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Is having sex with a prostitute from another race a bad thing?

FancyMancy said:
HPS Shannon said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I obviously don't have that knowledge but, since the soul is an energetic body and every race has different energies, I thought that race mixing pollutes the souls of the people who mix.

Are we talking about physical race mixing or sexual or intimate relations? That's what needs to be clarified.

Of course physical race mixing is to be avoided but again, if you are saying people who have had sexual relations in the past, not really. The danger is in the mixing of bloodlines.

Even if you are having sex with someone of the same race, it causes risks because you are connecting souls anyway. If the person has soul issues, baggage, addictions, a heavy xian, etc, that can be harmful to anyone.

I have connected souls with the gods and have had deep soulful connections with them before that were border line sexual. Connecting souls and sexual energy for spiritual purposes and that was just fine. They are gods, a different race from me and neither of our souls were pollutinf because of our racial differences.There is more about that but I dont think I need to mention it, for now.

All I know is that physical race mixing harms the soul and is a big danger, not connecting souls with other beings. The enemy knows what physical race mixing does and thats what they want.

I have my reasons for knowing such and I have highlighted it on this thread already.
Some would take that as an excuse to go and fuck someone of another Race, non-impregnably, and clean themselves up after.

In response to that Fancy, I will highlight what I wrote again:

...no one is saying it is a good thing to have sexual relations with other races.

...such relations usually won't go anywhere because alot of them are usually based more on lust and not spiritual compatibility. If someone has pride in their race, and knows why its important to stay within their own, they wont care to mix or pursue other races.

It all does is create unneccessary bonds and ties to each race and carry the risk of physical race mixing, which doesn't benefit any race. Because we all know that different races that get married, will more than likely include having children.

With that being said, majority of people prefer their own anyway and want their children to resemble them anyway.

Under Satan, people will make the best decisions eventually. Just like we all have come to our senses and changed some of our perceptions since being in this path.
HPS Shannon said:
FancyMancy said:
HPS Shannon said:
Are we talking about physical race mixing or sexual or intimate relations? That's what needs to be clarified.

Of course physical race mixing is to be avoided but again, if you are saying people who have had sexual relations in the past, not really. The danger is in the mixing of bloodlines.

Even if you are having sex with someone of the same race, it causes risks because you are connecting souls anyway. If the person has soul issues, baggage, addictions, a heavy xian, etc, that can be harmful to anyone.

I have connected souls with the gods and have had deep soulful connections with them before that were border line sexual. Connecting souls and sexual energy for spiritual purposes and that was just fine. They are gods, a different race from me and neither of our souls were pollutinf because of our racial differences.There is more about that but I dont think I need to mention it, for now.

All I know is that physical race mixing harms the soul and is a big danger, not connecting souls with other beings. The enemy knows what physical race mixing does and thats what they want.

I have my reasons for knowing such and I have highlighted it on this thread already.
Some would take that as an excuse to go and fuck someone of another Race, non-impregnably, and clean themselves up after.

In response to that Fancy, I will highlight what I wrote again:

...no one is saying it is a good thing to have sexual relations with other races.

...such relations usually won't go anywhere because alot of them are usually based more on lust and not spiritual compatibility. If someone has pride in their race, and knows why its important to stay within their own, they wont care to mix or pursue other races.

It all does is create unneccessary bonds and ties to each race and carry the risk of physical race mixing, which doesn't benefit any race. Because we all know that different races that get married, will more than likely include having children.

With that being said, majority of people prefer their own anyway and want their children to resemble them anyway.

Under Satan, people will make the best decisions eventually. Just like we all have come to our senses and changed some of our perceptions since being in this path.
Yes. I think some would need it repeated to them more than a few times.
FancyMancy said:
Some would take that as an excuse to go and fuck someone of another Race, non-impregnably, and clean themselves up after.

And that's why the anti-miscegenation laws need to be brought back. Principal alone won't stave everyone away (talking about people in general, not us). As it stands now, there may be truth in what you say, but it better not be from any of our people here. We here know better. It's massive disrespect to Satan and the Gods, and any individual here who knowingly engages in such will have to answer to them the day that they return or meet them in the astral if they don't complete the Magnum Opus in this life time. Good luck looking a White God in the eyes and justifying actions that you knew better on.

Anyway, I believe HPS Shannons replies are meant primarily for people coming here who have engaged in such in the past when they didn't know any better. Reassuring them that their souls are not irreparably tainted or something.
I state that I trust you and have great respect for you.
But I can't agree with what you say.
I agree that a friendship with another race is nothing negative, I also agree that if there has been sex with another race in the past this is not a tragedy.
But in general I think it is "wrong" to have sex with other races primarily because of a psychological factor.
Why should I have sex with a black girl if I'm white? It is as if I refuse myself and do not fully accept my race.
same thing goes for the opposite, there are many beautiful black women because a black should go with a white one.
I apologize but I can't agree with this.
SS66610888 said:
I state that I trust you and have great respect for you.
But I can't agree with what you say.
I agree that a friendship with another race is nothing negative, I also agree that if there has been sex with another race in the past this is not a tragedy.
But in general I think it is "wrong" to have sex with other races primarily because of a psychological factor.
Why should I have sex with a black girl if I'm white? It is as if I refuse myself and do not fully accept my race.
same thing goes for the opposite, there are many beautiful black women because a black should go with a white one.
I apologize but I can't agree with this.

The funny this is, if you are communicating to me, you just showed that you weren't even paying attention to anything I wrote.

Who the heck wrote that it is to be encouraged?
Sinner13 said:
FancyMancy said:
Some would take that as an excuse to go and fuck someone of another Race, non-impregnably, and clean themselves up after.

And that's why the anti-miscegenation laws need to be brought back. Principal alone won't stave everyone away (talking about people in general, not us). As it stands now, there may be truth in what you say, but it better not be from any of our people here. We here know better. It's massive disrespect to Satan and the Gods, and any individual here who knowingly engages in such will have to answer to them the day that they return or meet them in the astral if they don't complete the Magnum Opus in this life time. Good luck looking a White God in the eyes and justifying actions that you knew better on.

Anyway, I believe HPS Shannons replies are meant primarily for people coming here who have engaged in such in the past when they didn't know any better. Reassuring them that their souls are not irreparably tainted or something.

Yes, that was my point, and that physical mixing is the real problem, and that is okay to be friends and have bonds with other gentiles as long as there are no such actions to lead to mixing and such.

The gods have interacted with me on a level that puts to rest what some were saying that the different gentile race's souls are pretty much toxic or detrimental to eachother if they were to connect spiritually and that's not true.
Saying that it is not harmful to your soul to do something like that; to some people that is like saying that it is okay and there's nothing wrong with doing it. "It's not gonna harm me, so must be a good idea" That kind of idea kinda looks like it's being encouraged. When letting them think that mixing is damaging to their soul works to prevent them from doing it. You can get into a debate about trying to measure how harmful it may be, and maybe saying that it doesn't do much harm, but it's something that nobody should ever be doing anyway, so what is the benefit of saying that it is safe to do? Who is that helping? To me that looks like going backwards in the big picture. It's an action which is physically harmful and wrong and should never happen, so who does it help to act like it doesn't do damage to the souls of the people doing it?

