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How to correctly handle a severely bad hand of fate. My testimonial.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2017
I have decided it would be best to share how in life, just how bad we can get knocked down so others understand it's never okay to just give up and let suffering overtake them.
Sometimes becuase of karmic imprints and astrological circumstances present at birth,, we may get royally fucked for a majority of our lives, with just a few moments of peace in between.

My life is a testament to these situations and circumstances, and I am here to tell you why it's never okay to just throw in the towel and give up.

I feel as if Andras wants me to share this, so others may understand that anything can be overcome.

With Satan and this path we have the means to move forward and fix seemingly irrepairable circumstances even if this closes in on decades of mistakes, health problems, and toxic enviroments and people layered on top of everything.

From the time I was young, i was a very sick individual physically. When I was born, My mother and I almost died at birth. A premature baby that was weak and clinging to life for many years.
Even as a young child I had trouble eating and could barely function. I would go to school sick with digestive problems, fatigue and an inability to focus.

Compound this with a very toxic home life, irresponsible parents who never formed a real connection with me unless it was to try to mold me as a person, let alone even loved eachother, and you have a recipe for a miserable home life.
All the kids would fuck with me. Never able to defend myself because I was weak.

In and out of the hospital from the time I was a young boy, no doctor could diagnose me, yet I was always weak and sick left with no answers. I would argue with my controlling father from the time I was very young, and we never got along even to this day.

As you can guess, because of these weaknesses, I have ended up reliant and dependent on people in my life for help for long periods. This was for some time.
Unfortunately, all these people seen me as weak, lazy, and incompetent.

There was a long period of time in my life where all I felt was rage. Against everything and life for putting me in these circumstances.
Intolerable cirucmstances were always right behind me, nipping at my heel with no escape but to turn and face it. Whether it be arguments and problems from other people in my life, which was constant for decades, along with from my own limited capabilites as a person.

When it came time to finish high school, I came home one day, and nearly collapsed. I broke out in a cold sweat and felt like I was having a heart attack.
I found out a week or so later I had a congenital heart disease. With heart surgery this was corrected. I had to drop out of high school, and
ended up being stuck with my controlling parents who practically left me in the house for 5 years and neevr took me anywhere, always treating me like some failure, or incompetent wreck.

Yet for years I still was very sick, would walk out to my mailbox and nearly collapse and wouldn't be able to catch my breath, hospitals and cardiologists had no answers, and could never even help me.

Still. I chose to persist. Had a case to get on disability for this. I had a stack of papers so thick, they were practically a book. Can you guess what happened next?

Denied every single time for 5 years. Even though it was apparent I couldn't work, there was no chance for me to get on this, or even have a fucking penny, and being left destitute was glaring to me as my future and almost inevitable fate.

It took me some time to really face my fate. I knew I had to get on my feet or I would end up homeless and a broken man.. I contended and understood this.


No matter how many times I fell, and I STILL fall. I chose to persist or DIE. And here I am.

I have taken alot of time to focus on education and spiritual practice, workings for years. And here I am, right at the turning point of change, so close to a better future I never thought I could have!!

Just a few more bricks as I build my future, and I'LL BE ON MY FEET, NEVER TO BE IN THAT HOLE I WAS FOR DECADES!

I'll have money, and my life will be together. For once ill have something, instead of close to nothing.

I'll be employed with a decent job for once, and by the Gods, Praise Satan for what he has given me!

Hail Satan and the Gods for who with, anything is truly possible.

Hail to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, and High Priest Hooded Cobra.

Hail to all dedicated brothers and sisters in Satan.

From the depths of my soul, I thank you. I see the bright future ahead of me and that hope exists.
I am really sorry to hear that you have suffered so cruelly in your life, but I'm very glad that you are here with us and going strong!!

Despite being born very weak, you feel very powerful, at least what I can sense, like the energy from your post.

I know what's like to get a very difficult time in ones life. I fully get you, brother.

I remember a year before I discovered JoS, I was so depressed, so overcome with sadness (it was a very hard Saturn Transit for me), that I almost took my life, but something snapped inside of my head and ever since that 'snap', I've been loving life as is!

I am going to be forever grateful to HPS Maxine, HP HoodedCobra666, to Father Satan, my GD's, and all of the God's, for not giving up on us, for sticking with us no matter what and for wanting the very best for us.

It's truly a blessing to be apart of this Spiritual Satanist path.

Thank you for this post, brother!!

