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Higher Levels Of Knowledge, Or More False Certainty?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Over the years, I have studied a lot of books, saw many "communities" and have happened to come across a lot of occult knowledge. Before I joined this place, I was making major research into all things to carefully consider where I was going to go.

Even in the JoS, there have been cases, where something overly simplified is stated to make things simpler. This excessive simplicity, can be a great thing - yet at the same time it can undervalue some knowledge.

The above is a necessity, and not the full nature of knowledge. We just have to do what we have to do.

Everytime we had to update something or something was removed over the years, some people flipped out, as if this was the end of the world. A couple months later, after they tried it, they go like "Wow!".

Despite on if the updates were on exactly the same level of fundamental knowledge and of higher prospective knowledge, some people always will have something bad to say.

It could change their life and so on, but anything that is new comes with the same form for us. Even for those who are advanced, serious filtering of things is needed, so that behaviour is part of normal behaviour. So long it doesn't block everything.

People want to be told also strange nonsense like the New Age, such as "Believe into it and it will all happen", "The secret law of the universe is love!!" and other things like this. That is not actual spiritual knowledge. It's elementary and can only serve up to a very simple extent. It serves the simple minded people only.

As knowledge advances, it does not become more "simple". We can simplify it, explain it or try to thin it down, but it does not become "simpler". It expands.

In the same way a hyper-computer starts understanding more and a calculator simply can't make the same connections, it is a similar case between people.

This "computer" is in a sense the human brain, the human mind, however you want to refer to this. If you understood now all the things you understood when you were 10, then existence is truly null and for no reason.

Some people have also told me before, that I might have "contradicted" myself based on what I said years ago. Not sure where [feel free to let me know where] but I would definitely know I am in the wrong path if everything was the same all the way after one, two or three years.

This is like telling a banker or an hedge fund manager, hey dude, ten years ago you had 10 billion dollars less. I thought this whole fund management thing was supposed to keep you at 10 bucks. Well, no, this is not the case.

I walk people towards the next grade, while showing you how to get to the next grade, then the next grade. The process is what matters as much as the destination.

It would be nice for me to retain a kindergarten, as it's less hassle, but seeing people in their 40's in the kindergarten, one has to be mentally ill to enjoy it. If anything, one has to be with the enemy, especially at times where crucial knowledge is required.

Regardless the enjoyment of this situation can be seen in every local church you find worldwide and in any religion. "Religion" in the strict sense that we know of today, preys upon the stupid, and does everything in it's power to keep humanity limited.

When it comes to Dogma, ie, bullshit enemy religions, stupidity, stuckedness, nothing can ever be evolved out of anything. It's a desolate land, where there is no growth. It's the same stupid shit over and over again. Except of utterly stupid, the "books" of the enemy contain nothing of lasting value, nor anything interesting.

Dogma claims ineffability and unchangeability in all the levels of itself, from start to end. It was Islam that said it was the "Word of God", and therefore, what is said about Mohammed's 6 year old girlfriend, is something they cannot change. The earth is flat, nothing can change this, and nobody dare question the flying horse of Muhammed either.

They dub that nonsense also "truth" and believe it is of eternal value. Clearly it isn't, and it collapses instantly when analysis is made. Therefore, thought process of any kind in these "religions" is of the Devil and created by the Lord of Evil Himself. I digress.

The JoS works in a reverse way: We start from the Truth and then we grow in Truth. The foundation is firm, and the development firmer.

Remaining stagnant is not a good way to go about this. We want to stay in the stagnant states for a little time if at all.

In all the posts I make, I teach you a thought process, a way of opening up to the world or a thought process. Without this necessary rewiring, many people simply lose their path and revolve again around the same false notions that have led to stagnation in the first place.

How you know in this path you are walking correctly, is that every year you look back, you have gained more and more wisdom and knowledge, and understanding. Many years down, you look at yourself like a shrunk fly.

