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Help with dedication


New member
Jan 16, 2021
Hi everyone, I was hesitant to ask this because I was a bit embarrassed, but finally decided to do it. About a year ago I discovered jos, I have always had a certain inclination towards demons, Egyptian culture, and I never truly believed the "evil" that the church attributes to Satan and his demons. Finding out about him and reading the information about him at first gave me a feeling of ... happiness that I can't describe. Lately these days I have had a single thought in my head, I want to do the dedication ritual. But I don't know for what reason every time I am determined to do it, doubts begin to arise in me. It must be because of that damn Christian programming, I no longer believe in that garbage, nor in that false god, that is why I want to ask you, will so many doubts be dispelled when I dedicate myself? Will I be worthy enough for Father Satan and his demons to help me? And will I be able to talk to them and let them be my teachers and guides? Seriously, I want to advance spiritually, I am already tired of so many lies of Christianity, I know that all this is said in the jos but it is that with 22 years I have gone through some things for which it is already a bit difficult for me to fully trust others, but for some reason I think this is the right thing to do. Please clarify these doubts for me to see if I can overcome this insecurity. Thank you very much.
Shadiel said:
Doing the dedication is the first step of courage. It wont automatically fix every doubt in your head, but you will receive protection and guidance from the Gods which certainly will make things easier. As long as you lack the courage to take the first step, you'll never get anywhere. It's up to you to take that step and nobody else can do it for you.
Shadiel said:
Hi everyone, I was hesitant to ask this because I was a bit embarrassed, but finally decided to do it. About a year ago I discovered jos, I have always had a certain inclination towards demons, Egyptian culture, and I never truly believed the "evil" that the church attributes to Satan and his demons. Finding out about him and reading the information about him at first gave me a feeling of ... happiness that I can't describe. Lately these days I have had a single thought in my head, I want to do the dedication ritual. But I don't know for what reason every time I am determined to do it, doubts begin to arise in me. It must be because of that damn Christian programming, I no longer believe in that garbage, nor in that false god, that is why I want to ask you, will so many doubts be dispelled when I dedicate myself? Will I be worthy enough for Father Satan and his demons to help me? And will I be able to talk to them and let them be my teachers and guides? Seriously, I want to advance spiritually, I am already tired of so many lies of Christianity, I know that all this is said in the jos but it is that with 22 years I have gone through some things for which it is already a bit difficult for me to fully trust others, but for some reason I think this is the right thing to do. Please clarify these doubts for me to see if I can overcome this insecurity. Thank you very much.
If you really want to dedicate then dedicate and don't let doubts interfere, if you are scared to do it but still want to dedicate then force yourself trought it, in the beginning of the dedication for some period you have a lot of help from Satan and your guardian demon that will be when you dedicate but if you decided to dedicate and will dedicate and you lack for example the black candle then you could tell Satan trought his sigil that you will dedicate and that you need protection till you get the stuff you need for the dedication ritual.
Shadiel said:
Hi everyone, I was hesitant to ask this because I was a bit embarrassed, but finally decided to do it. About a year ago I discovered jos, I have always had a certain inclination towards demons, Egyptian culture, and I never truly believed the "evil" that the church attributes to Satan and his demons.

It's already a good thing if you were attracted to Egyptian culture. Think about which Gods or Goddesses you feel particularly attracted to? Is there a name that resonates with you for some reason?

Shadiel said:
will so many doubts be dispelled when I dedicate myself?
You won't get rid of all your doubts after the dedication, but most of them will disappear when you start cleaning your aura and chakras for instance. Your doubts will vanish in time. When you establish a connection with Satan and the Gods (after your dedication) you will definetely be under their protection. But you have to do your part. It doesn't work one way. Which means, you have to meditate to get rid of your christian programming. This will take time. But if you're really serious about it, you'll get there.

Shadiel said:
will I be able to talk to them and let them be my teachers and guides?
This depends if you're open enough. You can still talk to Satan of course. You will receive guidance. The Gods will communicate with you in a way that you can understand.

You can overcome your insecurities. This path is scary at first because you don't know what to expect. Spiritual Satanism is nothing like the enemy programs. It's already amazing that you had this feeling of happiness. Don't let your negative thoughts stop you.

