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Jews scheme to make the goyim docile through marijuana


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2018





Ever since Colorado and Washington became the first two states to approve marijuana legalization initiatives in 2012, additional states have joined them in each biennial election that has followed. And 2020 could be a banner year for cannabis on the ballot.

There are at least 16 states where advocates believe marijuana measures could go before voters next year—some considering full-scale recreational legalization while others would focus on medical cannabis.

Some of these would be citizen-led voter initiatives where activists collect signatures to qualify a measure for the ballot, while others would be referendums that lawmakers place before voters.

“Since the first adult-use legalization ballot initiative victory in 2012, the marijuana reform movement has successfully maintained its momentum,” Matthew Schweich, deputy director of the Marijuana Policy Project, said. “For four elections in a row there has been a legalization victory at the ballot box, and the upcoming election could deliver more victories in one day than ever before.”

The jews dont want goyim questioning why their life is shit while these Jewish billionaires are roaming around sucking generations of their hard earned money through interest slavery. They don't want the goyim to question the status quo and ask why the world is as it is. They don't want the goyim to ask hard questions like if the holocaust really happened or if Adolf Hitler was really the genocidal maniac the media portrays him as.
They want them drugged and unable to conceive ideas.

Because when the goyim starts questioning, people start raising their hands and their heads.

And when people start doing that, jews get masturbated to death and they're dead scared of that.
But we never gave in, not really; there was that one time just before liberation but other than that we were strong. We would see the boys they put on those masturbating machines just drop, just die, right there in front of us. The absolute cruelty was beyond our belief.

–Stolen Soul: A True Story of Courage and Survival, Bernard Holstein, 2004
I agree. But I dont think it will work in the long run. Even if it because legalized everywhere tons would get onto it but I guarantee a vast majority of people would get off of it because their soul craves more. From my experience you can only do that shit for so long before you look into a mirror and realize what a piece of shit you've become and it always comes back to the drugs being the cause. People will draw a line and either continue to kill themselves spiritually with drugs or try to find a higher purpose. I believe in humanity.

None of us want to live a life like a zombie even the people who say they do.
Weed makes it impossible to lock your attention on a given task and hold it there for an extended period of time.

It is quite literally a chemical that doesn't allow you to focus your mind which is what witchcraft is all about.

I truly and wholeheartedly wish I had never ever started it however, I refuse to beat myself over mistakes I made when ı was without. I lacked a better judgment and I couldn't see the bigger picture but shit I was a teenager. I am a great example of how low the enemy is, as they quite literally prey on children and gullible young minds.

Also, people need to keep in mind that, we are currently living on a planet that is tied into Saturnian energy with tons of enemy influence thankfully we have the protection of gods. I also would like to take this chance and publicly thank Lady Inanna as I have my reasons to believe that she protected me from a really nasty attack.

Also one last thing, obv. everyone is different and we are free to do as we please, however, when members come here to talk about their experiences/shortcomings ect...pls think twice before dropping the retard bomb on each other.

I totally understand that if one's actions hurt the general population, the general has the right to correct/warn the personal. However, there is a better way to go about doing this. Rather than calling a person/ their actions retarded to try to make them see the full length on their actions.

When people are asking for help or discussing something that they have dealt with for a very long time it is more often than not also an emotional issue and that needs to be kept in mind. Most of us here have put a tremendous amount of effort into winning this war and I believe that needs to be kept in mind while we are communicating with one another.
Marijuana psychically damages people and leaves them wide open to the enemy.
HP Mageson666 said:
Marijuana psychically damages people and leaves them wide open to the enemy.
I tried once drugs with friends but didn't like it.
Most of my friends do drugs and have a better life than me, two of them meditate even 8 hours a day, one was saved by Astarte when he was young and did a ritual with blood.

What is the most simple argument against drugs if you had to tell to a drug addict that doesn't believe in the powers of the mind?
The Gods
TopoftheAbyss said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Marijuana psychically damages people and leaves them wide open to the enemy.
I tried once drugs with friends but didn't like it.
Most of my friends do drugs and have a better life than me, two of them meditate even 8 hours a day, one was saved by Astarte when he was young and did a ritual with blood.

