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Questions about doing more than one work daily


New member
Jul 29, 2018
Can I do as many runic kabbalah works as I want daily even if each work is about fixing a certain problem or benefit? I mean is it ok to do Algis 108 for protection then bjork for protection too them ehwaz for psychic work then munka (Sanskrit) to overcome obstacles? or I should focus on one problem only until it is finished then I move on to the next work?
I would go with only probably two max works on a specific problem it seems more powerful but if for example you want to do mutiple working on a specific issue that's fine and they add to each other probably the more the better like for example the money mantra and a sun and Jupiter square for money all this doesn't conflict and is focused on on the thing would add to itself. Just make sure you don't start so many that you may end up being unable to do one or more of them on some day during the working as this messes up that part of the working. It depends on how powerful you are you can probably judge this by results of past workings as to how many things you can do at once. I dont know if this applies to workings on other people like Cursing or Protection healing etc and working on yourself but from my experience I would guess it doesn't as long as you always raise energies before doing it since an unlimited amount of energy can be raised from your soul or whatever your getting the energy from that you are using in that ritual. The problem with two many workings on yourself is that it dilute the energy in the aura and soul that is engraving things on your soul and actually attracting something to you or changing your situation. Also if you do two or more workings that conflict or interact in some way this might either dissapate the energies or cause unexpected results. This is my personal experience.
Suryaye said:
Can I do as many runic kabbalah works as I want daily even if each work is about fixing a certain problem or benefit? I mean is it ok to do Algis 108 for protection then bjork for protection too them ehwaz for psychic work then munka (Sanskrit) to overcome obstacles? or I should focus on one problem only until it is finished then I move on to the next work?

As long you don´t burn your self out with to much workings, there is no problem to do multiple a day.

If you would use your energy on a external goals like cursing or healing someone, doing multiple stuff is bad, because your chi gets divided and the healing and cursing is both only 50% as good as only one of the things could be . If someone is advanced (high amount of chi) then it is possibel to do succesfull multiple external workings.
Suryaye said:
Can I do as many runic kabbalah works as I want daily even if each work is about fixing a certain problem or benefit? I mean is it ok to do Algis 108 for protection then bjork for protection too them ehwaz for psychic work then munka (Sanskrit) to overcome obstacles? or I should focus on one problem only until it is finished then I move on to the next work?
You can do as many workings a day as you want. You just have to make sure to not exceed your own energetical capabilities. Over time you will be able to handle more and more energy, which means you can do more and more workings, if you so desire.
The only thing to keep in mind is that you cannot do multiple planetary squares at the same time.
You should be doing algiz + bjork as one working.
Affirmation *10 ->Algiz 100 or 110(not 108)->Affirmation*10->Bjork 100 or 110(not 108)-> Affirmation*10

However I would advice you to do Aum Saum Suryae or simply Aum Suryae or Even shorter Suryae 216 times, if you are doing such a long protection working. I have personally found Sanskrit to be exponentially powerful than the futhark (for me.) Those who have done runic meditations in previous lives might report different results.

Alternatively you could do 90 days of a Suryae working ,then switch to Algiz + Bjork on a astrologically favorable sunday.
(Do this Suryae Working according to this.)

As for the astral senses working, its not really a working that you do for 90 days and leave. You should be working on your astral senses every single day without recompense. Ansuz/Eihwaz is okay.
But you should use more powerful Yaum,Thaum,Thaur for sixth and third and Gaum for the pineal. However it is entirely your choice.

An astral senses everyday working should look like these,
->some basic preliminary breathing into the chakra point.
->vibration into the chakra (18 reps suffice for everyday workings for me.)
->meditation on the chakra (extending the meditation time little by little over weeks.)

You can do Munka. Because according to this routine this is the only working proper in this routine as the others (aura of protection and Astral senses) are everyday necessities.

So basically your doing (Aop + Astral senses) which are everyday necessities as per meditation is concerned.
And a single working I.e Munka.
Workings require energy, if you do too many workings at once you will have less energy for all of them, better to do a working or just two at a time. Doing too many at a time can even deplete you of energy.
Suryaye said:
Can I do as many runic kabbalah works as I want daily even if each work is about fixing a certain problem or benefit? I mean is it ok to do Algis 108 for protection then bjork for protection too them ehwaz for psychic work then munka (Sanskrit) to overcome obstacles? or I should focus on one problem only until it is finished then I move on to the next work?
Yes why not just make sure u raise ur energies well before each working u don't wana drain yourself and try leave time between each working
Aquarius said:
Workings require energy, if you do too many workings at once you will have less energy for all of them, better to do a working or just two at a time. Doing too many at a time can even deplete you of energy.

