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Kim Jong-Un in "grave danger" after heart surgery

Ol argedco luciftias

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2017
Duat, Orion
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un is reportedly in critical condition after a heart surgery.

Looks very bad for little fat boy, little rocket boy.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

What do you think will happen next? Is there another person in his family to be the next president, or will their military take over?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un is reportedly in critical condition after a heart surgery.

Looks very bad for little fat boy, little rocket boy.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

What do you think will happen next? Is there another person in his family to be the next president, or will their military take over?

From what I've heard, next "in line" would be his sister, who's supposedly batshit crazy. This might not be a thing to celebrate, as the Evil we know might be easier to deal with than the Evil we don't.

There is no official line of succession, since even discussing such a thing in that gulag country would get you and your family killed.

Only time will tell if this is good for us or not.
SleepingWolf said:
From what I've heard, next "in line" would be his sister, who's supposedly batshit crazy. This might not be a thing to celebrate, as the Evil we know might be easier to deal with than the Evil we don't.

There is no official line of succession, since even discussing such a thing in that gulag country would get you and your family killed.

Only time will tell if this is good for us or not.
I agree. He is obviously a horrible person and infinitely cruel to his own citizens, but I don't know of him actually doing anything against any other country. He shoots off his little toy bottle-rockets sometimes, which are too small to go anywhere, but that is just to try to impress his own citizens, it isn't anything that surrrounding countries's defenses can't block very easily.

I would prefer him who doesn't do anything, to someone else who could be worse. And if he dies, the chaos that would come from that power shift could end up being bad. I thought that Trump's joke is funny, but I do take this situation more seriously than the topic post may have showed.

I want to hear what people think about it, so thank you for answering.
SleepingWolf said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un is reportedly in critical condition after a heart surgery.

Looks very bad for little fat boy, little rocket boy.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

What do you think will happen next? Is there another person in his family to be the next president, or will their military take over?

From what I've heard, next "in line" would be his sister, who's supposedly batshit crazy. This might not be a thing to celebrate, as the Evil we know might be easier to deal with than the Evil we don't.

There is no official line of succession, since even discussing such a thing in that gulag country would get you and your family killed.

Only time will tell if this is good for us or not.
The jews who control Russia are well known, many of whom work behind the scenes. In North Korea, China, Turkey and other communist countries, they are more hidden but are still in control.
It is fucking fishy!
Maybe he was not that retarded and he was removed (or even killed) in this way.
I don't even think he was a jew. Here it was discussed that he was possibly a jew but this theory was baseless because connecting the most frequent and most ancient korean family name Kim to the jews is just nonsense bullshit.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
It is fucking fishy!
Maybe he was not that retarded and he was removed (or even killed) in this way.
I don't even think he was a jew. Here it was discussed that he was possibly a jew but this theory was baseless because connecting the most frequent and most ancient korean family name Kim to the jews is just nonsense bullshit.
But he really is jewish. His family was put into power directly by the USSR. It's not about the name, it's about their actual history.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
It is fucking fishy!
Maybe he was not that retarded and he was removed (or even killed) in this way.
I don't even think he was a jew. Here it was discussed that he was possibly a jew but this theory was baseless because connecting the most frequent and most ancient korean family name Kim to the jews is just nonsense bullshit.
But he really is jewish. His family was put into power directly by the USSR. It's not about the name, it's about their actual history.
Desdemona has some sort of simpathy for that disgusting fat jewish dictator.
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
It is fucking fishy!
Maybe he was not that retarded and he was removed (or even killed) in this way.
I don't even think he was a jew. Here it was discussed that he was possibly a jew but this theory was baseless because connecting the most frequent and most ancient korean family name Kim to the jews is just nonsense bullshit.
But he really is jewish. His family was put into power directly by the USSR. It's not about the name, it's about their actual history.
Desdemona has some sort of simpathy for that disgusting fat jewish dictator.

Absolutely not. Just because I said he may not a jew, it does not mean that I would sympathize with him. He is obviously on the bad side. Still, I think it is quite strange and it seems fishy just now.
Actually, I do not care too much about if he was a jew or not. What I cared about was that bullshit theory about the family name Kim...
So no, it is not a sympathization.

By the way, if I remember well I suggested you last time, you should not talk to me and should not react on my comments. Because you know well that I will brutally reply to you and I will obviusly react on your disgusting attacks and false accusations, always. And of course I won't be kind and nice but smash you as I can.
But seems you enjoy it, like a kinda mazochistic jerk. Well, hope this will be the only joy in your pathetic life.

On the other hand, thank you for showing again how fucking mean and arrogant person you are. If you were normal and intelligent, not a spiteful, rancorous, filthy bitch, then you should know well that a dedicated satanist nazi person would NEVER sypathize with a communist (be it jew or not).
Of course, you are not that dumb, you are doing this intentionally in order to attack and hurt me. Just because you hate me.
Well, I hate you too.
But even if you didn't do this intentionally, because, for example, you are a just paranoid idiot bitch who believes that everyone here is a "jew" or a "jew-sympathizer" or any kind of "enemy", (except you and except the clergy) and you just feel the urge that you must attack immediately almost like a bloody fucking ferocious psychopath, it still would not be normal at all.