One thing - Avoid using "will" when making such statements and use "I am", so that your words hold more power and so your burning desire to survive, to live, to enjoy life grows!


congratulations, a TRUE warrior, for your courage, mainly MIND

i sometimes wondered why you were looking for so many healing things, even with the account being from 2017, it could only be an absurdly disastrous scenario for spiritual work that took time to not solve everything, unfortunately

that you can achieve your necessary goals and desires
may the gods bless you
Thank you for sharing this testimony. You must also take very seriously your caring contributions on this forum. These are all help and acts directed to help the community and yourself. That is a very important act, and it gives you honor.

I really also do hope you can do your folder again, and likely, get the financial income for this condition.

Truly, you prove to everyone that things can be overcome. Wish you ever increasing healing and strength.
Lightning-Wings said:
I am really sorry to hear that you have suffered so cruelly in your life, but I'm very glad that you are here with us and going strong!!

Despite being born very weak, you feel very powerful, at least what I can sense, like the energy from your post.

I know what's like to get a very difficult time in ones life. I fully get you, brother.

I remember a year before I discovered JoS, I was so depressed, so overcome with sadness (it was a very hard Saturn Transit for me), that I almost took my life, but something snapped inside of my head and ever since that 'snap', I've been loving life as is!

I am going to be forever grateful to HPS Maxine, HP HoodedCobra666, to Father Satan, my GD's, and all of the God's, for not giving up on us, for sticking with us no matter what and for wanting the very best for us.

It's truly a blessing to be apart of this Spiritual Satanist path.

Thank you for this post, brother!!

One thing - Avoid using "will" when making such statements and use "I am", so that your words hold more power and so your burning desire to survive, to live, to enjoy life grows!


Thank you for your kind words. I am glad to hear you are doing better now that you are here, the God's will guide you to where you need to be.

We are in this together my friend. :)

Also yes, I am going to work on the using of "will" in my statements, you are very correct. I am going to see about how I can better word things Lol.

I remember HP Maxine going into the "will" as not good for affirmations specifically.
nebu said:

congratulations, a TRUE warrior, for your courage, mainly MIND

i sometimes wondered why you were looking for so many healing things, even with the account being from 2017, it could only be an absurdly disastrous scenario for spiritual work that took time to not solve everything, unfortunately

that you can achieve your necessary goals and desires
may the gods bless you

Thank You.

Also yes this is why alot of my posts regarded healing and herbs and information. I have went through alot of cycles with my health. Good and bad cycles.

May the Gods bless you in your endeavours as well.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thank you for sharing this testimony. You must also take very seriously your caring contributions on this forum. These are all help and acts directed to help the community and yourself. That is a very important act, and it gives you honor.

I really also do hope you can do your folder again, and likely, get the financial income for this condition.

Truly, you prove to everyone that things can be overcome. Wish you ever increasing healing and strength.

Thank you Commander.

I have had little time lately and have been trying to pop in here now and then. I'd like to do more computer, and operating system related guides however I still have a bit of things i want to test and work with before I post them.

Unfortunately, when it comes to the folder and getting income for this, it seems like an option that should be last resort at this point given other circumstances.

I have seen my family and some of my closest loved ones needing assistance staying afloat and help getting in better finacial circumstances, so i have had to make a choice.

Perhaps one day, I may be considered for help in this regard, but it appears highly unlikely.

I chose to focus on education and getting into employment I can actually do, so that I may steer this in a better direction, for myself and those close to me.

Satan and the Gods are here for us all and I'm sure i'll succeed. Thank you for the kind wishes.
serpentwalker666 said:
Lightning-Wings said:
I am really sorry to hear that you have suffered so cruelly in your life, but I'm very glad that you are here with us and going strong!!

Despite being born very weak, you feel very powerful, at least what I can sense, like the energy from your post.

I know what's like to get a very difficult time in ones life. I fully get you, brother.

I remember a year before I discovered JoS, I was so depressed, so overcome with sadness (it was a very hard Saturn Transit for me), that I almost took my life, but something snapped inside of my head and ever since that 'snap', I've been loving life as is!

I am going to be forever grateful to HPS Maxine, HP HoodedCobra666, to Father Satan, my GD's, and all of the God's, for not giving up on us, for sticking with us no matter what and for wanting the very best for us.

It's truly a blessing to be apart of this Spiritual Satanist path.

Thank you for this post, brother!!

One thing - Avoid using "will" when making such statements and use "I am", so that your words hold more power and so your burning desire to survive, to live, to enjoy life grows!


Thank you for your kind words. I am glad to hear you are doing better now that you are here, the God's will guide you to where you need to be.

We are in this together my friend. :)

Also yes, I am going to work on the using of "will" in my statements, you are very correct. I am going to see about how I can better word things Lol.

I remember HP Maxine going into the "will" as not good for affirmations specifically.

