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is there a way to control mind without doing 300 hours of void meditation every day for eternity?

Fiery Pluto

Jun 11, 2021
i didn't try any working with Isa rune for this because OI Agredo Lucifitas (i hope of writing the name well) said that this is dangerous for beginners.

I did different series of 40 days working with Nauthiz for increasing earth qualities, but for concentration this seems not to be established permanently.

At the beginning of my satanic journey i was able to be very focus during meditation. I start using mantras and succeeded in manteining concentration. Now (probably for some errors) i can't. Also in basic meditation. Also void meditation is bad.

Do I have to return at the beginning with the meditations of Hp Cobra's 40 days program? Do i have to risk a decrease of energies and an increase of problems for less protection? Do i have to risk a decrease of intuition and intelligence? Do i have to risk a decrese of determination and willpower? Do i have to return to 0?
Fiery Pluto said:
i didn't try any working with Isa rune for this because OI Agredo Lucifitas (i hope of writing the name well) said that this is dangerous for beginners.

I did different series of 40 days working with Nauthiz for increasing earth qualities, but for concentration this seems not to be established permanently.

At the beginning of my satanic journey i was able to be very focus during meditation. I start using mantras and succeeded in manteining concentration. Now (probably for some errors) i can't. Also in basic meditation. Also void meditation is bad.

Do I have to return at the beginning with the meditations of Hp Cobra's 40 days program? Do i have to risk a decrease of energies and an increase of problems for less protection? Do i have to risk a decrease of intuition and intelligence? Do i have to risk a decrese of determination and willpower? Do i have to return to 0?

You can do a breathing exercice like 4sec breathing, 4 sec holding it, 4 sec releasing and 4 sec holding.
This might be because you overloaded yourself. You would be able to focus if you give it effort, but you don't because you are tired to give effort.

Meditate when you are not tired, and yes, try concentrating exercises like the flame meditation.

I guess a lot of us been trough this, sometimes it happened to mee too, that I wasn't be able to concentrate as good as before, and that's usually because I tired to give effort. Try to make meditation to be a good program and do not look at it as if it was mandatory to meditate. Make it confortable, meditate on a soft pillow, or in a bean bag. buy a nice scent incense, shower before meditations, clean your altar, be in a confy dress or be naked, play some music if it's make any good (definitely some white noise, or chilly music.(Sometimes I meditate to this: https://open.spotify.com/track/1gfbIPdchk2wgfE9XgWZMW?si=78a6c1fc742d44c2 I cant find it on other platform)

Try to hear birds chirping, this will practice your astral hearing and usually it is relaxing. I always do this and even if I thing about birds I hear them chirping. :lol:

Make the lighting that color what you are working with, usually its sunlight color, so just let te light inside, it is easyer to visualize for exemple the aura clening and you don't have to give a big effort. If you do void meditation, do it in dark.

So as you are meditate, take your time to relax you are not rushing anywhere, do the 6-6-6 breath you can also try the Beautiful Meditation from Satan maybe that would relax you.

In daily life try to practice controlling your mind, every time you think about something useless, just cut the wire off, and focuse on something else, like your breath or your walking if you are walk or something.

Try to visualize Satan's sigil on the wall with opened eye in the beginning of the meditation. Keep that in one place it shouldn't move around.
When I did flame meditation I imagined a rope pulling back in place the burned in flame and after some practice it was good.

Afterall you might overloaded yourself. Lower the reps, and do other kind of meditations, like the ones I named above, and DO YOGA!! It is very good that if one day you wouldn't have the feeling to meditate, you do yoga and It is very good.

Try this too:

Hope this helps brother take care, and keep up the gods work!
AFODO said:
This might be because you overloaded yourself. You would be able to focus if you give it effort, but you don't because you are tired to give effort.

Meditate when you are not tired, and yes, try concentrating exercises like the flame meditation.