There is nothing wrong with being close friends with other races, of course that is a good thing. But some of your comments looked like you were saying it's no big deal to do mixing sex, and there's no harm from it.
HPS Shannon said:
SS66610888 said:
I state that I trust you and have great respect for you.
But I can't agree with what you say.
I agree that a friendship with another race is nothing negative, I also agree that if there has been sex with another race in the past this is not a tragedy.
But in general I think it is "wrong" to have sex with other races primarily because of a psychological factor.
Why should I have sex with a black girl if I'm white? It is as if I refuse myself and do not fully accept my race.
same thing goes for the opposite, there are many beautiful black women because a black should go with a white one.
I apologize but I can't agree with this.

The funny this is, if you are communicating to me, you just showed that you weren't even paying attention to anything I wrote.

Who the heck wrote that it is to be encouraged?
OK, I don't understand English perfectly.

I understood that you said that the only problem with racial mixing is children, I misunderstood you.

When in reality there are many psychological problems just to watch interracial porn.
then clearly no one will be frustrated with having interracial sex in the past.
And of course not even his soul will be ruined forever.
But there are many problems in interracial sex in my opinion not only the children I said this.

evidently I misunderstood you I apologize
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Saying that it is not harmful to your soul to do something like that; to some people that is like saying that it is okay and there's nothing wrong with doing it. "It's not gonna harm me, so must be a good idea" That kind of idea kinda looks like it's being encouraged. When letting them think that mixing is damaging to their soul works to prevent them from doing it. You can get into a debate about trying to measure how harmful it may be, and maybe saying that it doesn't do much harm, but it's something that nobody should ever be doing anyway, so what is the benefit of saying that it is safe to do? Who is that helping? To me that looks like going backwards in the big picture. It's an action which is physically harmful and wrong and should never happen, so who does it help to act like it doesn't do damage to the souls of the people doing it?

There is nothing wrong with being close friends with other races, of course that is a good thing. But some of your comments looked like you were saying it's no big deal to do mixing sex, and there's no harm from it.

Well thats just too bad because I already explained many times on this thread why it should not be encouraged and why my point was to bring this up. If no one can analyze or thoroughly read why I brought it up, thats not my problem.

Because we already know it shouldnt be encouraged but its obvious that physical mixing leads to the very thing that the enemy wants.

I expressed what I saw and from what I experienced with the gods and based on other things that I know that doesnt match up with other things that some members have mentioned but again, if anyone was paying attention to my post, they could see the underlying message.

So you guys can take it how you want but I was clear on each response and why.

No where did I say that it should be encouraged. Period.
I want to share with you what I lived a few years ago before I dedicated myself to Father Satan.
I became a very skeptical person over the years and it was the skepticism and the eagerness to discover the truth of about the things that led me to Father Satan.
A few years ago during graduation I did internships in two hospitals, one is public and the other is private. In the private hospital I learned many things. One day I attended a patient who was hospitalized for three months because of Guillain-Barre syndrome which is an autoimmune disease that especially affects the myelin sheath impairing the conduction of synapses to the nerves causing sensory, moviments, cognitive and other impairments. It can also affect the autonomic nervous system.
He was no longer walking and he was suffering from severe pain, was deeply depressed, because before he was very active, healthy, enjoyed working and staying with family, loved to celebrate life and after the disease everything changed and no treatment was helping,
He wanted to commit suicide. I talked about some things, he cried a lot and felt more relieved and removed the idea of ​​suicide. The physician told to him that he developed this disease because of racial miscegenation, as this disease affected only white people and my patient was black. He asked If in his family have someone of the other race and he reported that the only white relative he had was the maternal grandfather.
On this day I understood why most asians do not mix and the consequences of racial miscegenation.
As for sex, even when I was on the path of illusion and death aka Christianity I was taught that sex changed the structure of DNA, having children or not and so we could not have many partners, my former teacher even showed for me and other in the class a publication of the a scientific journal. I don't know if it's validated or not since they get "evidence" to justify their misrepresented ideas.
I honestly think that having a lot of partners really changes, because once we have sex we get genetic information from each other and it changes us, physiologically, even without realizing it and emotionally either in a love relationship or purely carnal.
By the way nothing stays the same when we are in contact with each other, it is illusion to think not, but in sex this is even deeper.
I have already refused so many amazing people because they were of different races from mine, Asians and whites. I did this out of respect for them and me. To push them away and without explaining the real reason for not wanting involvement with them I acted coldly and many resented the rejection.
The worst of it is not being able to explain it because of the ignorance of people who insist on confusing why they cannot have sex with someone from different race with racism.
By the way I see that one of the reasons for this is because some "defend" their race by insulting the other which is obviously unnecessary and alienates people, the truth is simple and does not need rudeness to communicate the facts.
Another thing to watch and reflect is about the animals, for example you don't see a lion mating with a leopard even though they both belong to the same species, so why do many insist on having interracial relationships? :lol:

Hail Satan!
I have some questions and I request to be given satisfactory answers for all of them -

(1) If race mixing is really bad and it affects physically and spiritually then why did gods mixed and bore children with humans??
They were spiritually on high levels than humans and they aren't from human race. And other races here (except jews) are more akin to humans than god's.

(2)What about those people who are the result of race mixing?? They are also gentiles and children of Satan. If they marry in other races then it causes more race mixing but if they marry only with other race mixed people then it will cause the generation of a new race. And would they have a new type of hybrid soul as I guess race mixed people also have soul of certain type. What about their spiritual growth??
We can not force them to marry someone else if they love someone from pure race, can we??
DarkShadow said:
(1) If race mixing is really bad and it affects physically and spiritually then why did gods mixed and bore children with humans??
They were spiritually on high levels than humans and they aren't from human race. And other races here (except jews) are more akin to humans than god's.
This has been answered already. We whites are descendants of the Gods, the Gods are White themselves(not all of them), it's not race mixing.

DarkShadow said:
What about those people who are the result of race mixing?? They are also gentiles and children of Satan. If they marry in other races then it causes more race mixing but if they marry only with other race mixed people then it will cause the generation of a new race. And would they have a new type of hybrid soul as I guess race mixed people also have soul of certain type. What about their spiritual growth??
If you are race mixed you find a partner that is similar to you, the offspring will in most cases lean toward a specific race like white or black.

DarkShadow said:
We can not force them to marry someone else if they love someone from pure race, can we??
Yes we can, because that is degeneration.
DarkShadow said:
I have some questions and I request to be given satisfactory answers for all of them -
What is satisfactory? We don't know your opinions, preferences and tastes.
FancyMancy said:
DarkShadow said:
I have some questions and I request to be given satisfactory answers for all of them -
What is satisfactory? We don't know your opinions, preferences and tastes.