It is funny because I usually really like those intelligent people who are critical like me, or even rude sometimes like me, if they know well when they have to be rude and with whom...
Also I like and respect all hardworking satanist comrades, many of them are doing better than me.
If you weren't be so inhumane, especially towards other satanist comrades, then maybe you would be such person in my eyes, (in others' eyes too) which I just talked about, above.
Who the fuck knows, lol, I would even show some respect towards to you, if you would be normal.
But now, of course, I won't.

Another thing. It just came into my mind suddenly, and I would like to ask: are you ugly, right? :D :D
I don't know, I just imagine you as an ugly and repulsive guy who was often rejected by women, especially by beautiful women. If you are like that, maybe you even hate women generally, at least in a level...
North Korea is a garrison state for the Asian Jews in Beijing. They also manipulate the situation for advantage in global political affairs with their western enemies. The Asian Jews in Beijing entered openly into war with America and NATO over this state as they want to keep it going.

And the Kim family are Asian Jews. That is why the Jews, Stalin and Beria, personally chose to put the Kim's into power as a dynasty a BLOOD LINE power elite so their Jewish race could hold power over that region. The Jews who ran Russia always and only put other Jewish dynasties into power of all nations conquered by Communism. But somehow in North Korea they decided not to…..obviously they did. Communism is the method for the Jews to rule the Goyim. The Jews who created Communism like Moses Hess admitted this in his own writings.

Its no mistake that a family of Asian Jews would call themselves the Asian word for GOLD. The term gold in the west is not a Hebrew word...… But if you hear the surname GOLD the odds of Jewishness are what. Same with ruby, sliver, diamond and such. Jews being obsessed with Shekels naturally name themselves after such. In whatever the language of the region they live.

And when your dealing with the ruling dynasty of nation created by global JEWISH POWER and their surname is GOLD what does that mean.

This is common sense.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
It is fucking fishy!
Maybe he was not that retarded and he was removed (or even killed) in this way.
I don't even think he was a jew. Here it was discussed that he was possibly a jew but this theory was baseless because connecting the most frequent and most ancient korean family name Kim to the jews is just nonsense bullshit.
I can tell you this.

His sister has the classic Jooish rat ears.
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
It is fucking fishy!
Maybe he was not that retarded and he was removed (or even killed) in this way.
I don't even think he was a jew. Here it was discussed that he was possibly a jew but this theory was baseless because connecting the most frequent and most ancient korean family name Kim to the jews is just nonsense bullshit.
But he really is jewish. His family was put into power directly by the USSR. It's not about the name, it's about their actual history.
Desdemona has some sort of simpathy for that disgusting fat jewish dictator.
There are many corrupt politicians i know who are gentiles. The Opium smuggling in china was done by zorastrians by using India as a place to grow opium. Zorastrians are not Jewish. There are many corrupt gentiles whome Jews use to run their nefarious agendas.
I don't have much of substance to add, but related to this subject, a number of people in the far-right White nationalist crowd on Twitter have been enamored with how attractive they find Kim's sister.

This is another situation in which I get angry over something that I just don't understand, as this is the same ethnostate-supporting, ostensibly anti-miscegenation crowd that had a fucking hernia over ICE Bae. Can't wait to hear how race-mixing is perfectly healthy and acceptable in this instance because pretty lady.
anonymous666 said:
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
But he really is jewish. His family was put into power directly by the USSR. It's not about the name, it's about their actual history.
Desdemona has some sort of simpathy for that disgusting fat jewish dictator.
There are many corrupt politicians i know who are gentiles. The Opium smuggling in china was done by zorastrians by using India as a place to grow opium. Zorastrians are not Jewish. There are many corrupt gentiles whome Jews use to run their nefarious agendas.
Okay, that is true. But Kim Jong Un is not an example of that, he is not a gentile. Saying that there are corrupt gentiles is 100% true because there are some, but the guy we are talking about is not one of them. His family was installed into power by the communist government of the USSR, which was entirely not gentiles. They would not allow any gentile to have any level of power above being a slave in the mud. Just like Kim treats his citizens too.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
I don't have much of substance to add, but related to this subject, a number of people in the far-right White nationalist crowd on Twitter have been enamored with how attractive they find Kim's sister.

This is another situation in which I get angry over something that I just don't understand, as this is the same ethnostate-supporting, ostensibly anti-miscegenation crowd that had a fucking hernia over ICE Bae. Can't wait to hear how race-mixing is perfectly healthy and acceptable in this instance because pretty lady.
Those are incels that think it's okay to mix with Asian women. Also his sister looks like a monster.
HP Mageson666 said:
North Korea is a garrison state for the Asian Jews in Beijing. They also manipulate the situation for advantage in global political affairs with their western enemies. The Asian Jews in Beijing entered openly into war with America and NATO over this state as they want to keep it going.

And the Kim family are Asian Jews. That is why the Jews, Stalin and Beria, personally chose to put the Kim's into power as a dynasty a BLOOD LINE power elite so their Jewish race could hold power over that region. The Jews who ran Russia always and only put other Jewish dynasties into power of all nations conquered by Communism. But somehow in North Korea they decided not to…..obviously they did. Communism is the method for the Jews to rule the Goyim. The Jews who created Communism like Moses Hess admitted this in his own writings.

Its no mistake that a family of Asian Jews would call themselves the Asian word for GOLD. The term gold in the west is not a Hebrew word...… But if you hear the surname GOLD the odds of Jewishness are what. Same with ruby, sliver, diamond and such. Jews being obsessed with Shekels naturally name themselves after such. In whatever the language of the region they live.