I guess a lot of us been trough this, sometimes it happened to mee too, that I wasn't be able to concentrate as good as before, and that's usually because I tired to give effort. Try to make meditation to be a good program and do not look at it as if it was mandatory to meditate. Make it confortable, meditate on a soft pillow, or in a bean bag. buy a nice scent incense, shower before meditations, clean your altar, be in a confy dress or be naked, play some music if it's make any good (definitely some white noise, or chilly music.(Sometimes I meditate to this: https://open.spotify.com/track/1gfbIPdchk2wgfE9XgWZMW?si=78a6c1fc742d44c2 I cant find it on other platform)

Try to hear birds chirping, this will practice your astral hearing and usually it is relaxing. I always do this and even if I thing about birds I hear them chirping. :lol:

Make the lighting that color what you are working with, usually its sunlight color, so just let te light inside, it is easyer to visualize for exemple the aura clening and you don't have to give a big effort. If you do void meditation, do it in dark.

So as you are meditate, take your time to relax you are not rushing anywhere, do the 6-6-6 breath you can also try the Beautiful Meditation from Satan maybe that would relax you.

In daily life try to practice controlling your mind, every time you think about something useless, just cut the wire off, and focuse on something else, like your breath or your walking if you are walk or something.

Try to visualize Satan's sigil on the wall with opened eye in the beginning of the meditation. Keep that in one place it shouldn't move around.
When I did flame meditation I imagined a rope pulling back in place the burned in flame and after some practice it was good.

Afterall you might overloaded yourself. Lower the reps, and do other kind of meditations, like the ones I named above, and DO YOGA!! It is very good that if one day you wouldn't have the feeling to meditate, you do yoga and It is very good.

Try this too:

Hope this helps brother take care, and keep up the gods work!

Fiery Pluto said:

No, no, no. I think you are doing fine. You do not need to downgrade your soul's energies. Instead, increase practice of the foundational exercises. That does not mean every exercise you practice must also become a level 1 exercise.

It sounds like perhaps a transit or something is upsetting your concentration. If you stopped doing void, this can be another reason. Alternatively, the state of our soul, like being upset or dealing with enemy attacks, can also alter our concentration in the short term. Physical problems can also disturb our mind as well, such as stress or stimulation.

Remember that your workings go in phases. Nauthiz, like all energies, can work on a permanent basis. However, the transformative cycles of the workings can make you think otherwise, such as a case where it disturbs negative karma. This does NOT mean the working has failed in some way.

Isa can also be used and is fine. We can hurt ourselves with any energy. What is important is your willpower in directing the energy appropriately.

If you are still nervous about Isa, then use Eihwaz instead. This rune will also help develop depth to your mind and can help develop the will as well. This is different from Isa or Nauthiz which only regulate the will, but cannot increase willpower like Eihwaz can.

Starting this on the next Scorpio moon (June 1st or 2nd), would work well.
Masterj810610 said:
You can do a breathing exercice like 4sec breathing, 4 sec holding it, 4 sec releasing and 4 sec holding.

This works but i can't use this 24/24 hours.

AFODO said:

Hope this helps brother take care, and keep up the gods work!
I can't use all this time for this type of preparation. I have things that i have to do. I do yoga everyday both kundalini and hatha. And i use already time to do things relaxing.

Blizt i will answer you then, Now i don't have time

Just try your best to have a still and relaxed mind throughout the day, no need for any "downgrade". Void meditation is something that also advanced SS do.
Fiery Pluto said:
Masterj810610 said:
You can do a breathing exercice like 4sec breathing, 4 sec holding it, 4 sec releasing and 4 sec holding.

This works but i can't use this 24/24 hours.

AFODO said:

Hope this helps brother take care, and keep up the gods work!
I can't use all this time for this type of preparation. I have things that i have to do. I do yoga everyday both kundalini and hatha. And i use already time to do things relaxing.

Blizt i will answer you then, Now i don't have time


Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=444884 time=1684879798 user_id=21286]

No, no, no. I think you are doing fine. You do not need to downgrade your soul's energies. Instead, increase practice of the foundational exercises. That does not mean every exercise you practice must also become a level 1 exercise.

It sounds like perhaps a transit or something is upsetting your concentration. If you stopped doing void, this can be another reason. Alternatively, the state of our soul, like being upset or dealing with enemy attacks, can also alter our concentration in the short term. Physical problems can also disturb our mind as well, such as stress or stimulation.