Very true but with the raum meditation the sun yoga Satanas etc people could conceivably raise almost an unlimited amount of energy to do stuff past a certain level It would take more effort than it's worth though if too many workings are done and still make the person feel depleted and tired. They tend to be diluted if you do too many (at one time when I was starting out I did most the Planitary squares and a bunch of other workings at once and wasted all of that effort with no results at all so I know it's not good to do too much) I am thinking more because the energies conflict or whatever but maybe it's cause it depleted my energies. I can pretty much handle as many rtrs as I want to do though and that gives me more energy for other workings and doesn't take it away. Does anyone also like helping others. I in fact often I do more for others than they ever do for me but it still feels good since I care about people and don't like anyone in pain. I sometimes do things to help others out. I never had a problem with this diluting anything plus if it's Sanskrit (never use curses) it connects you into it so both people get positive results. I have done this on outsiders in my life in the past to either help them or get them to do what I want them to do. Plus sometimes if I know of a Satanist going through problems I tend to give positive energy or workings to help them out with the problem. I am doing this on someone right now that is in way above anything they could conceivably deal with on their own I believe what is your take on all this
Thank u all so much for your responses.
but @Jack why 100 or 110? instead of 108 ?
And what about 111 ?
Suryaye said:
Thank u all so much for your responses.
but @Jack why 100 or 110? instead of 108 ?
And what about 111 ?
108 is related to Saturn and you should only be using it for endings/black magick not anything beneficial. Yeah I forgot the last one ,its 111 not 110.
Suryaye said:
why 100 or 110? instead of 108 ?
And what about 111 ?
108 is a number of endings and it is just half of 216. For workings that only span 40 days, you should never use 108. From what I remember, HC said it would still be fine if the working is longer than 40 days, but personally I'd recommend to just go for 100, 110, 111 or 216 in normal works of white magick.
100 is an all-round number that signifies completion and wholeness.
110 (from what I know) is for magick centered around the Aries and Martian side of things (red energy, fiery things, conflict, battle, gaining muscle, etc).
111 ties into the energies of the sun (666) which also makes it a great number for pretty much anything. Perhaps if you plan to work with Moon energies you may want to choose a different number.
216 is really powerful and you should use it preferredly above all the others if you have the bioelectricity and time to do so.
108 can still be used for workings to free the soul, from what I know. In these cases just make sure to do the working for more than 40 days, preferrably 90.
Suryaye said:
Thank u all so much for your responses.
but @Jack why 100 or 110? instead of 108 ?
And what about 111 ?

88 111 or 100 are good numbers I never heard of 110 being used so I don't know what that represents. I like 113 as that adds to 5 which is balance and harmony and 13 is a number of Satan so 113 might be good I used that before I like it. 216 is the actual number in ancient times used 108 was half or one Satanic Rosary then you were supposed to go the other way. I would guess the enemy put it in Hinduism to corrupt things and make it harder for people to gain results. It was easy to do as they had the mala beads (Satanic Rosery) which added up to 108 so they just neglected to tell people to count back to the beginning. I think in symbolism or energy or something it's supposed to represent falling short or something don't know for sure but I dont use 108 outside of cusrses now. 111 is a number of the sun and represents each row in the sun Square as each row adds up to 111. Also 111 times 6 is 666 the number of the sun and empowered solar Chakra. 108 connects to Saturn energies. I guess if you are cursing someone 108 would be great to use maybe in freeing the soul it's not so bad either but I wouldn't use it for a material working where you are trying to gain money or something
Shael said:
Suryaye said:
Can I do as many runic kabbalah works as I want daily even if each work is about fixing a certain problem or benefit? I mean is it ok to do Algis 108 for protection then bjork for protection too them ehwaz for psychic work then munka (Sanskrit) to overcome obstacles? or I should focus on one problem only until it is finished then I move on to the next work?
You can do as many workings a day as you want. You just have to make sure to not exceed your own energetical capabilities. Over time you will be able to handle more and more energy, which means you can do more and more workings, if you so desire.
The only thing to keep in mind is that you cannot do multiple planetary squares at the same time.