Of course! I hate seeing people suffering because of the Jewish curses, but I feel happy when I know we're causing them harm spiritually and taking back what is ours rightfully!!

Good luck to you, brother!! If you ever feel alone or something, talking to Father Satan or Andras really helps.
Andras is very kind and understanding and very comforting to talk to, but not to the enemy.

Very good, keep up the good work. Strength is life, weakness is death. I wish you health and well-being brother!
My brother my Friend, how sad to read your story. But you prove that you are a great warrior. No wonder you are guided by the beloved Andras.

Of course you will make it, you will rise above all difficulties because you have never despaired or given up and now you have a lot of inner strength.

I send you a lot of friendship 🖤🖤
sshivafr said:
My brother my Friend, how sad to read your story. But you prove that you are a great warrior. No wonder you are guided by the beloved Andras.

Of course you will make it, you will rise above all difficulties because you have never despaired or given up and now you have a lot of inner strength.

I send you a lot of friendship 🖤🖤

Thank you my dear sister and friend. I appreciate your kind words.
It has been a hard road but well worth it.

I'm sure I will overcome this yes. Thank you for the encouragement my friend.

Hail Satan! Hail Andras!
I can't just pass by and not at least try to help seeing this, even if I am inferior, even if i know less. It is just my instinct, even a dog tries to help his master.

What you describe in the OP (probably there are other details to this but from what is written) are mostly pain syndromes. In this century these are rather well dealt with by TCM. This system is one of the few real Ancient Pagan knowledge systems that lived to this age in pretty original form and still work, at least for the most well-known pain syndromes. I would pay very close attention to this and find a good TCM specialist around to help you.

Modern medicine does not deal with or diagnose pain syndromes at all, neither cancer ones nor non-cancer ones. They only start to explore these but kikes keep very close eye on it and see that the investigations in this sphere never pass through because this is connected to Qi and blood stagnation which will lead directly to Chakra blockages and other things kikes do not want out. For example how are they going to have us race mix, die out and hate our sex if we cleanse Sacral Chakras to heal them from tumors, for example? They rule higher things through all these hidden things that we only see when they lead to health issues. The only thing they let flourish is some chemical pain-killers that do not work mostly and are in most cases just outright drug abuse.

If you have problems with asking loved ones to pay for the herbs, because they are materialists and are skeptic to all Ancient medicine as charlatanism you may ask Gods' help in successfully persuading them opposite and guiding you to a good specialist. Gods are very good at it. They will lead you to the right specialist who will intuitively diagnose your problem right and prescribe you good right herbs that will alleviate the pain.

If you have harder problems such as heart attack because high cholesterol you might also use TCM herbs for this but this might take times or even years to destroy all the cholesterol plaques. There is one good herb for this that I know works well for alleviating plaques-related heart pain
Tong Xin Luo Jiao Nang
but this is only an example - it may or may not suit specific person, you should consult with a specialist that knows your specific case.

Again, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG with being dependent and asking loved ones, family members or friends for help if there is such an opportunity. You may repay them differently, money and material things are not the only way to thank or repay people. You can do aura of protection on them, do deep cleansing, munka, visudhi, anything, handle fate for them and a lot of other things that you do not need to even ask permission for. If I ever asked any permission to do things for people, I would have done nothing. You also can repay by doing a lot work for Satan which repays the most in the end because it helps the whole world.

There is also nothing wrong with choosing your profession according your situation. It is possible with the Gods - even in this jewish age - there are a lot of jobs that do not require physical action and can be done distantly from home. The key here is that your job makes you happy instead of feeling enslaved. On your place I would ask Satan and Gods to guide you to a sphere that instead of burdening you and worsening your health state will let you refresh and recreate, will grant you some beautiful moments of oblivion of tormenting existence and dive into dreams and beauty. These professions can be of art or science or other sphere that specifically suits you to make you feel happy, forget everything and enjoy. The percent of happiness is very important in choosing profession because you will likely spend most of your life in it (if you try to use it for survival). It also should be physically comfortable and let you for example spend days in bed or outdoors or in other comfortable atmosphere, or combine it with necessary sports or other physical recreation.

All these you may ask Gods to guide you into and do specific magic to attract such. I did both and it worked for me.

I would consider 360 workings on cleansing chakras connected to the issues on some of Esbats and use just any and all Esbats in general.

Btw thank you for being a real man, building your character and spirit into Satanism, I look up to you, it is very rare. You are future warrior class.
serpentwalker666 said:
Thank You.

Also yes this is why alot of my posts regarded healing and herbs and information. I have went through alot of cycles with my health. Good and bad cycles.

May the Gods bless you in your endeavours as well.