Eventually past a point, you will no longer believe where you were in the past. That is how you know you are walking properly.

If you look back at this path and you have learned nothing new, haven't went deeper into any notion, and haven't grown at all in your mind, soul and life, then you need to apply further.

Eternal Truths or supreme knowledge, is also there and can be further evolve someone. That knowledge is also evolving, and from what is True, you can gain more and more knowledge. This is not dissimilar to physics. When you have the proper notions of physics laid down, then you can do more and more with them.

Lies on the other hand tend towards stagnation and death. In closing, the Pagan cultures allowed evolution. This was allowed insofar nothing fundamental was razed, since they built carefully only on Truths and not on false speculation.

To give an example, the stars on the heaven are as they are now, but a billion or two billions years from now, this might not be the case of Astrology any-more. Regardless, the concept of their analysis that this was based upon, can be moved to another solar system, another galaxy - and it would work all the same.

For those "disappointed" with opening my posts and having questions, and/or things that challenge your mind, and/or things that shake you out of a non thinking process, or from a negative process of not analysing anything at all, the issue remains when one remains falsely idle.

If we walk in this life and constantly have questions and we receive answers to move into next questions, then we are doing this correctly. If we are constantly in this stupid primitive loop that "we know everything", then we learn nothing any-more, we stagnate and die.

Nothing is a pain more in the ass for me than people who know "everything". The Gods likewise do not bother with people who know "Everything", since, what is there more to teach them?

Since these people know everything, you don't need to be here or read anything new. If one thinks everything has already been revealed, and you think that there is nothing else, then one is a God. Since that is most obviously a delusion, then one is a deluded being, since even the Gods do advance in the linear fashion of the word.

Spiritual Satanism is a path for learning, advancing, and growing. While we know many fundamental Truths and we are lucky to have a strong real foundation, it's expected for us to grow out of it, blossoming out of a seed.

This is what makes life worth living, and existence worth existing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Speaking of change of knowledge, can you clarify which planets rule Heart and Throat Chakras, HP?
Bright Truth said:
Speaking of change of knowledge, can you clarify which planets rule Heart and Throat Chakras, HP?

Doing either on these chakras has no negative effect as the energy will naturally flow on the other one.

In the chest [heart] you have two places of interest. One is the Heart [the literal heart] and that is ruled by Venus. Therefore working on the Venus there, causes no problem.

In front of the heart, you have the Thymus gland, which is ruled by Mercury, yet this is still a part of the general heart chakra.

In the throat, you have the vocal chords [ruled by Mercury] and the Thyroid [butterfly shaped gland, ruled by Venus]. These are two parts also, bonded in one.

These four places in the soul, do form an X shape, and their energies are interchanged all the time. They never stay "in one place".

And therefore the conflation in the Ancient texts arose about the rulership. The exchange and inter-flow between the two chakras makes them very closely connected. You can take this either way, Venus/Heart or Mercury/Throat, and nothing bad will happen to the balance of the Soul, or you can do the reverse.

HPS Maxine has not answered this question before, but I made the research and the above is the answer in regards to this subject.

For setting a final answer, you can say that Heart is ruled by Venus, and Co-ruled by Mercury, while Throat is ruled by Mercury, and Co-Ruled by Venus. The reason why is the reason above. One can also try for themselves to see the result for themselves.

Mercury also Co-rules another chakra, but that is for the future. Jupiter also co-rules another Chakra too, and Saturn also co-rules another chakra in the soul.
one thing i know certain that i dont know nothing. -socrates

if u dont know this u dont know anything.
Guess the difference, one meditates and expands and advances in general terms, the other does not in a real sense, and mostly is there out of habit and self lying. The false certainty is fixed, the knowledge is moving, as it is alive and not static and dead. Growing you learn to respect the act in itself and the fruit of it, being a brat around this sacred rite and journey is a shameful betrayal of your own self.