And when your dealing with the ruling dynasty of nation created by global JEWISH POWER and their surname is GOLD what does that mean.

This is common sense.

Yes. I think I already wrote in a former topic that I can agree with you. From this viewpoint it is logical.
If you meant that they use this ancient family name intentionally, it may have sense.
I was just afraid that because of this others will believe that almost 23-25% of the Korean people who have the Kim family name (it is much more when we add North Koreans) would be jewish. That is why I called it bullshit theory.
Of course there can be and are cryptojews amongst the many Kims but there are also some jews amongst those who have the family name Lee or Park for example.
There is even such a korean jew in the US, which I know, who has Han family name (this family name is also one of the most ancient names like Kim), but she is a race-mixed, her father is Korean and her mother is jewish.

So the point is that the ORIGIN of this name Kim is absolutely not jewish, I mean it is NOT a jewish name, but it had spiritual meaning in the past, relating to the spiritual working of the soul. It's sure.
And it is obvious that there were no jews in Mongolia and on the Korean peninsula thousands of years ago.

BUT yes, based on those facts you also said it is possible then those commie filths or someone of their family before was a pure jew and they started to use this name from a point...who knows.

Regarding the rat eared sister which someone mentioned, lol, it can be, I don't know.
But there are also a bunch of rat eared or jug-eared amongst South Koreans too, even amongst famous people too. They are still not jews at all.

Hi! Just saw your comment. Yes. Many times this is the case especially in Asia.
I'm glad to see you by the way. I wrote email to you months ago, you should check it when you will have time. Hope everything is ok there...
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
But he really is jewish. His family was put into power directly by the USSR. It's not about the name, it's about their actual history.
Desdemona has some sort of simpathy for that disgusting fat jewish dictator.

Absolutely not. Just because I said he may not a jew, it does not mean that I would sympathize with him. He is obviously on the bad side. Still, I think it is quite strange and it seems fishy just now.
Actually, I do not care too much about if he was a jew or not. What I cared about was that bullshit theory about the family name Kim...
So no, it is not a sympathization.

By the way, if I remember well I suggested you last time, you should not talk to me and should not react on my comments. Because you know well that I will brutally reply to you and I will obviusly react on your disgusting attacks and false accusations, always. And of course I won't be kind and nice but smash you as I can.
But seems you enjoy it, like a kinda mazochistic jerk. Well, hope this will be the only joy in your pathetic life.

On the other hand, thank you for showing again how fucking mean and arrogant person you are. If you were normal and intelligent, not a spiteful, rancorous, filthy bitch, then you should know well that a dedicated satanist nazi person would NEVER sypathize with a communist (be it jew or not).
Of course, you are not that dumb, you are doing this intentionally in order to attack and hurt me. Just because you hate me.
Well, I hate you too.
But even if you didn't do this intentionally, because, for example, you are a just paranoid idiot bitch who believes that everyone here is a "jew" or a "jew-sympathizer" or any kind of "enemy", (except you and except the clergy) and you just feel the urge that you must attack immediately almost like a bloody fucking ferocious psychopath, it still would not be normal at all.

It is funny because I usually really like those intelligent people who are critical like me, or even rude sometimes like me, if they know well when they have to be rude and with whom...
Also I like and respect all hardworking satanist comrades, many of them are doing better than me.
If you weren't be so inhumane, especially towards other satanist comrades, then maybe you would be such person in my eyes, (in others' eyes too) which I just talked about, above.
Who the fuck knows, lol, I would even show some respect towards to you, if you would be normal.
But now, of course, I won't.

Another thing. It just came into my mind suddenly, and I would like to ask: are you ugly, right? :D :D
I don't know, I just imagine you as an ugly and repulsive guy who was often rejected by women, especially by beautiful women. If you are like that, maybe you even hate women generally, at least in a level...
I am very confused about your reply, what I said was based on the fact that last time you and Mageson spoke about him you were incredibly triggered by him and seemed like defending him. I don't hate you and see no reason to hate you really... I'm not even gonna respond to those insults, they just look like you being paranoid about me because I say things you don't like. I'm not gonna go back to that post to see if you were defending the fat jew, if you weren't then my bad. Those who understand me better will understand all your insults against me totally lack any foundament. Also I want to remind you that the previous argument with you started because you thought I was evil for not wanting blacks in white countries and said that whites belong to white countries, that obviously triggered you since you live in Asia.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
I don't have much of substance to add, but related to this subject, a number of people in the far-right White nationalist crowd on Twitter have been enamored with how attractive they find Kim's sister.

This is another situation in which I get angry over something that I just don't understand, as this is the same ethnostate-supporting, ostensibly anti-miscegenation crowd that had a fucking hernia over ICE Bae. Can't wait to hear how race-mixing is perfectly healthy and acceptable in this instance because pretty lady.
Those are incels that think it's okay to mix with Asian women. Also his sister looks like a monster.

I wouldn't be surprised for a second if some of them were incels, but often it's the anti-miscegenation crowd joining in on this shit too which is what really gets me.

And they're not against race-mixing with the same mentality that we are, these fuckers genuinely hate other races in some instances. But yet it's okay to mix with them so long as they're attractive. Then race-mixing is okay.

