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Hatha Yoga/T5B Detox + Motivation General

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]
Hello, writing this thread to report that every time I engage in Hatha Yoga or the Tibetan 5 Rites, I experience detoxification symptoms, essentially like a minor cold without the respiratory infection. Anyone else experience this and/or know the cause?

With my experience, it seems to occur about 30 minutes to an hour after I complete a session of either exercise, and then starts to wane by the end of the day. Doing kidney/liver qigong (the organs I believe are chiefly overworked) seems to help acutely, but I still feel a general sense of demotivation and fatigue. My theory is that these exercises unearth accumulated toxins/metabolic byproducts stored in my body and force the liver to deal with them all suddenly, causing the fatigue-like symptoms. I did a preliminary search and wasn't able to find much on the topic, so please chime in with your own experiences.

Given that premise, I want to also create a thread devoted to posting ways to increase motivation and decrease procrastination. Given that motivation is the limiting factor for 99% of people, it would make sense to devote time to dealing with it directly, in an attempt to catalyze your productivity. For me, I hate bad days that seem unproductive for no reason.

What I believe is conducive to motivation/willpower:

-Void meditation:Trains emotional regulation, giving an acute boost in willpower. Unfortunately it can require a minimum threshold of willpower to even attempt

-Sleep: As sleep deprivation lowering willpower, I think by some mechanism that slows the neurons in the prefrontal cortex.

-Adrenal/kidney health: In my experience, poor adrenal health seems to result in overall poor nerve function, resulting in irritability and poor emotional regulation. This is usually a multi-factorial problem, but it can stem from overuse of stimulants, sleep deprivation, not sleeping within proper circadian timing, also by a leaky/irritated gut that fatigues the body chronically. Mitigating these factors and intaking foods and qigong that promotes for kidney health seems to help this.

-Solar Chakra Mantra/RAUM: Seems to generate an acute boost of energy for me, although not always. Could be my fault, though.

-VUH/VAH/VOH: Similar to RAUM, except the VOH part, targeting the 6th Chakra, seems to relieve head-centered fatigue.

-Fat-based/Keto diet: Applicable where the individual suffers from hunger-associated demotivation. This occurs from relying on exogenous glucose supply to attenate blood glucose drops. Reliance on this means the liver sucks at producing its own glucose, therefore hypoglycemia sets in every few hours, requiring immediate glucose, otherwise ravenous hunger sets in, sapping the focus of the individual. Relying on fats forces the liver to maintain blood glucose on its own, with no exogenous boost.

-AM sunlight exposure on eyes: UVA + IRA light from the sun is used to make all biologenic amines, including dopamine, serotonin, and melatonin. Eating your morning breakfast while looking near the sun, outside, during the AM would improve the generation of these hormones. Given their large influence on motivation and feelings of wellbeing, consider investing 15-20 minutes per day here.

What I have heard of, but not personally tried:

-Nauthiz workings: Supposed to give willpower out of need, or something. I have heard some people say it brings negative consequences. Anyone have insight?

-Munka workings: May remove any past curses or karma preventing your from being 100% productive. Again, not personally tried.

If anyone has any insight on the above topics, please share. In my opinion, willpower/motivation is the limiting factor for nearly everyone, especially given that all the workings/meditations are already known and given to us. Focusing on boosting willpower would therefore significantly increase productivity. Thanks.
Blitzkreig said:
-Fat-based/Keto diet: Applicable where the individual suffers from hunger-associated demotivation. This occurs from relying on exogenous glucose supply to attenate blood glucose drops. Reliance on this means the liver sucks at producing its own glucose, therefore hypoglycemia sets in every few hours, requiring immediate glucose, otherwise ravenous hunger sets in, sapping the focus of the individual. Relying on fats forces the liver to maintain blood glucose on its own, with no exogenous boost.
My goodness dude. You gotta stop promoting this diet here. I’ve already explained, the keto state, ketosis, is a backup process, not primary. Like driving on the road with a spare tire. It’s not good. People should eat a normal healthy diet.

With motivation and consistency, sometimes motivation wanes, it’s probably ideal to form a habit rather than relying on your emotions to keep you consistent. Really this means, you must plan your day around the the activities you want consistency with. Make them the priority over everything else and fit everything else you must do in a day around these activities. Over time, habits form and it’s easier.

Also watch over your planetary transits. These can have an effect on your energy levels. Some times you can’t explain it but just feel drained. It’s often in the skies. Keep your protection strong and do the best you can during these times probably putting less pressure on yourself, but still going for it. The main thing is even if you’re energies are low, do SOMETHING everyday. Skipping will only make it worse. If it’s a little less one day, fine. Don’t make a habit of it, but keep progressing. And also, if you find it real difficult time wise or energy wise to stay consistent, it’s time to do some serious reflection and possibly reorganizing in your life. Because if this is occurring, present circumstances can’t stay the same or you wont succeed. Something must change.
Blitzkreig said:
-Nauthiz workings: Supposed to give willpower out of need, or something. I have heard some people say it brings negative consequences. Anyone have insight?
The Nauthiz rune has nothing to do with creating "need" in people, nor is it negative in any way.

It can work to increase willpower and motivation if you suffer from hopelessness. Nauthiz gives the strength to carry on even if all hope seems lost. This is a quote from the Runic Kabalah pdf.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