What sort of results do you have from direct healing work, if you don't mind sharing? This sounds like a problem with your solar energies, if it is heart related.

I had a thought about this the other day, which was that if the healing of this particular part is very painful or taxing, maybe you should build up other areas first. For example, you can work on your Mars energy, which can then "tank" some of the flare-ups which may happen while trying to work on this.

The same can be tried with Jupiter, especially as it is now in Aries. I have done one of these for health and it definitely gave some Jupiter-specific symptoms. HPS Maxine noted Jupiter as the least relevant to health, compared to the Sun and Mars, yet it may still be useful in this sign.

I had said this before, but certain acupoints may immediately alleviate specific symptoms. The main heart points, like heart 4-7 are all on the wrist and easy to locate. Talk to centralforce for more on this.
Edward Lonsa said:
I can't just pass by and not at least try to help seeing this, even if I am inferior, even if i know less. It is just my instinct, even a dog tries to help his master.

What you describe in the OP (probably there are other details to this but from what is written) are mostly pain syndromes. In this century these are rather well dealt with by TCM. This system is one of the few real Ancient Pagan knowledge systems that lived to this age in pretty original form and still work, at least for the most well-known pain syndromes. I would pay very close attention to this and find a good TCM specialist around to help you.

Modern medicine does not deal with or diagnose pain syndromes at all, neither cancer ones nor non-cancer ones. They only start to explore these but kikes keep very close eye on it and see that the investigations in this sphere never pass through because this is connected to Qi and blood stagnation which will lead directly to Chakra blockages and other things kikes do not want out. For example how are they going to have us race mix, die out and hate our sex if we cleanse Sacral Chakras to heal them from tumors, for example? They rule higher things through all these hidden things that we only see when they lead to health issues. The only thing they let flourish is some chemical pain-killers that do not work mostly and are in most cases just outright drug abuse.

If you have problems with asking loved ones to pay for the herbs, because they are materialists and are skeptic to all Ancient medicine as charlatanism you may ask Gods' help in successfully persuading them opposite and guiding you to a good specialist. Gods are very good at it. They will lead you to the right specialist who will intuitively diagnose your problem right and prescribe you good right herbs that will alleviate the pain.

If you have harder problems such as heart attack because high cholesterol you might also use TCM herbs for this but this might take times or even years to destroy all the cholesterol plaques. There is one good herb for this that I know works well for alleviating plaques-related heart pain
Tong Xin Luo Jiao Nang
but this is only an example - it may or may not suit specific person, you should consult with a specialist that knows your specific case.

Again, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG with being dependent and asking loved ones, family members or friends for help if there is such an opportunity. You may repay them differently, money and material things are not the only way to thank or repay people. You can do aura of protection on them, do deep cleansing, munka, visudhi, anything, handle fate for them and a lot of other things that you do not need to even ask permission for. If I ever asked any permission to do things for people, I would have done nothing. You also can repay by doing a lot work for Satan which repays the most in the end because it helps the whole world.

There is also nothing wrong with choosing your profession according your situation. It is possible with the Gods - even in this jewish age - there are a lot of jobs that do not require physical action and can be done distantly from home. The key here is that your job makes you happy instead of feeling enslaved. On your place I would ask Satan and Gods to guide you to a sphere that instead of burdening you and worsening your health state will let you refresh and recreate, will grant you some beautiful moments of oblivion of tormenting existence and dive into dreams and beauty. These professions can be of art or science or other sphere that specifically suits you to make you feel happy, forget everything and enjoy. The percent of happiness is very important in choosing profession because you will likely spend most of your life in it (if you try to use it for survival). It also should be physically comfortable and let you for example spend days in bed or outdoors or in other comfortable atmosphere, or combine it with necessary sports or other physical recreation.

All these you may ask Gods to guide you into and do specific magic to attract such. I did both and it worked for me.

I would consider 360 workings on cleansing chakras connected to the issues on some of Esbats and use just any and all Esbats in general.

Btw thank you for being a real man, building your character and spirit into Satanism, I look up to you, it is very rare. You are future warrior class.

Thank you for your extensive reply. I'll try to explain some more best as I can.

From what I have read in Chinese medicine. I'm certain their is some deficiency syndromes, and symptoms that it could likely treat. I did look into this before.

Basically after awhile I came to the understanding that I could just push as much energy into this as possible to achieve results.

However looking at this currently and how I go through both good and bad cycles with this, I likely will contact centralforce soon for a consultation.

I have been meaning to for awhile, just have alot of things I'm doing in other aspects of my life, education, family, that has been a major drain on my time.

I will definitely have to prioritize and just book the consultation when I can.