What is the most simple argument against drugs if you had to tell to a drug addict that doesn't believe in the powers of the mind?

The God's recently if I am getting the message right were trying to show me they didn't want me associating with people that use this even on the level of trying to help them out and open them to the truth.

So idk be careful.
HP Mageson666 said:
Marijuana psychically damages people and leaves them wide open to the enemy.

Can we talk about what exactly marijuana damages? From experience it created holes in my aura (big ones sometimes) and weakened third chakra.
But i would like to know more,
Point. said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Marijuana psychically damages people and leaves them wide open to the enemy.

Can we talk about what exactly marijuana damages? From experience it created holes in my aura (big ones sometimes) and weakened third chakra.
But i would like to know more,
Your mind. You become docile and very open to subliminals. There’s many posts regarding drugs. Use the search function.
Point. said:
Can we talk about what exactly marijuana damages? From experience it created holes in my aura (big ones sometimes) and weakened third chakra.
But i would like to know more,
Well, you just explained it yourself. Big holes in your aura and spiritual weakness. Your aura of protection, is needed to fend off enemy attacks. When it’s striped down by pot or other drugs now you’re free to be violated.

I actually live in Colorado, weed capital of America and the sad thing is people actually see pot as a spiritual shortcut. They see it as a way to advance faster and unleash dormant abilities. Once I bring up, no it’s weakening you, they get all defensive. ‘Oh are you trying to get me to stop??’ They’re dependent on it. If they have any experiences, they have no power over it. They’re slaves and they think they’re enlightened, as they’re tripping over their own words and losing shit constantly and living in complete disarray. What a laugh.

Claymond said:
i'll never smoke again. ill try not to
I don’t know how old you are, but if you’re young you also have to consider the permanent damage you’re doing to your brain as well. It’s not just spiritual, this stuff causes real damage you have to deal with for the rest of your life. It’s shown to destroy areas of the brain related to motivation and emotional response. This loss you can’t get back. Is it worth it for a quick high? Think about that each time you light up. There are others ways you can blast off, in a more winning way. It’s all on the jos.
One should also here mention the Hollywood "stoner movies" (with jewish actors) and how smoking weed is portrayed as cool and awesome in todays gangstarap videos.

That being said I think it's factually wrong to say cannabis has no medicinal effects and that it is pure shit. There is for example a medicine called "Sativex" which is prescribed by real doctors. You guys seem to not want to accept this and I wonder why this is.

My theory is that jews promote a misuse of cannabis through movies etc. I think it certainly can be used properly though, according to serious research on it's medicinal benefits.
xlnt said:
One should also here mention the Hollywood "stoner movies" (with jewish actors) and how smoking weed is portrayed as cool and awesome in todays gangstarap videos.

That being said I think it's factually wrong to say cannabis has no medicinal effects and that it is pure shit. There is for example a medicine called "Sativex" which is prescribed by real doctors. You guys seem to not want to accept this and I wonder why this is.

My theory is that jews promote a misuse of cannabis through movies etc. I think it certainly can be used properly though, according to serious research on it's medicinal benefits.

I will provide some reasoning on why that is.

A number of people who "seem" to not want to accept this actually fully acknowledge this point, but contend that it is moot on the grounds that the negative effects outweigh the positives that you can glean, and that in many cases it is being used to treat things that don't require medicinal marijuana to treat - things like depression, body pains and gastrointestinal discomfort, which can be more permanently and healthily remedied through lifestyle changes such as diet, a good exercise regiment, consistent meditation, and so on. In cases where you have medicines that are extracted from cannabis, presumably like that Sativex as well as CBD extracts, this is usually seen in a different light and you'll find posts from members who are more open to these things provided it can be shown that they don't cause the same detrimental spiritual and mental effects as smoking weed does, i.e., holes in the aura and a long-term downturn in psychological health. I personally do not know if they can cause this, and because I don't know that, I don't recommend them to others as a safe-than-sorry measure.