I'm still not over my irritation regarding that whole ICE Bae shit in case it's not readily apparent.
Master said:
SleepingWolf said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un is reportedly in critical condition after a heart surgery.

Looks very bad for little fat boy, little rocket boy.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

What do you think will happen next? Is there another person in his family to be the next president, or will their military take over?

From what I've heard, next "in line" would be his sister, who's supposedly batshit crazy. This might not be a thing to celebrate, as the Evil we know might be easier to deal with than the Evil we don't.

There is no official line of succession, since even discussing such a thing in that gulag country would get you and your family killed.

Only time will tell if this is good for us or not.
The jews who control Russia are well known, many of whom work behind the scenes. In North Korea, China, Turkey and other communist countries, they are more hidden but are still in control.
Turkey not Communist!
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Master said:
SleepingWolf said:
From what I've heard, next "in line" would be his sister, who's supposedly batshit crazy. This might not be a thing to celebrate, as the Evil we know might be easier to deal with than the Evil we don't.

There is no official line of succession, since even discussing such a thing in that gulag country would get you and your family killed.

Only time will tell if this is good for us or not.
The jews who control Russia are well known, many of whom work behind the scenes. In North Korea, China, Turkey and other communist countries, they are more hidden but are still in control.
Turkey not Communist!
Communism is the last phase that the enemy reaches and acquires total control. But the whole world is under the control of the enemy.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
But he really is jewish. His family was put into power directly by the USSR. It's not about the name, it's about their actual history.
Desdemona has some sort of simpathy for that disgusting fat jewish dictator.

Absolutely not. Just because I said he may not a jew, it does not mean that I would sympathize with him. He is obviously on the bad side. Still, I think it is quite strange and it seems fishy just now.
Actually, I do not care too much about if he was a jew or not. What I cared about was that bullshit theory about the family name Kim...
So no, it is not a sympathization.

By the way, if I remember well I suggested you last time, you should not talk to me and should not react on my comments. Because you know well that I will brutally reply to you and I will obviusly react on your disgusting attacks and false accusations, always. And of course I won't be kind and nice but smash you as I can.
But seems you enjoy it, like a kinda mazochistic jerk. Well, hope this will be the only joy in your pathetic life.

On the other hand, thank you for showing again how fucking mean and arrogant person you are. If you were normal and intelligent, not a spiteful, rancorous, filthy bitch, then you should know well that a dedicated satanist nazi person would NEVER sypathize with a communist (be it jew or not).
Of course, you are not that dumb, you are doing this intentionally in order to attack and hurt me. Just because you hate me.
Well, I hate you too.
But even if you didn't do this intentionally, because, for example, you are a just paranoid idiot bitch who believes that everyone here is a "jew" or a "jew-sympathizer" or any kind of "enemy", (except you and except the clergy) and you just feel the urge that you must attack immediately almost like a bloody fucking ferocious psychopath, it still would not be normal at all.

It is funny because I usually really like those intelligent people who are critical like me, or even rude sometimes like me, if they know well when they have to be rude and with whom...
Also I like and respect all hardworking satanist comrades, many of them are doing better than me.
If you weren't be so inhumane, especially towards other satanist comrades, then maybe you would be such person in my eyes, (in others' eyes too) which I just talked about, above.
Who the fuck knows, lol, I would even show some respect towards to you, if you would be normal.
But now, of course, I won't.

Another thing. It just came into my mind suddenly, and I would like to ask: are you ugly, right? :D :D
I don't know, I just imagine you as an ugly and repulsive guy who was often rejected by women, especially by beautiful women. If you are like that, maybe you even hate women generally, at least in a level...
You're accusing Aquarius of something you are and do. You're arrogant and aggressive. You're practically shifting the blame onto Aquarius. Your behavior is simply pathetic. I don't want to act like you but what you said I can't stand it and I won't stand it in any way. Do you think you have the right to offend others? This is the worst behavior a person can have towards other people. And you even threatened him as an enemy. Apart from infiltrated Jews and non-Jewish puppets, most of us are allies. I cannot say friends because without power and wisdom you cannot even trust your own offspring, let alone strangers.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
What is that? Like the ICE that gets rid of illegal immigrants?

Correct, Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

"ICE Bae" in particular refers to a Latina member of ICE who had a picture of her taken while she was on duty. The internet temporarily exploded with leftists considering her a traitor and a White supremacist, and alt-righters being attracted to her for having tits and being in ICE. My irritation stems from the fact that a number of the latter group support creating an ethnostate and are anti-miscegenation, yet decided that it's okay to make an exemption for ICE Bae because she's based.
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Turkey not Communist!


Perhaps not directly but ever since Zabatai Zevi's insurrection in Turkey annihilating the Armenians and their banking system found among Turkish empire and cities. They have had Turkey by the balls pretty much in every communist overturn.