By satisfactory I mean where no one is wronged not like
Aquarius said:
DarkShadow said:
We can not force them to marry someone else if they love someone from pure race, can we??
Yes we can, because that is degeneration.
Aquarius said:
DarkShadow said:
(1) If race mixing is really bad and it affects physically and spiritually then why did gods mixed and bore children with humans??
They were spiritually on high levels than humans and they aren't from human race. And other races here (except jews) are more akin to humans than god's.
This has been answered already. We whites are descendants of the Gods, the Gods are White themselves(not all of them), it's not race mixing.
And how are you descendants of gods??
I read it here that gods made us by genetic engineering so we are a branch or sub race of gods but also then we are different race and I also read here that gods took human wives that's where the white race generated so you are saying that white race is the result of race mixing between Nordics and human race. I am not being offensive and I'm not interested in race mixing relationships but I want clear answer.
FancyMancy said:
DarkShadow said:
I have some questions and I request to be given satisfactory answers for all of them -
What is satisfactory? We don't know your opinions, preferences and tastes.
Oh just answer all the questions because I just want to know what all of you think about these.
I have read most of the sermons and debates about race mixing. Not even one of them knows clear answer why shouldn't we race mix. But anyway we don't want it. Only one clear reason is if we race mix then our souls will not have a pure body to incarnate. But race mixed people also have soul so I'm confused. So I request HPs/HPSs to give clear answer.(btw I'm not interested in race mixing just want to clear my doubts)
DarkShadow said:
Aquarius said:
DarkShadow said:
(1) If race mixing is really bad and it affects physically and spiritually then why did gods mixed and bore children with humans??
They were spiritually on high levels than humans and they aren't from human race. And other races here (except jews) are more akin to humans than god's.
This has been answered already. We whites are descendants of the Gods, the Gods are White themselves(not all of them), it's not race mixing.
And how are you descendants of gods??
I read it here that gods made us by genetic engineering so we are a branch or sub race of gods but also then we are different race and I also read here that gods took human wives that's where the white race generated so you are saying that white race is the result of race mixing between Nordics and human race. I am not being offensive and I'm not interested in race mixing relationships but I want clear answer.
Blacks and Asians were created with genetic engineering and Whites (aka Aryans) were created with the DNA of the Gods.
DarkShadow said:
FancyMancy said:
DarkShadow said:
I have some questions and I request to be given satisfactory answers for all of them -
What is satisfactory? We don't know your opinions, preferences and tastes.
Oh just answer all the questions because I just want to know what all of you think about these.
I have read most of the sermons and debates about race mixing. Not even one of them knows clear answer why shouldn't we race mix. But anyway we don't want it. Only one clear reason is if we race mix then our souls will not have a pure body to incarnate. But race mixed people also have soul so I'm confused. So I request HPs/HPSs to give clear answer.(btw I'm not interested in race mixing just want to clear my doubts)
Race mixers are discount furries.
DarkShadow said:
FancyMancy said:
DarkShadow said:
I have some questions and I request to be given satisfactory answers for all of them -
What is satisfactory? We don't know your opinions, preferences and tastes.

By satisfactory I mean where no one is wronged not like
Aquarius said:
DarkShadow said:
We can not force them to marry someone else if they love someone from pure race, can we??
Yes we can, because that is degeneration.
Truth doesent care about your feelings.
DarkShadow said:
Aquarius said:
DarkShadow said:
(1) If race mixing is really bad and it affects physically and spiritually then why did gods mixed and bore children with humans??
They were spiritually on high levels than humans and they aren't from human race. And other races here (except jews) are more akin to humans than god's.
This has been answered already. We whites are descendants of the Gods, the Gods are White themselves(not all of them), it's not race mixing.
And how are you descendants of gods??
I read it here that gods made us by genetic engineering so we are a branch or sub race of gods but also then we are different race and I also read here that gods took human wives that's where the white race generated so you are saying that white race is the result of race mixing between Nordics and human race. I am not being offensive and I'm not interested in race mixing relationships but I want clear answer.
They created us very similar to them, that’s why it’s not race mixing. If you want to know more about the science of it ask them directly.
DarkShadow said:
I have some questions and I request to be given satisfactory answers for all of them -

(1) If race mixing is really bad and it affects physically and spiritually then why did gods mixed and bore children with humans??
They were spiritually on high levels than humans and they aren't from human race. And other races here (except jews) are more akin to humans than god's.

(2)What about those people who are the result of race mixing?? They are also gentiles and children of Satan. If they marry in other races then it causes more race mixing but if they marry only with other race mixed people then it will cause the generation of a new race. And would they have a new type of hybrid soul as I guess race mixed people also have soul of certain type. What about their spiritual growth??
We can not force them to marry someone else if they love someone from pure race, can we??

The reason you can't have sex with someone of a different race than yours is that it changes your DNA, so new mutations happen. Each body works differently from the other and not always a drug treatment that suits one person will serve another even if it is the same disease. By having sex with someone of a different race than yours you get a whole range of genetic information through the fluids that in the short term you do not feel the effects, but in the medium and long term this will manifest, outside that you will lose genetic information. acquired earlier because there was a genetic change.

For example when suffering a very large stress crisis I ended up developing an autoimmune disease and Bipolar Affective Disorder because I am a mixed race person, but you may react differently from me when experiencing a very large stress crisis.
You see? One person's DNA is unique and one race carries a whole pre-trajectory of other generations, talents, emotional and even behavioral and physical characteristics. But having sex with someone of a different race makes you physiological, emotional functioning a mess and consequently your DNA because you can't handle new information the way you know it, so try to find a way to deal with and exclude what you even had. so why not "fit anymore". It just doesn't fit, because your DNA only recognizes your race and not the other, unfortunately your DNA doesn't understand how "Oh! This person is white and I'm Asian, so I won't exclude what is characteristic of me, just ignore it" .
This is seen throughout history, diseases that were only of a specific race when miscegenating happens to be of another race as well and worse, the form of treatment changes from person to person, time, type etc and this has gotten out of control and the pharmaceutical industry is the biggest beneficiary. And guess whose pocket this money goes to? To the pocket of the Jewish parasites.

Having sex with someone of the same race your DNA can identify similarities adheres to new ways of dealing with disease and if they have children the chance of manifesting their disease is much smaller.
If everyone related to people of the same race would not acquire new contrary mutations and new generations would be much healthier.
More than one rule is about preserving the being and not suffering for you and for future generations.

Hail Satan! Hail Lilith!
Yuna24 said:
DarkShadow said:
I have some questions and I request to be given satisfactory answers for all of them -

(1) If race mixing is really bad and it affects physically and spiritually then why did gods mixed and bore children with humans??
They were spiritually on high levels than humans and they aren't from human race. And other races here (except jews) are more akin to humans than god's.

