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Hell and heaven visits,miracles and such


New member
Dec 26, 2019
I am curious to how these things occur .are these deceptions from Grey's and nordic aliens?what about healing miracles or raising the dead?alot of these stories have contradictions but I'd like to know why these things are so big especially on channels like sid Roth its supernatural .of course all his prophets have told false prophecy etc
masaradadevoted said:
I am curious to how these things occur .are these deceptions from Grey's and nordic aliens?what about healing miracles or raising the dead?alot of these stories have contradictions but I'd like to know why these things are so big especially on channels like sid Roth its supernatural .of course all his prophets have told false prophecy etc

Some visions are caused by the fact that a lot of people believe in heaven and hell, and this has created "fake" astral versions of those places. It can even be created by a single person's subconscious in a near-death experience, or something similar. However, there are real places, run by the enemy, that some people have visited, such as their soul energy harvester:


As for miracles, yes, the enemy can heal people, and sometimes they do that to "prove" god's power. Additionally, if a whole church is praying for something to happen, they are actually doing magick that is causing it to happen.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
masaradadevoted said:
I am curious to how these things occur .are these deceptions from Grey's and nordic aliens?what about healing miracles or raising the dead?alot of these stories have contradictions but I'd like to know why these things are so big especially on channels like sid Roth its supernatural .of course all his prophets have told false prophecy etc

Some visions are caused by the fact that a lot of people believe in heaven and hell, and this has created "fake" astral versions of those places. It can even be created by a single person's subconscious in a near-death experience, or something similar. However, there are real places, run by the enemy, that some people have visited, such as their soul energy harvester:


As for miracles, yes, the enemy can heal people, and sometimes they do that to "prove" god's power. Additionally, if a whole church is praying for something to happen, they are actually doing magick that is causing it to happen.

Are we going to destroy these astral realms and "the light" in the astral as well as related stuff such as the tunnel and "valley of death" many people describe in NDEs going through it. Will there be special rituals for this. I assume the Gods want this stuff gone asap or do the rituals we do already work to do this.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
masaradadevoted said:
I am curious to how these things occur .are these deceptions from Grey's and nordic aliens?what about healing miracles or raising the dead?alot of these stories have contradictions but I'd like to know why these things are so big especially on channels like sid Roth its supernatural .of course all his prophets have told false prophecy etc

Some visions are caused by the fact that a lot of people believe in heaven and hell, and this has created "fake" astral versions of those places. It can even be created by a single person's subconscious in a near-death experience, or something similar. However, there are real places, run by the enemy, that some people have visited, such as their soul energy harvester:


As for miracles, yes, the enemy can heal people, and sometimes they do that to "prove" god's power. Additionally, if a whole church is praying for something to happen, they are actually doing magick that is causing it to happen.

Thank you,there are so many people that claim to have been to heaven or hell on that show.or that Yahweh spoke to them etc or saved them from etc

I have another question,what about all those christian exsatanists that say they couldn't defeat true christians or pentecostal stories of people that were former satanists and couldn't defeat Jesus?are they fake?
masaradadevoted said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
masaradadevoted said:
I am curious to how these things occur .are these deceptions from Grey's and nordic aliens?what about healing miracles or raising the dead?alot of these stories have contradictions but I'd like to know why these things are so big especially on channels like sid Roth its supernatural .of course all his prophets have told false prophecy etc

Some visions are caused by the fact that a lot of people believe in heaven and hell, and this has created "fake" astral versions of those places. It can even be created by a single person's subconscious in a near-death experience, or something similar. However, there are real places, run by the enemy, that some people have visited, such as their soul energy harvester:


As for miracles, yes, the enemy can heal people, and sometimes they do that to "prove" god's power. Additionally, if a whole church is praying for something to happen, they are actually doing magick that is causing it to happen.

Thank you,there are so many people that claim to have been to heaven or hell on that show.or that Yahweh spoke to them etc or saved them from etc

I have another question,what about all those christian exsatanists that say they couldn't defeat true christians or pentecostal stories of people that were former satanists and couldn't defeat Jesus?are they fake?