Ergodan is a crypto-jew and on top of that supports all the Kalergi, Oded Yinon, and JNWO bullshit going on despite his so-called "Anti-ness" he is playing people. So either way Turkey might not be communist front wise it's a capitalist mostly Arabic nation. But non-the less it's working behind the scenes for such things and has ever since Zevi, Rothschilds, and Young Turks and in recent times with Kalergi bullshit. Such as holding potentially over 3 million Syrians and wanting to flood Europe with which CANNOT and SHOULD NOT happen those 3 million if that number is that high could be higher should be back in Syria supporting their Economy, Nation, and Military against Israel, the Syrian-Israeli conflict since 2010 and even before that.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
anonymous666 said:
Aquarius said:
Desdemona has some sort of simpathy for that disgusting fat jewish dictator.
There are many corrupt politicians i know who are gentiles. The Opium smuggling in china was done by zorastrians by using India as a place to grow opium. Zorastrians are not Jewish. There are many corrupt gentiles whome Jews use to run their nefarious agendas.
Okay, that is true. But Kim Jong Un is not an example of that, he is not a gentile. Saying that there are corrupt gentiles is 100% true because there are some, but the guy we are talking about is not one of them. His family was installed into power by the communist government of the USSR, which was entirely not gentiles. They would not allow any gentile to have any level of power above being a slave in the mud. Just like Kim treats his citizens too.

I was not aware of his Jewishness but am now with mageson's reply. It is really hard to tell jews because of botox and such cosmetic treatments they go. His sister does look Jewish for sure like 100%. But with kim ruling dynasty they have a polygamy of sorts as well which made it difficult to conclude.
Aquarius said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Aquarius said:
Desdemona has some sort of simpathy for that disgusting fat jewish dictator.

Absolutely not. Just because I said he may not a jew, it does not mean that I would sympathize with him. He is obviously on the bad side. Still, I think it is quite strange and it seems fishy just now.
Actually, I do not care too much about if he was a jew or not. What I cared about was that bullshit theory about the family name Kim...
So no, it is not a sympathization.

By the way, if I remember well I suggested you last time, you should not talk to me and should not react on my comments. Because you know well that I will brutally reply to you and I will obviusly react on your disgusting attacks and false accusations, always. And of course I won't be kind and nice but smash you as I can.
But seems you enjoy it, like a kinda mazochistic jerk. Well, hope this will be the only joy in your pathetic life.

On the other hand, thank you for showing again how fucking mean and arrogant person you are. If you were normal and intelligent, not a spiteful, rancorous, filthy bitch, then you should know well that a dedicated satanist nazi person would NEVER sypathize with a communist (be it jew or not).
Of course, you are not that dumb, you are doing this intentionally in order to attack and hurt me. Just because you hate me.
Well, I hate you too.
But even if you didn't do this intentionally, because, for example, you are a just paranoid idiot bitch who believes that everyone here is a "jew" or a "jew-sympathizer" or any kind of "enemy", (except you and except the clergy) and you just feel the urge that you must attack immediately almost like a bloody fucking ferocious psychopath, it still would not be normal at all.

It is funny because I usually really like those intelligent people who are critical like me, or even rude sometimes like me, if they know well when they have to be rude and with whom...
Also I like and respect all hardworking satanist comrades, many of them are doing better than me.
If you weren't be so inhumane, especially towards other satanist comrades, then maybe you would be such person in my eyes, (in others' eyes too) which I just talked about, above.
Who the fuck knows, lol, I would even show some respect towards to you, if you would be normal.
But now, of course, I won't.

Another thing. It just came into my mind suddenly, and I would like to ask: are you ugly, right? :D :D
I don't know, I just imagine you as an ugly and repulsive guy who was often rejected by women, especially by beautiful women. If you are like that, maybe you even hate women generally, at least in a level...
I am very confused about your reply, what I said was based on the fact that last time you and Mageson spoke about him you were incredibly triggered by him and seemed like defending him. I don't hate you and see no reason to hate you really... I'm not even gonna respond to those insults, they just look like you being paranoid about me because I say things you don't like. I'm not gonna go back to that post to see if you were defending the fat jew, if you weren't then my bad. Those who understand me better will understand all your insults against me totally lack any foundament. Also I want to remind you that the previous argument with you started because you thought I was evil for not wanting blacks in white countries and said that whites belong to white countries, that obviously triggered you since you live in Asia.

Oh, lol!
Nope, I am not paranoid but maybe I overreacted it. :D
I really did not defend him and won't defend a commie of course.
I said I was only worried because of the possible misunderstandings about the Kim family name.
Mageson is right about what he said regarding the communists etc.

What was triggered me then when you said "nigger" in that thread. I won't go back to see that topic now but yes I remember that I mentioned something about that many White people are living in Asia too, right?
I don't live in Asia, by the way. :D I live in Hungary.
But it is possible for me to go there in the future, if it will be necessary for some serious reasons, because I already have strong relations, connections and friendships in Korea and in Japan too, also because of my job.

I think I understood what you said about Blacks living in White countries etc, basically you are right, if I remember well, I just asked then what's with those Black SS comrades for example, who already live in the US or in Europe...
Whatever. I will read that conversation again later.

Ok. It really seemed to me that you even hate me and others too. I also wrote I hate you, lol, but actually I didn't feel real hatred in my heart towards you or any SS here.
I just often felt you too rude or too critical when it was not necessary, I think. And I didn't like your attitude.

So what I wrote here to you previously it was mainly because you made me angry a bit. :D And I exaggerated some things about you. :D
Master said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Aquarius said:
Desdemona has some sort of simpathy for that disgusting fat jewish dictator.

Absolutely not. Just because I said he may not a jew, it does not mean that I would sympathize with him. He is obviously on the bad side. Still, I think it is quite strange and it seems fishy just now.
Actually, I do not care too much about if he was a jew or not. What I cared about was that bullshit theory about the family name Kim...
So no, it is not a sympathization.