A word to describe this whole idea is that we are organic and living beings and naturally we must grow and mature ourselves in every aspect of what this journey entails, and literally advance. This whole problem is born out of ignorance and stagnating. What are we talking about? When you evolve it is clear as day the differences created. No matter what. This is shameful in one way but also good these are to be seen and learned about. Wake up, this is reality and what it is created here, is something this world as you know never experienced before, and the creation starts from and in you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How you know in this path you are walking correctly, is that every year you look back, you have gained more and more wisdom and knowledge, and understanding. Many years down, you look at yourself like a shrunk fly.

Eventually past a point, you will no longer believe where you were in the past. That is how you know you are walking properly.

This was a good damn post, and very nice to read!!
Spiritual Satanism is a religion of pure evolution.
Thank you!

For those "disappointed" with opening my posts and having questions, and/or things that challenge your mind, and/or things that shake you out of a non thinking process, or from a negative process of not analysing anything at all, then that is not what is desirable.

If we walk in this life and constantly have questions and we receive answers to move into next questions, then we are doing this correctly. If we are constantly in this stupid primitive loop that "we know everything", then we learn nothing any-more, we stagnate and die.

Spiritual Satanism is a path for learning, advancing, and growing. While we know many fundamental Truths and we are lucky to have a strong real foundation, it's expected for us to grow out of it, blossoming out of a seed.

This is what makes life worth living, and existence worth existing.

I think I will have to ask you something as I fail to understand it, however, most people are very excited about it.

Why are you planning to share new meditations which are there to bring us to higher levels of existence?

Don’t get me wrong, I fully trust you on everything as you act in Satan‘s best interest, and also this knowledge would empower us Satanists overall, however, for me this doesn’t feel fully right..

Up until now, it has been this case: the closer you are to Satan and the Gods, the more you do for them, the more important you become for them, they take you more serious, and also take care of you and give you individually wisdom, knowledge and support. Being close to the Gods basically equals advancement.
You HighPriest are close to the Gods and look where you are, same for Lydia, VoiceOfEnki, NakedPluto for example.

Receiving assistance and wisdom from the Gods is the biggest compliment and reward, which makes us more open to them, gives us experience in understanding the Gods, and also lets us grow closer in the Gods, simply because you are super thankful for everything they did.

By providing knowledge of great extend, like important meditations which further open the soul, this is super good for us SS overall, but the above effect gets kinda lost, and is actually very sad in my view.

Maybe this is just me and I am just egoistic here and fail to understand something else that is important.

But for example, if a human shows you how to open the heart chakra in the head, you will be super grateful to this person who has given you this knowledge, you will celebrate them, but all of this positive emotions should go to the Gods, as this makes you not dependent on a human being, but to the Gods, which is the closest thing to independence there is.

Maybe I fail to understand something more important? I do not know, I am probably the only person who thinks like this, as everyone else seems super excited (which I fully understand, as I also look forward to it - contradicting I know).

But I would rather see people advance by being closer to the Gods, they do not need to see or hear them to receive direct assistance in their meditations, and/or practical knowledge.

I know, my views are super egoistic.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
Speaking of change of knowledge, can you clarify which planets rule Heart and Throat Chakras, HP?

On Mercury co ruling another chakra my closest guesses would be either the 6th chakra or penial gland. In astrology mercury in aspect to neptune can help with telepathic communications and the higher chakras rule the astral senses.
This is something i have noticed with some things from others but never really understood. Knowledge has been kept hidden for so long there is still so much we have to discover and rectify as far as what has been corrupted. Just because one is in one position in the past and in another in the future does not make a contradiction...it means an update or the gaining of more accurate knowledge. In fact, staying in the same position with certain types of knowledge and advancement means stagnation.
Shadowcat said:
This is something i have noticed with some things from others but never really understood. Knowledge has been kept hidden for so long there is still so much we have to discover and rectify as far as what has been corrupted. Just because one is in one position in the past and in another in the future does not make a contradiction...it means an update or the gaining of more accurate knowledge. In fact, staying in the same position with certain types of knowledge and advancement means stagnation.