It's the enemy giving you doubts. They are getting crazy for losing another "goyim" to the other side. I was having bad imaginations and dizziness when I was showering for the dedication ritual :roll: . But they didn't stop me, I dedicated, then they were all *POOF* :lol: . It was like a lot of alien gibberish went out of my head then I enjoyed the serenity and thanked Father so much.

But you should fully deprogram out of every single enemy program (xtianity, pisslam, marxism, new age etc. ) because they all tie to that filthy thoughtform. Mixing Satanic and abrahamic energies is like mixing electricity and water.

But if you already did, we are waiting to welcome you as soon as possible :mrgreen:

Good luck, friend!
Shadiel said:
Hi everyone, I was hesitant to ask this because I was a bit embarrassed, but finally decided to do it. About a year ago I discovered jos, I have always had a certain inclination towards demons, Egyptian culture, and I never truly believed the "evil" that the church attributes to Satan and his demons. Finding out about him and reading the information about him at first gave me a feeling of ... happiness that I can't describe. Lately these days I have had a single thought in my head, I want to do the dedication ritual. But I don't know for what reason every time I am determined to do it, doubts begin to arise in me. It must be because of that damn Christian programming, I no longer believe in that garbage, nor in that false god, that is why I want to ask you, will so many doubts be dispelled when I dedicate myself? Will I be worthy enough for Father Satan and his demons to help me? And will I be able to talk to them and let them be my teachers and guides? Seriously, I want to advance spiritually, I am already tired of so many lies of Christianity, I know that all this is said in the jos but it is that with 22 years I have gone through some things for which it is already a bit difficult for me to fully trust others, but for some reason I think this is the right thing to do. Please clarify these doubts for me to see if I can overcome this insecurity. Thank you very much.
First you can read the exposing Christianity site www.exposingchristianity.com
And yes
those are the skeptical feelings you have in performing dedication ritual
This is because of the curses of Christianity And the enemy is also trying to keep you from performing dedication ritual
When you perform the dedication ritual, you will be protected by satan and all your negative feelings will be eliminated.
What matters is your heartfelt intentions. When you go honestly to satan and gods, you will be accepted
Start meditating after the ritual
To hear and see Satan and gods, you need to open your psychic centers
Shadiel said:
Hi everyone, I was hesitant to ask this because I was a bit embarrassed, but finally decided to do it. About a year ago I discovered jos, I have always had a certain inclination towards demons, Egyptian culture, and I never truly believed the "evil" that the church attributes to Satan and his demons. Finding out about him and reading the information about him at first gave me a feeling of ... happiness that I can't describe.
Welcome to the forums. It is good that you created this thread. There is no need to feel embarrassed at all. Everyone comes to Satan at a different level of power, understanding, and potential. What may take person a 5 minutes to master may take person b 5 years and vice versa. Never be afraid to ask questions in spiritual Satanism. There are no "stupid" or "off-limit" questions. Spiritual Satanism is humanities true and only religion and it encourages free thought and learning. You will NEVER be shouted down or hated for not knowing something! Please ask questions! We(Spiritual Satanists) are happy to help a fellow family member in their persuit of knowledge!

Shadiel said:
Lately these days I have had a single thought in my head, I want to do the dedication ritual. But I don't know for what reason every time I am determined to do it, doubts begin to arise in me.
Something important you should know is that the enemy controls through fear. Fear is spread throughout their Buy-Bull(Bible but Buy-Bull as in Buy-Bullshit haha) and is used as a means of control. You are not a bad person for having doubts and nobody will criticize you for them. Fear is a means of control for the enemy.

Shadiel said:
It must be because of that damn Christian programming, I no longer believe in that garbage, nor in that false god, that is why I want to ask you, will so many doubts be dispelled when I dedicate myself?
Dedication is not a "magic pill" that will cure all of your doubts and fears. Dedication is you joining Satans family and you will be protected. I remember when I was new I was very scared to dedicate. I was very worried that I might be making the wrong choice and that MAYBE I was wrong. After readining through https://www.exposingchristianity.com/ a couple of times I was convinced 100% that christianity was completely false and the entities associated with it are nafarious.