I am actually familiar with some of these stories so I will try to answer. Notice how almost all of them are not really what Satanism here is about that is the first thing I noticed when reading them. They actually are worshipping the abrahamic version of Satan in most of them. Often using drugs practicing sacrifices and anything else the enemy would love to make it look like Satanism is about. In some of the Kabbalah books from what I have read it's stated that Satan is the darker aspect of the JHVH thoughtform and an Angel and they are one in the same being. This i believe is describing a thoughtform that these people are worshipping that doesn't really have anything to do with Satan. These people are still in the abrahamic religion just on the villains side but they worship and are tied into the same thing. The Jews and reptilians still use their sacrifices and energies from stuff they do. Most of these people are more dangerous by far than your average xtian person and are mentally ill. These kinds of stories are the usual enemy stuff of some entity or thoughtform appearing to someone and playing with their mind. They say how jewsus is good and to go to the light side (of JHVH) it doesn't matter their fate is the same. They can't defeat and xtian or the Jewsus thoughtform cause they are tied into the same thoughtform and worshipping a different aspect of the same thing.
I would not doubt that many of these "visits" and "experiences" are done by jews, acting as christians, pretending that it is real.
slyscorpion said:
masaradadevoted said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Some visions are caused by the fact that a lot of people believe in heaven and hell, and this has created "fake" astral versions of those places. It can even be created by a single person's subconscious in a near-death experience, or something similar. However, there are real places, run by the enemy, that some people have visited, such as their soul energy harvester:


As for miracles, yes, the enemy can heal people, and sometimes they do that to "prove" god's power. Additionally, if a whole church is praying for something to happen, they are actually doing magick that is causing it to happen.

Thank you,there are so many people that claim to have been to heaven or hell on that show.or that Yahweh spoke to them etc or saved them from etc

I have another question,what about all those christian exsatanists that say they couldn't defeat true christians or pentecostal stories of people that were former satanists and couldn't defeat Jesus?are they fake?

I am actually familiar with some of these stories so I will try to answer. Notice how almost all of them are not really what Satanism here is about that is the first thing I noticed when reading them. They actually are worshipping the abrahamic version of Satan in most of them. Often using drugs practicing sacrifices and anything else the enemy would love to make it look like Satanism is about. In some of the Kabbalah books from what I have read it's stated that Satan is the darker aspect of the JHVH thoughtform and an Angel and they are one in the same being. This i believe is describing a thoughtform that these people are worshipping that doesn't really have anything to do with Satan. These people are still in the abrahamic religion just on the villains side but they worship and are tied into the same thing. The Jews and reptilians still use their sacrifices and energies from stuff they do. Most of these people are more dangerous by far than your average xtian person and are mentally ill. These kinds of stories are the usual enemy stuff of some entity or thoughtform appearing to someone and playing with their mind. They say how jewsus is good and to go to the light side (of JHVH) it doesn't matter their fate is the same. They can't defeat and xtian or the Jewsus thoughtform cause they are tied into the same thoughtform and worshipping a different aspect of the same thing.
Yes. And some of those stories are just lies written to scare people away from Satanism. Others are from people who are deluded into thinking they are following Satan, when it is really the enemy, the same enemy who is behind xianity. And in order to defeat something with magick, you need to have more spiritual power than it, which comes from power meditation. However, the enemy can and will drain and block people from gaining power through meditation unless a person has dedicated themselves to Satan, the real Satan, who will protect them. However, if someone is a real Satanist, they won't be wasting their time trying to kill random xians or "jesus". They will be doing the RTRs, which is the actual way to defeat the enemy.

However, there are stories of ex-Joy of Satan members. Even if they are true, which is doubtful, they usually involve drugs (which open the soul to the enemy) and a lack of faith in Satan's ability to protect them. High Priestess Maxine once had a bomb attached to her car, and Satan protected her and she is fine, but it would be easy for one with less faith to just walk away after something like that. Another cause of failure is a lack of seriousness. Those who dabble in Satanism will discover that it is a full time commitment, and may walk away at that point. Finally, some people are too brainwashed to accept certain facts, like that because christianity is evil, that means the jews are evil, which means that Hitler and the Nazis were good.
The "light" that Christians say they see is a Gateway to a soul Harvesting area in the astral. There is a massive Cube shaped structure connected to individual diamond shaped pods. They souls are projected happy emotions and crying emotions as they are baited into those structures. After that those souls are harvested to the Cube structure. I don't exactly know what's happening with these structures but that's about what I know.
One My mother's acquaintance's son had leukemia and he had near-death experience and after that he spoke that he met with angels. Angels are cheating non-ss how they are good.
I remember some SS asking in a related thread, years ago, about why none of the people who "saw the Xian afterlife" spotted any of the jews who "died in the Holocaust" in either "Hell" or "Heaven". My family recently came in contact with an exorcist, who reminded them that "the Xian Hell exists". I told my relatives that, if they ever meet him, they should ask him where Anne Frank have ended.

It also makes me curios why the jewish god never "appeared" to any of the members of xian nationalist movements. But of course we are talking about a bunch of LARPers who claim that the spiritual schizophrenia they support is "pro-ethnonationalism", who are not the Pope, nor any Church officials. :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