As for a profession that is conducting what I deal with, I've been looking into this for awhile. I have a job where I work from home but it's not much money, but thankfully offers me enough free time to work on my education so that I can pursue better paying jobs in the future and specialise in something.

I have self studied computers, programming, and Linux, BSD system administration for awhile now, as I've been looking towards turning my passionate hobby for that into a career.

Basically I have been making as much progress as I can in that regard. While also keeping in mind the issues I experience and when to rest.

Which makes intense study of C++ and complex subjects sometimes more complicated than they should be. Lol.

I've been doing intense soul cleaning for awhile now thankfully.

Thank you for your kind words brother. Many Satanic blessings to you.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=431248 time=1679174777 user_id=21286]
serpentwalker666 said:
Thank You.

Also yes this is why alot of my posts regarded healing and herbs and information. I have went through alot of cycles with my health. Good and bad cycles.

May the Gods bless you in your endeavours as well.

What sort of results do you have from direct healing work, if you don't mind sharing? This sounds like a problem with your solar energies, if it is heart related.

I had a thought about this the other day, which was that if the healing of this particular part is very painful or taxing, maybe you should build up other areas first. For example, you can work on your Mars energy, which can then "tank" some of the flare-ups which may happen while trying to work on this.

The same can be tried with Jupiter, especially as it is now in Aries. I have done one of these for health and it definitely gave some Jupiter-specific symptoms. HPS Maxine noted Jupiter as the least relevant to health, compared to the Sun and Mars, yet it may still be useful in this sign.

I had said this before, but certain acupoints may immediately alleviate specific symptoms. The main heart points, like heart 4-7 are all on the wrist and easy to locate. Talk to centralforce for more on this.

The major result I've had from healing workings is less cardiac palpitations, less chest pain and less days where I'm completely exhausted and in pain.

I also experience alot of IBS symptoms which likely relates to the fatigue. Strangely, adopting a cleaner diet seems to not make a difference in the issues I experience.

I try to be balanced in my dietary habits however regardless of what I eat or don't eat, I get the ibs symptoms.

This is what makes me feel the ibs is related to something else. As diet has no effect of good or worse, and I feel there is another unseen factor that's contributing to this condition and symptoms.

Basically I experience in totality:

Heart Palpitations, chest pain, chronic tiredness and body pain.

Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, and weakness of the muscles. I don't have much energy most days.

There's days where I am so exhausted even after a full night's rest I will have trouble staying awake driving even. This is only on my worst days.

Anxiety sometimes coincides with the fatigue.

If I were to take a guess of some of the problem...

The IBS has contributed to a deficiency of yin and or blood, which would explain the heart symptoms and fatigue.

The ibs itself I'm uncertain as everything bothers it. Ever since I was a young child.

I have eczema that is chronic and appears during winter months, it will cause my skin on my hands to crack and bleed even with creams and moisture applied consistently.
serpentwalker666 said:

I have self studied computers, programming, and Linux, BSD system administration for awhile now, as I've been looking towards turning my passionate hobby for that into a career.

Basically I have been making as much progress as I can in that regard. While also keeping in mind the issues I experience and when to rest.

Which makes intense study of C++ and complex subjects sometimes more complicated than they should be. Lol.

Regarding your other question somewhere in the forum about Gods teaching computers and C++ related things. I can now testify that Gods do, they helped me with everything in this regard and much more. I feel like Gods are leaders of our technology evolution as well as spiritual one and from them comes most part of all scientific inspiration as much as artistic one.

Lord Bifrons is the one of those who can profoundly help with technical sciences. He helped me a lot, blessings and eternal gratitude for him.
serpentwalker666 said:

These problems often compound on one another, so in some ways they are not separate. What did you do for healing workings? Unfortunately, you will have to keep doing this until it is totally resolved.

In my case, I had experienced decent improvements to health from using the Sun Square for general improvement. I had also done 2 workings with Auruz. After this, I had used a Sun in Sag. specifically for health. Following this, I had used Thurisaz for improving my natal Mars, as well as a multitude of Jupiter in Aries Squares. I had done a bit of work on removing Saturn blockages as well.

Although the above was done over the course of 2 years, the more recent workings worked out very well, as a result of improved spiritual power. This should be the same for you.

When I distinguish Mars and Solar energy, I have found Mars to be very specific to "pumping power", as well as blood. I have had improved sexual activity, wakefulness, physical activity, and blood quality from using Thurisaz on my natal Mars. Negative symptoms from karma pertain to this as well, as some days it felt like my blood pressure was low and my body was stagnant.

The solar energy seemed as more related to digestion. It also seemed that my body could power through other symptoms more easily, like my total vitality was improved. More of a general energy feeling, where I felt fine with good food, rather than needing good food + yoga + sleep, for example.