Your doubts may be coming from enemy influence but they may also be deep seated doubts from your past. Christianity indoctrinates people while they are young. This indoctrination often lasts a lifetime. Here is a video I would recommend watching as it explains how christianity brainwashes people in a short animated video.
...but intelligent people believe in God

I would also recommend reading through ExposingChristianity until you are 100% sure that Christianity is wrong and evil. If even after reading through it all you still have doubts I would advise you to meditate on Satans sigil and call out to him. Be completely honest with him and straightforward to him about your intentions. That you want to dedicate but you're scared and have doubts or whatever the full situation is.

Shadiel said:
Will I be worthy enough for Father Satan and his demons to help me? And will I be able to talk to them and let them be my teachers and guides?
You are worthy, do not worry. The fact that you have been studying Satanism for a year and have been trying to dedicate is proof enough that you are worthy. Do not worry. Satan and his demons help those who are new but eventually you are expected to become independent. Independence is gained through spiritual advancement. Satan and his Gods don't want people grovling at their feet asking for healing like jewsus does. Satan and his Gods want people to become Spiritually, Physically, and Mentally advanced enough to heal themselves.

As for your questions about talking to them. Once you dedicate you will always be able to talk to them. You may not be able to hear them at first but they can hear you. The reason for this is because you may not be spiritually advanced enough to hear them. You would need to advance signifigantly to achieve reliable communication with Satan and his Gods. Humanity has been cursed for so long so advancing spiritually is not going to come as quickly as it did in say, ancient egypt.

Shadiel said:
Seriously, I want to advance spiritually, I am already tired of so many lies of Christianity, I know that all this is said in the jos but it is that with 22 years I have gone through some things for which it is already a bit difficult for me to fully trust others, but for some reason I think this is the right thing to do. Please clarify these doubts for me to see if I can overcome this insecurity. Thank you very much.

As I said before I would recommend reading through ExposingChristianity and watching the video I sent you. If those things don't help with your doubts then you should meditate on Satans sigil and speak to him. Be honest to him about your intentions and your struggles and I am sure he will help you.
Shadiel said:
Hi everyone, I was hesitant to ask this because I was a bit embarrassed, but finally decided to do it. About a year ago I discovered jos, I have always had a certain inclination towards demons, Egyptian culture, and I never truly believed the "evil" that the church attributes to Satan and his demons. Finding out about him and reading the information about him at first gave me a feeling of ... happiness that I can't describe. Lately these days I have had a single thought in my head, I want to do the dedication ritual. But I don't know for what reason every time I am determined to do it, doubts begin to arise in me. It must be because of that damn Christian programming, I no longer believe in that garbage, nor in that false god, that is why I want to ask you, will so many doubts be dispelled when I dedicate myself? Will I be worthy enough for Father Satan and his demons to help me? And will I be able to talk to them and let them be my teachers and guides? Seriously, I want to advance spiritually, I am already tired of so many lies of Christianity, I know that all this is said in the jos but it is that with 22 years I have gone through some things for which it is already a bit difficult for me to fully trust others, but for some reason I think this is the right thing to do. Please clarify these doubts for me to see if I can overcome this insecurity. Thank you very much.
Hey, we are happy to have a new brother/sister. You are welcome here. To answer your question it's natural to feel doubt or fear as this is a new thing for you. But you know deep down that this is the right thing to do so my advice for you is to just do it. Gather your courage and do it as soon as you can. We show father Satan that we are willing to overcome fear, doubt and numerous enemy attacks by dedicating to him. It shows we have courage to do what's right. It is the first step to a wonderful path. When you dedicate you have father Satan's protection and you get a guardian demon to guide and protect you. My life has transformed to the better ever since I dedicated. It wasn't easy but I had the strength to overcome a lot of my problems (ofc I am still learning.) and the gods' protection is something wonderful. I am never afraid because I have the gods and especially father Satan with me. The times I actually experienced intense fear was because of critical situation that could lead to my death or ruin but, I would pray to father Satan and I literally wouldn't be touched or harmed in anyway. I am forever grateful to father Satan for all what he did to me the things I know and what I don't know. I try my best to advance and fight for father Satan and still improving and learning. You know deep down the right thing to do is to dedicate so overcome your fears and doubts and just do it! I promise you won't regret it.
(Btw I think you've been with father Satan in your past life a big indication to that is your interest in the occult, Egyptian gods, demons, and that you found JoS. I have something similar. Most satanists do because of their relationship and their past with father Satan.)
Best of luck brother/sister.