The desecration of knowledge is like digging out of ruins and trying to put things back up together. It has went that far.

It is impossible to reconstruct without patience and so on. The JoS has done the most major lifting, but that job is not over.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
Speaking of change of knowledge, can you clarify which planets rule Heart and Throat Chakras, HP?

What if someone doesn't have some of these glands, like thyroid? What negative consequences does have spiritually; what does it mean?
Woodlandman said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
Speaking of change of knowledge, can you clarify which planets rule Heart and Throat Chakras, HP?

What if someone doesn't have some of these glands, like thyroid? What negative consequences does have spiritually; what does it mean?

Similar to amputations, the mind/consciousness neural path still does have the original blueprint, so you can continue doing meditation on the astral body as one would usually do.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
This is something i have noticed with some things from others but never really understood. Knowledge has been kept hidden for so long there is still so much we have to discover and rectify as far as what has been corrupted. Just because one is in one position in the past and in another in the future does not make a contradiction...it means an update or the gaining of more accurate knowledge. In fact, staying in the same position with certain types of knowledge and advancement means stagnation.

The desecration of knowledge is like digging out of ruins and trying to put things back up together. It has went that far.

It is impossible to reconstruct without patience and so on. The JoS has done the most major lifting, but that job is not over.

Indeed, this is a mission that will continue for a very long time, and i look forward to the lost knowledge that we still have to recover. I for example have tried several times to find viable information about my Guardian Abrasax. Sadly a lot of information especially about our Gods is corrupted and deleted altogether, and so i have found nothing but grimoire filth which completely angered me and actually discouraged my search for a time.

I have tried looking in many unconventional places as well. I remember the information you gave me on him last year (which was another interesting "timing" and a pleasant one as it was a special day for me that day. wont say specifically how so) after me mentioning noticing a pattern about getting predicted dates and other timings that turned out to be accurate from him on my ouija board, saying he ruled over timings and cycles, dates ect. It didn't surprise me one bit, but i do find it amazing that any viable information is found about our Gods at all and i am glad for it. I think perhaps that this is the most destroyed and scattered knowledge of all, besides the workings of the human soul. I cannot wait also for all of their pages to be updated. If i knew any good places to be hunting for good information i would join in the search...alas jewgle and many other sources are worthless.
I've noticed more I advance, the more I don't know. There's just so much knowledge, wisdom, everything like ever expanding and unending.

I had an experience about a month ago, where I fell into this deep state of where I felt as if everything was moving so fast, and like a higher aspect of the aether, everything, roared through me like an ocean of sound, conciousness, and light, then in a few minutes, it was over.

Experiences like this definitely have a way of humbling someone. We have like an ever expanding upwards path of evolution to do as a species, and even then when we are rectified and become Gods, the work will never truly be over, it will be eternal.

It's just Beautiful in all honesty. What Satan and the Gods have given us, is beyond words.
So true. Collapsing existing understanding and relearning is a method I use to delve deeper intellectually.

Our egos can be less useful in learning, especially if it maintains that you already know what you need to know. Humility is required.

Reminds me of a paper "destruction and creation" by John Boyd. He certainly rambles a lot, but there's plenty of wisdom within if you can understand what he's saying.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
Speaking of change of knowledge, can you clarify which planets rule Heart and Throat Chakras, HP?

Doing either on these chakras has no negative effect as the energy will naturally flow on the other one.

In the chest [heart] you have two places of interest. One is the Heart [the literal heart] and that is ruled by Venus. Therefore working on the Venus there, causes no problem.

In front of the heart, you have the Thymus gland, which is ruled by Mercury, yet this is still a part of the general heart chakra.

In the throat, you have the vocal chords [ruled by Mercury] and the Thyroid [butterfly shaped gland, ruled by Venus]. These are two parts also, bonded in one.