As for Jupiter, this seemed specific to the liver and my blood sugar. Hard to distinguish beyond that, as I was doing some of these workings simultaneously.


Anyway, I would highly recommend using the Sun in Aries specifically for improvements to vitality, as your symptoms seem bad enough. In the past, I had made the mistake of not focusing on health as specifically.

You should also do Jupiter in Aries for health, just as a quick way of getting some sort of improvement here. When May comes around, Mars in Leo should be used specifically for health as well.

April 2nd would also be a good day for a runic working for health, such as with Uruz and Sowilo.

Pick any of these areas and just hammer them. I have made the mistake in the past of trying to "tank" certain symptoms when I should've just improved my health directly.

Doing workings like the above, as well as yoga, has made way more of a difference than going over my diet or other mainstream particulars to health. That is sort of what you see with your diet, where it seems like it doesn't make much of a difference in your current state. This is the same thing that I had felt, at times.

It used to annoy me that I felt like I was paying much attention to my health and getting only mediocre results, whereas other people drink energy drinks and eat hot dogs, and seemed in better condition. Some of this is the result of the strain from doing a lot of spiritual work, but the main source is just the soul's inherent aspects of vitality.

I am not sure if you are doing something for health currently, but I would highly recommend picking a working and doing it effectively nonstop. This will gradually increase your health and vitality overall, healing a multitude of symptoms altogether.

I don't mean to negate your own efforts in what I had said. I would just rather not leave out anything, especially of what I was happy to experience on my own.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=431277 time=1679184397 user_id=21286]
serpentwalker666 said:

These problems often compound on one another, so in some ways they are not separate. What did you do for healing workings? Unfortunately, you will have to keep doing this until it is totally resolved.

In my case, I had experienced decent improvements to health from using the Sun Square for general improvement. I had also done 2 workings with Auruz. After this, I had used a Sun in Sag. specifically for health. Following this, I had used Thurisaz for improving my natal Mars, as well as a multitude of Jupiter in Aries Squares. I had done a bit of work on removing Saturn blockages as well.

Although the above was done over the course of 2 years, the more recent workings worked out very well, as a result of improved spiritual power. This should be the same for you.

When I distinguish Mars and Solar energy, I have found Mars to be very specific to "pumping power", as well as blood. I have had improved sexual activity, wakefulness, physical activity, and blood quality from using Thurisaz on my natal Mars. Negative symptoms from karma pertain to this as well, as some days it felt like my blood pressure was low and my body was stagnant.

The solar energy seemed as more related to digestion. It also seemed that my body could power through other symptoms more easily, like my total vitality was improved. More of a general energy feeling, where I felt fine with good food, rather than needing good food + yoga + sleep, for example.

As for Jupiter, this seemed specific to the liver and my blood sugar. Hard to distinguish beyond that, as I was doing some of these workings simultaneously.


Anyway, I would highly recommend using the Sun in Aries specifically for improvements to vitality, as your symptoms seem bad enough. In the past, I had made the mistake of not focusing on health as specifically.

You should also do Jupiter in Aries for health, just as a quick way of getting some sort of improvement here. When May comes around, Mars in Leo should be used specifically for health as well.

April 2nd would also be a good day for a runic working for health, such as with Uruz and Sowilo.

Pick any of these areas and just hammer them. I have made the mistake in the past of trying to "tank" certain symptoms when I should've just improved my health directly.

Doing workings like the above, as well as yoga, has made way more of a difference than going over my diet or other mainstream particulars to health. That is sort of what you see with your diet, where it seems like it doesn't make much of a difference in your current state. This is the same thing that I had felt, at times.

It used to annoy me that I felt like I was paying much attention to my health and getting only mediocre results, whereas other people drink energy drinks and eat hot dogs, and seemed in better condition. Some of this is the result of the strain from doing a lot of spiritual work, but the main source is just the soul's inherent aspects of vitality.

I am not sure if you are doing something for health currently, but I would highly recommend picking a working and doing it effectively nonstop. This will gradually increase your health and vitality overall, healing a multitude of symptoms altogether.

I don't mean to negate your own efforts in what I had said. I would just rather not leave out anything, especially of what I was happy to experience on my own.

I have mainly done multiple routines of 40 to 80 days of healing workings over time. I will usually do a working and then after it concludes, wait to continue and pick a new date then hammer it out for 40 to 80 days. I usually have used SATANAMA as it's been very helpful for me as a mantra for various things.

I will definitely pick a date from the ones you describe, and weigh my options for which approach and energies I'll use. I deeply appreciate your insight on the subject. Thank you very much brother.