By the way, if I remember well I suggested you last time, you should not talk to me and should not react on my comments. Because you know well that I will brutally reply to you and I will obviusly react on your disgusting attacks and false accusations, always. And of course I won't be kind and nice but smash you as I can.
But seems you enjoy it, like a kinda mazochistic jerk. Well, hope this will be the only joy in your pathetic life.

On the other hand, thank you for showing again how fucking mean and arrogant person you are. If you were normal and intelligent, not a spiteful, rancorous, filthy bitch, then you should know well that a dedicated satanist nazi person would NEVER sypathize with a communist (be it jew or not).
Of course, you are not that dumb, you are doing this intentionally in order to attack and hurt me. Just because you hate me.
Well, I hate you too.
But even if you didn't do this intentionally, because, for example, you are a just paranoid idiot bitch who believes that everyone here is a "jew" or a "jew-sympathizer" or any kind of "enemy", (except you and except the clergy) and you just feel the urge that you must attack immediately almost like a bloody fucking ferocious psychopath, it still would not be normal at all.

It is funny because I usually really like those intelligent people who are critical like me, or even rude sometimes like me, if they know well when they have to be rude and with whom...
Also I like and respect all hardworking satanist comrades, many of them are doing better than me.
If you weren't be so inhumane, especially towards other satanist comrades, then maybe you would be such person in my eyes, (in others' eyes too) which I just talked about, above.
Who the fuck knows, lol, I would even show some respect towards to you, if you would be normal.
But now, of course, I won't.

Another thing. It just came into my mind suddenly, and I would like to ask: are you ugly, right? :D :D
I don't know, I just imagine you as an ugly and repulsive guy who was often rejected by women, especially by beautiful women. If you are like that, maybe you even hate women generally, at least in a level...
You're accusing Aquarius of something you are and do. You're arrogant and aggressive. You're practically shifting the blame onto Aquarius. Your behavior is simply pathetic. I don't want to act like you but what you said I can't stand it and I won't stand it in any way. Do you think you have the right to offend others? This is the worst behavior a person can have towards other people. And you even threatened him as an enemy. Apart from infiltrated Jews and non-Jewish puppets, most of us are allies. I cannot say friends because without power and wisdom you cannot even trust your own offspring, let alone strangers.

Ok. Chill out!
First read my latest reply to Aquaman, ok?
Btw, who are you? His lawyer? :D
Why did you take it too seriously?

I didn't threaten him. Are you moron?

"This is the worst behavior a person can have towards other people."
Aquarius also had the same or similar behavior many times.
Just came into my mind when I shared a post about vedic astrology in the past he didn't really understand it and/or misunderstood me and started to taunt and argue with me without any proper knowledge regarding the topic...
And there were other situations too where I found his attitude too rude.

Whining about my comment is much more pathetic than my comment itself.
I already explained to Aquarius that I exaggerated some things about him.
He just made me angry.
It's ok now and actually he's ok too even if I don't like him. He's doing good anyways.

So keep calm.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
ust came into my mind when I shared a post about vedic astrology in the past he didn't really understand it and/or misunderstood me and started to taunt and argue with me without any proper knowledge regarding the topic...
I can't recall anything as such, I even searched the word vedic on my posts and got nothing too. But I do think that vedic astrology is in fact inaccurate compared to western one and my sources are the HP's and Lydia, I remember the threadon the old forum. But let's not start an argument over that. :p
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Master said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Absolutely not. Just because I said he may not a jew, it does not mean that I would sympathize with him. He is obviously on the bad side. Still, I think it is quite strange and it seems fishy just now.
Actually, I do not care too much about if he was a jew or not. What I cared about was that bullshit theory about the family name Kim...
So no, it is not a sympathization.

By the way, if I remember well I suggested you last time, you should not talk to me and should not react on my comments. Because you know well that I will brutally reply to you and I will obviusly react on your disgusting attacks and false accusations, always. And of course I won't be kind and nice but smash you as I can.
But seems you enjoy it, like a kinda mazochistic jerk. Well, hope this will be the only joy in your pathetic life.

On the other hand, thank you for showing again how fucking mean and arrogant person you are. If you were normal and intelligent, not a spiteful, rancorous, filthy bitch, then you should know well that a dedicated satanist nazi person would NEVER sypathize with a communist (be it jew or not).
Of course, you are not that dumb, you are doing this intentionally in order to attack and hurt me. Just because you hate me.
Well, I hate you too.
But even if you didn't do this intentionally, because, for example, you are a just paranoid idiot bitch who believes that everyone here is a "jew" or a "jew-sympathizer" or any kind of "enemy", (except you and except the clergy) and you just feel the urge that you must attack immediately almost like a bloody fucking ferocious psychopath, it still would not be normal at all.

It is funny because I usually really like those intelligent people who are critical like me, or even rude sometimes like me, if they know well when they have to be rude and with whom...
Also I like and respect all hardworking satanist comrades, many of them are doing better than me.
If you weren't be so inhumane, especially towards other satanist comrades, then maybe you would be such person in my eyes, (in others' eyes too) which I just talked about, above.
Who the fuck knows, lol, I would even show some respect towards to you, if you would be normal.
But now, of course, I won't.