These four places in the soul, do form an X shape, and their energies are interchanged all the time. They never stay "in one place".

And therefore the conflation in the Ancient texts arose about the rulership. The exchange and inter-flow between the two chakras makes them very closely connected. You can take this either way, Venus/Heart or Mercury/Throat, and nothing bad will happen to the balance of the Soul, or you can do the reverse.

HPS Maxine has not answered this question before, but I made the research and the above is the answer in regards to this subject.

For setting a final answer, you can say that Heart is ruled by Venus, and Co-ruled by Mercury, while Throat is ruled by Mercury, and Co-Ruled by Venus. The reason why is the reason above. One can also try for themselves to see the result for themselves.

Mercury also Co-rules another chakra, but that is for the future. Jupiter also co-rules another Chakra too, and Saturn also co-rules another chakra in the soul.

So meditation for the hearth chakra is better doing it on Friday at Venus hour, while meditation for the throat chakra on Wednesday at Mercury hour?
This all-knowing is a big basic mistake. It is the drug of people without consciousness.
Somehow I always noticed when things were not right somewhere. If there was a lie somewhere. I was always "investigating", which led me to the SS. It's often not easy when you find out something that nobody believes in.
Great Sermon HP HoodedCobra.

For anyone here it is important to shatter the low dimensional egoistical notion of believing one knows everything before one can truly learn anything.

Since on this ladder of advancement, the known things by beings like our Gods are so high, they are even wholly incomprehensible to all beings on Earth.

For one to reach a point they can understand and know even a minuscule part of it, they first need to understand the extend of their ignorance.

And on that journey of advancement and expanding ones conscious perceptions, one will overthrow the past self and any understanding many times over, learning things that trivialize past knowledge and understanding, or even make past understanding laughable.

This does not mean one contradicts themselves necessarily, it just means one knows more about the fundamental parts that were already understood in the general sense in the past, or it could mean one has gained deeper fundamental understanding beyond what one had prior to advancing to higher reaches of conscious perception which supersede the fundamentals one knew before.

Sometimes one may realize they had simply been wrong about things in the past, and to admit to this is a great thing, since it shows you have gained and thrown of stagnation.

Depending on ones level of knowledge and awareness of Truth, one may encounter this more or less often.

Ones goal should be to only adhere to Truths, and expound only on Truths when speaking about matters, that way there never will be any true contradictions on ones past words, only expansion of the understanding on said subjects.

To minds of lesser understanding such expansion may come across as contradictions since they chronically project their own lesser conscious perception and understanding onto the words of others, thus failing to see the true scope of the knowledge and understanding shared by the wiser people, as admitting the limitations of knowledge is a painful and unpleasant thing to them since they have failed to shatter their lower Ego and are stuck within the ignorance of the all knowing.

There is no such thing of all knowing. As even if one knows all, reality is always greater than the self, therefore there is always more to know even on the theoretical infinite scale, as infinity has no end, and reality is infinite, therefore the potential scope of perception and understanding is also infinite and therefore one can always grow in these matters, regardless of how immense and advanced one is.

Even a theoretical being of such knowledge, understanding and advancement that our Gods are mere infants next to them, would still reach greater knowledge, understanding and advancement if they refuse stagnation, and can continue to do so for infinite aeons, as reality always encompasses ones being.

None of that is of relevance to anyone here, therefore it is only stated to demonstrate the futility of the all knowing ego which must be shattered for one to actually be able to advance on any level.

Hail Satan!
Try to get through to a Xian in regards to his whole thing being just a hoax, and you will see what I mean about "All Knowing". This "conviction" is taking them to the grave.

Most have not read 1 page from the Bible, but they know "everything". Let alone, how they know everything about the Devil from what ancient jewish rabbis opinioned on the subject per the "Satan" being "Evil" and so on.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Try to get through to a Xian in regards to his whole thing being just a hoax, and you will see what I mean about "All Knowing". This "conviction" is taking them to the grave.