So I did a Jupiter & Mars square at the same time earlier this year. Working on the Mars square first and then the Jupiter square later in the day. Did I waste my time doing this? Does it invalidate only one of the squares or both?
Legendary Creature said:
So I did a Jupiter & Mars square at the same time earlier this year. Working on the Mars square first and then the Jupiter square later in the day. Did I waste my time doing this? Does it invalidate only one of the squares or both?
I did not test this personally. I merely told you what I had heard other members say on here and what I believe to be the general consensus on the matter. I don't know if anyone (aside from the HPs perhaps) took the time to do 2 different squares at the same time to test this, but personally I cannot give you any 100% proof on it. From my understanding, it would have invalidated both of the squares you did. I would just advise to not do it again from now on as long as you can avoid it. Maybe other members can provide you with personal experiences on the matter, or perhaps with a more detailed explanation on why it's a bad idea. All I know in theory is that it would mess with the energies of the squares and make them fail because they are very delicate and require perfect execution.
so is aura of protection included as a working as well as when you would start doing a specific meditation. like would you start chakra work on a void moon or waning instead of waxing. then would it be safe or necessary to leave a working after it granted you to another working to do beforehand then follow up on that working. like a removal of obstacles brings about another thing to deal with then dealing with that then go back to removing obstacles.
Shael said:
Legendary Creature said:
So I did a Jupiter & Mars square at the same time earlier this year. Working on the Mars square first and then the Jupiter square later in the day. Did I waste my time doing this? Does it invalidate only one of the squares or both?
I did not test this personally. I merely told you what I had heard other members say on here and what I believe to be the general consensus on the matter. I don't know if anyone (aside from the HPs perhaps) took the time to do 2 different squares at the same time to test this, but personally I cannot give you any 100% proof on it. From my understanding, it would have invalidated both of the squares you did. I would just advise to not do it again from now on as long as you can avoid it. Maybe other members can provide you with personal experiences on the matter, or perhaps with a more detailed explanation on why it's a bad idea. All I know in theory is that it would mess with the energies of the squares and make them fail because they are very delicate and require perfect execution.
I think you got the wrong information. You can do two or more square at the same time (of course if you have enough energy to do more than two working, this is different for everyone) but you cannot do two of the same square at the same time.

For example you can do the Mars and Solar square at the same time but you cannot do two Mars Square at the same time or the spiritual Mars Square and the material Mars Square at the same time. What matter is that you do different square because using the same mantra for a planet for two square at the same time would invalidate both square.
luis said:
I think you got the wrong information. You can do two or more square at the same time (of course if you have enough energy to do more than two working, this is different for everyone) but you cannot do two of the same square at the same time.

For example you can do the Mars and Solar square at the same time but you cannot do two Mars Square at the same time or the spiritual Mars Square and the material Mars Square at the same time. What matter is that you do different square because using the same mantra for a planet for two square at the same time would invalidate both square.
I think you're right. I just spent half an hour retracing the vast majority of topics on squares with the search function, and the only time I've seen a statement like that was from Gear88 here https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=20431&p=87404#p87404, who funnily enough said it because I myself told it to him earlier.
Other than that nobody else said anything like it. Most likely this was some kind of controverse piece of knowledge that was going around way back in the days of the old forum and yahoogroups, where I picked it up and just assumed it was true.
Apologies for the misinformation.
Shael said:
luis said:
I think you got the wrong information. You can do two or more square at the same time (of course if you have enough energy to do more than two working, this is different for everyone) but you cannot do two of the same square at the same time.

For example you can do the Mars and Solar square at the same time but you cannot do two Mars Square at the same time or the spiritual Mars Square and the material Mars Square at the same time. What matter is that you do different square because using the same mantra for a planet for two square at the same time would invalidate both square.
I think you're right. I just spent half an hour retracing the vast majority of topics on squares with the search function, and the only time I've seen a statement like that was from Gear88 here https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=20431&p=87404#p87404, who funnily enough said it because I myself told it to him earlier.
Other than that nobody else said anything like it. Most likely this was some kind of controverse piece of knowledge that was going around way back in the days of the old forum and yahoogroups, where I picked it up and just assumed it was true.
Apologies for the misinformation.
I came from the old forum and we talked about this pretty often, newbey asked this kind of questions often back in the day and what most members said is what i told you. You just probabily read about it somewhere and you remembered it in the wrong way. It's like i said, multiple squares of different planets at the same time but not of the same planet.
luis said:
I came from the old forum and we talked about this pretty often, newbey asked this kind of questions often back in the day and what most members said is what i told you. You just probabily read about it somewhere and you remembered it in the wrong way. It's like i said, multiple squares of different planets at the same time but not of the same planet.
Yeah, most likely I was just remembering things wrongly.
I went trough 2 sleepless nights and got up late this morning. After my cleaning of aura and Yoga, I was trying to do something else when sundly some thing like a white screen appeared on my forehead with just a big dark point at the center. This lasted for some couple of seconds and berfore i could try to understand what was it about, The sreen went off. This happen twice simultaneously. Im dedicated and through with cakras openning.Could some one help?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