Hail Satan!!
Shadiel said:
Hi everyone, I was hesitant to ask this because I was a bit embarrassed, but finally decided to do it. About a year ago I discovered jos, I have always had a certain inclination towards demons, Egyptian culture, and I never truly believed the "evil" that the church attributes to Satan and his demons. Finding out about him and reading the information about him at first gave me a feeling of ... happiness that I can't describe. Lately these days I have had a single thought in my head, I want to do the dedication ritual. But I don't know for what reason every time I am determined to do it, doubts begin to arise in me. It must be because of that damn Christian programming, I no longer believe in that garbage, nor in that false god, that is why I want to ask you, will so many doubts be dispelled when I dedicate myself? Will I be worthy enough for Father Satan and his demons to help me? And will I be able to talk to them and let them be my teachers and guides? Seriously, I want to advance spiritually, I am already tired of so many lies of Christianity, I know that all this is said in the jos but it is that with 22 years I have gone through some things for which it is already a bit difficult for me to fully trust others, but for some reason I think this is the right thing to do. Please clarify these doubts for me to see if I can overcome this insecurity. Thank you very much.

For My own experience, Dedication Ritual make mind attack much weaker.
Catalincata94 said:
Shadiel said:
Hi everyone, I was hesitant to ask this because I was a bit embarrassed, but finally decided to do it. About a year ago I discovered jos, I have always had a certain inclination towards demons, Egyptian culture, and I never truly believed the "evil" that the church attributes to Satan and his demons. Finding out about him and reading the information about him at first gave me a feeling of ... happiness that I can't describe. Lately these days I have had a single thought in my head, I want to do the dedication ritual. But I don't know for what reason every time I am determined to do it, doubts begin to arise in me. It must be because of that damn Christian programming, I no longer believe in that garbage, nor in that false god, that is why I want to ask you, will so many doubts be dispelled when I dedicate myself? Will I be worthy enough for Father Satan and his demons to help me? And will I be able to talk to them and let them be my teachers and guides? Seriously, I want to advance spiritually, I am already tired of so many lies of Christianity, I know that all this is said in the jos but it is that with 22 years I have gone through some things for which it is already a bit difficult for me to fully trust others, but for some reason I think this is the right thing to do. Please clarify these doubts for me to see if I can overcome this insecurity. Thank you very much.
If you really want to dedicate then dedicate and don't let doubts interfere, if you are scared to do it but still want to dedicate then force yourself trought it, in the beginning of the dedication for some period you have a lot of help from Satan and your guardian demon that will be when you dedicate but if you decided to dedicate and will dedicate and you lack for example the black candle then you could tell Satan trought his sigil that you will dedicate and that you need protection till you get the stuff you need for the dedication ritual.

A small doubt about the candle, I live in a place where it can be difficult to get certain things. So far I have only been able to get a candle of a dark blue that looks like black, but I do not know if it will serve. And thank you very much for your answer.
Ara666 said:
Shadiel said:
Hi everyone, I was hesitant to ask this because I was a bit embarrassed, but finally decided to do it. About a year ago I discovered jos, I have always had a certain inclination towards demons, Egyptian culture, and I never truly believed the "evil" that the church attributes to Satan and his demons.

It's already a good thing if you were attracted to Egyptian culture. Think about which Gods or Goddesses you feel particularly attracted to? Is there a name that resonates with you for some reason?

Shadiel said:
will so many doubts be dispelled when I dedicate myself?
You won't get rid of all your doubts after the dedication, but most of them will disappear when you start cleaning your aura and chakras for instance. Your doubts will vanish in time. When you establish a connection with Satan and the Gods (after your dedication) you will definetely be under their protection. But you have to do your part. It doesn't work one way. Which means, you have to meditate to get rid of your christian programming. This will take time. But if you're really serious about it, you'll get there.

