'.
Do not rush into a working, only to then lose confidence as to its effectiveness because you're unsure if it is right for you.
Essential reading: Overcoming Obstacles.

Thanks, you are the best! Even though Mercury's day is Wednesday, may i initiate the working on Sunday 22 January?(Moon will be in Aquarius)
I would wait until Wednesday 15th February, when Mercury is Exalted in Aquarius.
It is also the earliest day this year for a Mercury square, if that interests you.
In order to increase the effectiveness of the working, now is a great time to prepare in advance.
Below I have reposted the relevant information.

There is an upcoming Witches Sabbat on Saturday 21st January.
Unlike a 40-day Working, the Lunar Cycle is only 28 Days, so it is easier to manage.
A great time to deeply clean and purify the aura and chakras.
The 1,7,14,28 days circles, only work for workings pertaining to: Cleaning the soul, gaining control of the mind, resolving mental blockages of a minor to medium nature, and doing rectification of the soul. It is for nothing else.
The very accurate time of starting a Witches Sabbath, is when the sun has set in Friday, until the time the sun has set in Saturday - this constitutes one full "Sabbath". In essence, this is to be began at the night of Friday [after sunset], ending by the Afternoon of Saturday [when the sun sets]. This follows a lunar approach and not a solar approach on the dates.

More information: Advanced Knowledge: Witches Sabbath & The Lunar Month Purification Circle [Updated]

Start this cleaning on the Throat Chakra. Hour of Mercury/Venus is ideal, but not required.
Mantras: Surya, or its fully abbreviated, more powerful version Aum Suryae, mantra of The Sun. Or Visuddhi. Take your pick.
36(4x9) is a Solar Number. Use White-Gold light to clean, or White if it is easier for you to see.
Raise Energy, Clean, AUM (To Open), Affirm x9, AUM (To Close).
Before using AUM (To Close), don't forget to visualise the chakra being completely cleaned.
Do this for several minutes at least. Make it shine as bright as The Sun, while spinning it.
Energy is properly directed through the combined use of affirmation and visualization.
Korpi said:
I would wait until Wednesday 15th February, when Mercury is Exalted in Aquarius.
It is also the earliest day this year for a Mercury square, if that interests you.
In order to increase the effectiveness of the working, now is a great time to prepare in advance.
Below I have reposted the relevant information.

There is an upcoming Witches Sabbat on Saturday 21st January.
Unlike a 40-day Working, the Lunar Cycle is only 28 Days, so it is easier to manage.
A great time to deeply clean and purify the aura and chakras.
The 1,7,14,28 days circles, only work for workings pertaining to: Cleaning the soul, gaining control of the mind, resolving mental blockages of a minor to medium nature, and doing rectification of the soul. It is for nothing else.
The very accurate time of starting a Witches Sabbath, is when the sun has set in Friday, until the time the sun has set in Saturday - this constitutes one full "Sabbath". In essence, this is to be began at the night of Friday [after sunset], ending by the Afternoon of Saturday [when the sun sets]. This follows a lunar approach and not a solar approach on the dates.

More information: Advanced Knowledge: Witches Sabbath & The Lunar Month Purification Circle [Updated]

Start this cleaning on the Throat Chakra. Hour of Mercury/Venus is ideal, but not required.
Mantras: Surya, or its fully abbreviated, more powerful version Aum Suryae, mantra of The Sun. Or Visuddhi. Take your pick.
36(4x9) is a Solar Number. Use White-Gold light to clean, or White if it is easier for you to see.
Raise Energy, Clean, AUM (To Open), Affirm x9, AUM (To Close).
Before using AUM (To Close), don't forget to visualise the chakra being completely cleaned.
Do this for several minutes at least. Make it shine as bright as The Sun, while spinning it.
Energy is properly directed through the combined use of affirmation and visualization.
Thanks for the advice, i will clean my all chakras. Then i am going to start the working on February. :)
Something that will be of use to you later on, if not now: Deep Cleaning - Lydia [JG]

See also her response to a separate post, which I found helpful: Thank you Lydia!
Keep in mind, different affirmations create a new pool of energy.
So following along exactly, and doing this for all seven will dilute the energy. Do as you will.

An affirmation by Blitzkreig [JG] I use personally: How to clean more thoroughly?
You can swap out the word "Visuddhi" for another mantra, if you'd prefer something else.

For general cleanings, you can also use Sowilo as it is a solar mantra, or Algiz which can also be used to clean, see here:
#15. This rune is used for protection. It is also used in consecration and the banishing of negative energies. It is excellent for the operator to wear when performing dangerous rituals as it protects against negative energies. Black tourmaline is the stone used with this rune.
Sól, the Icelandic pronunciation of Sowilo, is one of Azazel's names.
To the Greeks he was Apollo, to the Irish he was Lugus, to the Romans he was both Sol, but also Mithra.
More on Mithra's name, The Followers of Abraxas: The Gnostic Students & Satanic Origins
“In addition, Abraxas was associated with the Mithraic mystery religion of Persian origin, the chief rival of Christianity in Rome in its first 400 years. As did Gnosticism, Mithraism featured a complex astrology and numerology. Numerical values of Mithra’s and Abraxas’ names each total 365.” - The Encyclopedia Of Demons And Demonology by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Abrasax Section.
3+6+5=14. 1+4=5. 5 is one of Azazel's numbers.
As to how they total 365, you can see the numercial system here: Isopsephy

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