Another thing. It just came into my mind suddenly, and I would like to ask: are you ugly, right? :D :D
I don't know, I just imagine you as an ugly and repulsive guy who was often rejected by women, especially by beautiful women. If you are like that, maybe you even hate women generally, at least in a level...
You're accusing Aquarius of something you are and do. You're arrogant and aggressive. You're practically shifting the blame onto Aquarius. Your behavior is simply pathetic. I don't want to act like you but what you said I can't stand it and I won't stand it in any way. Do you think you have the right to offend others? This is the worst behavior a person can have towards other people. And you even threatened him as an enemy. Apart from infiltrated Jews and non-Jewish puppets, most of us are allies. I cannot say friends because without power and wisdom you cannot even trust your own offspring, let alone strangers.

Ok. Chill out!
First read my latest reply to Aquaman, ok?
Btw, who are you? His lawyer? :D
Why did you take it too seriously?

I didn't threaten him. Are you moron?

"This is the worst behavior a person can have towards other people."
Aquarius also had the same or similar behavior many times.
Just came into my mind when I shared a post about vedic astrology in the past he didn't really understand it and/or misunderstood me and started to taunt and argue with me without any proper knowledge regarding the topic...
And there were other situations too where I found his attitude too rude.

Whining about my comment is much more pathetic than my comment itself.
I already explained to Aquarius that I exaggerated some things about him.
He just made me angry.
It's ok now and actually he's ok too even if I don't like him. He's doing good anyways.

So keep calm.
By the way, if I remember well I suggested you last time, you should not talk to me and should not react on my comments. Because you know well that I will brutally reply to you and I will obviusly react on your disgusting attacks and false accusations, always. And of course I won't be kind and nice but smash you as I can.
But seems you enjoy it, like a kinda mazochistic jerk. Well, hope this will be the only joy in your pathetic life.

The offence is psychological aggression. Nobody likes to be offended.
Master said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Master said:
You're accusing Aquarius of something you are and do. You're arrogant and aggressive. You're practically shifting the blame onto Aquarius. Your behavior is simply pathetic. I don't want to act like you but what you said I can't stand it and I won't stand it in any way. Do you think you have the right to offend others? This is the worst behavior a person can have towards other people. And you even threatened him as an enemy. Apart from infiltrated Jews and non-Jewish puppets, most of us are allies. I cannot say friends because without power and wisdom you cannot even trust your own offspring, let alone strangers.

Ok. Chill out!
First read my latest reply to Aquaman, ok?
Btw, who are you? His lawyer? :D
Why did you take it too seriously?

I didn't threaten him. Are you moron?

"This is the worst behavior a person can have towards other people."
Aquarius also had the same or similar behavior many times.
Just came into my mind when I shared a post about vedic astrology in the past he didn't really understand it and/or misunderstood me and started to taunt and argue with me without any proper knowledge regarding the topic...
And there were other situations too where I found his attitude too rude.

Whining about my comment is much more pathetic than my comment itself.
I already explained to Aquarius that I exaggerated some things about him.
He just made me angry.
It's ok now and actually he's ok too even if I don't like him. He's doing good anyways.

So keep calm.
By the way, if I remember well I suggested you last time, you should not talk to me and should not react on my comments. Because you know well that I will brutally reply to you and I will obviusly react on your disgusting attacks and false accusations, always. And of course I won't be kind and nice but smash you as I can.
But seems you enjoy it, like a kinda mazochistic jerk. Well, hope this will be the only joy in your pathetic life.

The offence is psychological aggression. Nobody likes to be offended.
There should be respect and unity among the SS and not hate and adversity.
It would be very pathetic for someone new to the forum to watch you. Here you seem stupid by arguing unnecessarily and trying to establish a superiority motivation against each other...
Aquarius said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
ust came into my mind when I shared a post about vedic astrology in the past he didn't really understand it and/or misunderstood me and started to taunt and argue with me without any proper knowledge regarding the topic...
I can't recall anything as such, I even searched the word vedic on my posts and got nothing too. But I do think that vedic astrology is in fact inaccurate compared to western one and my sources are the HP's and Lydia, I remember the threadon the old forum. But let's not start an argument over that. :p

Well, you are wrong. Both are totally accurate. You do not know much about vedic astrology, I am studying it for years now. So I have more knowledge about it than you for sure. And you just cannot criticize anything which you do not know well. But I think you know this.
Yes, we should not debate of course since there is nothing to be debated at all. Really.
Again, western astrology is totally useful of course.
Vedic is more detailed and deeper in some level. But I often use tropical zodiac too.
Actually, I shared a quite good explanation about why both system are good and from where the tropical zodiac originates etc...
Those who believe any weird shit about jyotish just do not understand it or misunderstood something about it...

Just thinking about it and it seems you only left 1 or 2 comments there and there was another user who started to bash me. Sorry maybe then it was not you then.
I think I made the topic here, not on the old forum, with my previous account, so it's possible that some comments are not there. But yes as if I had some older posts as well, on the old forum too, really, but I think I was wrong in some things then. What now I referred is that topic I posted here, with my old account.
That's ok.
Master said:
Master said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Ok. Chill out!
First read my latest reply to Aquaman, ok?
Btw, who are you? His lawyer? :D
Why did you take it too seriously?

I didn't threaten him. Are you moron?

"This is the worst behavior a person can have towards other people."
Aquarius also had the same or similar behavior many times.
Just came into my mind when I shared a post about vedic astrology in the past he didn't really understand it and/or misunderstood me and started to taunt and argue with me without any proper knowledge regarding the topic...
And there were other situations too where I found his attitude too rude.