Shadiel said:
will I be able to talk to them and let them be my teachers and guides?
This depends if you're open enough. You can still talk to Satan of course. You will receive guidance. The Gods will communicate with you in a way that you can understand.

You can overcome your insecurities. This path is scary at first because you don't know what to expect. Spiritual Satanism is nothing like the enemy programs. It's already amazing that you had this feeling of happiness. Don't let your negative thoughts stop you.

Yes, actually about 4 months ago I was sitting and suddenly the name Bastet came to mind, I knew her as the goddess of cats, I looked for her in jos and I felt something special. Could that mean that she can be my demon guardian?
Thank you all very much for answering my questions, seriously, when I get everything I need I will do it, they have made me feel more secure. :D
Artisan said:
Shadiel said:
Hi everyone, I was hesitant to ask this because I was a bit embarrassed, but finally decided to do it. About a year ago I discovered jos, I have always had a certain inclination towards demons, Egyptian culture, and I never truly believed the "evil" that the church attributes to Satan and his demons. Finding out about him and reading the information about him at first gave me a feeling of ... happiness that I can't describe.
Welcome to the forums. It is good that you created this thread. There is no need to feel embarrassed at all. Everyone comes to Satan at a different level of power, understanding, and potential. What may take person a 5 minutes to master may take person b 5 years and vice versa. Never be afraid to ask questions in spiritual Satanism. There are no "stupid" or "off-limit" questions. Spiritual Satanism is humanities true and only religion and it encourages free thought and learning. You will NEVER be shouted down or hated for not knowing something! Please ask questions! We(Spiritual Satanists) are happy to help a fellow family member in their persuit of knowledge!

Shadiel said:
Lately these days I have had a single thought in my head, I want to do the dedication ritual. But I don't know for what reason every time I am determined to do it, doubts begin to arise in me.
Something important you should know is that the enemy controls through fear. Fear is spread throughout their Buy-Bull(Bible but Buy-Bull as in Buy-Bullshit haha) and is used as a means of control. You are not a bad person for having doubts and nobody will criticize you for them. Fear is a means of control for the enemy.

Shadiel said:
It must be because of that damn Christian programming, I no longer believe in that garbage, nor in that false god, that is why I want to ask you, will so many doubts be dispelled when I dedicate myself?
Dedication is not a "magic pill" that will cure all of your doubts and fears. Dedication is you joining Satans family and you will be protected. I remember when I was new I was very scared to dedicate. I was very worried that I might be making the wrong choice and that MAYBE I was wrong. After readining through https://www.exposingchristianity.com/ a couple of times I was convinced 100% that christianity was completely false and the entities associated with it are nafarious.

Your doubts may be coming from enemy influence but they may also be deep seated doubts from your past. Christianity indoctrinates people while they are young. This indoctrination often lasts a lifetime. Here is a video I would recommend watching as it explains how christianity brainwashes people in a short animated video.
...but intelligent people believe in God

I would also recommend reading through ExposingChristianity until you are 100% sure that Christianity is wrong and evil. If even after reading through it all you still have doubts I would advise you to meditate on Satans sigil and call out to him. Be completely honest with him and straightforward to him about your intentions. That you want to dedicate but you're scared and have doubts or whatever the full situation is.

Shadiel said:
Will I be worthy enough for Father Satan and his demons to help me? And will I be able to talk to them and let them be my teachers and guides?
You are worthy, do not worry. The fact that you have been studying Satanism for a year and have been trying to dedicate is proof enough that you are worthy. Do not worry. Satan and his demons help those who are new but eventually you are expected to become independent. Independence is gained through spiritual advancement. Satan and his Gods don't want people grovling at their feet asking for healing like jewsus does. Satan and his Gods want people to become Spiritually, Physically, and Mentally advanced enough to heal themselves.