Most have not read 1 page from the Bible, but they know "everything". Let alone, how they know everything about the Devil from what ancient jewish rabbis opinioned on the subject per the "Satan" being "Evil" and so on.

"Jewsus would punish you for speaking blasphemous words" is shit they would say if they can't win an argument and using their own Bible to debunk their own thoughtform they call "god".

Meanwhile their own Bible called Satan the most smart out of all the beings, and a being of beauty wisdom and perfection (before his supposed "fall"), which is really counterproductive if they really wanna blaspheme Satan, if he's so bad from the beginning, why is he "originally" someone so beautiful, wise, smart and overall perfect?
Great OP as per HPHC

If it wasnt for this place and its teachings i would be lost not quite 40 nor in the kindergardetten/baby school.

Love it :lol:
Kevin Hernandez said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Try to get through to a Xian in regards to his whole thing being just a hoax, and you will see what I mean about "All Knowing". This "conviction" is taking them to the grave.

Most have not read 1 page from the Bible, but they know "everything". Let alone, how they know everything about the Devil from what ancient jewish rabbis opinioned on the subject per the "Satan" being "Evil" and so on.

"Jewsus would punish you for speaking blasphemous words" is shit they would say if they can't win an argument and using their own Bible to debunk their own thoughtform they call "god".

If this in spanish when they say it then I can totally picture it someone in my family saying the same ridiculous shit. :roll:

I would assume a simple logical reply along the lines of "do you really think it's ok as an adult to think questioning things that dont make sense is such an evil thing that that alone should be enough reason to lose all ones freedoms and suffer forever?"

I myself have experienced more along the lines of "I don't have to explain anything to you because I know you're wrong."

And this after I told them I would be more than glad to go with them over all the subjects that we provide and we can do the same with theirs and at the end they always chicken out and say a similar stupid line I mentioned above. (Obviously I do online anonymously for the record). Or l tell me to go speak to someone else because they can't back it up themselves up. Which is why it's important for us to be familiar with our writings and also be at the ready to provide the correct material when someone is showing interest. (Taking the correct precautions) but I digress.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Mercury also Co-rules another chakra, but that is for the future. Jupiter also co-rules another Chakra too, and Saturn also co-rules another chakra in the soul.

Is there any relationship between the Orphic ladder and chakra rulership on some level?
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Mercury also Co-rules another chakra, but that is for the future. Jupiter also co-rules another Chakra too, and Saturn also co-rules another chakra in the soul.

Is there any relationship between the Orphic ladder and chakra rulership on some level?

Can I see what is the Orphic Ladder? I have not heard of this again, or maybe the terminology is a bit different. Ladders in general have to do with the Chakras [Steps].
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Mercury also Co-rules another chakra, but that is for the future. Jupiter also co-rules another Chakra too, and Saturn also co-rules another chakra in the soul.

Is there any relationship between the Orphic ladder and chakra rulership on some level?

Never heard of it myself i am curious now too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Mercury also Co-rules another chakra, but that is for the future. Jupiter also co-rules another Chakra too, and Saturn also co-rules another chakra in the soul.

Is there any relationship between the Orphic ladder and chakra rulership on some level?

Can I see what is the Orphic Ladder? I have not heard of this again, or maybe the terminology is a bit different. Ladders in general have to do with the Chakras [Steps].

It's the order of the 7 'planets' from the closest to farthest.

1. Moon
2. Mercury
3. Venus
4. Sun
5. Mars
6. Jupiter
7. Saturn

It's the same order used in the Necronomicon meditations for opening the chakra, and the opposite order of the planetary squares, which are ordered from the farthest planet to closest planet. I read about this a couple of years ago in some books about Greek mysticism. I don't remember which ones.
The only thing I have to say is those who want to think like people do in the modern world and be more hive minded even in Satanism.