Remember that your workings go in phases. Nauthiz, like all energies, can work on a permanent basis. However, the transformative cycles of the workings can make you think otherwise, such as a case where it disturbs negative karma. This does NOT mean the working has failed in some way.

Isa can also be used and is fine. We can hurt ourselves with any energy. What is important is your willpower in directing the energy appropriately.

If you are still nervous about Isa, then use Eihwaz instead. This rune will also help develop depth to your mind and can help develop the will as well. This is different from Isa or Nauthiz which only regulate the will, but cannot increase willpower like Eihwaz can.

Starting this on the next Scorpio moon (June 1st or 2nd), would work well.

This is the problem of inceasing void meditation: I don't want to do void meditation for 5 minutes a hour every day for eternity. I didn't stop void meditation, but i fail on it every time i do it if i don't practice it for a lot of time every day.

Normally i would make 15 minutes of void every day. There is a bad neptune transit on my ruler in this period that will continue for a long time. This at the beginning caused me depression and lack of focus. Then i used spiritual countermeasures and depression desappears, but lack of focus not.

I don't know if i do too things and this causes me too stress. Perhaps i'm simply tired.

I probably will do the Eihwaz working you suggest, but not for many repetions because i have another working in program to do.

Aquarius said:
Just try your best to have a still and relaxed mind throughout the day, no need for any "downgrade". Void meditation is something that also advanced SS do.
Yes, i'm in a state of relaxed mind, but simply thoughts arrive and i need to think to do things well.
xlnt said:
Fiery Pluto said:
Masterj810610 said:
You can do a breathing exercice like 4sec breathing, 4 sec holding it, 4 sec releasing and 4 sec holding.

This works but i can't use this 24/24 hours.

AFODO said:

Hope this helps brother take care, and keep up the gods work!
I can't use all this time for this type of preparation. I have things that i have to do. I do yoga everyday both kundalini and hatha. And i use already time to do things relaxing.

Blizt i will answer you then, Now i don't have time



He wants a magik trick that will erase every thoughts on his mind, that he will only do one time... I think we should stop trying tomhelp him until he shows he will actually work on his problem and not be a lazy ass
Masterj810610 said:
xlnt said:
Fiery Pluto said:
This works but i can't use this 24/24 hours.

I can't use all this time for this type of preparation. I have things that i have to do. I do yoga everyday both kundalini and hatha. And i use already time to do things relaxing.

Blizt i will answer you then, Now i don't have time



He wants a magik trick that will erase every thoughts on his mind, that he will only do one time... I think we should stop trying tomhelp him until he shows he will actually work on his problem and not be a lazy ass

Yea. People wanting magic tricks to solve their problems is a problem in itself here. And also ungratefullness.

May be bit off topic; but there is a quote from this Indian guru A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (former Hare Krishna leader) I remember: "What is the standard of success? The standard of success is whether you have pleased God."

Since Satan is God; I try to remember that quote as to what the standard of success in life really is.
Even if what we are doing to become successfull in life are met with ungratefullness from others,
the standard of success is still unchanged, as well as who in fact will become the most grateful one in the end.
Hail Satan!
Fiery Pluto said:

Yes, it sounds like you are stressed. The cause for this change of events is simply the Neptune transit. Everyone goes through transits at certain points in time.

I would not worry too much and think that you have to redo the beginner meditations. Unfortunately, you will have to either spend more time on void, or on a working for this.

One option here would be something very simple, like chanting a small amount of Sowilo or Ereshkigal's name and affirming it to sustain your focus for the next hour or two.

Otherwise, do not think your time is wasted on doing void, as all of this will continually grow your mind over time. It is a skill that improves, it is not something that is used just as a bandaid.

An efficient working could be to use a Square to help offset these problems, although there are not any perfect options yet. You could do a Sun Square to transmute Neptune.

Alternatively, use Ereshkigal's name, as I mentioned above. Start this on a good date like the Esbat or Summer Solstice. Aim for about 15 minutes of chanting, which is not too much, but would also be the same time you would spend on extra void. Program this to offset any of Neptune's negative influence on your focus.