As for your questions about talking to them. Once you dedicate you will always be able to talk to them. You may not be able to hear them at first but they can hear you. The reason for this is because you may not be spiritually advanced enough to hear them. You would need to advance signifigantly to achieve reliable communication with Satan and his Gods. Humanity has been cursed for so long so advancing spiritually is not going to come as quickly as it did in say, ancient egypt.

Shadiel said:
Seriously, I want to advance spiritually, I am already tired of so many lies of Christianity, I know that all this is said in the jos but it is that with 22 years I have gone through some things for which it is already a bit difficult for me to fully trust others, but for some reason I think this is the right thing to do. Please clarify these doubts for me to see if I can overcome this insecurity. Thank you very much.

As I said before I would recommend reading through ExposingChristianity and watching the video I sent you. If those things don't help with your doubts then you should meditate on Satans sigil and speak to him. Be honest to him about your intentions and your struggles and I am sure he will help you.

Thank you very much for the material and information, I will read it right away.
Shadiel said:
Artisan said:
Shadiel said:
Hi everyone, I was hesitant to ask this because I was a bit embarrassed, but finally decided to do it. About a year ago I discovered jos, I have always had a certain inclination towards demons, Egyptian culture, and I never truly believed the "evil" that the church attributes to Satan and his demons. Finding out about him and reading the information about him at first gave me a feeling of ... happiness that I can't describe.
Welcome to the forums. It is good that you created this thread. There is no need to feel embarrassed at all. Everyone comes to Satan at a different level of power, understanding, and potential. What may take person a 5 minutes to master may take person b 5 years and vice versa. Never be afraid to ask questions in spiritual Satanism. There are no "stupid" or "off-limit" questions. Spiritual Satanism is humanities true and only religion and it encourages free thought and learning. You will NEVER be shouted down or hated for not knowing something! Please ask questions! We(Spiritual Satanists) are happy to help a fellow family member in their persuit of knowledge!

Shadiel said:
Lately these days I have had a single thought in my head, I want to do the dedication ritual. But I don't know for what reason every time I am determined to do it, doubts begin to arise in me.
Something important you should know is that the enemy controls through fear. Fear is spread throughout their Buy-Bull(Bible but Buy-Bull as in Buy-Bullshit haha) and is used as a means of control. You are not a bad person for having doubts and nobody will criticize you for them. Fear is a means of control for the enemy.

Shadiel said:
It must be because of that damn Christian programming, I no longer believe in that garbage, nor in that false god, that is why I want to ask you, will so many doubts be dispelled when I dedicate myself?
Dedication is not a "magic pill" that will cure all of your doubts and fears. Dedication is you joining Satans family and you will be protected. I remember when I was new I was very scared to dedicate. I was very worried that I might be making the wrong choice and that MAYBE I was wrong. After readining through https://www.exposingchristianity.com/ a couple of times I was convinced 100% that christianity was completely false and the entities associated with it are nafarious.

Your doubts may be coming from enemy influence but they may also be deep seated doubts from your past. Christianity indoctrinates people while they are young. This indoctrination often lasts a lifetime. Here is a video I would recommend watching as it explains how christianity brainwashes people in a short animated video.
...but intelligent people believe in God

I would also recommend reading through ExposingChristianity until you are 100% sure that Christianity is wrong and evil. If even after reading through it all you still have doubts I would advise you to meditate on Satans sigil and call out to him. Be completely honest with him and straightforward to him about your intentions. That you want to dedicate but you're scared and have doubts or whatever the full situation is.

Shadiel said:
Will I be worthy enough for Father Satan and his demons to help me? And will I be able to talk to them and let them be my teachers and guides?
You are worthy, do not worry. The fact that you have been studying Satanism for a year and have been trying to dedicate is proof enough that you are worthy. Do not worry. Satan and his demons help those who are new but eventually you are expected to become independent. Independence is gained through spiritual advancement. Satan and his Gods don't want people grovling at their feet asking for healing like jewsus does. Satan and his Gods want people to become Spiritually, Physically, and Mentally advanced enough to heal themselves.

As for your questions about talking to them. Once you dedicate you will always be able to talk to them. You may not be able to hear them at first but they can hear you. The reason for this is because you may not be spiritually advanced enough to hear them. You would need to advance signifigantly to achieve reliable communication with Satan and his Gods. Humanity has been cursed for so long so advancing spiritually is not going to come as quickly as it did in say, ancient egypt.