Good luck to you your punishment is you will miss out on so much with beautiful and deep experiences and more importantly being relaxed and free and happy no matter what you have to do in the physical or is going on around you and make much less progress than you could have. Also you will give up after awhile frustrated that it doesn't work. When what is not working is your own mind.

So don't listen not my problem 😊 it's your loss.

You are programmed to ignore what I said if you gave into this stuff anyways so you probably won't even see this post.
High Priest I want to ask you a question. Could you tell me about the vibrational numbers corresponding to the runes? Runes should be vibrated by what number of times.
Just A Thought said:
High Priest I want to ask you a question. Could you tell me about the vibrational numbers corresponding to the runes? Runes should be vibrated by what number of times.

In the order that they are, they are already numbered by default. Fehu = 1, Ur = 2, Thurisaz = 3 etc, all the way to Odthal which is 24.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
Speaking of change of knowledge, can you clarify which planets rule Heart and Throat Chakras, HP?

Doing either on these chakras has no negative effect as the energy will naturally flow on the other one.

In the chest [heart] you have two places of interest. One is the Heart [the literal heart] and that is ruled by Venus. Therefore working on the Venus there, causes no problem.

In front of the heart, you have the Thymus gland, which is ruled by Mercury, yet this is still a part of the general heart chakra.

In the throat, you have the vocal chords [ruled by Mercury] and the Thyroid [butterfly shaped gland, ruled by Venus]. These are two parts also, bonded in one.

These four places in the soul, do form an X shape, and their energies are interchanged all the time. They never stay "in one place".

And therefore the conflation in the Ancient texts arose about the rulership. The exchange and inter-flow between the two chakras makes them very closely connected. You can take this either way, Venus/Heart or Mercury/Throat, and nothing bad will happen to the balance of the Soul, or you can do the reverse.

HPS Maxine has not answered this question before, but I made the research and the above is the answer in regards to this subject.

For setting a final answer, you can say that Heart is ruled by Venus, and Co-ruled by Mercury, while Throat is ruled by Mercury, and Co-Ruled by Venus. The reason why is the reason above. One can also try for themselves to see the result for themselves.

Mercury also Co-rules another chakra, but that is for the future. Jupiter also co-rules another Chakra too, and Saturn also co-rules another chakra in the soul.

Amazing and very interesting insight.

I have a desire to undertake studying our endocrine system as I have a firm belief from experience that with the proper tune and pitch of chakra vibration, our glands do get stimulated and the hormonal secretion is more controlled and directed. This study can reveal more truths as well I believe.

At times that hormonal secretion has directly influenced my real life. For example, when doing some solar mantric vibrations and workings on my solar plexus, or celiac plexus gland (interchangeable with solar chakra which I see as the astral aspect of this), this influences my adrenal gland which are located closeby as well and as these glands secrete hormones, confidence and “lion-esque” qualities ensue without much effort required, also easier means to acquire money etc. This has been life changing for me in it of itself.

Every step forward in the path of Spiritual Satanism is more and more revealing.

Reasons why we see the staff with the serpents entertwined being held and oppiuchus “taming the serpent”. As the glands hormonal balance and being less impacted by outer influences is necessary for enventual godhood.

I’ve experience my own upward and downward swing and it’s been a challenge especially with my own “karma” being stored on the chakras/glands.

Thank you HP HC!
Kevin Hernandez said:
Meanwhile their own Bible called Satan the most smart out of all the beings, and a being of beauty wisdom and perfection (before his supposed "fall")

This reminds me of a christian website i have visited before coming to JOS.
So i have decided to check it again and look what i have found :lol: :lol: :lol:

Braun666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
Speaking of change of knowledge, can you clarify which planets rule Heart and Throat Chakras, HP?
Thank you HP HC!