It can further be argued that in our current situation, it's still just too easy for Jews to push cannabis negatively for certain things like CBD extracts and cannabis-derived medicines to be received in a positive light. The foot is in the door with cannabis-derived medicines, and they'll no doubt jump on that to push for greater propagation of cannabis in both senses of that word. I know this sounds slippery slopey, but we've already seen them do exactly this for years now. Once things are different, it's likely that society will be able to look at cannabis as a plant and find ways to derive genuinely positive uses from it, mayhaps in things like biomanufacturing or general research, but given that it's instead been used against us for some time and will continue to be under Jewish influence, this is a big part of why people are so guarded against it.
While I won't get too much into this, I feel the need to elaborate on a thought process that I find relevant, and that is the whole "forbidden fruit" effect in psychology. I think some folk on the internet have also coined the "Streisand effect" which is pretty much the same reaction, being told: "no you can't have/know the thing." Whether it be information, drugs, or certain actions, if you tell someone "no," very often it backfires and makes people wonder "Hmmmmmm, alright, why is it so darn taboo? I should investigate."

In a way, could that not partially be some of reason we've had the appeal we do? Depending on how one interprets it, potential centuries of shit-talking of the gods of Orion by the enemy saying "do religion as we say, not the other way, or you're evil and going to go to hell and get punished forever and ever (not to mention such occasions as the Spanish Inquisition)", or simply a few years of saying "stupid goyim, don't listen to those anti-semites" and trying to shut us down, it's simply brought more folk into our arms.

Now before anyone gets any ideas and thinks I'm justifying lighting up every day, I'm not. As someone who did used to be psychologically addicted to the stuff, I can say it's probably not a good idea (see: it's a shitty idea) to get into it.

But let's not ignore psychological principles either.
The world is becoming Miley Cyrus.
She's the one who is always promoting this in a human way.
She's not like the b-singers who just sing about it to get money from the kike...she made of marijuana a life-mission.
I whish marijuana plants could come to life and choke her to death. Will she smile and sing "I can't be tamed" when that happens?
Apart from that, our rituals are killing all this.
But meanwhile, I just can't stand today's teens thinking they're cool for the poison they smoke.
No values...no will to seek something near truth, it is scary.
Yes, I do hope that tomorrow our children will be as wise as the Children of Hitler were.
And that all these useless people die, not in a peaceful manner.
TopoftheAbyss said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Marijuana psychically damages people and leaves them wide open to the enemy.
I tried once drugs with friends but didn't like it.
Most of my friends do drugs and have a better life than me, two of them meditate even 8 hours a day, one was saved by Astarte when he was young and did a ritual with blood.

What is the most simple argument against drugs if you had to tell to a drug addict that doesn't believe in the powers of the mind?
There is a ton of medical problems it can cause!
Even doing it once can make no repairable damage to the brain! In large amounts it can be fatal!They are addictive so one which starts with small amounts will keep increasing. They also damage the immune system!I have also heard that they are expensive, so you might use this to convince them that it can damage them financially( if they don't care about their health at all) !
There is a ton of other problems they can cause, which may be different from drug to drug( like damaging multiple vital organs)
Explain all the problems that they can cause to them and if you or they know someone who died or needed to go the hospital because of the drugs use it as an example! Now if even that can convince them there is no hope for them!
Maybe you can make working with something like the Ansuz rune but if they themselves don't want to stop using them I doubt it will have an effect! Forcing them to stop with a working is not moral so don't even try this!
Also I would advise you to stay away from such people because they are bad influence!
Tyliron said:
While I won't get too much into this, I feel the need to elaborate on a thought process that I find relevant, and that is the whole "forbidden fruit" effect in psychology. I think some folk on the internet have also coined the "Streisand effect" which is pretty much the same reaction, being told: "no you can't have/know the thing." Whether it be information, drugs, or certain actions, if you tell someone "no," very often it backfires and makes people wonder "Hmmmmmm, alright, why is it so darn taboo? I should investigate."