Shadiel said:
Seriously, I want to advance spiritually, I am already tired of so many lies of Christianity, I know that all this is said in the jos but it is that with 22 years I have gone through some things for which it is already a bit difficult for me to fully trust others, but for some reason I think this is the right thing to do. Please clarify these doubts for me to see if I can overcome this insecurity. Thank you very much.

As I said before I would recommend reading through ExposingChristianity and watching the video I sent you. If those things don't help with your doubts then you should meditate on Satans sigil and speak to him. Be honest to him about your intentions and your struggles and I am sure he will help you.

Thank you very much for the material and information, I will read it right away.

Of course! I am glad my information was of assistance.

Hail Satan!
Shadiel said:
Catalincata94 said:
Shadiel said:
Hi everyone, I was hesitant to ask this because I was a bit embarrassed, but finally decided to do it. About a year ago I discovered jos, I have always had a certain inclination towards demons, Egyptian culture, and I never truly believed the "evil" that the church attributes to Satan and his demons. Finding out about him and reading the information about him at first gave me a feeling of ... happiness that I can't describe. Lately these days I have had a single thought in my head, I want to do the dedication ritual. But I don't know for what reason every time I am determined to do it, doubts begin to arise in me. It must be because of that damn Christian programming, I no longer believe in that garbage, nor in that false god, that is why I want to ask you, will so many doubts be dispelled when I dedicate myself? Will I be worthy enough for Father Satan and his demons to help me? And will I be able to talk to them and let them be my teachers and guides? Seriously, I want to advance spiritually, I am already tired of so many lies of Christianity, I know that all this is said in the jos but it is that with 22 years I have gone through some things for which it is already a bit difficult for me to fully trust others, but for some reason I think this is the right thing to do. Please clarify these doubts for me to see if I can overcome this insecurity. Thank you very much.
If you really want to dedicate then dedicate and don't let doubts interfere, if you are scared to do it but still want to dedicate then force yourself trought it, in the beginning of the dedication for some period you have a lot of help from Satan and your guardian demon that will be when you dedicate but if you decided to dedicate and will dedicate and you lack for example the black candle then you could tell Satan trought his sigil that you will dedicate and that you need protection till you get the stuff you need for the dedication ritual.

A small doubt about the candle, I live in a place where it can be difficult to get certain things. So far I have only been able to get a candle of a dark blue that looks like black, but I do not know if it will serve. And thank you very much for your answer.

Blue can also be used if you don't have black, when i did the ritual i did it with a candle that was black outside and in the inside was white unfortunately but the ritual was still accepted.
Shadiel said:
Hi everyone, I was hesitant to ask this because I was a bit embarrassed, but finally decided to do it. About a year ago I discovered jos, I have always had a certain inclination towards demons, Egyptian culture, and I never truly believed the "evil" that the church attributes to Satan and his demons. Finding out about him and reading the information about him at first gave me a feeling of ... happiness that I can't describe. Lately these days I have had a single thought in my head, I want to do the dedication ritual. But I don't know for what reason every time I am determined to do it, doubts begin to arise in me. It must be because of that damn Christian programming, I no longer believe in that garbage, nor in that false god, that is why I want to ask you, will so many doubts be dispelled when I dedicate myself? Will I be worthy enough for Father Satan and his demons to help me? And will I be able to talk to them and let them be my teachers and guides? Seriously, I want to advance spiritually, I am already tired of so many lies of Christianity, I know that all this is said in the jos but it is that with 22 years I have gone through some things for which it is already a bit difficult for me to fully trust others, but for some reason I think this is the right thing to do. Please clarify these doubts for me to see if I can overcome this insecurity. Thank you very much.

Watch this:


All doubt will be gone. Good luck.
I know that the day itself does not matter, but will there be a special date recently where I can make the dedication?
Shadiel said:
I know that the day itself does not matter, but will there be a special date recently where I can make the dedication?
There is no special day right now, the dedication ritual doesn't have to be perfect.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