Brother please do e-mail me on my e-mail if you can. Thank you too for the insightful and important comment.
Slightning666 said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
Meanwhile their own Bible called Satan the most smart out of all the beings, and a being of beauty wisdom and perfection (before his supposed "fall")

This reminds me of a christian website i have visited before coming to JOS.
So i have decided to check it again and look what i have found :lol: :lol: :lol:


Xians are terrified of information, knowledge, understanding, science and everything that can potentially reveal anything factual in this world.

No wonder, they have also put "Satan" ie, Satyan, ie, the Truth as their enemy, since they only represent a corrupted jewish false dogma, that wants to merely enslave humans and nothing else.

They experience a meltdown in the JoS site and so on since it's simply facts and they are too conditioned to even have the ability to study it. "Cause 'Tis of the Devil".
Bright Truth said:
Speaking of change of knowledge, can you clarify which planets rule Heart and Throat Chakras, HP?

Your picture in your signature is great. The enemy is getting ROAD ROLLA DA, straight into oblivion.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Just A Thought said:
High Priest I want to ask you a question. Could you tell me about the vibrational numbers corresponding to the runes? Runes should be vibrated by what number of times.

In the order that they are, they are already numbered by default. Fehu = 1, Ur = 2, Thurisaz = 3 etc, all the way to Odthal which is 24.

Sorry what i mean is e.g. For the throat chakra, the "HAUM" is vibrated 9 times, i.e. 9 or multiples of 9. How is this for runes? Should I vibrate any rune as many times as I want, or should I vibrate depending on a number, like 9 or multiples of 9, as in the throat chakra?
Just A Thought said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Just A Thought said:
High Priest I want to ask you a question. Could you tell me about the vibrational numbers corresponding to the runes? Runes should be vibrated by what number of times.

In the order that they are, they are already numbered by default. Fehu = 1, Ur = 2, Thurisaz = 3 etc, all the way to Odthal which is 24.

Sorry what i mean is e.g. For the throat chakra, the "HAUM" is vibrated 9 times, i.e. 9 or multiples of 9. How is this for runes? Should I vibrate any rune as many times as I want, or should I vibrate depending on a number, like 9 or multiples of 9, as in the throat chakra?
Both work. Experiment and see what works for you the best.
Fanboy said:
slyscorpion said:
The only thing I have to say is those who want to think like people do in the modern world and be more hive minded even in Satanism.

Good luck to you your punishment is you will miss out on so much with beautiful and deep experiences and more importantly being relaxed and free and happy no matter what you have to do in the physical or is going on around you and make much less progress than you could have. Also you will give up after awhile frustrated that it doesn't work. When what is not working is your own mind.

So don't listen not my problem 😊 it's your loss.

You are programmed to ignore what I said if you gave into this stuff anyways so you probably won't even see this post.

its not my mind that isnt working, its my spirit
how do i fix a crushed spirit o great wise one?

You let yourself suffer by not listening to your intuition and the Gods or more positive people. Like most people do. You denied your own self nature worked to ignore it and be a good goy like the Jews want. So in this transit to a better life realize being crushed and suffering is often a mindset you have. It is possible to be happy. You just need to get rid of wrong think wrong action and wrong desire. Think about positive uplifting things stop all bad habits such as drinking or playing video games for too long or whatever is going on. Stop a desire to escape anything go with what is real. Maybe do odhal with an affirmation to remind yourself of how your ancestors lived (how do you think I come up with a lot of the stuff I did it's from my soul and racial memory through things like that) try to be as free as possible and not pay attention to normies that hold you back.

My best advice.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Woodlandman said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

What if someone doesn't have some of these glands, like thyroid? What negative consequences does have spiritually; what does it mean?

Similar to amputations, the mind/consciousness neural path still does have the original blueprint, so you can continue doing meditation on the astral body as one would usually do.

Huh, so Phantom Pain is actually just an astral body, but now there is no physical body there, they start to notice the astral body? Or is Phantom Pain is actually a real thing and not related to the Astral Body but a trick of mind because of the remnant of feeling from the stump/nub at the end of the amputated part where the mass of nerves cells is disconnected?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