(2)What about those people who are the result of race mixing?? They are also gentiles and children of Satan. If they marry in other races then it causes more race mixing but if they marry only with other race mixed people then it will cause the generation of a new race. And would they have a new type of hybrid soul as I guess race mixed people also have soul of certain type. What about their spiritual growth??
We can not force them to marry someone else if they love someone from pure race, can we??

The reason you can't have sex with someone of a different race than yours is that it changes your DNA, so new mutations happen. Each body works differently from the other and not always a drug treatment that suits one person will serve another even if it is the same disease. By having sex with someone of a different race than yours you get a whole range of genetic information through the fluids that in the short term you do not feel the effects, but in the medium and long term this will manifest, outside that you will lose genetic information. acquired earlier because there was a genetic change.

For example when suffering a very large stress crisis I ended up developing an autoimmune disease and Bipolar Affective Disorder because I am a mixed race person, but you may react differently from me when experiencing a very large stress crisis.
You see? One person's DNA is unique and one race carries a whole pre-trajectory of other generations, talents, emotional and even behavioral and physical characteristics. But having sex with someone of a different race makes you physiological, emotional functioning a mess and consequently your DNA because you can't handle new information the way you know it, so try to find a way to deal with and exclude what you even had. so why not "fit anymore". It just doesn't fit, because your DNA only recognizes your race and not the other, unfortunately your DNA doesn't understand how "Oh! This person is white and I'm Asian, so I won't exclude what is characteristic of me, just ignore it" .
This is seen throughout history, diseases that were only of a specific race when miscegenating happens to be of another race as well and worse, the form of treatment changes from person to person, time, type etc and this has gotten out of control and the pharmaceutical industry is the biggest beneficiary. And guess whose pocket this money goes to? To the pocket of the Jewish parasites.

Having sex with someone of the same race your DNA can identify similarities adheres to new ways of dealing with disease and if they have children the chance of manifesting their disease is much smaller.
If everyone related to people of the same race would not acquire new contrary mutations and new generations would be much healthier.
More than one rule is about preserving the being and not suffering for you and for future generations.

Hail Satan! Hail Lilith!

I'm just not buying the whole DNA transformation thing from just sexual relations with other races. I'm not encouraging it, I just know that they dont pose a danger as some people were saying. The danger is in the physical mixing.

Everyone here has an opinion on the race mixing thing. But what I have observed over the years, from what they gods have said (to myself and Maxine, etc), from what I see in spiritual philosophy and what the enemy pushes and says, it just makes the most sense that physical race mixing destroys the blueprint and body compatible with your soul which is the true essence. Thats why it should not happen.

You can't physically exist without the physical print that must come with it. People reincarnate into their own race. Even Azazel once said to Maxine, "there aren't enough white bodies to go around".

Race mixing destroys the body needed to be here. The enemy knows this.

Race mixed individuals are still gentiles with souls and the kundalini so thats something else. They just need to mix back with the race they resemble more. That solves the problem and their children will belong to a race.

Sexual relations and being partnered with others of another race doesnt make sense because people it wont really go anywhere, and usually people want to have kids when they partner and get married. Sexual relations with other races is a problem and risk because it can leads to procreation in one way or the other and all we have to do is look at history and race mixed societies to see that...

As far as how the white race got here, I still dont quite understand that 100 percent. If the gods took human wives and the white race was bred into existence, who were the humans bearers of the children? Some sort of sub race compatible enough with the gods? That makes sense since many of the beings fathered by Satan and the gods were demi gods and in between. Half human, half god.

If that is correct then what happened to the race that the gods bred with to bring about the white race? It just makes more sense to me that the gods did mix with a race or being on Earth compatible enough to bring about the white race. If not, then the gods could have just mixed with eachother to have children, but from what we know, they didn't do just that. So what race or being did they mix with it...?

I'm sure there are many questions that all of us want answers but I know that will come in time. I do know that the gods want us focusing on the RTRs and bringing down the enemy as this is most important thing.
HPS Shannon said:
As far as how the white race got here, I still dont quite understand that 100 percent. If the gods took human wives and the white race was bred into existence, who were the humans bearers of the children? Some sort of sub race compatible enough with the gods? That makes sense since many of the beings fathered by Satan and the gods were demi gods and in between. Half human, half god.

If that is correct then what happened to the race that the gods bred with to bring about the white race? It just makes more sense to me that the gods did mix with a race or being on Earth compatible enough to bring about the white race. If not, then the gods could have just mixed with eachother to have children, but from what we know, they didn't do just that. So what race or being did they mix with it...?

I'm sure there are many questions that all of us want answers but I know that will come in time. I do know that the gods want us focusing on the RTRs and bringing down the enemy as this is most important thing.
If I’m correct, the white race and all gentile races came about from genetic engineering. A true scientific and spiritual process. Rather than coming about by being sired from the physically seed of the gods through procreation.

The tales of gods taking human wives and such comes about after the white race was created by the gods. They were having relations with beings they developed. (Us) Not a race of people already here. Though there could of have been and likely was some species here the gods worked with to create us. This would explain why we’re not exact replicas of them, in the sense that they’re noted to have larger bodies and other differences. We weren’t created from scratch, but engineered from something else.
Seems like someone needs to understand the difference between race and species, together with understanding spirituality. Species-mixing has never been studied. Furthermore, the Gods, as the unsatisfied user said, are infinitely more advanced than us. Why bring the Gods to our level by using them to win every debate is beyond my understanding. Maybe because it's downright retarded. Let's leave them out of human matters, instead of running fallimentary comparisons that only sterilise the debate, instead of making a fertile ground for knowledge.
Stormblood said:
Seems like someone needs to understand the difference between race and species, together with understanding spirituality. Species-mixing has never been studied. Furthermore, the Gods, as the unsatisfied user said, are infinitely more advanced than us. Why bring the Gods to our level by using them to win every debate is beyond my understanding. Maybe because it's downright retarded. Let's leave them out of human matters, instead of running fallimentary comparisons that only sterilise the debate, instead of making a fertile ground for knowledge.

You are right. We shouldn't bring gods to our level so I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to disrespect them, I just wanted answers to clear my doubts. I understand that we aren't advanced to level where we can race mix.
But my 2nd question is still unanswered. All people here are saying something but only HPS Shannon and Yuna24 have given some answers and as HPS Shannon asked about that other race I also want to know what happened to that race. So please don't get offended I just want to know. But if you can't answer just don't bother to criticize I'll wait for other answers.
HPS Shannon said:
As far as how the white race got here, I still dont quite understand that 100 percent. If the gods took human wives and the white race was bred into existence, who were the humans bearers of the children? Some sort of sub race compatible enough with the gods? That makes sense since many of the beings fathered by Satan and the gods were demi gods and in between. Half human, half god.

If that is correct then what happened to the race that the gods bred with to bring about the white race? It just makes more sense to me that the gods did mix with a race or being on Earth compatible enough to bring about the white race. If not, then the gods could have just mixed with eachother to have children, but from what we know, they didn't do just that. So what race or being did they mix with it...?