In a way, could that not partially be some of reason we've had the appeal we do? Depending on how one interprets it, potential centuries of shit-talking of the gods of Orion by the enemy saying "do religion as we say, not the other way, or you're evil and going to go to hell and get punished forever and ever (not to mention such occasions as the Spanish Inquisition)", or simply a few years of saying "stupid goyim, don't listen to those anti-semites" and trying to shut us down, it's simply brought more folk into our arms.

Now before anyone gets any ideas and thinks I'm justifying lighting up every day, I'm not. As someone who did used to be psychologically addicted to the stuff, I can say it's probably not a good idea (see: it's a shitty idea) to get into it.

But let's not ignore psychological principles either.
The appeal is because they have brainswashed the goyms through songs, movies and so on to think drugs and especialy marijuana is cool and good for you. Then the pay some scientists to tell the goym that it may have some good effects on health (mainly to relax which could be done by simply learning how to meditate) and this is it, sheeples are that simple unfortunately...
No one who is addicted to drugs can be labelled as a friend. A friend would not something that harms himself and other people in such dramatic ways. One must get into the mindset that addictions do not affect the individual exclusively but affect the entire species as a whole. The damages done on the nervous and endocrine system affect your emotions, the way you interact with others and your work performance. Drug tests should be mandatory before accepting someone for a job interview and after an interview is successful.

Each job position, starting from the military and the law enforcement, should do drug, smoke and alcohol tests back to back to ensure there is no possibility of people indulging in them even once during their employment. I'm talking actual medical tests, not just asking "Do you smoke?" and "How much do you smoke?" only for people like one of my colleagues to lie and say "2 cigarettes a day" when it's actually 1 every 15 minutes.

As for my statement regarding friends, an addict (especially a drug addict) will never have your back no matter the amount of inconvenience when it really matter, because parts of their brain that prompt people to be engaged in any type of healthy, positive relationship are destroyed by that stuff. So, the word "addict" and the word "friend" should never refer to the same person.

I remember one user here, samyaza lovett, once stating that you cannot have a social life if you do not drink, etc. Does anyone really want to be involved with people who think less of you just because you are a teetotal? (in other words, a healthy and health-conscious person) It's better to attract positive, healthy and loving relationship in one's life and sealing your aura against negative, toxic relationship like the one would have with these addicts who are the ones who are actually out of touch with reality and out of harmony with nature and the universe.
Jews are behind everything unhealthy
My opinion regarding The UNTERMENSCH thing

Some Untermensch things "Drug,Marijuana,Cigarettes,Alcohol "

Case 01 : cigarettes

People be like :
"Dude , I'm so mad , If i don't light up a cigar then i will enter Anger mood"
"I can't study well, I can't focus ,unless i smoke some zzzzigarrrs "

Wasting their money on something sh*t ,it will destroy their immune system
they will end up in grave or in hospital.

some people are f**kd up in personality once he lights up a cigar he becomes
James Bond/Clint eastwood!!
It gives him high self confidence , he thinks he is real man
Once the cigar is over he turns back into his original personality "miserable,weak,".

Keep smoking cigarettes and you will be labeled as untermensch

case 02 :Drug,Marijuana

Their happiness depends on useless things, they can't enjoy life .

No need to talk too much .,simply they are "untermensch"

why untermensch ? because they will end up doing crime ,they might rape someone,suicide.

into the swampland.

case 03 : Alcohol addiction

As i said their happiness depends on useless things,they don't know how to enjoy life
you don't need to sacrifice your brain , Alcohol will decrease your intelligence

*Drink alcohol in a polite way .


Me VS You

I buy fresh natural juice 1.5$ "i receive vitamins"
You buy Marlboro cigars 8.00 $ " you receive sh/t "

I drink beer ,wine, in a polite way , i don't go the extreme "enjoying the evening"
You drink to the extreme end up " car accident , Bloody fight ,or saying to the public that you are a pig/cow "

I go swimming,doing sport activity,enjoying music
You wearing baggy jeans hiding like a Rat waiting for the drug dealer to provide you with some marijuana
you end up as pedophile..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