Whining about my comment is much more pathetic than my comment itself.
I already explained to Aquarius that I exaggerated some things about him.
He just made me angry.
It's ok now and actually he's ok too even if I don't like him. He's doing good anyways.

So keep calm.
By the way, if I remember well I suggested you last time, you should not talk to me and should not react on my comments. Because you know well that I will brutally reply to you and I will obviusly react on your disgusting attacks and false accusations, always. And of course I won't be kind and nice but smash you as I can.
But seems you enjoy it, like a kinda mazochistic jerk. Well, hope this will be the only joy in your pathetic life.

The offence is psychological aggression. Nobody likes to be offended.
There should be respect and unity among the SS and not hate and adversity.

Yes. Agree by the way.
I was just angry. Seems you did not read my last reply here to Aquarius...I wrote that in fact I don't feel true hatred in my heart towards him and towards any SS.

That part was rude a bit, yeah, that is why I said I overreacted it.
But I am not the only one who needs some change here. My comment was not totally baseless.

The point is there is no real hate here and no adversity. Ok?
Even if I don't like someone who is SS, I am able to realize that he or she is a decent member. There are others who dislike me, and it is totally ok, I'm ok with that.
There are other comrades who are kinder, friendlier, and can treat people better than me. I'm not really good at this...
From what I understand Vedic astrology works but you have to calculate the degree of the new year each year. There are arguments western astrology is off because the position in Aries is from astrological observations over two thousand years ago and is off by many tens of degrees in the current age.

I would be interested in peoples opinions of this.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Master said:
Master said:
By the way, if I remember well I suggested you last time, you should not talk to me and should not react on my comments. Because you know well that I will brutally reply to you and I will obviusly react on your disgusting attacks and false accusations, always. And of course I won't be kind and nice but smash you as I can.
But seems you enjoy it, like a kinda mazochistic jerk. Well, hope this will be the only joy in your pathetic life.

The offence is psychological aggression. Nobody likes to be offended.
There should be respect and unity among the SS and not hate and adversity.

Yes. Agree by the way.
I was just angry. Seems you did not read my last reply here to Aquarius...I wrote that in fact I don't feel true hatred in my heart towards him and towards any SS.

That part was rude a bit, yeah, that is why I said I overreacted it.
But I am not the only one who needs some change here. My comment was not totally baseless.

The point is there is no real hate here and no adversity. Ok?
Even if I don't like someone who is SS, I am able to realize that he or she is a decent member. There are others who dislike me, and it is totally ok, I'm ok with that.
There are other comrades who are kinder, friendlier, and can treat people better than me. I'm not really good at this...
You can see clearly where this kind of behavior leads. I didn't mean to offend you, but I reacted badly and I'm not proud of it. Anyone can make mistakes. And from mistakes you learn but in a painful way so sometimes it's better to listen to expert advice.
HP Mageson666 said:
There are arguments western astrology is off because the position in Aries is from astrological observations over two thousand years ago and is off by many tens of degrees in the current age.

I would be interested in peoples opinions of this.
I’ve heard that too, but would say it’s incorrect because western astrology works. It can be verified over and over and is highly accurate. If it was off we’d be able to notice that in prediction and other stuff with things being inaccurate, which they aren’t.
HP Mageson666 said:
From what I understand Vedic astrology works but you have to calculate the degree of the new year each year. There are arguments western astrology is off because the position in Aries is from astrological observations over two thousand years ago and is off by many tens of degrees in the current age.

I would be interested in peoples opinions of this.

I can't attest to anything regarding Vedic astrology - although Lydia and HPS Maxine have discussed some inaccuracies with it so there is that to consider - but personally I don't buy that whole "off due to ancient observations" claim in regards to Western astrology. If such were true, then current transits wouldn't affect us in the manner that they do. Uranus, for instance, would be in an entirely different sign, and we wouldn't be seeing the Uranus-in-Taurus events that have been going on. The Western system is also how the SS calendar is designed, so dates of power wouldn't be as powerful as they are if the Sun was actually at different degrees in potentially different signs than, say, 0 degrees Aries. Father Satan's day would be off too since the height of that celebration is 1 degree Capricorn. It makes me wonder how VoC moons would be different as well, since those are typically near the end of a sign. I recall reading something about how their length of time is affected by the degrees of other planets but can't really say much on that with certainty. If that's true though, then our timing of VoC moons would also be pretty off if the whole Western system is off.

Our own personal planets would also be considerably off, regardless of whether they're at the beginning/end of a sign or in the center. I can definitely attest to the accuracy of my own chart in the current system, and have been able to get very accurate results from reading other people's charts too. Complete strangers in several cases. I'd like to get my hands on the "adjusted" Western system just to get a feel through experience how off it may truly be. One fellow I talked to with his Sun in Libra said he'd either be a Scorpio or Virgo with the new system, I can't recall which one.
HP Mageson666 said:
From what I understand Vedic astrology works but you have to calculate the degree of the new year each year. There are arguments western astrology is off because the position in Aries is from astrological observations over two thousand years ago and is off by many tens of degrees in the current age.

I would be interested in peoples opinions of this.

Western astrology is bases upon the tropics just as the seasons, not upon the constelations as the vedic. Hipparchus stated there is a zodiac of the celestial spheres and other of the constelations.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