I'm sure there are many questions that all of us want answers but I know that will come in time. I do know that the gods want us focusing on the RTRs and bringing down the enemy as this is most important thing.
I think from what I have read, there was already a semi-sentient species of humans on the planet before. Satan and the Gods just essentially "sped up" their evolution drastically, and then in some way gave them the gift of the Kundalini so they can go from this stage onwards to the Godhead. I think it'd be reasonable to assume that some degree of DNA alteration has taken place here, both to grant us the Kundalini and to make us into the white race (or black/asian race) that we are today. I personally do not think that the Gods created us by having sex with those unevolved "humans" from back then.

Their technology is extremely advanced, lightyears beyond our own, so I think DNA alteration is a fully reasonable thing to consider in this case.
Sorry to insist on this, I just want to explain the physiological-behavioral level of the changes that occur during and after intercourse.
There is a study being produced in my country to discover the population's DNA, because the population of my country is largely mixed and as announced in the local paper there have been changes and the responsible faculty wants to know through this study common features and thereby cure diseases. There is a study in the USA and another in South Korea already conducted.

According to the encyclopedia Barsa (2002) species is "a biological ensemble, population or populations of genetically related individuals, separated from other large groups related primarily to reproduction. Species can be distinguished by morphological, ecological, ecological, chemical, immunological criteria. morphological, species are distinguished by their outer form or internal structure, ecological (habitat) and ethological (behavioral) traits can also lend themselves to differentiation. that is, there are always differences in the chemical composition of cells and tissues (...) Among the cytological particularities important for the characterization of species is the chromosomal pattern (genome, karyotype or chromosome stock), which is sometimes different in species next ".

According to Bueno Silveira (2000), the race is "a set of ancestors and descendants of a family, a people, generation; origin; a set of individuals who retain by hereditary dispositions similar characters of a common trunk; class; quality".

In 2015, an article was published in the new scientist saying that semen can affect female genes and behavior.

First, research has stated that semen composition could help fight depression. New studies now suggest that sperm may affect female genes and behavior. Scientists have called the phenomenon "seminal signaling," something widespread in the animal world.

In an experiment with flies, scientists at the University of East Anglia in England found that insects are capable of modifying the chemical composition of seminal fluid. When they were around rivals, males produced more seminal proteins.

In addition, one of these proteins has been found to be a kind of "master regulator" of genes, and females exposed to it have shown wide variation in gene expression - a process by which specific genes are activated to produce enzymes and hormones, for example. The research was presented this month at the Congress of the Society of Molecular and Evolutionary Biology in Austria.

The research adds scientific evidence to the thesis that semen can have physical and psychological effects on the body. Previous work has stated that sperm can elevate mood, increase affect, induce sleep and contain at least three antidepressant substances.

Now they are conducting a new study by investing in three microRNAs that are RNA fragments that affect gene expression.

Hypothetically at the physiological and behavioral level having sex with a person of a different race from your cause does change doesn't matter genre, sexual's orientation, because every single cell in a living being contains a range of information and that information is encoded in the DNA molecules. (BARSA,2002).
According to Santos (no date) RNA is a molecule responsible for the synthesis of proteins in body cells. Through the DNA molecule, RNA is produced in the cell nucleus and is also found in the cell cytoplasm. It intervenes in several important biological functions such as genetic coding and decoding during protein translation, regulation and gene expression. Contact with another RNA of different from their RNA it can modify the coding and decoding process that occurs during protein translation and all previous RNA process is lost.
Remembering that proteins are related to virtually all functions of a living organism and and denaturation occurs when the protein loses its secondary and / or tertiary structure, that is, the three-dimensional arrangement of the polypeptide chain is disrupted, almost always losing its characteristic biological activity when exposed to conditions other than those in which it was produced.

I could keep trying to explain what I've seen over time, I only know one thing, it really happens, future studies will say that. Humans tend to better understand what interferes in the short term, what affects them now, just look at the penal codes, traffic codes and so on, as much as they explain about future and collective consequences most people are egocentric. It is hard to forget the tears and cries of pain from people who are suffering through ignorance of others and even their own acts on physical and psychological levels.

The process of creation is very complex and Gods more so, there are so many things I would like to know, but I only have the now, I don't want to be part of the future
I gave up on being part of the future a long time ago, but I care who wants to be part of.
We will focus on meditating, doing RTR's, living Spiritual Satanism and creating a better future.

Hail Satan! Hail Lilith!


LE PAGE, M. Semen has been controlling power over female genes and behavior. Available at: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22730313-500-semen-has-controlling-power-over-female-genes-and-behaviour/#ixzz69IN9BAad

Nova Enciclopédia, Barsa - 6° ed. São Paulo: Barsa Planeta Internacional Ltda; 2002

Santos, V.S. Proteina. Biologia. Available at:https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/proteinas.htm.

Silveira, B. Minidicionário da língua portuguesa. Edição revista e atual. São Paulo: FDT, 2000.
Yuna24 said:
Sorry to insist on this, I just want to explain the physiological-behavioral level of the changes that occur during and after intercourse.
There is a study being produced in my country to discover the population's DNA, because the population of my country is largely mixed and as announced in the local paper there have been changes and the responsible faculty wants to know through this study common features and thereby cure diseases. There is a study in the USA and another in South Korea already conducted.

According to the encyclopedia Barsa (2002) species is "a biological ensemble, population or populations of genetically related individuals, separated from other large groups related primarily to reproduction. Species can be distinguished by morphological, ecological, ecological, chemical, immunological criteria. morphological, species are distinguished by their outer form or internal structure, ecological (habitat) and ethological (behavioral) traits can also lend themselves to differentiation. that is, there are always differences in the chemical composition of cells and tissues (...) Among the cytological particularities important for the characterization of species is the chromosomal pattern (genome, karyotype or chromosome stock), which is sometimes different in species next ".

According to Bueno Silveira (2000), the race is "a set of ancestors and descendants of a family, a people, generation; origin; a set of individuals who retain by hereditary dispositions similar characters of a common trunk; class; quality".

In 2015, an article was published in the new scientist saying that semen can affect female genes and behavior.

First, research has stated that semen composition could help fight depression. New studies now suggest that sperm may affect female genes and behavior. Scientists have called the phenomenon "seminal signaling," something widespread in the animal world.

In an experiment with flies, scientists at the University of East Anglia in England found that insects are capable of modifying the chemical composition of seminal fluid. When they were around rivals, males produced more seminal proteins.

In addition, one of these proteins has been found to be a kind of "master regulator" of genes, and females exposed to it have shown wide variation in gene expression - a process by which specific genes are activated to produce enzymes and hormones, for example. The research was presented this month at the Congress of the Society of Molecular and Evolutionary Biology in Austria.

The research adds scientific evidence to the thesis that semen can have physical and psychological effects on the body. Previous work has stated that sperm can elevate mood, increase affect, induce sleep and contain at least three antidepressant substances.