You always have great ideas, thoughts and suggestions when it comes to recommendations and runic, planetary energy knowledge.

I understand not leaving out anything. I can relate in that aspect and I understand completely.

Thank you. After I begin a working soon, I'll have to let you all know how it goes over time, in terms of any developments or major improvements.
I have a lot of sympathy for this. It's awful that things had to be that hard for you. Sometimes it's frustrating for me that anyone in this world should even have to be that strong. It's not fair. Life isn't supposed to be that crushingly hard for humans, and you never should have had to suffer so much.

I congratulate you on your strength and perseverance. You've shown tremendous grit. I truly hope your life gets smoother, and much better.

In addition to JG Blitzkreig's excellent advice, also try working more on your Solar chakra, especially now that Sun is in Aries. It helps strengthen muscles and the digestion, as well as improving health overall :)
I love you Brother, keep going on.

For Ibs, I have heard that many people fixed it by drinking homemade milk kefir. The one you buy in stores is glorified yogurt, but the one you make at home is the real deal, thousands and thousands of probiotics.
serpentwalker666 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=431248 time=1679174777 user_id=21286]
serpentwalker666 said:
Thank You.

Also yes this is why alot of my posts regarded healing and herbs and information. I have went through alot of cycles with my health. Good and bad cycles.

May the Gods bless you in your endeavours as well.

What sort of results do you have from direct healing work, if you don't mind sharing? This sounds like a problem with your solar energies, if it is heart related.

I had a thought about this the other day, which was that if the healing of this particular part is very painful or taxing, maybe you should build up other areas first. For example, you can work on your Mars energy, which can then "tank" some of the flare-ups which may happen while trying to work on this.

The same can be tried with Jupiter, especially as it is now in Aries. I have done one of these for health and it definitely gave some Jupiter-specific symptoms. HPS Maxine noted Jupiter as the least relevant to health, compared to the Sun and Mars, yet it may still be useful in this sign.

I had said this before, but certain acupoints may immediately alleviate specific symptoms. The main heart points, like heart 4-7 are all on the wrist and easy to locate. Talk to centralforce for more on this.

The major result I've had from healing workings is less cardiac palpitations, less chest pain and less days where I'm completely exhausted and in pain.

I also experience alot of IBS symptoms which likely relates to the fatigue. Strangely, adopting a cleaner diet seems to not make a difference in the issues I experience.

I try to be balanced in my dietary habits however regardless of what I eat or don't eat, I get the ibs symptoms.

This is what makes me feel the ibs is related to something else. As diet has no effect of good or worse, and I feel there is another unseen factor that's contributing to this condition and symptoms.

Basically I experience in totality:

Heart Palpitations, chest pain, chronic tiredness and body pain.

Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, and weakness of the muscles. I don't have much energy most days.

There's days where I am so exhausted even after a full night's rest I will have trouble staying awake driving even. This is only on my worst days.

Anxiety sometimes coincides with the fatigue.

If I were to take a guess of some of the problem...

The IBS has contributed to a deficiency of yin and or blood, which would explain the heart symptoms and fatigue.

The ibs itself I'm uncertain as everything bothers it. Ever since I was a young child.

I have eczema that is chronic and appears during winter months, it will cause my skin on my hands to crack and bleed even with creams and moisture applied consistently.

What about breath of fire? Can you do it?

I'm glad you're not giving up. The future will be much better and happier. The current problems are only temporary.
Everything will be fine. You are strong and are able to overcome any obstacle.

Let's be thankful for the possibility of a better tomorrow.
Hail to Satan and all the Gods of Hell!
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=431686 time=1679358709 user_id=46372]
I have a lot of sympathy for this. It's awful that things had to be that hard for you. Sometimes it's frustrating for me that anyone in this world should even have to be that strong. It's not fair. Life isn't supposed to be that crushingly hard for humans, and you never should have had to suffer so much.

I congratulate you on your strength and perseverance. You've shown tremendous grit. I truly hope your life gets smoother, and much better.

Thank you for your kind words brother. Yes I'd say I agree with you that people shouldn't have to suffer with circumstances to the extent I describe.

While some are able to overcome and grow from this, too much suffering and obstacles has a strong chance to break people when its too hard.

Along with the reality of reincarnation, sometimes there's tracable reasons for this suffering that are inborn, but it can take time to understand this as a soul, as we have a long way to go in spiritual development as a species at this point in time.

There was so many forks in the road, and without guidance from Satan and the Gods, and the Joy of Satan here. There would of practically been no way to succeed or even come out on top from this.

We are so lucky to have the Joy of Satan and the Gods to be here for us, lighting the way to the Godhead through the darkness.