Masterj810610 said:
He wants a magik trick that will erase every thoughts on his mind, that he will only do one time... I think we should stop trying tomhelp him until he shows he will actually work on his problem and not be a lazy ass

I have worked with him in the past and he is definitely not a lazy ass. It seems like he is just stressed out.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=445118 time=1684961324 user_id=21286]

So is only this transit the problem not "myself"? Really i think it is also myself because i have aspects in my natal chart that give me a lot of mental energy and thoghts that run in mind.

This transit will last more than 300 days. I've used Ereshkigal for more than 40 days (i'm continuing to use it) to eliminate negative effects of neptune transits. I do ×20 repetitions every day.

Do you think i have to do it for 15 minutes before meditation programming it to be focus during meditation or to be focus in general? Or do i continue to program it to eliminate negative effects of neptune only increasing the time of repetition to 15 minutes?

How do you think i have to organize void every day?

Thank you for your help. I will do everythink you say. I have to confess that in the past i haven't done all the things people in this forum have suggest because of lack of faith and doubts. This will not happen any more for important advices.

I will return to work on wiki project on sunday. My pc had problems with the charging.
AFODO said:

Masterj810610 said:

xlnt said:

I already do breathing exercises during meditation if you was suggesting this Master.

My answer ment that i didn't want to do breathing exercises all the times i want to keep mind calm because i wanted a way to mantein a relatively permanent mind control during the day.

Overcoming these human limits is the purpose of Satanism in order to advance more and more.

Master, this doesn't mean that your help isn't appreciated. The same for Afodo. Simply your answers aren't related to my needs and my purposes in life. I have to use a considerable amount of time every day on the work for my life and also for JoyofSatan. So i hoped in a different way of solving the problem from your answers.
There is no need for such high numbers. You do not need to do 300 hours of this. You do not need to do this every hour. You do not need to do this every day forever.

It seems your biggest problem is a fear of having to do such high numbers, when the entire idea of needing such high numbers is entirely imagined and created by yourself.

Just do a few minutes each day. You can do these before you fall asleep and/or right after you wake up. These are good times to do this because your mind is more likely to already be calm. Once you gain the ability to better control your thoughts, you have this skill forever and you do not need to continue trying so hard to try to create this skill because you will already have it. It is likely you only need 40 days of practice, possibly less. Or possibly a little more.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Today i've done morning meditation with more focus and during the day i'm in a state of more relax and concentration. Meditation had more power, but i think i have to mantein this state reducing repetions to avoid overloading.
Fiery Pluto said:
I already do breathing exercises during meditation if you was suggesting this Master.

My answer ment that i didn't want to do breathing exercises all the times i want to keep mind calm because i wanted a way to mantein a relatively permanent mind control during the day.

Overcoming these human limits is the purpose of Satanism in order to advance more and more.

Master, this doesn't mean that your help isn't appreciated. The same for Afodo. Simply your answers aren't related to my needs and my purposes in life. I have to use a considerable amount of time every day on the work for my life and also for JoyofSatan. So i hoped in a different way of solving the problem from your answers.

If you can’t keep mind calm during the day, elements in your soul might not be balanced you know? If you have practiced VM a lot you should be able to keep yourself calm as your elements balanced.

So the case is that you should see what elements you lack and than do the preparation meditation to invoking the elements, and than invoke the one you lack

Hope I helped this time.
Fiery Pluto said:
Today i've done morning meditation with more focus and during the day i'm in a state of more relax and concentration. Meditation had more power, but i think i have to mantein this state reducing repetions to avoid overloading.

Good. It sounds like you are doing very well. Yes, it is a common mistake people do that they try to do far too much. This is dangerous and only makes more harm.

It is better to do a smaller number more slowly, and put more focus into actually feeling it.
Fiery Pluto said:
Today i've done morning meditation with more focus and during the day i'm in a state of more relax and concentration. Meditation had more power, but i think i have to mantein this state reducing repetions to avoid overloading.

That's the same thing I said, I started off saying that you are overloaded yourself.
The feeling of being focused and relaxed should be kept all day, the mind must be controlled at all times. This is not a hard thing, it's simple, but yet it takes effort.
AFODO said:
That's the same thing I said, I started off saying that you are overloaded yourself.

Yes, you have reason. Sorry, brother. I wanted something that didn't downgrade me in meditation, but really less meditation with more focus is more powerful.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