Now they are conducting a new study by investing in three microRNAs that are RNA fragments that affect gene expression.

Hypothetically at the physiological and behavioral level having sex with a person of a different race from your cause does change doesn't matter genre, sexual's orientation, because every single cell in a living being contains a range of information and that information is encoded in the DNA molecules. (BARSA,2002).
According to Santos (no date) RNA is a molecule responsible for the synthesis of proteins in body cells. Through the DNA molecule, RNA is produced in the cell nucleus and is also found in the cell cytoplasm. It intervenes in several important biological functions such as genetic coding and decoding during protein translation, regulation and gene expression. Contact with another RNA of different from their RNA it can modify the coding and decoding process that occurs during protein translation and all previous RNA process is lost.
Remembering that proteins are related to virtually all functions of a living organism and and denaturation occurs when the protein loses its secondary and / or tertiary structure, that is, the three-dimensional arrangement of the polypeptide chain is disrupted, almost always losing its characteristic biological activity when exposed to conditions other than those in which it was produced.

I could keep trying to explain what I've seen over time, I only know one thing, it really happens, future studies will say that. Humans tend to better understand what interferes in the short term, what affects them now, just look at the penal codes, traffic codes and so on, as much as they explain about future and collective consequences most people are egocentric. It is hard to forget the tears and cries of pain from people who are suffering through ignorance of others and even their own acts on physical and psychological levels.

The process of creation is very complex and Gods more so, there are so many things I would like to know, but I only have the now, I don't want to be part of the future
I gave up on being part of the future a long time ago, but I care who wants to be part of.
We will focus on meditating, doing RTR's, living Spiritual Satanism and creating a better future.

Hail Satan! Hail Lilith!


LE PAGE, M. Semen has been controlling power over female genes and behavior. Available at: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22730313-500-semen-has-controlling-power-over-female-genes-and-behaviour/#ixzz69IN9BAad

Nova Enciclopédia, Barsa - 6° ed. São Paulo: Barsa Planeta Internacional Ltda; 2002

Santos, V.S. Proteina. Biologia. Available at:https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/proteinas.htm.

Silveira, B. Minidicionário da língua portuguesa. Edição revista e atual. São Paulo: FDT, 2000.
There is also scientific evidence to believe that women retain some genetic component from the semen of every man who has sex with them ,which would imply even if a child is not born, race mixing would happen if a man of another race had sex with a woman.
Eric13 said:
HPS Shannon said:
As far as how the white race got here, I still dont quite understand that 100 percent. If the gods took human wives and the white race was bred into existence, who were the humans bearers of the children? Some sort of sub race compatible enough with the gods? That makes sense since many of the beings fathered by Satan and the gods were demi gods and in between. Half human, half god.

If that is correct then what happened to the race that the gods bred with to bring about the white race? It just makes more sense to me that the gods did mix with a race or being on Earth compatible enough to bring about the white race. If not, then the gods could have just mixed with eachother to have children, but from what we know, they didn't do just that. So what race or being did they mix with it...?

I'm sure there are many questions that all of us want answers but I know that will come in time. I do know that the gods want us focusing on the RTRs and bringing down the enemy as this is most important thing.
If I’m correct, the white race and all gentile races came about from genetic engineering. A true scientific and spiritual process. Rather than coming about by being sired from the physically seed of the gods through procreation.

The tales of gods taking human wives and such comes about after the white race was created by the gods. They were having relations with beings they developed. (Us) Not a race of people already here. Though there could of have been and likely was some species here the gods worked with to create us. This would explain why we’re not exact replicas of them, in the sense that they’re noted to have larger bodies and other differences. We weren’t created from scratch, but engineered from something else.

There are accounts of people and other clergy saying the white race was bred into existence.

And Apparently many white gentiles are not exavtly replicas of the white race because of mixing over thousands of years which is why they are no longer a race of demi gods, etc.
HPS Shannon said:
Eric13 said:
HPS Shannon said:
As far as how the white race got here, I still dont quite understand that 100 percent. If the gods took human wives and the white race was bred into existence, who were the humans bearers of the children? Some sort of sub race compatible enough with the gods? That makes sense since many of the beings fathered by Satan and the gods were demi gods and in between. Half human, half god.

If that is correct then what happened to the race that the gods bred with to bring about the white race? It just makes more sense to me that the gods did mix with a race or being on Earth compatible enough to bring about the white race. If not, then the gods could have just mixed with eachother to have children, but from what we know, they didn't do just that. So what race or being did they mix with it...?

I'm sure there are many questions that all of us want answers but I know that will come in time. I do know that the gods want us focusing on the RTRs and bringing down the enemy as this is most important thing.
If I’m correct, the white race and all gentile races came about from genetic engineering. A true scientific and spiritual process. Rather than coming about by being sired from the physically seed of the gods through procreation.

The tales of gods taking human wives and such comes about after the white race was created by the gods. They were having relations with beings they developed. (Us) Not a race of people already here. Though there could of have been and likely was some species here the gods worked with to create us. This would explain why we’re not exact replicas of them, in the sense that they’re noted to have larger bodies and other differences. We weren’t created from scratch, but engineered from something else.

There are accounts of people and other clergy saying the white race was bred into existence.

And Apparently many white gentiles are not exavtly replicas of the white race because of mixing over thousands of years which is why they are no longer a race of demi gods, etc.
The fact that we can have sex with Incubus/Succubus probably mean that we can "mix" with the God's, in my opinion there is no problem for a White to have a relationship with a God because our genetic is quite similar. I think the problem would only arise for someone that his mostly not White or completely of another Race.
Shael said:
HPS Shannon said:
As far as how the white race got here, I still dont quite understand that 100 percent. If the gods took human wives and the white race was bred into existence, who were the humans bearers of the children? Some sort of sub race compatible enough with the gods? That makes sense since many of the beings fathered by Satan and the gods were demi gods and in between. Half human, half god.

If that is correct then what happened to the race that the gods bred with to bring about the white race? It just makes more sense to me that the gods did mix with a race or being on Earth compatible enough to bring about the white race. If not, then the gods could have just mixed with eachother to have children, but from what we know, they didn't do just that. So what race or being did they mix with it...?

I'm sure there are many questions that all of us want answers but I know that will come in time. I do know that the gods want us focusing on the RTRs and bringing down the enemy as this is most important thing.
I think from what I have read, there was already a semi-sentient species of humans on the planet before. Satan and the Gods just essentially "sped up" their evolution drastically, and then in some way gave them the gift of the Kundalini so they can go from this stage onwards to the Godhead. I think it'd be reasonable to assume that some degree of DNA alteration has taken place here, both to grant us the Kundalini and to make us into the white race (or black/asian race) that we are today. I personally do not think that the Gods created us by having sex with those unevolved "humans" from back then.