Thank you. I'm sure I am going to be on top of all this as time goes.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=431729 time=1679390793 user_id=57]

In addition to JG Blitzkreig's excellent advice, also try working more on your Solar chakra, especially now that Sun is in Aries. It helps strengthen muscles and the digestion, as well as improving health overall :)

Thank you for the important advice in regards to that. I haven't done much with strengthening individual chakras for some time, as I've focused on just strongly empowering them all for quite awhile instead of focusing on some specifically.

This is something I could likely benefit from doing.
Aquarius said:
I love you Brother, keep going on.

For Ibs, I have heard that many people fixed it by drinking homemade milk kefir. The one you buy in stores is glorified yogurt, but the one you make at home is the real deal, thousands and thousands of probiotics.

I love you too Brother. Thank you.

I have heard a good bit about various fermented food and drink. I've had kombucha in the past as well, and as for kefir, I haven't ever really made my own so that's something that would be worth looking into.

I'll have to start making some when I have the time and check back and post any things I thought were interesting about it from consistently drinking it.
serpentwalker666 said:
Aquarius said:
I love you Brother, keep going on.

For Ibs, I have heard that many people fixed it by drinking homemade milk kefir. The one you buy in stores is glorified yogurt, but the one you make at home is the real deal, thousands and thousands of probiotics.

I love you too Brother. Thank you.

I have heard a good bit about various fermented food and drink. I've had kombucha in the past as well, and as for kefir, I haven't ever really made my own so that's something that would be worth looking into.

I'll have to start making some when I have the time and check back and post any things I thought were interesting about it from consistently drinking it.
Kefir is superior to kombucha, I've drank both and they don't compare. Also, if you're able to, make kefir with raw milk, that's the best thing you could drink.
V12-POWER said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=431248 time=1679174777 user_id=21286]

What sort of results do you have from direct healing work, if you don't mind sharing? This sounds like a problem with your solar energies, if it is heart related.

I had a thought about this the other day, which was that if the healing of this particular part is very painful or taxing, maybe you should build up other areas first. For example, you can work on your Mars energy, which can then "tank" some of the flare-ups which may happen while trying to work on this.

The same can be tried with Jupiter, especially as it is now in Aries. I have done one of these for health and it definitely gave some Jupiter-specific symptoms. HPS Maxine noted Jupiter as the least relevant to health, compared to the Sun and Mars, yet it may still be useful in this sign.

I had said this before, but certain acupoints may immediately alleviate specific symptoms. The main heart points, like heart 4-7 are all on the wrist and easy to locate. Talk to centralforce for more on this.

The major result I've had from healing workings is less cardiac palpitations, less chest pain and less days where I'm completely exhausted and in pain.

I also experience alot of IBS symptoms which likely relates to the fatigue. Strangely, adopting a cleaner diet seems to not make a difference in the issues I experience.

I try to be balanced in my dietary habits however regardless of what I eat or don't eat, I get the ibs symptoms.

This is what makes me feel the ibs is related to something else. As diet has no effect of good or worse, and I feel there is another unseen factor that's contributing to this condition and symptoms.

Basically I experience in totality:

Heart Palpitations, chest pain, chronic tiredness and body pain.

Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, and weakness of the muscles. I don't have much energy most days.

There's days where I am so exhausted even after a full night's rest I will have trouble staying awake driving even. This is only on my worst days.

Anxiety sometimes coincides with the fatigue.

If I were to take a guess of some of the problem...

The IBS has contributed to a deficiency of yin and or blood, which would explain the heart symptoms and fatigue.

The ibs itself I'm uncertain as everything bothers it. Ever since I was a young child.

I have eczema that is chronic and appears during winter months, it will cause my skin on my hands to crack and bleed even with creams and moisture applied consistently.

What about breath of fire? Can you do it?

I do the breath of fire daily as part of my spiritual routine, yes.
Aquarius said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Aquarius said:
I love you Brother, keep going on.

For Ibs, I have heard that many people fixed it by drinking homemade milk kefir. The one you buy in stores is glorified yogurt, but the one you make at home is the real deal, thousands and thousands of probiotics.

I love you too Brother. Thank you.

I have heard a good bit about various fermented food and drink. I've had kombucha in the past as well, and as for kefir, I haven't ever really made my own so that's something that would be worth looking into.

I'll have to start making some when I have the time and check back and post any things I thought were interesting about it from consistently drinking it.
Kefir is superior to kombucha, I've drank both and they don't compare. Also, if you're able to, make kefir with raw milk, that's the best thing you could drink.

Okay, thank you for the advice. I unfortunately don't have access to raw milk. But I will definitely figure something out.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