Their technology is extremely advanced, lightyears beyond our own, so I think DNA alteration is a fully reasonable thing to consider in this case.

I brought this up because many were saying that the white race was bred into existence. Perhaps the gods created and enhanced a white gentile and then further evolved the race by procreation.

This is all interesting.
Stormblood said:
Seems like someone needs to understand the difference between race and species, together with understanding spirituality. Species-mixing has never been studied. Furthermore, the Gods, as the unsatisfied user said, are infinitely more advanced than us. Why bring the Gods to our level by using them to win every debate is beyond my understanding. Maybe because it's downright retarded. Let's leave them out of human matters, instead of running fallimentary comparisons that only sterilise the debate, instead of making a fertile ground for knowledge.

Just want to make sure, are you also referring to me? If so, I can elaborate on my responses further.
HPS Shannon said:
Stormblood said:
Seems like someone needs to understand the difference between race and species, together with understanding spirituality. Species-mixing has never been studied. Furthermore, the Gods, as the unsatisfied user said, are infinitely more advanced than us. Why bring the Gods to our level by using them to win every debate is beyond my understanding. Maybe because it's downright retarded. Let's leave them out of human matters, instead of running fallimentary comparisons that only sterilise the debate, instead of making a fertile ground for knowledge.

Just want to make sure, are you also referring to me? If so, I can elaborate on my responses further.

If the enemy never worked so hard to destroy all of our history, we wouldn't have to be asking these questions and discussing matters and various theories to try and find the truth. All I know is that we whites are here, for whatever reason and purpose the gods have chosen.

I'll throw in my opinion or theories, not to fight or instigate but food for thought, I'm not going to claim to know the truth when I don't yet. The gods are a vastly different species than we ever were to begin with. To create us through breeding or copulating with primitive humans seems like it would've been virtually impossible to produce any sensible offspring without major evolutionary, genetic and DNA alteration.

We never started out at their level of advancement, we were working towards that, I can only think we weren't that much further of a level in power than we members are here, and I can only think that if one of the gods had one of the woman bear a child, it could potentially kill them. I feel like our evolution was just guided upon the path and influences they brought and created to mimic their own evolution, with Satan's own blood and tweaks to create us as more naturally powerful in potential than his Nordic people, in theory if a human were to attain the level of effort and power through all the years Satan had, they'd be more powerful than him. I just recall reading we were created to have the potential to advance faster and more efficient or have better odds in potential than the Nordics but I could be mistaken.

We are humans created as a mimicry of the Nordic race to the almost exact letter, but we're supposed to be 'better'. We all could have been made to join his empire as protectors, potentially stronger or more powerful fighters among his people to assist in any wars or hostiles, keepers of peace, and yet to also become part of the natural order of the universe, to be loved members of his family, to come into our own selves as his children and learn the ways of the universe, to experience freedom and the joys of our potential. Nobody is going to devote to creating a species like that of their own kind unless they wanted to add them to the greater family as part of something or were created for something important. They could've just had children among themselves, but instead Satan decided to create an entire race stemming from his own and one directly from his lineage, and we are it.... but the reason behind this? Unknown.

Each of the three races seems to have a specific role built upon something they specialize in. Something that could potentially be great additions to the Nordic empire as part of the Nordic family, for whatever reason. I feel like there was some sort of balance in Satan's empire that he may have sought, perhaps something was missing from his own people and we were created to make that balance. I am not saying we are slaves, I personally am honoured above all to be created by someone like Satan, who gives us all the freedom we can desire with the only consequences being we reap what we sow.

It was once stated by Maxine or one of the HP/S that Satan wants us whites to act like white blood cells within a system, maintaining order, health, peace and happiness by any means necessary. Whatever the means of our creation, whites seem to be a central need; that of which without the whole system eventually falls apart and that is all I can deduce with utmost certainty. But this 'system' of a whole needs all components to be a 'system' at all. For that we need the other races, whites cannot be alone, we need purpose to exist and be happy, and I think the other races are part of that purpose. White blood cells wither and die without the system, and are virtually nothing without the means to what they are in the first place.

Whatever the purpose of our creation, no matter the means as to why we were created in the first place, Satan wants us all to be loved and cared for as his own regardless in addition. He did not blindly make us to be nothing but biological robots to fill a hole, we're not just made as any means to an end but to be family and to be our own unique individuals with our own freedom. Him creating us is no different than a mother bringing her own child into the world to love and care for and to experience the world and find what their purpose is. Whether we're made for war, peace, healing, divination, nature... as everyone here advances they will start to find things about themselves that they are good at and that they enjoy and excel in or love that caters to a specific role. Warriors, healers, mediums, teachers, leaders, divination, each person will slowly start to find out what their role is and who they are in time, so we have purpose, so we aren't just mindless bags of flesh and energy that just wander the universe for the sake of wandering like the enemy wants us to be.

Knowing who your guardian demon is will greatly help you find out what your general role may be as demons are assigned as guardians to specific souls that seem to be made from the qualities that pertain to their office and specialties, and they are supposed to be our teachers, our guides, they train us and guide us in the role our soul naturally excels in and is naturally made for. This is why it's fairly easy to tell who your guardian demon is just by finding what you like about them and what you also seem to enjoy and embrace. For example, I like creativity, art, war, battle, fire, combat, playing with danger, strength, power, Andras was revealed to be my guardian, Satan's Chief Guard and Head of Security. Will whip you into shape and train you like hell to be a true warrior, kindness and affection is not a given. It's easy to tell what my role is from that alone, and I make it very clear that I thoroughly revel in it too. It caters to my soul, it's my role, we all have roles we love and excel in, we're made for purpose, without purpose we are nothing.

When it comes to Lord Satan I would choose no other god that values our own freedom and individuality as such to be my creator.
HPS Shannon said:
In response to that Fancy, I will highlight what I wrote again:

...no one is saying it is a good thing to have sexual relations with other races.

...such relations usually won't go anywhere because alot of them are usually based more on lust and not spiritual compatibility. If someone has pride in their race, and knows why its important to stay within their own, they wont care to mix or pursue other races.

It all does is create unneccessary bonds and ties to each race and carry the risk of physical race mixing, which doesn't benefit any race. Because we all know that different races that get married, will more than likely include having children.

With that being said, majority of people prefer their own anyway and want their children to resemble them anyway.

Under Satan, people will make the best decisions eventually. Just like we all have come to our senses and changed some of our perceptions since being in this path.

Can confirm that any interest in other races is usually just nothing but lust. I'm gay and the idea of having sex with anyone who isn't white even if we won't produce a child repulses me and feels so wrong and unnatural. But I notice whenever my sex drive is acting up and I'm aroused that I'll even check out other races potentially and with curiousity, usually blacks because... ya know... large dick factor because again it's just lust and nothing more.

But as soon as the very second I actually consider acting upon it and anything gets even remotely sexual I immediately reel back again feeling that strong unnatural feeling and once again go back to being repulsed and usually regret ever even thinking it in the first place and feeling disgusted. I never felt interest in other races all my life, and the only minor consideration is when I just want sex... and even that doesn't go even an iota far, not even to the beginning of foreplay. Gods it's so wrong... just writing this makes me shudder with repulsion at the resulting imagery.
I would offer my interest here as well. I think that the entire genetic alteration theory is only true for blacks and asians. The whites are not genetic creations nor a result of the procreation between the gods a pre existing demigod race. There are the same race as the Gods who have devolved (lost height, intelligence and spiritual power) due to enemy interference. Although everything I just said is pure conjecture.
In regards to the races being created or accelerated in evolution I would recommend using the theory of Lloyd Pye and the Sasquatch (big foot species). In his lecture he mentions that there are different types. One in each region actually. So by that we can point out the "white fur" in the snowy mountains, the "dark brown/black fur" in forests with a hotter climate or in the Asiatic regions, the species with "red fur". The latter are said to be shorter as well and fits in with that most Asians on average are shorter than the average of the other main races.

It would make sense that it was these species that had their DNA altered and accelerated to evolve faster in resulting the 3 main races of humans.

The one with white fur would result in looking closest to our gods. They could of added their blood to these and made them look closer to them and then that's when they probably took wives or husbands for themselves.
Jack said:
Yuna24 said:
Sorry to insist on this, I just want to explain the physiological-behavioral level of the changes that occur during and after intercourse.
There is a study being produced in my country to discover the population's DNA, because the population of my country is largely mixed and as announced in the local paper there have been changes and the responsible faculty wants to know through this study common features and thereby cure diseases. There is a study in the USA and another in South Korea already conducted.

According to the encyclopedia Barsa (2002) species is "a biological ensemble, population or populations of genetically related individuals, separated from other large groups related primarily to reproduction. Species can be distinguished by morphological, ecological, ecological, chemical, immunological criteria. morphological, species are distinguished by their outer form or internal structure, ecological (habitat) and ethological (behavioral) traits can also lend themselves to differentiation. that is, there are always differences in the chemical composition of cells and tissues (...) Among the cytological particularities important for the characterization of species is the chromosomal pattern (genome, karyotype or chromosome stock), which is sometimes different in species next ".

According to Bueno Silveira (2000), the race is "a set of ancestors and descendants of a family, a people, generation; origin; a set of individuals who retain by hereditary dispositions similar characters of a common trunk; class; quality".

In 2015, an article was published in the new scientist saying that semen can affect female genes and behavior.

First, research has stated that semen composition could help fight depression. New studies now suggest that sperm may affect female genes and behavior. Scientists have called the phenomenon "seminal signaling," something widespread in the animal world.

In an experiment with flies, scientists at the University of East Anglia in England found that insects are capable of modifying the chemical composition of seminal fluid. When they were around rivals, males produced more seminal proteins.

In addition, one of these proteins has been found to be a kind of "master regulator" of genes, and females exposed to it have shown wide variation in gene expression - a process by which specific genes are activated to produce enzymes and hormones, for example. The research was presented this month at the Congress of the Society of Molecular and Evolutionary Biology in Austria.

The research adds scientific evidence to the thesis that semen can have physical and psychological effects on the body. Previous work has stated that sperm can elevate mood, increase affect, induce sleep and contain at least three antidepressant substances.

Now they are conducting a new study by investing in three microRNAs that are RNA fragments that affect gene expression.

Hypothetically at the physiological and behavioral level having sex with a person of a different race from your cause does change doesn't matter genre, sexual's orientation, because every single cell in a living being contains a range of information and that information is encoded in the DNA molecules. (BARSA,2002).
According to Santos (no date) RNA is a molecule responsible for the synthesis of proteins in body cells. Through the DNA molecule, RNA is produced in the cell nucleus and is also found in the cell cytoplasm. It intervenes in several important biological functions such as genetic coding and decoding during protein translation, regulation and gene expression. Contact with another RNA of different from their RNA it can modify the coding and decoding process that occurs during protein translation and all previous RNA process is lost.
Remembering that proteins are related to virtually all functions of a living organism and and denaturation occurs when the protein loses its secondary and / or tertiary structure, that is, the three-dimensional arrangement of the polypeptide chain is disrupted, almost always losing its characteristic biological activity when exposed to conditions other than those in which it was produced.

I could keep trying to explain what I've seen over time, I only know one thing, it really happens, future studies will say that. Humans tend to better understand what interferes in the short term, what affects them now, just look at the penal codes, traffic codes and so on, as much as they explain about future and collective consequences most people are egocentric. It is hard to forget the tears and cries of pain from people who are suffering through ignorance of others and even their own acts on physical and psychological levels.

The process of creation is very complex and Gods more so, there are so many things I would like to know, but I only have the now, I don't want to be part of the future
I gave up on being part of the future a long time ago, but I care who wants to be part of.
We will focus on meditating, doing RTR's, living Spiritual Satanism and creating a better future.

Hail Satan! Hail Lilith!


LE PAGE, M. Semen has been controlling power over female genes and behavior. Available at: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22730313-500-semen-has-controlling-power-over-female-genes-and-behaviour/#ixzz69IN9BAad

Nova Enciclopédia, Barsa - 6° ed. São Paulo: Barsa Planeta Internacional Ltda; 2002

Santos, V.S. Proteina. Biologia. Available at:https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/proteinas.htm.

Silveira, B. Minidicionário da língua portuguesa. Edição revista e atual. São Paulo: FDT, 2000.
There is also scientific evidence to believe that women retain some genetic component from the semen of every man who has sex with them ,which would imply even if a child is not born, race mixing would happen if a man of another race had sex with a woman.

Yes, I hope they develop more studies on this topic = D

Hail Satan!
HPS Shannon said:
Stormblood said:
Seems like someone needs to understand the difference between race and species, together with understanding spirituality. Species-mixing has never been studied. Furthermore, the Gods, as the unsatisfied user said, are infinitely more advanced than us. Why bring the Gods to our level by using them to win every debate is beyond my understanding. Maybe because it's downright retarded. Let's leave them out of human matters, instead of running fallimentary comparisons that only sterilise the debate, instead of making a fertile ground for knowledge.

Just want to make sure, are you also referring to me? If so, I can elaborate on my responses further.

No, I'm talking about those who compare race-mixing to the Gods having sex with humans in order to justify race-mixing, which is not your stance.
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
Nama Enki said:
I have always wanted to ask this question,is watching porn about women of other races bad
Of course, it is bad. Nobody is going to punish you but it is bad for your soul.

Its incompatible with your soul type. There is nothing wrong with admiring the beauty of other races but in the end, as you know, best to have intimacy with your own racial kin. This keeps balance.

I mean its not bad for your soul like as in some people on the groups years ago said that being friends with other gentile races, or just being around them destroys the aura...

That was ridiculous.

I have often wondered about that myself, being friends with people from other races whether it was bad for the soul or not. But I guess this answers my question.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
